cenuine Seo Pac-.similIo wrppes' Beî@ow. OIJRE IH -EADACHE. DENTISTUYI. G CBONNYTCASTLE, L Et SD BS, Honor, t3adczate lu Dentlstry ci 'VTjroto Utlverellty F PFCE:-Gver CentralM'lîey.Etac gîst dOOr we3t Of Blig 20, orauil VbIteOr,Solicitor and Coieymaucer omie- BriZakiez Block,1 Kii gtieet, lowianillie. morey t ona esnbért~ ~1yr, ]ROBERT YOUNG, V. S. (FI~ICE IN IfÔRSEY'S BLOCK. OPPO S - ~ le Town Hall Enatrauce. where ha wlli be ý,uMd Iret a, m t. te 9 P. tM. igit Catus at reieue reetly oppoite DrIl11 Shed. 17-ly JÂMS, Isue o!Marriige Liee%ýl Ntldence: Cetre trect SIMPSON a BLAIR. r. Bý SIMPSON, Q. 0, CHAS. P. BLAIR f51 iirle@. Souctors, Notarle3, etc , Morrii ]shfk. ciptiniro, Ru g Street. liowmuulville ýtcictirs for tle Ontario Baluk. Private P ( Myb Ifaned ai loiyest 1,atei 'il be at. Black-tock on lte first londa3y of each month. at Orono 2n(t 0ondav ail dav, and ut Newcastle lst ?Vednesdair from 2 p Ma. Oprci,:-Temperance St.. Bowrn- ffllerear 01 Higginbotham's drug qto re. 0. HARNDEN, L.D.S. GraCiiate 01 the I1ovai Colege cf Dental Surgeons, Ontario. C I1(El-Gýpfpo-ite T.Bingbam's office 1ITA,1 ZED AIIL. ROYAL MAIL STEAMER. Front Frein 7nui.lmu.......ta Aug. 1,.-1p1,m. f'ariîis,..,. 8,.a..t1.'8, à p.m. m, 5oîa. m ....... SsIlt15, 3 pm. RATES 0F PASSAGE. Firsi Cai, Tanislan sud Ibnas. $75 sud ce. yard,!; etrian $65 sud upwards; Parisian $70 ind upwardsz. SeooudOsll!, Liverpooýl andi Londonderry ý40 and $42.50, Tunisienan sd beIl an. Other teamners e37.50. London $250 extra. Third lass, $25 aud $26. Liverpool, Derry, BJelfast, Glasï:ow, London. Througi t i et@ teouth lbAfrica. MONTIIEAL TO GLASGOW DIRECT, Corittilsn, July 22 dalilgit. gar diniait, (nt anà Slrd e1as oniy) Auc. 5th, glelliauAugf. 12, tisyligit. yhht Firat Cabia $50 snd upwards. Second Cablu 138. Third Clas $ 25.' For Tiekets and every information M. A. JAMES, Allan Lirii.Agrent. Bowrnsnville Lake Ontario Navigation Company Str. ARGYqLE to Toronto Steamer on route FRIDAY, JUNE 12; tvery Tuesday and Friday folowng: Leavea NEWCASTLE 630 a. ma <' OWMAN VILLE 7 10 a. ni. <' OStIAWA 8.00 a. ta '< WflITBjY 8 45 a.ini. Arrivinz in Toronto at 11.15 a. m. Returning leaves Toronto at 5 p mi. 1 Neêwcastle to Toronto and returu -75c, 1ewtnanvill8 . - 70c Whitby and Oshawa 1'" 6cie Tiekets may be i xtended, goodfor #h6e season, on pay ment of 35e atidiional to PurEer. Meoals and stateroomu ac- comodation at reasonable rates. Freight solicited. Further iaforma- tion of H. CAN, Agent, Bowmanville. B. R. HEPBURN. General Agent. Getides' Wharf, Toronto. WAR DOGS. The war messeuger degs of the Gerraan army have hitherf o beau re- cruifeti froni tha ranks of spertiog dogs. But a change is te bc made. The retrievers were not always sure letter-carniers, beiog citea diverted, froin their mission b)y ganie nmet en ronute. rhey wilii orepluceti hy Scotch shepeiîd dega, whieih aveý ~creendrane sd are m oco- nef fColour? Practically Vie whole Engljsh speakfii'gPopuilation of the >Wdkeep therjseIves ini cdition by usiîge f TIIE WATER. of aheur enough cf ie importLance 55 , Pply of gooti waf, a utl fie fac- tory or creaamery but sloaa striong argument for good wNater for fie cow. T!he impo)rtanice of a plen- tilul sppy0fwte ordiry d0ws 15s wall