Inoreasillg Bllsinss -Nocossîtatos Ail Incroaso of- Stock. In order to make room for this we havre refitted our Mtore with new modern sient salesman show cases, the first of the kind introduced into the town of Bowmanville, and have fille d same with a choice lUne of high class drug sundries and other arificles always fot.nd lna modern and roliable drug store., New goods in al Unes, and ail linos of new goods. We invite your inspection âtd solicit your patronage. Phý sicians prescriptions a specialty. BODERI4JK M. MITCHELL & Co, ChemSts and Draggists, ýSuccessors to J. Higginbotham ian&%d Son, Phono -92. Bowmanville, Ont. The Weak Spot. In case of disease or over exertlon kla l -the weak spot that îs immediately affàctd. WIth de notthe majority of womnan the weak spot le the Our 0.Kidneys. The use of Gin Pîlis correcte s .b strengthening the Kidneys se that they do, their work naturally and weAl. .4othing NLîke CffletS adanigtean emad u-for- sorthing eheapr mlaay % ~ beernin mor gen ral and netn e er thaônbx Cefrnent For siewalks floor, culvrad sfodmaor lAthe prATHBUofS T AR, ldnOmtraLANs ýed i U steleading Canadian brand. For bank barns, stable floors * and silo work.* BATTLE'S THOROLD* is the very general aoieadetniey used. We have recently put in a fresil steciç of both these brands and are prepared te furnish either at satisfactory prices, also* an expert ta superin tend their use. t will pay you to see tUs before patronizing the travelling salesman whorn you 'e annot reacli again. We have aise a f ulli une of Hard and * Soft Wood and Ceai, Charcoal, Dressed and Undressed * uber, Shingles, Deers, Sash, Mouldinga, Sait and * Plaster. Quality right, prices reasonable. * ~~ KING ST., EAST, BOWMAN VILLE.* PAINt UL PEitIODa- Woînen who sufer Canadian Paciflc, Raîlway Company, terrible pain every month can find Atlantic Steamship Line steamers have ready relief b" uing Mibur's SterlinDg etarted sailmng froni Motreal forHeacePwesThvcnino Liverpool and Bristol. Sec or write morphine odrsum ad eve ne adn M. A Jaes aouttickts.after effects. Price 10e. sud 25e Donît accept common nieadache_ powders, thej 'l surely dis tppoint. Iw i U1i8T NE8UET8 Onililia INMagutcwau River. rprt. ,'awarhs .,,ee L MasoiaLbkes, Thoasul Islands, GeorgilanBay, Queece, tXpper LakeL,, Vcrtland, Me., Lake cf Ba, Od Orchard, Mcý, Whîta IMountaine. T ho aOove reoerts arealsl reached vis the Grand Txuuk, Excellent service te Mus- hoka Wharf, ccnnecting witu Steamers for *'R9o al Muèkoka" Boetel a d ethe r perlta on Maîhoka Lbirs,. &lac at kluna vil-e fer ports ou LLlic o!Baya.. Touriet tickets are eu sale co8mPrisiug sa trip tirongi tic hlakes le 1iglods cf On- tarie, aIse tu ports ,n ri er ,a1-es18ud te r4aqÉtern poinifs. For liclIeta iiIuitrated sud deïc;iptive Lterkture of GCr,iau Re- roits,, aLd ah!i InfusIm>ation A leroutes gsud xsttes Ion ewp e loftuis, sp!y 10 TO &JERY, The Myâtiiny etMoira>' Davsnport. A Stony cf New York et the Preisent Day. B>' Robant Neilson Stephâus, Aurlior cf "Captalu Ravenshaw,"' "Au Buemy >' te ic ng," ýetc. Il- lustnated by H. C, Edwards. (Tor- onte : The Copp, Clark. Company.) Mn. Stephent fannishea the neadera of bis new rtory wlth a tew honni et dieligittul e lterta1urnent, sio-wiig nie oid fouduesa ton action sud plot-rnak- irrg yet depanoiag trom îthe limes sud scenes made familIer b>' bis ealan worki. Murray Davespont la a sont et Dr. Jekyil anîl Mn. Hyde Individus]l, an artis, sud pisywnight b>' profession, but ver>' mach "down ou hie lack" lu mary wsys, net