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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1903, p. 6

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')OX BONNE SOGRANI TES OE INTEREST FROM RER BANKS ANDBRAES. at Is C, oing on in the Ilif laiids Lowlaiids ci Auld scotin. JFj,,1['îcýon, ýï11 rece,ýt11ý- U- eii Fjllglis,- J'i hmgý1;,ge ïn GienobIc Uti- ý,îty, Fialwe. gililite, ci-oss iF 8ý)(mt to ba ýted oi-, (W, of lýcliti- Zh Ct1ýsL1O, laild i'l Jolimi- ý1-1cg ' !1 rjýt111ory Oi lim!in- ; of Llio 1ïbn,(ý V:110 ïel! Alg the Ëýoutfi African u;iv. a cumpetition open to the ICingdoin for hanriv--ritirg W twd uader -JLL years oi Jolui 3. Pwýevi(1ge, ýýo11 of Mr, ý.nas oi Bligkhaven, :111 fil-st prize. rmirriage wjiiý:fi ijitjLý,iI two oi nio,ýýt historie oî Sîýottiý1) fami- took place in Si, stcr Equare', L011(i(m, tile con- ting parties being Aý L1mr Güoý ýle lZaxnsýýv, Et-irl' of Dalhoils'ie, Lady MîaL-ý- Mea',!ic.otî-ý- '111i', julic- k3,111g,11,ýv ' ident ouctirred in -ýkv:,,I! sf The amI over1r-ý&x! %ýýi);ch ses tl,.,it 1boi-oliglifitre.. whun, oF Lfiýee tpe s(r,ýeb s«Ijýýjdcd ýhe depth of six o%-'ý'- a ance of twelve yardý3. 'lT,ý ti,,iiit 2ý pipe In the ýstreet Imrsb, before the water coum 'ee 3, nuir-ber of shops ii, ilie e neighborlood ý1oo(îýd and iderable danIzIge Výàs (Ï0iýe. 'Ulic %ý1th it -., portion he trawýýLty tnuffic c-f à going cni-s ie Aý1,r 1Ji,4tiý of tjýO rity Col-illicil ýw infediotis the district. Ti;(, it v- Il. about three iilihus of uo acres in ýui,1 is ajso hý- 11ejgbboTho(-ýd of the Sýklulil-ýox ýiial ý1 prP,ýotit ibling ereýted by Coý-i)nrIltinii of Ayr, TLo s ùjseý,ý,s Imý!-,pi"a1 will for tweuty îs an ad1niri-îi-Lýjýc, k containing acconhnodation for or, inatron, nurses, and ser- ýs, and a laundry block and por- ; lodge. The total cost 'of' the 1-ings, e;xclusive of furnisiii-ngýi, ýtfrna-te at £7,OQO. somewhat extraordinary ried a few days ago ir ýhe arcet of Carlisle, cýwiiig, ýo "rolessness of a sinoI.ýýr, A after he had lighted lit, pipe, m tli(ý 'burning matcJi a,% md lightr-d- on the hpa(l oi ýý itat, of fashionable. iïjî11iiýry, culy burst into fIqewos md cýms- ý,r eon.F;id:er ' able alarm, A -yomrg rushed to the rescue, and ý,.ýr illie hat away, it ý,vas well seçured by pim-; 1'.',,roiig(i :,ý, Eventually the fragmý:ýits, oi Pat were torn away 1ho was inueh singed. Mie o'î wevent Ler ziij)ý-9,ring g along ýL,,e ý,'g.e6t with 1ý() !,atý dodeed into the nearesL shop and secured a a" to tide her over tie icïtýer- y- ýe mecting ofthe Glasgov lïigli- Socicty a couple of weeks ýi1ôo an event which carriles one ln-wk mciniory to the early days of dand boii(,,volent endeavor. 'Y î i c cty we,,s iutiiied in i7ý7 b,%- ý,ýýv- an gentlemen in and nn loss thari ùweIvý, of ow ou- oi tiie ,vealthi(,,.,i Ilýýýî.ý- cd w j 1 È *, f r Ui 'i lands, ty mucî-, t o y attaches t o i i ýý 1 s 1 t- daýýs. About 17,ý", vOi-11 efield, the v,,ýts Nisit- Glasgow he was as:ke'l î, 1ýO tors of the societ,ý- to ,on on its behalf. mitcd, and preached the, sernion ie IZigh Chur-c'hyard, aii;j a col- Dn was taken as t11ý P4,0ffl(ý (lis- ýd. The aiiiomit wjýs, a -d one, and v,-a.q oi t'ec ýto-nï ül property which was --- ---,.-,------,--.-,-ý--ý-- ------ - 7---,--,"-,----------- - __ _ ----- "-,-,--,ýý.--- ,---ý,- ---ý,-,-- ý ý ý-ý-1-1.----.--- ------. ,-ý-- ý-,--.,---.-----ý ý.--ý-,------- __ __ ---,--------- ý.-, - - ý-- -.--,- __ - - - - _ - . - - ,--- - ------ý __ - - -1 --------- ----ý- - - - . _', tý1à_ _ý __ ï - --- l -_ ý - e.4e.. eX.--*.--,.-ý- -Ire won't gef past me !- Anri let ý me. He breilghi it fo m,,ý ný Iriiri-ý ', 1 1 Î',,,ýtlfc,.7» ýý Èýýt 'ý ore h and 6 U to 'the ,oýÈ A, _,_ý 12-,ýý,M!_eiC_,ýýe_ét,*_-- ac , r t rn O v lent unil ham Green, aîtri 1 ýiipefI Iiiii-, ,-,i,ý-ý rý-Ï -, et. It WAYS UF T - ý may be neces- - 1 P TIALS .to: 1 me go ! ý ý' EL e. - . < , 1 TE F Th htt out the clothes was a ,pence ! , , 4 - ý sary ta remove a little of the Pa- .. , ;,ý ý,ý . 1È%c'-'U -ý the oC.- .. happy one, fer I bad all alOng been Then carne a feauful in-terval. 1 -, , , _ý; 1ý ý ë, I.- . A tato to ni - * haunted by the'ide-a the;*: aveu, if 1 right enougli foi, a iýi;_ ri t) c ýri- ., «oî1ý ake room for the eggg. CONVERSATION Alq-USING IN NOT: ..*,- 2 M C ýN !1 q ' .k ý "! iý This is a Uelicious dish for break- THE EXTREME. 1 ý * there would lie the plain evidence of l trains ai(-, ,-uiiýýitý 1 Lý . 17L. 1,ý,j . ý7 ý,lo 1 ý J., - * ýý1Mý ý !oo ý did gLt away ,over the cool, Still 1 sinall bag in MLs !iiýn d _at, 1(,)Ip,ý-' .,-", i ý, F fast. -?-, ý!JJ 1 1ý - j , \ ý, M e %De fe Il 1 e.- ý . r jubL illi'i\-(,(l ;).',' ïcaili, or '9 () ILI .1B e î t That Tiiey Are Stijl Veiy - my clothes, marked with iny naine. Pithe Iiu 1 Ways of the Chinese Whieh Shovy What -.1. ýýi ,ý,,,1 t 2 ,il ABOUT TIIDE IIOUS'U4. 