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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1903, p. 5

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Foley'p for SchoolSo~ it Try the City Dairy Ice Cream at InO rWlndowThIils Week G'Lutte1i'.udewabs1 4Ï ~~The aoCls 'Y u~d goodSes 90 arrivinif at' the MsnCos Centrai Millinery parlors. q -U 5 Figal GiradeGoeis Faflols' ad ' onoNew subscribers for 25c c au e H tue Fa3ULU4-f G.&O c n Liver Tonic STA 'rnSMAN to end ou 1903.'d i Ne alhats just arrived at Mrs 4 N e ë y h sDingman's. Cal and sec them, & m U ~ j~T e r~ e r t o Noý rn e medng y b s ever given, b tter satisfaction. W e Scotch Tweed Suits torder at$l.0. 4 E I gu y ng r g tis t e ea 4 he iai g yrecom m end it beca tise our custom ers a l S et hemtea Boys Th goodo.N o rw h re,, e rp f b y e osSuits at manufacturera' prices focr o ur cus, seri,oWe Ihav h es li say they neyer tiad anything so good. _If you -try it and Sefor ~2 weeks at S. W. Mason & Sou's. A SHM.BÂ NO ÂF RD OM BK D 4 ssa teyar rog e il pabakeou mne s o ladv& o, ilinrs aemain POl $PpRORyr .ÂKRS.asweprdeorslvs U eliking hgl 4î cheerfully as we took it. That le fair isn't; it? para on for thie early f ail trade. "Cakes,mufse.,lwhbCeeansBkngPdrissewi q rde rcee. If we did not know the virtuel there la in the emed 2y cdesps or T S ne usTATbe to keep better," 14RIONH.4RLAND wcould flot make this offer could we? If you suiferfrom St meadrs toa31scie t __________________ Our stock is renewed often adi rs n Dyspepsia, Indigestion or shiggish liver buy 1it at our cx- Freadkesafine lot of fra.wes Beaig bagisi Sd--erCoh al n e oeo htJld1 pense. Sefor enlargements., Other styles and- 11g for 2 weeks at S. WV Mason & Son,,, Veal at C. M Cawkeor's. la. Cngregat!ons were very smnall in ail The e lice is the strongest and qTyorSgrTaCfes pcs sizes made to order.churce Sunday owingý to the wet beat. M it at Murdoch's F~~"Iai urnaCne et n 4, s o t tk i t lFl asarriving. at Mrs i ~ ..~cn~ 5 to ttY &o' f.J ti. tr Stthm~n or a.M.akrs At the China Hall Grocery for the Digma'S. Give hier a cal St d s' taotrmd them. i te O next two weeks ý ou, can g-et a fuil size For the newest, ctal!. chaps Vegetables.ý Fruit and Vegetables u eaon TheDrggit nd ptclan. è* ais alrmakSit ntvr Toilet Set good dein ,a gilt, for ced owa lothing ci dat GlswaeFaccusan auesec Iatest styles just received at Concis, $3.50. A snap sec this uine if yuwn ontn&Cyemns Johnston & Crvderxnan. a toile sett Jontn&Crdra See our-peci stock of Croh coepWete n ttd gents Coting store A Wise move is to s pendfrom $5 to $10) the money will be as much appreciae erGasae FnyCp n ______________________ & th est Enaltig otnd d buy a waterproof coat. MeMurtry as THE SIATESMAN-25c. to end of 1908.esprcpadfralkd ofrm P due lihe ndFriisns as a fine range and every coat id H iiglitpiepli o llknso A ~W ~ ~ ~ ttt~4U nMen's Hats-the very latest English guaranteed, M-OLJSE- flnida ____________________ Coucis, -The September Revieýw of Iteviwl REXALL HOLD 1DYtS ulirto Am yeric an stye baatcaatrsi ae b r hs yswl y oo, otn-A K g'%& _______________ SEPT.