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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Aug 1903, p. 6

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laid dov-li il rule "Ol-ý_j weli -Traiii up n, ellilà in the F -y' fC) týjje pr_ wav hI, siim](1 go and w1wu hc is offl DNNZ, MILLIONAIRES 'ORGANIZE AN ho \Vil] -'ut depart -BLIL Is a greal ll-al harfler thaj,ý sian GLlf is oi %ital importance te 1 EXP li;(J flot . c10Wný And yet pe0pl(f fiave EDITION. Great Britain t(-cause of the threat iïic,-,Iti thui î ho r ý-ear2 -,lL beell f') -r liJiigd,)v-ýiiiiiiitalth against India which wo,,uld lie inv, siioil(l iý,,i in Lil 17. 1 A Par-ty of New Yorkers Will Try -et to ca,*ýz,,,it once, fil l, ,_ j u, aT IL takes eu, t, pepo: ed in t'lie establishment of a en0iur g,,,I,,n, y to inL1ý e a inan a con- to 'Unearth King Solo- base or fortified jý,ort on those wa- -poil Iiiie, lipoil firined (1,.-speptic, and lie o adziJ nionls Mines. Means ou;,e in,&ý fats by any other power. X was lin e, b c, i, a 1 1 H eýf pect to be cured in il fIn'; (lay Perliaps at the time of ilis farliolis thil; thaü lay aï i1t, bottom of tlic with 1 n lo u and untiring iii- 111,ere no quicker ibook'q weqentation to the publiu it eilluil, inade by the, JWîýýs-1i du,1!ý-ý iiie ý,ffori rl, Ils of cure lo(I iiiuch for even Mj! oq, v, il l i f i i or ('t leý - of _ýII.)I1iacjI lasrf si,1-,,Ling te thé effect thui, t2 bo%- J, tinui 1),,T Ole rse of Dr. ýl1 po- Ïolk IniiiiOD,,,ires as ýIii- il' SI Guk-!eni Mt-1ýcL1 d;(.lýting prospects for the uncover- appearance of any otber porr"Qr, 011 (ili!l:, -cry. coý It cures ilig of the réal mines of King Solo- rave rnerliý,e:, cf tll(-, thé guif would lie a But as a inattci- of carrent te British. iiii-orestý," te lie resiI,,ýii ,,i(l other news Payne Whitney a il Broker W. orgails 01 and nutrition aLd builds mon. -witli a,11 the roleailis ait our H. Ellis of New York, heading a -t The British ",%,tY of raillionaires, are getting i al." _Tn the ii(-,rherii paa up the bodv ivith sUnd r . e ady for entry into, Abyssinia wlicru i Sick ekanAi-ý"M,ýeý fw11ý1 1ý1,XfGjj Russja has eFtàý)lisbed b if flesh and qu'lid niuscle.ý epse 1 ""a yea rs isguised as litinters, thovare to î'Lrjýlly tbat lier ieithdýra,.wti is -11t, CI uý, 1 was tqkeil L Patt< 1- t earch fer the fabled ]and of Ophir, j 9-0ý. fVý i ffi, ut of which came raucil of the R,,,ÈýÎ '-ic Sîvuý,_','FXÎÈ tl,,ý question. In all' bat naine she i r0n"Ilis ul",lit wliat the de, il, i, lit- rillus Éhe land. She hus built rail-, 1 1 c ;, - ' gl,)I.-,; (ý,ý eue of the greatest oil 1 tj', ill uý - ý. (!- 1 ýý vý,11 1 fbý l'iyi Ï)i thc--Jew s. luads -sbo-roiid,1Jý_-týs all Ioral govern- 1 miraiI,\ týý 'S'ipation ail 1 inactive liver. I was in ý (lý' Il ! Fo r a illousand vears th, 111( Sho lias Contirol of the CIA S- 'rried sevcal of )hir Ïlas buun iii Ilýc teins service, she furnishes t'lfe letter f,- > n e f) ýi he ý îýî - 1ý11,ý ý 1 f-.ith but Etile r,ýtsitlt. 