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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Aug 1903, p. 4

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i g- e4- "GoldMoa"BdeTwn And Bost of Ail No Other Twine Is "'Just As Good."1 See our samplcs -and prices bef ore -placing A fulllline of Machine Oils, Oil Cans, llaraîess' your order. Tools, etc., at very lowest prices. WTe invite your careful inspection,. Ë%9G"&ECO Phone 66. One Door West of Poset Office, Bowm anville, Economy in Buyingl,.. Boolonyl n Tea Buying IEconomy ny Baking Potder Mlncora Ceylon Tea ForestCitY BakingPowder This is the[most economical and Tbis is a 'vereoonia finest fiavored Tea in the rnarket o iea to-day. Whether you drink the1 25e, 40e or 50e quality you get the1 best value aIthe money ofered ta loyers of fine Teas.. Use accord- ing to directions found in eachl package. You wil agree witb us as ta its menite. Let -our next purchase o! Tea be Kincora. Yolug &GO,. Selling Agents. wholesome powder o! uniform quality.-giving reenîte equal ta any o! the higber priced powders. Ueed uccodng ta directions found on each can youir baking will be satis- !actory every lime. 1 lb. Tins at, 20e, 11 lb. Gem Jars at 25c. Yollng & Co., Selling kgentsl. Full assortment of General Groceries aud- Crckry. Prices low quality eonsidered, courteous attention, prompt service. BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED. YOUNG &cGO., CMINFý HP:ýLL. E3OWMMNIVILLE. APPLES We are prepared to buy apples of ail grades both for BÂRRELLING A N D EVAPORATING PURPOSE8. Highest Cash prices paid for Sun-dried apples at the Evaporator. Finkie &Ackorman, iBowmanville Evaporator Works ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMER. From From Motreal Quebee. Tunisian ..,.Aug. 1, 7 a. M. Aug. 1_5 pm. Parisian .. 85a.1 8,. pin. P1retorian .... 15, 5 a. m........ 15,35 pin. ]RATES OF PASSAGE. Firmt Cabin, Tunisian and onian, $75 and up- wad;Pretort an 5ad upwards; Parisian $7o Second Cabin, Liverpool and Londonderry t40 and $42:50, Tuniý3ian a,,d lonian, Other, sbteaimers $5710, Londonii.tO extra. Third Class, q25 and $6.LLverpool, Derry, Betfast,,GtasgowLondon,. Througb tickels tu Souli Africa. MUONTREAL, TO GLASGOCW DIRECT. oorinthiaj,ýn, jut y 22 day1igbpt. Flrst Cablu $50 aiuupwatrds. seýond1 Cabiu 15.Thîrd Clapss $25. For Tif.keta and everY Inform"aton eh.. -2 mm- JAMES, *' AU*i& e5Lime Appt, Bowmaualle WOOL The season for lte wool clip having startod, I am uow open ta buy ail grades o! waol tram 8e. ta 15. Wcol- carding, spipunug sud weaving doue as usual. Pull stock a! Planuels aud Blaukets on baud at te HAMPTON WOOLEN MILLS. D. TAYLOR, 1_ 22-8m, Proprietor, Hampton. $50 00 To California and Returu. Via the Chicago and North-West ern Railway. Fimet clase round trip tickets on sale t(ram Ciiicaga, Auguet let ta 141h, ta San Francisco sud Los Augeles, also to Portland, Tacoma sud Seattle. 7 Corresp,,ondinigly low ates fom alter points. Favorable etopovor privîleges. Retumu limit Oct. 151h, 1903. Thmee traine dailv from Chicag-o 10 Califomnia, Ibraugit witbouî change, wilh ilmt class pullmans sud tonnaIs sleeping cars. Por special folder and ail inforaîlou, write B. H. Bennett, (Jouerai Agent, 2 Eut Klnwi St., Toronto, Out, 2@S-. ITHE STATESMAN lu 1878 Wall published Iupstairs lu what was thon known as the IPost Office Block but which since the removal -of the -post office bas batin- known as THE STATESMAN Blick. It was purchaqed lit 1901 by M. A. James. After Mr. F. Borland retired from the boot and shoe business carried on ini the lower flat, THE STATESMAN moved down stairs and put in steami power Mand fitted up the office with a modern plant. When the publiîshitig business was taken over bv the present pro- prietor, the paper wai, printed in he Observer office, Horsey Block, now occupied by F. M1. Souch as a hardware store. When the suhecription liit was taken over the number of subscribere was 1047 For the 3 eigr ending July 81, 1903, the circulation as shown by Our circulation book