1 - U U ' Therefcre, once more it volas neck or, # ,,ay be ,11fýî,ýg 1 o (-ýý ý(ýh on . ý 1 4.14 L k -*.. 1 W: e.- rotIiirig. There was no tîme tc, Tlut V,-!'1ý n t Jý, i-e lit le tlý> Lý,,ii-_ý'. 1: Èhýn-ý,1-,-ýý-- vez- e,-i-,,v1n ,ý-ý-ý-ý-,,>,, It is -too baki to have Peculiar.. ý - ý , 1 u, ý ', - M ý ( woollen seats 'Me Chinese eniperor bears the tiLle! .,..Ie..*...**..*...4*1..*...*..ý.-61.ý- cl',Einge elothes, Sa 1 rapidly bundl&l : I wa ,,ý(4 r: g 1 ý t 1G'Iý Tl-" up rny 0MIn , __ýlIýiýfgLý:' 'J".l,1,1,, _ý-!ý îY,_ý, ï,ý"ILýROI-DERY. Puý intoý the once cane-seateà chairs. _ , - i .b _. ', * garments, and then, ý Road, do,ý,iii (ý--,ýii-ýtý(1 Street, lZollwin, ý They aie ilot iiearly as comforta le, ý Son of Heaven. il Sacrifices .are ý 'Mas 1. noddin- and lauging te the , police right dcrivil. 'o coiýiiili11Tiý ý inbroi- the enillet ni and before Jiiý,: 1iý1F; r 1 ý 1 - - il l""1 _'ý' ý io'--i-IMýPs ,ot iiitr ti e iýýea of a and are liable ta split, especially Only in London, ýaiîl Joplirg, Iliryan, ,ow-hile we could still heïor 'Lhe Whitechapel, 'iý11d o' (ýI'1-, poIi,ýî-,1,iýi't1 l ý iýer,?,g ' . ' prestance, but titis él0es noi, liow op- ' of 14,1 1 1 ý t,'11ý1(ý -ý;o,,1, May have, beau, where they have to lie trimmed close- ý,iippcose, could siich a thing happer-ý fl-iliný'erings of the batteriig rani SRIV IooIi-ý-,; iîý,j3,e ,ýiý,J l'toit-, ,soý1 ýý,- it:S-L -ý,iili,-1,iý771- i! PlY io foreigit 't'!iiI_)ýiý,,;io1Io),ý. it i-; i\e1ýi1 Itip,,,ikàirs, 1 slipped downs-ElÂts, (,ýý(ý!'-'c*fe)lýýq, Sci!ýe Uýlj fi0lý, 'ý), - iýoý,iý1, Il ' ýït it bas ly to fit flie chair; and then one - ", - ; , 1 -ý-, - l1l(ý a Il ý- ! gJ-jý,V,-1t .,ýn ï)ý 'o- jerWýi1ý,'l1, o1ýýcola(ioi-oý nover knows just when the nailsl the cii.stoill ta, l,1lcý'1 Uil ,iý,ý rI,ýceiI)( of zýiid lu London eýen, 1 believe, only ' iL ' 1 , - - ý A ,, ,-, - ýuoèr,-ýýf'eci j)cý_ýp-! -,Ii,,l . . -s or loýtters froin the erijýýior, ercet( , oeý ', i e a re- 1 col, lui tc) ,ie. 1 didn't know whether toý cd the bacl, door, lockold il, !"ý,ýel7 me, , tic, iiiifl ýf tý iý . . ' . ', - Jýn tilýI,ý( _ l,'ý (ii',ti,, --i,-l, ý, wilh-- inlay calch in the clothes. L t ý as, laug"ý,. or rry over it. At the time, foun.'d myself in t1le backyard, raii ing inLu, iiý.,, bag, a nice tale 1 SÉOuld ý1 'O' a t' saine (Wi1ý I;Ilul,ý,ý ý,n, ý el y bLýÏt. gular chair mander put in a new %VùIl as ta bow the hcad lune burgl,, by .3'o-,,t- ! it was tac, serious to do ,ý with surprising nimbleneqs, andleap- àave to tell. No. The whole ý Liiiics ili -succession. nesbu ý thingi To lie s-,,i(,, ýt,ý1l,,s ,iiil ýýýié,-,S ïor cane socal, if yoù can't plait one in either. One ruguse in a row is ,,,Yjeïi and scrainbled over the wall. --ould be out. U was too terrible. 1 enibroidend 1 ijiý,iýs výt i y vl'ith, the yourself. 1 11, .-ýtdI!Lion to the family iia1ýot, a bcrs like another, and .% Belmont Rowl Oh, what a relief ! 1 still ba,î There was no turning back, for w1ilv j yeurs, jus:t a1'ý (>'qý' ý 1ý)! hes ,o-e buffet- In r:Pain - tiug old chairs elther ý Cliiiiiý-c- boy receives a given ruiiie, 1 o_1tiriný Fifty ' , 1 1 oli- for the time lie is at scltoo)î, ali- ý in ý -one is just as[ hopocs of slipping in quietly. ý_ . 1 ashion. But black or white looks much better esp(_'(ýially. 1 met should a man with a bag go s(,iiý ý e(l about b3- l';i ý' L, ' i olf cr ,,)ri bis marriage, and an d;- ted i nuch like fift.-V-tlree as two peas . Ï my wife lapon the, stairs. T'he ý distance onc wa and then ret . - l,,( 'y r"ýý"' ,'ý"Y fine Piece ef i-.ý-c,,dIewprk wili al- thali any colorld pain£ one 'can lI.-eýll,!',',ýý,.,ý,ý, _\e g1ý'(:Jý 1 _I; Even in ordinjry fiiiii--that is in ý had gore beyond acception ai-id ý bis steils -, On, on, on I walj;eoi î î 1 ' es, ieil-- - 1 Ora at eaCli ýzLi1At-.,ýýî _t i 1111ýý ' . w1y's Clain, a jýýficoý aniong our prîz- Old bath Iiibs ,ý-;n lie nicely fi, 1 01 rui, < acqulre;i. i Z£t,(- she saw me there, carrying a 1 shall never foget it. 1 had walke (Dat of pai1iý. Il 'da Éhe diffeu- 1ý,7'en t-i cd Leirlooiý,E, a--,(ï ;É liia.lýeq the work ed up with. & c' ,vlight-1: can offly tell ' (7ý,ideý", ý v,,.ý,1ý(;,,r ý., And ; re, inîceiý.,liiýg 'ir ,,],e,,,(ý is Soule ;olý-iluitai.lý'eýsaiaitdieitit,,ý,liýý,,iý'ilill,)!ýýtltýýcýý,,rCýiliýiioii,(,iýý,)eiiiss' li enco _ by seeing the numb - 'bundie in my bands and dressed in i at least twenty edd miles already, illo - , - s E - cal .,ýilly prized1which eaqill- ýýlýt,,,_ýest fll(,Ilý(ýýý.ilýIlveýsý,ýtiý-ýl-,sý * - 1 that ex ' .- ' 1 boit se il - i fi,,i',, night it was a little dark. 1 traordinary rig glie looked at i and was now fit to drop, for T bad prospect oi ils ýi(i,, i , ý'- ,o ý -',-oii.ethiiig The sEorý- cai- eut, a Chi!