--a-. - ~Jno. Gilbert & Son Wholosale and Retail Deaers in Grain, Seeds, Flour and Coal. 1- FLOU R.c Manitoba, Hungarian, Patent aud Strong B3akers, Floair, at special fi We havealal sizes and kInds of the very best coal that is brouglit inte; Canada, at rîght, pricos. ALSO OFIARCOmL. WC solicit youir patronagre for any of the above. Jno. Gilbert & Son, King St, West. BowmallviUe Buildi'ngn and Repai*r*ngr. If you want a fiee car'- niage or wagon eall and see may fine display. Prices are ight and satisfaction guar- anteed. 'Repaîring of al kinds praimptly attended to and work satisfaetory. Give me a trial. Wma n ,Edger, Morris' Carniage Works, Bowmanville. TORONTO, ONT. Gives instructions in Gregg's Shortband, Toueli Typewriting, Book-keeping, Penmanship., Expert instructons. Complote equipment. Students assisted to positions College re-opens Sept. lst. Cataloguie free. Chartered Aceountant, Principal. The total population of the township of Darliingtou in 1827 was 666. The Irish treated the King and Queen just as a generous warm-hearted people ivould be expected to treat visitors Th e King In al his speeches said jusi the right tbing. It loks verv much as If the Irish problemt were a thing of the past. _______ To keep boys on the farm is a probieii that the Farmer'i Advocate attiampts tc solve by suggesting that the farm boy sbou'.d be sent te, a good agricultural colloge where the influences will im- plant ln hlm a love for the farm, for stock and for outdoor lUfe. The teach- ings of the college wiii bear sol iogicaiiy upon hie knowladga of farining opera- tiens that ha will bo at once interasted and the longer ho studies the more interasted he becomes, until any pre- eonceived inclination for other profes siens are entirely obiterated and thare ie formed the nucleus of the snecessful farmer of the future. Simple, ien'tit? Accarding to July fruit crop report of the Department of Agriculture winter apples will be a full crop in Nova Scotia, miedium te full crop la Sothern Ontario, Georzian Bay' and Laite Ontario Dis- trIcte. In Eastern Ontario and Quabec the crop D. lig,,ht. Early apples are i mediumn tc hull crop averywhore axcept In Quabee. Pears wili be a light crop excapt in part of Southera Ontario and Nova Sctia. Piums are a medium to hfull crop in ail pium growving section, -wttli-nfot more timu rttïe-uat=iount of rot. Peaches proise wellinl Essex and the Niagara peninsula. Grapes are a meodium crep, except in Essex and Kent, where they are almost a complate failuire. Hou. Geo. W. Ross, Premier of Ont. ario. bas returned te Toronto, from Middlesex, county where ha spent a weak among bis constituants, ha hav- ing represented West Middlesex forSi yaars. Mr, Rose expresâed bis deligli at the magnificent harvest gathered bY the agriculturistis in the west, The crop of this year is reported as batter than that of last 'year, and nothing gave Jilmn mroî e dlight than the comfort and prýcpeity whle,ýh was, appariantthrougli out the rural district. The Liberals o t'je West, halies have unbounded .orj fidan3ce liiithe future o! Canada, and ntudorse the roosdconstraction of tbe arand 1Trunk 1Pacific Iailway, LOCAl aND OTh1rRWISZ, Mrs. Chas MeLeun, Toronto, le visiti nâg at Mn. Jas. âtcLaan 's. Bure von tashed C, M. Cawker's Cooked Ram ? It's fine. -TI aht tred languid feeling andI duli headacha is vers' disagreahle. Taka two cf Carter's Little, Liver Pluis beh ore retirlng, and s'eu will find'relief. They never hal ho de good. Mn. andI Mrs. F. S. Smith andI daugi- ten Retta hava neturneî fronm a pleasani nisitrvithrelatives in Owen Sound,. -_Jz T-1e mkone-'fe _---though- Rf a wa oth ivi;ng. Tuke eoh oCarterý,'s Littie Liver Pille aflener hRiug.; 1hwill reliera dyspepsla, aid digestion, give toure and vîgor tethe systam. De s'eu use a Gun, Rifle on Am m ui- tion? Ifhso, F. M. Souci has, a