undenstoeeti but uortuinafeiy ifs quuhkllity l bsa qe tiy en iu- to cenisidieration. Il doaýs neit hitp- peu ifrequeutlyenougi fjiat what tic cows h1ave te drink would ha:)tho1ugit goI geeiioougi for their owýner te use ut fie bouse. Water front a coîîsfanftly ruuiýng straam is ulsually good enougifo coWs uuia1t'ss fie water la coufa-m a hetivhyifcten)ies or drainage mc a towmn nef far awuy. Rurnoing - fer punîlios ifsolf, anti evn war the waf or of a strean is mnit f orý drinking pur-poses ilu!' eeplace ýif, nîuy ha pracficabby putiie a few miles ,Layai, If la a rare thiug te finti a pend lu wiici fia !wafer la gooti for tairy cewvs. This la especially truc where fie pond is smnall andth fe comrs are allowed te wade loto if anti keep fihe I water full 0f particles of aarth anti fl 1th. Suci a pend hecopmeýs au aibominiation turing the ho1 wtifer aud( while ccws are nef partlculurvly ssetbete fie bat eO',cte rIk mug thysxut c oalwt t DRlIN K SUCEII WTER . If is possible on1 almost Pevet'i farta lu fils country vwiere sPinigs are incomvenient te scur a )!Ieti- fui suppby of pure wate,- r fei ol anti if faeare equiippeti wýith a goot winid pumip, riggeti wit i a tank anti automufic dtoictes, aconýstant sýupply 0 f fresh watei' may ho kep oin cdi wtiiluUt UI'jtýý1.11az a i U.jVMilk shoulti novr stand e!ver utituruilite tnsvessai ius wreck,. ,minute-s' attention occas-icuial1k. G tiirty.-six heurs la insmijner liaiere d in iGuif of Mecico, al aboard 0h00 orengines have novi heen perfect-skamg Drioff oîik ronfaiipengdond;btheds edt f0suci an exteuf f bat tliey are fie akimnuier quite caroîîîîîy Stfl, fractet wdo efseite bcleive very easily hantileti aud eau heopar- fie croatu jar daiiy, fý ie',at ber hushatiwasdeat, anti ut cd by any oueafat or a littie iu- cen ufejr cigalflavowedti fat ewould athare t er - a i hejrwl b fie si'rrer. resolve regurdiog tic lo-uocf ia sfrucf ion. Wîare lie walls are daepi Stir fie cream wlyheiug pore nl- mne-fraoiryur se or wicre tbey are uecessarily nearteficiro Fnlymenig i ifa o pass ai fia ieox.wAs eewe fie builing fie gasiolina angine besf finie te churn. ybut oveually aofwsitrecew,1 comals lin ery iandy, as if cau haý Qetal aie uto ,ji useti for a gooi mauy'purposes be- RLST IL NPOIS upon fie acene, and p-alt court to sldea.ý pumpiîig watar. fUE 11 l. Ioweman, wifh fi ie resuif fliat sici Tisis aise truc of wi nd millls. The followýing suggestions'for hel- arriet i hm lu duo course, anti îcok- ticughs i te gasollua oigfine Works îng increa',ý-se dairy profits aire crdi- edl once more upon beýr conely face wîetîber tiore la wind or nef anti et te the Vernmont Dufrymeui'.s Aýsse- uffen a lapse-,cf six yeýars. this makes If handy ýwien pumnplog, caln grintiing foot, euttfiîîg feati, and ti tir Stables shouiti hc weii venftliatoti, similar work whici foots deiog ut ligifeti anti draineti; shoulti have FIHFLHRIAE imnes iwhen fie wint isl nef sufficient- tigit fleors, walls andi be plaiulyWoî ViagsWr Wpe Ou ly sfroog te furnîsi power. costructeti. WoeVlae eeWp u We have iu minci several fna Nemutyorirfy iff or ne atreng in ïa,,1aica. wiere pipes carry fie wa1_cr Irons a iloiig aeraani n maua Adsîac om igfoJ a- well near fiaelieuse or haro te fie sili romlain iluiesbel ouarc, u:TIe af orects Ilf(Tusdty's noar-by pasture fieldis, deivriDit e i u 1 bsluaY csry]huianup faTltefJii tanks, wiich îuuy ha filleti by open- Whiiewasi fthe stable once rfle C er raertaotuba eleei ing a faurat, a work thiat takes but a year. Woulti racomnti uIIng At ot AnfionieonolY six hue llff a fiie, tnt paste lu mnui' guffors aily wer loff standinig. Tic Ulta Frui This may seeni a ratier ceslly way Foodi ne dry, dusty fotdor pîe- Co. 