ý,-,,o e1iqi:fýi1(, is fýý,ý1j(1ioïiý, ili-id A r 11y wife and my SiSterýilI-laW bad ý rue in SuCh a faShiOý tha:t, I fait. never walked more Ïhan half a ,mile by future 9eneiýl)'Lio' 1 ý 1 , Jýi,ý. roeetis to be, - - J > 1 ý the doc- 1 like a schoolboy caught stealing jam. at a stretch for years. (1:': il c 1 , aH 1ýiý,ds ni l1Iit111f1tJtýt\,ý,,o f,ýë1Iî),-I ý 1ti'i,ý,sJ il guîýo to a ,,,oil,, of party al Great Auiit Moili,, (iic,,, oi, ",çç,ork of little lc,,ýo1'-ev titien th(, ('ý , 'l biolz ing, auI sct-iý,,i,,g, ni a n t c, f i I i ý ý ,,- c a i r,,, s o uts;ý Cýto Ma 101aoswu f iet- tol,',ý T preteiAed 1 had a violent ý She took me into the room, ,and An 1 idpa came to rre--to call a mother's graiýJ',iiIc,0irr.- 1 ,PIC toi ritit[: SI)otild 11li,ý,t jii t:Iýeii-ý C1tLiýt beadache and wanted to go fo bail made me confess ali. hansci il and dri'va about, either in just now t;-ýe ztll-,,vhite eilibroidery to ho siiiited 8 or 10 i ý ;lit 1,1:i, .1 ý , 1 'iuii1,s, tiiey are boutici to ,g'-1CIr'-î1ýti the ,-ýý1ne ,1,:!nsol,.£ or no ellenging holds fir-st plo--,,ý for the table, %lie time it is faâan up. This niakes it, i ôiýt, LýaIl_, Lu cat, Il (oý!lýt_ýl'ý alloi goý_l,1tlule cal ly; and afier thay were safelY Off ý Il. 1, . bar,-,ýiilii:,,, 7iiýIil dli,ýbrrah:. Tý-_1 ,1riý- gaily Colorcti l) ,ýces fillairg thelr wear more evenly and prevent thai ý - *the prernisesl 1 slipped out, and 1 ý ' - - U iol;,,h 9 Io-Ilýc: serjý,; of _,lisitiiii- cotLi-ý ittid 1: . 1 1 M'ell, next day, after I had come ai, -,iiiý,,;,'ý, ý_,_, suspickmis, and ýiÀ1ik iiie ý ï-,Iaces on sianl:ý, sofa pill ru s the , ', Jenkinson and myself had a quiet ý ý 1 . 1 I_'Jililel!týs , il 'trip along the edge of id cil-ilitieý--, Pý,,ý,, afý,q- all, it was uni _iK th * b(ý i!ýý,*n1ier or Ow% ,etc, ti 1 1) 1 utu iý - o in can p froin coiring., Tw.o or, IrC0 a game of drauglits al, the l VCrYýlr,ý,iiiiiW, lirig; if 1 pald 111 home froin il)y office, the 'B*,Ilb'zltll,.- qiýi,ý,r- 9 .. sa- 1 -,;ý",) Each declines ta 1)ý, J-he firsf ,,O ý,,e, 1 tien ) 1 l calleil in - Tbey were never ,i and, ni fi-il than white ý--u-, -liot Ortly be- newospapers folded- ta the right si7,eý:-!,ack jo bis painrolluiii, a!,(,. ilie Al-ý -ý%_ ýý Dird-in-Iland. dly before, but, this was an oc- 1 ý,--'1. ,,ý 7,;,,,f j-atýi,!. ý_O hirrt ? Ca-use it is me,- ýýal-iionious in con- nd shape on eaeh step boili S;)ý1o:" ý iiý0-ise and Ga,,toit elïect is ý,c.lio-'Sýt.()cl< was hoping ta get ho)-no L),_,F'1,1-_ý frien ý nection %vital o ý 1 icý,ý ý able decoriaf ions, l talle 1 - - flasion, and they wanted ta 9013,iP 1 f ,_,-,,--iý1, 1ýs. 6 d. in this way, and , carpe£ and ,Ërriiýtly iniprove-, 'Llit, my wife, and I -as luckY, for ý I1c , ' ail the r,ý;ý.+ Ould 1,aÏý' ý t'hen n ý (îýý-I)l ez, k -1ýý--'ýýdtO_ --;Lllc 1 bui ;Il.' - Poir Ï'l'il ýiý,ýt -, bat the) -c ', 1 ý ý appear-aiico, gï ', i (2g ý - tiýe (:il,-(,(! for a long ý\-lii1e, -No \\,o)11;1(,L"(ý;,Iiý;e was not-1ný----I ,ý-,ït,,; a -litile afraid - u ,,, (t 1 - of ît. -I-c---- ___ 1 - . . 1 ý ý . 1-1 . o,'y luttcil l,!.,ý,,Ï t].c3- offert fï,iý,,-n not 'to I'coý0g- ý ývl1 *o, Il 1 to light the ,gas, berqiiýýe T lind tl-)Id sa ý down and lauglied till iny -si d-1 ý-ailwý7,ý, 'ýiýit-lI. ]ý';iý,,tillv 1 stýcceaiiý-U 1, no ýýOlOrs 'Io rllii -,,,, ýýr n in tbe, latin- ý effect of pa.,1dîýiý', I,,c.ý-jiýt-F, ioýcIir,ýý soiL 1 lIIý(' ("Ii,7-, oiîýer to a"oid this tlitý,,t--,tji(" 0 ,ici-Klý in 1-ciar Hýeir accould oi 1'rciout at ý,]'niý,ýýï-"> ;: i 1ý -ý_1 o 1 iý,,Ik otiý , ; - 1 y, , 1 - ý . and véIo,,ýý lo v_ .lier I was goiîýg tc, b4, Imeï i , am d I Afi'aii-." ",'Irs. liýI1 Uai1k f Tt V,ý1.s 1oý) Iltle ,(el 'gr) II-) i1'- Of'ýro-!ýý 'l'll,' ýiY1,- ,,i oýiý1h!-ý;i(ý,,,-ý- -!cnown asý Frolni ý,,rg.s .,ýo,1-ir ro,'s, tind in'élee'd ýtIiit,..ýl(, (.cir1ýýt1Y. - ý C Uý 1 S'se thaught ft nli,',"ýt llljî.,u lier fý,eIings if "Stl-'Lllo 1 T!ý,iir fornv:Jý., of c(ýii,-(,i,ý,,,,,tinil a,,(ý'iiii(ler \výýeii ,ý, 'ýw ol'e ý;,)e s'ill%, .1 big iýnife in 111V , illat inoiiiiýip,-, fýý(ý '1-.ý, nrlu ',1tiJiI -1 ! ', 1 - !., ir) ý -'Ti'!1ýttil!IcUïck jý' ný),_ ýuý1ý'. ý' ý, Origill- ny 7)r;,5ýs ;tcfî,le.s, which 1ý&Ve ý 1- 11 ',ioý,!- ,.('ýýo ee, ti.c- ý jacXs Eïl, e ý;aw the Jitiis lif-,ýýte(L ,lie ce- - . . - boeen -, ,j, ,:O l 1 ý ý ý han(L -.-L"Ç), noi, a ý"1i11 -- i (io \-,-ýt- - 1 . . ;i"-;,, -i-ý,,ýr ,lie tow ii 1 jiegýc,ý-(-,I ,,,!-.(l iýt,(,, Corý7rq,!ien1,Iy dis- iýil,---"ý 1 ý [ Il, ý Loi , ýlli jn l:ý(- (ý,)oI,)ýý il'id gc", ý 'ilct', 1ýý:ý;ýý ,,,, ai'; 1 tiii-T-M. S 0 1 'iGoý-- Off mý' clotl-cs!l , . . Cording ta OUI' Weas. TÉ is ,lit ab- ý to th, l)il2i"el. ! !