Experience In Examining Eyesiglit. Do not let a niovice expe-riment -with yonir eyes. elA littie knowledge is a dangerous th-ingy." Years of ex-> perience has taught us the proper glasses to fit for the relief of the various forms of defective visions. Our Optician's training in the best Optical Schools in United States and Canada with his yeirs of practical work, place him hii the best possible position to advise you regarding- your eyesight We made ahl examinations free, and when glasses are required fit them at most reasonabie prices. Our Op- tician is here at ahi times and makes examinations either by day or by night in our Optical Par-lor specially fitted wihthe most -scientifie instruments for accurately testÎng the sight. We pay particular attention to~ the ftting of ~ thm i~Soid~Gok~. oldFilled--or ________________________ I Miss Nellie 1j'hompson, Pefteiboro, îo visiting friends bore. rMiss Edna Fielding recenitlyvibited Master rjT(àd, ýiIoutfi jor MacNach- tan, Coboirg, lhad is noso brokeb abail. Milinery P.pprentices wanted at once. Appiy to Miss Smith, MiQss ein oid, stand. Mrs Barnard,1 Toronto, is visiting ant Mr. P. Tyler', "Fairview Farm," MapIe Grove. Bowmanville base bail team iost in the League gamo at Port Hope Satur- day. Score 7-6. Mrs. R. Holmes and daughter'Miss Mabel Brock, atended the funoral of the lato Mrs. Jas. Bassett at Wesley- ville. Mrs Robt. Wright, Essex, and Mrs. A. A Thompson, Rochester, who have been visitin- Mrs W. Dimgman, have returned homie. Mr. John Hellyar. jr., has been en- joyng his hoidays with friends at Trenton. Napanee, Warkworth and oCher eastern, points. Good farm for sale-seo advt. Try the City- Dairy I--ol Creamii- at~ Lutterii's. ùF -- eed- of ail kinds, fresh, at The moet conomical of ail Icavcning agents, aud makes the fluemt *cod 1Cail and get some of that Jelliied Bwy y-ur Garden Seed in Bulk at Veal at C. M. Cawi.er S. ' The dca F c isthe troge tand Bethesda school lias been well repre- best. Scee iWàt Murdoch's. sented in our High Sehool for some time New Fa-il Hats arriving at Mrs. and we are pleased to note that this Dingmnani's. (Give hier a cati.* ' ý 3car the number in attendance is to hA For the xnei est, best, and cheapest much inicreased, It refiects credit on roady to wear ciothing eall at Conch, Miss Sexsmith, the teacher of the sel, ogI, Johnston & Cryderman's. to have eight or ton of lier piupiis attend- Mr. William- Hughes -and Mises ing High Schooi. Emiiv and Alice, Collingwood. are visit. '1îoig oroncobi o ie ing Kr i'-hb&rd !Hughes. -Tailonerin-fiyrsteIgsmner-rec jaoul Men's Hats-the very iatest Engiish no other shop in town-bv J. T. Allen, ý..Forget thle Store,. Forget 'that courteous treatmeicnt i15 ne ol outr etudies. F orget that we are prompt. Forget everything but that th~e goods wc soit are alway up above the possbility of imprurty. Lots ofC0anned Good Thin.gs for hot weather meals and lunches. Quick meals bhelIp busy housekeopers. Veans Corn for 25e, 3 eans Peas for ?,c 2 cans Tomatoes 25c, 1 bottie TomatoeCatsup 15e.' Dainty Delicacies at a minute's nlotice : Co oked Ham, Veal Loaf, Jellîed, Tongiue always f resh and slieed whlle you wait.