__2,_1903. Millincry Parlors. Apply at once to Wn the United States." ik juaete cs anx d ost inoed t ~Se ie ewfrm avrtsc issHaddy & Co.. Milliners. For a wrappcr, dressîng sac que, Diyarin thse wlaetd, Mor t a pckae. - MSe te Dw arm averisd tis 62 man's scf t colored shirts regular waist or Child's dreas inscc over i0) wek.price 50c and 75c cacis, in sale tisis week yds of choicest goodsat West End House. Ail colors at A. L. Nichofll' store. à%Harvest Home at Tyrone MondaY- at McMurtry's for 35e each. this week. Ide Der Yard.,_________________ Labor Day. Snaps in Sehool Sisoes at Fole's-a Business increasing-to meet tise1 Parlor. ~~~Miss Stella Gale, Coiborne, l8 viaiting number of hrnken lins regular 81.25 growing iemnands of our trade we ar Ne w sumuuue.dmU.%UUmmUupuu.U.uu.~ her cousi Miss Leia Gale.$1.35, and$110f, clearing at 1.00. puttiîg ina large stock, frir Fali-they 4,,0/ 0 O ********** ******** Moniday-Labor Day-is a holida-v. New Britishs Goods, New Frenchs are coming in fast, Give us a cal!.- .U.U,*MUpUU5y *m u ,rn *, AIl places of business closed. Goods, New German Goods, direct im- Fred. B. Foley. au a mU wums muumu.Ehe , --Mrs. W. J. Ormiston, Enfield, went to portations. Sec The Mason Co's new To rnake a comPicte Clearance, Couch, u Forman yers e hve elt Bo watedto orkat utcerig.o! Whitby,"Model Fair" in this paper lower prices. It will pay tobuy even if the need of an Optical rooni. where Aplane t .M ÂWEBw next wcek. Advt. came too late for you do flot make np titi ngxt spring.,P innvli.this wcck. 0_____ tise best possible conditions e xisted Very heavv rainstorm. passed over Big sisipmcnt of New Faîl Dress mm this section of thse country on Saturday -od EP f or properly using the varios Sudy od Piestlcv's make), just in at Mc. A ~ V scientifie ~ ~ ~ ~ an intuet eesr o e bts loft at rise Mason Co clotis 50e yd, have also arrived. scin.tfi insrumnt beesar forn o oowcs p Ailiin wthe besodato blo oa ri Se Young & Co'a vinegar and spice Farmers having Alsike to si1 would > examining the sight.e are very auxions te clear them., ad lu this issue for pickling you wantdowltoc!onJB.MRYBw-'* In or ol stad ths wa im- Miss Young and staff of tise Central tise bost it pays lu tise end. Yon get t~ *" Inorül tn tiwa l-Millinery Parlors, are attending tise tise bcst attse China Hall Groccry. manville, before selling. *: possible. Now we bave more rooni Millinery Openings in Toronto. Agents wanted wiso are wiliing to s________________m u and bave one of the best cquiipped Mr. A. A. Jordan, late principal o! wr. Good goods. Good pay. men Notices of Births.mauriages and Deaths tis Prscot Mde Scsoo, s en r6 00 a day winter and summer. 50 cents,, inserîton froc waen Mar- optca rom inCaad. We hePrsctt odl cholba benNeyer ont cf season. Write G. Mar- rtane licences aretae or1nr opia om nCnd. (eappointed iseadmaster o! tise Moe& Co., Teas, London, Ont. ntcspit(La bl fie know o! none as good.) Scisool, Port Hope. Sunday neit tise Metisodit churcis It wil eot yennothng ~ Mrs. Jamea Cayley. and ixer datngitr pulpit wii be oceupied in tise morning HLOEL4lBORN.Ags 4ht r ft illcos yo nohin toMisa Margaret Fogg, of Chicago. 11 by h pastor and inth evening OHLOELI larke, Aut1tt r bave your sigbt properîy tested are isere visiting relatives and intends Rev. Prof Pan! of Hiram College. and MrS. Jacob Hailoweil, at daeiglter. U an yucano ifrdt bveu taking lier motiser Mrs. M. Moyse home ______EDWADS-In rnAg 1tt r and epreedpnostie w itnghi thee bss. MRS. HOSKIN'S GOOD WISHES. , coLYI ::waneil:e. A :: 9t. to e:Th fis s ip u n of ur.. your cycs. ail aunsdue Youg & Ceý., Grocero, on Mr ne eolya@nSt- require te be settled on or before Mon- Our citizens were delighted te have Dr. JÂRVIS-At 267 Farioy Ave, Toronto, Aug. , Manyyens eperincein iseday Sept. 2Iat, 1908, te save coat o! and Mrs. Hoskin witis us on Saturday 17th, tu Mr. and