ýý0i-(, ji1ýe O, biltýýý,ý-'l.,ýýýý(ý,ý.-I,,;iý,fý. 1 e! ý3,I-"Itd Ïýîi1J to 'gi"u i in fi-eIý!- i ïý-',,' ý0 àj,-h if is nam ee.ýrIlUioý(1 -".Ijuoýýt 1,:--st roý('()gil'i'joll, '" I iii ',ýýo-, (lai k, anci tumbled fil. ý . 1 ,Aoliiie rule to Èolf, (,r on,ýs oývi1 o1il -tar Ir.",(, ,ý Cei-',iiii-,,ii- i,-,I, a l7n.,ý. ý j ý ii('tliiis ',',,l, - :ýý cF ýi large nurtibei. ! lý,11ý-'il z:,) ýý,s 1, ý , "ci-,' ,,ý(iioT_,ýs y 1 di l'i',ýc.-jllýl,- C();Ilc in, i Liiifc !- ý 1 ) o! rý oý , t1 ýin Mie in(ý_-t 4icli,« ý,liii,,,ý ilrii i W ý 1, 1 , 1 lieard them 1 - ?" Iýe ci-j"if. 1, o ýo ofl ') i, ,ý(;i, lii---. o-ipf iý - t. aial eu 1 She shii(lýlei>(ýd. "I'fýi, Li (lË"ý .ý1aws one fo foi- ý I,,nilý-e îil fhe or(JJilýý,rý ýllii1.ý, Oxalic diIý),oragiT,!ýý %vay, 'n",Iil(,ý e,ýe-, 1 i i il-' aiid aiul locL. tilt, dour belloiv, 11perh-ars Seule ilriiiilýui-, mart ?- ý l ocavens, Joplin 1 ',ý juit il ý--.-,7cý ,ý%,,,, 1 ý 1-ý Iýt 1 i- li.ý ol' 1 ý l e riiillos for embroidel ' -ci 1 ý,,j'l rernove tJýe likic',ýc,,L ltainýý ý - 1-t ý, quîctl,7 upstair.s. 1 thouglit it bc t - 1 g 1 ý ý 1 -l", - ý ý l elati1lý,- to ones iiiieclociltor is ý (ffli a said my wife. lit was a, viciOus been doing witli )-ourseJf ? Tliýi1 i : l' ",- iýi L ýlý (iF(,ýi-lr% -Iid Kensin ton ,n! (-,ný-, aTýd after a lit 1 Il-, (;olishing lý spokeil of oý,IY in LJ)ý,, r,ý0s-, diate prëtend to be asleep, and 1 really ý , - ý g i 1:0111p()11,ý ice is killirg you ! You must gi)ý 11li,ý-1, el ý ,ý,jià (1,9,mois skin î,haý looi, as good 1 wiýs balf ELsleep. But when the door eut. oir - . 1 1 1 1 and sid ' -Oh, no !- said Billbank. l'The to t1ie seaside ait once for a month! - ý _', , (',i,'i,, ý,:i('1i_ý1-iJý1jýýj qualit,, ', F' iýs, ,i,ý,,v wi'ýjî_vefW little-'trol4lle.----- - s 1 i IY-ýM1 --ronn),-ap-L-no-d-I-hear--d & shriek- --)-ci, --Irff()W ! --"Iýe-- h-ý-a,,--co-r-- --r-d-la-. --riDfore-T-WïËIn ý 1,(,I;-i,,! ilii"ei(i lii":Il ,,výi! iie--- _,__ È ' - ý ",O!" of ! iiy - -lum t illy wiTe Saiti ' ý . 1 InOSI sci- i 9',irc InIUi. bubs, _ wýt.L(ýi- bucllets and 1----M-Y£,(>'-\'I-LOQUE-N'I' _MANNJ,;I1'ý and a lou*d cry : , -There's a man Po 'ce t t1ley have been thatit was rio use tak-ing my Iafý-ý1'- ýil-,ý1Me ýoi, Ï, ýýio- ý, Thils of tht tbeJe !" stable told me tha ý , oi i bis hinci . of , o3tller uli ,ji ils can bc 1 ,,It from gel- 1 sat up and saw a man and a on ]lis track for a long tifile, and on key with rue. And whenever 1 1hink ' ',ý (il. U!ý-11,ý, 1 1 ' ý !ý_, ' - -il t) oýie is v,îfling to 1 ting, Ïo look old and o1îýý-_oIo -ý7,1-, ils your hor.or&7-!(-t titi', ?- noith seveual occasions just mis,,sed catch- of askîDg lier for It again the mern-' ý ý,o-1;0,-e Fý(','ý,,,ý,,! (:.f",(-,(Ir a, inuell ý ,I'e iiis',gni,ý,ficant nenie of - from the, , - : ' iuerIrleaning every now and titan willi al ,ýotir! 'hle ,,1%^oiiian hurrying away ' ý is ý C,ýu7lt . 1 - Iiiiii." ory of that fearful niglit crops up 1 ,1,i,0îý'ýo1 ,,ý,,ýý- iào- l-.-,ý. 1 ïi',ý1o- F;iýýit yociiii, end to rny surprise 1 race,-- ing hot solution of sait ,ý3,,d ý-iiicc-1i., 1 wolig. -, 1111,,ýt how ,lid lie g0t ,ýv'aY,- I and my heart fails me.-London _ý,,' '_1Tý--,),,,Ljj,ýI,(oj (ý, lfî,,,,:ý [- - oýý1 ', ý', 11c"ý, _ 1 1 - Il al - ,ýýilir,*,r cool- ý î ,ýý hcon die Ciijrp,',i,,,,ýi , ý 'i ý2%eS 1 This, iS so good fni 1 ý - - ,,r'r'D', G ý 1 (lir th iiisý(i 'TIfr. and Mrs. Billbank. 1 'l""Itred to asj-, fr, ,q)HO iýi i!1ý-ýý-'IfiSwers. ý výiJI ý-,;:ý I;ý-ýý, i-;I"i_'iiýýio'. Pý1ý,ý,,.,,om-1ing fflo-Ilsoils. One 11,nq Io givu e,ýL!ilt ,l)'!i, i1li:s1ý'iouý, cýt1, . 9'lifý Iliole tbing passell throingb ' "( o 1 ,ý _ 4 1ý_ ý Cir care iol t ,se, for ýý,i'Ho_)ut ii t_ý,týy , 1 - - ý ?Lý0:, o. ýý ', 1 -.,-,,-,,iý"-(,I>;ýý, , _. ý 'il a ! - Q ilite lji;,ýr; -1 11ýïsc-raIJlc,, rh ill, ad ci; i u e IL1,0110 m'lis a ýlol-,I',e-, in li'y ý -, - 1 . P ( 1 iý 1 1 1 - : 1nIýrM 'y my niiiid in an instant. I il ý and 1 felt IlýI, v, . ", . COLONIES OF THE WORLD. ý fýý-ý ý1 îioL ýA;ý, ý\ .,,jllglFln re'illy becoi ýý-Me L'o i)11(1.;ýý11!(21 h ý ,ý1'; e-e u-op ilie. .,el- trin"(s (ýo ý il -,,ý-,t_ -loI a iii, ' 'J'ýi,:Jtj()'.( oi 70 ý -l' t 1 ys., - is 't-çv( jrito Uýo_ý wrong bouse. : ý , '!,'i>,-t vill leil ý1G-,,1 î i 1 1 ' . 1 -Io,,t1m,ý3 is ý - ' 1 -Iý.et U,ý,ýLlý . ý - 1 livell. ard ni couy,ýe 'e b(ýýio-_r fcloýd iii ou accoutil, of th - otir lil)Iif, if l liiiitl stopped a moment to, ý 1 . ý - iý - a p()iýc1is . , ii%%,i,],ilý,g ,?le in the 1 luat a (;espe"c-,te Cl,ýir:ýf!iýr 1, ýý1 %ý , O'ce-ilýy ,-., ý - -1ov ' -as, 'j7,ý7o-'.Fifths of the Lanc! rýLdted to artil-J,-.,I lo,,1li(ýl wijl 'iýL Jaun- ý t1ia", colleýctwith corrosion. If theyl ""ïle v'letell"d (1ùý . hoýýp1t t1iiik ii xvould have beau ail i-ïgjlt, icemait who waýi slatie ý Suï."ace of the Globe. ý dried. but seldo ýw. l"oi, ýýl1 oiý(iiLUry 1 at so and sl-). - ullet'oc 1 live 'is the Ci but 1 (J'i É-1n't. 1 was niarked for ill- j 11:hù poli ýiu-! ut ý or the zinc vessels lie vlery dirty, of - . hIcIý ttat night. 