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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Aug 1903, p. 5

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In Qur Wlndow This Week You WiII See ~The Fanions J. &G. -Stomiaoh and Liîer T onîo1 No .N remedy bas ever given better satisfaction. We I 4 ullhestatingly recommend it 'because our customiers al 51 4îsay they neyer had anything so good. If you try it anld 1 4 say they are wronig we will, pay back your money ae clieerfully as we took it, That is f air isn't it? If we did not know the virtuie there is ln the remedy we could not make this offer couid we? If you suifer from a Dyspepsia, Indigestion or sluggish liver buy it at our ex- ' pense. ' Stott & ury, The Drugggist andi Optician. I Optical Parlor.! Fýor many years we have feit the need of an Optical room where the best possible conditions cxisted for properly usiug the varions iscieutifie instruments necessary for e8xamining the-sight. In our old stand this was im- possible. Now we have more room Sand have oue of the best equipped optical rooms iu Canada. (We know ot noue as good.) It will cost you uothing te have your siglit preperly tested' and yen cannot aford te haRve un experieuccd persens trifie with your eyes. Many years experiene lu the Iarges'.rmoins in Canada fitting zompiicated cases for other dealers has given us an experience that ,ceould net be gained in a lifetime la a tewu ibhis size. Yen get the benef,.it cf this experieuce free et al Stott'&Jury, The D)rug.-It and C pticans. À WORD 0F CAUTION. ]X PitohW's Baek- arelm sanod Gfro UzlnaZyDîsease, Miah- qpiU@le.of modi. flDernl* mioh U.S.A), wbiCL us*d Wibh wonderful succens for ovor twelvc years la ~v b p'acttce lu the WZe vve.eHopital, De. They o tla speclfie agrodaou noti fouud in any ollierkîdney rmedy, and lt in noti urpriag, tiherofore, ,hMt they male cure haî Poe'rcd altogather Grand f rê, , Rai!wav Svstem. RAILWAT TIE TABLE. BOWMANVILLE STATION. Goîrse tAsr. GoING WEST Mail ......... 9 2s. m.I Express .... 5.15 a. m ,,le a .. 121 1 ILocal. 51 1ixe . 46 p.m. PaS2Of142,p f L.ocal.... 658 p.m. Mixed.. 7 44 Express ...1024 P.m. *Express ...Il 43 P. M. Express does not g o west Mdonday morning.' *Sundays night only. §Daily. SToTr & JuRY. Town Agents BOWMANVILLE, AUG. 26, 1903. Additlonal locale on 2nd page. Miss Lily Pethick, Toronto, lu visit- ing frieuds bore. Citizens liavirig visitors wiul confer a laver by sending lu names. Bev. Chas. Pedley, Barrie, will oceupy Trinity pulpit next Sabbath, merning and cvenlng. The London Evenlng News ceased publication Aug. lbth atter an existence of eig ht yearJ Mr. W. P. Cromby, Evangeliet. preached very aceeptably lu Trinity -Church Sunday week. The home tower looks quite naturel agala in ils new position over the uew fire hall. Cecil Noden, youngest son ot Mr. Wesley Noden.Newtoaville,was drown- cd Saturday atternoon while bathing. Bey, Mark Guy Pearce will lecture bore on Frlday Se pt. 25 under auspices of the Mettiodist Epworth League. The financial district me'ting et Bow- manvile district will1 be beld at New- castle, Tuesday Sept. 15, at 10.80 a.m. Bey. A. Maliaf , B. A.. Part Eugin, preaehed la St Paul's ehurch Sunday te the great pleasure of ail wlio heard hlm. Rev. Dr. Pasce, ex-president cf the Hamilton, Cenfercace, preached in Port Hope Sunaay. He was guest et Bey. T. Hull. Mrs. Richard Allen, Herscy St.