Mrs. Ja..Jarvis, a daughter 5 Mayyaseprec ntecollection. and wc know we sisaîl be pardoncd for LÂNGMÂrn-At "Mea(lQ Fue" neraoia ADg. 14th,to Mr. and .1.j, G, Laugmaid,a a * ý iargst. rooms in Canada ftting A gme o! foot-bal will be, payed at publisiing tie folowing pleasing nies- son (stil bor). au a*L bas given us an experience that tise C. n ornto t~ 3 fri Thesterdayrnto MARRIED. h'v eould~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1o egie nalftm np m diso 5.Lde re accompanied my husband te your JACOBI-REYNOLDS-111 Oshawva, byJev. J. >O< eould~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~Evr re egiedi iei np . Adirso! 1W. SLaiesM fr town witis more tisan ordinar pleasure, Ht. Talbot, Aug. 26tb, M1r. F. qa. Jand Miss a** 5 ao' hsszYugtt because Bowmanvîille and its poeisdIda J. Reynods, both of Oshawa. towl issie. Yo gt herequested to, send addrcss on a postal for so many vears enlisted our interest, LiA benefit of tisis experidnefrcc of ail or lotter te tise Farming World,Toronto, good-will and cstecm. May tise Ged DIED < . ,eharge. for a free copy o! tise splendid Exhibit- whom wc serve protect from accident çILLTAMNSON11 Chicago, li Aug. 215t, Jas. U 0 ion Number. Its a real beauty. Ment- tisose engaged in tise erection of tise, ew Phiais, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wiliiamson, .r i ii: ? (IL IL T s~~on this paper. town building and may it for aIl time aged 7 monthe,u I 1 fh YQé1 I i S1 ~TlT1111Just received 1000 Iba. Farmiers' serve tise purposes for wisich it is intend- WALTHR-la Oshawa, Aug,. 2,5th1. William f aW LFLULL Il iii W Twsel especially made fo1enbn.c hope tise citizens of Bowmanville Warren, youngest son ofHenry and Annie < : ang.Myb aofBn erwl epopruan htteGdf JURaY-In Bowmanvslle, Auig. msit, Margaret & L U 1 Y -L nortis o! Bowmanville, or at my home aIl Grace, wiil grautito thens His gracious ff. Hanna, reflet Of the fate àJohIli Jury, in lierm Tise Druggi st and C pticans. lu T.ý rone. Yen sbould sc it. PBTER blessing. 82n5 year. m WERRY, Agent. 36-2w. -___ TAYLOR-In BOWManvîfle, Aug. 2stb, Flora ~** Mr. nd rs R J.MeLnghi, Lnd-MeKeithi, wif e of Neil Taylor, Sui lier 70th year, * Mr adMr . .Meauiîn sn-HYMEI4EAL. KIRKLAND-In Whitby, August 25rd, Hugh a n say, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. W. DownKrln agd7yeo.u IL Mr. MeLaugil whc is tise SlctrfrLAVIS-In Whitby, August 23r d, Mary Lavis, D Ltise C. P. R. lias been at tise Registrv COLEMAN-WHITE. aged 68 years. una U0Ckache0 Office searching tise titles througb ABw nvieoyhstkn a pop- UnNE-nPceig u.25,Jh unc tneS i 7hya.. I~*.u Ctonrigtow ie oreoais uk-nisPr bth adut share bis HSOGARTH-At Whitby, August 25th, Sadie L. ton raiiway1 joss. Whitby Gazette savs: 'On August Bowers, beioved wife of G. -l.' Hogarth, BA,<* e INotwitbstanding tise iseavv ramn Sun- 18, a marriage of mucis interest WaS aged 38 years. u day night a gond sized audience greet- solemnized in Toronto, wben Miss Liz- COLE-At Maple Grove, Darintugon, Thursday Un âc4"bt d Rev. E. B. Barnes at tise Disciple zie Whsite, of Port Wisitby, was united Aug, 27th, 1903. Samuel Cole, iu hi, 7Oth year. a sAi' ,W0rchurcis, and ail feit amply repaid bv lu tise isoly bonds o! matrimony te Mr. StCsl omnville. Aug. ?Sth, Hannh,.a I~I1~ ~ thse exceptionally able and initeresting W. J. Colman, o! tise tux 1-Niçfissing." soth year. A IS il m:l C>. uL.L o sermon be delivcred. Tise marnage ceremony was performiede lav tou1eRv. and Mrs. Jesse Whitlock have