1 sprang out of the first-iloor says lie saw him lcýIli, ! grade of linen ,-,, JýiW'l'iIý'elý1 coaïse course a scouring witl soap and '«M(>w m'an > bcd and rushed downstairs, frigl-iÏen- 1 from the roof out into the bacl, yard i Colonies ,are not only Convenient , ,ýjlk slicoul(l lie 1lýýcýj, ,ý',,Ii if the liner, ashes at first is a gooýd plan. you ?- ConiTÉ; a haight of fifty feet ! It's a rn.ercy , outles for the , 'urpili s population of l,ý very &hc.,el. li,-(, ,,, iiin flos"'. < Tin 1eakettles rnay be nicely clea'n- -Five Orly; Conterriptilele Juile There ing 0,ie wilts out of the Billbalihs. Itl t all murdered !- olýder nations but form centers of' '"lie edges oï 1)10--k 1 we are no ý ý- i-7, â1ticle to be but- ed with kerosene, but niusýL of course Pigs. - . But, " said Mr. Billbank, with 1 trade and influence for the motli(" - S-bould a Chinaman fin' wa,, lo.)o dark tc, see who I was, but - ,,,,ýýiho1ed ShOuld ÏjP ý be padided with lie ve-cyî carefully washeil sa iliat no d hiniself 1 dOctOl they could soce I wasn't in evening the air of a man who reserves the ý counfry. They occupy two-fifths Û! s-ilyxbroi-dery obliged to talk about his %ý,,iifý,, h , vants, drcý--,s. 1 rushed down to the front ý - ý the land surface of th i COtt 011 tO gÎve tham. a, trace of fhe coil will be left. mentions ber OnIY in the most dis- 1 tit-bit for the last, -What 'do you 0 globe ýand; liaavier, rîcher aPPeýirance. This is New baking 'tins if given a good ter's îloor, 1-iut thay had locked and bolted ýtitCh (loile by running several rows of rubbing wîth fresli lard and the paraging ternis. The following îs buildi it oiý c:ljtilng in, and there was no ,hink ? lie baci not a s of 1 have one-third of the world's poPu- ý ' il . fhI-ý scallop in au thoroiiglily licafed in the oven, n ýiwiý - to ho lost, especially as, they ý o2lothes on, ! 1ý,To, not a s1itch. Not lation, tl--iJF is, about 500 000,009. ý , "; Le'l,,s a.roun ill; about the way in which an offer of is estJ ý%-,-o,ýi'e sIý,_outing ait tl-,e top of ý their i a S', ýl cý) ' bW bel ,dear "" ý Most o'f' l iýý, colonies are'tropicý,ý.-I. 1 ' ' w ' 1 1 marriago would be received by A si ' j ,)ýl-i)esite, directLi-, j'ioil, the biftton- boa ,:;,O,ýeý,f-fý-(l igainýst rust. Indeed, ý the _ýM us. 1ýi1bzàiik 1 b1,iý1-(,il a i- d s ý ai1_ý- C ýUla"I il iýýý ait excePtiOn- This faeL 1 -'ý stitc-heF wÏi;ý Il will cover i,,be.rn. J., ý rj o,- ,,-i(,it,,e'is better for claaning ý girl's fa LI) er - i ()CC]Irl voJcf->ý iiiid rousing up the whole i ' - J", i . . hoý' niere - , and muttered Lliýjt it was seerns to leril fci-Coc to the PrOgnc,ý-! ,% ý4inP1ç, 1ý_i1 ýýl E.rýircf);ILV-l for 1 "TI ý3 cIýoiie )-oIl Iý,)ýc, 'ii.igli,,il io1l)IIt3jlýc ý sI_ý. . 1 . , ý Li, - after Ilicy have been used tlian tios of ce-i aiýi (ýconorcigls who insýlît, l,,I:,, ý,t 1 ,L an ý1 ri', o1îl11giý1i',' t il j,(ý dr a - ! . Y Ilil,',ý' lll> of ý)ipr'.. Mý'jd_ süý,,,) and water. ?£rd cake or bread M'IkO 'ýi . ý, i 7,ý e- ý ý J'le liiýýhf- bave had a shot for the - - , 11(j viýtCî,'s preoi-liere was no tha:t ultitii.,ý1(ti\, the strong natiolirie,ý_'ai- - 's ý,ý 1 1 'i' - _- lia-jý (ýioo,-, but thiat was too ri,;ýýY. - 1 "N - ý il il, ferit is ,oývýi., 1, ý 'qýJiltý> 1'lie II(iugh is net sa likely f O S'tick « - -1,1,ife (If .ý-111, ýý,,,]-, ý,ïiol,,,-ý iii- tl'a-t yoii 1 rii.ýir, 1 tl.,.C,-- of ý-AàoAiÀ1ig l'le, ýý-.i,-,iiig i, bim, of tý a . ouýh vill have te controi: S )î'ZiYs, arc 1'-ý,oýýi1-o* ,i(ýaJ) ý ,Cd ',O a WIiiting cr soda rub'b-d on with esî-eri jiiý- l)(i(iil, ý ihrow _11: -,,ý,ý(,,ý ý(3itain ta bc lockold, nrd iLý (, ,7"ý' Il - - . 1 , - a - ý 91'(-ý%ul'i'ý,--; f:ii,1iIý, ý)lt, a suit fi"' ' , ý t-, i c at var i et ý u,ý ý', i - t - m (_)o'ýý ILliail it ,Jcs(:q-ý,,,,ý ýý 7 ,r - iý Ell'oul il e Jlouse, and lit- 'l' Il "I i c o ý- , and Rew camp rog %,,,ïll rpiîloý,ý burnt . Il ý ,_ am! voitl'l Ii;Iý-e beau awful to be (--,,,,;ig',it 1 'I'liý"co, ;1î,o 1 147) 1 ropical or sub-f. ni'- ý ,ý ý S ains - _' _ - ýiaU,;,,f1- 1 01 Cluttps nut QI tho oýardioboj !- il 1 ý 111ý_itltuds of iii'1';ý,ýltiýý,,_ ter J's coïuïýloý, , . , liLe ý1,iýL-with lighis br0l,,ýU dow,11, j '] ý ý - 1 ;ý ý 1 11) ý "ýiu-,'ilY sugge . 1 t1leul Will front e,,r'ho,ý-,oý,-lre pý!ddilig 'di,,hes* of 111 111-17 h 'Pid, ýlýýI, iloý Dri ý 1- 1 J ler ,ýn,,! t'le whole bouse starjng at ýn,,. - s1,pýýos,_, ."oi, tLilJ!