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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jul 1903, p. 8

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to remember that these sheds are for customers oniy. THASN'Co. $50.00 To California and Retur -%ukd 3.7 Via the Chic! and Nort h-Western j David Ramsay, a. postn et . th* Reilwav., Firsi class round trip >tickets 7irriemnuir Postoffice. Forfarm#htro. Mr. and Mrs. Knight, Huron county, Mr. and Mis. D H Coates and son, visited at Mis. Goo. îlsns ...Ms Lynu,, Brantford. are ependîng their Gno. Simpson and children have roturn- bolidays witb Mr. Samuel Colo, and ad to Streetvilln after visiting ber fath. other fiends... . Nessrs. R. R. Stevens er, Mr. A. Riggs. .. . Mrs Thon. Paul, end Thos. Snowden ave renovetlng Lindsay, and Mrs. Thomson, Bowman- their bouses... ,Cept. W. C, Frank has ville, visited et Mr. W. M. Wotten's., returned froin Kingston drill looking * . Mr David Brunt is impreoving the somewbet browned .. .. Mr. C. Aifoîd out buildings on the faim recoutly pur buot bis very valuable cole dog Wed- chaed by bu . ... .Tho l3th pessed very uesdey nigbt by the oxtreme bea t.... i~uety u uivillage,.. .Mr. and Mis. The Snowden femily picuicked et Hal's J s.Mo~ioyviited at Oshawa...Dr. mersb Mondav Juiy thbhad a flne lime. morIon Ili zgos, Cicago, IL,* is guest of his father -Or A. Riggs.... Messrs. Jas. IN Nesbit and James PVe spent the l3th at O. Washburu. ... A numbor from bore and1 Solina picnicked et Scugog Thursday , The Sabbath Scbool anniversary at this and had a PleasRnt tm ... . Mr. and place was a grand success.. .The Miss Brout, Tyrono. visited gt bMi. F pastor, Rev. F. J. Anderson, preacbed W. Leers... ýMr. andMrs.-,G. Argue to the chidren in the morning. The are visiting thir daugbter et Toronto. sînn by the school under the directiont Mrs.(Dr.) F. Trebilcock bas return- of m . W. j Langmaid was especielly *" < irom a pleasaut vacation lu Toronto gon0d. In the evening, Rev. B. N. Hay- ý MgqP. rnn nrntn- q nm den, M. A.j Bowmanville, preached a Tbore are many forms of' norvous dobility in mon that yieid toÔ the use or Certor's Iron Pisl. - T'hose. who are troublod with nervous weaknoss, night sweats,'etc , should try them. Mrs. Brvens, London, eccompeuied hi' Miss Camoron, le, visiting ber son Mr. W. J. Bryans. Messrs. John Wilmot, Spokane, Was., and George Wilxnot. San Francisco, visitod old friands bore. Mrs. Gao. Brown and two grand- bilîdren Toronte.,, are visifing ber deughter, Mrs. J. Douglas. ONLx Oso DR. GHA.snThore lut on' one Dr. Chase of Reipt Book fame- OnIy one Dr. Chase who le known the world over because of the greet pros- criptions ho gave to titankind. Bis portrait and signsture-A. W. Chase, M. b).,-are on overy box of hits remn- ediets. Imitators do not dam te repre. duce tbt'se. Tbey are the guarantee wbhiçb protects you ag*inst. fraud, Be dent, Mrs. George Fisber, were laid away. July 7th, near ber old bome, in the, Law. rence chnrch bnrYing ground (Antioch>, Decoased wus in ber 94th year and lad been in excellent healtb, until anme few monîa aago, when Bhe waa injured by a fall, For a numb6r of yeere aheh anresîded with ber daughter, Mr@. Heny Jeynos, Hope. EXTENDII4G DOUBLE TRAOK ON GRAND TRUNK. The Grand Trunk havo givon eut à contraot for the construction of another section of thair ma&in lins on tha Middle Division between Saria Tunnel and Hamilton, the auccesaful contracter, belDg Menera . Rosa & McOrae, Who bave dons muchÏ railway building tui Canada. The contract embracea that portiun o! the main lino lying betwsou Sarnia Taunel and Kilugacourt Junotion Visiterau: Mrs. Hopkins eud bilîdren, Buffalo, et. Mn G.