"Llold IVedail" Binder Twino And Bost of -Al.o No Othe r Twine Is "JustAs Good."1 See our sampl 's and prices be'fore placing your order. A fulliline of Machine Oils, Oil Cans, Hariiess Poiols, etc., at very lowest prices.. We invite your caref ut inspection. Phone 66,, aIoe & cot One Door West of Post Office, Bowmanville. Economy in Buying.. BGonony 111 Tea Buying: Economuy InI Baking Powder Kincora Ceylon Tea ForestCity BakingPowder This ia the most economical and This 15 a very economical finest fiavored Tea in -the market B3aking Powder. It is a pure, to-day; -Whether-you- drink the wholesïïme powder -of--unltorm- 25e, 40e or 50e quality you get the quallty, giving resuits equal to any best value at the maoney offered to of the higher priced powders. Used loyers of fine Teas.^ Use accord- according to directions found on Ing to directions found in each' each cau your baking wIll be satis package. You will agree witil us factory every time. i lb. Tins at as to i.s merits. Let ) our nex-t- 20c,Il~ lb. Gem Jars at 25c. purchase of Tea bc Kincora. Youlng & Co., Sellîng Agents. ý Young &Co., Selling ýgents. Full as sortment of General Groceries and Crockery. Prices low, quality considered, courteous attention, prompt service. 'BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED. yOUN &CO., r' W1 ïkI - Iý L I V3V\AA\PN1I 1F Theo andian Statosman1 BOWMANVILLE. JULYi22, 1903,j TOWN HAIL TEND£ IlS. The old town hall that bas done ser- vice in Bowmanvile la, now littie more than a uiemory. Workmen have de- spoiled it, and it is rapidly being razed to the ground by the contra etors wbo bave been awarded the ce ntract for erecting the new municipal buildings We went te press too early with last weak's is sue to announce the resuit of advertisiug fortenders for the demoli. tion of the old structures and the erec- tion of tbe new. Tenders bave been awarded as foilows. . A, Peuuington & Son, carpentry,slate roofiug, painting and glazing, $5, (75 Wm Brock,masonrý ,plaster'g etc. 5,910 W. H Dustan, galvaui'd iron work 625 $1 t.610 The contracts for beating and wiring for electrie lighting are net let, but ten-, ders are lu and are being considered, the buildtug committee wisiug to se- cure the system in each case that wili give the best resuits for tbe money asked. It is a very great source of satisfac- tion to tbe building committee to -find that the citizeus generaliy endorse wbat they bave doue. Iu the frst place we are informed on reliable authority that cost of labor bas increased-we know it bas-wages, luail trades. bas materially advanced. Mattrial has a]- so advanced fromx 20 to 80 per cent. Brick and lumber have very greatly' advance 1, so has glass and iron. The architeet tells us that tbe advance taking evers thing into account, is flot' far short o! 30 per cent. We knew of the general advance in materiai and labor and expected the tenders te exceed ac- cordiuagîr the amount previously stated. Then wbeu the cemmittee were work- ing witb the arcbitcct la',iug eut the building required thev decided on a sligbtly larger structure than was frst estimated upon. It was *also decided te bave au elevated roof, cevered with - siate ins tead of a fLat roof -covered-with- foit andý gravel. This change alone makes anincrease of about $500. This is a b. tter building in severai respects than the ono first outlined, as the cern mittea was urged bv several influentiail ratepayors-seme of whom bad voted against the Py-law-not te erect a cheap and commen ieoking tewn build. ing, but eue thât would be a credit te' the towu and lu keeping lu architectu- ral effeet with ýthe 111gb and Public sehoois, the chtirches and the new Post Office and Customs bouse te be erected on the front cf the ý,ane lot. Se mauy citizens speke in tbis way te members cf tbe committeo