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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Aug 1903, p. 3

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A~~~A. Standar ""~d oÇ 'il AND COMlW'NT 'Lnt'reomk k of a I arn well110 W and Win ail f ilie rntroug tppt3ý:tl~our thtruly011 ad x U z d il Th7 ad et Home jb The caren nube of th Lpdo rqated public nLIeîy a' at~5 njy g better health JAME1S, WALLACE. Caad fr aaly$Kt Yar Secatrdiscusses at considerable and demand some uitradles at u.3 9 Çarnealysixy,>eas lh the use of sédatives by the monotonous expreslIo of pýrîvato tlhan ever before tai Prf W.~ E3 1l$,909eal and has nover yst fallog Tnls epe t bas usually bceen grievances, and will rot coatse its UNEMPLOYED MAY WOBK, Domini~on~ Goverment, reporte t;a SuUh togv aisIto. coidrdtat o! te two peoples dernand until "'the grînde1trs celas MY- i Who1e lie1 The Town of Mitchell in the Couin- seSe oap is "a, purc and well made soap tha mercanwas, the most nervous ýcause they are few" und! "the Sound That is the statemuent of a wornan who ty of Perth is surrounded by a sou aeop neismoeta. iumyti an rsless,u the facts stated by of the grindiag is low. had'neyer beenî 'well until she was made splendidly adapted to the production well by theî- ,ls( of Dr-, Pierce'q Favorite of sugar beets. it is also a conv en- 4 the S>ecttor ould indicate that Prescription. Tîhe're ',re a1 great ManY len ad econoinical pon rmwich lh Egls ee uieas nervous and CHARACTER IN BUSINESS. ohrwmni ik ae hyhV to ship heets to the Berlia sugar asgnrlyalitd t h s falways been su0es fro diseaDse Thy actory, because iL is imraiediately la athb 1,I AI.ways Ras a Xiýarket Vau in havé neir- onteio~o efc surronde by sugar beet land, and iL drg ste mrcn.the Coinimceial World. Foalth. ,- Dr. Plierce'S - witin the iifty mile distance froin lac,1 steien o!i ainnual death rate 1,r aal sBhwoeerlin. fr1861 l0e89 it is shown tha Teoinrtanins!th voiePecito od n lcno- In March lnst, I spent two days at d~absfrm lrikig,'itowhih u~insswqrld nAmy beý characterized lecL of perfiectý sudi pe-rmanent. healtu, by J)ýy se lthnia buttle i a certain the clirq of thie womaly diseases wh!ch lthi n mn h amr îh ar J drvnb icosds -itgiydaaddi re orahwaken woîen, ;L estab1ilihe regkuar- i~~he mlsrdu~ï h-twy ouï cncer * whch i larely de iluc. -Nine-tenths o! îty, dries weakeniiug,, dirain heas nflim-Exeyarrhdteoncopat buiesis donc on credlit; aiea must, 1ation and ulceration, atres female o h lotatr hiuco r to ha abl to trustla encliother's hon- weakleýs$. ltmieawaboe sru sor. The Mitchell authorities ant frnideanomuto the- nïcvoUs le-eto h vrg.Ohows n ikwmuwl.iading citizens believad it iînpossi- Ai o s cao a 4 ~'- o ae agl nresd hl crmre rae u naar ol It gives aie pleasure ta ec e ae fb i for the farmers te procure any [great beneaut rerceved froux, Dýr. Piercels r.di help on