The Corner Pharmaoy. LIT TLE ILLS. Grow into big ones if not watched. A littie iii may be easy to control-but the longer it us and the greatei it get,5 the hardler it wlll be, andl the longer it -will take thé patient to' get back to so und health. Taken in time, drugs are always a great help-of ton the quickest way to get back wonted strength and enercy. The old adage "1that a stitch in time safes fine," holds ig-ood-to-day. --We suggest that you get that first ,stitý ch, in the preservation of your health, at our store. Boderick M. Mtchell9 & Co., Chemists and Draggists, $Successors to J. IIGGINBOTHRAM & SON, phone 92. Bowmanville, Ont. TYRONE. Harvest Home services of'Tyrone BOWM NVILE, UG. 6, 103.churcb will Le beld as folows: On Sun- -day Sept 6 sermons will lie preacbed ai 1VHIBY MODE FAE." 10.30 a ým and 7 p m, by 1ev. L. 13 - - Wight, B. A., pastor. Collections ai Corrections to Priza List: Cises 2 eacb service. On Monday Sept 7th ai Secs 38 and 4, claEse8 secs 3 and 4, cRsss 4 p m. a ebieken supper wilbe serv-ed 4 ceecs 6 and 7 sbould read Filly ýor Geld- by the ladies of the church, afer wbieh ingý lu lass 5 "Short Horus"'sec 9 is a lecture will ho given b%7 ev. Geo. omitcd and sbould r,-ad Heifer ealf W. Dewey, Toronto, eiîtifled 'IA bouse unuder 1 year $10,00, $7.00, $4 00O witbout Walls." Musie Iurrisbed by the choir ai ail services and ou Monday 1 by Iievs. D O Crossleý sud G. W. EISNNSKILLEN. (De wey, Aimission, tea and lecture - 35c; cblîdren 25c: te% or lecture only 25c. Mis.,s Mabel Rohbins, Bowmativille, Everybody cor îally invited. andi Miss Ethel Curtis. Tyrone, visited at Congratulations to the bride Miss 13 ]ldr iJas Pye's; Miss H-oskin, Toronto, ai Breni wbo was united hn bohy bonds of M r, Nelson Smith's; Mrý H Remmer matrimnny wiih Mr. Asbury Wilson, andâ M. W. B. Rogers, Piecring-, ai Tuiesday.. .. Miss Nuigent, Mlllbtfsok, Mr.ý F, Le's.... Harvest Homne services is guesi of Rev, and Mrs. L S. Wight, and Tbank offering ai M.eihodisi churcb parsonage....Nfisses Zillah McLaugh- next Sunday Ail invied. ... M'r. T A. lin and Maude Curtis lbave Saiurdav to B3rown s fast becoming an adept angler attend the Centr~al Buisiness College, judging from the flue catches be bas had Toronto..., Ms, A. L Woodley bas recenly ..... WVe hcard of one mani in ibis returned from New Ontario.. .. Another section wbo stooked op ten acres of grain oId laridmarît Mr. Andy Brown, Long afier supper. Nexi . ... Mr. H. Lane, Sanit, passed away' on Wednesday l9th. Ha-I on, is engaged as blacksmiib aI lis romains weme intemred lu Betheeda Mv. '. Mrone's. emetery Friday. Miler's Grip Powders Cure. Sold by 1 aeaiët weilhand mv digestion is Stot & Jury, dru,,,gists. gond. Miller's Compouid -trou Pulis did it. Sold by Stot& JurY, drug'gists. ENF1ELD. -- HAMPTOIN. Recent Visitors: Mrs. Geo. MecCulloch anddanghters, Newniamket; Mrs. Jas - Visitors: 0 ClatWorthy, Oshawa, Miss The con3truotion off tho Biirketon, Lindsay and J3obeaygeon Riilway is progreossng rapidly. The rcisd la ex- poated to be ready for trafflo early in Docembèr. The atation ln thia vinity wili beho oted at Neatieton. In the opi ion of man7 the point where the road orosses the fourkh concession, mld- way betwoon Blaokstock and Cad mius, would be a more convenient point. A fiag station would ho saltable horo. Dr. Fred Marlowe has retornod fromn London, Eng., with dogrees from the ioadlng hoapitals, placlng hlm In the front rank as physiciau and surgeon. Thos. Eoglish,, Esq., N~ew York city, business manager and ao countaut for a largo pubisbljg bouse, reoantly paid a visit to hie native township. Rev. -Dr. -Bowie3, of Wi unipe:,- wh o le opending hii vacation at Sacgog, proacbed to the Methodiat congregations of the township. Ail services wore largely attended. A visitor from