The ZKInd Yen HaVe AlwaYs Bonglit, and ivhich lias beexi in usie for over 30 years, bas borne the signatnre of and lias been mnade under, bis per- sonal smpervision since its iînýfincy. Ail Counterfeits, Imitations anti "Jnst-as-good" are but Experiments that trille with andi endanger the healtit o£ lufants andi Chidren-Exi erien ce against Experimnt. VastiDoria is a harniless substitute for Castor 0,11, Pare- gorie, Drops andi Soothing' Syrups. Lt 15 Pleasant. 19 ,çýo-ntaiins neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotieý mubstance. Its age lu ils guarantee. t destreys Wornis and allays Feverielinees. t cures Diarrhoea and "%Wind Colle. ]Et relleves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatuleney. Lt assimilates the Foodi, regulates the Stomacit andi Bowels, giving bealthy and natural sleep. The Cïhldreuls Panaceaý-The Mother's Frýienti, Tte Kil Yon aye Always Boiligllt 1InUe For Over 30 Years. 71. CNrPURCOMA5. 7 5RRV SRET. EWVeR -Y7 An Extra- - ordinary Offer ! Electric Beits i the Reach of All We Arc Sellng the Best Eletrie Boit in fie World at a Price wlfbin fi-e Beach of the, Poorest Sufferer, ~ i-f - $5.00 .àThe Prof. Morse'e Elý,ectnie Boit [ri cuepeuecr 'y for meen's or ladies' attacli. menti fe guaranteed te possesmore poer, Imore curnenti, botter quaity and finish tiari an>' oten Eloctnic Boit made regar-ilescf prie.' TH'1E PROF.- MORSE'S BELT is a sure cure for Nervous Wealzness,Liver, Rideey and Stomaç o, p!4tutRIma inaticru, LamneB Pains on Aches je &Il par-ts cf tie lbody; Wear the bell whiiio ou sieep and in the noiorng >on nIl (eel yeare younger th-an rien you renftle cd Bewre cf those rie ask vou te pay frein 610 10 $20 for an I1~Ietric )3et net haif se goQd as the Prof., Morses Boit, which rie ieIi for oolv $5. We have oniy crie picos We do nol asie you 610 iret and if icou do not bus', tnY and soli you lhe came bort at aUV old pice,, OUR H1ONEST OFFRl-ir o do nef canele eend utic $5 re nIlessd you oeeof our Boîte te y oun nýeéneet express office.,C. O. D., 135, Ilprivîl- ego of ezaleinatin; iftictra tic express agent 65 acd eXp)ress clarg es and tic Belt. If nef as nepnýeSeted yon eeodnot pay'one cnt h you sed cash witi or len ne propav the otg, WE ARE MAUFCTRE lS0 iI kinde i Elsstrical Asirliaunes 7-l $10 Atlantic Gîty, Cape May THREE SEA SHIORE EXCURSIONS, Via Lehig-h Valbev Railroad Auguet 1 18 mid 25. 'fiekits ouly $10-00 the round trip frorn Su8pension, Bridge. Tickets gond 15 dayss Good, fos stop: over at Philadeiphiaý For funiber particulars eali on or address lienT. Sý LEwîs, Passg'r A-t , Toronto, Ont Ticeliet route te New York. Route cf Black ie Dtîond Express. 29-4w DESPERATE FIGH-TING.i Bctween Polie and Kellogg Swit ch- Strikers, A dospafcli front Chcago scy 1s: Desperaeo iglting between fie police aîîd flie strikers cf flic Kellofg>I Srilfcl Board Comspany fook place on Wodnesday affernoon edi, evening w bile flic coutpany cf tomiptcd f0 sond froiglif f0 som o0f tic railroed depof s. Ie one instance file police opened rire riti i'evolvers, but ai- flicugli fie fusilede ras continued for several mtisntes no cnee ris hurt. Later fiere Vras a figltin lwrhicli no revolvers wri-o nod, cnd ftle police laid ouf a numbor of mec,, soute cf rihout riere left in fhe streef until f loir finonde picked f hein up. The climax camne cf Congi-ess street cnd Ogden avenue, rihen a privae c atchntan fired et one