that tbey foit justfied lu exteeding the limit stated lu the By- iaw by a reasonabie sum. The architect therefore drew the plans and prepared the specitications in accordance with the instructions he me- ceived, but the cemmittee weme net pre- pared fer the advance indicated hy the tenders wheu first opened, and the de- cisien was at first te suspend furtber acý The suicidai mania is subject 01 Rev, Dr; Taimag-e's dis5course 1ead it and ponder iLs ttatemen1ts. Mr J. J. Phiip, Winnipeg, writes on "Our Fruit ln the Wýest" in this issue and Ointario farmners will do well te heed bis advice. Another geod article on samepaége iïs "Te Prevent Tainted Milk." "Switne Breeding" 18 au article weli worth rending too. BOWMANVILLE FAIR. Tuesday and Wednesday Oct. 6 and 7 are the dates (it West Durham Fail Fair this 3 ear. The Directors have increased the prize money on some stock classes and the list bas -been r evised in somne ther departments We are iooking forward to a successful exhibition again this year We hear of stockmen gettiug Young animais into shape and some- youug lady exhibitors are busý ou fane 'y work. It is net too early to be planning for the show ini ail the departmeuts. Persons who have flot paid their meambership fee by August ist will, by the miles, be cha rged $2. The regular price of a ticket is $1. If there are not 80 members lu th'e District Society and 50 lu the TownsKhtp Society by August ist, when the Treasurer has to make affidavit as to the number of members for 1903. the -Government Grant wil be with-beid. Directers wil please make rtu rus of ail tickets sold befere that date. Tiek ts inay be bad from anydirector or at ST&TËESMAN office. IRdigostioR's S1ayo IS SALLOW, LANGUID, THIN AND DOWN HEARTED. Troubled with Wind, Biliousness, Jfeadaches, Sharp Internai Pains. No one deserves more sympathv than the sufferer -from -indigestion.- A light- ineal lies like, lead upon his cbest-a good rusai gives hiru heurs of agonv. The dyapeptic's staverv can't end uuitil he huiids up bis system, wlth Dr. Wii- liams' Pink Pilus They strengthen the stomach,' stimulate the liver and sharp- en the appetite. There never was a case of indigestion that Dr. Williams' Pink Pis ceuid net cure if given a fair triai. Pro')f o! tbis 's given hv NMr. Gustave Emond o! St 'Jerome, Quebec, wbo says :-"I suffered from dN spepsia fer five years. The agon i endurelIat times eau ouiy be understood by those who are similarly affiicted. 1 tried a number of home rernedies and adver. tised medicines but thev did not heip me. Then I decided te see thd family dector and 1 to)ok for a long 'time th.e mediclue he 1gave me, but the .«esults; were no better; ln fact I was gettiug worse. Somae cdavs I could not e'it at a[l and wheu I did eat the meai was foilowed b- violent pains and cramps 1 West End flouse. West 'End Ilouse. (Olothing, Sold flore.) *July Clearillg Sale At West End Ho-uses 19 Parasols At Roducod Pricos. Nearxly every one of thern are mounted w..îth 20th Century Runners which moves quiukly, saves fingers and temper, and saves your- gloves. Nineteen parasols represents balance of stock,' of the unalterable black kind, with stylish handies. $1.00 kind 80c ; $1.25 kind $1.00; $t1.50 km-d $2-$1.75 kind $1.25; $2.00 kind $1.50; $2.25 kjnid $1.75; $2.75 kind $2.10 S$3,50 kind $2.85. Balance Ladies' Straw Sailors, reg 50c. 75o and 90e redueed to 25o each. 40e Muslijs 20e yd. 25e Muslins 15o yd. 15e Muslins 9c yd. Misses Oxfordý Shoes 6591 pr. Sizes 114 to 1, every pair worth-, regular $1.00 pr to $1.75, about 30 pItthis is an extra good bargain. Corne while sizes are here. 65e Pair.1 Ladies' 25e Cotton Hose 18e pr. Greran Hsll ermsdorf Black, High ileel,_ Double ol Ra Maco Sod by usregular 25e pr in szs8t 0ice.MýtPrfc Cottn Hse o th maret.Reduceci to per pair