New York city, ai the r3sidonce of Wm. Parr.. Mr. 3. J. Gabraith, New York city, who has baen epending the aum- mer seaaon here and In Mldland, re-. tomsrs Jawoek, where lho bas a po8,î- tion as mnanager and buyer for a Cloth- cng Firm. 1 The genial G. Prior Deacon, barrister at law, Toronto, has -been in our midet for two wooks. Heococupieu a ie-ading position among the junior memracf the Toronto Bar. The gaine of Basa Balf between the bacholors and benediota, at the Presby- terian picania was Interosting. e8lpeotally for the boys they havin.u defeated the seniors eaily. Considerabie amusement hore for the local polit Iclane after roading the article in the Toroilto News, where Dr. Hiler Bowmanville, wae laken for Sir Rich- ard Cartwright, at the reception ln the Q ueen's Hlotel, Toronto. ln our opin- ion, were the Knight to fa ce tho De. ln a politicai conteat in Durham, ho would find ln the Dr. a foemon worthy of hi. steel. URONO Editor an] Mro. S. Cuttel( ani, son have been vitting hies brother. &r. 0. }B. Cuttie, London, and Mr. Delbert,of the News staff, bas been doing tt-e city. &chool opened on Monday week, with the new Principal., Mr. F. Stapies. in eharse. Rev. and Mre. W. Walsb, Brampton, on return from- voyage to England, cailed on hie brother, Mr. D. F. Walsh. Miass Xabel Davy. Toronto, le visiting ber PROMPT PÂYIEET. ,Ufr- JohnRnals Port hrop;i, agent The NYortlt American Life Assmrane Co DEA], SIR,-Il desire to thank you for the ver y promqpt and îsatisfactory settie- ment of fthe amuount of the poiic'y onÀ the life of miy late wife, the check for Siooo haing ben issued the same day as the proofs of death and dlaim were fiied at the head ofc GEO. LïLEl. Bowmanvilie, Au..21 , 1903. TOWN OFV BONYXINVILLE. Bomnielebeautifuiiy 'sitoatedl on an em1in ence, surromided boy picturesque seenery, c-verlooking 1Por't lowmianiýville 11airbor on Lake ntarlo, and one of thte prettieât expanses of water in Canada,. ln sommer boats ply daily ii fu view npaod down and the fine boats of the Ontario & ttLýeleiteo ne eail both ways ln sommner. The populatlion of Bowmnanville is be- tWeen 5 011 and 4C001Si1et and siderwalks are firz3t elass nandnd eresidenes are numer- ous. Streets, publie bildings and resideuces are lghted with eetiiy bnac of spring, water, goofi drainage and reliaýbie tire protýection. Tlbepotlsrieialth cnb desied.TheDomiionOrgn &Piano Co's. grea f ctori-formanUfactu1rengPianos, Or- gane), Bccle,,i, , tc(., are locatedilere; also thie Euowaniville Ruilbier C00e work8. There are xcictPublic anld Righ Se-hoolsý, not surpase, ed in Canada fo)r e4pipment and efficieney. The churclies are, Methiuit, Presbyterian. Episopaian Conregt~oalDisiciple and able ratesa and other mdm-ovnQos kinds of firet clase god; ompetition is keen and prices as 10 as in a clity. Telegraiph and telehon syiemeconeetthetown w)ýith al plaes earan ditan.Port Bawmnanville is beemig faortesommuer reeort, bcgone of the most hlithiFul locaitins on the, north shore. TiraS~r~aen ta he popu1ar local news- paper and enijoys«avery extensive circulation. The townsansread.y to offer liberal induce- mnent8 toifactoriCe to locate eln Bowmanvjlle Correspondeinulvtd 0F lhiNEREST TO MO,1THERS& A Sfuadfor CidrnCutting Teethi in Hot Weather, The tirne wbenbli idren are cutting teeth le lwasun anxiOus One for mothers and when ibi tis oceýurs d, ring the hot weatber slciueoften deep, ens into alarmi. S many iii that often resuits fallv are liable ta ensile that every mothier wiIlI!,be interested in a medicine discovery thiat robs this period of manziy dangers. Mtrs. Ji, Fer- guson, of 1b05 Manireld street, Mont. real, Que , ,ivs br experience fo, the benefit of other mothers. She saàks:" MY babUbS aiwas bee smtall Wand delicate, n1 alnd 0mcihlasi sum- mer with b ýis tet at 