the, farîns.. Tiierefore, one b death,,ýil!s from ohe diseasIes aad fromi Sblu to al vr mifacon !ces and the a4victe wIilch yoli se kidl ant, d ail said "rele it miglit be a___ its p'reseiît size. lupite o! ti H writes Mrs. Bertie Piarkar, o! -àoam Métaln __ oldl age have dcreae indvitil' IiIpaacei h a. ea I teck yeur avI-l r-sçrip- very good thing for Mitchell and bier gret mdem indsitialcominawPiýa, a oIded n Xcadvc eadn te fararirs toj grow sutigar boots, tle ah- eandsome, durable and lo-rice.Seilysial o rn Tharaidl icrasig seo! rua ions, iL romfi.ains tuthinka, al coil- 'Iotioni Tablets,' a-17n u~d baI %een encof o!labai' mieit mosil. anddlvlsiloufenesintownot,cmtreoebdt. tal as odai~ s o ovroesaffering tcOmpe:rary, tînt cactris as i,- ireatet by diffçret dectorl;an M1O seit -e u l- Oni A-pril 2nd foliowing, Williaii for 20-CENTS PER PUNN OT.Ja bu dred dollarsi for tcrbItr'neu l eie, but V1Itecaflee oeu1 frein nirn diodeslaasily a - otat s it ve patiuas.rcie er iterlof aeel ye ero St.c ofy' ith bis enrgi W Uhe ehaerai nce ndu]tuWrt o a prias counled ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~al fo. Te cue myh fl15s at-lrytrco Žasvste olr u etîycent feoraied- 1 orema1 11.' T. Swales, rent there TeagearmF...e cnPutNt in leprssreaudcoplxiy Emery corporation takes itiqr char tucxîaoy bak,RISI)rgîrpros beets9 for the Berlin fsctocy, beliexingP ) »1arrhoea, Dýý1-Mterv, Ch&-e1 o! oder lifa, ilaic rtifii and acter largely froi t mane who Hdhrugawlulwroton!bdyath tha Mitchell posaessed a cert ain _______________ ______ orfa pai, aile inrsg mynro body Pt ,ýalu luuterus________ nuatrl1 hafatro!ct lfl curl t lsstnig n tî waUs ery ,sývarL. Ld oîernsplbea1n aount of labor v.hirhi coit ho utiil- "1-i ~ ~ ~ -ý macire topnd not-I alone oniswma.shrathtmadaaut izet. Hea tli at Mltch,-Il 11),0bgeirvleo!foawt B E -~oer !obsCoir I n I as neo!prear n igtatearnings, but aveni more on thev re,- pain il, MY 1îb, plaU la bresî -Ill btwe -~ ,-ý,l T- lliol-l, !I ýîc view to iaisinig the general stand- tu=, Crampa, Colle, Se ienss' mna glooml, theu roasit o! the putation o! itsmnaeint jne ( d1,owl onl ,e.i r wî oudbe ipssbetopocr rto hat admoaso!or a-lIw Yoplny W nteEse0 und ail Summer rý S,, sud seeimes tha( hop-oth greisLaiarî in, t Ce il rl A.11' I' yen' 1 cent land to fieI exteatl o!I -ýtuXl aceIIeIrh h avf Coennarnt sait only a fare duyis ag ""a s cuiretl ly eodg( reedi- eaý oset3, h kaînoas, l o!( the sraggle foc existence. ,~l cl1 ti1 Patle~ito, odnMd -hidi e-as prepared for booets, and' Bee artris. osa ha te usewilI reven ~ ar ibe Investors piu, t-irt faIIth tI. icaL ri aCcve-, t er a eî~t'to I prmptgen-ra causes, but mon at the «top. 'Th m nay hoit ales'Ths edc eae me ad will e-hidi sein bauAnMy6 frer'uvsad tuh s ae Be true hognta t sua greïA deal of unneeessary suifeLr- there' arlnriua causes also, such te lavenst in chairacten-.