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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jul 1903, p. 7

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1' r ~ -j>, ikm befouletiaisiantilddohfr ; 1'm'î - je belilve y-eu caret feor e ustdyr fbina any oudry laiÈ." fls o s ta nlloar aid wthte boso ý;, i r lrt bitueive ev'r mi." E F IE LYWe learu, eontlmniry te o elal Lk) ý i bouuydi orhs rens uimests. Cear crystals et a ton-,"Wiyivat makos \ ou bffhî 5?" RIF EERG, opinlein, fîhat nef omly 15 fie to!,pti Ho roxtet, y-ast uilli antitesta- te bhelp 0cr loiv-ïilio ncuid osîe 5) Srtit uytile I uxaxsrmis ever m wih, uI\r11u""î-1 1) pntei, but tath ho ginaeteý"ý r mleut, that i1"ume serxice ot n reliileît te lite as oug as we cu tct maf gi t reiiluiToîoe t i lmut1 c-7trgaze br tluiat fhuoe is a o etIccdon, or tlbedo 110t lue fla b iie c 1,,act r bh bîitat lis gmuxo tiat qi 'ýý1 Iýo i iIý.* o al- ' 1 ' fIr u'. Aý lý i I ý w l i speril trin etPulhnans e rha ,- unrpose, but t.yx 1as ccl -xi mxeei uoî u.' Si at- t-ucea-inbllmnm t r at A e rthetcti te o îlueani 0cme oî1ne-i Ii 'n btnfFxas'thoOr Iba sbmfnOe rJo-u ae oungbb te rcoobu u te ueilfrsiiot teet t nie i rminl fo to i m~n~ pk '.- le ifij t lio xii~ o xas 'mne iio' l î ite iuiilo loxx'C'Iî.g u l n IsA îeavrgIl tolhet e ulunblt eIi--f b1iolieiciss10yursicace. ir&iug x hutaplylbiasttr xnto . . . t-l is: 'btantr,20filutbam wcabot; haf uhe hIof let crs t x'I lflcîi' hoaln i'uî la r um bc xc e mu oa 1ti d n l en- Y n e, f n tre t ha p ns t (k8 8 P-ir1,2: ntr-ir 4, îteltei iibigoo thuîgs o Ut ati a~ tuu nsulium oml, oilar nut fimb roit el ye meaf retlo "u-eu l" uuepecodl, ntitieo I80f Arie 84; Mtilei'anon, drn; ht vleiiarmin reaoncrfoodtrigti igt fse e ie a ecltos"isn nîc coot oo u2at f'~1IIT A cowaird's beart' is a direct cause thees ta inl ofo ce Ot II1T~IUIIfor thesiia sn Onot)."bin oUcrece tsi.htre someIIon-; it is ilado ijute arict'I, ceu sen oe that cannot ho. A sui- , C I 0F ELF ST U IU idcio maý, be this or that or the1iuainop such as thcy- serve a tte biiig, but ho is nlot a cowai'd Wt it sue ___________________No man is a coward who dares to or a fl, gscoc f on ci coninit self ïnnrder. NO imin is a cate fsioit iakos onougb of -a ýuicida1 Epidemie of the iresent Generatiolicwedwewlîcîny os inilnho o in tho face and defy the grinnîg TItat cuji ofcocoa 15 fnot cooked T 1 Isloeleton et the toinb." at ail. 1I tae a teaspeen oach of Ah,, m~y friend, you are wrong. COOI<JllNcG AND iRIN. ccnadsga rdba hn pa Should Be naiueu. ocaýtdba leipq The direct cause of the spicidal sin lueberry ýShotcac.-Sltt four omýent witiabou a third et a ra- eig nis invariably tie resuit Of a co'W- level teaspoonis of bakdiiî purcP ofcr ceam.. Thon MI1 the cul) Iruterpd ace«rdlng ta, Act 01 the Pr en crenated a orchestra render ard's heart. It is the act 'of a mlan with four cups of flotr d ~ wr îilc trjrtalte at haemeau of Caniida, in the year oe n elc h insaa rintobeîll1)xety dissolve tUic Tbý!-ouýLand NMue Ilundred and TbreO, a programme et popular ~dslc h usaa ri rul instead quarter teaspoonl f sit dci rat, se 't wl eic by bin. Baily, of roronto, at the music, and that when an intermnis- et coura.eeusly grappIing with' it. tlroe-quartors cap et ,u.gar nnd twoccon lb is a lileal in itsoif, sucli 3Jpatwnto!Agiulur, tt> - is reached the friends ask the The bravest et de6ds is te die if tablespoons ofnîtdbutr.Bta cup. If crackers ate buttered auýd A deptb ri hiaesas ebers et the orchestra te drink necessary te save others. But it aa egg, add twe-tbiidlcpetmil brow ned in a bot even, il. adds ai .1v "ak1e Wi Tlnag pracb-'t. tem e ad 1îans unmory' " That weuld net bho horoic for men te die an'd the~n bbcother îni 2x turt ; nii aad fishing toeh, where notbing cisc tdfin th fiwia%,g tx Job ii. 9, 1s' tho consistent outcomne e1 the