'a wharves, ofcebte 1ni off furnlishng watar, but vory o on tuiteîkg.Itutspnkepaaioswadmosei. îiv it la cîcaîter te îîy tie pipa t han If itfheor t-c isu a ed. -0 Ile saya fcre-s nldu wouîti ha te tig a wel uthfe place îKeep stable anti tairy rioom ta ian inon Duoi,'ifet Dini ~VH'EREIT ~ 11051 EBDED. ean condition. at rgtn eadie soe areptoony araget el' tcbiyt05 iotttybuitaa ly .ing ý,'in eas.y positicis. Port, I'f fihebeIds aoremovaariigi -i suspect etianiniala. Maria sufferetiaîialy i es several faucats nîay ho ttacietite Rerniox e fie nilk peîfy front lasf trewrwitliwrcaaclolsit one lino of pipe ant i uot o iahefie stable tii a dlean, dry 1t-oem, iog vessels. co[clsa- fieldsscoi tie average farm suppliet wiene fie air is pure anti swecef. i afaeifa i a fb iy 13 iig oly na lna f pie aeng Strain fie ,nilk througi qa ean lias boe o ev,3 aaîte ivn f ho fai'~~~e tiuxl'iiug iii- f~~l-ds. fluiîîrl clefli on fîreui htweor îe îedy booeotti nnial Sometimes fia wafer frornia pent thiekuesses of cheesa c ..loti. aînong seaen. ople ouf ie oustoru can ho utilizeti hy foncing fie pend +ani of i sat uaba i sa anti building a drinkirig place outside NEVER SEE TH-EIRZ FACES-. -', do h fie fonce, but sucobivafer is waîns lu tati. Villages havl,-- enwpii louf, hoet wcsatliar anti noua f00o cloatli late Mlirrors Denied itiisi Prisoneýrs- anti publicbulig anti curcie(s de- lufeseasoit, Somre Ecccntric V.owsF. olishat, I. Thousanlis of the pusa- lie notion tint ctwa roe drink- try, renderi- imcas ant idsitu-Lte, îîtg creek wuter la nef borne eout by "Wliaf " xiima the atnseiare wuîdîoing rabout seeking!fýoot flic facf s. WVe have in mind a hrt reuder, "laif possibe tfteî are anti sielterI.Th destruction of tfie of cows wiici have water basins lun auy civilizet pet-sons on flie acotf bunana plantations bans beau coin- theiî af alla. Ticbasrins are fillic(lthefia rti whio are nef1ilfIe lhabit plate, ant ifie fJi-it trade îla para- by fia windihiil fo!ïi tfie craek anti of ba4ioldinig tilýer visages nofletet lyzeti foi- tic ne wevementis. fihe cewa decited ifrontiifluiiifreimie te titua in a airror 0of Huntiretis of popaosfcuit-grew- fie pasf ire, rosant lng their tiinking- souie kioti ? Sucly tfils cal) 'o'tcho ors haie be rulff ak-pc tiîre utîtil riey îcoma te f lie baro. --" Wi-ong, quite wîeug, gent 1leanirl. Tuis uiay sceetu îke akig uvant- rentier, for authfe presont tlmd i cf fie ;ilandi, ag f 0flic cws butii t uanlways jsrnoas if ny uppear, ieeareo wiici if wlsal t Irat ieug1t hati ooeite uts as t4hiugi a c o, ou , u0 rilof miri antýid wois l finte escapet, ise uo rt osdrby waf or anti faît basa fhicaý, mreaierI uf oumir rfer- yearns.Giorggio was diva sbîo0 ro t n- eo- turiîîg fie grali footdluiiaharo - T 'Pieconeaiictsa coufintll 1 uln -notta Bay, ai