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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jul 1903, p. 6

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"It ogt tabhe done!' "1V simpiyy muet ho donce! The house bas got te ho paintcd!" And, Vo 11ake ber wordis as omlphiatic as! ber feeIinigs, Ali-e hi'eugbit hem band downi on tho t 1able -with a tbum that 11ad 1thedushes rattie. "It's horrible te o csJ por!" said Jenny, scapinig hem prosomrve-dich. "Awfuli" erhoed Alice. Tho bouse wbhose ruipain1tod cndi tion wans thas agitating a nsually quiet family circle waus -a squ3ame1 building la an old-time il ilage 0f Sussex.- "I've got 1V! I've got it!" Alice was repeating in a high trebie.' "G et abat-a fit?" inquired Jcnny. "What bave yen get?"- echoed Mme. Renshaa, 'b)evd t find that Alice ans net lholinig a bur giar by the' bair. -The soluition Vo hs problemr. 'Tli key Vo fthc enigmia. The secret of paiinig the biouse(."1 "Von haven't discovercd a goid- mine in the celiar, bave yo)u?" yawnod Jenny. "No; but 1 bave thlonl it 0f a tr iirelathe attic, n Ic;amn going Vo pait it mscà "lUdculus! impossible! WhaV a niotion! Yen will break your neck! " No persuasions, throate, or varn- iuge cou)ild dissuade Alice froar ber pu1Fmose, and AMmc. Reusbaw and -Juiy settiod doan i nto regardiag iV ah as ail inge jok,,not V, v eîf ing convinced of 'Ihe î-ality ofAic' determmbaien wbeIn she nnrolled ai scmoill cf amrpIe pa0ints,an ake their advice on tbe seletion of a from -Il Trovatore," cie heard ber excellent, buit your liande wee tee namne calied inu a hoarse whîsper, and smnali, and you centinued Vo woar the saw Jenny gesticeuiating fmaikaily samne amethyct ring yenQuladi an at Juet insîde the window., breakfast. 'To-niglit, wnen yen se, "Comeit down from there-quicl" 1huriediy disappeared throngh the she was saying, !window, yen must hjýive dropped your beard, for I found it directly' be- - neath on te grass." 1-Iaf a 1 hur atera tlie"And I was se upset that I nover Hal anbou laer taiPretty missod it." girl, in a grey muslin with bine nrb- "Wow that I know it ail, yon vwill bons tripped into the drawing'-roOm lot nme heip yon finimh? It's al in ai-d was iatreduico d. Ned Barstow the famiily, yon kçnow."ý doilicate and reserved, thionglit bepr -1 cannot." the pmo'tiost ali briglitest girl ho "'Thon1 I shah c(-onii1der imyscif u-n-' hlad ovor SOi forgiven, and regret thiAatI evor re- Laeon Suinday niglit a conIclave voalcd my knowledge te you.-" was heold in .Mms. 11,cnshaw's roomi, Mach more was said hy way of and plans of ontrtalamenit womo laid persuasion wMhich lias notinig todo ',horeeby the cousins wouid ho spirit- with this stemy, except that from ed away duing the day under, as that day tVwopaintCre instead of' ene Alice swggosted, Mme-. Ilenhaw's-and w-orkcd upon the Renshaw bouse un- Jenny's guidance; but Mme. Reiishaw til finished. pos-itivelIy rofused te beave the bouse This ail happoned tbroe yearc age, whîle Alice was risking bier nocli on and Alice hersesf, as Mis. Edward a ladder. Barstow, prosides over a palatial -I tbink Ned suspects soecthing residence in Surrey. already," seiesaid. '-l saw bir ioeking at the bouse ail over Vbhis mering. Anid what a qucer ques- tion teo ask at the breakfast-table- who lvas dojing the worký?" "A quzýcerqusin But I aneo- ed it well when I told bim ý'Mm. Jamies.' 1V was the namne that canie nieameet te Aice"- "But you gi-ew very mcd when you said it." Monday-and Tucsday ail wen't woil, tbougb mucli surprise was expîossed on the- part o? the visitome that- neî-j cher Mme. Rensbaw nom Alice wvas te ho 0of the pleasure party. BoVb genitlmn w ere, howevcr,, Vue coôurteous te press the mnatter. Whcn Wednesday caine Cousin Rober-t boit-j cd the pmogranime-iiu a very gentile- manly manner, buit nons the lese belted. Hok wobld reet that day.