cf fie [ntob. The chef rient nild, but if in- fiauted flie sob;, ccd, rit h shoots f ley cliarged dore on tl;e police. The officers beat fie crord ihfli sf s ced clubs and put fie rioters f0 liglit. A dozen mon mlfli broken lieads more loft lyig ini fli street, About fren- fy arreets ries-e mcdo duriug the day. The Kellogg Conpcey, rilise nten are on strike say if wili con- finune te send ouf frel gît by con-- union mon. PERMANENT FORCE. ~ itgprices and full 25,000 Mec fo be Located in Vo not buya Boit until you sc the A despateli freint London seys: Prof. Morse s. During the discussion cf ftle, aîuty Write at once. Address est ne i-s he ho use cf Commeons The F. E. Karn Go., o.n hhursday, War Sccretrtry Brcd-, 132 Victoria St, Toronto, Canada, ick said if lied heen decided f0 keep 7 Ob. foi-ce cf 25,000 mlen perînanently je Sout h Africa, wbesîice reisîforce- eoscecould lce readily despctchelc f0 India ile lc eont cf an effecie es1thfli rontici-. Mrs. Ilsodrick c- ded fliaftue preparetiosi foi-scl * a onetingency mas e fiîaely stop,an ostiîîmted fisaf flieextra cost cf kping flue elli-gesicy ferre le Mýoufi LAfi a vtuld lie $7,500,00 year1y, CHIEF ARTHUR DROPS DEAD.; Head of Brotherhood o ooo tive-Engineers. A des tch rout Winnîipeg sacys: P. MN. Arthlur, Gr'and Chef Eiîglnecr, T urns Bad Blood intao cf flic Bofbehicood of Locoîîîotiî-e Ric R d lod. Enginicers, droppud dead at mid-1 No other, remedy osse such et the banquet losing fthc annal y Psseses conventfion cf fie llmotlirhood- of perfect cieansng, healing and puri.- Locomtive Engineei-s, rihici les~ fyin pepertes.been in session home for flie peet boî fyingpropeties.days. Mi-. Arthlur lied juet eisen te Externaliy, heals Sores, Ulcers, respoed f0 ia toast, ced mpenf cd the Abscesses,jand ail Eruptions, riords: 'lf îmîey le nsy parting morde! Intrnalyresors te Somah, 0 to aey cf yon,," mhleni le ell beck- Bowralyestnd Bthedtomhey ard, and oxpired a for minuate af- Liver, BwlsfdBl eo eihytrÎvards. action, If your appetite îs poor, -_ _ yoar energy gene, your ambition WOMAN MIDGET DIES. iost, B.BB. will restore you"to the Hot Weaf ler Carnies Off Miss fuit enjoyment of happy vigorous Mary J. Piercey. 1iIeA despaecifrout. New Yorkc says: __________________________Miss Mary J. Piercey, said f0 have, beenon o0fflihe nîcîleef romoîtmit Madg--*' 'Irueomber that a fer ic wrd, le dead cf hem homo iný years aLgo slhe ras seeklng a herol'~ Bayonne, N1. J. Sic ras fhirty-on' Marori-"Sh'sgot over thet cow, luches teil, reiglied fiffy pennlds, anal Sli's on flic look-oujt for an idiot mes 40 yeare cf cge. Tl'le Lrdnt hot. fth plen.y cf1 moaey,'t reatier caudedlier fatal illiiems. The body depends on the boweis to carry off ali waste and poisonous mattors from the systenî - if is Nature's drainage. If the boweis don't perform their functions proper- iy and become ciogged up, the system graduaiiy absorbs this poison. It is this which caqusesý sick, headache, bilious1- ness, sour stomach, bad breath, inactive liver, Iack of energy, heartburn, etc, Abbeys Efferves-. ce-nt Sait wiil cure you by clearing away the obstruction and thoroughiy cieansing the boweis. This brings healthy action to ail the organs cf the body and rids the system cf the cause of illness. In this Way- AbbeYb Effervescent Sait per- manesntly cures. A teaspoon- i fui in ha11! a glass of teýpid1 water everýy morning. INDUSTRIES WICH IYOtJHELP Sbowing Rer Youn Every Move- ment Doe Some Trede ,a Good Turc. If You titrer a stone cf a dog, ced feu f0 lhit if, yen imagine fliat you have îvastcd your fine ccd muscle for nofhing. But f lis le a miefake. You have tuiied a certain amount cf muscular energy lato boat. Tic stono bas been maruted by fric- tien ln Ifs passage flirougli flicair, stili more by its contact niti flic groued, ced cesrtain perfidies of flic air, have alec been liected. 