-dbeI character cure athers also." sud courluded on Janie ,rd. We taitng reatlîly Io the wùrk. sa i r 0apa htehd e r I n g n d f t e s a e ~a s itt e e o r n s. h e g i n d o ! itt e o t h m o l a c o u r o t B o i a y T h e d e a le r w h:9 ff rs a si bs titü te fo r t h in n in g w a s c o m m e u re d , M a y 2 0 M r d ev i d a un c e f t h is 1 q u o te fr o ii a le t- n o t , y o u r f s i n ! f i n s sutadofe sie genar- hc, iiasipulatet and report> 1s Vn 0idFavorite Prescription"I docs go to gain hoe was able to birle 15 moea 111 ta jutccie rioao h rn o!vinlnt aetetu physirl discmfort , fieg anr tatemnlents 'coe's ste, tell fhe little mre rt paid on thc sale of Mitchl'l. E acb day tic anumber 'of-, retaries iu a nortiecai district: rigi bmi o eun, Yt price. 33ci. ai monilal dihîî rseua y in- tuls or that story, bujt eharicIte, ,,ýr inmSs meriterD i ons r-, dic ies. HTis promt je fering te i work incrensed, until bec- av macpoasoe iný peat rna decivetoussilu o - digestion. As the Spart a!ntor says, the long rua, cannot hoý, m-lado tOyniostnregcacetn utttt.hean50at6 bnawratllyumai ans epr !th ii-ti utyuehih ue obta rK. T. Milbura Co,. Limited. Torane. Ontatiê nfto -ryîy n -î,re pertfeetta Lraî Dr. Pierce'- PleaIaiat Pelets regýulate and stili more appliet for worir, but taLe. I thinir e-e maýy !airly Claim yourself soe rltr u n _________ _________ _____asd tfie Standing o! a busine ss i, ch bovwcla. ere niot needet. for oui' onyar-ol i stut a suc coutmtupnyure tard the, igestiveo functions, aud a largely termaudent on tiche nce Beside Mm. Weir's acreage, sonne tan csfiaaiadapopru ar fyuwutaeaamtigl ADVERTISIýig 11ATES. stomacbi fa'li o! untigestolt foot, eill o! tle mnr who direct it." fanmera tairing courage, soweat from I;n June, 1902, 1- rgiet,( with the eyeso! thsltyu frt - o! maa~~~'IlTr -s practical testiiony froni [IT1f1UVTIA IWTmV1 to 3 acres eacb; yttheceee but s haadfui of, foc)i the, mous part, tam .to h httigrte h IrEAAlA T'NuN1 sbihteychange,( the( perspecilve"i a "Hars o THE BElQ l S îU UA P H111 bansouht yleathe ee«duin Iifp adsiig WRedreladay nierfflg at the otilce 26 STÂur lie "Ste mt, uoeo u a practical mian o! al practical trufli 1busongtoenaith bot ote, closiloferentpa me halbers nem. 1 o iafinh KAS iilocle,-Kinîr-St--eet. Bowrnanvlle, Otby (jiio e-ti non fll hichisl off an 1olt sigiti of, but I hav e given tbose foew faots'to il athclso!tayrea aeaoea Ifyu oitsekid r >.A. lJiwFse, 5.ditoi and Pro)prietor Sberplttr. w>,iiiy says: "Telonger 1 bim senvamelbso! icbgl' WpITE Sof 7-E1,usrtethtinevrixilag udîebrsipo T, ïsfo!ehe ae aerareran 9slft 11ta advance, Adver-liag rateis, truien da-lv h mor I arn r-oiucoid that est importance, and eseily at WITH1- REGARD TO IT. toe-n, tiare are many people wlîo are atx u elustalvr uyu er. I e enth tiglng, lau cents lier liH I iti .1 ty - .