1 hall A il;," Dworilered L' er aA changé, iii' j;ýi nicil. libliogisIs lýa\e iýý-i1 iilLï i s con- -,, ý 11 ý; ', -11 - ý Pa 0 PC s1hali's bodýýýgLiarýd. Three yeit 1 s ii g') ýtten su fe(ql I', IL hat 1 was al. rned. hl u 1 i,ý 1 lo ni place. nios2ast ý ilI. ý 1 i a g al)outý had wilident Qf j he exisi,-?,I of t;i(' fl r'Ir" bc an( she refunded the Peysian débit, i'. l,ý! S got t OW12 10 il4 ý10lJnds- 1 ti: ource of this fabulons [,,,l 1)uttom-no A.,, Rear jk0liiýi!,I[ calls for M T wen and bc l:ýý ý1I ýy bottles of !,er hold mGre tightly on thé vess'I', V, -e only 'Golden Discovery, ts and infidels have stuffif Iipou and soi 'l'elIcts, aud Lhe possibilities- of 4' îc 7 Vire Fejire ce, laild. Morcover, s'ho lius seruired a thé 1JaglýliiV Aýlllliïliuli FFIEPIRED ONLY Df TUE PrormiLrTorg, direc- e fourmi these depç wil, probably be leaving foi, [i41ý a Ilext promise froin the 91 whel, I l'A tal, tâ -iah that lie iii-ontii,), the Flora lýýîid l ý;iý ý lý)op 1 about five 1 feit and there and then soinewhelu ci, e Themas Btecham, St. helens, Eng., give railroad francbl te noue ýbut very lunch was t Ou SiearN,,,ator, now o:i ý ý ï, -ýl!,,ý, just over thoir horizons, Bu p lr Sold by-ali Drùgglsta Rusrsians until 1910. te, do patro 1 1 duty îiý i i.p IL' ;,-rr.atly iirlic,,c , and is still a dreain of the Argonauts. !P(-l-tY lýýas gold,,beld by thé Phoeni- end to court ý,,ýAy_7ýI1ýh'L' 1 1 will In Canada and IU. S. Amerlca. S alin-Z Sea"'.01111 the, v, liàýh Nearly every book ùï the Old Testa- l cians or by [lie landsnien, who were quial Chinese ont te ýt )m i ýls never nient Makes referenc(ý tu gold as the Of Ki 9 Solomon's race, but trained tout be "jýiirtj ea boxes, 25: cents. If ils becauso ül, tlJý wide-reac',,hilig "v 111 replacý (f; l'o Iuý;l, at sea, send. to poýï one material substaýice wort»y of by the soafaljug subjects or Hiram, mari. livin7 ii or 111, t' opposition elosfs , Chat the wiîý j,ýo Cor- 1 -j,", Comparison ____j ivith the glories of that WAS COLI) IOUND 0,N aliv ald lý1î el.1 t 113ESI? scarcely supreinacy in polio third re- place of plates where corrup ',, k nff,-rý ý(, -'i', lion There are Stories.of the l'11,)Li-iicians But the boý thýý Persian trade between Ilussia l, f. Shall-L Lir ïlia, 1 takt, on incorruption and where g down the east coast of Ai ' 'nIthout wluc But ti-ýe ré- and where and Englând fias efspec drainatie t here shall be no more sin Il f iiext te no ducod, ifars bc wiped out of all e,ýes. to tý!., sjjèýjl- be "jurnped'-' not oillv W î,ý(fuqt, ol Wed'eeg,,tylmorniilg ai the OfâCO 26 STATES- Characteristics. This rivalvy lias Il a s 1-l, 1 i l ic 1, L Li l j f 1, i C4fý-ý'f ai nlv no other iiiiiieral in the îdA-Ni King Strect. Bowmauville, Out., by of ih(ir-v,ý-(-I,-ý im(i 1 search for a- Sub-crip- dr,!ring thé 1,ýr7t year or two takeu iiii< '1,41, Around Hýi1 ý!l, 'ljust as goeu Il for worid iýý, ilior, -,*iýLýg,ý..,,Iiý-(, (.)f pliI,,itv, ý f l", storins, bf!ý i luflge oi ý1Ie 1 oe, ýli-c0 if paid strieÏly la the foria of a diVioiryatic struggle in IS ýý ý-rectr live 01 stoulach', ruci ibilif, Iiý Il of til, and la fi 1 1 gý,1lerl1IIN, -I'îMceý AdVertiqr,ýl r.1tes, transient adver- Pellets cure of il, iwl, (Il c-kri itig ed houses, offices and ï," 1,fla cents per _ lfýq ýlfllg10 iilc. firet insertion connce! ion with new customs treut- si liel-.,ýlilcl-,e, ever', Ilne ench siib-tý,quelit insertion. Us J..