Olie leasat of whicli à due ote e uppe'edunufaitifuluesa et tie wornan he loved. B>' deliberate planning sud îhlnklng, lia imnagines a new p-,sf for hlînssîf, sud becoines sud- deny>' tnstorned îmb a new man,i lioti as te looks sud te luoh. This new lite lede a lm m isu>'Interestiug aud rnauntio situations, sud the raya. tory le weIl maintalned until tie crf ais cornes,, after whhthorelare meriaee- belle and blilas I J BOWMANVILLE, JULY 22, 1903. NEWOASTLB. Mr. D. Hackney, Guelph, visited at Mr. -N. 1. Pearces. MilIei%' Grip Powders cure. Sold by Sbott & Jury, d ruggists. Mrs. Clarke was recent gueat of, her sister Miss Lena Clarke. For b ilouaness, try Miller's Granules. Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists. Mr. W. H. Gibson ieceived two scalp wounds from the hay fork. New life for a quarter. Miller's Com- pound Iron Pilla. Soid by Stott & Jury, *druggists. The R. Tof T. picnic at Cotter's Point, Bonid Head, Friday at ternoon. Sikheadaches are cured by Millers' Grnules. Soli by Stott and Jury, druggists. Mr. Robt Brown and daughter Mabel, Toronto, visi ted athMr. John Douglas'. Those unsightly Pimpleës can be en- tirely removed by the use of Miler's Cyrnpound Iron Pis, 50 doses 25 cts. SoId by btott and Jury, druggists. r The Rîckard family iheld their annual Spicnic at Mr. John Clemenee's Saturday New vigor and energy are soon at- tained by the use of Miler's Compound Iron PMis. 50 doses 25 cents. SoId by Stott & Jury, druggists, Mr R. Wilmott, M.P., Nova Scotia, a, has beer. visiting his cousinsi, the Misses Wilmott. That hot, dry eczematous condition of the skiu wilI diiappear by the use of Miller's Compuund Tron Pilla. 50 doses 25 cents. Soid by Stott & Jury, drug.. gists. Mrs Geo Lacombe and son Clarence are visiting friends lu Lindsay and Bobeaygeon. Alil cases of weak or lame back, back- ache, rheumatism, will find relief by wearing one of Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache Plasters. Price 25 cents. Try thein., Miss Whelan, Ottawa, and Miss Coninolly, Yarker, have been visitihxg Miss Mlntosh. If you are nervous or dyapeptic try Carter's Little Nerve Pilla. Dyspepsia makes you nervous, and nervouanesa makes you dyspeptic; either one renders vou miserable, and these little pilla cure both. Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists. Mr ii. W. Jewell bas 'urchased from Chas. Mclntosh thenojth-'east flfty acres now worked by hMs father. Palpitation of the heart, nervousuesa. trenmblings. nervous headache, cold hands aDd feet pain in the back, and other forma of wae,«knes aare relieved by Carter's Iron Pills, made specially for the blood, nervosaud complexion, Mrs. Gibbs and Miss Guy. Oshawa, and Mrs. H. Joneas, Bowmanville, were recent guesta of the Misses 'Rose., CHEST P'ELT ua-w.--"II caught a Eevere cold wbich made m,? cheat feel raw and tight. I used Dr. Welod's Norway Pine Sy rup whicli loosened the phlegm, heal- ed the lungs, and made me perfecrly wall." Neil NMcKay, Ripley, Ont. Miss Scott, eldeat daughter of Mr. Jabez Scott, and Mr. 0. E. Irish, opera- tor nt Darlington were married Julyl10. Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup is1 sure death to the worms every time,1 but hârmless te the moat delicate child. It contains its own cathartic, so there is noneed -of -g-iVlng castor -0off-or oChert purgative afterwards. Price 125c. i Miss I. B' Vennor. R. N., assistant Superintendent' lu MuhleDberg Hbs- pital, New Jersey. was recent güest oft ber sister Mrs. S. Mason. MUDDY CoMPLxioN -Pale, sallow,i yellow skin toila of a torpid, auggisht liver and impurities lu the blood which will be entirelv removed when Dr. Cbase's Kidney-Liver Pis are used. This great medicine awakens the action1 et the lîvo3r, invigorates the kidneys and regulates the bowels. As a resuit dig- estionilaimwroved, bodily pains dis-1 appear and the health, is benefited in every Way. REXALL HOUSE DD. These Dyes will dye Wool, Cotton Sdk, Jute or Mixed Goods ini one bath 1 bey are the lateat and moat improved D3 es- ln the worid, Try a package1 Alil colora at A. L. Nicholîs' store. TYRONE. 1 Mrs (Rev.) Leonard Phelps, Madoc, visitel frienda here iast week.... M r. Oswald Pojlard,, Toronto, has bee4 visitng at borne...Mrs. Margaretm Walters, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. A W3 bor orticelavesthîs .fching JEnt In the fingesu, ow, arme, and, other parts of the body, are joints thatare famec ad swlen rem--atïsm- that acid condition of the blood which affects the muscles aise. Sufferers dread te move, especially alter itting or Iying long, and thlidr condition ln eommienly wonse in wet weather. 111 suffered dreadfally from rheumnattsm, but have been completely cured by Hood'us Sarsaparllla, for whlch 1 am deeply grate- fui." Mis FsnxcxaSman, Prescott, Ont. I had auattack0f the grip which letme weak and helpiess and suffering from rheu- matlm. 1 began taking Hood's Sarsapa- nUls ankd this medicine liaseutirely- cured mne. I have ne hesitation in saying il sapeci my lite." M. J. McDoNÂLD, Trenton, Ont. Hood's Sarsaparilla Removea the cause of rlieumatism-»o *utward application eau. Tae. L . LOYAL ORA.NGEMEN. The Orangcemen ef the District o Clarke, held thelr annuelelebrâtiox tbis year et Newcastle, wbere there wa à eplendid, trn-ont of the member band their fniends. The day wss ai thst conld be deuired--regular Orangi weather. Shortly after dînner thq rD!stri3t officers sud the NewcastE baud paraded to the G. T. R. statIon where tliey'met the brethreu of Pori Hope loedge, who were acoompanIsd by BrüE. R. IL. Hoiisnd, P. G. M. oà Ontario East, Col. H. A. Ward, M. P. and Mayor H. White, ail membena e the Order. Ou their neturu, a pruns. ssion waa formed in the foiiowing order Newcastle Band. 8Port Hope Loda'e aud Offlens. Carniage with viuiting brethren. Clarke District Officere. Represeutatives cf Jubiles Lodge Bowmau. Ville, R. Adair, Master, No. 265, (Jowsnville. W. Cowau, Masterý No. 40q, Onono, S. Cuttle, Master. 'Canniage with Ornue Veterans. Newtonvi!le Baud. No. 311, Nbwtouville. S, Arnott, Mastr.c No. 405. Enniskilleu, J. Lawny, Master, 1with Fif e and Druis Baud. No. 915. Kendall. T. Glas, Master, with Fife and Dram Band. 1 Âfter psradlng the principal streeta, a meeting was heid Iu the Drill Shed, whioh was preslded. over by Bro, E. H. MoLsan, County Seoretar>', who made a very efficient chairmen. Short, atinring addressEu were given by Ccl. J. Huighes, Col. Ward, M. P., Mayor H. White snd R. H. Holiand, Port Hope, Iuteropersed wîh music by the banda. The speeches were ail et a practîcai Orange character sud wers lletensd te 'attsntlveiy by the large audience assembled. Nons of the speakers were iengthy and b>' 4 30 the meeting was cioaed b>' God Save the King, by Newcafstte Band. The carniage referred te lu the pro. cession wlth the Orange veteraus con- tslned the, foliowisg well-ksowu brebli- ren:, John Fleming, 91 years ef age, mois- bei of the Order for 74 yeare ;R.Men- ton, 83 yearse ld, mercher, for 65 years; J. Law, 78 yesas old, memben for 59 years ; R. Cowan. 