0f coure fis 'hoaflng je co eliglîf that flic ,ecse of touck caneot approdiefe if; but inthfli case of c ballot fired fi-cm a rifle againet a target fle icsecf f enpera us-e caueed by flie-bullet etriing fhe Iron cfflithtargot 15 vemy plainhy perceptibsle te anycce plieking up ftle speet mstisile.' <If le, in fact, inmpossible f0 do anything mithout produdlng soute result. Yen cannot even breaflie without aliecfing other tlings ouf- side yourself. Thie air goos into your maluge pure, but doutes ouf cliarged ç-mith carbonice cid gas. This gas le just as esecetial f0 plant lufe cf eî'ory lsind as pure air is te or crn inhe ced hlîîh. By fhe f une e mcii is borfy lie liaebreeflicci out eafflcient carbonice cid gas-f0 meake fie riocd cf a-good slzed tmee. If me. thoefore, qoîfe possible fieft your chacir mcay li, made out f cf f u- ber rililchyonr breaf i ice lelpcd to utako, or fliat thie sîcopers nid hlinleposition flic railme>' lices over rulci yen travel may have beon part ly formed ie siutiias basic- ion. IPOWER 0F A LUMP 0F COAL. Practically every action of our daily lii os lies acefcfecf boyond fief rihici rie consider cf flic time. Masiy of thorîa, indeed, have rosulte very uudi ar-rechîng flian rieovor ima- agine. Vots put a lump of cccl on flic fire., If If reiglis a pound.only, yet flic ameunt cf eîîergy you lot loose le poeitively clamming. An excep- fionclhy porerfal mmm ccccde haîf as machl rri as-a ici-se for a bnie poriod-niot more flian trio and c hlf minutes et a f imo. Imagine ce lundred sucli men pulling rlfli cil their porer cf c greaf rope, until, et flic end of cite iuadred and fiffy seconds, f iey bell becie exliausfed. Tiat littie blacke lump cf coal could do,ell fief wrni, and continue if for 1 anoflier trio minutes, lb You could utilize cli the o hat ifgives forfth befere if cmumbles doive jeto whito elis. But sn burnmng fief cocl you are doing hmosfiee reste a large amount cf oe-gy for tic purpose ofi rarrang your room. You are lot- ting loose a les-go quaîtlfy -of fthe camne ccmbonic cd ges rihicli yeu yoorsehf manufacture by lireafhing, aed se very peesubhy belpieg flic vegoebles je your gardon fo grer. he asies fs-cm your gcate miilIliec fo-merror moîeieg firora into flie dusf bic, ced, if youm tome le an economical one, tlicy miili e used te produce lient f0 drive a dynamo; so soute cf their cnergy mnay roture f0 you le fie fomîn of eiecfî-ic iigif. SCUTTLES MAKE TRUNKS. In digging fie cccl ouf cf fie scnt- f le, yoengrnduaily rear flic scuttie ouf. N'ou order tic' mcid ftefliror if amay, ced you neyer flinie flat la se doing you are aiding ftle lae- ubacture of f ruche ced boxes. Thoe old coni-scutf le is dog ont of flic municipal mnbbli-liap, flic beet por- tiens ciipped ouf, eut int o picces cf suifeble size, punclied rit h sutali helce, vernislied blacie, and used 1>' flic fruaiaker f0 prefecttic corn- esof cieap f munies and boxes. he simple omdering of a joint of beef f or