flue stock. IIerses' Block, Bowmtnville. Binder Twino, Foýrks, Rakes, Turnip lices, Rope nnd averythiug f;or tic harveait fioId, au reekhoitom pnicos ah J. B. Martyu's. Miss Sarah MeLean, Toronto hue ratund home fnom a pleasnt visit ,wîth ber cousins the Misses MkLeun. You h-rd'y tauize tiat ihismedi: ciue, when takiug Carten's Littie Liver Puis: tics' are vary emali; ne ba!d affecýts; ail troubles fhntm herpid linon r a rali liy uder use Jush re.caîred ah Coe, Johu1isten & Cri dermani's uwelinoûoQ ldis'Crav- eat6e water ,pro)ofs matIe i u la hi the rery Iaiet stles. We have comnealteniung and ne- pairng hurs, so Il you have aniv now'le the time ho bning thoraelu, beferethe rush begins. M. MAYTER, fumrier. Menster tamperance Dlunie ah Willow Point, Hampton, Aug. 29. G. F. Mur. tar antI F. S. Spance speakers. Partie uaus next week., Dr. F C. MNtolwe, Blucicstock, bai retamned fhrom London, Eisgiand. wierc ho has beaunery s- uec-essfllunebtainiuî5 lie btghesh dogei oh of tlmedicul pro hessien. To ho frac from- sick beadacha, but icusness, cntîaineeusa Carter' Little Liner Pl.Stnictîs' negetuble rubey gntî 1 lttb3 i,eT-aliq frac the shemaci frcomhbile. Cambridge St. 'Methodist churcb Lin dsay, li having he intonior renorat ed, the argau nugdant te 'hol building greatliiprevc d. it is ho h opaned Sept. 13. No faites non hadls but heusehehi naeds. Us d'every day hi' evervbodý Caa't o-ou Beal thean others do and mak fortunes, StilI room. Write ah once t G. Marshall Sa Co., London, Ont. Ou und ah Ian Sepiembar 151 al driver oaf automohiies musthbavec n liceuse ho tie machine, a number on 1h antI coi tortu ho other regalahins. The license wlll ha issuad li'the Prerluciîi Sacrai ary's Dapartmant. O-.nu o Fort PErnsoNs Ona person i avens' four suff ers moe or legs fret itchig piles. Soma de Det knew th nature of hiri ailment, aînd otiers hur îîethbeard oh Dr. Chuse's Cinîment à thîe onis' absolute andI guarainhoad cun for dishressing diseuse. Il yvou ara sufferer sk ý car neighîiors about th: great preparation. ItLas grown pol alar as a rasoîli of heicnos ohfits mcmii boin- passet frese friand te fiiend. Nos' is the ime te preparo for wont and if o ou bave ans' hure tint need ri puiri,"0owis thie time te bring tlii te M. MATER, f urnior. Speelal value la ToilaI iý*ets for th naxt hwo waeks ut tic China lHa Gro:zers'. A splendid litie oh colore sets with RolletI Edgc Basin aven piece huit size fhonlny $1i75. F. A. iiuddy hlas heuglit the Groeî antI Crockaenv business known us Chie Hall Groeery csrried ou by Young Ce hon tha past 15 sonne. AntI ha wi lie pleused te mcci ail oltI friands un mas' now onces t tic oltI stand, gýo hlm a cal. Cunadian Pacifie Rail wuy Ce mpan, Atlantic Slaaahip Lino steamers bal shaniad sailing from Moutrai ft PLivorpool andI Bristol. Se or s'ri M. A. James about tickets. TiceiHamilton S ectater's Caruira number was flnely illusiratadl antI wE prinhed antI a cradit te tic offie E vers' oltI boy shenld ho detightad s'il Ibis haudiome souvnir. 'S During tic past yaar 36 nes' Methea e t churcies antI twelne new parson o ga have beau enectad in thie Norti-We Ternihenies, ah a total cocl of 860,00 During tic saine peried tie averaj ncontibiutien per member has heen Si, a 85, the niumbers added bas beau 2,90 Yand 27 adihional Tissicnaries bai ilstanhed -wark ; k-Con orahul ations te Miss Lana Bar le tt, Wfýpauee, graud-daugifan oh M John 1ilalivar of hsts lewin abtainiu yhan Second Clase heaciing canhificata. NxEwc Too GooD Tee KEsî-Pereel wbo have usad Dr. Chasc's Ksdnc; Linon Pis ara usualîys' selel plcasi with ie.beehif. lori veda thcloute 31 ias sent ts'o coqpies eh Ibis sonz te ave htmuLe store ln the UnitedI States a 3- Canada, makîug a total oh soe twen e thousaud Copies, f o tiat hiiose Who w] er a cepy Wil have ne trouble lu secur ,h- Mn. John Mlietn, Tynonie, is supp