77 years'oId, mois- ber for 60 yeans ; R. Adaîr, 72 yeana old, member for 47.yeara. Their total ages figure ap 401 years and their -total membenehip 305 yeas. A JUTLY WEDDING. On Wednesday, Jffly 151h, et 4 p. m., 'qugclesyde," the resideDce cof County Councilior P. Trabiloock, was the scene of one et the prettst houa weddiugs cf the year, when in the presenca cf oven sixty guenis, bis second daaghter, Chrietene, wss unite-d lu marniage to Dr. John Geikle Adams, of Canaan, Con., nephew cf Walter B. Geikie, Dean of Trlnîty Medical Sobool,-Toron- te, the -Rev. D O.--Crosoley--officiat- lng. The dnawiug rom, whene the oeremeny, wss performed, wasaratis- ticsliy decorated wlth ferus sud mar- guerites, oescbanmingc idea, belng the dnaping together, over the mentie, ef the Union' Jack sud tbe Starsansd Stnipes. Durng the piaylug cf Mes- delalin's Wedding March, by Miss Ethel King, the bride sutered, ieanlng ou hern tber'. anra, elegant>' gowued lu white duchesse satin, entraine, wear- ing a Brussela net Veil aud orange blossoins, aud cannylug ea hower, hoqaet et white roses. She was attended by her aister Margeaet:, wbo wore white India eluh end carrlied piuk carnations. The groomtman wa, Mr. J. Meure, cf Boston, Mess. ller the ceremony the gueits ns - patred te the dlulng reom, where thec dalnty weddlug breakfast waa served, the tables belsg besnutlfully decorated with white sweet pes and fen. Tha presienta wene numerousand cast->y, inciudlng sevenal cheques for handionie ainnunts., The groom'. glfbs were, a four-leafed dloyen paved wlth pearis, te the bride, a peani oneeceut te Mr. and Mns. Adain laIt on the even- ing train smid showers cf ries and con- gratulations, ou an extended trip to Montreai, Haifax and other eateru points, returnlng vis AdlnonJ socr Mta. and ýNsw York to theln future home à% Canaan, con, Bearà tho ýThe KiYOUiave Aways Bought Signature 'r41,f Bears the ,, Thle Kînd VOs liaV Always Bnbgt OROMNO Recent Visitera M iss Jennie MCcalisi at home ; Miii Minue Ses, Torento wii tis Misses Beer ; Miss Rebevea Dewdut: Tornto, at Mn,.1R. Hockin'd ;Nr. Tans, of Lakofleld, at Mr. Jam. Linteu's ;Missi Mulligan sud Ballagli, Newcastle ; MnE Sopen, Port Penny, with lier Pister, Mn,. Je Mciuonmack ; Miss Viola GilfilasBe, ussuville, with Mr. J, J. Gifijlas ; Mr. I B. Mallory, Graiton, at Mn. Wes, Thori ton . Miss Aithel McComb. Port Hopk with Mr. Tios. McC omb ; Mn. Anthr Liston, Traders' Bank, Port Hope ; Mr, Eaptwood snd sou, Toronto, at her sietar' Mr@. Sîsson ; Miss Maggle Pinder at Mi John Bnadley's, Newcastle ; Mn. Horace E Brown, Oweu Sound, at Mn. James Brown Kinby ; Mn@,, . Cutteli sud son Floyd bi Mn. James Dicksou's3 ; Miss Lillias Hockiîi Tornot, la atlien grandfather's, Mr. R Hoakin; Mno. Wes. Thorntes sud dauglite, Mise Annie in Pont Hope; Mn. Austin Vi, son, Courtice ; Mn Fraser Little homie fretc Staynen: Mn .Fred Honey litme frein Stone] Lake; Miss Winuie Jones aud Miss Kath les* Meall Bewinanville; Mr.Ruasell Jay. nos, Tonento, et home ; Mrss, <arpester and daugliter, Miss Aggle, Frnstiand, wit lieh. sister, Mn,. R. Moment ; Mn. sud Mn.s Tics. Doncaster hoise freiLeudon ; Mis Wrighit. Whibby Ladies College, wt lihr sister, Mn*. Jas. McCorisack; Mr. sud Mr@. J.ý F. Lorreisan aud son Fred, Tononte, at is unele'ïo, Mn. John Rickaby; Miss Emmai Tuck&e hlis eturned te lier aunt'a, Mns Kiveil. atter yiaiting iu Newtonville ; Miae Edra Rowe bois. frein Tonento, accoispanied by her autb, Mn.. Lamb, sud cousin, David; Mn. sud Mns. Alfred Moment, New York, at bis parents, Mn. sud Mn.. R. Moment; Mn. sud Mrs. 