lIiluadagru than ut uny otien ftîme. Theý1y w,(,ie îey'a prisons fortnîeibesof tus posiuion. Seealsil;ing voaselawer foot anti cure for ifie cow Las ie( 1cemm1unity. - FreIn fi montent of wrecked Cou f iie otli'aide. i Fil ,waots, itakefit mne. iaeofenîIlis nruc-fi ajultefi till stenmy ýani tireafteuiig, ani sieubribcha alessea n l its. mosent'0f"il s el a l not par- fiera are fueara fiat ttae muyha utlittadtot haýve fIe use of a mimrro ,u,,ýea cf uykit1fasnalaulae ofreneival of tfiastoni. Toreta DAIRY IN THlE HOT WIIAIITER. ofglass bing nigldly daniat'te ofiraina have iicreusedti fe miaery off The titi pulls tint cansafatar a fier- i letfe wemien convicts thia adsenith~fe poor anti hornelesa. Thotîsuntis oîgît scaldînir ant cleuning sheult i o a mimeor forîns one of fie chilefo bouses ai-e tdimagoti, andti fi ho put outîth fle air anti sun, bfoatihp f confinement, unît muoy iviarves woe-battereti antisvd u foin aide up. I a fentale wardar eau fall piteous coasfing vessola iwero sunk lu fie If fia butter sticks, f0 the butter- 1tailes off womon wîîo haveaQ actuaîîy hacher. Trade las praetically af a worket-, scait withit iiing waterj falien upon flîeir kneas andi seibeti atandaf 111. t ioreugily twice. Tien put on ouf anfreaties for fie lban of a lie scutheastoru portion of theie l- pleoty of ice-colti wafar, sceur fier- mersel off mirror-' juat for a sec- baud ha-s beau compltetely denudeti of ougily withî sait, anti apply colt eut."1 All tbtese antreaties hava par j ifs cropa, tie riions are floodeti, anti water mtuil fiaeiverker is ahi fier- force te ho disregardecl-ant if there- 1 muny mon wema carniet eut te sou ougily ceeleti. If if shouId ti sf11 fore comnes about that mianv a fe- andt drowned. Tt la estimafedti lat stick seaiti andt scout- uain. ThisI mate convict pusses tiroo or fouir the deati list %vill reaeh fiffy. Houn- ha naet-faitot ivithi me. yaars wieu f beiog pemitftd te j trets cf jiersons were injurot, anti Rua fie' fitger-nail uit anti tiwn gava uîpeu ber ewn featuras. 'es- 1 f mutf ot ha imugineti, iowoî ____________________________ fat if is mnerely wearers off fie g ,..,int - -brcat-arrow uniformx" V T H E ORSE ARKET are titus deprived off fie pleasure flDemantis Sountl oreOn!Y. fori-, leatjtihl as if may seeni, ti -aci, tiae ai i1eft-s iaf uu tua aleits have beau mnny instances of ecc are ~seitte; deiirib e fo -ae 'l'ai. ni zzdy Iseasy, Afbouioîoto trie individuals wheo, for some ra or anefiet-, hav e voie tot ne hý- loek ut o a mirr us long as ile b as boots dectieti r etasue enduret. Mody anti four cnstablase i Sucli ac-use oceucre4 somo yenura jNortfi-Wost 11bMountat Police whtii 1ago at C'atcassonîeinl France, whiýoo.RiudsonDy xptiin. Tiey wili, a ' oung anti beaufiifil iiow, îu estallih a a s t àanbe Ishamîi, 1INDALt gvn e nx hiisbt h ion ooy aeutiLs-east cf Chepsterfilt Ib[, lt .