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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1903, p. 2

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try ~ tr tes fa ous e P1 Eactricly. You ilfe thea e peon f AI- We r eln h etElectri e Beitt in the World at a Price within the 1Reach of the Poorest Sufferer. ment] is guarantoed tu possess more power, mrc' current, botter iualty aud fliîsh th-ia an other Efectrie&hel t made regarlless 0f price ,,,-E PROP. MORSE'S BELT 18 sure cure for Nervous UeaknesLiver, Kidney and Stomaeh Com plaint, Sheu- inatisut, Lamne Back, Pains or Aches iu aIl parts of the biody. Wear the beit whie , - ou sleep and ia the Iaorning yau- wiii lfeel years younger than whtn you went to bedý Ieware of those who ask ,vou to pay frora $10 to $20 for an Electrie Boit not1 A0'S A. DCO ETS tempftheBknrgio.Ma- cla iLIes boten evaBlgra Te arawy îîstrli te co -e f crec., amd ithe turbulent Tmrkish ýAionx,(ý,iel as givea theirpeii acdna eli, h naiat bi antipde an ideli t Ibis oppor-Of the reg,,iiin e-illgBuarGels tLàt ai d he clieerfully poo-st iainSrs JwadTr ,l Ti.i .,t xstneatv +ltshaliThese tarfous elements hav i aci bo t-enode andithe àadiration- ID t1hv- old.Aco otc f theF, Federl raîjamntubs cliosen Tu- mur ~ mai twnabout midway ini ~~~~~t~iý dietliebfee h wo prin-I cipalcitie cf Sdnev nti céklbo urc Tichiei nt 1n1ece-ssarfly f111nal, arid is ia fact little more than a re- interimrried and fused imb )or n.a or,(,,,,,,o clties, bt, nt otierarî, bilnd( tie gover-tced is a liard fte commendatien, as the sent cf Go-,-- rue wyviysultan peeî eramnent lias .,.otfote lie deeiminD un iOn on such a liais by playing off by Parcli - î,er. Bu, neanwhilo,,, )11e e1ement against the ehr o douli-tles, ,there is lalleitatieninsane, efore Grecianivakes ameng the m-ian-y sites that lwer adlieaconipleteiy expose(d 1,-ythe paýsd by. roajinigeaîcng my rj rko-Creek -ar tFe sultan r ac wcli be aggrieved adCenbr-the MVtnedoniaa Oî-eeks harshly and ............................................ .~.the Mlacedonian Buinars Nweil. Non' bran it i. iurlîîuiî,y -c i t., uJurr~a Berra, toc, îefusing te lie comiforted. AIse tbere are Boggirbri an-r ca fahreo, Bargalore and Biîregurra, Cunniaiiiuilnb, Yackandaildati, Yan- that lie fiiîds lie lias noilîing te feu- fvorn the Cieecis nnd týint ti-e Bul- gartans arceliecoaîlng streng ie lias reese hle proces and is favening vE, c@s'ngu aneLhouqM Thflree years Cfdeiaehat trying, doctorsý' prescriptious ande patnt nedcins" i',1thteneûfit nîgtwell sapj the courage Of., "any WoUManAnd yet Mm. ryoyauxt proved tiat tQ question op the cure of worn- aiy dise.,ase is onlyv a queýstio.n of usmgthe ightrerndy.A few dse ber cu agead revived be hope, becase se cold$ce l'a deeided chnefrorn hefir-st." Three linhs se of the mnedicine te- lite br to perfect healtli. TIE F0081 OF BÂ UND. PRODUCTION IS I'ALE AND P'RICE HAS GOINEUP De fleers and ibry Mie VWcrth. Thew price of imai la eeu twuyper cent. snetehgiuu of bhsyr his i het mense impesled t liy teveownerst tlie Kie Ecers ri Rmneseymies, of Soubldin Afutemtfri n tacst cfd mbereigpaoperies h fLyc aver boce $500.000i,000hl Oineis inclThed, tle hofiethe osteîy ofthe ini- soomon's smuines were les cer ate us outl r i ,0w,-li, en itei khe fact hat thie cosdactcd De toles carat d Kimecy preperte aepro- dOaendof the i altruesth ctnt cofrn th thecso mine mcnrgortin the scarat ofwasbos ilatteparecbe-J ing madle te get miea frein Zululand __________________________________....------',-- ---'.--.--------- ~ ta~ "....*""~'i-i' But Tumiut scores first trick. Sue has a situationi of groat natural boauty andI at a lieulthy heighlt abeve,ý the ocean. The soif is ricli, -vege- tatien is ebuadant andI the water aupplt god, Tmut i~ aout bundred miles frein the sea and net Mair îroi the e lifouPîy -amnedr Wagga Wagga of the Ticliberne trial faine, t aits. The iiost i aluable spot iii1 Maccouiais the port of Saleira, wlihere thîcee great raili-eads centre Tt lias a fine barber, ai-d fa goedl liaaids ailteasiiy hecome thegreatI 11r)a si ppi g p int ietw en tEr o-i Seria nithia 125, AustîLa withiu 200, Gee -e withini 60). Ail four -- pou crs scarcciy coaccal their desiga-s Aecordfag te clause 12-5 ef ,the uiien it, aithougl since its iast war Qyoastituti ofe the Commonwealth, Gi-,-ce's chance lias disappeared. bthe seat of Governîîîeiît "shalibe withiu territory w,,iishall have The -rsu rexelution" is con- -heei Irl'e Ou raeuie ýl uctdh heMcdna uýlgars Commonwealth. ** Such terîitery anifditd by, the revIolutienary sîinii coulain an area of net ieý-S cnmittewiclî sits ut Sofia, tlie blian oee undred square illes and capit al o! Blgaria prop er. 