-, gave a ver3' pleasant At Home Monday after- noon lu houer cf lier guest Mrs., Robt. Hoekley ef Edmonton, N. W. T. Wc hope scon te be able te announce the names of the succeseful candidates competiug for the Hîgli School Board Prize in Composition, aise the prizes la Form I. West Durhiam Womien's. Institu te regular meeting Saturday Aug. 29 will be wîîlidrawa for this month owing te several other important events on tluat daýI. Nexe meeting Saturday Sept. 26 Mr. W. Alexander, Manager ef a large wliolessle bouse in Mentreal,Que., called ou Mrs. F Bleakley aud oth er Iriends bere lsst-week on bis retura tram New York Citv wbcre he bad deen purcliasing new goods. 1 Tins STATIESMAN staff desire te thaak Mrs. F. J. Manning o! The Grand Central for a treat et peathes growa la lier garden They are fiuely fiavored sud of a briglit temptiag coler, Mrs Mauning informs us she lias had over a bushel on the tree this ve-ir which is the secoznd.year et beariag-. 11ev. Dr. Saunders, pastor Cobourg M8ethodist Chanci, wlio baubeen grant.- ed a vesr's leave of bsnc, eaves for Japan accompanied by bIis ue(phew Har- old Mallory., Beore lesving,( Brockville wbere hie býeen su1mmeing,he wss pres- euted with a hiudom travelling bag by te cottag-ers. Foley's for School Shoos.- Gocd farm for sale-sco advt, This is our corner stono issue. Fiel4 Seeds of ail kinds, freshl, ai Murdoé,hVs Try the City Dairy Ice Cream at; Buy-,your Garden Seed in Bulk ai Murýh 's. Gobd general servant wanted at once. sec advt. Now le the best time for advertisiag farme to ell ior nent. New fire hall will be-open for iaspee. tien Saturl1ay afteraoen., New subscribers for 25e, can get Tmi STATESMAN te end of 1903. New faîl bats juat arrivcd at Mr@. Diagman's. Cail and sec them. Mr. Fred. R. Folov lias an attractive winctow tisplaying School Shoes. Don't fail to read Bowmanville in 1876 and in 1908 and note chiangea.. Boys' Suits at manufacturers' prices for 2 weeks at S. W. Mason & Sou's. M A. James lu (3overnment issuci of Marriage Licenses for Durham Countv.11i Big bargains in Ready-to-wear Cloth- ing for 2 weeks at S. W. Mason & Son'e. A new lot of Ladies' Stylieli raincoats just receivad at West End lieuse, 8c11. ing fast. 25 cents pays for Tim STATESKAN ta any address to a new subscriber ta December Si. The.vcry latest in Wedding station- ery and Wedding' cake boxes at TEE STATESMAN office, Freeland kecps a fine lot of trames for enlargemeats., Other styles and sizes made to order. Two apprentices wanted at Centrai Millinery Parlors. Apply at once te Haiidy & Co.. Milliners. Ladies' tailor-made'Skirts in the very latest styles just reeelved at Coucli, Jolinaton & Crvderman. Jellied Rocks. Jcilied Veal Cooked Hem and Corned Beef at C.M.