dinner involves palling the strings' cf ancinîcet !incalculâbie nuîîîbem cf dillerent frades rihicli, if ev.eryone-gave up licef as- anrarticle cf dief, riould ceaso f0 oxist. Tic bufdiier cf 1903 could nieke no pro- fit out f cfhlicbeaste lie kilîs rere ho nof f0 use Up every et ontof flic ox's biody besides that fit for food. hue you are encouraging fie mae- ing cf buttons, cf foofli-brueli baud- les, cf billiard-balîs, cf mafresses, ol muttpieces for pipes, cf cheesmen, cf bs'erers' isinglas:s, of gelatine, ci rennot, aise of many valochle cils ccd utedicinies, sudh as tliyroids, tliy nuis-porider, glycerine, and neats. foot, cil, as weîl as cf fIat terrible poison keomn as cyanide of potassi- umI. Affer you have caten your joint and boiled the boce dore for stock, ftle romains go jet o flic dustbin, but do not end f heir career tflere. Efiter fie boue je flnally boilcd dore into glue, or if is ground up for forfîlizer and passes to fie utarket gerdener, ,wo uses if perliaps,-te grori fie early tontes or ner pofafoos rihicli you rwilI eaf next cpriug. As an alternative, if je possible fliaf you are indirectiy doing e good fore f0 flic machl trade for old bouies are fhe chief source of fie phosporous riti which mtches are fipped. You order the cool, to make a plum-pudding f0 follori your joint cf roaet licol. Tiereby you not cnly benefit flc ,rrent-growers of Gec.buti alecso v a ielpicg hand to fiýe copper'-inîeig indusfry. Cep- pom enîpliate is absolutely essentiel f0 the grape grorier as a reeli f0 keep hie vines free freut a certain ex- fremely de structive langue., I{ELP Tu GIIOW COTTON. Mines cf difierent kinds are biene- flted cf ftle liends of flie average person several fumes a day. If you riife a lef fer, fo)r instance, you dis- finctly encouirage tfli roc-utining icniistry. Net ouly do yen rear ouf a steol Pen, buthfli lk you use is also parffy ewede froi a cogipound of iron. By reading your nerepape- yeu also encourage muinieg, for fie type from whicl itif ris priufed consists osf lead ced cf lier motels alloyed. f0- get ber. 1OPen a fin 0ý,f sardines, You are eeccnragieg fIe groriing of cotf on f0o maeonotste ocatch flic fiel, giv- ing a hleping liand f0 fhe grorers ced manufactuirers cf clive 011 in lItaly, and also aseisting Welsh i fe- plate inanubac-ture,,rs je tieir strogglo egainet ftle Auterican invader. Wliat le mor'e, rhea you fliror arey tic ompty fin you are glving employ- Maet le sf111 a fourti indusfry. Oid fine of every desýcription arc cor col- lecfed end nieif cd dora f0 lie made into csasi-reglte. Put con c non pair cf petent-leafi- er boote, aed you have essiseod not oe]y thse tanneýr ced currier, but al- so the frade te-; eggs. Eggs arc used in fie prepairafion cf fine leati- er for gloves and boots. Go and gt your pbotograpi talc en, and yeu are gîvîng e liff le extra work f0 some ilver miner le Mexico. Every ~cmmon acf cf daily lîfe involves so aaany frades aed industries Lliaf fo celculefe themi ouf for one zlay only lenflic life of ae average individuel rould occopy mudli more Lic e lelengtli çff tis articie.-Loa- do0n Aneriers.