iirely hecause they are tee coward- boat, then sfir in oe e and oe- 'nr S t osre tt suetne "Curso Gec and die."total anniilation blief. The caru- ly te flgbt. Neither is it heroic or tor cdups et bluebcr'ries ta baveAc.ralntin oei edd ifý nitcmclnts-desperate re, est Christian disciple says, "Lite is brave for any niute colraDt tSui- been pickcd oe r. Bake ini a shal- the cocea im such a gocd fend]. deiitoutragens Te neur ent a jeke: death is net a finale." cidl e mrcy because hoe is tee crayon iow pan and serve bot xitb butter. Bu tionofthsaco-iýi- theo brioken lbearbed tathor, the finan- Lite is anl Opporfunity for doing bearted te meet the responsibilif les Do net use berries that are soit or dtng drinks tiat cau ho serxed as cm akutte îhsial e-geed andi for struggling against et lite ns they arise. The neblest ntusI1ý or over-ripe. a food or a ligit beverage. Siinply moatodi nian, te grit is teeti and, cv"il. Because the goed as Weil as Word la seinte respeclts in ail the Rolled Bee.r-Have a siice cf round use loss cocea andicei etecp wibh flasbing cye and uîliftcd lîand, tbe cvii lives on for ovor and ever FEngliih language le "duty." Tha tea utaoteelch bhik. adding 'tie wafer tiret, and ilbeh- hurl a futile mnalodiction at tbc AI- w Ougbbtet put ourselves la the 'MOrd Nvill somebimos couipel ifs fol- Mulce a -dry Poulr tuligadcoesadlatsi itb riet iiiîgity, te curse Ged witb an etora- bauds of tbe Alnigity, whe arrang- ieWers te plunge junte and endure the Sprend o-ver the beef. Ttol iti up r ai~ besbsn. Wa a ~kig aour lot for us. and say, as did ayonofthtrusts cf a bherny hedge, andticfiea string round a, oaci ond if cari ho madeie to eornetirg bc- aippaling suggestion! Eneugb teO Job, "Aill tbedays oet my appîîetd Ias it "I soictIîiies gixo bbceiticas- and ene in thbc mriddle; S-ick a steel twoeu M ie tue by ùsinig Lt mil', makeill eaven stand aglîast un lber- turne will 1 wait f111 My change anter connimnd ot following that ke-r rug btwn ficdwitbutavylItt lbtwaci and t rener een 'he denon n- crne.Stern word thcough an enmbowered tÀirougi- betwceii tbe end Strings aind irexing. -nx rs et a îopeless Interne oEUPIES pathway.thi ]îiddl-e eue, for whoa cnthi ent Thon ln hot weather 1 ind a drink sileint witb tear and te turn tbe Now, nty friends, the humaan belng BE TRUE TO CH3RIST. is sarivod the strings must ho rernov- tnlrhclfel ei c y a fluhudhecs~alaue ~itl t-e--lrc ~ ~suchiJ d. Put tbc heef inito a acoa cd înnpy. It's oo-sy enotogb te ,with twoecups cf wsyr cxo ai ofc eternal V.00 witc ithterreux the golden breasted oriole ofweathsin is often caused hy a wn' cxva-d . eue anday t-ue--()-- on'lnt. Curse CeGd! Who could dl) tint but lbas pluilied lber wings and dîsappear- henrt, how can we best be obravoe wic i ll utakbc L, mntIteder o, T ,k ,,srp ae1 f-cr humaiin nbeing crazed and desperate cd from eligit or bc-cause tbbc io- and truc ? Iiw carinvexobtter whicb ll ae alî intýe, fheor T ake bbo cssyruf calte olb coco-1au au ekcsunder intolera.ble angu - cinst cf trouble bas'sbabtcrcd the fighub this tendcncy t e -sIfi inurderpa to.4bst!mî1'uae!X leh? ~~~~~~~~idoletofaume, le doing a fool's busi- than -by nebly an*i conscientilcy pnsel ostc i akpr îd3Ie rnlfdsgr i Tjic ecndinctemient put s la the noss. Irappiness, truc happluese, and dauutlesaly rmeting tbbc mest etbitcei .glorouti1siJmr-tbo.adbing ad vr stra-i, hiamds ofthfe suflererbbc suicide's tic bappiaess for wblch wo ail l 1ong pressing duby which Is nearcat at ing borner cf a gaSrag.I more alyîpt.Boilifn rforeflrîn lmite, ibIlchnngia's neiosoor bbe and for which somne et us arc scck- nd lwcnxecaet i rae. 1ýnte lfihwith bell -Jonitsutry Bell fre ingrcao t bhiel vlil ahoed wibb 1tic two fatal lag, is ,net dependont upen oubsido 'co'wards bettcr than by fuulfilîng o ur thwtr -hnUcmn i ae ues, o un