~ ~PVlN URE ciiida boy oci 3. whlbdressing ber iviore fie iialorafront ijoteti hai. bfor te iiirorfora hllfo stufos winfec. Mr. iîalkaff of fie whehsic ia-i aboutfto wr-nd han Fîsierica Depac-tîtîcoit a -pni wuu.Tirt'he chilti, lofft teliiself, ftho MUarnetic-prtinent in, ortir te wadrd noteroa*dway, adw sfudy tei I l ftenoer ot wiii .,erk aipunent cures frc Spavins, ironès, ru n cxci-anti killei hy a pssaiog waters. Spiaiursei.. adahfriso Lteeau. tira, atîdfie mofier, heat-ioe MiCoreth -.1,sccaeiteat, Sr-eoiosoeo Iby ftle siuocking affair, e-iici aie ut- KN OST AIN.D as thse ... foiiawing are a guaraitecf menit.KIG OE MR NBD cola Î..w Boue Spains of Ten Years' Staind!ng. tributedti teri own negleef, vowet Banit,. N.Y., Mc.,rsa, sa fiî at naier again weulti aie look into Wili Travel. Incognito us the Duke Di.,1B, 1. genilali Ce., %rteo-an a micron. of Lancaster. used myu ... ,iaSp.sn Ce..rao a or-t htINZ.,fw Baonesoupvins, and t reniavod tem enuiieiy. Tises, h afbrwr, ti rfi it 5ia~i Iairen- h,, rcbea -.-a ,ds ct -, day of liai- deati, wîie c t ed A despaftci freni Lendon asys: King iiijsred by faittioagis a bridge, ansi an ilg s5te gir. about tii-e ý n.s lufer, sha rit nct1 Edivact saiLboc4 on Wednesday foc ber conpiete îreauoent ith uSp~raria C are. Piéaet isig hneu aet ieodmeacopy.fyoa-i7 th. Hctse iosuanS i, beholilier face on a single occasion. F sig hsMjsywîîs go liir.. Yor very ltriiy, CLARK 0O. t'. minmer wa ratovetifroriti ,ote Marienbad f0 taie Ifie waters foc Pris $ s~ fu s.ietin acfnit i fa l-d ie eccupieti nc woe afo)t-ligif. Hie wjIll fravaI incegni- it Sa, ne. qo - Ail, -a r ncgzisi faýn uta" J opavin OCe. ase "A Tr0ilac on ithe Horne," iha di-aos linouigif fto bc f)bLe,teaDuecLncsroilA - j 09. B. 1. KENDALL MC. Enoaburg Fals, Vt. lUtat hut scle etrar-lut3,wc ewl rceit i fictati thaelul. aun tepay Ibis acson itt Sil oa1-,e i e JMitllanti ceýUnties ofEprrFaOsPosepis, 1 1 ' 'l i- ±t.siineff Tragecty. A dasçiYateh fta nLoDion sanys, 7r h- A.rpr on ia ',,i aster maisacýrirs ut Kinsiieff basbeaureceiv-et bore frein Vic-ConrsulBoa i Lquiiet, ilu ich hé s tsf hut if esoheïý0le-~ ALL ON ACCO-UNT OF WOM,,AN. flou but beau taiken rby tf iuftoi- files hbc ha'edthe rno-us eouhit have hee ch lkiu an aariy kstc. ~ Events That Would H-ave Turnet agreeos villitiot view 'tintthie na.ws- Out Otherwise But for lier. pajrr ltlsarubîu ivas largely --e- Sip-onsiblè 1ý . Mr. Bosanquet places Maoy as tha cases une of baffles fie -Jcwiý4Jivictls aut 41 kilieti andt won ficougihie agoîîcy of weînaen off 313 wou-inded. ivhile unin-gfie Ciris- fthe type of Deutilcea anti Joan off titans oue was çinucIand 68CaSwid- Arc, ieme eau ha, ne demying 'fhe et. Multilution ant tideliberf e foin- faeftithaqualy ouînterous, q, nct tlure of the vffsha says 'doas îmore se, aretio f victorles speil- uet seaux t-o have beau pr,ïosj0-d, et hy the futIr sex anti of baffles thourfi tbre were unidouhtedly greant lest owing te feminine muacinations. barantlai. IPamiups senie instliances in peint xaay Tie Jttesplace tiair l01ýeis ut Ibe off eea intemest, two ilidoni roubles (-$1,000-,000).j France- eau peint te a numnter cf bîîit fia figulre is probubly an exua -caseos ib wla]î h vn tunias çtp. gertie. ]witi the imapijlle have been sapoileti About 8;80 ilotonfs .wcre unreqltotïI hy wemo, andtihfe wbcle course off qiit 306 wem-e punissiiet ent inervents chauiget ini consequietce. For chîreges, while 2.16 iere aiutei ~mltha ml or Cen. Boleuanger liro unitot ant i sxty rioer4 Wll, abrýoughîf about by a meuiber off ho fe Iruet i ut l-iru oîeiun wi lmirder, f.ifim se.. But for the Vlseoun- lu