ý GAG' PROFANE -PRISONERS. Atlantic Judlge's Instructions To Policemnen. A despafdli froin Aftlentae, Ga., laye: City Judge R. A. Broyles on Wsednesday ordered Policemen f0 pro- vide fiiemeves rit h gage e nd ue them on persons riho emear rien arnesfedl. The Judge eaid:- "If le fthe dufy cf flic officcrs f0 summanly gag every priscîler, maie or femnale. riho begins f0 abuse flic officers and f0 ue profane languege wien lie cm sie le placed useder ar- -est. Thise thing lins-readlied flic imif. I for ceneutmf ired cf hearneg offlcers teîll cf ftle fiiglifful bledk- gucrd-ing, ced corsing fliey lave to stend etthfle licds cf prisoneî's. Be- sides, poople pcssiig onfli te efreots, terd off oýn f icies ladies, are conipelled o listoînt f0tue ile 1ftale:. Yen ifficore!me efumrnisled r-,it h gage mcd en îusf se fhemon eV rl TIc udg f len avesoiite negs'o risoncî's w h lied bece crsingp tliree e il t u e: 9a si ci rr ti d il t] d ti ai, st 01 0: w rc li ol gi st si lu 1 tc ol a] Sc Pl JAPÂNESE ROYALF IL ADVANCE D IDEAS. -- Prof. W. Hrod,Êson EZe ,AZ ?nae I7)îot Prince Yosebihit o, the Hlein Ap- the Domini-on GovenMnte,trprs ht_ parent, Is a Young Man U Sa nat ta i'pre~ceof cf Great Promnise. ~ ~ ' f#- 5,,,,,77.,~, The story of a great deal of the ulhap)piness of- women is a story -Of lost hlealth., Women wonder liow it ie 'that littie by littie th,- form lbsesc plnipress, the Checks grow bol- low and sallow, and they feel tired and worn-out ail the tiî1e. ln a large pro- portion of cases wlien oen are wveak, run-down and falliiog off jen flesli and looks, the root of the trouble can tbe traced to wornanly diseases which under- mine the genieral healili. The proof of this is tixat woinen vh have been cured of painful wonianly dîceaces by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription have recovered tlieir general heaif b,. gained in flesh and jei appearance. Dr. Pierce's i' oîte Preýscription curec the wonî,iaily dace which Scap the gen. eral lieeltli. Ifesaihs regularity, drie~ eakenug drins hals infikinnia- tion and nîceretion and cures.fenale, weakness. "tI stiffered for tIiree yeers witl, ovarian trouible,", writes Mirs. Aunia Quiinn (Treasurer Worn's Athictie Club) of ".o2 SycaiOre St. Mil1w'iukee, Wis. Te r 1t ntItock diâ olot do me a particle cfg id ntil a gqod neigli. bor vlio liad been uISiug Ir. P'ires Fvorite Precription advizssd mIe to gis it .a.triai. Thle nextda uy took my flb-Stdos, anýd if wac ni>' SrIt stei p'owvard recovery. la i re wecks I was La difrN oman, my 11e-h whicli had been )ibybcnlne lri onpeinClejir snd u3 eyes b Iht t ws sxpy nindLication of ts ret leg ihi ri ain, and sfrigto 'Favorite PýrescriptionP mak-es weak wýonen stroug, ck womea weil. Ac- cept no substiturte for the niedicine, wbich wotrkýs wonders for weak womea. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant PelletLs inivigorate stomacli, liver and bowels. Nervous Condition Subjeet te bnrkacee headachie and, dizzi- sacs, for years-elipei by DrF. Chse. M Rs. ANni)R i ,EY, St. Joýhn Street, Fredericton, N.Bl., Sta1tes :-«LacStpring 1 liadý a sýicieneiS whici left me in a very rue dowu, necrvoutis state. In fact, for a number cf years 1 haie suffered te a great extent wiîli cervoos- ne1se, aud frequently lad atiecki cf beadaclie -Ire_ ansi diziae,m.. I cu la' Secmned Obcliever>' < eCý wcak aqnd nas dis- trcssed wiîl pains ine the crual islilack. great deal cf imcezey for miedicine but ob- taîned little or ne relief antîl I began taking Dr.' Chase's Nerve Food, andI 14 Kidney-Liver Pilîs, and cac cay tiat île ILrS. Hewey results cf th' cer- bined freatoient have been meet remýarkalile. I neyer lied any medicine lioild nme op lîke the Nve