-e t- this lae. I commiercial life, neithor eraployet la cegalar trates manch inferestet la tlis latest, ansd thoughfelctont suet )5 Con-i ~therefore, character stili bias mnruait's Tietra~aouapplcalou.ance than Senieca, ýarî tba ii h value. ît is n as-7at e-vortlî more Hore Surplus Labor in Villages eb wilraly hc atuhetstandard o! the lîves; o!f thel remen hava not h esrninral unjuapp)ineas o! thoý rorît proceets than mnany imagine. Maere ability hoa b Uîillized by fed hnte neko htteo h am s h 1~lfroniý littho stoppages, !rom s duct nuay achieve m-un. Autdacify, ma amrwr nay y r.M.Wi at For a nere tarture our wîanter yen Pretno eakelteyud choket op, fofodpressing in the soltmsur area h an is labor at Mitchell forfa iighfly. etnseaeeetedt ay o nivi -isrl asa wrngplce fom foo hie1ddue-ber may ut times cutrol th a-Tefloigltesiýgrigte lwiich payroil seido;m aniouiatadte o douht, attending tbrougli curiosi- tbrougbatwI rugrdcl p o rd îin a ry O ffeu o n a iatt p lrs 1i e ys a ntro e po eio bof m o b ot sugar industry, one Ilf ehidli is less than 125,00 weekly. The labor ty, f0 fnd out what thé nw fad on yourse u r ~ t IecricBeis j cheese and liai-t saltet ment e-ont i possible oniy 'to Lhe >mian ieadiug agricultucist in thJu1 Tow-- beet Pids, and appreciait the orr met earlyeey ma eet gnin se - ssLlIla toastetc B l 'riWho to aiity and enterprise adds slip o! North Damfries, COaUI' y o! aud reagos. Ho is a fin beliaver in menpet fopreshed e-as one o!d goi moaes5 el ehd ocra lests te suicide." chamracter." Waterloo; sut the other 1y v"P'srm- the ultimata succesa o! sugar hetrepcfo thIsiteuntoe eusdnfe-ma.hmyi- ____________er"aenro thBeinpescfvti, but dlady recognizes taking au active Par't lu fhe e-ork. pose upon sm goatpcos t h e R e a c h o f A ll B u o s t o s t t v r n b u E W Y I h K A N l L N O .h c i s o s b - a y v l a e or- t î nt b e t g ro w i ag fo r t lic p ro d nc- A s in g li h a v e b e au ex p cte t n us- i n y a s - r o i s We Aile Sell ng the Best Eleetrie Beit the tesicat resait? For the tie it NENv YORK elAtI thLOtNuDtencutismrOoNa.vilbote o ua-lkpoesin hc tairas eare mata hi' reasen o! the rehose eteiyn isteapn lu the Worlt at a Price within the Noes bu ttecs !ieîhi saY o!kt coporatod texis0te ne et, as iicli îuayT I), rerýïdily utiliz- hi' pr-acticeonly, can hab learnet. Ha ie bons !ti mto o ui thiirofbig a thnou buat al; the Poores oflerr e-ihi iesryo i oprt oiineca as. the caein Ille Town o! 11uniseif us an Peuîerpcisiug sut ex te meat o! us, bat I thiar e-e ruay are founotayearsuef Rec ftePoetSfee. othcr directions, o! a shortenot 1Pu at t d o! the matI acti st Mitchell, xviiih !ities e!r c5ie fnra busns ian, congratulate ourselves tiat the mis-I an o ~euil dcrrrirg opinsa i i tcrsng te Colit thel trt.osebe mthot o! gcowing sugar takes ere neifber mnany nec ser-iionjsh:Iyeaeafrtte-ic- an sut tetaspi o! tea situ atine is in grout 0ftI il' tuigr- M.8iae