ëawker's. Don't fail te try tliem. Bargains for the mon and for the wcmen at West End House wind-up.of- tlie-month Clearing Sale, Mon's Hate-the very latest English- and Anmrican styles at Couch, Jolinston & Cryderman's. Apple picker8-MeMurtry selle ths best hard te tear overaîls and wcrking shirte. -Ail sizes, ail colora. Directors cf the Agricultural Society will kindly report sale ef membership tickets to the Seeretary at once. Binder Twine, Pure Manilla, 650 ft. the moet. even epun Twine in the market, get our price and sec sampleit at J. B. Martyn's. Snaps in Sebool Shoos at Foiey's-a' number of brokea uines regular 81.25 $1.35, and $1.10, clearing at $1,00. Sec Young & Co's vinegar and spice ad ln this issue for pickling yen want thc, best ir pays in tlie1 end. You get the best at the China Hall Grocery. Owing to a change in the business, ail accounts due Young & Ca., Grocere5 require to be settied on, or before Mon- day Sept, 21st, 1908, te save cest of collection Business increasing-to meet the growing lemands et aur trade we are putting in a large stock for PaIl-tliey are cominx in fast. Give us a caîl. Fred. B. Foloy. To make a complete clearance, Coucli, Johaston & Cryderman will selI thé nalane et their colored muslns at still lower prices. It will pay ta buy eveni if ycu do not make up tili next spring.' At the China Hall Grocery for the next two weeks von eau gzet a full size Toilet Set good glesigns, heavv glit fer $3.50. A snap sec this line if you want a toîlet Set The duil month of August was cbang. edinto a businers month atMcMurtry's Genuiine bargains tell the tale Last week of Sale n<ew going on, good snaps in every dept. Bear la mimd that it casts ne more te get a good fitting, wcllmmadc suit than it does te buy an ill fitting~, slevenlv- made one. Tosoecure the former leave veur ordori4 new at Coucli, Jolinston & Crvdernan 's The dress goods this F al are simply beautîful. Tliat was the remark ef a lady whi!a lookinig over MeMiirtry's first ship ment of Priestley's warld-re- nowned fabnics just to hand last week, McMurtry invites -tou tot inspeet tbem.- Bethesda schooil bas been well repre- sented in our lIli 'Sehool for some timne aad we are pleased te note that this sear the number ln attendanee is te be mucli increased. It reflects credit on Miss Sexsmith, the teacher of the se l , te have eight or ton of lier pupils attend- ing Higli Seheol., The littie man soon starts- for school. INO U'OWPER 1A11 the Leadig Tearlbers O'f Cookery use IL. why? ,Does better work anid goes further than any other. MAURIGON MARLAND, author COMMOM a Sw li Me HMMOU Cali tand et some of that Jellied ALSIKE WANT ED vaa ales -The Ideal Fe4ceis the stronge8t and Farmers having'Alsike to oei1l would best., Seo it at MlWirdoch's. do ellto auon . B MRTY, Bw- New Fail Hats arriving at Mrs. danvl e efre8ll ong , ATYB -Dîngman's. Give lier a eall. manvile, elor seling.For the newest, best, and cheapest ready to wear clothing cali at Concli, NOTICE, Jolinston & Cryderman's. I an lavig ug.l8t fo Mnitba We are agents for the McCormick ad theavNorîl WesthrforMitsobxpeet- er Twine. our prices are the lowest. ing to be away a month. Parties Ee ape tJ*B atns wihing to do business witli me while D £» OUE fV Our WANTED-Severali pensons of char- aeter and goond p-itatiou in eseh stats (one in Ibis muinI- rsare to represenit anti ativertise nid csîabflished wealthy busineýss bouse 0f solîd fiDanciai stantilig. S;îlarv 551.0 _____ i ~..,I .'