SKîn Tour yInfants are Born with -Eczema Becoming, One of the First Importance in, our, Great Cities 1 Entertd fccordifg, to Act 0- t."',a littmelt of Uanmada, in thO yea Itent also the moral, condition vf Thou~ &nd Nine I{u dre 1 hr e h fam i]y depends? T here are, I 1 b y M'. ily, o(Toront. Lhviîî venture te affirm, hundreds of q3,Parùment o! Agriculture. O t bni .nd of hme -in our laren .4 ly euipddber, what is the inev it-1 ab .IrsLt? i'er work îis not nly left undýolle, but SIe oisa coni- ors for- theirS, Wliatis anii th ineitble rSuit ? By thlaw ofý 5Upy nd;demanod she 1-(ot enly unerid br brother for his posi- tien. , ut by 'thiat bidding fthe whole syst'euin wages gees (À(,,, i he is th sulïrer. le is the i4,?rr 1The isief ,iiis far reaijîing. it 1jse tci est flicir tiurnîng sidefromn ber ntura enïleym n wilich thiiee iý presvng!nec Ë ol er E-erî ice a17d;;in Whýich ', hu cejuil id constant oçapatonat iremuiirative wages. She leaves a place unfilled aand forces ANIMAIS GO TO ZUNEIRALS. Folloj v., Masters te Their Last Resting Place. Provisi1ons in wills, and the last, requests'L of dy ing men, oiten account for strangc lunerals. A funeral in a si ali castern city attracted atten- tion ri v(c'1nilY, aithouglit differed Ui ly slightlIy fromi the usul -'kind. On the veli et pail which loerd h 7ofin as a large whýite u dkJi ie on whidch rested a couple of sinall bir ca es, ch with ý Caua-ry îpI- It was a bright, sunny diay, and the ttention of al pass,-er's-by w Fem-ets AIÀgpe find~ PUI llsSpI v nvaIuabIe, asaef wCses wlxl freecand regut ar fiOn s aldàeflectually remiove the causes of much suifer- ing to the sex. =77-