etrt h i But foc ail that ea feel that tho-ra Xiînly hopb1ht fcat ie êara and 1811 Lomidoni waf may- hogosnirtoiialutais.1tnget errabu ! sto i sures -yt - u ser ce ',. litrmr: 180e tiînirs flM'amra"itra e in fa rt hai oaiýa oafisii tIIp wot Iehvn i eh tu - if ' ~ $20 tat ont o! every, bunretý e-ho h- more thas hcente asl popu- I rv tg b atbleeta flue sug r et rased nfc t'ba oner if, but itý s bar t gnue -- E come( atite o theo usel o! opiumi, 1 cIns as N York. Sie is ss pcj~ Liri copsy wth D. Tealeroutttifpybtte i atil sirowig bte t eienaoIs tf F0 LT grv e-bat mii gît hoka luýt thconiioso mophne cOinR c1eofci or e o~n~ f ý joiuîîi' ship o! W~aî-rnîo , It.11Y lls, inihit-cos rurl i faccure tîîe~bi- ecu e-bat ila aII DOMNO EXL0TO X.Y ooau o bt l~o!, dr'ugs, srhhyiLcoatoi grewv at a-'t rî conrstatseig the sagar bt crop. I1-sUo h at thttharobn Caaua fanat ie. il IhI Dominion Exiionfashv net mo, jjre than ose eor two ca-n 'ai e fromu 50, to 6,0,0 1eiig1tm witb th pernoo i ao u -ill psy for it, -Mi.1ThE abandon f ho, habit, bowever maiich iil ofdneinteco soe_ The Prof.Mrm' Electrie Boit [with - rvt in pthpa-eig sa!ine Ne-wo Yrork's cro n ti) i-h ac utailigitlo dsl, ay weirs ci onfidenc l t ros cone tai ehaset ta iale omplreot Aug 27naprintme olw:Tirdy Ilîuspensory for înien's or ladies' attach. înay e-isb te do se. "The onesgoxt uteai ltfon 60,- ds i, t ais aiet ote any eP-udin, ril baetr i Oufay ario's con- hteahv aia opoetIAg 7h u rty uut2t mont] ;S gUaranlocti t pessoas more sodative, ettsa se-y tae reautug oe- Otl iOTvaiim IIanfrla.Thftrt Ye uocletc ito, s aet awysegiatg bac oilosani!ec anbt reaatonayîatrtheU29h powar, More currant, botter qualty ant er o! the e-ifl witb as mnch ceýrtatin- groreth o! London is 17,pear cent. towa o! Barlin, las f ent-tivo acres a iai ao.S.Mr',Mtb order for a yeac or te-o more you SchoolChdr'slv;TsaSpt regar-ilesa o! prie Mad ty'srs ill testroy a bac o! par derata; o! Naxi- Yerk, 35 par undoir cultix ation, precseiiting a lux- ohl, Tboratale cnt Cnt a Hill, ara may anticipate grat results. lot, Pro! a;Wdada.Sp.2d TiiHE tIsa l ar. tirarEacr Boit mSa tyon as' rAnd w-in aoe h -cn*--triens growtli, ai-i net a e-eed. te suc<- ce'ntre's. Iu r-an o! thse' plar- Personall', it las lucon oue o! the Manufagtrr a Tnsa et ii 'urUe z PrF iMORer E's BETaairn." Anti thn recin ticatti-hent e aac nteebl ii -ih s laber, local labor la being Otucatetigets latrsstsrrsso Cnda a;Fia et tEpr Kiduii' antI Stomaci Complaint, .Rheu- airain o! lifei upon the iatividia1 ENLII DOeisi o!T ailRY the Id in as wste, char tîer gonethin ye oe firld aers ati liei n Oui sihor eeings, tolea C orilTaelr'Dy od rntîsae Back, Pains or Aches mn Atco an mahe SOeen muai' therm Septis 7t1, Labo Div; Tgota Sept.rinoMr eh~~~ Pat fto oi.Warlehi uat iiuccosse wiii the gcewing romn- At tbo leesn rat tuean Brital oua peahne thet thianen sonwl :ae- crne ils n oi ilbc Sth, Farmr'D;WdndaSet EngluaI. Ind lnil the composet o!u 1pciyo cctanthefrtla eam of' thanîI a i a ma i-t the course of" a few ycars a romn 9mb tockrset wilre ,ýir'ot nlScamentI omose o -as o(;!Mr SIoLids u )iigat tmon p ractice for village andtLorn It us impossible te tare part lu ra', ani ritGowr e-i ee yar-yuuer than wetn you iauPnibilat, tuie and aprehirhS-tne and Irîshmna!.lie pro- I i rpaseedot y eaaie at a oetat -neib amtn -ol -tîotgtig rue ay hrdyTSp.Ith meia eont te ted "menas more pressure ujpoj tlle lu- sent Prime Miaister ila a Scot; so oirelves fe I ê fjy -loaaldýbnst ootadwr ihfri okwtotgtigabodrVstr fro ar o1( os fil-le l'- "ou tep1 I 'ar "elic leaer* o! the Opposition, tle eireýIso the opportnmîîty of mn- ors Who cultivate sua et.and more cleecfl iere e! life, and Viter Day; ndvSp 11 o frm 10te$2 fram Eecri sitnt ivtuani oe resua eaaihnceller o! the Exhqe, the tev. iu era irrgr obsmt .Satsgrbos e-' fer this, if for noihing letca-tyD;Saut ep12hCtios hAîf Pe gootd as thoPo.Mr'sBime fatige ant faiu W.~a iEl. AttrneT-lauma anB thrertlain; S. Sý ant ltevie Da. In- and hReotc, o!y cutvain etc. W6e heve wuo- eiler, o!freot Louis Riti, o!fiiuesei ocameti o!t that thaexiionvilolufiswg whiche- tei for cciv $5k W av tation andt deîiîuîy" o! the Board o! Trade. The Lord et b hi' i huiIih s the inventeriNereIanur;Hcec rgt of aval-ry reemnu." 1rom 9 am.StraAg thto1 euh' ee pria We o netask su $10Chancelier, the Soljýiior-Cenaral, aut Patfouc, iIý1 b \-i,,, as e-aIl,ý ef a Mosborui AHex.betWrsoht, o! ..SatdaSp. thMody firat aint if Inîo deý; floth tri' aut sali roture oii t)eýIi a Mosoriri te-ý aeesio o vrSxy'e îou ie sme ait t su Oi prie. hy tees it 50 efion bnp-pari thialthîe Sccr-afary ,fer lutin, the For- ',cîefo lrrugtcboS, e-lin Itae-kesvilie; JU Horst, e! Conles- o vrSxyTasSp.MI eu ougdy OUR RHONEST OFFER-î xOU eo porsions whe have achiug boad4ts Ps igu Secretumi', flic Wa crIetary', to . atega, eut mnuýy others lau a lu a frm. Winsiow's SeothIng ?5yrup Suas net rare te en usý the $5 e-e e-I sont e-ho xvish. ta ievy upon the syqipa lyv udibChie! ereai fer Icciand minîma.T. -aoca lt smiar m-aneir ,eturatat andi dexc îp- beauuso b, iilions af marnera for 'USEFUNS FLTFIS -ail re I-ishin. cng tccrop o! fueîý-ive ccs baet oa sa aBriPefn hi ciiltren- e-bile toetig- if dis- - ,iou ena Of Our Beitg tii yeur neameat of tie public, er e-li have beau is-_______iu 60,o bu 72.25 par ace localg Badem ittri, Peston, tietaagl nibrkno!yu ieltrE shfatem-t express office. C. O. D., $5, witi privil.