- Parish's;' Mr. B Diekenson and family, Hope, et Mn. Thos. Rowe's . .. Miss Efile R'ibbins heu returned frein a pleasant visit with ionds in Pickeiu,. congratulations to Mr. F. J. Gront and bis entrance, Clesu et the receut, oxaminetions Ail the candidates successfuî t aun average ege o! thirteen 3ni. The members et theEpworth Leagun are arranging for thoir annuel Benry soci4l on the, church lawn Tu.4sdey ev enin g 1noxt A good progîam and refreshinants aIl for 10e.. .. Following 'iu the report of Hampton Sebool et the rent examina- tions, tnaines je iia der of menit: Enttance-F. Ward, Ethie Jobns, Amine Hannan, _Hilde J obns.- Si, 111 rates front other points. Ftavorable stopovor privileges. Returu limit Oct. lSth, 1903, Three trains dailî froin Chicago to Celifoînia, thîough witbout change, *ith first cýass pullmans and tourint sleeping cars. For spocl folder endaIl information, write B. H. Benett. Generai ýAgent, 2 East King St', Toronto, Ont. 29-3"s DARLINGTON. Base Lino Sundav Sehool picnic lest Tbursday 4t the lako was very success- ful Eveîything was favorable for a gon d time Sports were, sucb as base-ball, foot-hall, swinging and boating. The tables wero boaviiy laden with- inviting dishes -barries, chieken pie and ice creain boing anionn the, dainties. The superintendent, 4Mr. F. T Guy'. spared no pains te give al apleasent time, especiaily the children Misses May Guv entd Aima James wnre suýcessful et the Entrance ex. aminatinn. Congratulations_ .Misa duuhLaera He was nover absent from dtty 4 day through slcknosa or, pleaaur% and regularly for 25 yoars ho COVO ered, 24 mlles dally, and 12 =1106 daily for the rinaintng 12, totaellain what la believed te b. the wenId'$ potan record of 282,872 milse Hie twalkings oxceed ane êtinios tha globe'a circuinferenco. and aeg ,QO miles short- of a jotirney to t»ý moon. Two Settiah M.P.'a attemnptei feW yeara ago to get 'RamsayOb amall rettring ellowsnce, but wes only successful in ob)taiàing irons tIî tloverament a. gratuity-.of a fw .pounds. CaTrIght j o ba ee iii4sv fQ soine cod, , terCZatg to Bancroft ountheir aiua lbnJPotHonndCcgoiprresnClko Grui M L"rtin, jec'akI Saitme.. . IHaylng is fairly Weil advancod 1 eî~~ i~ eiydb rsl~ n. --vry favorably, and the iotal distance 1Jr. Il. to Sr. II-Vlidred CooP-earl1 reports busiess fork liue., veîy brisk in the aay Miss eicen Fletciser, .Deekerville, Micb., ilu visting friends. oe.. Service isýbeiug beld in the. Hall whle Eldad Cburch is undergoing repain.... Mnr. Frank, home, fromt Midland rusticating aroun4 thevillage- which is ae groat boa 11h insot, . .. Tiie Sonse of Tempence are, havinZ e hua aod raspbe iv foed noxtiFtdeay xigbt.. Every membor iequsîsted toe1ba presont, ... Msss Gorieand HUtte Lang- m aid are vistiug thoir graindmother et Cour tic... . PFeros commenced lest week to eut 'feu wbeat whicb lu a feinly g ood>,crop. . .. Mr. B. 0. Stevens, P, M., ;nd fe M.and Mrs. R. Scoît and Mn. and is-Siles Williaids sp ut the y ,12th et Caosaree . ... NMiîn&Loule a eNeet ",Campîng, and CaiiÏoeinoc n wxs home frem Kedron over Sunday. "LLetters of a Self-mado, ýMerchant t1o HisSon" T.VRNN The leegue wau deligbted wth the "ýLovey Mary eloqueut, ivastructive and up to-date lecture on the great North-West by ",TLhya