was 2,121. A record le kept of the number o! papers printed ever >v week which is open to inspection of advertisers at ail times. As the circulation bas more than doubled, as au -advertisiug--mediu- wthe -spae-ie worth more than double also. We dlaim that THE STATESMAN l8 the beet advertising medium lit itis part of Canada. Indeed we know of no other paper east o! Toronto in a town of this size and with as limited temritory wlth as large circulation. We desire to thank the members o! Our very large STATESMAN familv for their 103 alty and continued support- manv o! them bave been regular suh- scribers during our quarter of a century as publisher. And lu some instances not ouly the parents but evemy son and daughter wbo have established homes of their own are visited every week by tbefr; family paper. To the business men o! Bowmauville we are especiailv gratetul for their hiberai patronage. During ail the years o! our business connection with THE STATESMAN its advertising coluînns have represented pretty fuliy the commercial and indus- trial entemprise and extent of the town. We have a clase of business and pro- fessional men in Bowmanville o! which auy town might be proud. We have a town, too. o! whichl we are ail very proud and when are fuilly completed the new municipal buildings, fire hall, customn bouse aud post office now lu couse o f erection and the grounds around them put ini proper shape there will be something more to admire. The past 25 years bave sen the erection of our High and Publice chools. the Methodist, Congre- gational and Disciple churches and Salvation Army Barracka; the new Rubber Factory, the new Foundrv and large additions to the Organ & Piano Factory and manuy of lte best residences and several business blocks. includiug the handeome Balmoral hotel. NEW TOWN BUILDINGS. Mayor James lu pre3euce of couincil- lors. town officiais and citizens turned the first sod for the excavation of the new Municipal Buildings on Saturday afternoon and the excavation is uow being rapîdly carried on. Arc'bitect J. W. Siddall came down from Toronto on Friday and laid out the site A1 margain of about 20 feet le le! t on the1 nortit side on Church Street for the weigh scales and water tank. The old baud stand hias been teruporarily moved1 to that end also but is not' 10 remain there. The old town hall le now tanen down, fortunately with no serlous mishap' The roof was, found to be very rotten,i one of the big teams was broken andî some of the joice were so badlv decaved that the surprise is that the -floor Ladj not collapsed. A peculiar discovery was that the mortar between the bricks contained too much sand and Contractor Bmock bad a cinch, the cleaning was s0 easy. The strength o! the structure was greatly weakened by Ibis conditionà and had il been known before, il; le doubtful if the council room and clerk's0 office would bave been occupied as long as they weme with the nortit Wall in the1 condition it was,1 The Police Magistrate, Police officiais and Town Clerk have temporarv of- ficer over the market building where the Council Room will aIea be found.E The fire hall, hose tower and bel!ryE have been taken down and St. Paul's cburcb bell ie being used for town and fire purposes The old Disciples' meeting house is being rapidly converted int a com-j modious tire hall aud as the work pro- gresses citizene are pleased ,vith the inivestment. Wboen ompleted i i witl bo a splendid fime hall. Mmd. John Gauld le the contractor and Mm. R. Trenoiýutb is doing the mason work.- The front bas beeaen out and three w viie doors constructed. The job lias beena Well doue too. r Beas the hKi~alave wysîý h -- , 1. at hiome; Mm. and Mrs llummry Basker. vidle and Migs n'a at Mr J. Morrow'e; 'M. and Me W Hl Raine with ber 'ather, Mmr Jas.iand1ers; Meeme. J Harmy and Wii Alexandler u t home; Mr. Arthur Elford at home; Mm. Fred Trebilcock at homeo; Miss Kate Buxton and fmiend with relatives; Mm. Will F'reolan4 m bome; Miss Ethel Scobeil1 at homal ir.John rait at home. u The Canadian Statesinan BO-wMÂ VIîLLE. AÂUG .5, 1903. QUARTER 0F A CENTURY. Odage i" not ife peut, ýbut .1lfe pomýeseJ0 The golengrinluthe.fuit easu1 ressed And1 oerflowing hiaite ample store, Se that tvo hm wnb, bath ls given more. thpp ie lan', tbeRoman bard couiC ay, Whose ý-wordat nigrht 1 is have tived today."