- iV io niisvr-lalr farea. Jacls Li, Citeeoan u rtbyd at ik hilc sudîien anf dor Tse- laoilhbe.T vr ogeC cf exaMiatien; il aatisfacto,p apoitt i se-me dnciiug prjoI ML a sttenabnatiidoofh ilaerlsi Coit o!t Wat- au w ifh pai d o! utig latint 1,000 uflatruet17reE.O os ntth B ll I nt sV'CrOOiti tci tle o!ivalrloiaietn-p- coonisalagesmureth nin5 th-stndeto ahie -il o laet th uappain iilgosfIa bs ialo-' S otia STu" erClii sx ines in av c'1,00 le0es;Q 1es-eh-pmi aiual fihor lirero, e-eU repa tue 1otae un amt paries, adntn o thworann net ooc n'Pdl suta imueiofl -s thoudsatlte, eskid thf Elect. Ifnpptýliaucs. niterslyt (Ie ciase Ouial' Th1!" istl ontll000,0 an eu2'5,000,- rot' sale. But m;ci vrycs elr 1ate -i ao ia geo pendl' apon if, mofir or mail ne t foie no pa ook giv'in pIfasu uile a ya f0Fecpoeis teeL eoi -stu yla-t, c1 aruier'p anti vilagers a o!lias areaoti.I crsDar TEBS I paocuai Its bua sent, Irl Peioit uctn u rPri.B~ eutclntfut fli e oiiru1 ls year'i lsxeu- c-bei-rs et te îune by heid abve hos agitstu tn u anUmotlsr ui iln Frauce, lasl ae Boowelitt cusre Vinti our teus.De tic Fem omaii t e ok Don.bu êi ni ARE secAUFÏ LIe1Àf- Thej damnant bat logsuhlt ucsfu oncnu ulign o-ar, i ote tad-in uvas ver houri iaries ancndg ti-yogerstalGasntcsaia ton ati rntTuk ntehgh le 132VitoiaSt. Torut, anda I ml roueti to ito lnis proelats - ,,l accouatý( 11! fia) trngt faripter o!d ouaaer an! fli olaiageYr-Th e aiyla îe The F. E.'lern aSOt t iluîtnov- cele îCrhqsbaudrne-Ï sut te :lêtas l'rai la tlie rusinesssud aIse rebcte Ne liii ;; te ei e New. YorUpcw thnear adGrn las ui vuli ae1o udgul Yad i he pu îesh i ofs voi Patch ofleor aix te 0- tlegîu 1h7-mt esr niFrtikt a tGatTukt Writanrieun , nragmoi,-ho lasea ,)se-Iorn n aOs t r my osrain fleict e Toeuntret nîcotingar attmetae hi' e toe'adyrup."th hoethog one Adaest caib;b pacsns af trctoi np-cie clarpteta9rs mante.o Cta ex-u laresd fa rep o bootsmai ea fo andmeîn-b' rosn fo fieein purpose o!sl' LONGn THESES fer.E K r c, nLno en ie oar' ailu ae rts aigit e-hiy. ern pretded abodut a min aundruit crp eierr bte sebt Fainr ateapet lor ahlde solutin o! aipler icn 1emueh ess tr ose. -- a ing f luat fia sugar li. onef (xi uinneise îîeiîs isj suriti lim e-st oofcs lest e!es bain ino eon l 7-f adreusdtosupot im.Itne- h cor inhs béni launo Tesie upo hr sof e-hir scee beauEI boitTUAS lu1- - ibsPo--auAe lesI f aMree Lpz ai C~~~_rtsil .cnade inife f re se hnadachea I a" ea u iîea tiiy t far' iar -s,1s illesu-th An st e -i ht e fimattre--ho sIisaloae ~~GO- Secod niruBugeesso lyi-es, harpa anti eaven 1 ., rer oucn fo ii, e--ami su rier te, stegLlt the tissues, seilyhîîi enn-. Tcs eu'd $3~ ~ ~ pianlos te g",e exrosir to ti 1 entimely freed -me o! th ese distrsing symptomns cern causilage.L i-e netT s, utcimetat l asbs picg, atid at i-lelamudIettlieioa ~~ ~. f sorrour s. île use o! tic liant or- I anti se hut up my syiýteif lIat 1 naw feel real Tu cnclusio,)l 'Mr.Eîo a famdcn.eto lccgie o iy ra aîh h r~oe iw of Ili,,boaiof oi- Tatasfryoraaourioouutre c1u(etlfail I p i 1-'laET forie ufo ail fI r ntsddi-imdis eeff ia i f ~IV Q, O~ rip 11 te an o age con-ucte yfurrn3-a --~Of ~uot u u

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