aitiltion 'te oties-ctfie- If tess de Bonîseiaiîî tiare l ie Tho ue oun gi\,,fbe ;!l ha chance fiat ie mîigit laieý role'e epnutvt,-u'uthe' hceon)e fhe, cuber off rne Iýsiant of Sla.Tic lady intuced i lîste puy lier- a visit on fia nigtît off bis ebactiion us a tnien cr f tihe Chinluer ýcf Depul- PRINCESS GETS FREEDOMN. fies, ivien lînt ho mfuiet iront s0 tvoing atîdiinsteat niamcestiupon fia Forger off Naine off Cecil Rhodes Ebysets, as is partisans beggi<timt Mas Beau Liberateti. tei.de, fixe iistory cffiahe (ioublie A despatcý i fret Cape Tuwu siuys; migit haie beau eotlmaly *leei ý1P Sorneivliat simnilar la fie Oit -iPnorasa Rauiýziîîilb, whe wffl son- IVoriticase cf -Hannibal, tbr-wiia tenceetitetw yeaxr' itot,îr1lonMimsts s fie unitîtentionai cause orf bila by fit Sprni Cour-t, Apiil ;VO, fuhi andthefi failume of bis once suc- f il0, or ion uceunoction iifithcasalul armiea. lie great General noespuprting tebiaie beau emi- iva se foolisli us te marry ut a do me ty ie late Ceci Rhodes, fitue w ie asîîoîîlhave beau de- iias heanhibrutet -cn prison anti voting nl l bs finie te the coatuct ha aare for- Englauti. of .military af fairas. bis treopa be- came utferly *deniomiizieti turing 'fie TUREY HY SUPLIS. parie-t of hus "hiouoymtsioo.- ,tth ie rasuif f laftbey iVt-erndemet quite Larg-e Quantifies off Ammiiuniflon unifit lotr actîtous sri(,,antitiaic Frein Egianti.reguinedti eim- femmit- ïLjatan o f di sciplina. A desputtli frlont Cfon1staninepbe Agi. l iacîOcin eo a any: Tîmky;l biîîg gefquan- fie Case cf Jamnes 1V. cof~ liil fifieýs ofaîuiin ldn or- wie is sitotehaie b ost tulaîntýois sta nient cf tfie pumebhase iviiho ema, I aagttitI i abipetion nidy.King liail seizedthfe oppemfu1n1ity gix - siiipp,,d _____on_____________en him. oi cccupying a favme oiî tien whamein oteîîefiFuat 'À ~for-ces the baffle tint enstedtimiglît have a ntaamey dtifftamenf andîg -ofi-c iviaf if Ia. But J ames 11it geredati thfe castie ci a tithoti lady ant se if ias fiat fie soutiensi froeps ivece nileetaitoppemtuuity off chosi-19,a suitabla î esifio. - wiici ceuiti tie r lave been sacuinot budthfela utnacchi ntthesitatet. lTe .,. lady ivas a certain itobleian's tila namat Hernamtinas vomi heaiti- fui. Thie noft Russian Gen"ral, Par- - .' aneli, ivas founti guilty of treasen amnd sateucet te deafli a seur or A Chatho an Says Iýron-ox abeý,,arc ail J uay12, 1903. Aliow m, incto ,say a few words as to thec merits of the Ironox abt~s,1 have used themconsanty for indigestion ~ an palitain of the heart, alsosou stoach aad I can ~Ï~h ~jou iôvntiiutd Success j wih te Ion~x Ttltsfor alwys eepIro-oxa itheý flou.e.P. W. MAULEY, 1Pifty ho-x lt, luan atrc-aî-tive aiutaunm ocl~e cas,5cenL-ts ut drug- gîsts, or setOot aid ureceipt of I~d.Wahrii)Ot F.gudnt so ver lonýg ugo, there bebleld bis îown face fer nai if rueetics te!th,,peint 0of l'redlu- won-~nnde uîq rselxed that hoe IVdnve ganscan bhis features, in fie gass ai 1he rlgidiy kept his word, yigeeuail t the ripej ug f 78 A1 1eu i Iti-L pausant wcmn who ,edW-cf a silrtold i hm üouthe i.e\ ocf !ls dpruvre for a lonlg voy- ageý thrat sh1e weuld 1ne1 look ulposi ber features iilu he mirror until he returncd te býer, sleandi round. Thle Are a sure and permanent cure for