Varr-ick" Reýv. J. R. Butler, Bleckstock, Tuesday evening. Mi. Butler lu alweys wel ~ Banerof Bne" conOoe e... .Visitors: Bey. and Mns. sýTh Baner o Blie" J. R Butler, Blaci;stoc, et Mn. H. Abrahamns'; Miss Florence Munioe, "Elenor"Detroit, Mis. C Pearn, Meriposa, et Mr. NY. SouchIs; Miss Nellie Hell, Bow- 1,"Lady EcRse's Daughter" manvilie, at Mr. C. Rogers'; -Mr, S. E Souchbaso goLe te the North West; Mis. D. I-eddon and Mis. J. Pasc')o et Mrs 1) . W'altors, Taunton; Miss Ilit8on is ,oidavîng et ber home in Oshawa.. .. A numLer frein bore picnilckEýdet leke ISCI1gog0 recentîr. ...Our new patter, BIG 20, lBO Pn V'iLLE0 c,rRble imýfpression. 'y happons that people suffer for 'rears from kidinev dorengomonts witbout knowing the cause of thoir beckaches, aching limbe and ther bediiy suffrlugs, suddeniv tho truth l8 mvealed te thein that they are thevictimu of serions kid- ney diseese and in imminent danger. Trhere is no medicine which gives such prompt and lasting relief for aery foîm of kiduoy dieease as Dr. Cbase'u Kidney- Livri Piuls., They are positiveiy, effect- ive even in the meut chionie cases. Mr. William Bellwood,- Editor'and Publisher of the Manitoulin Expositor, Littlo Current, visited hie brother, Mr. John Bliwood,aet tner anumber of yeers absence. Ait Stuffed Up Thalte condition of meny sulfonons fîem cateîrh, especieily in th. moruing. Great difficulty la expenionoed in cleor- ing th e beed and Ibroat. No wonden celerrh ceuses headaohe, impaire the leste, ameli and heeing, pollules the breath, denangea thse stoni. ech and affects the appotito. To cure catarrh, treelmeunt muai b. constitutioul-altemeîive and tonie. I was 111 for four montha with, cete'rb Iu the bond and Ihreat. ied e bed ceugh and raised blood. 1 lied become dis- couraged when my hueband bought a bottle of Hood's Sarsaperilla and persaded Me te try i. 'I edvise ail bo take IL. lb ban eured end buill me up.Y Mas. Huex Ru- D)oLPE, West Llacomb, N. S. Hwood's Sarsapafrillar Curceleîi arh-ît seothes and strenglh- eus thle lucous miembrane and builda aptewliolo agtexa. main lino wlitt Do complocea dWthîn a comparatlvoly short time. Thor. are only soins 65 miles to te flniahed on the Western. Division, and but a few miles botwoon Toronto and Port Hope, and the. lino :bstween Toronto- and; Niagera Falla la completod. LBSKARD. Miss May Vinsou, Toro nto, is visiting bier aunt, Mis. T. W. -Somoiville,... Mr. and Mrs. W. Gully, Lotus, Mr. Norton and Miss L. Chembors'recently visitod Mr. Samn. Chambers ...Miss Bertie Banne and Miss Louin Bradley, Tyrove, ire viidng al Mr. Frank Bradleys.... Miss Ruby Seunders heu mturned homo. .... Meusrs. Tom MeRobertgaen& Arthur- ,Bisbin bave gêne te New Untei..ý.. Mr. Fred Truli end sistor ettended the Tril picnic Saturday..-. .Mi. W. J.ý Edgerton burt bedly. hi' heingý eecideptally burtwith afork.Mr. Col. Steplos is orotiug e bey fork for bis toent, Mi. W. Hambloy's. Beu he ,9lii in t ii t AlwCIDs Bought signature/'~ Z . 