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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1903, p. 7

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n~s ear Signaturefet ie ton a ~ ER~Èi VAC 0USES pieT ~ TII !Yl CURE 8101< MEADAGIFrE )OR. L. POTTVII. DE!?TI8iTRY. (CBONNYCA1fILE,LD1S,DDS, Honor Gi , ut ii Deti~ryof Trw'tc Univeriiy CiFýy.C:-Oi er Central M'ilineoy. Eîtrance 5îit dor ectcfBig £0, Brùwmah!vllie AE.MeLAUO fiLIN, e i1e. Mîiley 3~k, Elg t!ek tBowma ivUle, ei.eeto loai t îate?. 4-lyr, LOFERT 10U!NG. V. S. (bFICE IN HORSEY'S BLOCK O)PPa34 î.D'xTowit Hall Entrance, iwhoe clia i iba ci i m S a. M. to 9 pnm. Night L«ýll3 a,- r ýieicjee, reelly oppi>ýite Diiii Shed. 171iY ',ARPIIAGE L1CE \TSEý -M. A 111 JAMIe, Ie',uer or Marriage Licenuai EulideLce: Centre treet isniPSON & BLAIR. r. 1B STI'1,4N, Q. 0, CHAS. P. BL~AIR T8,ihuî Ei. boJitors, Notaîe, etc , ,rï 3'( üh, cp tc1îc, Eh g st eet. Boifnlailvil fri!,i futi te Ontario Bank. Prvte xuuiie3 1haz-ed at liiest xatesi '11be at Black tock on the first Mon3dav Of each month, at 1<rono 2rri Mond1 'a ail dia , and. at Newcastle Ist WedneNda3- from 2 p M. C0rcE,-Tempeirance St., Bowman- i-ille,rear o!f ligginbotham's drUg ËitorO. O. HARNDEN, L.D.S. Gradîîate o! t) e BON ai Collegeofo Dental Snrgeons. Ontario. CFFICE-Opposite T Bingham's office YI FALIZED AI. RIOYAL MAIL STEAMER. prom Po Mor.treal Qebc ruîîn. Anq. 1, 7 a. m. ... . 1,S , Par 1, .....'.5 a. in ...... Preuor1au .... Ilv;'5 S . m,........115, 3 p.m. RATES 0F PASSAGE. PrtCabiiî. Tanutsau and Toniom. -'75 and p e wrde; Pretrlau t65 and lupwarIg; IPa'risiaun SIO knd u'pwerds.L S c abiu, L.ivcrpoot landLoîdndrr $40 eîî $tu. ,1t2isiLnll id Ionin. Othor steiiuc m$e3750. LoiýGon * 2.80 OexilP- 1 Tbi.rei Cla, * ý25 ed$2.LlopýIàVry MONTRlEAL'TO GLASGOW DIRECT, Cjoriî'ibin. July 22, dayllght. sardmian, (2nrd and Brd clesa only) Anir. th, Sirllini, &ug. 12, aaylght. dnilight. TIJIE G1VING 0 F 1LK. Âccordnsýîjg te rfse onat the oi wîgisLtt exý,pianaîjon wh con s Some(tinmes holti up or kep back their niilk. The production ioi Milk is due te a nervous action by which tht glandular substance of tli-e udder iu broken dwna into ilk whenes er lte cow is inlluenceti by auificient excitenuent of tht right kiati, It depeaids upon tht- structUre an(! function of the utider just as n ilh s ltisesections o? othor glands do,! hchseknow ai-e whîol3 sdi- ject t as ftetnerves conroýiing Libis dýiStinct funiction. Tht udder is flo t a mer0e vessel for holdinjg milk t]saI is supposedti t be secreted con-- tinually and gathers in Il.,,,uti,a one mny suppos e a constant dr1ippir.g of any fluiti wouid filany othlerr- ceptacle. Oit the contrary, il îs al gland, made up et cellular substance, witicit grows by separation (fromn' tIse blooi) etfItie nmatter requirei.j When it has attained suîuurity, or -whlen tIsenecessary iersoua cto occurs, il breaksclown unte a specîal produclt-miiik. -Several -- eperimuets - br-te -beeu matie w ith the utiders e of Cu in inilking condition Isat aebe siaughîtereti, and an eaniatonl recordetiofefle uddeî ot a ucow nla- cidentally killet ion tht railrond when goinfi home te ho milked, whlin she would have givon tht. usual Ien quarts. TIse nicroscopse sho,-%etic the1 mtinute globules eoflie tissue an 1-i len anti tistentied, but thie utiter con- taineti pràcticnilly ne însik, except a very .unal uantitv thal drained front the dividedti I.ue wIsen cul acress. Let us consider nîxat hap- pens when ne sit doxen te milk a coNe. Tise miiker gentliy ruhs the utider anti gently itantiles the teats andti his excites tile maternail in- stinct. There in what lu calleti an erectile