Lite -iMP:vI.Per Bl s. Fe e.alo 9W'FU 10 _1IPlàiP;. DE L. PLOW SRR. OFCIE -(?e~CCHAAK A. . rOTTER.L1 Err7eerSidto e"deCurrSt..oper lce-nt ErRegstM&3 i ck llîcg, Bo'wmanvdle. *,r,-s G 30'NOFRTLIYOUNG,1)V. S~ro OilClicm-Over Cetral Min. lly.trcAlsa 1 i. W 13. C 0.o naICh. H S.etP. BgAIR mnents due to exposuro of the nma9nure, it ie doubtfui if the ceet cf the han'duling, haulinig and spreading cf the nmur ý, warrants ts Lise' fer sone crope; , yet evr ariner I ready fte amfraa Iltat manure e. SU perler for crope te aIl other ternis cf plant food, whieh je tru t certain exý,tent, because itprfrn -a mechantical service lu the scil; but the fuiroains that imanures differ- lu qUality nti tat bulk des nt aiwaysý addi value, as noth'ing Cali Le)' delefrom th11e mn1i1ure ethler tývha rom tite niterials that ne COMOSIIONIN "TU* E IAF. W7hiemanresheuld ,be aýn impert- sh LiLise be caiert soiiiy aprilsource cf plat dfooti. The( laiisheulti alwys beovek-ed lthi a crop of soîne kînid. - If neot pro- ducing something fer the market it shoulti be growing crops fer its owu use. The soil 15 bettcr Capable cf holdin git s stored plant feoti by de-1 pesltlng it mieo the plants eCccupýying it than te Le exposedti t he leaciug1 *and washing raine, which dissolve andi carry aîvay the soluble u.bstanc,- os which shoulti be retalpeti. A grwing cropprevents su-: loes, net enily aiun irbutLeM wlnter. Ex on whenimanure les preadi ou thc landi, thýe best miode cuf relýalning thc plant food is ete ut in a ci-op of seuie k"!,id ntid aliow it te appropriate the substances éxisting ln the man1!Ue, 'aS Kecopthe pigeý suppliecli ut aIl times' and eepeclally lu warmi weaýthe-r, with plcnty of pu-re watcr. It is net nugite 1111 thehr treugi utcr- t aiii tlmes with sîeps or even milk. They mnuet have iateraIse. 0Olt(ea when they are rc-stipeîs antsi îni"iag, witbnepaet 10reazsen, t buket fuIl cf watcr po ii nte the tsough Woufld tsewIti theansatisiieti and coim- forabl tethir neý't te lep anti grow. Whiledrinkng wer lea inatter cf prmenuesit, athugplace is a getcornf,,ý(ort te the in warm woa- tieri. A tlý>, mlui heg-wal low-' le net tIic es laefer thrn. Theiýy sheuld have reasena lean watcr A shlo iank, gradually slopi.Lng te thec 1 bt t om, jilueti with plunks, or bote\et fiat stenes, inte wbich water ii ay Le turrueti a g rat cuoi- venience where hege are, kept. It 15 net safe te let themn have access te a runniug streami. Many herds have beenswept oil by beg choiera pro- tiuced by germe breught dewn by ilînning water fromn infecteti n'aine aboie. BIBLE- TEXTS AS ADS. Clever Use, of Scriptural Adv 'ice iVadàe by a Frinting leuse. Bible texte anti roferences are put to practical uses these daye by the practicai religioniets, who believe lu tic continuaI associationef worldly . 1 ilnyTonic Tablets ~!kesatnotitw.lli buiid Yeu up -ktee p yur 1b!od pure -an d -y5 ii iierv-5 quiet-. 5rc, gentie ti "eptýLat"tat NvI1 give yOU enryand vgrto wlthstand ftheenranghtofsner etron-Ox Tlxxy Tonlc Tablets are gentiebuunalgy effective. They vril beneifit yo. your chilUren, everyor-ie, who needs bettcr dIgestion, pureý blood, more eniergy, more strength. 