aIl Kidney uand Blatider Troubles. BACKACHE Is Lhe first sign of Kîdney Trouble. D.n't siegleet it!1 Check it iin urne! Serions trouble ivill follows if y-ou don't. Cure your Backache by taklng OAN'S KIIYNEYHLS two ago, thanks te a "omýan-one of bis owvu family, in fact. She gaý, e evidence agaiost hlm and other ofb- cer ui the Czar's service, anndýu ~ h i through bier the Empire was depýriv-, ed cf sonie of ber best soldiet s. Thare are muny cases like this, bi tîlere are aiseo umerolus ees tbi corne more procrseIy within t] meaning of this article. A woinun, tee, la reporteil te ha, lest Alsace and Lorraine te ti Frenchi, and hielpeci te )ring aboi the France-Prussimu 11Wair, by regula iy learning the resuitsý of the Frein Caýýbinet mieetings, %viie the was e tartainiing one of the Ministers, tM report of these resuits boing id spatched te Germuoy witbout dela- SERIVANTS, BY TliE ýHOUII. 'A nui-aher of influential wamaen Boston have atten-ipîed te selve tl servant girl jprobleiýn by stalrting houisehoid aid coinpany. Trhe coi pany has purchased a large hous and wiii provide ccrntortable qua ters for the girls on low terme, ai give ethem practicali nstrucîtion every branch of hovtseholdi wor T~usholerswill baenaibled in hi gliromthe co,,paiy at anmode uta rte pe hour The iirls af t work is finished w- Iii re11tu1ru hm aiid will e pre4l nlpnet Start Right To-day and you_ will find hie world very souci brighter to-morrow.- A gooti CoImplexion-the bloomt of perfect heaiîlh--bright eys,- clear brais- these are within the reach cf ail wlio take, care of their digestive organs. Take a teaspoonful of int a glass of water every norniog and you will finti that bithe nt eruptions w;lI give place to clear cdean skin. Throw away te pot-dcer pufifanti rougepot-they are coutier- feits cf nature. Abbey's wiIl cure conistipation, the eueany cf a ciýcar complcxion.J At ait Druiggisb ac.sd6,C, SENTIIIENTALITY IN LAW. Indiana Believes That Second Thoughts May be Best, A divorce law passcd by thie last Indiana Legisiature is being examin- ed by many lawyers in that State.1 13y its terms the bonds of matri-i moniy are flot sundered, but a legal separiation for a limited time is de- creddurngwhich timie the parties, mutst live apart. Thecy cannot re-i unite iii marriage; thie court retains powcr to niiake and alter awýardse as to propeýrty right4s anld children; ali- miony miay be allowed; either spouise mnay convey real estLate without the consent of the other, and cithur party may sue for an absulute i- vorce. The proceeding is entirely ne(w in, Indiana, and lias been iprac- tised in few tts The grouznds for separation are somnewhant more liberal than for divorce cder thie Indiana law s. They areas ollows: Inhj(ieity, dosertion and f. ailure te providec; habituai cruelity and con- stant strife;' habituai druukenness and drug addiction., <It is hoped thbat by this openiug the way for a temiporary legalized separation for causes that may be remnoved there will be time for re- flection and reform inl many cases that will Iead to reuuîted famnilles anîd renewed happiness. There wvilI be timne te consider, to appreciate the loss of society of the absent one, to, forget oid scores, and Icara to heur and forbe,,ar