action et tht muscles oflte iik organs. The preýVsousiy Saoft and. loose condition efthtie letsl Changes te rigidil3, anu ini a s ory short limie tht nulk fions andi con- tinues unlil the glandular tissue us exhaîîsted, w'hen tit utider, previous- ly hard andi tense, becornes soft andi loose. W'le perceite tisaf titis function ef tht con' is wholly net-t us in ils action, as indeed, esery olter fuînc- tien oethlie animal is, andi if tht dut norvous excibenment is absent tIoreý is ne tunctional action. fI is whol- ly dueto th ie right influences on thtl ners es that tht mili, is produreti anti fions fions esery ufituae globule et lie udder donn titrougit ail the tiucts, sîniali ai. great, te tise teat. Then, if ail goes weiliandsti tcce-w is in lier naturel easy e~xcited and ners eus condtition, as soon as the unlîker beglîsa te leuci thîe tîeal te con' lts clownathe nîll-ltat lu, se dots net exert hcrýself te oppose tht action of tht aorves oet tet nsanimary glands. But lot tht niuîker ho rougîs or ill-use tise con', or let tlise Cew frein an cause he stupiti and wilful, andt iis aocessary, motherly influence on tht n'wvs e Ihe peven-tet inlaany way, andti tere lu ne init. ç, Tht utider may remain as tenue ai-id full aPParently as usual, but ret a drop of rniik ca be draxen unili tht cur- rouI of tise enw'stmind lu lurneti suc- cessfuiIy te maternai desire- DAIRY WISDOM, Give liet calves souie fresit wntc*r teo drink. They gel lbirsty duriisg tihe hot tiays. Yen wili ho surprisod hew muci lLey wîli it.k- hlemembert lIat your future cuccesuý in 3 0cr businesE; depentis upon thtl young lherd yeu are raising, se, il %vill pay yeu te do it in an initelli- gent imanner. lThe tiaiiý lagman qhoulti remember isaI galýsu ai-tneyer su cheaply mati asW1ih tlie ounig aliial, and for1 1thîs rasîttey situlti ho car-, rieti alonig as ta.t as possible. AIn'ays keê Is e calves in a sappy grewing condition. Gise tise caltes ahi tht clouer hayl tlhoy vwill luis portantî te stinituiate tise growth of roonîy diý- gestive orgatus in the dairy cî A cal wlth a roeasy, large body How Iron- ox Tablets Cured a WeII-Known Guelph Mani of Catarrh of the Stomach. The GuelphWaterproof Cloth- ing Co., Guelph, Ont. Decemb1-er12, 1902. Through your Iron-ox Tablets 1 have received a great blessirig. For ycars I, was itroubled with my ý "rstomach. 1 doctored with era good doctors and they toId me I had'dyspepsi-a, but 1 was,-. sure ît was flot that which ailed me, At Iast I found out It was catarrh of the stomach, and they told, me I couId aiot be cured. It got Sa bad at Iast that my t ah had ulcers,i and I suffered; something aw- fuit Being a commrercial trav- eler I rcvd a box of your Iran-crz Tablets free Iast win- 1,. took thern rlght- along and 1 noticed.', whein away f rom home and staying at ho- Itels, eating different food, it did flot hurt me as it always did before; so when that box was empty I bought two more and have since had two more, and 1I must say my stomach is fully restored ta Its old-time work. 1 neyer Icave home without a box of Iron-ox Tab- lets with me, as 1 believe thern ta be the best thing for the stomach ever madle. I have recommend.ýed them ta, a very great number of people. As I travel from one end of the Icountry to the other I amn weII known. 