ACT 7ES .ANýDCM ET In the latest fles of thoe North China Daily News, puhillisbýed at Shanghai, and the Ja,,pan Woekly Mail, publisbed at Yokohamda, we finda discussion of the probable out- corne of a centest betweun Japan and I'ussia, a cent est- regurderi hy oh- servers ef the situation, in thoFui- Eust, net as immediately iinnit, but as almiost incvitable ut sule futuire date. As both oëf these jour- nashuve exceptional opportunilties clpouring information, their esti- ma.iets 0f the relative -strength et the possible combatunts are wertb net- ing, Thre North China Daýily Newsas srsthat, if .Japarr sbould ho van- quished at sou, the naval fortress of Port Arthur *ould prevo sufficiently close te enable Itussia te peur large miasýses 0f troopF; irto tb'e Ja9panese csands. witbout mccidifficulty. if, on the othecr buJpnsbould lho thie victor inlute preliinuiiry naval figbt, the ulLjnte issue of the strug- gle is proneunced problenriaticul. la the opinion of the North China DailY News, it is net certain that Japan coldr ever place on the m iainland a sufllcteiýntly largo 'army te carry1 the struggle3 into Manchuria. Corea would probubly becomne the battie greund hetween the two Pewers, and a lonig and weary war would very likely ho the'resuit. Il the fighting should be confined te Corea, ne ither Power wouid ho in a position te do- the, ether mucb damuage, and the centoat would probahly hoc nded hy a treaty ombodying mutual conces- siens. -The Shanghai joui-ni adds that mnucb would depend on the un- swcr te thé question whether Russia could get lier European aquadren on thé field of operatiens te do buttle witb the vîctorions Japaneso fle et. On the wboe, the, conc'lusion la What shrunk your wolre Why did holes wear so so You used common soý istgo 0f disease is oftei 0tv- traýil areby a woinan's gew n. A recenltinetg. tion shom.ed îa brae irbs ni ing those of iiflunacnsmtinaud a dzen othervaretisgathefred ln the trail of a wmnsdcs Trhe mcoeiieeyhrbut its prey are the eak nd febeeople whose blod is d poor' and igesio er cre iseass0ofthe sto)neC iaud ether orgaus < cf dgestin and nutrition ,n urifies the blood.ý It s3trengthens the I- dy by increased: iutrition to resist or throw off dis- ease. i Prese accept my th% nks for- the good - Dr, Piercels Golden Medical Discovery liu dorie for mne,,! irrites lMf s. N. h- troVu ledf.r over a year with w» the doctor pro- -nuinced indigestion. 1 nolaatteste l y nîoin luthae mornuieg, and ni blood was vevy psi.i Lied diffuecnt ndiii.but to no avait mypai-ecisisted on uîy takif Dr PieCe'olden -in cm now on thet fourth thn hvefr trniere ï aut peeýk toc liig-hly Dr. PierCe's Pleasanit 1)0 ~ ~ ~ PEIt prctcaly siulanou, o piecomal wor Nrou d 1bviout o ont oftho qustion The Jaan Wekly Mivelaxa-st cabl. Te c.achoex 0ftran.spor- talin dus nt oast. T carr bequied, frem 500 nuto 600 lar Ïha staes c ald bc eedc. Nprachi et ' te natvlbases 0f£Rus i an pro ve'a-a ch t sert feGIboth f£ ber, probable atao *st.WLlh Esg- lund's bellp, she seerna te have a i- mesit a certainiy cf maritime ascuen- TIo T A HORSE'S AGE. A Few Rules Whîch Are Fairiy Accurute. It cs net alwuys an eaýsymttre tel the ugo of a hre thougb ex- pInte qclaimibo uWbiiity to do se hy the niumiber, shape, and condition of the teetb. The followingsg i'us may, however, hoe tuken as fairlyacrte At bilsh a foal bais twelve" gi-leid- ors. At twelve duys old four front teeth appeur, and in aooIt tweaty- eight duys unother fu.Tecre teeth appeur svben tbe -fouila igbt inonilîs old, and tee ain the beigbt of the front teetb at the uge of eue year. At two yeurs the kerý ne], or dark substance, lu the midi- dle of the teotb's crown la groind eut of ail the front teethi. At thr-e yoars the middle fro-nt teeth nie, sbiftDd for the permanent, or bec--e, teeth, wbicb. are larger -and ycliow- (I'. Tho next four teoih are sbcfted ;lu tho'fourth year, ai-d the corner teeýtb in the flis giving place te the permanent nipper. When a borso !bns reacbed bis sixtb year the kernel,, or mai-k, is worn eut of the m-iddio front teetb, ihough theri- will stili hoe a difleronce of coller in the, centre of the tootb. At seven the mark fa vory nearly worn eut of the four contre nippera and fast wearing away lu the cern- or teetb, especiaily icn mares. At eigbit the usai-k bas entirelv disap- pearcd from iah the Iower nippers, and hi-gins te dýcroaso lu -thoenmiddle nippera. Thoe herse la rîewsanid 'te hoe "eut of mr. AlMter eight yea.ýýrs ne reliable data cun hc given totelol the horse's ugo, but sbrowdl observýera muay guesa very crlesely. As yeurs advanco the guma ,sbrlnk. thbc teetb pi-sent a long, h'arrew ia)ppearance, loa more ferward, ai-d assume an urcbed 3h ape. Patenited Ist May, 1900 AE GUARANTEED FOR SALF eiY b1 iorî &Son, BowffanvîllOd CHILDIIEN WITI- ACCOUNTS. *- -- - ---'~ t'~e neaicfly nus noo icetheeetso- ut Vldivostock uist ensory for inen's or ladies' attach. ot on.t te hne a h rct-j.wicb la clesed hy R'dVis' I throuhout the sure an menj s eaanee t pc~ssmore 1cul geverumeni-t. But the E ioorccc,icîg a cuursýderablo part ofth Ifor-ucee.fer, cù3 ethpe aSkr1 Ms. WiPlwa oohi acviei lmtht hreane'od- power, tuer urelit, 1bot3ter qualty and 0fJapun is net a mero puppet', hoi lear. Moreever, as the Crimean 1rclass t,-iL4y, te ap Sre."Iw i ert u .usd cily hi for-in fir,ish tilla ay EtlrEectrie BOIL mAde haî*aî îower. "Jupan, or ew arqýi Wthe ficl nueseposse to-dy fargreater - el eeue hel o oidn reg o oes f p ce s- ."i. . AC.. 1+ isuo0f resdstaînce thain they bath 'Itrust, Miss Tuppit,- said thepuoe. SPIJI TO MARRIACE. A renîurkable social club call'c(l the "Owls" bus heen forn:ii ut No)W Brunwick, New Jersey. Every yee.r AND THAITH-rFE BEST. - -Gall arc upot tihe onsisting of auibler MTro, rPl&io, rul R A l. L 3a,3t0 ir Up-to-dade Phaeton cOst $175,1 Unled oni fi-w teO Jump Seat lluggies; Cou Slr i a4 Carts, iîc Good Second Hand Buggies from HaIck Buiggies from $10 01O i, Joteery Were ail the caterinîs yielIded hy the wood lot couinted ut their fuîl value, I belie-te the weed lot would be ratedtthe iniost important feture of the fuirn, saya Prof. John Gif- ford. Fqr a lairgo portion ofl the1 year, ut loait, wood is the conunonl furmi ful. The foence preblom is niai)o an motn one, anti the fuin,-e wbo pred1uesbis own fonice mira saves unimIpor'tnt Ociluy. Tj'le fonce-s on, a lai-m o(Ale ic'i-et a lurer ashoutlay than the land hL- self. swim.Sm of themt are se exipert thut, wWi their cloihing on tîselr heboda and' currying gensan aumu- There autleai 170,0 F-e musons liteowurid, (o liom 10- [00 beongte ,43 Dilb eigs wlu thecenfideneee a e vope, as<ld eatbllh heme1<~sÉ&tis hnte, of ulmsost exactly 225,000 tons. On1 Mas JHN OIRALL,335Vitora tretthe other han'd, the unitod fooets of ILond9n, Ont., states: "For yearcïsuffrdJ apun and Englund would cnp~ agreat deal whb catarrh iii thie Lhed. I tried bend forty-fhve vesels, and the total ererytbing I co)uld 4 ffor, ilbuit it tonnage weuld eýxceed 333,500. . Inf