ý Ilinds are going ujj uii e l 1! c r. ljelo 'Llýet thel'. l", Iilrl,ý rket raiason application. ies. The, outcoine is now 1,,rý,o.wn, side of the > hill, and road,,ý ýý ', : K__-- - --savag',ý jlag. n, alici foilli(l 1 'L lie and in co;-ý-se of construction 11) tiar. ()ne grain ý,f il 1 iav I- beaten ir(_,ýonged * ce, ni, tho-rijosil, opýiwil4tic, Briton in o fl 1ýl'1ý ir, iliir crops oý' Ijuiii ard qilp- yic- th(ý sluilillit of thé hiIIý Hol lU t fi fty-s i X , ý (I li,,- of iýeaf plies, allù when tIl,ý was . . niust ýifhiiiL tbal, Uiý.,sja ils the TWL1'1ýi'T-ý_i JarLLI01,S. that arc 1-282,00C part or a, flie quickesýt i be 1- , Led one of thé big 9ý<_ write at 1 1ýql ' in thickness, and tl),j saine full thoy pushed on slill ý;uuthwtrd, iýud Ch n Extra- o 1'. For S(-,,1IýL.%-,lý., 3ears veiglit of 1 COýl!'Il g England. This 1,i- tý of -ýnada in tie Next it May b D'd they push into i lie inouth of fluency. ïlLt\U pý1ifÏ ;1 flatý Population of C. e drawn iiit4,) wiïe 500 feet is rniien larger tàan in length. the ZaTabosi, and did they build 'l'ho univers! j,ýr cejil. ad valorf-i'n diffýý. N 0 Nv in ili any 01 the fei-ts Sur- there flic gold -;epiýïýî!hig devices te catch the ordînary 05er The olliciais aif, per- 1 ISOUGIIT FOR 1,900 YEARS. which are in ruiir, in ý, 1 111honaland? 1 l -1îliding Esquinfault, for Pire baps SoiieNfI1"iý fýi)tilllistie, carry him, wi le b(% iýlltnf,,ed ard a new. bnt they i h 6-inch guiis. The 9.ý«,, have made and il '-',eeking gold in land inight Iýout delay, is l tlieir xv, îý-î1 ' 0 ay that , This s the gold of Ophir-the gold be more certain iiýlm ý,2ýekjng el course, such a the poIiilaijý,n f,ý' iijp Dominion - in of the alcheraists-tlie gold whl(ý11 1 Electrîc Bellts in beails very lig"i'ý,ly on Russiýi's ellief tons, and locatcd aaiiong the the next tvienf, ears will lie be,-! ('liriýt caine to preach ýnd iii Abysýý;niil- 1-I M ',ýlat strange, ougli groundin articles of trade, white it bea;rfs very on thotofi of the hill, would lia'o .1 very coiriyiaiiding position (A' t: l <7, týveeil and thîrty inilliojiwliicli J)coIýght aboutýLhe ý,u1)li[lIiýSt of thé dark guage, and en --%7ily on thé hinds of goods ~Chat S -(Iv ol ;,ï -doiii the Reach of All. hoa ýoljlS. tragi t1ic world. y(,t -, 1.r 1 _ continent tL, ling of Menelik enough te v,,hole harbour. But quite lili- There is, ireý ent population, %)Ou i ý ils sought Itgýtiji has ýtn attraclion roi- theadventur- China, te grai Mle Arc Selling the Best Electi-le Beit F-nglgi-id supplies. 'England c'njoys portant a niove on the pail o> Il- witli its lýzluilýlï increase; there lis an tige of riolies w hich'perliaps never ous that few gt.,ogrýLpg-çal divisions out difficulty 1,1 the World at a Priee within the the bonofits of the iiioýst-favlore,(I- nqvv in the fortifying of El, thé î-ý,In 'll:tl Old World. and wag diruumed of by thé soi,,.f ]Duvid. ol the Country have te' offer. like knowledge Reaeh of the Po 1 orest Suffèrer. nation cla,ým,>e, bul in thé waý- the lias been thé purchase of, a pýîý1 Il espccially jrýlm Unitod States, A Natur(, has left the marks of lier of fils r(3ward.