'Its oh- son the same bolt nt anu. old price. menit therefor. The Pariame.ui'u sijuli OUR HIONEST OFFER-It ýo0u do sit a;t Melbourne unitil, it meet a, the flot Caro to send us the 85 we wiil $endseto ormýt. :;lnu you one of tur Pelts to your nearestseto Gvrn nt" tTu t eyprems office. C. 0. D., $5, with privil. nLý- of taste and great ideas agre to as Eastlerni Iounili a s eanie frei Turl.ey inla St35. Prince Fer- dinand cf Bulgari a is cognizant o! al tEhat is gcliîg ou, and his itîterfer- ence te aid tlie siitans rebelis is on- cures! irregularity, dries weaksaing drains, heals inflamaion amind u- ceatonind cul-es feniiale wea&nes.% Mrs.ltrs Bryat, 1'rrxdent of Meiniplia S~iISineCnb, residia$ St 211 AtlilIpso Av', lpis enuwrites: "1 Sufféred wteine ýýhealth fer tlree yeart, tryiuig doj'rQesriptios ssm 1teîîtiieticimes yoturFei'~rilePie~cîptin' eucdica" go I tlt ~rs, soI kep on skFn it for, thre saothsftîthuly sd rn ~win perfect 1 jDr. 'iere's Medical Adviser, in paper- co\ Lrs, is sent frce on receipt pee( oýf Cus'tons and rnailing ny 03res r.R. V. Pierce, fBuffa, N.V. lIt is the custoni la Italy during the harvest-tiînc forhe peasants 1 offer piyrs f the field s for the1 Ilv F -înprayers lor ±'ope ILeo XIII. anid for the inew Pope, Oxeni draw iiiteo the, fid a cart on which( is orectucd ant altar. A 1priest, as-1 sistc'd by one 0of thepepasant chli but' with littîn success and a good' deai of expense, Last ycar $1,30,000 alone was expcaded in sending for natives, pnyîng their raflroad fares and feeding then' on te journey te the t-imîes. The natives-have heca spoiJled by thýe higli wagcs and geod iian,[2l-u -v'rir -- --H,,i x=b ý- i i+i-v siiu- tiioritie.s during tlie ivar and are TrIIfWTÔ reý'tui-nitoh fo rmer rates cf- ,SF-VEýRAL NEW MINES have bec-a deveioped and promise te give ricli yields, tlie Premier anîd tlie Bultfoatein, but nefilici apprennhes te the famous Kimberley and De Beers mines. More than 350,000 leads of diamnantiferous greund were taken e--ut of-the -iultit-eja-mine last year, yieiding an avecrage of onc-flftli of a carat per load * Tlie Premnier yielded neaî-ly 2,000,000 fends, averaging one-third of a car-1 aiuvR carat wre" ied, valueci at over $17,000,000. This is a de- crease of over -95 per cent. intlie to- tal output, but there was ne declinel ia the value because of the adi ance taras up thse siacli. ~fonces sisieken fe W'rm, ea eran .,tightn in Cod - exceeit ho aeFus In thea wiur nIl ib soaapy t~ . Pge spring ccii tkes un the olacItaam mer ansdletsitcut in winter. Noilooseagio -~ fa gummer, no etraining or bre&ktag l win. ber. Commn a rLmpad wre!lanot serinS temporod and ffit lackuîasIh atmsaË !-.alncke;if i. hinlItes i losn a vi vorsean h .Pgewire le tprd to regulïte lUI fl .,' of ai:e taure lfonc e 1ACnvr. A Worth eho 21 ha nvracsarwmtran DIARR1IOEA, DSNEI Èm u aln mn ~ tUrr~Trl~rc~~iWfUVLEehitid bbc rai t. kueghiuari prayJ~iiier antI. liultfantein addect nnûtbexli Centeal Business 'lle-'e Îand Scebool of Shorthand, ry&ewi.iting, and Telegrapby, Toronto, Oatario. *Aiways open. No vacations. Tvrelve *teaeriers. Finoe uipoIent. speeil *surnier Feesston forJuIy and Âugust. Partieulars free. Wt W. H. SHIAW, Prin-cipal. Formerly Th'e CanadaPeantad Western Canada Mortgago Corporation II I..I~ kine f Eecricl ppi!anceq. Write se~art fo ~ j~g~oh lid la Maceilonia, thorough ac~a td Bsds eigUp its suinuer re- iflg inaterial, so that hr is no0 likeiD -to1 p1Lrticuiars Iisset r out as a veritablo gaâden of deiiglit. nitli the ceuniry, a- born sol()dier, aLeiesMthyfr t' wrd t _________ ______ _______ serial, LelusMntl o eptem-Wol' supply of diarnonds. ISEPOSAf AVLOS ______________________________________________j - ie tIiitUV VjiV ,111 lilO Iiii'. ~ l lt SiII ~fiOO quiune JP5Oi 'WE' iiitA tii tii it.ttott. ashort ti ttfit.tit,. b aýt ýýtu- z::iý- -J--L âmth± tÊâttt-

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