1 arn a member of the above firm and do the trav- elling for them, and everyone that knows how 1 suffered with my stomach knows the d-ifference now, 1 would have wrtten sooner, but waited ta maake sure It was Iasting, and I feel sure it is. 1 must say it is the best remedy I1 have ever used, and I would nat be with- out it. Hoping your Iron-ox may cure many as it lias me, I arn yours slncerely, W. F. PAYNE. Iifty Iron-ox Tabiets, lu an attractive eluxinum pocket case, 2s cents at drug- gis, or sent, postpaid, on reel pt of prie. The Iron-tir Remedy Co. ~m Ite.d, Waikervilie, Ont. the vegetabies are uselul ini regulat.. înig fte systemi. STIRAIGIIT BACKS IN 11005, Tihe back should be straighit, broadl anid evenly cevereti with flesh. Vie,-! ing the Log froin the side the back should bc straigit. in aged animali andi siigitiy arched , in ail young stock. Witls advancinig age the back is ainiost sure to settie,' thus thse straigitt backed « oýung animal usialiy dcx elorps imb a eay acke d agcd animal.. W udth of bckis xery essntil.Many hbogs arc se Sharp iia the hack that they are designateti ns 'sun fsed" Whea fatItbey' shouici possess an evon covering of frtick tiest., lati, anti thIsbad farts whirl, t1 have dîsclosetid ro nolcertaý"LnIlyen courage optimisai. Thtequstio arises witler ain ilng cai h o de te improve matea, lafoir!,, years or se the tsatgot n rea bas dn'indleti from oser ilorui million acres te lesu titan a million andti lrce-ý quarters, anti the production itas de- creaseti fuom sixtetus usilion quarters le six millions; anti tise uductioî s I sttatiuly going eutils bot cases. DUn- der tht moe. favorable conditions n'e cannet gron' ail tise wiseat tIsat wet neeti, but aI lite lireseal hase sec preduce in a ycnr ioniy as mucîs as n'ouit last us a tnuonîluor Iset. Laut ytair sec importeti over a itundreti million cets. oftvwbeat, witeat-itteni andstfoeui, ofsehic!A '7--,778,693 esels. caisne from oegacuirt,- ai 24,630,392 froas Iuia antilte col- onies. ENIGISII WIETEXCELS. Mr. W illiain hain'lthettcitai- cal edilor et tht Mi;lier, lot'la a ray et hope upen tht tituation. Experi- monts, ho saiti, weaI present being carrioti eut by lte Mufiones' National Association selths smo ttle assist- ance fromn tht Goveramient te doter- mine whetiteu a wIseaî couid net ho preducet inltitis country ltaI soulti be able te conspetel it thlie Ameni- can cereai. Five Ilsitgu, ho peiaîcd out, enîcretilaIe lte question, s iz., "sîreaglt,-"'fiavor ' "celer -, tht yieiti per acre, anti Le yicl inlu fleur. On four o! Ibese peints Eaguit wieaî ceuiti helitls oxen with tihe Ameni- can cereai. In flavor il was superi- or, anti itu "colori-titt quaity cid witeness-was equally au gooti as tIaI t o lise Aisericais. As regardis [te yielti acre for acre Englisit seheat "'teppeti' every country lanlte 1n'euid. PERCENTAGE 0OF FLOUR. Iuslte percentage ot fleur obtaineti trom lte witeats efthtie world Eng- Ilhitseeat, Mn. IIaiisvtl saiti, aise boit aieading place. Tht ieappîoxi- mate yieltis ho gaie aus toilexe-,, Australien........ ... ... 71 e et Englisit......... ..... ......72prcet Cgnadian ................... 70 per' cent. UJnited States ... ........ 70 pur cent. Intia ...,....... .........70 Wpeir cent. Argentine---------------.....64 per cent. Owlng te bte igit percentage of1 fleur trom il, Australian nitoat., Mn. flalliseeli saiti, tetcheti a goti price, FRANCE WANTS AFFILES. A Profitable Trade MVIay be Start- eti With Itepublie. A'de-pantfrm onteai Says: France wishes Io huy Canatilan ap- files, anti if iiegetiations non' untier tvny axe carrieti out an extensiv e trade is certain le toilon'. Thsis year I', aple crop titrugho)ut tIse Frencht E.