-~UJ.A.. -~ .. ,.,-.. . .R'gntq!gp.llt,,L]....... lerpherfl.d ~urtaaln thepreaclied twe excellent sermo'ns lu the se& euat the thedist Churchi Sunday, bis maorniag aoompayng.a, Prn themc being perso ual respo'nsibility .ad Wed lW g ne lnk, ,nd the cveuiag a definite purpose la lite % m 1 î~~r, pjjMeýe, grbrvÀt audlewt teo attain ta it. Both discourses =d signature, arn pirnWoa teP&Qk ýWere.clearly'presented 1andvr pat ~~efuso and t.ia, ical 1Seios were sung in theeeng are sure te disappoînLi u.v Mn. Norman Allin caud Mrs. W. A, ZThe prie. 0f tbe -Tabl b 0c x Wietelte singing 111M Jesu,1 I or blire. boxe$ for. OL25, ab lofts veittee" Naei Sunda Be..D. , ýsenti by mail by adrùdreig Crossley, will occupy bis own pulpit. rLna PioeS Co.. Týoot Onkfâ Pro! Paul gave a sermaon that chame tJe large audience at ýtbe Discèiple Churcli Suuday eveuing. .,The them was"ThePalace o!f Tbought'" as lie built up compartmýient ser i- par tmunt in beuy u mplitude aIl feCh;e purposes strenýigtheouiag te) w rM, dwell la those bigli realms'. He i', ex- WILL RAPSOMpce te speak once, more before re- T UE S AY SLPTI on "The trausfc3rmiùg pow;erof'h AT 9 A. MV The lîgb School opens Tuie9day Sept . PapIis; prepaied for* mi ' îds 1f let with tbc tollowînÙg weil-equippedt Teachcmnr' Certifijates au I for Uicr- staff o! teac ers: Jas. Gllfillan, B. A., sltv Matricula'ioa both Pass; and Principal, F. H, Frost, B3.A ., Miss E. limons. A. Alia, M. A , sud anather te be This Schoonl is thoroughly equipped appointeS ta flli the v-acaîîcy caused by luevery prrticular, new apnaratus is thc resignatien o! T. G. Bragg, B. A, being added and eaci teacerl is a who lias accepte.J the position of Head- Jpecialist in isdepartment. master at Dawson Citv, Yukon 5f c ni- It Ù3 deirale ht I p1î !c orv. Pr&ingcipal Gilflillan and staff are ,ct l pnn theal puhi the1173t ec-(, vn congratuations tromn eery quarter on the success of their pupils at time 7ualest. Boa'rd Irmsly i t i e UnL'iversity sud Departmental exa-- at easuahe rtes Fo fu;iw pa- iaîinsespcialy n te xtraordinary 'th Pincpa. ouugestAN daIter cf Mr. C. Osbornc, J. ILILAN in inning, five seb-olarsbips sud taking Principal. 1 th higliest pomition, but onec, in general Eewma.nville, Au. ,10.~~ proficcuey in Canats. au outfit should take a look lnata Mc- Murtry's. sud see the big range of clotb.- inz sud tootwear e!fIl-e dependable kiad sold there, i The iapy, duties outside of bis owu business Ibat, the Publisher of this journal bas te performn makes Wt neces sary tebeawavy from the office quite frequently, but ne eue ueed suffer any lucouveaicuce on Ibis accouaI as every member of the staff may safely be en- trustcd wîb any, business or confidence lu the absence of the propnieter 'sud s authorized toe reccice nmoney aI tbc office aud give reýceipts for samne. -We bave evcry confidence in our cmployees and assume ail responsihulity in sncb instances8. lu cash direct esch Wýednesday, from heati offices. Horse and carniage furnislhed wben necessany. Refinrences. Enclose se f.adrlress- ti denvela pe. Colonial, 3ýDearborn Street, Cicago, lit. 1-m F ARM TO LET--For Term Of