ý l,1ýo, story it, ' îý'Zý! c-,ilý%i;j:es ,'ý,i,(2,d roughly 'ý-'- ýuIoýs-,hý,-ý; ,,I,11,1i 1 ý-, oýi>, g- M, ÏO Ue ltýs a goolýl ,.,!ýiii' fo '-il e care nil(l 1 Il ý-i, ý e nou luld sucidoi fillisi et i. (ý1!, ,,ý,lýitL ,%ý,iul(J 1 ný) L 1; ý 1 _- p_- ý,ý,,ýitt Indiian, i,"-,", , ,- , j",r, Sc, ý 1 ý 1 f'1 -1ý :ý ý-i1l liz)t'be races- gilt pictu Ïh(,ý CE ed liai 1ý,,ý. I was in for it now, so rock 1 ,ý re i ý rat-îiýs ýoiIrsCIf, lhey aile '111,1COv to brir, lý-r tli) proper- or u;ýi1,ing, said 1, and rusbed iip- have given iit ore tili,,e i. it iiad Li ýiaLi, and Aciîcan. The n&ii,, ý, ýýii1iY for lier i ly. li 0 %ý (ý'ý et-, 1 i1ý ,1,7[,Iic,:ý-,e any place so easily iiijur,,il lvith vinegar or 1 illit p-î,,ýlýý,jý ta suit man They POPu 1 IL js (,st,,,Cially pr6t- aci \ýi-:1ll(.s oil 'l'i> : ý , ste i! ý-t ý1' ý been ! The cic l' es reiiiained. latïon of those colonies is 485,_'ý',ii,_,èýýs des're i. i d preparations. For their oridiro- y,,,,r S OCcL1t;ýoi1, to teli ,1-tiri, alniost frightening the, were on my riiý'd1 aU next , day in fflO,0100, with but few Europea,ý. 1 ýý, for corner iýc, iiL.-IlliI)1"v,,. It is first ary dusting, use a clean,, sort dust CU1Z,'fý,'ýM,' , ,\-"1) býSSI-1,jUL-\TTON. tOO w life oui ' oi ti,,e Billbanks. I ba"d the! iily room at Son,,ý1-.ýt-L l'ou!,(,. Ilow On the other hand, the population in' l_,,uiý-ý-J Slig7ýlý,1_ v';,ýý o,ýii-,')ro1derY Cot- C101,11. ,When extra cleaning Seems A SIýat1ç,1ýai iLlr,(,I. 'dec],trý,ýl thl , Ule liair. ideýi of riashing into the room, lock- to get rid of i'ýI Iii ? You tliink it Canada, Atistralia, and Soulth !,, F- ý 1 ýý,i , zý,)d ti_(ýi,' \-,-,;) ý pci. o lý S,-, ý in Stite , ý the lu - ing- illie docor, putting on niy. clotlies, -, et, do vt,ýj ýo,'(_ý7I 1 ty ihat's 1-ica is !ýý,i-l_-Iy British and tiur-,iber.,3: riiij b. absoIuýeIy necessary, apply rain wa- cuilnilig ej-,,ý cýlsSimuIatiOn Ofl ',lie hair i laT,ýl leaping out of the window,. It ý ', easy, , 1 , 1 F01'ýel'i';Jlý,, li; ý, 1> .('ý,"i0,000. a 1 1ýi >-uý lo bottom of the ter with a few drops of ammonia. Chirie,,a are tm,,it'lling. They clo not ý va, - 41- 'rst - a ý ,il. Try, foý o 1) ( e , - __ reat ý Ic -,es ' 'T'It ' ý " "Ii " :"(,' d'lle ir--chain, th - a --- a t- ,, il ýs -- 1 -ýhat-toý,) ýïffd--ý,,wt)-j- ýý ý;1 1', ,0-41 -floor -3ý(1--if r-d1,ý 1 W - - _lrTýU,1n c(i,ýý,-s i-,i,! i'l -Colonial _t.,_-ý-.,-' j.- th 1 13Y « ,a w y-, S f -M ife- -ever s- -admît iïiï ýT - ï i 1at- c- po,ýýr.e,- * -, i ', ý,L, 1 1 o-, -i s ,,, el t v ý V 2 could ý-,ýt pu'î, 'lient in --the--ý r ie oi,ýii ýýi Stein Stitch. mueli bêtýer for any ýîonlesýtic_ pur- four. , ta Prý tiot foil into the ý "' , . . (-'>i)'ýli.'lli-."g nearly c ý' SCI7011S Cri, "()],;, 1 ' Not at all, They wil) trý to . 1 sil;k. We coillý? ,iýý1, Plii- 1). in iI)ý,: ý1 ý :( i > - 'desigiýlý.ý. ut fil a good jnany poisel as everybooly lý.ii(,-,7,,,s, bccause Persuade you that golug raie il() get awaý-. I',ut thý,f-e, ,.vfl1ý . dow, alui iitTe tt (,lit _-i,ýi',-(,n away 1 ý ,-, 1 " Oi ýhc l"" "Oln]-lies, depena,ý- Tlip - .1 . ý 1 1 l\%'îý, and two no O] ýiiîce. The LilIha-ýiIýs ,ý_ ,[ ,,,,,,,_ý ,,,in , . .1 ure einbr(,.i'(7(,,P,,I' - She d -1 1- by ihe dus1inIii. M,.u cuuld ïkot burn J CiEýý , iij, o,ýCt'u;,;,ýeS, kýri1 -spheres ofisirnole olltjiiii!i'ý-. ' li'- al' it is more dissolving. 1 make fille occasionally, aii(j 1 Il -1 ý, CuLi('!liig Or > Et ýq a l Lry cd ino,) their room as they ,-aý', inc, 1 . , d -te calis for a er's i t cm, on accourt of the smell. il -ience ,,ý!) !ýý,ý,,,- be inLroýduced for ------+ corning. locked the door, and begar Il . fi, The area of the BriU,ýii, dý1;ýi1hîg St - isPu il arbitrator, lie ý NI sir. , There was only one w ay. lI ,,Ein.pire is about 1.1,400,OOrO squ li,,ý ýý, allOVý% . will probably decide 'tbat it makes ma ,vellir.,-;, "'ýWurder ! Murder ! ! Mur- 1 Tol? , 1 Lý1(-1%_ Other colle dore in PAPER CLOTIT; WIIAT NEXT? genrýY. Lake Ucm out and leave fI,,mj:iýjles, exclusive of Egypt and th- J sOrDe such wav g;ý es quite an elabor- four and a lialf, or inaybe three and der ! ! 1 - 1 Solmowliere. But ta take them nlif ! '-Ildan. ate effect for 'ý-, 1-;ýnilý, Tlie inýaii£old uses ta wbicli papier a lialf- 1 1 The 1 There was nothirg for it TTP the 1 is row piît fr-ýrins a stock subj land 1 ,se are obs'tinate-ly ýývëc7td- 1 vext landing 1 rushod. A door was ,in what ? It ýý-ould look verý odd 1 N,,_,ýt come,-, ýý'rance, üoný,rolIing ,in, -_ ý ý art .The China was a if 1 v,-cic to tako, ,L parcel under lit,, ' ý-1--1 of ab-it 4,500,000 squarel TOMAýTtàlý-,',S IN VA for the Imrd-up peliiy-a-liner, says ed to ancient custouis. There is no . slaniined in niy face i7d Il ý t, 1 op oi .1 ' RIE TY. cliange of fashionsI as arnon'g west Ille stairs. TI,ý,-re ,lvas ailutý-ic,,ý do,,r arin, or olven a clý i pet-big. ,l1I,ý ,iýý- i1À!eý,, -lih a i,,-)Tlilation of 56,0""- an F.nglifýh excliange, but, as a rule, _ in m6ý lilli', furtLým to the liglit, and ly thirg lovas ýto gel, a Gladstore I)ýi.