VA-STLE.TOWN COUzl CIL. Th motion waa finaiîy cardledon the î I l-folilowing division: esCeea I R mMoýrne, Luttreli. Nays-JI. J. Mason, ~fI~i t té 1Nse lIW M Mn. Oea Hedges, Pickering, vlsited Rbl~mnhl etn eid a Curniali. Mr. Scott of the Camner Store taleav- Monay eeiulimeiasal Curorsakd o nomto ing for Beamsvilîe. prenent exuoept Coun-. F. H. Mason, Be ta whether ît was the wisli of titi Mayr Jmu3p.rsidng.Minutes o; 'Cuunoil to have the Tower uLnd doors _______________________Mrs. David Martin and ebtîdronar yrJmepeSdlg on the new Sira Hall, painted. It visiting Quebee friends . last meeting nead sud an motion coau- wouîd require twa couat of paint. The WC, arelae o uomc that our Rýod,_erick M. Mr. Gea. Lane, Darling, hsrn- firmed. matter waslad ve for s mantb. Ped Mn. D. J. Gibsou's fanm. Me3ses. W. Mason and G. Bickie, Caun. Mr'rrIs asked for anaber monili ell arU, W, Jý lir2l'i qýý, Outicans Mr. D. J.Galbraith lias taken passess- asked ta have dIog t eitd ste obigi ylwr ptigû h Mo ftSn. .or eiec-Walks, etc. Mrs. Dr. Farucambe and ciidren had nu dog. Ref2rred ta Chief of Coun. L-ttreil muoved, se0onded bp havi.g received thei Ï11 ufr a e îlbe afTrenton have neturned home. Polioe Jarvîý, ta o run tnetCn.MriTtteMyoapot Master Walter Denison is visiting bis meeting - aOammittee ta. repart et the next reg- îse t rceie cîlfro ay ne eqirng Optmu3al uncle, Mn. j. K Allen, Toronto.rmM.J A euty Atre ir meeting, the vamra t lipate Dr. Farncombe atteuded the Dom- for thse Corteaelk Mfa.Co., asýking what nt.0w having a connecion with thse town inion Medical Association iu London. drefine, sud -aia het tliey wouid ne- k of any kind. Now life for a quarter. Millen's Caun- Induoseetie Couniï cauld ofler. Th tiîtiimend ta bu sa yeariy tax fon thse pound rou Pise Soid by Stott & Jury, Clark stated that lie lad neplied ta the aiboya prîilege. Carried. druggiste. latter, gIviug lins particulier. ne the The Mayor namad the members of' Mrs. Hlarris sud daug-hter Miss Katie, Hosy build(ing, whloh Mr. Horsey the Rusds sud Streete sud Public Pnup- Glencoe, visited at Mr, John Ciem- ettdcndh a t oia iue rty Committees, tu take charge ufthtie Eye T st d re o U ar e. oîces. A.E.haw's. bas retrnued ta towhkch Mn. MoMurtny liad again ne-:om. ta beo tise convenen. S t e , Ï a n th m a tt er, t h e c u .ai r n o f tî P u b . n u p Step in andsee us and examine orgo .Ail work Chicago after a vony pleasaut summer plied, Btatingý that lie oz som ilirMnsb on Cee' eods t "The Wiiiows-" be f h ou. wouid caîl hare si, by Coun. Morris. that the duties of the Miss Mabel R. Rickard le tbe newly an enly ateu elarged au au ta prepare ~ty istcls ad uratedengaged teachen at Shaw's achool, WO The Mayor rzad s letten trans Dr. imn lite tCl a' finteeta.o wish ber every success ete h loksrfie Miier' Drnk ur 18$1,0 pr bx.Hoskin, tlianking the Counocil for the Conn. Makon rttsted lIaI lie bad been de rie < IYI. IYlitchel & Co.,à tott& ryDr, regists.00 pernguttie orerxt.e à Fan sale by aIl dnuggists, Soid by bonor coul ered an hlma in connection requeeted lu bring tle matten of railwey Stot & ury drggits. itt th lalngof te Crne Stne. exte3nsion, befone the Counili. fHo 1 used ta ho cantinualiy tired; now I Moved by Conu. J. J. sou, aec- conîidened some :setepe aehould ho taken Chemits, D aggîss an Ilers Comouadt once witl regarde b omaking connacne- Chemists, Druggists and O~~~~~~~~~(pticians, amn strnansd weii-MiilneCxpulodn oia! htîe to ibteBbagoLnee u Iran Pille did it, Sald by Statt & Juî-y, sndd by Cour utelha*he iowî teBbygn Ldu BowmnVileOnt drggits.thanks s uth3 eCouncil be lendered ta Bunketon naliwy, nuw being cuntruet- ne9.Misses Majonie and Dontha Faru- De. Hoskin sund tafliou. D. C. Fraser, C. . k, ws noebiud t u thy wohe ______________________________combe have retunned ta Toronto, after MPCo.teratadacPsdae.t b uk.ngfos brbond Laku tey onia jHAMPTON. spending a couple of weeks at thei itnac n lo' elo-u o ab;-o %eOtr gns-ndmothen'sýý 1lte Trnsteas îut the Methodist cdurch io. 119 maved that îho Mayor connes- I Vsior: Msss heohiusandTha- My-daughtetr lias împroved sa much frts se 1 hi sho onsfrîepond vih the propen parties ai once qMANîVILE, SErPT 2, 1 90_3 dore SaIter, Greenbank, at M - J Sait- ia o oi crcl nwb-u paking. Crid eu au oe eoddb ________er's; Mr. sud Mrs. Howard Ho0dgcBi- e' un~d Irn uPilla, did it Sold TeMao0togî01ton.CD-Gu. Clemen, tîiLhe Maor eb ie ai ,atMr. W. -Creeper's; ..Rev. F. J. hi' Stotsud Jury,'cruggieie. TeMyrtogtta on o-Cni imnta h ao oas ot ~ , ~pe . p'-r n ý Wil, nie ais eaiea deerving the ilianks of nequested tuusne bis hast andeavons ta0 Mrs. TIsa.Pas oe gzave aq ceta Fliday n,,tbt ilu hnor iDr ark-Pas- coe auride. here li e a mica purogrîam atDvsinibis we,. cf iss Oea(. JIl Hog-art, Wiy turIsdlay, ... Mn. Levi Arnat11 conitinues ini pon bIeaili.. . a. Pat"ru aî Dr. B. C. Bimacambe bias retunned ta Maýrlon, Ind. atter spendiug a pleaqanit viil witl bis parents sud allier tiende .... .Mr J. Tisonne, Lind- gay, viHited ai, Mr, S. M ontjoy' .... Mis Grace Sieman eîîberbaiued a riumber ot youî g friands on ber binilday .... Miss Ratio MeNeil sud Mre '11. Simon bave returned ta Toronto atter visiiisg wibi tiends. ... Mr. aud Mns. H. Cllacuit, Beibesda, speni Sundai' ai Mr, Wm. Trcwin's.... .Mre FPascot, auJ Miss lEva visited ai M. James Moore's. . ..Mr. sudMrs. P. N. Farrell. Tyrone, spont Sunadai' ai Mn. T. Binaombe'.. . GOlmi ta see sud ais attendauece atItlie lEpwontis League Sunday eveDnsg. --_ Mkauy oft he fanons bave flisbe,.cdhan- Vest. Every motber mosi caruestiy eires te se LeiltSoto ue sesiny, rosy sud Inli oflite. TueI butwe'oathn, howcvcr, is atue I dngcrlumil lutile anus, .and at tise ven.y firsi syrnptam utfueuesi- uaer or iIInese, Baby 's Own Tablebe iihould be ziven. 