Ilbutlagoonsere worF,"l)ediypoison.' To how sorroundlngs,- but oupon bbc condition honorable obligations which we rentroYe te a piaffer anibikabciefclisilebtn ogr iaii la very age bas fiat insidieus 'efthfe heart. know wce wc te ouîr (iod -and eur gaywt w oe aicpose tanwîi tl o. Fvrwt HOpaincm? Iow long williIf eati doos rait la ibself pro- Christ ? We have ail rend cf tbbc 1,u wob ini a littlc .ld w Leraod u nila whisu ced if desired. Two teian rcelso efa ie ueippus ebe oewrdyRoman senîtiîîei wio ouriog an aw- seàsontid xvth a tcw dm'eps cf (onio)n tablospcoous syrup ia a glass et rici ieae wlisbae Jeb eebe- lafuie hpne honr. Jen dsrie or fieupdnetMut yeviewsjuico or catsu), Makc a brdrof mrili, ifh cracked ice, maltes a ous voie whiei badeJob sek in ftine nr hono. Men srive fr fumaruediopoftaontroundiusfwicmameutpOantirodndCeousddrinkus especiallyi ifyifwoll defýati escape front ils inisery? Tint pince and power as it with ticin ready te die at hie post wben thbbc or h e Um a rl.s4hiajen fdrst anti whlpped cream . le tcmpter's voice le soondiug looder tbey were sure et happinees. Tiey oMfceror e bguar i¶d tnet rolievc vePle rti ent cli. ra saOc. Yste oo onro and loudei' qeory day. Shial fie plot and conspilre and murder fiat hiia andi alioxv hlm te ly for his lite. sPuil otBread.Pulacd becd et adticd. Yor>,s, t s ic e ner e z-ime oet4, 1,1 inurder ho niiowed they may nmoont tic stops et a Shouiti wc net lho equaily ready te rshva ofbot avith salade ctakeyiwpnt'yact satied.n longer te sprond tic pernilius dec- tirone, and wben they succoodt tey ho brave and truc te tint gre â,at frpui a t ibr onad rndi bbc bakry l o ofthefin tht tey avegaieilnotingConî3inuder wio' shahlytrd h $rlaethafwith ao srokeet fi finwtinttihorbavegofnd aobingyeandrindchbbcut t'e sir labO lng ad iar îps I-fNTS TO IIOUSEKLEPERS. raoracos ie jugulai- vola or wth but anxîoty and werry. Xien teet îmiitc ere cf ia yctoy ate, lafie mPthoet ry aoun palorad ot idni e!Sotten saîi tint cucuinibereare one plungo lan front et a tiying loco- Servian kiuganti qucon, Aexandcrerat miieeniida one te asm bicove e rnndc. thole bce st undigestible ef foot one moieor witi cao bnap frein iigh andi raga, were nssassînated Pope pacd denis bs o on? B'c has browninto4rc, ioth ho uiide cran ftyl eeternaei test, bo ic aIc.w an, Oh won wcllli ilve lus lite la tho world, te serve strîig bcains in saltei water untili.ston-Lac. A goot soalcing lu ico besucid cr f-i retetenl rst th V;tian -0iwhe wllted ui by srigour fciiow mou. Shali tender, drain and lay on a f0lded wafer rornovcs a consitierable j d ivn, blisistulobliviolifralPnP ln' in l ne ,we cra-venily tiosert our post ? Shalllciof h te becone as dry as posuibiel1. amouttidgsibe atewhl wýho are xvary et utce and pence for with biood are nef worth having?' wa tocla ro tint tie task asgitAs9 sooa as cool put i l b c ctst if sait is addel te bbc waber al] la- seuls slck etfflic recuite et siu? Anti yef for financini wcafi anti usiS tee biard, for us ? Ratier îet Arrange ighi on a bcd cf lettuce digestible, qualities arc, takeneut. ATIEIS RSPOSIBEwordiylinerthosade t mnusii look te ut for the ali Jgbty baves anti use a Fon roes dý,ýýiag ~Tic ice watcr maltes tic cuke crisp, Firset, I charge athelet wth fie sorreahor flîir ail. Tioy wiliPfoi- streag th fiat ho pronijae te bis wbirh onion juice, nmostard ani su-while froini tic sait cd uater lb cones chit respoasibility for tic crime. low tieso wiii o' fie wlsps, thougi faitiui servante that we may ou- gar bave been ndded la mil quan- otn lbya -tm. Me Slf mrder le tie hiteous black vis- fthe shinlng liglîfs imay beadthfim dure ns socing hlmn who le invrisible. ibles, cf us cnt cucuaibers becauso theyl agat oxcuflner et lic ercies ove mismicswnîpsantiqoaingSoe lt us stand undauntot heneath Creauteti Cabbage-Slice onoougi are se crlsip anti fresi; te r miouter we cali atheisin, agneebi- boge ant inlao fie fatal quicksand. hils'standard util bils sunîsons cabbage te aiuasore one hcapiag îuiest aestheticetofvogetables.