ý îS l prop-iy In this presei instance it soerns duties are now arranged that between t1je Lagoun iý, _i w Jliightiestcoiivulsions upon the 'Colin- honors. Man where largo, hich fat Iirfs amounted to that the search for the mines of Sol- pather a theoretical than a mreu-u s Bridge, ý1,id Soniething fil- n quarter of a million onion is based upen modern ideas try. Shoer ont of the son, wherc the net attractei -gzteines are shortly oe 1 in thé yeai, alid w1lich wili soon l'ho deeps this éducation or cal nAvantage. Ccýniiitei-ýýÏ hl Eýng 1 more than upon the biblical conten- hosts of Pharaoh lie in It Nvould ahnost sec-,ii I ',fat 1 1 ich halfli i,ýillioii in tlie year; and kingdora of the.prese t day is al- classical studi $20 t1le, tion in laver of Aratfia as thé land concerns itself net only . with. CI e intention of -A di as il ils, oý 1,ore will lie, ý the, great inost as unknown as itnwas a thous- theii-i in a posI !te irake this station an tant fre seul BELT 'ce of the supply of gold for the the rpaterial l"ses throùgh ille 1 réaction iii te iiiiimigratilon to and years ago; a land of lofty pla- will perhaps b FOR *frqý 1 base'oi supplies. t -Ie a r temple and for the targets and the tea s and canons and niighty, y, b!Tt aise ,iii, certain fea-1 1 United Iý(, q. u 0 Chirose, Furt1-ý,i nilýre, there are cri, band eailis fil the ý,in, l j"Iltl ý>, -11y tho il-iini.igra- shields and the drinking vessels that poil white soin a i and, rcinunorai $5.00 fures; wli>ý'11 l'l)1"jtýg les-, îlllall, a larq týibcr of big guns in thé the foô ti a oil7iiciýiýls, Unite il Stat is 1 ruade Soloinon's reign the most iiiag- f u i. ils a' enfle attri ilfý)Lldenre on the pïtr', of ;ýi Iýsquiinatilt, v-,71)jch are al- 1 cS nificent in history. According te the 1 of i;,Pn ha,ý il,,ýer trod. Ilere in the - ni ways jyiohing, vi -ictive ;1-1 . gulshes of these brokea probaldy soon v';11, s in stock for a possible! , ýsti 1 iln Mgra- -le fleet orgs llii(i Nil _ e findq »CS sou The Pelff, Morses Dectrie Boit [with --ziignature te tiie ii-,ýýýLy on tien lawfj, whiý'n ýlj(. already Ilavinz,8tory of the Book of Kings tl n, a, one of the 1 1. oloalon bIllIt 1 ý 1__ a"d 'n à ---ül-ost effect-laws willeil u jt is oui; ý,-red the ývO'ýld, half of Persia ils not 1 îat of a Per- cF ý,_a,, il, is said an-,v n1ainber of iiii- , i i or trio Cr of such brokeii. sh; 1 Mon' , 1 guaranteed to possess More i wliich iirj)ose (Ji, nio,,ýi o1ikýi-ous obli- to the land of Ophir was floated The univers! more current, botter qua] ty and sfian q0icial, but of a Belgian in the lyrovised forts well Sbc1tered by crusts oý' ,vorld surf&(-fý ',bat 1 l has hl L k pri very g . ations, and vý bà fi arlý c)li iously de- Iront Edom, on the shore.of the Red Ille unique dlý finis han anY OtLOrEl lectricBelt made Peý1rrÀan custorus servâce, and the roc*scould bG provided siglied fo kuop aliens, of whatever sea.