'Wm. Rowland, Osaea ; Mr. Wm. Long snd son, Clark, te Dundonaidj Miss Nonle Hooper visting lier aut, Mr@. G. H. Joll - Neweastle ; Mn. asd Mns. Jolin J. filîaîî,, :Bewmsnvile ; Miss§ Hattke Williamsou iu the city ; Mns. (Rev.) T. C. Bell sudsu, Mn. Roy Bell, Shingle House, Pa., at ber bisgter's, Mr@, John Miller jr. We cougratulate Mr. D. M. Semnerville eu auccessfally passiug lis finst year exans. at tie Neth-Weetern Univenityeat Cbicago, Rev, B. A. Kemup, our junior paston, preached his introductory sermon sud was vny favnrably rucejvedl. Miss M. E. G. Waddell, hia been awand. ed the graduate scholsnship's fer '03 sud '04 at Brysu Mswr College,New «York, sud alo the mcblanship for work is mathematlos, valaed et $200. Rev, J. A. ilieKeen B. A,., anrived. home fnom Winnipeg Saturday week, hsviug stwd the jouruey netosnkably well. Heais naw lu a fair way for reoovery, sîthoagi atili somewhatiweak. Orono School lias made a splendid show. ing aS tie outrance examinations, feurteâu candidates baviug bees sucoecsfai, RIOKARD FAMILY PIGNIC. The Richard faînlly p ieute wes beld: tht. yean et *"Fairview Fanin, " the boise ot Mrnsd UMn. John Clemeuce, Lot 3, Cou. 1, Danlinglon, eu Satunday July 14th, sud h pnove o bbe 'a great suc- ces.. -Aithongh- tiec weatliex- was -not --a-il that couid be desirel, sud doubtiess kept man ri'fom allerding, yet abont 125 ot the relatives an-d frienda cf lhe tarnily -were present- aud- thoreag-ll> eujoyed them meetiug bogeti er. The honse sud lawu wore pretlll> deoonated wltli mottoees, flageansd ever- greens, ebowing that tbe Committes in charge bad taste s weil as abîlît'. A namber ot the yeauczer people bud enjoyumenat lu playing cnequet and base- bail anti!lie geutle nais ferceà chois te retire te lieelieuse. Tuls howeven dld net make an>' serions Interruption, the ton largo parlers sud dnawisg rocus wene ample accommodlatIon for al, aud the turne passed pleanantly sway asti! tes turne, wben the ready bauds sud willlng lisantsetfthe waiters atteuded to the wanta o et cguesaIs, by suppi>' lug theni wlllia. superabundanâco of geod thinga te est. Afler tes, bhe coin- peucy were aenved te Ice creson, whtcli wAs prnoonced b>' ail te be the beat et the session. Froni this lime on lhe eveulng wes spent lu gaines et varices kluds, sud alniglng by Mn.. Aris Otton, Newoasotle, Mn, T. Blekie, Canton, M-ns. W. Symons sud Mn. W. Wllliams, Weloome-sud Mn. H. G. Martyrs, B. A., Forent. Those preceut wene as folioW.B Graudma RIchard, Mn. snd Mn. John Ciemence sud fauslly, Mn and Mn.. John Rbzkand sud tamil>', Mn. Wm. Richard, M. P. P., sud wif e, Mn. sud Mns. Jas. Rickand sud tam!!>'. Mr. sud Mns. Gao. Riekard sud family, Mn. sud Mn., Sain RIekard sud famlly, Mn. sud Mn.. W. 0. Allio, Giencoo, Mr. sud Mns. T. ù.. Bragg, Mr. sud Mrs. WiIl Jewel sund faiiy, Mn, sud Mns. Sain Turner sud family, Cnooked Cneeh, Mn. sud Mr%. T. ii. Clemence sud tam- Il>', Klrby, Mn. sud Mn@. Johu Cisin- Onde sud sou Cleveland, Kinby, Mn. aud Mis. Robt. Cloinedansd siece,' Port Hope, frIr. W. H. Clemence, Port Hope, Mn. sud Mns. Jas. Stainton sud daugliten Lana, Eunuîkillen, Mn. sud Mn,. Bitord snd non~, Welcome, _Mn. snd Mrs. WIIl Synions sud Mira Jennie SYmon', Weicome, Mr. and Mns. G. Baisse>'sud daugiter Hazel, Welcome, Mn, sud Mne. BlakIe, Cantes, Mr. Bd. Tape, Pont Hope, Mn. sud Mn.. John Matin, Canton, Mn. Herbent Aluin aud qsmen Miss Amy, BowmasvIll!e, Mn. musudiMna. Jas.nS aNIelburÊ i--- -.