-I clsin, iafidelity. If l e cot, sin iywl ekat tugoat o-reaches us anudtue quit wlth the quart nnd lot if stand lan coldterva 18 is sTe wl ekan tuge n o--ait cuicuaibois s4xo lie ou lice serpeut colet op uîîter tice ver- tinue te stmuggie te pesesfths, triomphant sbout : -I Ibave foghif for a heur. Drain and put in a tili wnnted, shuold thon ho pareti shadwiuî brnche fetthe gnarled suppoeotpriccioese froasures, bocausoagerii. I aetieoiMY eaopau witi an equai anxoeunt et bhicltly, as tie bitter prîncipleles ant wom-ete tre e nbelief, at f icy believe tinha, h Itcgra cuse h ave kept f Ie, fati. 'beiliig wafec,, coek ton inute1ýs1, neXt tie skiai, sliced tiinly-ati serv- tic foot et Whicb sits ftue grinning, heart et happinees, id-i blootieti antid ococt there is laid up for mie a drin ani again pour on a cquart ol' e aads pxl iid lbcui blarcytiha mscy renhiga tc giving, can ho fouit. Thon, cone i~teses boiiing water. Coolt u tilbnd, cdc dire er lllay.It le the denfi wioa tioy have, boca doeatet la, Nwhich xviiitake frein hait te a whle { sdelaeib ioo b hv aat tn humuian boIug wiesathe stmuggies oet uétc fby soîntiamens heur. Drain andti cio coaseîyý. triod t kthailf nglish waliyuf s anti pnrcod ips aveboraset-te ic riv- sUe dstrolngd-gg---fo2 ,OO0 94OCHIILCHD ---pIut 4wo lovaitiiopee ibttr abbage combine delijiousiy ilala rit eofie chalice filied with bbc thelr ewu arteries, ae a tauitalizoti oiîe-'ali level teaep.en etsaî ait n aadonnase re- itI-b e Oer. rtn or ,scorcming, îîolsooous conc4oction et serpent hurles bis peleonous fangs Resuit Shown by a Religious Cen- snmail salfaýpon et pepýr lbobb mynnIs tesig.tnhprte bisim itAlscbeohud collpo-mad- la bis own tiesh. sus Taken In London. Ica'bbago, heat anti cooL foun,i- atm- au-fs tbhrece ofcalbage is bbe cor- -rcd by a V1 %oltaiî'c, lnRousseau, a JOY 0F HELPING ORE .utes. Mix coelevel falep of et otproportion. Thoiji,-ý iline r a RbertG Ilge-Tlîe London Daiiy News publilhes floutr wif b oinr-halt cul,, cf nuiillt ai-d Bread for sandwichossaheluld ho af ThmsFan ra oetG oe- Morl appdicaflon :Do not f ry te ýsgqmo figures oethbbcncxv coîuploiod pc, oure-r 1fie cabbage. Sfic1ati lest a day oid, anti sitoulti lc cnt so.Ifle sticwhtston(, WC(t wlth bud tfie tcmle et happinoss out cf ogisdOsS etLun.vhc buma biod, oonx iucb ie nierailrck.Thinltrinef fiat tic, relsgbos eti o Lnthiîdatondatîice croe aibogiler for te-n i- aeseu' hiieanti venly. Aftt r bcng put anti ato teI nayatenaiie erxc boýt. bgte aci saý-ndwich sic-nid ho s~'liite cnh llnob'ati hlghwa rmi o y wib oa atsIe bbcat ail places et worship in- tic ýcity. Iadaa Taoa ai-in -f-Cok riaittcvnyfhu r'y. t~ ~aîa tiîc fe sucid'e iîit bione ooiî e ioy~ oîvay lîetiThe consus was- takea by .400 pick- o eequart er cup et tapioca il, bhre i c~ cilarpe ofrif touhsimnortal witi apindigandtvocifratlng et or7kors supplilo by tic Aînîy cuV s cf m-lk until if looks cdonc, cuit A toryaie sSandwich requimes fthe Snnf1b i 5no el-cafttor lati (iu ut1,lueS. Tîhe greunt ioasle may anti Navy Pensiolîr' Empioyîaent oeue-mît c-up e of Cn meal, oeeCup curAoamary bxve f un suces cf but- tinýt Ihojus;respoasible ferhis ites tunnel his way nto a goît mlineScey okn ne npcos fnoassadsi ni ii ecdbedbtenwiQ sli Ring. ThoMaeran Ii bac t llîîg anabou tnbcdariole.London wns takea in burougis. Theo Cool anti add onc egg ain -qýuar- risil ettuco beat. On this eprent a No uiidl asr ws VO bneineeb a;fyihoabt ui hie Clawk- iret was enouieraf cd lan Noeober toc level ferisplooî of Sait. Balte la f uniycir etmayonnaise dres-sing upe bi bveset ieepeotBibe. ab trîîîlig nou>uptkes lbofhoandthte lnstla Jue. No enumora- a