- When King Soloinon's ships -been dil,,,-d in all a large and ex rer dless of price treaty itself, Contrary tO long- short notice. In fact, thé výholeICoditjo.. of the col - lnij_ý, _. , In were ready they çvere iiianned by thé MIIST FIClIT ose library, su 4E PR0Fý MORSE'S BELT - is a standing eus-tom, uses th ; dispoqition of authorities lit is Ille, secoi-,,! ý lýe, the Unite>d'ýStateý9 king's subjects, and King Ilirain 'of Tlie people in the bills and on the for in vain, r sure cure for Nervous uleakneszLiver, e French' noNv te augment thé inJIî'tai--ý f,,j (ý-i, . 'l", Kla 1 able te absovrb the Tyre "sent in the navy his Servants, iplateaus belong to SI agerY fer the and Ainerica, ney and i3toirach, Complaine, nheu», language for ifs auiithoritative and not lo iliýriase naval oiiýs. it is no 1 foreigii I-)(%ý"iiiýiLi(ýns w1lich %vore a-t shipinen that liad knowlodge of t 't, and yet are occupants of self. Already mattsm, Laine Back, Pains or A,ýheý-, in A1toge1Ifý,, Eiiglisihnien aire beginn-1 another coll3,l)zliiy ý)f the rues Pai one finie il 1 te lier. e an Salera - There willbe Soa, with th scl-v ts of on. country said to' liave the most sa- posai or, thý ell parts of the bedy. '%ý(1ar tba bel% ing to fe-1 regretful tiiý, (:ýu-iý(-n Aýtillcry is te lie a roactior, iiý(Àeed it îs coining, it is, and they caine to Ophir and fetchedjhibrious eliiiiate of any por ]on o dorior te --et while yousà-eo nnd u iý,nd thé fact , fil at will fee 'Youn lu tle MorfIL-19 yo Kling Edwýtr(1 gave the Shali Che said, aIieulý. -What will be the frein, thence gold, four hundred and the globe. These people aýre at war for the endow, 1 years ger than whun you _lliýijor (ilirdon, ýý)f thé aria, went t lied higb Il of the Garter last win- is te succc-ed Colonel Grant, j the consequence ') 'n"hy, Canada will get twenty talents, and brought it to always. Rude and barbarie, it is in Chinese, iminigants 1).ý; the hundred tLoaj_ý;ànd, King Soloinon.- herc, iii this age of modern fighting Bewarfs of those who ask vou te pa t,,n-. IZoý-il Engineers, who bas b- :1 U0111- an easy thing to calculato Kiiig Ilirani's navy, too, had i and it is according to thé highest principles of frbm$10to$20foranElectrie Belt not mandant for years, lends c Î, l' Chat in the next twenty years she brought in ~frein Ophir great pielity, engineering, that thé losses or battie OCEAN TRAVI ibe of the ;,ýl'tillery ha If so good as the Prof- Morse'n Boit, An interesting case, based upon ýhý, l will bave Ille figures indicated. of altitug trees and precious Stones"; are more bloody and stupendous which we belli for orniv ný 'ý1e, have :ý l- orjing the Stroliger of 1 thé only one price We di, $40 bringing up oi a boy, was heard be- tl, 0. '1 liat» Britain has been watch- the qucen of Slieba bad brought hini than anywhere in civilization. The The Allan i Orst and if you do riot buy, try and seil foire a Massachusetts judge the otlif,-i- lirg iii thé Par WaSt 12,0 talents Gf gold, and in the one Abyssinian battleground is a ineet- xecèpt roturn 1 Yeu the mille balt at auv old price. Iclosely t,ýo, is indicated hy thé nura- MANOLESKO. year the gold that caitie to Solo- ing place for savage peoples, where day. A father brought his 17 year compauv- subjf OUR 110NEST OFFER-It ýou do C us quantifies, of stores being angêrous Criminal mon welgl-,ed 666 talents. Beside all the figlit is tbat of man te n'an. rate of fare, '17 not care te send us the 85 we will r old boy into court upon the charge ro 1 The Most D send stcadily consigried te l',sq,,iiniault. 