Food, and 1 give tiec cei for curieg the pains ien my laci te Dr. Clss',Kidney- Liver I'ii. 1 casnef eat ue v-l1 cf thece reuedies' tiarcî, e hx lne neîe eucli good. " To petîyeo a untiuiltieuos the' peîr ansd lguature cf JDr. A .C'isthe receipi becie auliori, 'ai e £ ceve-r> Lux. Mutsuhito, or Mufe-hito, the em- peror of Japen, ie a ma-n of wliom lessie hoard flian one heaïrs of other rulers 0of foreign counitries. This may bc becauso of the fcct that Mutsuhito, thougli stili comparative- ly young, lies beea rcigning so long thaf ail that can bce said about himn lias already been fold, and there îe lese inferest je hie miovements flian, in those osf other rulers. Muteuhito has, liowever, a vcry interestinýg pc*- sonclity The nmeaning 0, f hise pecoier naine je the "man, of peece," or' "weak man." As a rler ho hbas proved that hlie le fot so weak as soîne of the rulers 0f f lie Led of thle ERising Siin" *have been ie '.is tlic son 0f flic Mikad1o Komiel Teeno, and lie ries bora on flic 3rd cf No- vember, je the ycar 1852, Mutsu-- hito ries reared je the palace je Kiofo, and tf lieh led a rather nar- ruri cend ecluded life nay bc knorin froin the fect that lie ries 19) years old bofore lie rias'al1owed f0 sCoea forcigner, flie Japenese, in flicir "hîgli conceit," having a poor opin- ion of, foreigners and flot,~ditn that eny 0f'tlicm can equel flic Jep- anese ie intelligence or. naturel abil- lty. BEICAM~E IJLER WIIEN A BOY. The fathler of Mutsuio died whlen thle boy rias 16 yeare old, and lie rias made ruler utndertlie care andi direction of a regenf. The regent ries dismissed fthc next year cnd fthe young Mutsuhito becanie the reel and active, mikado. In Mardi of tlie yeau tliat hoie aeumed lis active dut iee Mutsuhif o did something fliet no otlier, mikado liedlever donc, and fliet merked flie onriard stop in thle history of Jepan. Ho gave tlie first audcience ever given by t he emperor of Japan to, representatives of Cliris- tien nations, tlie envoye 0f Ilolland and France liaving flue distinction conferred upoj flieni. That coule of flie people of Japan did not look rilth favor upon this innovation ries indicated hy fie fact that \,;liun, but a few days later, flie'JBritisli minis- ter, also souglit an interview, with the emporor, his corfege ries set up-' on hy assassins. The next day a royal edict ries issued f0eftlie ffect that relations with foreigu nations wore publicly acknowledged (iby flic mikado, and hie 'People wrewarned fhIat all fanatics who slinld nttack foroigners witliouf cause siould be A PRZOGRES SIVE EMPIfiROR. If ries on fthe sixtli of April1 in flic yer 1868, in the §pIendid hll cf fie castie 0f Nijo, inflic city c f Kioto, fliat tlie mosf importent evenit l inte life cf tlie yong ecm- peror- occurred, for if ries thon fliaf, emid great pomp ced splendor, ho took flic cati cf office. Thaf llieiead flie spirit cf progress ie indicated by flic facf f lie by bis cafli lie prom- ised fiat "tlie uncivii1ized customs of fornmer f imes" sliould bce lroken flirougli and increased intellectuel abhlîy and learniug slild lie rel- trust and importance. conied and souglit for flironglicuf the. rorld, and fliat Japaii slould ho More modern in lier civilization. 