-pubi*c bu pr acîicaliy a talinre. During lihe DanIst etit tIe Fah Consul-hiereirailusin ti" cily u-ceiseti la letton froua France lan xblet intor- matiousn'as requesîtti as te lte Can- attitan apple, tise est lina ltid yieidti is eason, anti shat imigitl ho expecteti nsL regaý,rds tIse oýýenitsg ot n, matie in Ilsis special lire. Ia reply ho eatisis- eàth tii'iarties interettd 10 senti an expert te jutige for husi. il lu helleveil tisaI a large nsi nîoftable trade tan be noioti àupîhI-e France anti Cuaada i l tisir ue. EXPRESS 0F INDIA'S LOSS. $20,O0O Viij Reýtpair Sîr. Witich Sanirlte Huang-Tai. A despatcit from Honsg Kong sayu: Thte coul tolte repairs te lte Cana- dium Pacific Railroad's stcarr Ens- press o? lnanwich wstns acollis- ion with anti san thtie Chineuse cruis- er~ 1I'uang-Tai, is estimatod ti aI ,- 00(. Titis is exclusive efthlie dami- age te ber prepelior lates. Il us saidti ltIlte Chineso autitonities ill takie legal preceetiings te recover canages for tise iess of tisesean- slip. MIADE GOOD SOLDIER MEIFN. Vliews o? Conmmission on Qualities ot Colonial Troops. -A desîsatrhs trom Lontionsanys Tise couaimirsioners apsolite t tent- quire mbt miiitaî'y matters roanect- cd seit thten'en in Africa, rî'ter te thte 11o, ai Military Coilege aI King- ston as an eflicient ant i meutuot instittution. Tht- Conmmission ne- ceivedtimîcit et ititce oet tin itigi qus-alities efthtie colonial troopu,. (O1111-P coris nite tadti teea i uvi them ila1- te fieltial spote n'eu tot their phy-1 inte lselligence, courage, instinict i for country, anti powers ef lithdiicuai ton ceunItry, anti posers et ilidiiduai J TIIY WÂN THE IU* LÂE -sapics tisat were sent te him 10 ha xamied.Theimnports et Canadian ABOUTiteat and fleur n'ere certain, in bis AOT ENGL-AID'S H M pnote ircrease rapitiiy. anti, GROWN STAF-r F 0F L E. provitiet a slghI prt-terence was - mateienl its tas or, tise Domninion Experiments Tha"t MJY Revolu- would, before many years Isat elapseti tionize HrAgricultural hc able te supply uns witb ail we re- Fr 0s p ecUt ,quireti. Ameicas isoî nd leu ae pe- BE CADLE WEALTHIY ON TIFS. titis couni, nîr foilth tctt a a mesticu ln thse Olti Country 0f- b igge o atcblande tro1wm £lht InLeave Fortunes. United States rdut ita reml Tise case Oe' Wil iauss Couchiman, thtetm-rxn sayýs itht Sit.iaes' 'Lord Eavenscourt's huiler, nue dieti Gazette. Oningte'tsgluinos ntirecti a fortlune et ever drier nature tht uncic an i ise,,at ah- £20,000, is by une aseans an excep- sol-bs msore water titan i Englisit honni ont, says tise London Daiiy cereal, w hich is n!istand starcluy, Mail. and w-hile tht public gel less nutîi- An olti lady who tiied seme lime tieous bread and insu wtight if any- ago itati een for mnany yeai s ieuse- thing-for 21r. lVaikiey, it niay lie keeper lu a nobleman witose ances- remembereti saiti Lit an Amneriran trai resitience was uicis in iistoricnt wiueat 4-4b. lent otten las uluc"it associcions. Au it wns ber priviiege as bn'e ounces un a day-itth- iema,-ncl'te pocket the tees paîi by Aniericans tht oat eoflise gi(-nter circumferen"e, and ti iers for viewing tIhe mansion, ant eny l ra-e nstnce, l co se-sîe speedily amasseti a fortune of queisce, is bu-tibke whseiiy trem respectable proportions. Witeu she Eusiisu 'itat ler, iuih.iieng >'died, anti ber seln'as publilsieti, i fine flayot-, lu pinripnily useti 0 Ia s torndt that she lisati eft bebinti mnix îqtit Unitecd tates. Canaduan. I sra rg smtnbemsè, itussian, anti otiter kintis et import- wisose estate n'as iteaviiy entaileti. eti wieals. Te suns up la bradel Saînuel Waugit, nho tuidsix n'eeks piraseeiogy,. Egls m heat of- jag Ilieag t91, alteria- av"ng es tIse qualities uof ssveetness anti.d! sbl'- u iest ieo ieCn "color"-witeuess, tisai isle - aY- fasniîy for 65 years, lftI £2,128. in - a marked cdoge, -but il Jacks -Meuot dnetcssiodie- in-coinfer- "strenglh" Aiso iter tact hroughb Itable circumstances, I)oxeeve-r, make nut un thse discutssioi- n nasIbis- On'- their roney