111 this, King Solomon -had of the Within a year one of thé engagements .ý-rpat accollimoi vou one of ûUr peltt3 to your nearest of stubborriness. The judge 'âsled 13y the request of thé authorities, Europe. nierchantinen, and of the Craille of reported froin this dark country in- publie, express office, C. 0. D., $5, with prIvil- the fatlier why lie didn't mak-e the the s , hipping clerks do net -put thein Manolesko, the most dangerous the spice merchants, and of all of volved thelloss of 7,000 mon, killed Glaqgow eire( age of examination; il satisfacto in manifesta, so that the publie have criininal !fi the world, say the B the kings of Arabia, and of the gov- and wounded. Il thé Country shall rÇýýir ryoPay boy beliave. Île replied that lie had er- the expreso agent 85 And exprep.8 cbarg lie knowledge off their réal , extent tin polceý Whose escape fron, a gaol er,,,, of flic country. bave the gold of Ophir the nlinjng, $50 to ýW5; seelf-91 es and the Boit. If n tried and failed. Ile had panished 01, - 1 of it niay be expected te indolve the $25 Rebirn tic @IL as represented a recent occasion four carload,4 iuýar Berlin caused Considérable son- TURN TO ABYSSINIA. you need not pay one cent, Ifyousend the boy, but the boy would claini of lydditq shells for fortifications, j. blood thal se often has been the Liverpool 4ý-,au. i sa ion, contrived ý to reach Dresden cash wi'.Ii order we ore av the 08t&g police protection and then ho liad caine down on oiie trip of t lie ferry ýv;thout di-iection, altllougli attired -But jast across the Red sca lies price of the precious:inetal of fare M. à WE ARE MANUPA TURE S of @- l the shores of east Africa, and, touch- - -&- - * ï R ail te stop punishing. Tfle prob- ni Azent. kinds of E!e&rý=1 Appliances, Write priscli ing this west'rri rini of the sea ils 'For Over Sîxty ýr,-<nrs; as for eur buok giving prices, and full aljiy net WUI to do, In Ilo gaireil lm lu M)yssinia, onc of 11w dirIoý cujiý- parficuliri. Itissentfree p Fr-S. te Ili, I[o1ýýl do 711illi Urs- ý'j;Lsiowls ýooLfjPj9 "Yrup bas LýýT TýuE ili', lo ý1w c;ire of POTNTED PARACRI ýýcs u! a Certifient iloi((i fllr ils inod- the, 1 1 e!(-d li oî 0ýfl pi'é'ý1 1 irii (hirkness. li is bfeti used by millions ýlf iil)LI'el-9 for Th- fie-cest o bliv a Bcit until you sea tho If:, Ll1,ýr tr, istially the, right side of thé liar- MonWs. iiini at thil o( two w4-ý1çS wilM hol, l,ýpf iq thé of1tSideý jsîî(ýrs, file iir>,t roolf -fil tbir cIii]ý,iren while tefý0lilj- if d- pluf n, iot j'ýhat, file phoelii, ý0io ack panthers ilirbed at niglit and brokt,ý3Ik cf your (o I l'o Wr'to at ciiçeý Address Iýilin ýjii bil Soïnfiloi), ou, (fi -siýdk Ch- Suffe;-ing ciY- u(Iliel te -he F. E_ Karri Go., lifï-behüýýd any not, I lin bc ing viîýh pain of ilever tells all lie knows- outtiiig leuth suild iliather is te Itini te sorne re- A Nvonlan lwves a man in pï opor- iilw,,,,,- 1 l ý,d sea and ci!;iýý,d all dowii thé ,132 Victoria St., Toronto, Carada wMeli hi!, at onee ILnd get a bottle eï -pl geý, tr'. formatory inýtîLution. Of course the tien te his abilily te l-r an- cas*oin shores of Afriea. 