Of !Dg bea e ütic nuralînoadenson hie 1B & 13 ai Bunkehon a~ ~~~~~~ri Tuiin"hc ula rmMentra ut 7 a. , ,I Sattnday, Augusu heus, a '~~estimable citizen oh Leaming-ton au at n "jo vs the confidence and respect oh i ÈScîtizeuls. Ile is at preseut sacrtary' nethe board of trade and eccupies ih( positions of trust ln the communitv tbý indicatas thc bi.gh estaem in which h is holJ. flIasavs tie outlook hon ti L olaewas neye ri hrbtanlHe expec this hall ho have 150 students in atte, ,d Lte tic fronit ranits ;o,h ui istitution'ýs from. Rimoush',Ii at Il 15 a. M. SundaY, Augus't 2ud, arr!eivad 'lt ibiille at 9 P. se. Saturday, Augult8b and at Liver pool noon ou Sundai', August 9th Tlme of lpassage from RLimouski te Moville, front ambarkation te landing eh maLils, ater daducation of difféence in time, 5 heurs, !P 6 days, 6 heurs, 45 mntsThe limae ceupiadon the pas age from Quab,,c c e1MIlle, atar dnductin, the utnie sto'p td a21iuki wlaiin' for ml s, 'hurs,1î'1minutePs, is cii das,6hers 15 uinuts.M.A JAMES, Ag entBowanvilla. WÂN,ýrao-Areialemain te r8prcsent the Canadýra Li fa A-suranee opn Ciarke. Api ylte rproal te S.E Saf is, C G3eal iAgent.z Midianci District, Toronto, A bsns hoe $7,500, 000 te date for 19J3,isndate of the popiîiaritv cof the CnaaLifa. Ail letters land applications wl ha con- sidered as stricly cGnfi lentiai. 35-l Mr. Oliver Grigz, son of Mr. Joseph Grigg. Portage la Prairie, has raturned home after 8 monthis', visit with bis 1grandatter, Mr. Thos, Grigg. James R. Jarvie, son cf Rich, Il rvis, Chia! cf Police and County Constalbie, Bowmanviiie, aàroamber. cfToronbo Police Force, won the Gold Medaigive.n 'for Most points lu th"iganso h Police Amateur Athietie Assoc atiO on Weduesdtiy at Hianlan"s Poit. andà the champîouship for 1903, Woli &doue James, we'reprend of ycu. 1Messrs. %V. J. Jones, A. Tatl .W Jobua, îD. Gai1braithP.«TreiIcc Jas.,alDr. Iiiir J e l ad. Dr. Bonnaxcastie ft4tended th- Conseilva tive damontstratlien luToroto ?,Ir. F. Molan Winnipeg, aaeorapanieà by bar nioese, Mise Birdie Johwrion, allant r unday in lown wlh fier elsier, SIry. D. Dtrob, Thêy loft for liha Thonfianda Is- lande and Montrea,wilh the Western Prose Excrsion traie 'o Enday morning, wieh %bai hy are maaking thLe trip. SBEMOVED. -Mr. W. Fiebleigli bas moed - is Bicycle Ilepair Bhop te the bciok bnîid- on King tresi jlwet oh the Regas-try Offloo. e sepriad eaoopa- lies sudsas ho bas fI lied up a raslI1d,ee painingof H ilnds a pllydcueeand the buat oh work guïrsuceil. û Bey Dr. Sanoders, oh Cibouýrg,lrbo bas PO beau granteaileIai' of auae fom tbe nlanisry ociithe Mothodisi Causai fer a dpaniaad, and who hae beau apending tbe ye aummr menthe al Brockville, lcaves o0 shortly for Japan,, accompanietI by bis cephew EHaroid Maliozy, The Docto yinay Spraîcce bis profession amcng the Japanese )r for e lime. 38 The Road and Bridge Cornanleof tthe couttlett' Jouncil met on Monday of lat week In the Conitice Itom. n . ILWl , chairman. W. Donald- ie sou, John Miller, T,.11. Twecdle, T.B. c0 Carla w and Warden Forgnson were pre- ce sont. Il wae dEc ded toe ak for tenders a for building a new bridge hetween Cent- is wnight and Mýanvorîl, tha bridge te ha Pf a el. The coniraot wau let for cov- ering the Hlsutingl bridge. e n CORNER-STONE LAYING. Th cr3rno aigthe cornei ston ofthe ew unicpalBuilding xii' d le performcd on Saturday Aaigust 29 ai 33 o' lck Dr. John Hoskin, K C., oi ry Toronto, has kindly consenltedt perforer the mnterestIfg ccrernony M r. W. R. Y ireck, M. P , the Merchant Prince, Te, a rente, bas aise been invited te take pari & Both are former Bev'marPie eys whç il have won high distinction in their res d pective sphercs and with Mcr James H. ve NlcGill, WIashington, D. C.. Il ct'ii unanimess hoice for this huas tien Ir y, their old towa, e Others who wili bc invited to partidi ®r paie arc our two Paniamentary repre e sentatires, %lessrs R. Beith, M. P , an. W. RieIsard, M P. P., ex-MJayo F. F aiMcArthur, W. M. Hlorsey, P. , W. F SAllen, J, P., R Ruli Loscombe, an( SJohn B Mitchell, Vice-President Demin h ion Organ & Piano Ce ; eaîr two Counhe Ceuiucil representatives P. C Trebiicec and W J Bragg James B. Fairbairr d-P. 2i , and W.l Conch, ex.Presider SBoard of Trade, Jas Gilfillan B.A. StPrincipal HlihSeheel and the Towi oCounciliors. NM. A James, J P Il Mayeî te Frank H Mfason, John J. Niason, W.