7 la A6 E3 r > 2tx A. Boum the o Iht Kild VYeuliave Always Buught of Bear? h. , The Kii VîtHaie Alwvar RBîghi of Bertha McDoriald, Rons Johns, Lyra Trenouth, Edna Hannam Sr. pt Il. to Jr II-Mildred Martin. Mark Hannam, Harvey Welsh, George Clarke. Tommy Paters.. Jr. pz II to Sr pt. l-(Daisy GU& ýaicv, Johîis) equal, Bermuda- McDonaïd , Louis Ward, Wtllie Petoy, Vron W elsh, Gladys Treouth. J r.1 pt.I to Sipt. I-Hilon Peters, Lucilo P8ters, Wilii Walkely, Edlth Gar. Trablot to Jr. pt. Iý-Miidred Burns. F. J. GRtOAT and Miss SuàDos, toachona. CARD 0F THANKS. Seoretary Darlinqton Lodge, No. 110 S. O. E. B. B. , -, DEAR SIR,- Would you kindly -con. vey to the mombers OU Dariington Lodg-i our sincere thanks for thelr kind expressions of sympathyand -feeling in the sadi loss of car son, and also accept- thanks for the prompt payment of fun- orl aim. MR. AND Mns.,AbBERT.,MOORE. Hampton, Julv 1.3,1903~ NEWTON VILLE. Congratulatio -ns 1 K!ennctli Wood and Maggie Moffaton passing the entrance marks ,respectively 7'M and .0t....L r. W. W . Dickey, New York, is v-;siting here,..., I s,. .j.Sheridan and daughter lIthea, Oshawii, baye bedn visiting her brother Mr W. j Trenouth'. . ..Ti.e Presbyterian S S. bield their picnic at'tbe Fisheries on' WeVdnesday.... kMrs. j. Gil- bert, Bowmanville, yisited ber daugbter Mrs. W j Trienouth . ... The tuneral, of the late rs Gooderough took place on Friday . R. -ev. W. J. Young entered upon bis duties here Sunday last and preached acceptably to a large congreg-a- tion_.... Mr.Frank Staples,Lotus. i ionie for Uic holidays wee'scap Lnt I Lake bellwith eny highly rncasened choppod Visitera :-Mrs A. McSporran andjroat flah, lobster., criai, or' evem» '- 's' " 'Ïn-,ng"swlch aerved in a pretty balcet. Toc.. Toronto, at home; Mr. and Mrs. Gard- ge sandiches peingnedeobcut inear. Miss, Gardinear and Mi Ernnst tn hoIn the QZ ret Bennett, Napanee. at Mr Casey Trulls; îg I nt fhi lpos. Whero tlb. Mr. Fred Wîtheridge and wife, Toronto longue îu chopped il ahoulâ b. mub. at IL Mr Jôs 'Langmnaid's; 'Mri. W H. c sdsrbdl u reitfu Wood and daughter, Mary, in Toronto; oýhioken sandwic-hes. and 1hghly amp' iMisses Evelyn and Annie Hoit at Pick,' aoued.-Lo.diea' Home Journal. crine -a.. Bif neeo*. Protruiding and Bloeding Ple A"e oavi'adpmuuul Z"urel C d b, A REE PATTE RN scrIber Onu' 50 cents ,akyear. It is .populaily.believed that nothing shQrt of esurgical operatfion will cure protruding pIes. Tha ît this is flot s é bas been poven again andM C Ai tgain wbere, Dr. ,Chass ntibent -has been Me:ý Gi& BAKER, aîter, 103 Fuller St.. AAZ PidlToronto, tates;-"'Wbenon a rcceîved great benefit from a îemedy after A LE MAGAZINE being disappointed many times, it hecomes a. A go-; boantifuI c iî lte8 aI.-,u pleasure and e duty te rccommend ilte oothers. o ,cono.oies. fancy a Snc ismy .experience with Dr. Chase's ,rl. odayor. .end ;C. î,, 1t-t vopyI Oilttrnent.- For the list eighit years I bave adagnt. wanted.,ndfrtr~ bee e ontnui sffeer ro prtnningan Styish, Reliable, Simple,* beena cntinal uffýer rom trudiigand date, Rconical and blhslUtciy bleeding piles, whichl seemed worse when Perlect-FItti Paper Paýteru%, walking -or working. In fact I was inaegonyI 1with theraMosmof ef cime. &X C A Il « I tried every reniedy I could leain of M ONO ~ witbout any success whatever, until 1 obtained Dr. Chase's Ointment. Frim the fist appli- cation of this preparation I feit an improve- '"~I1 ment, and on elc application 1 experienced svonderful relief from suffering. I feel sure et a permanent cure, and shall be delighted W An Seam-A liiowed and Perforations show iecommend Dr. Cliase's Ointaeùt et ailheBatnand cS a h n ie. limes." Ask or theo sol,! ý, -ndty -cveItcy Dr. Cbase'a Ointment la bbhe nly gueranteed aI tf--n.or b -i n- ru cure for piles. 6o, cents r, box, et ail dealers, TII3-t.1 E M 3tc t. uw OR or Edmanson, Bate-s and Co., Toonto. Nw BooqKs FOR ~Summer Reading 1,

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