Years-' 70 acres, dlay loam, ail tilIable, no better land in. Ontania. bouse, barn, stabing. fruit, neyer faillng well; next west uew Grand Trunk station ; elevator aI harber within a mile, Few minutes walIk ta Ontario Ladies College, Collegiate Insfitute and onblic scbool. One of mail advantageously sitnated properties in South Ontario. Passag8 of b y-law,, Aug. 151h., authorizing expendilure tM5,000 la municipal water-works anti electrie lighting assures prospefity for Couinty town. Apply quickly. F. HOWARD AuNEaS, Wbtitb1y. ~f BeOWMAN VILLE MARRETiS. Perey C. Clemeus, sou o! Ex-Rieeve Correctedlby J.Me-,Iurtr>s.oachTug Cléments, Trone, on his success la wiuniug the Squair Prize. It will Ile pORl 100 lbS........ý1 9o te $2 30 remenîbered Ibat Ilrof. J Squair o! To- WHEAT, a ',.bus ..G 00 AtfiG070 rente University lies donated a Prize etf " Red Fi! e..... ( O GOln0Q75 ~a , ear for live years toa apupil etf " Goose........G0 GO0tfio062 Bowmnanvtllc 111gb Sebeol. Tbis s-car RLYPbsN.1..tI40i()o il was -awaýrded tbthe pupil standing iAlEY,9 bsheNoIl ..2 G 0 u iG0 4( higl-ýtin tlu art IIPass Maticulation "If fi O"04 Exalminatien lu Teronto Uuiversitvt. t t Tw row..G 0 9 teO0G4 Wc hope te sce hlm nursue bis -work fiTw ATS, wh o itc ...... Ot 0) and obtain stili further honr. ,RYR, o O f ()r ( BUOCKWHEAT Il .Il.(KGoil G 40 PEAs, Blackcye, 4 bsh. o Io rG0GO Canadian BeautïilG Oo'tfG 0,) CA T Rl tMummnev otG GO" 0 00 A OST -p _ 1m 1: mai 0it O 6f0 ' G6- For Infants aud Childreu. fi lue O GO 0 o11 65 uu~,. i. f..aCLOVER S½îio...........000" Go() fîOr Ï1l D ...........G GO " 0GfGO Berste tTTiR, best table, es.., o o" G ü14 Beas heFff- , do ......... 00il()13 Siguature ef é,4POTAMEoS. P bush .......G Ow fi o03(0 Li . .»,'Il.5 lligh Gad roceries. The greg-t secret of buying right is the real Ssecret of success in selling. The best is not too 4 good for our customers. We have the best quai- iis as we pride ourselves on selling oùly hiïgli Sgrade groceries. 4 Our stock is renewed often and is freshi and * dean.. Try our Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Spices, 4Flavorings, Raisins, Curran.ts, Canned Meats and t Vegetables. Fruit and Vegetables in Season. 4 * See our splendid stock of Chinawaro, Crock- 4 ery, Glassware, Fancy Cups and Saucers, etc. *Highest price paid for ail kinds of farm Produce. of my agents or Icave word at my house and thie business will be carried on as Usual. S.,1IL REYt;OLDS. Bowmauville, August 18. NEW TELEPHONE DIRE~CTORY. The Bell Telephone Company of Can- ada wiil issue a new suib.îribers' direct- ory for the District of Eastern Ontario, inciuding Bowmanvillc Exchange, early in September. Orders for new cennectioncï, changes a[ firm names and street addrcsses should bo placed at once to ensure appearanço in this book. H. N. DIGNAN, Local Manager. Notices of BiarthsMrrî1ages and Daths 50 cent$s;,insertion free Whoeu Mar- riage licences are obtaineti or fuaierai notices pa'nted at ibiseoffice. BORN. CÂnRîNeToi-At 10 Youville et., Mont reai. Que., Mr. and Mrs. Erie OarrIngton (nee Carrne Wight,) a Son., WRIOGHT-In Bowmanvlie on Sunday Aug. 23, te Mr. andi Mrs. Alex. Wright, a danghter. OsuoaxN-Near