- R SCiemens, Lewis Cornish, Levi Morfi oand Alex Luttreli Supeintendent o VO Works, J. H. Kydd; Archii.ect, J. W >Siddall, (Toronito). --Everybodcy-is8 invite( t tei witness tbe interestiug ceremnn Ir. Enciosed in the Stone wili ha the ramne g et the Town Councillers, the buia diai cornmittee, the contractons, town offici ns ais, members eh Paliainent, Ex-Mayors '.Counties' Ceuncillors, professional mer -l -Au-- -a l otes;acllectincf uraer BMAWILE EN 1876. Wîn weaîcniaua~iiss27 YJÂRAGO, ehf 187Gov getthus l i cf bsiness and prefssin en iÀacti-ve lîfti ia Bw- Andeson T.J.........Shous. anufacti1rin. Co.........b..sb.tr. Batng hMras.C ......D Fr Goes Be'ýitialexa,,Jnr...........hysîcian. BlAao on..............Sathes MuanueHentry...Ce..............es Chsrieldmbe t Jo M........a it Britan Broms .P...rlAuaioerec. uCliia, Ao...........W11iiadit c, Bunur ...nr.............Suhes. Bun.samu, eerm. issidue& Lrorc Busi, Leris..t............TJeaer. Carhafs, Rithrd he... BAiihr. C A.tiTh s........cAgenetc. Cjliie, cc............. liacrdsetc. Cliies, W. r.-i..........Pu....lisa. Cobli, Wm......-;.........B.rushes, C,ýsonýRi.ewis............Joketc. Gowle, raneis .. ,......IryAgntdetc Flecrc Rchr.... .....Bl..NIcl luolti. FaleherA. M.............Agentaetc. Fleitce GoTacs,........G.rocer etc. GoDnes, Mogn .............. oTels Dlomeulon OrGan..C..............ie Griftn. Johnr...-..........olas, etc. flaine'l. airn, J ..........Ag.ent, etcs FaletceRichrsdA.,......rick ner. FiotciJornA...a.d ...........B aier. ifELFor ha.................erliSote, Glvaum G ..................... Gorfth John...........Sladdlert. Hasins,. .................arns. Jilel, RJohn ...............Talert. Sa PîimpsD....................... tl Jefferv Nichelas-............. Shoas. .lpffeir .1TniJ Lyle &Maiy n ..........Groeces.-B Manning, R .... ........ Hardware, Maniug, Thomas........... Cooper. v, Mason S3amaci jr ............Satdan,. MaTer Maritug_........... Caps, etc c MeArthur F. F. .........Dry' Goode. 8, McClellau & Ce ....Col, Wcood,eic( MeClellan John..Wharflng-en, etc S MeCiuung lres.,.DryàGoe3s &aGneceriee. P, McUlung William ......... Carniazes it McDougnll John. ............ Miller. a MecLetI John & Ce ...Hardwarea MeManins' John............ Grocan. McMnrtrv Wnm. ... ...... Dry Goods. h Milne John.............. . .Grocen 8 Morris James............ Car iages ei Morzis Levi........ ....... Lumberý Mosas Her. ý....... .......Buil'er,, Murdoch Bros.Grain Deaiers & Grocers6 Nasd Jacob ............... LunerR Ollara R. & 1-L. Musical llastrumeuhe.r Paiterson B.......Physician.t Paterson Thomus...r Goeds. Peate Richard ................. ailor. Parer Johni............Blkmih Pinci John.- ,ý.....Nursery'. Pllard 'ars .. ....Faer Goods Porter Marshalli............ Saddtler.1 Porter William............ Fundrv Pro war William P, .. . Cahtetwaref Qula Lewis ............... ..Tinsý Ils eliffe William....... ..,...Produe Reid &SaBoyle ....... .....Physiciaus Rice Jolie.................. Builder. Ruebeitoîn Josephi............RHotai. Feott William ................. hes Saxîce. L W ................ Lirery, Shas' Thoemas .............. Tvru ,Smg'e John.......... Boots &S Siest Smih J. A.. . Scsing Machine Azent.1 Soper larvan .............. Shingias. Souci J &S ...............MUions. Stepheus Ira ......... Baker Sa Grocer. Steplienis Jonathan ...Shingle Miii. Stott D ..................... Dmgs Tatae& Arthur ....Phtgraphars. Tiempson &aBuane.........Prodace. Ted Chare.......... Conetionans'. Totterdàade Tiomas,..........Ta cru. Tiraeveri Michael............. Sicas Trew-*a Thoas..............hoes. WAsbst1en & Galbrithil...Hardware. WestcotSa Tapsea ...... Bineksmitis, White James ... _........ Hopskirle. Wilkinson J. A .......... Publisher. williumns Fradcniek ..........Pumps. Williams Mark D) ..... ..... Bteler. Wylie James........ Baker Sa Grocer. Yellos'lee Sa&îtiea îtienens', Faucy Coaids, etc...................... You Chas................ Butcher. Young Robet ... . Vternary Surgeon. BOWMANVILLE IN 1903. Allen W. T. B.e1oits Sa Statiener '. Babcit John ......... Boots &a Sheas.1 Bounsali E. R .............. Marble. Bowmanville Cycle Woed Rua Ce. LtI. Bos'mani'ille Electnie Light Ce. Ltd. Bawmanvilie Foundns' Co. Ltd... Bres'cr John................. Hotel. Cas'kar C................ Buhher. Cawker Sa Tait.. ýý...........Groens. Cris Lowis............. Jes'eler. Couch, Johuscon Sa Crydermun, Dry Goode.................... i. Drci John .................Heta eDavis David..... ..... Baols Sa Shoe. yDingmau Mrs. Aunie ...Milliers'. Dominion Organa & Piano C. Ltd.. a Durhanm Rahhan Co. LtdI........... i Dashan W. Hl............. Hardware aEdger W............ . leismith. El liott Jas ........ ...i._Coal Oit etc. Fisheig Wm....... cleRepaira. 1Foley Fred R .......... Botc& Shoos, jFreelandCe. P.. .....PhoteraRpien. ;tGale Jas,............... Pab)lish1er s GautI John ................. Builder, Cilbent John SaSn&..Feu aFcectI Graham Ce. uttI........vapealors. Cnizgg John............. ýPed oer. IlatItI SaCe....... .Milliners', :s Raine3 Gao. C, Carniags & 13 a ïkiamii. IlRamblyn Wv. J........ Trobaconisi - lnules' Richard, H. ... Brick maker. p IlieutBres ...Grocers' &aCrockers'. 3RIelivar John,.... ...Boots &S Sies. RenHone 10. J........ ....... Jes'elen. Rame Alex ............ ...Buhher. it Iumpines' W J..........Haas i James Mos os A Pinten and Pabtisisor. bs Jamnes R. W V...Agejmh Impiemeute. )J ,lelfemy Jeai............. ...Tilr. r Kuiglit T. [H.......... ...Grocen. tt Luý,tireli Davis. . ...........Baker. ýe Mue(-kai'John Lti.... B'Ani~MIl aMunuing FVred J - Cig-a s reUlaunant etc e Muning John ...........opn Maiso)n Co. Tic........... Dri' Gos 3Dtî-on &Sa!ou.... a &eseS Sores IN p p p R ti L ti ti U a ti r ti e SA Woirtky School NOliichcoaverts more ras' materiai hillo4 êearmninag power, aw dplaces more meaad a Swomen Iungood positons Ihun ans' mati-, talion of thekinal lu canada i he b * Central Business COPOIe' and Sehool cf Shcrthand, Typewmiiting, j i and Toetgraliiy, Toronto, Ontieý. *Always ope-n. No vaiathous. TweIve tui te, e er. FinI e oauipm) fenft. S p eeh i 4 *smmer isession for Juis' sud Aagust. * Patienarsfree. NWrite4 * WW. H. SHAW, Principal. 4 -- - - - - - -- - - - Wason S. W & Son.l Dry Goods. [a'ver Narlzus. ,. ......Hats e& Faure .cClellan &Co,. Ceal, Grain etc. M(cDerm,îd JW...,.......Druzgist M lcDonaid John A.........R -otai M urtry John ........ Gaenrai* Store rc holen F............ Tiailor Xorris Levi & Son, FanaÏ&Undaortaker W 1onnis T A (James) astate oh, Carnîages SI 103~ ~ s , R c rd . .......Sh oam aker 1 Murdoch~, P .............. Seeîdsimai Licho1ls, A L. ý_......... Variet.y store O Pcata, Thos- ..... ............ Dyar cl Percy, John .........lcsihdi iceard, Albert W .....Backsmîïith ne lleid, John ............. ý.Shoma il Etiëe 3-7Co.. ............ li1fardware -h Rickard, T N........... Jeebe E Smith,âMise X J .............Mîllinen, landens & Scott............. GrUcen-,s cl Soucb, S....................MàilierE Sta nIey, R.............. Shocam1arB Stephans, G A..Shingles and Lamber Stott & Juzry.............. Draglss Tait& &Ce).............Photographers 0 Tapso), Tics ........ ...B lacitemiti it ['od Th m as........BakeOr n .raicoek P ............. Stationier Tanstone. F C ...............Mutler s Williame, & M., Furniture, Undentaker t CANADIAN PROSPERITY. f( Thc New York Ontlook, tih ast S weekly maagzine in America, editad a by Rev. Dr. Lyman Abbott, contains bis higi tribute te Canalda's prosperitv iroder Liberal Administration : - si The exhibit of Canadian prespenltv for ha fiscal yer en ilng J une 3), 1903, ils aletea unpracedenteil in -the historv ' ah tice Dominion. Thlicazggregate tI aoreign trade las ear 8450,000,00), ah ucèrease oh more tian $31i,000,000 orer 1902, aand nearly double tic total feneigu tiada oh 1896. StilI more significant lisi ha American siare lu tbis great trade a axpansion. Oh Canadian imports, $125,000,000 wonti wene Amenican sman- îfactared geoods and naturai predacî s, a au inerease oh about $13,000,000 ever tha importe of tic previons year. The remarkable feature le tiat tis bas taken place lu spita oh Canada's preher- ential hariff la faver cf th ic ohl country. Fuller raturas wîll. doabtless show ihtbah he Doiin's importe oh a thrse oh the pronlous o-car, but ne suci volume oh trade as tie.t with thé United States te expected. Tic experts te this country have aise iucreased te about 855,000,000, as aganst nearly 819,000.-~ 000 fer 1902. T ha largo balance oh J 870,001000 incar haver suggests more 1 aoinitedlly tian aven hafora the possibil. J itics oh trade witi Canada if a mneasare of reciprociti' sheuid ha oranted t e a, and it aise lilustrates tic only aff ective way te met nr. Ciambeniain's praher. antial tariff peceme, if thie ceuntry siloald feel, inhenested anougi hoeceunt- eract 1h and wemc deternined to do) se. For the Colonial head and fr'ont cf tat J1 acharna is, the Caniadian prafetanca, aven thhaugiit 18 oiily partiaily aeffective, and if an Amanican concession oh libéral reciprocity wera giveu and accaptad tic wiole trade outloek betwecn Great Bnitain and ber colenies would hai cianged. Anether noteworthy evidence oh progness le the immigration returne, whieh, fer the fiscal yean amountad te 125,000, au neese oh 45.00j overthe previgins yar. Oh these over 40,000 came hreim he United States. 40,00) freim Great Britain, anthe remaindan [rom Continental Europe. chiafly Nor way andI Sweden, Gartuanyiloumania, n ud tic Austrian province cf Galicia . The inemease oh Amenricun immigration is best illustrated hi' tic huet that ln 18c)6 ouly thirhy-six cane iet the Canadian Nonthwast Iu 1900 thc influx had iacîeascd te narly 5 830. lu 1901 to about 18,000, and in 1903 te more than 40,000. AGRICULTURAL. Bowmanvilla F&1t Exhibition le latar thie yaar-O1Cet C, andI 7. Thc member- ship ls 151. A big show 18 expeced. Ticeefficers ara: COuzrv YSOCETYr. President-Jamas Davman; lst Vice - D J. Gibson ; Sud Vire- Hagi Greenleas; Brd Vice-W. J. Clernence. Secnetary-T.rasuren-- Md. A. James. Directorâ-T. Baker, H. C. boar, Fred Hoar, H. W. Jaweli. A. Tambivu, Anchie Staiker, John D ivey, N. Allia, Jas. Gale. Honorary Directors--Robt., Baiti, M P., D B Simpson, K. C, A. E. Clemeas, Levi Skinner, Samuel Alli, Win. Riekard, M P. P., Gao. Gray: J. H. Darith, Ansea Taylor. Tow:assm' SocioTx'. Prcsidnt-W. E. Jewell; lst Vice -Jas. Ricitard; 2nd Vice-Levi Skia- nier; Secrehary-M. A. James; Treas- urer-W F. 1Alleni. Diractffl-W.YF.- Allen, Fred T. Allia, Allient Allia. Richard Festar, A, W. Foley, W. E, Jewe'l, W. M. Joneis, M. A Juani,, John Oke, Chas F,. Rica, IH. G. Pase, Jas. Rickard, S. Snowdan, jr Auditore _J. S. Moorerahi. John McMurtny. Horticuitural Society Rcpresentative- DISTRIOT NEWS. I. H. Black andI P. M. Thompeon, oh Nliths' Collegiate Lustilute hava ,sig-ned, A' -h euothr 'ieoanal cag brd ili ha on exhibition ah Toronto from oePtembar Sud ho Saýptembar 1Iti. En- neeclaV ith A. W.