0f course, fliore was a very large con-. servetive elemont that did nof, look wit i fevor on f hie innovation, but flic esperor and bis minieters were det ermieed fliaf a great many need- ed' reformeslihould bc institufed for flic benefit f cifliir country. These reforme xvere institufed f0 the bene- fit cf, Japan and othler countries. ADOPTS EIJROPEAN DRESS. About fhirfy yeers ago tlie emper-ý or put ftle cuetonis and traditions cf hie country stifi fes'tler behiud him. by bravýing flic dipeauocff lie co ieierv ativ-es and edot,ý)ing full Eu'ýropean drese and habtLcf life. lie e) ifirely revoluitionized court and gcvernmenf ai cuetomeeand etiquotte, and lias been by cli odds flic Most progreesive ruler Japan lias yef bcd. Ho lias liroken dore long est ablished social barriers and if is now possi- ble for Mortlu Japan f0 rise frorn flic ranke fo positions cf flie bigîst Muteuhito ras married on Febru-i ary 9tli, 186ý9, f0 flie PrinceesslIer- uko, daugliter cf [Prince Ichijo, Slie is about trio yasolder fb-an flie emperor and ae rman of tsnuiual et- tainmenfs., S'e ils childiess.- THE CROWN PR-INCE. The hliîr apparent f0 flie flrone sle Prince Yosehihif o, ribo ivs bhem Auguet 31, 1879, cf flic Lady Yana-1 giwra Aiko, of ftle imperial harem.1 le'je seid f0, be a young man cf ae good deal of promise, but as bis fa-' tlier us fer fromi being ali old mnaif is probable fhat it wil!ho a goodi- maey ycars bfor-e ftle croin pic becomes f i ro f cee cf thflie let intresingcounfries, le licrd. 'I'le crowa prince ries married on May 10, 1900, f0 hie c'ousin flie Princese Sadadaugliter of Prince Kujo. Amaechl rsbora of f hie unioniay) fi 91 SOMiE FA4IIOUS BUTCHIERS. Llany Great Men Wiere Connected Wit h fhe Trade. If may be conieig f0 buitchers f0 knor, asan ltrsig heoia facf. thaf flicir frade lias porlipb giv- en birth to greater in than any otli- er occupation le 111e. Ia ancientfUmies rie fied tliat ie Athene, Lysicles, one cf fthe greaeet polJicians in fliat greatcity, ras a bufcler and cattie dealer. Ceins Tuerntins Varîo, flic Romuan Consul, a man cf cxfraordiil- ary eloquence and ability, riho ras uneeimouely elcfed by ftle Romane f0 clomîîand an army of 120,000 mon f0 liglif Hannibal, but riho was defeaf cd by hlm at Canna ia 117 P.C., ras fihe soc cf a butdher. Wlieu thie celebrated White Sblp went down iti thle tuiture King _cf Egan in 11L20,. c(e man clone, lBerold, a butcher ocf Rouen, ras eaved. Cardinal Wclse,ýy, Lord 1-ligliClian- cellor cf Enjgleýnd aind -Papal Legate f0 HIenry VIII1., ras flic son of an Ipswichi botcher. Th'le sons of flic greafeef noblemen linflic land rere hie- servants. and lie ruled Englend for twenty years. The iîmortal Shakeepeare, the greateef poet flic rd ever ker, ras likewisc ftle son cf a bufclîer and draper, ced ras even, ilien yountg, apprenticed f0 ftle frede for a rhile. D-an.iel Defcîce auflior cf "Robinson Crusce," ras a bufclier's son; se toc ras Marký Akenside, M.D., auflior of 'PIloaeures of Imiaginat ion." Faf her lIoffbfur, wliose miraclee are ridcly knorft ie Austria, and rlio ras ae perticular friend cf ftle Emperor, Wes a bufclier lei early life. Dick Turpin, flic noted higliwcy- man, Arthiur .Orton, flic Ticliborne claimant, and Dick Short, flie notod Cork Fenian, more ail butchere. as ras alec Legendre. the famtons Paris pafriot f cfhlicRevolution. THE NORTH-WE STERN LINE,-I!l- PORTED JAPANESE FANS. A Pet of four attractive Japanese fane îssued by the Chicaigo & North-Westerný 'y. sent.f0anv addrese euteiy packedý onl receipt of 10 coei to pay postagýe B3. H. Bennett, ' 2 E ast King