remiïned for Dr. Chaaos's Catarrh liCure t cure nie.1 T hb on.rcly fodfrcom catar, j th11,, prohuble event that the Rus-c was I l erosawldirun oncodtonsIn irscoalitionshud oas- sudtho bganusig istd y Glsun tbe fleet 0ý f the, Dr. CaesNreFn wbviici 'n bs bujîlt up ,s tre Poo- oIld he conîderuhLly1 s~tî,strengthbened my strnge h , tatofJaan and ee clrycsa ad nd ade mt! - have ais sd hm.r ihneie cudtelt- lianly fercougi ad . Colds, md nover kne it - destrojýyers, ateredlt)t'c,!ousi-delence te fil to cure these aih. siip nad îias-efcognbtsh monts." , ieudod, the superieýrcty of the aY Mra Wrrli Dr. 1 Cbase's famly lo-cof Jeqpa&n aad E nglandto te tat1 Worr----- i. - their right te ailac ii eocery home., sudhav ccae o Lb-c- iece ndsesal.To 1) proCt yucuga a mttosthe portýrait n s ontr f Dr. %A, W. Csctefm rrcipt bokauthior, are ou verýybocfl une eT 5'0eMost lîrneult euturcaest the D.ukhoc settlemnent witlx wbich the imumigration authorities have had te dealwas the refusai of the miembers te hocuesteoti the, LuaI. Their opinions bave witin tbe pnst few snontbs undergono a declded change iu ibis respect. Every niule) Doukhoheroi _ver the age ,f 18yer bas uappliott fer a quar-ter se-ction, ud1,7438 bomes--tead CîsierieS bave heecn mude sýincù Veregin's ai rival lu) ibis ceutntrw. Tlt aluil n tu thonus lalo io lZebro'ffwo a the prýime uleader 0f the l'asi LWO la- Ylccluxloii.. Vorog'l in made euechange uin u is latoteWinnipeg whicb l stcd to bave a gi-eut effect on the Dock hoor communities. White lute 0f Resqa l ni rnc, anti aise the office cof the commiisalouer of iminii- sxpi-oî ft'ce tUnitol -ti tatsgraltion h(, lud eqpressed lthe wisb te vîew th ditane i-omealnierteL ýhceui-y. IThe Deukbohor lea -detr Ext. of ia sure cure for Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic, Crap.Pains in the Stomach,, Seasickness, Choleýras- plaint, and al Fluxes- of the Bowels In Chldreýn and Aduits. Its effects are marvellous. It acts like a charmi. Reie-f is almnost inst-antaneous. ne flt lave the Bowuls in a con stpated condition. In nummner tle Côntîitous cofi Pa eW oven Vire Fonce taleerrs up the elack. AUlfecs lakn lwarm weather and ~ ttghten lu cold- - excePt the Page Fonce. In'h 0,i iterSeas-O 72 eil t c-, Pagesprirflg coU tLakeb op the sk in luim- m1er ut osi u e lti ols agn lu summner, no stralan z ore . 1) luvii- Iter. Commôn 11crlnip ed w re ý,i not,,rlng m)red ani If elitoLon5il te i la tne; i t ightons it osnsaanwo hnU 07Cr-'I. 1Page wlre let.epCred Lo regulate iLe own I eneila Ourmmer unlld wtnter. 6,mls fPg lr ac uDnW, T~erag Wie ?lac Qo, LnitldWskeritl~, 1t.~iOrc~,l'Q, vts~4t. John, M'IL 9 said notbinig, buit wben horeppar ed ut the immig2ration OfCce ou11 the following day a ,,ondorful tasom ation in bis uppeý(arance had taken l place. I-is haîir wnas eut sot th long, sweeping houard bad cmltl disuppeared, and in place of the Russýan blouse and trouj:srs Vregi-n wus, attirod in a suit of ",gtoee clothes," with ail the accessories of starched linon and neut cravat. VQregin was a little uncoinfortuble, but was proud of tIhe fort ýItat ho hud sacrificod bis .;personîl feelings t his loyalty te bis adopted couniitiy. TFhQ costume of bis followers ý ili net ho long in undergo3ing,- a simil-ar change. Veregin bas set tbem nýan- other and more importatidxample. Hie bas hegun the shudy 0 Eglsh and knows enough of it new to pro- nounce familiar words and te Wvrite bhis name lu English chaructera. th(4- .- - "-i -. _'s -t- L-1 -t - Li -L