-B30,1, 70 King St. oronte, August hSth. Saunday evening RerJ . u shawaê, preached la tic Matiodiet mmucix. The revereend geatlýýae,' iiseun.ise s'as oeethat iwill ha long 'mabaedbar tiese preset.t Foe ani ' an he.urthelarge auietnce &s sitI, asïUaesi1?1uT.Bi7c Ensiyn Ona oh the yninter i peur or- mande lunOntarioe le l iat on tic hfarmehf em'ýan bsprohbhs, tihae etpeur )rchard in athi Province, outside oh lie hiagara% district, and tiare are few t. aUebas, if I ramemben anigit, carly &3,000 peur tracs. Ira Ntnas. Milîbroit, visited LintI si'y, lýu qctoh hi zi-ateppene. Ha gel 0o fch cigitsert--ea abreads'- ooking bay galding sireal hy Kaswick, :o $235;the othen honr-year.old- hrown nara sined hi' Dr. Brereton'â Hermit ha possese.es nana spead antI bigi action tu breugit $200. Thc weak hefone [r. NutrueÏfs'firm seltI six aunials for e.500 Suill hene's moeasinla igla îoppers. People do net hergot liaI GuGmes' rau s'as' fmom is charges antI toola refuge3 on Buffalo, ant laI hie counsal tires'up 1e case Theinetgio wod ara beau abruplly dreppeal with Gain- rv a hugitive tinans' ordiaa,ýry casa. Tic idges and thc counsai hon Mn. Strullea Lsistad tiat the investigation preccad, uid Mr. S. Il Blake coulinued net as cunsal hor Camai', but for tic people. ts bis theamu Tories "honored" s'itm i anquehC TOWN COUNCIL Accounts pused antI ordered tohe paid t August session oh tic Council: aus. E11tt-ges ' q-5.........5-4 Neptune Mater Ce. waher matons 1122 00 )uty on metars ............... 80 51j fhos. Lyla, leaming........... 76 00 B. Dilling, lubor ............... 12 88 Fruank Burus, lahor............ 21 51) aeffenry & Son, Ciief's suit ...22 0O Thas. Ceulter, labor............ 20 75 asGle ras' 118h, etc .......91 50 W. H. ashùvan, supplices.. .ý. . . ..12 47 F. M. Souci, nule.............. ,6 O0 W. H Suxton, lahon ........... 21 25 D. Multen, laber ......... :.... 19 8 loin Osborne, lahor............ 5O S. Seaci, gravai ...............8 50) )Ienk, advance te indigents .... 6 00 E. C. S Huinnek e, 1L. B., accu,,,. 8 OD WV. Dingmaa,. acet, wahanlng.., 25 OC0 $565 43 A NEW HY MN BOO0K.-ý. Ail music ionems will ho pleased to get a ceps' oh a nas' bock ohforords anal musicl sufficiauhir diversified te mccl tie needs oh lie avaugrelishic Feornues, Young People's Sociaties andI Sunday Sebeele. The numa is Penhecestn] Hynus No 3, 288 pages, 3-13 plaies, dli bindlug, single cepy 30 c, in qan hutes oh 125 or oeor 24 c caci lEs pop- auIty is sios'n bs tice sale oh 15,000 tht finet menti Wo f ound itlulause in a Praebotarian and a Methodiait chureh s'o attended in, Holiey,N, Y., insu moth and s'as so fanoralls impressed s'iti thc selehieus ws'aord tint ove orderiad lia book fer hamli' use. Den'tfla 1 îQoud 3G cents, champs or cliver te Hopa Publishing Ce., 12-28 Wasti Ave., Chic- ago,Iil. andI mention this paper Il yen ana a singer s'on s'uI tus book. MINISTERS AND CIJURCHES. Thie tes'n enbeash cf as gecu cinrehes us uny towiî cf ils sîze in Can- ada and our cihizens are a cliurch-2zeing people. Tic chunces andI present pastors ana: Metthedisl, Rer, D 0. Creeclen; St. Paul's, Prkmshyterian,Ror Rlugi Mure, B. A.,; St. Join's. Epis copalian, ]Bei. R. Seahomu, M. A., Disciples, Rer. B. H. Harden, 'ai A., Cangregationnl. vacant ; Roman Cathi elle, sappliad from Paterlioro; Salra- tien Anmv, Cnpt. J. E. Cuivrt, lu coiný mand. BUSINESS COLLEGES. Business cleesn oaaplandi s'wominlathis coun ti sinpl'Yftng as lie; do a practicai education neot aLùoh obtainahie. As an illuitratlon of thi fueli i esîtad upen goodauhonit; tit the Faderai Collage oh Ottas'u, hai tIuring tic past fine s'aire trained and loeplan od siiuatieu.s osier 120( Tak a'v r Ohi Ta!es. mi o eoe W WOOL The season for the wool clip hjavinglr started, 1 amn now open to bav al grades of wool from Se, to M. Wcol- carding, spinning' and weavlng doue as asuai. FVu!. stock- of Flannels and Blankets on hand at the HAMPTONS