aller leas,,ing serile.A îng te i" siî )ees oîioifor _A a "sýuio, tiey saive tIse comInsIýons whieal aidfleur býy Aiucican fat-tus 1n'itich titey gelfîom t Idsmen anti ant miieu i tiei on ceaty l jIbo "ltips" n]iicita idîculous eus- coutseqrteice et tti ',ptoteetIve duties, tom bringu besnhîtati servant la tht' ujrpius pouto can be soiti one Wvest end 3stablishinent natie la Engianti at prices wbirb barely as £700 la "lips" lst year-and lista a ruit cover te coul eft seita-a take anhotel or a benrtiiag ouseý. wha ings la ui cuniantiasEngitTîtore is a meniber ef Parliaiir-tnl witeî. oe~nr, coaînti hgitn'lo n'as once a huilier. las îng sav- prices ns Americans. SoIrLe monyhù borrowedtimore, SMALL PPEODUC'TION.,- anti toi an itel aI a rentai ef Mn.Ciae Swel Red bit atî"r£1 ,200 a yoau - In 15 yeaus, lsaving Mr. lar Seell 11cd tatle a lange profit, lie seiolte es- a gleomrysien'oft tIse outllok fort lsne adrie. arable agricutunuenenpanti rnebiret1. bec lias is t] is t] hai arc an us clani Sof t Lun 'Plat .0. .0, e M&V 1ný-dav -d - a, ' am *M t m*AdkPIt <aIM <% 1i l ui;w 0 _W, 1w,"du eî W As the price of other building niatenial is steadily vancing, the, dcnind for soniethin)g clitaper is daiiy 2ingl more genieral and nothing luetter than Cernent s yet beeîî fcund Ds a reliable substitute. For sidewalks, floors, culverts and solid masonry RATHBUN'S STAR PORTLAND he leading Canadian brand. For bank barns, stable floors and silo work. BATTLE'S THOROLD bco very general favorite'an-d extensively used. W. e recleritly put iu a fresh stocit o! boîli these brands and A prepared to fur'nial elther at satisfactory prices, 'aisoe. expert ta superin tend their use. 'Lt wîll pay, you to see4,4 before patronizing the travelling salesman whom yen, mlot reacli again. We ha«ve also a fulli une o!flBard an-d tWood and Coal, Cbarcoal, Dî-cssed, and Undressed "' nber, Shinigles, Doors, Sash, Mcîuldinigs, Sait and ster. Quality right, prices reasonable.* eo., KING ST., EAST, BOWMAN VILI l-,e STOLE GOLD DUST. Robiters Make a Beld Raid on At- lan Camp, Alaska. Adesp-atcb trom Vanceuvier, B.C'., savs ;-Feour masketimtison esTuerdstay l nigitt heiti un tise watchîuan eft tis Featisers'tonitaugis msine in AIla., 1 Alasita, anti sIoe neariy $20),000l seer ts et goiti dust, n'itcii abe oun colieret inlustise 1ices turing ts da.r3.Tw-enltn-orkrnea baU just genotolesulsîer, ieavissg lte seatci- THE PIGEON'S FLIGJIT., The pigeon's capacity for flight la marvellouS. Maay have flown trom Nantes te Lancashire, 440 miles, ila a day, and the winncr et a race iiroui the hetlandsý to London, o (r300 miles, nmade the journey il! sI-ieen heurs, at an average speed of thirty- seven miles an h oui, The Hind Yeu Have Always Bouglit, and whi 7bas be-en in 'Lse for over 30 years, bas borne the signatiire fZ and has been made under bis Per- sonal supervision sInce its infancy. A1iew no one to decelve yen lu t1ihis, Ail Conter-feits, Imitations and 611Just-as-good" are bu'f- Experiments that trifle 'with and endaugerý the he-alth of Infa~nts and Childreu-Experience a-gaistEpemnt Castorla is -a harmless substitute fer Castor 011, Parc- genie,Dop and SoothingSrus It Is Pleasant. Lt. contains neiher Opium, Mor-phine nor other Naveotie substane, Its age is its guarantee, Lt destroys, Worins.ç and allays Feverishness, 1* cures Diarrhoea and Winid Colle. It reileves Teething Troubles, -cures -Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomachi and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sieep, J3earýs the Signatutre of The K' 101Haye Always Bouglit Li seFor OveIr Z3 Years. -riv Viv

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