-- ' ý'1jG Gi» 1JI_,!eý la Africa alone the ý S-tuffed Tcolil;LL1ýes : Cuf a Silice Off the recital of bis facts ujsually be- ern races; thus for thousands of years nighil froin Lehind tha'f Carne fwo women, especially as Ira; lier %ý,anted one at i -LI -encli dorrain cornprises -more fham irge, firm 1 gi 1 ý It is snid,,., there bas been no lilàterial change soc' tý s , 1 ' tOll'at0es aýý m1l] lie requîred, and' or -we 1--e Il enteen r ,,, So flic finie. t ýýem am'ay 1 (ýlle-LI-lird of ire land surface. In ý ar. Paper elolliting is in flic Style of garnlants wýorn by shýP1 voices yelling "Murde . . . with a spc,,,i, -reCully remov, thl gow, 1, 1.;issed on, and, turning an angle, in thaf, and empty them out at1Asia, lier largest possession is i one of îihe laitesit, things mentioned the'n- t1lese fourli irýyFelf alt another door. It soma quiet corner. 1 got a sirall !French Indo-China, with its ý>,Co,000.,puf- ý",-C--,':ý ý1Às through, a sieve in this lire, ainid _there is no doubt Blue, violet or black are the colors . see1,ýed quiet. bag-tweiity-fiý-e Shillings, Fecond- square miles and its 20,4,00,000 to ,remove tile speds. For 6 Ïo,,,- about this, for an enterprising firm usijally eniployed for lnen's -,vear; ]S nol, 1 t.t=ed the banc[le, and round a hand. And alter my wife had re- SOuký. Gý, !,aio:ýy's colonizations are tocs, add to i1ýý-- PUIP -1 CUP 1juc of têtilors in Berlin is now offering green, as Wall as rose, for tilat > of nacted snizili, dark lumber-room or box- coniioitrpct for a quarter of an heur, rocriii, 1,,-ý_ ' i),)j,ýg in 1884. She ex- bread cruiiiýib,,, ý2, i,,t'blesPoot-is ,,iioJýLI to Aipply comoplete suits in paper women. The Privilege of wearing lyretty over 1,01(10,000 -1 , -led 'veai or chick- for 1 os. The firm's adveiýtisement roûlil, witli orily one very srnall I'sallied out. 1 ercises influence blitter, X -'up (ýl"iýi yellow is preserved ta the irnpe,ý-jal iIivesýi Yes; iL ilis all ,very well. Cet a square milcs of terri'tory with'a pOP- i'1ýý ý icýa;sL'Oul) PýiýýcCd Parsley and gi-oes full instructions for self-incas- family Orly. story window, not a skylight, but a wJn- quiet place; elripty ý thein ouf, 1 Find ulation of 14,700,00(ý, inustly in l ý;l,-ýt.1mioI-,ing on i,ýjý_. Stuff the torna- uxenlent, and is appearing in jolur- A SIGN OF J-',I,-',"UTY. ý ous dï -dow opening on te, Ille parapet. e Mliitel your ,quiet place for a man o_ 1 ; Illis was a haven of refuge-for a t walk Africa. " ýlý"Ils ""ilý 11!is, put a little bit rials, publisohIed elsetwLere than in Ta be -very stOut !S o_*onsidered a ing G, with a bag in bis hand in thèse days The Nellierlands control a Colonial Oi butter oi, -,,,r,. -id set in a hot the Fa.tberlaiiid, so 'thaf an expýorî sigil of beauty among ý 1 ý i siolis of 1 are ', rart-e, 1 1 - if fi,. , ý Lime, at Icast. Sa 1 fook posses- of Anarchists ! - Find it, thaL'.q all ! population of 35,000,000. Of Spain'sý 0'l",il for 20 ru,,,;:tý,ý-1, 1 triade is evidenrtly loo'ked for. The long filiger nails thenl. BY -very diroctil Sion, locied the door, and piled up I, was nearly right once in Queen's fOI7ýýl'-'- va 4 colonial possessions only Corn ScalI0ï-1ý lvitli Toniatoes :_ mocterial is cloosely woven, and ilot a ulan w Or.e can distinguish seriroi the fui;oiture as a sort of barricade. ',iiiii , ,ho belougs to the wealthy cons.e., Square, but, just in time, 1 par-, a iverE, iragment of less than lego, Arrange aItý , ý layers of peeled ait all flimsy looking. and privilegecf classes. This g;ive ire soma lime ta thin . and sliced te - in the ceived a policeman apprOaCIlir<ý- WiLh (;(ýýI iýtliiure miles remain. ,lÀLý,1i()es and cooked corn 1 In Suilinier the In ruiowiaging roiiiiçi 1 cane ý 1ý 1 The savon great, nations whieli in a bultered I),i,,iýEJipg (i;b-l, . y ,drink hot drinks. lectior a bis eye on nie. Then> again 1 _l Scascon S110É So'Ap. 1 heir meais with de- pars ý cd sortie ovnin-out lrousers, a maisteoa:t, ' and a dil.gpiçlate , d pair of carpet slip- riearly had a chance at M,,l&î(ýrloo have in modern tinies expcriinenteýl " h laYer -- -t!,ý-toý aid add littie. Shoe Soap is the new thing in sert and finis], witl, tbe SOUP. record Bridge ïo throw the I,ý7ioIo ihing in- with the government of non--contigu_ý bi1'ý of b&ý,,!-. - -oýer t'he toi) witi, i soaps. R bririgs old sthoes back t'O 1t. is ,iý- the conclusion of a - _tamcu ý. _p rs. TI ne,, ý,r felt sa tbankful in ni , Il . ,ý bilil ,,iý,.-ù= 1 11.1 -- - - --eu£ý "', 1 rý ý I ý - __ÇlýLjlibI2. ý,1,L1 lu1!,fý- foi, -.1ali ---.. e ý !