'lotr druggist wiU sell you fîfty ron-Ox Tîty TonIxc TaietsC-L_, pazked Iii the, neatest Alunuin box yoea ever -saw,. for twnyieCents. If yon ciant get theimaet yomal dn=isit's, i'he Iren-ox Remedy Co., Lti4ted, Wal kmluic, Ont.. will send thomm, repald, fr 25 ceins. Whitby and Oshawa 6c Tiîcklets iray vbcýe xtendeti, goord for the ýeeasoiÈ n pa\ ostof 35e tdtira to Purer. Me tiai,3 cedstatero c Freiht silcieti.Furfther ifra Il, CANN, Age4nt, B-oWýMmuviil& waTi l ne agoo~fed tr oung~ If an eggle ,ziirafter Miig a- de i, e ive dayvs itle sinfertile anti willinet hth It e eta goed planite gi youin ciieens wter bfero e il cn hins are colnLinedl they ~olimhae mnald two or i e sum7mer aIs in winter. SCOT& WŽ E,'emsaW »Y4IY~J1IQ4LU - --7ý- 1- eaa--, is ii wi-witzhuestold-the- rei-fcta- Inmanity, (Jeuau ly a(Ccepted lby the-you-ng Emp qere Aponroni iliu. Th felng 1fPrlies amark Wod aIe seirriatedtiîs a"n c;otatc1heKie ri- Ce le theqxasaav none ca 1,slie fbairJe ±o îriy rava poscti t theke Ucpaii t's 411e - ble. ddrsaaD nlii'SLs'eatrie tans- To -'r'5t T f "Amir" caoute ureF er eaQI ni 'ey fono!Itng Zinol5lelu tie dlly rucmd. ack trml' Uies a week, to t akýe-the place of insect f SAn abundance of whitewash in TlIrand about the heuse (ývll'be cendue- ive o health. F Ith will make sh4ort work f young turkeys. Care should lbe taken always tc ofed ithem lun a SOILSAND PANT F0 DS. Destroy the rtest cf a sitin rhn are r0jsý hi(11 go'was soon as the cictkrn re a( day Thee rc crps wic 1gOW od.Give hèr a inew nemst an)d turin qncky ndcanl be gotton out 0f the old one. the way for somie iothe)r kind bere Allow 'ne decoinposing vegetauNe fait, and it is by vgrowing such crope matter, noe luth or dust of any kind that the farm le keprt Up to its higli- te accurrulate, arounid the poultry est standard o! fertillty. T o attempt, yard. te reInew worn-eut soils by the aid It is not best to0 hatch uny of manure ajonc Is expeusive, as but klnd of poultry unless it be guineas few rmners can produce a eu-fiiciellcy durirg July and -August. The wea. of tht m-aterial for ail crops. Thelther is toc hot. farmLier imuy uppiy nanure to ofl Fws hu ua e edl em field at a time, but souîething -WýIilmerIiould be fed regularly. If fed depcnd poni the quality cf the mýwa- twicc a -day, feed lightly in the nure'. Hauling a load os sutuirated miorning and give a full feed ut straw, and spreading it on the land, niglit. becuse it has been1 uscd iu the On the farm if more th'in oe stalle and t hrown into the, barnyar ed breed is kept, it is necessary thiat dace not givo theý farmei'r an,u quia-ithey be kept separate, andtieeof jlent for h18 cure ant ilabor la mukJ- the other must be .kept confincd part inig and iliniliiig the muiinure. The cf the. timle. av.erage value of a ton of ordinary Afteýr the hatching seasen le over, manure seldoin exceede l S2, andi where su i t will be thp Lest te sdil of( the une of cotton-se,cd uîeDl, bran andi the ceekerels andi alhn that are hot geucral the )i 11C noue hay, isý ý b ,f ni- mre than two years oid, unies cotun utl t~euailube, sp, lll aluîctias brooders. pUlnt food. As there l Ise or or less los of t'he fertll.izing e-, WAT ER FOR SWLNIi. USyuar arai~ aatvs eeis~ ta re aliy wllI ot drw you. intotelxtiehbt Litt1e dciCeta*bl ts that cur nieto n nst~ption~=~getIynaturally, eranetly 77-D'