ý In llfe's catm evenlng, bappier stitl is he Who eau exciaim II hoiS the pastinlu fao'l Tweuti -five yeame ago-August 1, 1878-M. A. James became proprietor, editor aud publisher o! THE CANADIAN ST4,TESMAN. A quarter o! a century bas pa"Ze since thon. One century bas paseed into bistomy lu 1ha1 peiod and a uew one bas got fairly started-tbe 201h century. Upermost lu our mind as we lake a retrospect o! the period ise the changes that have occurmed. Thtis journal ha mcorded the death o! vemy mauv people wha lived lu Bow- manville wben we first came ta lte town ta eside. Boys and girls of thal lime are uow, if living, mnen sud women lunactive life. Tite voung men o!flte seventies 'are the middle-aged men of ta dq-y sud the middle.aged men then PERSONAL. Miss Edna King ie vis4itiug lun Bramp- ton. m issi Ethel Potter le homeo from To- monta. Mr, Wm, Barton, Branîford, le visit. ing here, Miss Maude Ellott le home fmom. New York Cîty, Miss NLorma Couclài levisiting relativeE lu Port Hope. Mr. Thos. Charleton le visiting Mr. Wm. Dustan. Mm. Ifiirbert Todgham. le spending vacation lu EýseX 3 Mm.- R. Ja r vis, C hie! o! Police, was ir Kingston st week. Mr. Gordon Beiti tis home fmom New. market f dr holidays., Mr. Pau! TL ebiîcock, jr.,'has secured a position in Tomonto. Mv ,T_ H'U non;, Trenton, is iqit ing at M1r. J H1eli ar's Miss Aunie Hlooper, Rochester, N.Y.ý le isholidlaving a, homne. t Mrs. Jas. Gale and family are visiting ÈMme H. Gale, Coîborne, Rev. Jno. Pouts, D. D., Tomonto, hai meturned from England. Mr. Sidney M. Scott visited at Mm. F M Brimacomnbes, Kirby. Miss Hattie Marriiield. Port Hope, iî Vguest at Mr. J ohn Grigg's. b Mr. Wm. Peate, Ifocitester,ilevisiting hie fathecr, Mr. Thos. Peste, Miss Gladys Fielding le visiting ai Mm. Jno. RickabýV's, Orono Mies Kathleen Edeali, Montreal, ii spendîng vacation at home. Mm W. J, Inch visited at Mm. S. M. Billin, e', jLeskard, recentty. Mm. Geo. Gray, Newcastle, le on liet of expert judgeds titis seasou. Mr. R. 13 Andrew, Battle Creek, Mich., was lu town recently. Mr4,.Ni. Brenlon, Ave. RoadToronto, lis iin Mme. John IHellyam.' Rev. Dm. \Workman, Tomonto, visited bis mother at drafton recentl v. Hon. E. Blake, M.P., le very iii o1 beamt disease, lu London, Engtand. Dr Geo. Gilbillan, Uxbmidge, le vieil- ing is father Mr J Gilfillan, B.A. - Miss-E, Y. King i-vsîîgat Di' Carvoth's, GoHome, Georgian Bay. Mise Cmooksbank,, Buffalo, N. Y , * vieiting ber eister Mm. A. L. Nichis. Mm. Hubert eM Streeteville, le vis- iting nt bisi father's, Dr L. H. Reid, Rev T. M Campitell, Bay of Quinte conference, bas removed ta Toronto. Mme. Tboe. H. Doncaster and Miss Gladye, Torouto, visited friende bore. Mr. S. Bonathan sud faniily, New- castle, visited at bis fathem'e recently. Mme. A Thompeon, Rochester, N.Y., la visiting her motiter Mmes. W. Dingman. Mies Alice Fisher sud Miss Brougitaîl, Toronto, are zueste of Mrs. (Dr.) Beitit. Mme. H. Lapp, Williamsou. N. Y , is visiting tem sons at Cabourg and Balti- more Mm. C. H. Nix, sud son Blake, Ux - 1bridge, weme recent guests of Mm. 0Geo. Downey. Mr. aud Mme. John Wesley bave me- moved to their new home 47 Borden St. Tomonto. Mmeý. R. Wick11ett and Miss Wickett, Tomonto, recently visited relatives lu Bowmaniville, Mlaple Grave, Stlins and Hampton, Mm. Geo. Sugden o! Kineale was lu towu last week for trestmuent for cancer o! stomacit Miss Carrne Hawkins le vïaiting triende lu Port Hope, guest o!f the Misses Milligan.. Mm Daniel Cometock visited bis brother, Mr. A. Comstock, Kindal.