- -.. Newcastle, Mn. sud Mia. Tom Staplê- ton aud farnil>', Newtonvillie, Mn. sud Mr@. 0se. Sîspieton sud tamnl>', New- touvîlie, Mn. Jack Turner and aobter, Crooked Creek, Mn. sud Mrs. WilI Moore, Ne-wcatie, Mn. sud Mis. Joa Chapusan snd daugisen, Kini', Mn. sud Mn@.,Chapln, &ewdastle, Mn. sud Mns. Wl!! Williamns, Welcorne, Ren. aud Mrs. Wilson, Newcastle, Mrs. Wm. Alli n sd daughten, Newcastle Mr. acd Mr». Ridhard Bragg sud tam Il>', Mn.. Bell sud son Ro>', Siugle Rlouese, Penn., miesa Mary Powso,, Kirby, Miss Wlchett, Bowmanviîle, Misses Thyra sud Flosa sud Moesba. H, G. am(i E. Matyn, Welcorne. Mn. Bd. Symonn and siaten Clans, We!comcn. Mise BIta Obeb2uat, Roobester, Mr. Blake Symons, Weloome. TUH-E MSNCo. î3OWM PMANVILLE.> In pur new Store, Ready for big business., Corne and See us. The largest store, The largest stock,' The lowest prices% Our Store is now 140,ft long', with i ft between the two main couuters, we have more room, more light, more ventilation, more coint'ort for our custorners than n store in Bowmanville ever had.. Ne'w Goods. After our big, sale we founid.our stock low and have been replaciî stork, in every line, new dross goods, new muslins, new blouse material , new slîakei flannel, new wrap. peretts., new satin underskirts, new dress skirts, new collars, new ties, new shirts. Among tbe above are many linos at less than rogular which we are piacing ont on special sale this week, -as an ex- tra inducement for custoniers to cali and seo us 'in our new store. Bpecial valnes .in many linos this week- as an opening 00 Dhtbthoeagilycared by a eourne eftreatp meutwlts D. Chase's Nerye Yeod and Klduey-Llver Pilla. Thes w rat rernedies of Dr. Chuseare- uüsed oete = tîhgrea-t -suce8sby many pr sons. While the ineeierPl ^ ~k the action of the liver, invigorate the lddneys, and regulate the bowels, the Nerve Food forma new ricli blood, creates new nerve force and bfilds up theystem, MaS. C. BATTISON, 373 MurraY St., Otta, Ont., States:-",For some time I was a ufféer from nervousues, dizzl. ness, nervous headache and rheumatism. 1 had the rheumatic paius tfor ' about three yearm Sey- yerai weeks ago I begas ,I the use of Dr. Chase'à liro Battus Nerve Food sud Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, aud have fouud that these inedicines worked together mail satisfactorily ln myý case. 1 have takea altogether severai boxes ofthe Nerve Food and amn now entirely cured of my old trouble. 1 know of others who have used these pepasa. tions and been cured, and 1 eau thrcfe heartily reconimend thein." The portrait spd signatue et Dr. A. W Chase on every box. SCHOOL REPORTS. IEsKAitD. The tollowing le the standing et Les- kard, nnie!a in onden of menit Past'ed Evtrance, Willlle MorrIa, Gil- benks, Bertha Conais. Sr. IV, Ena Allen, Ors Ttutm, Norman Allen, Wal. ter Spry. Jr. IV, kuasel B-own, Ber- ths Bradley'. Jr 111, Bîtie Nlo.ris, Bort>' Robinson, Bertle Koeiy, Fred Brown. Sr. If, HElward Fovrley, Neie atin, M e die G iiank, F nuy ;."D, ery White, Mary Robinson,- Taibnt Fludme>'. Sr. Pt. Il, Lily Spry, Edna Brndley, Mil ou Findley, Arthur Merlin, Pearl Keely. Jr. Pt. il, Pean Findle>', Nets Spny, Eve'yn Hockîn. S. Pt. ' Ray' Theruton, Lna Brown, Melville Prier,l Mali Martin. Finîst Olass, S. McCaunaohie, C. Billingaj, Daeu Find le>', 0O. Hawvke, E. Tioruton, B. Brown, L. Spry. W. INcH, lancher. COURTICE. Mr. John Walter, Scarboro. was home~ oven liunday.. . Mn Jo-s. Reid bas pur- ciaaed a lot and eut buildings frcm Mn. WM. Courtice, an , and wilI build a*resi- dence