and ho more cou- siderate of eacli other's rights and feelings. Thelr1aw is, regarded as ex- porimental, aid maoy lawyers are doubtfuil as t its practical work-i ings. Dtwa adopted under the in- fluecc of eea soclieties of womnen who have ref-orux proclivities, and terargumientsý before the Legisia- tuire were largeiy sentiment ai in REPORT ON THE MASSACRE. The Vice-ConsulVs Enquiry Into the churn ieuni usei ti perfectiyy dean. Use sod'a adpci ty of hot water anid a sti!i b'shto dlean the churu. Churnofoten. Po 1net let cr min stand after itibs eaheLte ro per conditioni. Vurno ik good buittncrifrm old cram Cbr' at asý lcw atrpcaue sps1h n11b0f 6 eres n so h churo al 1s soOli as it', 3its n the grnule1s are -smll. The1uttr- mlk is mo easlywahdefwt lass loss to fiavor,(,. Tanf' the butter frm te curcIof0 h tb or print as qikyas psil. D net bave it standing aot A balf-pound print, with thiiii,, ais of the farm, or som approri- ate design, neatiy wapdi aci mnent paper., canuet heip ul pes the eye, ad wheu thequliy f h butter la A 1 you ieueteptt and you have perfcin. Stcla production. wil awas fbring an ex tra Pr-îce. If he emprutreof therei l th cur gtsmucb abya d- gree-s, ie (butter wilhiha st.. A geop woll is a geod place fomcea stor-age baera cburniag. î'11,ringL shoufld ha done ut least twice aweak" and old cre-am net mixed with uaw.- A quart of huttcrmnillk ksa geod starter for the ne t t>f cream. In Use For C Over 30 Vears., r MuprF1 7 8 T E W -OIl. 0177 ritahijlity-, ;and dread c (f graphn with business pi'ehleus ave danger sýIgnais of ganeral etvosbreak- down. The anuai vacatin is 0oî 0fofite mnest eliýci ent woapouis ugatoati hreakdowa f or those who lix e ia the intense nîiodprn Mie. A Nwall kn-own phyýsician used te 3a that ha coulti do a k a' work hi iav timtis, but neot lafii v phelid f'oeris three inteis îasgrcat in 4mrcoas luiiu vaac~i The cities c (f tie Uniet ta inhici sifeMXst frûti tus iseus are asi ri, Cicu-ýgo, Bosto!1, tint orden "The poorest lpatientin ai ihospi- toi' carOti for, su Mbs case lamre carafuily inve>at gated, h bacerlo logicul, chSrnîcal, and cluwicalia! t ode, than arethe well te, d!uiin their own lhomtes." Paris hias now 57 Wonîeu d (octors ouf of a total of 3,60ý0 neilj)rajc- fitioners. In 1882 lParis bad only gavon wonieu physiciausi The iRLd 101 a lway &ouh The Kind Tou Have AlwaTys Boght, and ,wieh bas been lu use for over 30 yea, bSý las borne the o naueof -%-d bas been made uinder bis per- 157-~1Z~bonal supervision since its infancy,. c "'Uiow n'Oonme to deceive you in this. Ail Counterfeits, Imitations and 46Just-as-good,-" are butb :Experiments th-at trille with and endanger the health of Infrtnts and hdenEprnc agaînst Experimento Castoria is a hiarmless substitute for Castor 011, Pare. gorie, Drops and'Soothing Symups. It is Pleasant. ft eiontaipus neither Opium, Morphinenr other Narectie ~ sustace.Ifs age la iLs guarantee. IL destroys Wormns uni allays Feverishuesaà. IL cures Diarrhoea and Win.1 Colle. It relleves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation, anid Flatulency, It asstîlates the Food, regulates the Stomaeh and Bowels, givlng healthy and na4tural sleep. Tb, he lpn' aneaJTo 1Iohi'rienid. rz e u-ý1ý,, F-ALWAYS 1