1 did noý1t tbnk ha wouid live Th'le rmedicin1e the doctor ordered for hilm difi n On do hlmmuch good Th-Ln).he was attacked with dvsentery and] a very hot skin and cougIl. set!or Baby's Own Tab- lets, and they did hlm' a wonderfui amnount of gond, and ho is now getting on splendidly". Baby's Ow n Tablets are sold by al dealers in medicine or wili be sent post paid, at twenty-five cents a box. by the Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont. APPLE S,ýJ We are n ow ready to buy apples of ail varieties, for Eva-,po)rating, both in peelers an-d cider apples and in any quantity, We also pair cashi for ITHE MASON Co. BOWMANVI LLE loatils' Suits 12 Prioo1 This week .we are slaughtering about 25,youthns long pant Suits, sizes 32, 33, 34 and 35. We have a few of the two piece and three piece Suits advertised last we- This is a~ very great snap in boy 's Suits and will not 'be repeated. Nw Wraporottofile SALEM. 1 was Paie 'and weah-Iv for years Miller's Compoun rIon Pills brought about a change. Sold by Sioti & Jury, druggists The Ilarvest Home services iu con- neetion with ibis chureh weill bc held as folloin's. On Sundau Auguî 301h-ai 2.30 p in, 11v.lIIughMur,.A, Bowmüan- ville. will prcach anid ai 7 p, m., the same gentleman r nthrwiil conduct the service. Collections at each service On Monday August Siat ai 4 p. m.n the ladies of the cburch wll serve a tempi- inoe chicken supper. In the evening a lecture entitled "Jack and Jiii" wiil be delivered by Rev. J. J. lise, Oshawa, wbose ability and popularitv are so well known that no one m iii want te miss it Admission. tea and lecture 25e; chiidren 15e; lecture only 25c. Corne and have a pleasant and profitable trne. BLIND WITIIHEADAOHiri-"I was se bsd with head ache that I could bardly s T. could zet nothinx to help me tli 1 tried Milburn's Sterlinz Headache Powders and ibcsy quickly cured me." Joseph Murphy, Émeraid, P. E. 1, The passing away of Mrs. lledley Oke caused much zrief in ibis neighhorbood. She was a young lady who possessed a brigbt, cheerful characier, being a school-mate of the young people, she is greailv mourned, She was aiways.a true and active Christian worker. Sincerest symi athy is extended te the husband a nd family i n their sadloss..Sehool bas re-opened wittb Miss Everson again in charge. . Miss Irene LanZmaid bas been visiiing Miss Breen, Port Hlope.... Miss Maggie Oke bas been visiting- in Port Ferry.. -Mies Elsie Grills lias returned af er a pleasant visit ai ber bome inThorniowe accomp anied by ber sister Ella .... Mrs. HeronP and daugbter Edna, Poronto, have been visiting iheir cousin, Mrs. Joseph Langmaid ...Mr. Walter Foley bas gone te the North West te see tbe country and visit bis brother.. .Harvesting is about completed- splendid crops are reported. If your cbild îs suffeing fmom worms, ~lehlm Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm SyVru1p. It is perfectiy barmiess and contains its own cathartie, §o that ihere is no0 need of giving a purgative. Price 25c. Reeeni Visitors, 'IYr F. Il Manu and family, Windsor, at Mmri. Mann's; Mrs Heath, Toronto, with Mrs. E. De- Hart; Mrs. Ed. Vancamp and sisters, Brýantford, at Mr. Jos. VanCamp's.... 1 Alarge assortmient of new patterns, regular 124 and 15G- quality. We will seil them for ]Oc per yd, corne quick for chokce We have received an -unusual large numb-er of orders.ýý this summer and are prepared to make up suits properly and promptly and guarantee satisfaction. A eall solieited. lYIn'sNew Rats.m We have just received a repeat order of sof t and stiff ilats, sorne of the up-to-date styles, assorted pualities. .Suffiffir Goods.i Now is the time to buy summer goods cheap. Any- thing we have left in summer goods we are -willing tù si~crifice. Ail grocers' due bis taken as cash, THEMASON Co