athe rsciain--cl ! ergrman oter, 1EVARM FaR SALE-80 acres, o! :a a left Port Perry for Toronto, whcre tiser ieofcaiy lrya e Rev. -12lot17, con. 2, Darlington, one mile West of a a - il l ftrereid. iiznsai r-Mr.. Brougisaîl, frmerlv of Whitby. lfowmanville, onwbich aregoodbý'uildingswisli 1? T T 1 W -gret s0 lose Mr. Witlock and bis most Among thisLi wedding presents was a Stone stablingandeflars, p4igp-en etc.,orcliard * estimable life partuer, and jota with iasoemtedokgven byb>kl i odcep plyt M.PLPw afi ~ ' 1 their mlay friends iu wis'uing ten OemploVeeS. Miss White isaP P TYLERI, Bowmlanvilie. s3s*6 *mu-I>j-J.Il'fT~ manvgein year o! lif ints'uc iY. ular and highly esteemed soung lady, îî mum5m m y eroflfinteQenCt and we are sure she bias the beat wishcs OUL RYWNTEDPris* : un M"ehime, Plying thse needie6 'l the Rev. Mark Guy PearseLondon,Eng,. for a'happy and prosperous journe Plaviug any kind of five poultry to seil, <m N"« seoaing stiteis, stitch, stitch, wililecture lu Bowmanvilie Sept 25tb.- through life. please send word to A. H. Reyuloîds, Sn care w___________ lce Wh acol,-lofRmprice paid. Wil asowerune and1( colet an .m-: ao wbemnd ai.No wcndcr tisese Hlugi Price Hughes, Montreai papers H. REYNOLDS. 3.w Pan say lie la a very ceoqunu preaciser and_________________ *. etn oft find their healtis fail. uses cvery pon e!ta u 'The kidusys get ont of order, the bis pointa home. Yen will want te bear of Mir and Mrs. L. C Hendersbott, 921 aeteranEd-Scvdeatierons o! ech Sar. a*~~ui U~jJ, beok pein, ad tise whole system isim. Eim Street, Ottumwa. ta , tise marriage (oeein thiscut req1uired) te represent and un -!-l milnt.ilRnL and poison ofie tisesi only daugister MisMary Eugzen- advertise'l esa14 se wealîliy busiess RAILWAY TIME TABLE, aIl tise wav across tise Atlantic and be- PEAS, Blackcye, e bush.. 0 l0 ) oSRYStae fOtin oow te (l gewnrailoswr<atemei BOWMANVSLLNf SAO, fore cuiterinz tise Straits of Belle IsIe tise Ul'~A "Canadian Beautieb o w0 t 0 aiie abrout Augiist 22nd, a wite ARýM' TrO Ly, o Terme!f Years- iy iirlwge.pfyoCucou- GeiNt, SAS?. Corne WEsTOY be)m mit u og, sii < ouoc lagv dog, p)artiy voodle anid partlY teýrrien, ~~'t uie lh.ln 'te fN&C. omnil 1weaf ber boa'.mst n f;-,Y A S 1 M -1 MMmat l U uý detauin MnmmeONyNxýj'£0 0 tag ueck. Reward for returul a- J. l at S nanqouse, baril. stauIin!g, rut (l- .......O SUa. M. 1 Expres a le.. 5,15 ng tise vesse! two heurs ,before, For Lifants and Cli" O 6n.0 W 0 65 Mrn'steomavl. -W.nerfalling well; ulext wesit eGrdTun ZFZxîtress .... 102 VI - Local ...7 51 . sigistiug Belle Isle. Iii tise Gu! very Ble" O0 65 ____________________ ttos lv t atarbor WiFn il.F Mï . 4 pf.1isene- ý . M, fune wahrwlss expturieucet andu Lue lflfl Lifl R8Y8ýî Do n .......... V uu Coegiate Institute and nubie ýehoo1. On l A.o eeliignrl atoSlt1,ti.2 Express.e]024p.m.av Away bugi TimoTHiy SHîED.........O(10 n Oi f1 ~AR TO REN-5 tore, lots 17m, ,vuîeui( Lttedipoete uDrigo.o whihIeulltginea '5xpe~s Il 3p.m. enjav thse tfti ecross. Affer pndig Berth doTEz, celiar will6 be cosfuc.d 0ot onoari 1s.Wr antai eleCtIiC? of ghin assre au hes atoy tafwy ewenf Exp-es.~~~ ~ do0ntgwe odymrls.tss womnlsaraM.Smsu~OQ 14 ani goon uildingwton nte, n uioii xedtr 6,0 nmncpl aln tei;Cnein eshope mt rtor th fuv Townd agolUtI' Canad bald-- 'aod enogi 1er huffi a Wsit Baab o AT, ;p ton Podse.,.o -t *,,,, 8pl GO) t>8ý oa~vlm0-tf. Y. 1OWARD ANNES, M) -t! fapply tej Gi Fita r B1mnW, 5la!

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