- Ned! also proved thiatlieý could makeîl plains of Ibis own as ,ve S bis fa-, thoer,an invited bis cousinsl te ac- copay bim for a a inile an weuoid net take "ine" for ilian aswem. Thmdyfouîîd Cousin Rbert sut flcýcinty msted te carry eut any THE NOBILITY 0F WAR, A Brave Deed I Perf ormned by a British Co lonel. There can bc ne question tha t manay noble qualitics 0f courage, faithfulaess, earid souil-sac;rifice are, bro.gti eut ini the crýucible, of xar. But if eune seriousIy prese,.nts the actual picture of wbat happons, it le 1wltvery inspiring te the biglier mional nature. Home, foi-,ntnO is a uboJgy by Gen. Boni Viljoen, of the Be foi-ces, on a British colonel as luar\ igperfoî-aned the "maddest art of courage," the "bravest decd l ex(-Ir sau." G"ncal, Xijoen re- lates U le incident ln the V. C. (Vie- "W e lyinig bebinti bouldoms lig~h p on one side of a koôpje, andt thie 1h7dls wore coml4ng up on tEie othr. esaw thoir bats ailipoar i ovrthe cieret hefore t-bey b lad any vkew e\en of the top of ;the l'i, far lt-ss of us. Thon came t-hei-r1 faces, thon tlioir breaste; anti wel apropos., Mat1ing ehouid be. wiped the 1Dîs(-overy, madle its wlnter quar- ~~fiy Tt1 IVT~I 1,with a danip cloth, ilut neyer be ters and whýjere aIt lataccounits it PENAl~ULY LURI UtlLbIlI A o tt ~ ~anid was fi50 mintSe, oe more than iveWHRE MÂTRIMONY I E soap. ,Ilubbing it with muOist C0I11 hundred miles further south than any GARDED AS AN OFFENCE. meal. after it has been thoroug9hly ship ever wintered before. * .iOu Sv andptand wig he wîte adryclth, Before 'the Piscovery put inte hier Clubs in Foreign La-nda as oe andaiiwin th mol t dr, terwinter quarters Scott skirted the Severe Punishirient 011 bruhin i eu, emoesa lo~t of great ice barrier to the east. The dirt. If ver-y nucl soihed, ta-ike il furt hest easteriy p Ln e reachied Benedicts. DS1~O ~ ,pswee aadbea itdean thewas 152 degi.53 min. W., where holin NMatriory« scnsidc-eda ud- lie RiberyTaioa.-ea te lorla th mttngan trifounid an extenlsive'iand pmass, to ablo -toffense iin some coliiniiizlties, it (dowN, ýthan w ýVird well ît% . wich1gvethe n jame ,of Rn Teecire-les of society are synail, cup of peari tap,[ioca in tw o cupo of cioth wniunig out of warmý wator mn Edward viI. Lard, The lind Vwas, but thieir edjicts Lare stronig. Thu coldwatr fo se ora hors. l'utwhih a S p. Osurmorînt,»d b1y-heighits trisiaig to 2-largor cmîu i f it takoýs coga-10 ov)er tne fire in a dubebolier ami j ot iuse th on ni le matting W00 and 3,000 fetibo e esa c of a mlanl's si11gIie Statu, iu,îuaLi- icook till cva,.-ooo ith hall is dry.Thscodgatsdg oryefyImssafnefrltgttn a cup of siugar amýi iencool sUr in Tescn ra l(g uiý fJyit aÉi oiogtii a quart of 1lrosh red raspbor'r-ies. tWf~IGGAIES he expedition wa that of ýMr. Ar i arried, as lu Argonjtin, whovlru Tom ina moldand le becom por-tage,'whoý, accordinig t Io Clemnt)s bchloho requires the paynenit Turi i aiiiic lu bLèoe pr- Althou;gh the u o f danrw tea Markham, riahe lonigitudel( 157, of a înreaî tan to the gotvern- fectly cold, thoun chlili in the ice- leavos or cm-uinpled its of daan>_p , I ý ri.E.-nn_1t1-u ,7 lient. -b'ox. Sire ihwlî-pduea.n. -nexrslaper \%il great ly facfitate th ' _IriaS.ftotatoliiiPiv orntivcafeowf 1lTuekleberry lPudCding.r-Cover tho opecration of swee.iýping Gýpr es.p21 me-, in.10 S. ýTi d inforatin nvesi fr isne, At felorof bottoni of a puidding dîsýh with ing up the dust andiieneally as- tht hopner&o Vcorareýre a n n A xfr hucideborries, abouit tbree inchos sisting tic swceper to cave tlhe1 La nost (due,,west of the (2V;Tter im. i'itforinrStaîk)t, a feilow of deeP;, put a couple of tablespoonfuls ".pile" of the fabric, it is a oiniJ ouairtrs of thp fDis i Seus' collegs thLfitaselbias fellw of