- Pe erbore Z.xaminer. Mm H ugh Greenlees heade the liet o! Agricultumal Societv Directors for seli- ing membership tickets. Mrs. W. S. Smith, and daughter, Ottawa, le visitiug ber bueband who le supplying Triuity pulpit. Misa E E. Haycraft, editresa of Tua STATESMAN. le gUest O! Mme. 1. Smale sud other Lindsay frieuds. Messrs Thos. Paterson, Jacob Pol- lard, C. M. Cswkem and W. H. Williams viaited Petemboro meceutiy. Mm. Thos. Jeffemy, formerly o! Bow- mauville. now o! The Globe staff,was lu town last week and gave us a fratemnal eall. Mme. W. Calver and Lieut. Nellie Glanville, o! Salvation Ammy Training Home, Toronto, vlsited at Mr. Fred Pearson's, Omono, mecently. Miss E. Braden, St. Thomas, Mme Jamees A. Phillipe (uea Sophia James) and daugitter Marion, New Yorkç City, are guests at Lorne Villa. Mme. A. J. Stalter and Mm, Percy Stalter, Oshawa, sud Mr. and Mme. I I Special Reductions on ail Men'sS 20 per cent -Discount on Wo Advertiso -the Trutli. John. I Leading Ciothiier. Dry, Go< P. TREB1LGOGK, At lte new stand, one door weet o! llunter's Law Office. Tite new copyright books reeeiv- ed as published. Il Grey Cloak," "lLane, Ihat had n o Turning," "Gardon Keith," "Lady Rose's Daugliter," IHorses Nine," etc. Flic beet lune of 10e books publisit. ed, by most popular autitors. STATIONERY.-V v, r y special linos at rare value. Gel the best, "Strallicona," "Avalou" a n d "Lingrie.Pads 5e, 10c, 15e. Waill Paper, Window Shaide-s, ods. fail adwne amtscom e ts a raie we need more room. We too many suits in our piles and yenuine bargains mrove them out. Made In Canada sold borer )attern -tweed and -colored worst- pin very latest style with .best of inings, silk sewed, guarantecd ýrice $13.50 àPrice $ 10.500 and coioredworsted-Suits, arg- n to choose from, of styiish pat- )th Centui y style by best of work- 9 Price $7.50. tweed Suits, fit just as good as is flot as fine ami linings flot as Summer Wearinig Apparel. ail boy's Olothiig. Pllt Us To The Test. rn B owmanville. Footwear. Groceries. SBEDS AND IDEAL FENCE. PETER MURDOCHI begs t a etumu mauy Ibauks for lte Patronage eceived for "iSeeda" titis season sund especially for lte large salee o! Turuip sud Rape lasI week. Presit supplies amrivlng Ibis week- -ALSO- For lte orders for lte 1"IDEAL PENCE" the beet snd cheapest Fonce Ibat bas been offered. Busy Ibis week witen fonce arrives. Calsud see il. PETER MURDOGH,- BOWMANVILLE. iJno. Gilbert & Son Wholesale and iRetail Dealers in Grain, '3eeds, Flour and Coal. FLOU R. Manitoba, Huangariani, Patent and Stirong Bakers Floar, ut epecial pr.ices. OOAL. We have ail sizes and kinds of the very best èoýaI that le bmo Lgh nt into Canada, at nighî prices. Wo solleil yout-r ptoaefor any o!flte above. Jno. Gilbert & Son, King st. We8tw.î ÀIBOwmalnvil1e. SA Worthy School Whicb converts more raw materlal intro earning power and places more mnen and *woînen in good positions than aniy insti- tution of the kind in Canada is the SCentral Business Colleo'e : and Sehool of Shorthand, Typewriting,± * and Telegraphy, TorontoOtro :Always open. No vacations. T.Lwelve teachters. Fine eqnipment. Spec ial Ssommer session for JuIy and Auglist. 'è Particulars free. Write W. Hl. SHIAW, Principal. CANADA P7--ÏERMANIENT, NIORTGAGE CORPORIAT1ur<; TORONTO STREET, TORONTO. Byý an, Act of the P'arliamnent of Candapasedat t'eprcsesion th aeof The Canada 1'crrnanent- and Western Can~ada Mortgaze Coyporation bas been eliangedi to Canlada Permanent MrgaeCor- poration.: J, HEaRRT MMOXIq, L To Cure a Cld in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tabets. <ieiyj Sev'en muiDon boxes sold in paSt 12 mon*$s. T signature, 91' ev box. 25C.j 'West Bnd Ilouse. -West- End flouse. Augllst Underpric ed Clothing Sale At West End Hoilso. August i s generally the duilest ciothing m ctnth ifl h p.q wîi Q-IN q~ ;,n1] i Q nçî fh+ MVen's Good higher priced ones, good, regular price Sale Price month that the, rusbing ln:"and a, have at present t Sby giving good g, Bost Clotbing- Men's neat p ed Suits macle up trîmmings and li litters, regular pr Sale Mnstweed- est range in towi terns, made in 20 men, regular pric SaIE strong set viceabie oniy different, clothi $7.00 il ,ýlc

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