IVOOLEIN MILL8S. 1D. TIAYLOR, 22-3m Proprietor, Hampton. ormerly Trhe Canada Permanent and Vïestern Canada Mortgago Corporation Toronto ,Street, Toronto President I ABSOLUV- GRGEsasGOO»ERtHÂM SECU RITYý" 1lst V ice prerident~ and Managing . j. HERBERT MASON Director 2nd Vice-President: W. Hf. BEATTY We invile yeur deptcit accouai, and are prepared le grant the best tring Co shUt witi l th e ointe safety of the deposit. ontBonkici cantannngfunllexp analoi el Our sysicin by whicb depoai May be Mande by mcas sconvcnýenhy es IlOur cihhcp were he ye or own Post (Etice. wll bc sent frac on receipt of yen? 8ddriss. IYOUR Paid Iup Capital$S 6.00w,000.00 SAVINOSI Reserve Funld - 1,600,000-30 SAF Invested Funds 28,600,000.00 EVERY FACILITY CHEESE CHAT. Names of Cheese Mhade iu Different C ountries. E ach country has is favorite Chefee The Sw-visnake the Go'u- yei e cheese. it is invade of goats' )II ik, and is fuil of boles, caused by D the gases in ferment ation. 'Plie 'typi- 0cal, Entglisýh cheese is the Chedýdar, -firnit ranidle lanftheEnglish town aftear 3which it is naàmed. Blrie is a popular French soft cheese; and Cajiieabert, orginatinig in, Normnandy, is ano6thr. 'P hese cheeses are cured lu cavesý, w110e1e the temaperature uci er rics abtave, 012 to 14 degrees. TI'ey are roardy dfor nia.rketing in M'ay adNwm ber. Roquefort, a celeb1ratc ', rrc cheese, is niade from the aîlngled mailk of goats and septhiat biowyse on the thiyne-clafibaisof the A.rno. 'Phese chfceaes are aisc, rip- ened la caveis, but tthe tempera;ture- is kept at 40 degrees. a Alcin to the Roquefort cheese ia tha:t called CGorgonzo la, imade in Itaiy after strnllar processes. It is hmilder than Roquefort, and not ,dquàte s'O good; but hit s sold mnuch :0cheaper. Another Itallan cheesel. the Parimesan, is xery bard, and is -usiually grated. fLIMburger cheese, so beloved by flic Germnans, originated ia Belgiinno. Itis extraorýdinarily rich, being ai- lowed to ripen to putrefaction, bence ils horrifyir4g odeur to unac- customed oti. Sonie persons bave a saying, "G-oi-gouzola Îs a cheese to sweur by, Liniburger to swear at !'- Froya 1Flolland cornie Sthe E dani and f+he p1neapple clicese, both rnade lu clenly nîanr.er and , ry popular, TEN-MYILLIONL-TO- ONE CHANCE. *One laiw 10,000,000 Born in 1901, Wjll Be Alive Iu 200O9. Taklng a million as a basýis of cal-b culation, statistics show that at th-e, end of seventy years there \vil)l ir- vive 312,000ontil of 1,000,00ý0 per- sons. At the expiration of eighty id years te-re.wvil! hc-107,000srvvr ýy of the original Million. _Vei It e Cornes to ninety years 0oistne 18 tbere is a terrible thinning of the Ly ranks. Only 8,841 out of the 1,- IS 000,000, or one ln 115, will live to Ithat age. At ninety-sevca, but 244, 00or one lu 410, will be aive. At r ninoty-elght, hall of theso nearly will ýs bave dropped out, leaving only 119 tf, ouls, alive out of ibe original 1,- !IC 000,000. One',, cL.2.,cs to rends [Cniinoty-eight,' accordin, t,, these tab- dles, is about one iu 840. 0f the original 1,000,000o, Only n54 will lixo to see 4iaa"ty-nine years. or about one person out of 18,500. Tbo century mark will bc reachod by only 23 out of thel1,000,000; or, la other words, out of a group of 43,- 500 people at the sainee unie, only one wlll fi11 out the Century spaaî of existence. Only one la Z3,000.000 persons will reacli the ugo of 104 yeurs; just oae la 5,000,000 can be expiected( to se", 1-0r- birthdays, -anrk -as -to ' - iing--to-ý be 106 ycurs old, these tables place. tliat contingency as ont of the rangec of practicul calculations. Possibly one hunuan beiug ont of 10,000,000 L who shall have seen the light for the Etfirst urne lu 1903 will bc alie la a 2009. Reginald L<'apea.rt : "DO yoit as î ws drearn of lac, dnrling ?- MssPin. Y key Blutter :"0ril13 uhea 1 bave the n ightniaro." Ud