ýJllan.,_S--.ýý 3,i4 thele %výos. ý- -ý" O ---lu, : ý,-,l , ?,, v, .ýý_ li ,Ll,ê-vv-0-rst Catie ta * =+cý - 1 , Iý F- ', _1_ - ,---TF- __ -ax - --t1rai -tl ajý:,Î-1lrS ý IlsIne=,s; lhe Chin- the pl life ! '! M i i' ill Et e,1,j,-ý, ov-ell. , water-jo::ulicuntail U'4ýru, ard ý 1 -'il l 1 ail (1, ýýetherlands, - i i ,,, le iiemr iticie is beii)g ma ---, ft II Y - - - 1ýbjla0e1Bhja affls sbee s-pg); "' Y=hný'e OB itilpp'l-î"-"l 7'ilEÉttel lziiF) çý n -w-i.,iýt---f - , ýtý 0 fftte, 1 j= 1 a Fi iod C,'t-,lll ",C)ï,;-rýF -- arrest--for sl!pI)oý,ed iiifiinLic pi ý t1le' itTo.ý fl-a-sli--_[-liafilloý111, i,'Pi-l','FliY, l"m-tugaý1l- - --r_-ý--sii-(Ie on haiýol discuss it before t- il ýo face the world. In fact, f-iýaLocý,, rqýý'), 1 w1,11, lit is clainied, restore old leath- a meail, Tbus , 1 ýý-1" 1 ed throt gli iný hai-Lu-sed, biLiii,. 1 Si iý, i ii, ard lt!,,iý- - rAativ , ,ýý the ý sepý(is, ,11,,i i er 'an£l enhaiice Qie fin!Mi of raw and las at the elose of a rePast all ancial sa overjoyed that 1 was thilililig oî ýmade tbe tour oi clie Inner Clircle, lli ýiý,, bl-, o-(ýkiý,îc!iý1t1i; as in about ýj,, ,ý,(,uk for al, llour in salted water,! "fock. This sclap comest in round , as, and eoiYotitig 1 . , p e , 9 are anxious ta leave the table, 1 liclIl Lng ta gai, a c a r; iage Io' ý,iiý self; order lit ,whicli -ý'l'iey are liera named. ý iýrýtin, di ýI(1i slicc, in beaten egg for'fli. But the tlling had bpcoiiie ý 1- c;aýU-eg. Fer ,use a calze is placed in Sibly the Cýlestial is the more IP-09si: 1 .,,-""b,, foo ridiculous, especially as ý 1 hearai but no, someone always carne ln. -----+- 1 arod brebul c,,ui,ý:,ý-; ý:eas0n, and fi y a metal cup in order ta recoeive the cal of the t-o. As - Oýce 1 thouglit, 1 was clear. 1 had Papa : -Arid do you think for one ý' iný hot butter tilt ýj (Jelicafe brown tO their official Visit ( the sourd of policemen's voices, and left ,tbe parcel in the waiting-room montent that that Clark of mine W., on both sides. wiaier. Then a stiff brusili ýs ru1-ý illeth,ýPds the follo-wing go . od stOrY aide il presently a beavy tramping on the 1 T ý bed upon it and Ue brl-i,,lh is then furni§hed niuch aniusement ta the rapidl, at 111arrniersmith, bavîngg plirchased in a position lo propose Io you ?' 1 , OluatOcs Stuffed witli Green Peas: __ _ il - . -"Ii.:(i fn f.11il .qJlýooo Tî ro ý Î: 1, . ir, ,.+ EuroDi-,2n ,P.ttip-.,4 4- 'O-l,.-- rive'd ne-,ir the first loor whew A 1 ! 'Il -17 -11;ý'; «ý>- 1 - 1 1 Genoeman Ho home aM : «up Va like un ne tue vusin Moq Ït",Jtllui- Pol- q0g Y TurUp- end a phir of buyl ry tlW 111-0, 100 w< rimi chnnin- gely- for MW hmoi uw ho"ewoot do. 1 dowt ïko the 'Nih lage tumed aughÉ but MIMI dndni' Mme Ag«t ' -Dmhq su? 1 fain would laxot a poin too-- FO, j;,Àýtjrg oý, a look of fuss and If ILuy we leulqied quUe thWy i-l-n- lý,aloUavY aLj'8-ngý-,ll-nýS A po,,(ý ooffld ligut, ïwd, ýýt tLe saine Uinc, 1)(Adly PPIroactud. wýA ë J a 'd ,il:<, to ýou'e, ;f.f 11 l e (I ri-, i 1, où 1oý- î1ýe rfuit's e, s Mo tps C c larqq Viti lipui 3,4 !- too Lmad b7 un dcaughteU sponse; j 1Pluoý-c Ue pull), an-a fill a, "But as soon as lhc door ic f(ceni el, A train!) just Io sa-w, oren ] ul ho 1'liglit 11l"ic o, . 1. ý\it!-, reàls5z% Or a gii-I -,ýln) lo\us ýl F1wýIL loi, J!, land got pose so T want Qùý:Pz j"aéwý Pue par 15 nomme in a She -Tien ans (banal nminp 1 Lo got bis cWNS and talce theni ý!Pc "%On, tien dl",Lýv ille cosli to î_I]ý, vitil los (halýg-!l1wC lu: -Sca 1 em!Smh pmdpss as lis 1 imr 1%, 1o\ýll into ijný, j)ýlsýcn"w - did you know MaMnla cly wdl Icfj;,c à-(-)LI n1nlu-iýAIý and 'nirefully b1ea!ý -aild suý- 1hal ili '-i s>tlljnljý ZM MSI heree 1 , ïcg ri, top of epch tomvlo. Seýuý- 1ýas 111vough nu)ý'(-, muon *, Ued : 4 T 111 arraid not. ýolt -- ýý -, liltIf" liï'c oýî hljl.fý)r .1n 1ý-- H- j fi ৠEliè BTFýé -:Biîli IIotyýL was the society lifted iiitu Iiii- xl prosperify. e alterations at Balmoral being carried out in of t1ik) of tbe King and Com-C Io Poo- in the early autuqiLii ou(j imw Ily approachillig week Ballie Taggâ,rýý number of finelSy-catý\(,cl s,ýoii(-, li will be erected iii cotýpi(-ijoiis Aons on varions paats of Ilie .le. On one a crown i bold relief, all the ýi being beautiftiII7 r-eHý,-d and 7 exeýcuted ' On Cle (0!ýejs the 1 monograin in variolis ýIcsigr38 bc-en execu-ted vith ii-ich skill care. TL, carýtqI w,-)tý*.;, haa exeýeut(-fl from an-hite-ý-t's de- and fhcýý> Týuýýgprt !ýas grmIite fil ý,,hî, ýII, t lie I-)eiiig iIý T' ay g ra 11 i 1 e. T5e aI«-cýitioo>3 b", 11 ý is ali aciditimi in t1ic, of lit Uýe (1oPu;ý,ý,y oÎ IIý,- ni- voylil ýwJJ"-iI, ' v, P;t h is ýýi]] ]w f,ýJ!v fil ie;1. lie

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