1rhiis, in, ï"jilll"low's Soothing Syrup- foi, (jhil- In the iit xl, rooin lie lf ýiiiuxcd a pair spjler of the fact that Genesis x., .219, dren Teething. lt wili releve 1 Oï)l\- the wi ri 7-tf 1 i the te h* sufferff gry ave boy will net beliave any botter in Ailly niarl, who attoinpts te dodge aloi Pateut shoes, and lid his prison long lias been lield te mean the il-a- Ipoor little sufferer ininiediately. DO- Voltanic dust reality. Ile niay prétend to do Se, bill collecter is apt te lie foirnd, o,-j.' Iclothes ur,(Ier a inattress. In a third possibility of these former mines be- pend ripou lit, mothers, there la no The lion is but in tbe'ënd lie will bave to go to is anything more pitiful room lie fourid a shirt, collar Studs, ing found in other than Arabia, the mistake about it. IL cures Diarr- dealer $1,500; thé institution. It would have been tlhan an effeminate inan it is a 11-jas- i links, tie, ';i"liýd diainond pin. In a New York argonauts are turned to- hoea, regulates Mie Stoniach and leuPa;" 1, 'ý ' ffl ; culine wornan. 1fourth. roont lie helried JýiD-1self te a ward Abyssirfii. Bowele, cures Wind Colie, Qoften-ý; thlc bëa r1l, si;îtý a sr,ýll1g ef tirre te "'nd hif-11 fRt lit 1-'ýiiglaii(1 ý foýl1ZHdaIn lill"i 9()od lut tG Cho lat(,,st 'Guius, Aduces Iiiiianuui-,tiuii, and he 1,. Il -3 ta f and fi - 1 g, . '. 'In(," Of the thrf--c- parties te this 1,ut in 1 his colin*l ry in a filt h j-ll,ý)ii le round a razor SQQrCÉ(,s alirl M ü3ý b, __ --iws tome en -an avi i ig-fi f, -Éi in n 17wý _11- .1.1 . 1. . . - - ýregardod as >býehind the time that system. -Mrs. Winslow's SoothiaL, About five boxes were jnlln poreyl There is nothing more difficul*, th te tr-'. Jjjjr, to do sense. ý There is no royal roa te used. The original to a goo tIlis hi th(C saine wRý cl boy eý,ýî ý'X soresdriedupleaving ý1he wing"3 Of SCOTT'S EMULSION ser,, tbat goal. It may indeed be 5,ýîd Sii.ýrFIn STREET able 3 as à M shin in its normal kýriége to CarrY the weakened and -ý-oUrg,- bul, Iiýf1j'(ý ijLýeW()rs to remain for a tinie thail the st-p and arcilious cli b Tom 11ý t condition. To say j IIYÎng inacbines en starved system along until it can find that therc is no rond at ail et to the wonderful merits Ill the air. Elren support in ordi. beparab'u frum :ý-als of drudgery, nary food. a fo 0 ink l1,1Xý 1 au -Voit ju,ýL, ýOli,0 1j'l'i or is putting it very Send for frec sampic. Aýl c)ffiýc b o 7 wbr) ýýiÈ Ilial F' Iî, iý1s 1,; 11)u >llî(iý t 1 1 v i 1 to zi o É! 1; of i Cle 4cid inced voutIà wilo C)ý1ltnlý'1t is a posi i of so( wh:ýýt t'bey fo I., l! i Il t lil1d(ýr il-11V itiv, cu"1lý fi proý(-,' to j ý ý ý ard, cliaf f, ilig ým f- l To 0 il, vý-Ïien a Vuý 5.c. and t iiiliq', ýOlïr almsl- ýýo ç,nýq a lýcix at '11 dealeïs, or ild-cf pi'opt i,-" ïs 7Zýe wol-o tl, ,ýnd C', J'C'f('U"Q, y sk

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