kt Toron!j- to, Ont. 28-3w NATIONAL NETTLES. The Weed Was, Once Used for' Various Manufactures. There ries e finie once wlien flic comîion nettle ries Dot flic usualfy depised riced it is now. People didi .not roof it oul of existence, or ehuni it as a nuisance, but cultlvated if for use csfood, for clotlîmg, and for paper mianufacture. If certainly does itot look inviting as e food, aed yef during fthc Iriesh famnine hua- dreds cf pooil people existcd entirely on if, cookiug tflic yung plaint as a green. Tlie riews ae ethod of blanchiug it by "eartbing up," as je nom used for sec hale. A niale , whule refusisig 10 toucli the growingi Xneffle, devour if eages'ly ihen nmadol 4eto lîay, and la Russie, Swedeej aînd Holland it is more scierai1 Limes a year for fodder. TIhe coin- mon camne given f0 flie e fle i n some langueages meanis "flat wifli sehici one servs." for tflfibre ras ueed as a tlircad soi eral cent unes tgo. le Kemischafke flic natives, use tie tlireeid fer fiehing- lin" e nnd cordage. IiFraceif je U11,d1for zeapor. In Hndust n cd Chine if es roven jeto gra;ss cloLi, 'and flic Scotchi have prepcred, spun, ced svovcn if into as good linon as ftle flax mae ] Te W îneenefttle yieids a fibre "as eoft ce eilk, and Ileois cor le Dreedeýn a "China ,trase" mianufactory, devýofed f0 flic andustry of rieaving dlot h fromn flue aed flic comnion neff le." 'A RECORD 0F C13jýYM-. A cele;,ratcid !i.rgand naed Ba- beaeu, who bas .&trried on a cereer of crime fromi his fasteesses in fie -oreet bcrctening oi. he Danube, lias beeni a)rrested. HIe _s acouseid of :opiiyin 520 nv'tWiere, cf lcaef 1,000 hligîireçy robber!e, and ver 3,000 ordiieary tflf. lHe ries, toiertiels~,very PQMflar amýong :ile paafy Lo aie lsim food Patented sst hMay, 5900 ARE GUARANTrEtU FOR SALA RY L. M4orris & Son, Boffawnvillo UNE GRADE ONLY AND THAFIHE BEST- Ca a upeot the Zber Tii'e, P±OmmCîu Md-Wpalu.t rF i±sh3tggioq End ~W agpnm, Ito 1 'UP-to-dade Phetonot $17S~, Uued oniy a fewtm404 4 DeniOcrats (riii - ffl 00 q' jump Seat B~uggies; Coil SPrip-% Carts, ic Good Second H-and Buggies from 80 00UD I-Tack Buggies from $1000-4up. John Perey, SILVER STREEiT Are a sure and permanent cura for- ail Kidney and Bladder Troubles. BACI<iACHE Is the flrst siga, or Kldiey Trouble. Dou't neg lectitiii'Checit itnjutime 1 Serious trouble, Mili filor ýif 3rou clon't Curle your Bacienohe by taklng DOAN'S KIDN<EY ANLLS., Mvs. Cliffoit m"Yes, sibo me rpg,,f . If stcted fiat 'Ms-e old cc'd MTr. Yale rero nsarricd, the lat- 'tes beieg a mouknoîLn colecerof antiques.'" Eldos-ly Foînele (ledfurng ,on tom- pereece)--' And I argnod rit h nîy husband for twolve long yoars. anîd cf lest, fednced hiia te ciga flic pledgc. I1ries so overcoîtte rit h joy fIat I tirer my armes round hic necie and kissed lirn." Volce broui tic Audience (seri oisly)-"ýServe ieta igt!" OR. A. IW, murin8 Ilaseat -direct ta tJiq 41,ease.I LHa ~1,ulcers, Cdeers lis air passagee, sopa dreppi sJn lise Calarrharud ay is~.See fr.. AiU dealert, or tir. A. W. Cua i'sileCo. T.srontead fhi PaeAcmae Pouitr-y Netting NOTEý A bird cannot fly throiigh as small a hole as it oan CLOSE crawl thirough, se Page poultry Netting Is rmade wlth srnall meshes at bottom and large at top. No. 12 gauge MESH wietpadbto-no sag. Get Page fences and AT gates-they r6 best.j BOTTOMThe Page Wire Pence Co., LlmitedW aikervifle, Ont. montreal, P.Q., and St. John, N.B. 8