thereon tuis sutumn ...A new base bail teani knewrn as lie "'Bocrs"with Mn, John Walter as manager and Mn. Blake Ceurtice as captain (Kruger and General Jobubert) will play lie final noue Saturday. Cerne and sec lie game Mn. S. J Courtice, umpîre.. Gays are siashing out lie apple barreis They have rc-eugaged Mn. C Matiews, Port Coîborne ...Misa Hosack, East Toronto, la visitîng Miss Elma-Pickie. . Tic funi-ral cf Mn. John S. Rund!e who died at Gnavenhurst took pla,-ce from lihe oid home ncw occupied by NI rWm nHý Rundie and was largel>' ateudd o Saturday Tic service was conduucted at the bouse b>' Rev. D O. Crossley and Rev. Jos Wand. Much sympathy is feit for the famiS>' lu the sad bereavement. HAMPTON. Visitera; Miss A.Clapp, Port Hoape, at Mr. Jos. Ward's-; rs. iM. A. White, Woodstock, at Mr W. Ber's; Mrs. A. M. White, Port Hope. M rs. O'Bri- * _ children, Albany', N Y , aI Mr, b Elliott's; Mr. Percy Clheisey and dutugh. t-ers, K i-umount,-at Mrs. C. Rose' ý Mr J. Thiom and family, Tor,,nto, a t . N. Ruse's,.... 1Mr.îA. Peters had several sheep and Samba killed and injiurnd by doga Sunday morrinug...... Messrs. R- Avery sud W. R. Allun visited Count Ceunciller Baker, Sunday. $50.00 To Calif'ernia and Return. Via tie Chicago sud North-WUestera Railway. Firat elasa round trip tickets on sale from Cniicago, August lit te l4th, te San Francisco sud Leot- Angeles, aise le Portland, Tacoma aud Seattle. Correspend-ingiy low rates trois other points. Favorable stopover pniviieges. Returu limit Oct. 151h, 1908. Three trains, daiiv trom Chicago te California, tinougl i wlheut change, .with liraI class pullmans sud tonui sleeping cens. For speci folder sud aIl information, write B. H. Bennett, Generai Agent, 2 Est Ring St , Toronto, Ont. 29-311r ENF1ELD. Recent visitera; Mrs. P. Gray ansd Misses Gray', Toronto, with relatives z Mrs. Phillipand chiîdren at Mn. Jke. Virtue's,. . . Gordon Hall iiud PearlMce- Culloch successfully passed the entrance examas Wel doue Miss Rose ..,.. Mr, John Thompsen, eue cif our oldest tesi- dents, died Jul>' ii î is iýstyean.The ,funenai was weillatlcue&ai 0 ColuImbus cemetery julyi 3. The f amily'have-th- sympathy of ail, HEBALTH AND SuoEss-Weakuess aud disease cause discouragement, failure sud nhappinesa, but withli e use oie Dr Cha8e's Nenve Food there comes. new vigor aud energy, new hopes sud new coDfidence. stronger determination te sueeted sud the abilit>' te pply OOneS self mentally sud pliysicall. HeaItk and suecesa go haud lu baud., Bv ne.- stoning geod health, Dr. Chase's Nerve Food heipa b sucéessand hapineas. DOMINION EXHIBITION DAYS. The, Dominion- Exhibition days have, becs apportiened ai follows. Titxrsday, Aug. 27th, snd Friday, Auguqt 28t1, prepanstion days; Satunday, Au..29 Officiai opening Day; Mondev Aug. 8st s,.u Un Lhi'4 I UVUsdy, Oý5 leI, Press Day; Wed-nesday, Sept. 2ad, Manufacturera 'Day ;Tliunsdav S$, ý, 8ad Canadian Day ; Fnida>' Sept 411, i4dlapr snd Pioncera' Day; Saturday S6pt. ti, Commercial Traveilers' Day; Nonday, Sept 711, Labon Day; Tuflsda 'y Sept,. 8c1, Fermera' Da3;- Wedniesday Sept. 9th, Stoekbreedersa sd Fruit Grower Day; Thurada>', Sept, loti. Amreicau Visitons' Day; Fnidav Sept. llth, Soci-. ety Day; Saturday Sept l2ti, Citizens' snd Review Day. It will beý noticed that lie Exhibition wil lu aiu uhswing trois 9 am. Satunday, Aug. 29th, te 1la p.m. Saturday, Sept, 121h, Monday', Sept. 1411, being inoievg day. eros sthe Te iÈYu Ua'ýqe Alwýs uht r' - 1 -t i ýt -1- ý 1 1 . 1 11 ; 1 1 .6v.ü±"Pî"l E -MASON 00 0