butteret pudding dîsi un a show antione et crushleti or choppet n-nf ýioub fe amoftheng ne Bibrleah-is sf111 nofing nbut a hatetls bat, ions womc mate on Chrlsfuuas Day, 'ovon bu eboums, thon pour oi eu cup mots. Onfis lny the ether slice miost cvery day are'blackeleoi w'th IEnvy anti coxetoxienese atise lentEse odyo hfudy.Tee otîîl v- bcti nitcnfe rai tic1 awful obituary tragotiles et te suicideï. Tluh uwilnnestetotal pinces et wership vietet wcrc stir lb lu. -Balte an bouclongeýr, a anti women wi haveo delibor- 1lOve or nuoliber ursevsi ,0.0 hse258wr it-kecpiog tihe ov try nio-deafe. SAIL ABOVE THE MOUNTAINS. atlyta e hir lixes by.fie bloody 01l eüfthefie ndirect caues f is1 an ciorcies anti 62 Jewlsh Sylla- Tsy Dstc aaoi-ol eu lytkn hoe-hait poiut etofumacareoni lasait- Ayoycl aiaov i on i)intioetself murter, you caunot dettlsin. 'Twe ay tf ooklîýnggue.Ayod a mlbwthmu tiamong thoeowbo perishi, lit fils oit nordit-fie T e ttal population efthfe 29 ed beiing water a-nf1h tender. Stew tains, if lic wili, ulthiout the use etý tic ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h fupsesoeteaoaInlt-rgbbcgreen giasee(s iet evy, horoogis le 4,536,541. Deductlng enougi tfresi t ematee te make eue an aireiip erbalconi. IHoeinst, coajsocrateti Christian ciorch i nOm- t- niult oiippiicse; bbc othor 68,492 twelers in institutions, sncb qpo 1-gt telxl aisoose ox, veir, bave enoogh totep-ny lis cannet int olee prson iw-ay letrough fthe sntii crys- as bespif ais, wock-houses anti puis- bi o e .taIepscasof n. Rab sola.r har, minft he rcÈepaofor nea wi ra'zlt tntt i fa itende r, a hloIy love,fliceus, lbaýves 4,468,049. -Tbueoteno tbiesoca o vdogriarani, i js ossqd 0r«dforwa amonuig theimialI Tic numbor ait pc ho uea ehvet cItetGot atio>,h gospi je>y. Tcciewa 5 eerias biaving attoae apac hriî(l srinrevî ien-aa r a iouiorfablîe fiole. A tp n lxig -Ieavnly Etier unlesfie ioboare spist eb ote i' ,0,4,glvlnrg nati e :ee1uplce f nhtte-ret bnk!'iug d voy'ageur over many msLuntaits eof porson kiotilmecit turinig nafit e hîowfrc he te yj -t .5 ppilatioîu. San i rtt heeoerdetp cito.lmuus helgit wftb valicys anui f ry te fiatont how nmiy -pelo a10 rc Tic EstabïilieetChoîch lbas ahîneest atset iii bie ovea te brouni. pans bof ivon. fopmay insanity, as titi' Rugi ]~ioe Wcbkul'-Beat eue lfhc Stranad Mgzn ie l~Ilir, iegret coth ciebit, crc ff than wc arc antithnwlbi a iïienopoiy oethfeeatliy districts. i egg, a ioeatiM; us.h odup 1c, Mae nersie aazbout i bc WhO bieW eu ctcils bra etring a CIileian dosure tr rt il fea1c argeet iiajoritles are lu Oii allk Sfonehat exelboeenof tibAigtcdataIsablu tat, a - sw ol iet oblpet, if we singbou, Hamipsteat, Paddlngf oio altolvltboý((iso yg oniotwt nae f2, m)ental dmageiiioit, or tint ecnu ere 10 thue-ir phres. Tireugi uhat esiab eranti M hrlbon, Tihet ut w ee aleen tbuccnIetwt nae t2 ca Nw orht clergyman xvbo, lanhIt thao aeynbc cuI- ocnemseaesnot ie sugar, coeand-t ee-hait upe et Of000,000 squarenulles. If le 9,0001' dlru, icapeti fret a window. flic hehoînlan race ? Tteg'mtieuokn îe nisîn i-wtiîwheat flOur antuià ure vl miles long ai 2,7&0 bront, eu1tlrciyf Wy TiBildstabyanti du goongtsse eteny, blh mdl,' fgcasýadsln is easîusene of baking tOwder -togoth- uuXdorxxtee, xvhicl, lhouver,ile oct pl-iticaL tchares tintlnYmn asie re lse fevwihtricts. The Baptiste are strongeet cm. Beat.anatturu labo hot grecs- as deejp as was oco btlouig.t anba mailte ail the xorlti look dark, or seut o et icTinamos, bbe Congrmon- ed iutufis aebottw6 a rigbt tecoummt sl nurder. t trooglu thedcla, tran-sparent cris- toait atenrint lc~ I ulfntms at bu w t- Our' thoorotical kiowledgeofet(ho wams mu fat be ntst answür for tfls of gospel uove, xvicî always th n la i h fîhestheWe-flve minutes. ocasbtl agi iet b fil trrbl crmeb~Ortfe judg- malte ahi the worîd loek brgt ? fle Cccama Layeor Cake.