Ebentezer, Darlington, Aug l4th, te Mr. and MrB. R. E. Osborne, a son. BRODIE-DAVXDoy-Th Osbawa, Aug. 19th, by Bey. J. J. Rae, Mr. Harrr Brodie, Moose Jaw, N.W.T.. andi Mis@ Elia 1rances, dangbter 0f Mr. Robert Davidson, Oshawa. OUED CORBnT¶-At the residence of her daughter Mrs. J. T. Colwill, Bowma-nville, Aug. 2t, Mary, relci of the late William Corbitt, aged 76 years. Interred at Blackstock. LoTEKiN-At "lKîlcolman", Clarke, Ang. 2lst, Isabella Shaw, r eliet of the la1e J. P. Lovekin, agedi76years. Interreô,,at Bowmanville. PEÂR-In St. Marys, Au_. 181h, Ana Jeffrey, beloved wite of Thomas Pearn, ageti 78 years, sister of Mr. Jos Jeffery, merchant, Bowman- ville. OKE-In Darlington. Fridaýy. Aug 218t, Eva Mauti Rundie, beloveti wife of Mr. H .d.Iey Oke, ageti 24 years, 8 monih s. H 2OUSE WANTE P-Bv Oct. lst wam bouse of or 7 noms, mugI bave furnface and be inprfu repair andi best localit.y. With gardÀen anid barn preferred. Ânswer 'iîn full descriptions location, rent, etc.,te Ta. . HAD,4Caledrt. Toronto, Ont. 1 32-tf. M A RE ESTRAT -Strayed from Burketon on Thiursday ,Au guest 3th. a Ilght Wa mre bout 8 years old, weighs about 1Ifo lb oeudrthe aaw, bsha1, itmpr Inomain eding teolier recovery wîil be suitably rewarded. J. MC,%ARTI>t, Burketon. 34-2w*. "POULTRY WAN TED-Partiesý --havln g aey kiati of 1ie Pouiîr-y to seli, please send word tb AHE Rcynol ,s, la care of S I R.ecynnids, i3owjný1nville, O. Hgbest gne paiti. Will also cone and colleet any I gtorof by card or otherwlse.ATIU H. REYNOLDS. 34-3 w* FARM TO RENT- 125 acres, of lots F22 and 23, con. 9, DarLington, opposite Baker's Sebool hanse. Good bildings, orchard. In gond state o eultivatir4n. with aonsiderable seedeti down. Will lease for termn of years at reasonable rentai. Apply to MR&, W. CRYDÉR- mAN, Ohurcli et., Bowmanvilieý, 3-tf F RM FOR,3ALE-O0ýc acres of lot 8,ýcon 6, Darlin gton, on which are splendid house and farma buildings ini first-class repair. Excellent grain and gra ziug farm-onc of the b est in West Durham. Wiil bc sold at very r easonable price. Possession at once tu plow, full possession April 1, 1904.ý Apply ta Mas. JORDA N VÂNNESt, Solina. ll3-1w* *TIE SS IVI EDFlhi 1jrn abu Il S tn oda ,rdfor nfomain. -nAlfa-~Ui e :.: MsT GUY *. riigon j.35 *i s c * s. Coar lï',n*iý, ," m(3r Gws)- sn a n q a s t u e s S f -ý V . - e J -: X* th Y il* a ,c r sd 1ý o e " ,,h p r fl t 1 1t 0,U S ! U ~5as u ,, S (3,Ors a sto e s * ~ e -I e e e e a e e e se , Il - * * 1* **'t* *'T' SUSMUMU U5MUUM ull aMSSBe. gul manilean yrbi e efe cîf nary wl, a oce, ag r.UR . sofie, y th - bot lmotlsni. t.wrdfo nfor ton. ý,: ,r.G v aniîtn .r o. .ù oM lm ,triy To0 fet b e ho n r elulliwil 9og s st1sumLEýsL ýlTlNjÇq meri JAMESgsud seking"il eîî f 1ds1 Swe J1? WATED...A g;d gir 1 'IF1LL LHOLD UTL P'AAItE & ' SThese Dye will, dyc Wooi, Cotton 4 AWKVV i & TAIT 3Silk, Jute or Mixed Goode in one bath 48 M NVLE 'l bey are the latcst and most improved&WwB MA VLE Dyes in the world. Try a package MbLl.W 4 Ail colers at A, L. Nieholîs' store. 4 44 44 4 LAD)IES mi1-0 The fnrstsrnpiment of Our« " Cm: s am *>5 TailorMade ki rts~ eeu l . o . s 7t ý-l ) 1 1 1 ý 1

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