ý,atcar and a littie sugai' witb ,porth inotiagthat sucb aids ar dtcçol abou1 lit ope bÙhdred anld for- I4fpif Le !tasujpsedf&. iVlmsel a ife them and lut cool, on top of the best avoided when the caî-pet und!t-tw ilsfmem tUt shij-. s fair uueb s apoej~ b tdi steve while you pmapare the batter. treatuncflt 15 0f1clelicate or briuht as lie could sec, hid siisrthdt.A lsis 1 àe flot ,1only mut pay this penalty For'this usoe plain cake recipoe, that coloring, in whirh case the contaeiti away to the west 0f th1is turililig but hlie s preenit Ihis colle-ge a. for "Oe4etrecalçe" is g-ood. witb danipcne-d tea lbaves or priati peint, Tt 1bas not been prod bç Ly Mnoilflt' ,L-aeo Pour the' bttero fn the fmqit an*d er's inic wili inevitabiy recuit in un-tUsioliineV tb11t tIli"eaSt Êuiîd ws iior 11ia li hé i1 ib(ilvth tili tEfie cake !S (10110. This sightly Stsain, hcwils ndyma xcnia ofVcoraLndl ni st Whiin I itin ti i<rs may bceziaton with sagar and cream th, bcauty of the carpet. wider than11 ý liitacbefound (to bho -1YIýlïaîîddinto rrtatrimoy. or Ut- ith a pu'cklng sauce made bY Parap cawdust bas-tho samne usefuli 01he1 rt( erncoas-t 0f tHe land, ITho aistocratic Ba. i-[ors' club of putting tre ïlve ablespoonfuis of properties a1 h 'Srasmn u h ana n at,50t t kidl1Lno, aczsse' forinte ll a cup 0 f sugar arid tioned, andi a spocial point in itù iaftanit ast an etetnt berS whio forget ti eles xofer as nixýin1g fte a qiinth paste w ith a favor is that it can bc uscd at aIlf 1ranimportanit distance iote te 2tmuri'y, sa e li s t4e little cold wa-r ming t1lho u1ile. times without damnage te ovone s et.Atg ond the hie caj ihh11e1tt for tif offenrsQ. Tho M4d a piece 0f buttor the size' of an mlost delicato tinte. tholisandS of feet inhckesla the bckiiiprs ust ave the, Ilp'iny egg tLo juic o0f oni emblomona'd a A carpet having a close vie neirof thIiand iiand Jho eac of tte bachobeors forer. iý_ a act toas.poonful cfi onexçtraict,. or la pile ouglit nover, under any crun nàttd of 9ý,00 feet. of graue they niay pDy a fine ofý1OÇP lieu of the latter grate hall tie pool stances, te ho dairnrvpoae ,J -rud TealiinifraionbrmaibïomohdW 'ay b o! 0f the lemnic fa;te the sauce.« tbereforo ho swc4pt witlhout thie adgvn hul rgïnay nbles the clu b lt tb'kIist Spiced 1iackberrics.-Allow two of the exýpedients suggestd. Suc1,)us te te l th1pprxîmae 4 1eteiitof vtot amd. eue-hall pounds of brow.n augar1 ca"4ets slio.uld ho protecti frein neuw 'Lanid reacbed-. No frhri-BC1EOSAEI A?~#T anti half a piat fcido vinegar te dust ns far as posGrible,an in any formto illi otcomuing unatil t evemy four oad f bLackberries. ctse shold bes!wenibeorethU he xpeition retnr'ns home , wtil otô] snlndh~t4s~'nl Pt the sugar aad viniegar in tho edy ~ e b sxjtilefoieveio atra orisdtaîdrpotriroiiy clubs. It V l'iolis t or' pi'oseorving kettie andi aid1 a es-b ac ecmulatd o any n o is ea eotticeabie a enbcr.or a cranJngsle sisïoonful eccI 0f cinnameý,n nd ixtet. It is bttrfer ;tho cairpe - -- -cubi oýnn ipeUaemt Cloves, tic-d u1p hina bit 0f cheçese- to haxo cit swept ifrequeaitl am11 i ]ih- CATCHIITG COLD. ii!iloniy.& &As oli as hIitationci cioth. Lot ceme ,-te a hoil, add the 1,_î-atbeir t,an onily ocasuio1ïaUy -- iiccenîes nio'wil hoie, stried liii the fruit, cook îifteopn or twouty mninutes. as evifo ev apigTerCus,'n -o They Xay cluib coi- witi thflc re sdidentas Tlîýiý l voylnco. inwar-iabIy remioveîs almost as muh e Cured. jtocgi, ii*hOn ha e îs LIolÔ teVopiad W'it itonCkeCran n o f the pile as oet the dus-t, ttiusm Ul- 0ï.t-1iihofisofes, O haîf cup t0f butter, add oeccp of ing tilie boauty as wclas sUzrtenîagj iI, btùlcid rl c tein uP hes'cKil! 0f bis pedigan is ex- su-ir flandhn- ni- ,jt nxv u,-iA ,---------------- -,c w , . . .,1W4 r E-A

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