-Add te fhi cabie-iaying -antid berpili mon sntetCh'itandîti f oît oîppdsa wnfe econ omhwest, andt he Piresbytu'rians lin olks ot tirec uggsbbotnlglt cime 1 hip)S. uceanegraphy n cec tetîo ebp t pardolu dur- j-. suicide. No mnan eauu ho fruîy fie upper anti mididle dines districts. ,,p et poxvtered sugar, anti, beat;:i dates only fron about 1& 0. eut-I le ihh'napywoi rin ehl i Tiore are rminer Mefiotilet bodies in att L1three toibiospoonst of ietibut-i Many inoutain pealt s wei as chat0rou1, viaien "nt iir- tclhow mlun. Wlien ho indste tnthetichouver middlte clnss districts. 1t er anti tic camenetfnillt antio-ne fie viaelcys have heon explore-t wibi anticrý ant id co is inaluig otiers ba7ppy, their joys Salvation Arîny is stî-eng nowhemo. anti one-haut cnps of fleutr sitteti with tthe soo'mdiug hile, cati fnunrilied FGCS KEPT FRESII 12 YEARS. III. Louis Farisqot, an menct Freai cioile, ms discoveret a liquit mhici hoe says wîlh teep oggs q (ulte tresi fer a peojeofttwehvc years. Earby basf year bo placet n large number ot aeu laid eggs in this hiquit, ant ieotoek fie ïprecan- tien te got a iîagist rate te uvlbaess bbic prccedmg, anti te alhix: tefie tank his officiai ceai. At the cx- piration et 12 uuonths bbc muagis- trabe wibaesedth le oîening oethi tnandtihmeegge weme tount la ex- cellent condition. Four, xviicb w-ece suectet baphazard tren fle tank, Ivere at once biliet toc enfing 'anti w-efoondtoe hoin lirst rabte cn- diltion anti et excellent iaver. Laber on bbe lavent or bat anotier fmiuntîî. Sente eggs whiich bat be-en in bbcliquiti for four muontis wcro suicce.esfuirýy abciot, eighb eutet, bbe 1w-lcwuhîich mmccc placet under bbc boucnîîmeving 1fertiic. M. I'cmisot stabes that be can preservo a fhoîus- anti oggs w'ifb lus preparabion for, fie suiiuof etsvon'pence baltpenny. RUS-SIA AGD CH-,INA, Tic supoera v.tco obtaluetl bi' Rusein ia ber ,varfons teabinge uibi Ohina are attcibutaie, te tic tact thaftubhe Russianawauhenlbuiee imeotinef ameouint te fihe Ruesin ,people. TUusavony epise tee miai'ho smetltet mmdcc gre-at icape et toc- tinucubnis, audrti beis ne hunhilclti, neo open dehate on f-,ie atdvisablity cf .ifmtse un ic geucul pehici'. Ini thc Cliuese gaume uli th" exme x rap Russia irtuali' play w-ti ex- lposot liante, bot sic holtis ber carte close Lte)ber nose. Time, oven, le on lhem side.-Thc Weet's Pems A FINE DIST1INCTION, Tic official listoethbicstrengf b of bie Manche-ster Rogiatoat, juet handet mut Siagapore, i-ente:-"-'0 muilcers anti 2 ladies; 4 wanrrant officems anid2 w-ive-s; 518 mant anti file anti 10 w-o- mon antid 12 itmo. A tract eo3,40,00 cres flOre- gon liasbeoseasteh'fuUn- et States G-mnuttas Paterce.t on fie part oethebc swaiu1. Uc lt oxpimsseti a-centompbuou is-rgr for gieste anti "ahi blat klnti et biog,- whidli ratier notit bisfi- anceo, w-ho if w-as now-n w-so ct- w-bat firnit - concemîlng tiese in- tangible subjerbe. She re'(sO1oivetf pub ber latrepiti prof ecter te fh4 test. Te de thie sic oulistedtheb services et ber youager s ister, w-be enteret labo tic miscie U-ifith abi fie more zseftronthbicfcct tbab slic w-ne secrethi' a bittie jealone etfhier eider sistor beiag engaget. The favorite wait efthfe affianced couple w-as genemaly a circular cao, whidi elfher endet or ceinteacetie by n stroli birougi fie cucyr.An uatersbantlag iaviag bonarrivet %it by' bbc sîstere, bbhenigaget e ne met ber adorer- as usual on fie fatal cx'eaing, anti mînagedtirlgese othaf fhey ehoulti netura tireugii e graveyard thbbclast fhinig. The oveut- ing w-all w-ns uneveuttul,' antinô'- fhlng-occorretutil tbii, w-erc near- ly iomne-luaifway throxtgh thçg ciurcbyarut-wbenaalla hi-tc figuu-c emnergeti fret hehint n bemistone cuti advanced toW-ards tic Il. Ti brnggact ew-aiuneoonrcauigiht sigit oftfho apiuaritlina ho ý" biurlo bte hoavy sik -Iho dam- ned t a l, anti ie1fmet anti ied la tbe oppoeite dirýctIon. Netis to eciy ho w-as aoxcu4neopportun- îty et explaning nay bI[ spertl flous fear, fer bobh i-bsîsteecmsit1er- et themebves w-db rit ot such a cravea. A Leicesteruman's mmarimonial as- pirations were receatly fustraf et thrcugh flie abs-oct roverence w-unh hie sw-ccfhert paidtot tic number thicteea. If bappencti, ew-ever, that ns fie wetding dayr drew- acar lue fouati ceusiterablo di flculfy fa eh- f aining a suitable beuso. At iongblm ho, bappenedtotepitch upea fie vou'y fhlug a rqoirot. Creat, iow-cver, w-as the disgust w-iich i b' tot, caud w-ich cau7et him te break off tic engagemenýt on iîudhîmg is tiance tiably rfet te livo iiiuu tLhe iuso, forth fi climantiioîly casnthat if, w-as nînhertircnFeso Wetkly. lI-o-Womit yo call fer imeip if I fil-1 ets en" Se"ol THE LIFE-SAVINýG SERVICE., W ~ BB 1JEtTTU Erasmnus MY1igebt Savet Ton Lives anti Received a Geit 1Vedal. MANY ENGAGEMENTS HAVE The liiut e w-ot tînt enruis goîti BEEN BROKEN. imodeale far heoes oethti lifo-savilng serIice le pietarot ln a rocoaf de- Gioste, Astrologers, andtihfi trpf.ofeta uIcn thuit swelub Nuxaber Thirb een Have Sep- CaeHatteras. AtLt-orbicmca et arabed Couples. the (Ui l Sh-oal Statien ilat alrcndy roscoctibbcsailors Ie-uone skiip- nla bose enigibenot tinys lb f5 sur- xveledcratt, says a xmriter î ieigt ita xettc lv l'eau souns Maga'zine,E rasmnus MNit-,,afl'irs etf uîaay couiples aiu-e t geitf starti ouf at tîrce'lol l swuyeti by suprbibion. thle muoraiutg te amlto is euiu A premusing egaeen ilot sud- patrel. citinlýy- n ow Lmie; 11is a go tireugi fthe Three mlles tromn flic statIon hje mistirectet tirust oiea young lady foout tien-bItng wrcltnýag, ,nd it, a ew aiite popc fesetan astrelogoi. aatslatuî lic lcapeti ct calîs The simîplc malt was of a tireamiy, fer ieip. île geftoa froua hbieunapractical i dspesifia, anti, eut of house &nid mu-cit tatoheicwtcr's oitge. coriosity, w-ne toolisi eneugi te About a bh: Untredtyards a-w-ny ho consuuit aone cf he-se, pîanet--ruuiing mante eut part et a vessel witî lAi- harpie respectiag tic ciahracteýr anti ma boluge cliagiug te lb. prospecte et hlerm ltondtihushani). If bat taken Ahidittap bouc anti Tic rosoît bo;ing Intquil;c f0 hem al hait te alete cpabrol, aii te ikiug, ehe gct laboie ý h iabit cf u'oturnutate staf Iol ndoii tci theo asltng hele r inquieltivcoant i r- row-w-cuit take tbiic o heur-s maire relevanjjt questions about is pnst -andti ticwreclt woxîldti to ilt te- anti futuire lte. Boiag ofluaretiec- e-cber thtitlong. Oiiij, t ic br i ,vo ofura et d, tint g-atienîcan n4m', ifef jo tiete do,) uyliug un- seen bat fl he suspicions as te fie aideti he migif oec bis ile, aiud reascu fertfis contluuuet inteýrrega- befoeo notlber patrel camealoig tien, anti at leagti duscoxeredtihbi ti ic, wuli e wpt away No- tact tînt bis iancee had beca -nkînt e-ittiip-hefse'ho tfi'iougif if bthe w-becenougi f0 have bis- fortune toit wxoi-se ta do wii'nb hoctoli nione. _wf -hot hls-nw-lde--iti-casg Mldgctt's idea _w-a t o du'nHofouati, 1teetinat certain pruvabe cttcr ecdibig w-ave anuitgef as cloS8e matters bat oontixtlgeti f0 fie tate a ba mrc s ho taroti. Thon nebrologer w-hiichehobat w-shedta t uof thfle tapa was te juaup, anti ho-sli égre ato tie lile-sever w-nete catch hut ani o ert sb tgreiate tmlrg hia bacJir hetore the wave coulit iogi-nti nl nppcrfainlng tiereto> et rwbl-m f iem. W~uin e ~ witbl confcnipt, ho w-ne net slow le ready, ho ransu wiftbîy tiwa anti e3qre;ss bis annoyance at tbc iti- yeilet:< prudent step bis fianco bat! takea, 1 1Juaup!" andtihbbc ngago(,nint w-ns there nud A tina w-oho bat been c-ùhigon tien cadet hy inufuai agreemnt. ticecuige oethfe wreck leapeti towcrid Tahh&4turniîug was af one tinte suci hi. Misigoft 1sely.ed flic sealler, a crase tint if fbronbonedta te to w-ho semiiued net te have sfnengit-b tic honte et a grent many people. If eoou-g'hte ta and, anti brui dragged, bas by ne menas diet eut eveiiinoaw, hait cau'ricd hun up the beaeb. Ia andtiat mention fie pastime la bie fjils w-ny bo reeLuot se-ven cfflue on presence, et oeeyouig itan wil- uuen on boardt. know-n te tic wriber L le aitefsi!il- By fie tîme is triomdoius et- cdent te provolte forts w-ou-e begiauiug te bell on hlm, A BREACII 0F TII3 PEACE. la a r- li eahies T paret feo w-ot Ho w-as a tin hbelilvor, nef oaly la lay oteme hm. icr wcr th-cotabie-furatng but aise la tic rnpping 'Den on ticeu'reck se disablodtit they, conît net .iunip, andt te avé part of tie business, or aasweriag I themi iwu-ult hc onceetmry for hîiîî h' ltocks whidi, f0 tic unlaiifift, te go righbt tiow-n te flue uureck lit le even more wontcriul tluauu fhe thimaoff anti carry thîcnua ohbcth'e nmere toraîag. lRe bat exýplalact i ils te wavos camaue bok. own pet theori' conceriag i l Ticre le always eune biggocit w-ave "phubenemena," ns ho cahod t i, Lte il lua erTs t ceaes tartiuer "ip betrothet on unani' odcaefii. Dut tl. bach tiui us îîowanisic nîwayes seeeimore- onrles la- u-o lbgees o;un1t if t Cat i"c iuous about fie w-onorii ,tnge fniext( ,watr iot r!.,ýcdhing tam. lb bas w-ih ho professetite bho- aile te a nmocc >l boýss oua pre anti accomplsi wibi fhe ait etfca emali MLdettknW I exhe Ifw-a- ef artable andtihle assistance oftbwo or ot. Ile -vtiil ac'w-înîily free finonde. te ie ca u bc wro, macbng One cvcning at bbc house oet ié l ti mithr vvea if sw-opf iin. ittiance fie subjýct bappIene(dtoti rhirb~tbbc eac itehic tet atic 11p, andti ic amaiteur wisard star0 (bd tct, ant 1i hn w l a uhou; w-asla yvite ttri' his ski!!. 1l_ ho wlus tt o lbi-u 11ig tui ime spî1fýor o11ahI li forts, iow*evcr, fie sai' ys]oju ilen ercitual ale efusetof0bitige. But beforo imîg bite xreck wliin bbc wabr e l t1ýic ttomp1]te w-ercabantonet ish-5 going euit, -us. y n t ifs ltnck financejoineýdti tcungni -land-- fTic naémýsf 16m(aion bbcgunîvwaleon fie gaine protceet erril', fie I str1oie 9a1hau te humll. ThFlite- tb ecoing extretieli'frisky, anti cavcr cluthat if,,ani 1tic mua Lut aW-onfng everiq.ustioa put w-ubh eff on tebi bck al0eatkackn g giaenfprom-ptitu2de antiprecision. hum nL de-uLIesagoe u, b Tic wontier-min kinig lover aftter- hil xitihis burden, with fi ieae r w-rts cadîoscendeý1 Ïte prlvabehyc- ia tuil ry. If caught hlm aîîti lin te hie bghOveCIJtithe r0as;On 0f !eurge-t round hlm, but ho kcpf on1, is iret- failur ai utiafe uc kmn-cig lb w-as lotthbc eteces e wasobsasouhe w-ave ant iuist ceeu stop. If mad fibS.n tegu s1 iosevcr w-heuils uiiby flue wialt mvon if fumeadtat ogstèigsweicr uomt gooc, bt' m e es-f bis hum i at cie alonie w-asrspsbi fotn.anti wibh a greaf coert lue for fesceee l al-uaa rushîcti on, gebino ut above bis tegi a bittifbik bug-it in kIre-es beoee be oiootei ii, '1-o mother w ares w-ont hy bhoere ber broýther, w-be ict heca home on be ctriet aguin, anti thon, belng cx- a isit n m - a enipeteos. Thoýii perlene-eti, ho got away quieker antid isd oi t eebt roiet tic w-axe hardly ivo t 'n. Tîme betw-een the pair, until at hoaigth a thlrd tamn daine haid, lilte thie iret, more bia n ualli' bitfer oee partet huit ho liuiduot hlm ente at hast iite ticin fou' lite. bic ctbors. Ia a ceirtaini village near the ber'- Thon M-dgebt lent lie cent te der of Walc-s a youag couple hmd,n- one of tb b ipu'recked sallers, rote fil aient six inenthe cge, been look- back f0 bie station, acati worertic-oing ferwnrdti 0a aiappy uarne 1arvrange foir their reiceptieuu uîîbi atif-! The brlght iîrospcct w-ne sudieilY t oc tiey vero ahi snafc nuid ouîor-bhebtet eut threugh an oveat witcli f lbie in bot. tollowct A BOASTîFUL REýMAÏK

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