1h le asi-r ta prevent. illues than ta cure il, anti an accession ai dose of Baby's Owu f ablets wil kep littho onu ea tiy sud happy, If sicknees doe came, ibere is rioailier medicine 'gil 0 quickIy cure bise misian fls of bab3bocd snd ehldood-ana you bave a guarantee tisat it caniains na opisteor poisonous stuif. MnsJolu Nali, Petersburg, Ont,, says-'1I bave uscd JBaby's Owun Tableis sud fhnd tbeni a sev on s emedy on troubles ofthbe siomaci and bawcls. Prom my awn oxperience, I eau ighly recoonmeud bbe Table ta ailiter niaIsons. Moibers sbould Always keap ihese tableis in tise han c, readv for ani' cm ergeueý- Sold bv medicine dealeis or sent puai paid at 25 ceute a box, by i dtig thse Dr. Will'ams' Medicine Ca. Brockvilie, Ont. Rýecant viýsitonrs: Mn. D. Foilard and Mrs. J . D Storie, Osbawa, at SIr. L M. Courice's; Mn, and Nrs Tuas. Short, Osbawa, at Mrs.. Liidejohns'; Mns Ed. Stapliansafi tb Mrs. W. R,. Contilce; Mrs. Sqnines sud Mise Squires, Oshawa, wuî.sstrid 1D .. - - - - - - lapse of sanie years. lit lf und abe -Very canveniet.. A itizen 'giile cross- ing the "*cliesewh-ieY"0ou a pau acci- danily fallinl. H i ejaculatian-s ay bat- tan ha iagiued. .COMFonT FOR uE AO AE)-Jud,-iDg tram tise letteo ut pol9 eup in 3 cars tibere le snaoniedicire wl4ucb 50 prcinpbly treecs tison of aehes suld pains sund lu- uvies regulanil'? atftise liven. kidneys aud hawe as Dr Cias's Ridnrey Liver ~iiEven 'gion alailier moans have failed aid peuple cati turn ta ibis giest meedicino will full assurance ut roet sud ê1tre LESKARDa Mn. emP bas heen making past oral cai.-..M.Arche MCnaii'sew rosidimice 'gilsliotiY bhofiniehed fan ooI~anv.. ,r.A. Me!Ciinnacisie lost, avaluable cowý,by hreakiung ibtraýugi the nwbridge sauts aI Ibtis place. breakjgi5lg..M.sdM ts. Wm. Annits~I5g Oroo, n. ea.McGilI sud n. SndvSonienville visiiediMn, T. VýW. Sîevlerveey,.. .. Mn. Jas. SocT3s-oue,vs VedA LVMn. Josepsh Laweon', , . Tise isses Harper. Peter-- bora, visited aI Mnr. Robent Allent, ,.. Mise lys, Bilinges is visitirisg friý-ands ah Lakefiuid, MNiibraak, sud Petorboro .... mi"Ada Truill lavisti1n g ai n.J Wi Cornisb', Lft-ke1Old YiYMT hd rs. smai Camnn iie otolsd Mil broo.... . sud Mrs. Jaunes IHue- fin nd aily, snd tCeMsesNantis Cote, îinsNiiie M. Wm. Coramý -ceetiy,.. ..Mse Mblsu Aie Rails bav r 'iIo-n l ta hemhome at Centeton .. Mn niMrs. jat1reS ThoipsniCadus.vistedh( -nmotîsun Mrs.I ahonon . - s,, es Mis ickup, Rev. Mn. Siearer. aiýd Mr, (Dr.) Beaty and danilor, Gardan Iii, rnoeal-, visited ai M)r. , l'... --e~~~~~ls Councl fa pnucuniug- Mre anSilvenU15agm- V piaetion iast ~ek Owing ta the wet "%ýcLther -,SaturdayIàheSons af Temper- arce ýt;picnic vwa--indýefiniteli' postponied. . . a!st aof u farmiers wcre fortunate enouiq ta fiish, thein harvest before bbcý heavy rams aIlastweek o-,u gese iMn. Audrew Shaàrpe. Tira Mh1ss Moment, Englsnd, aud Mise Tripp, Cobonng- were guests of Mr. R. Mn. sund Mn,. Fred Realiaud son aud Mios Moseead, Bowmanville, were rec(ut guaste of Mys. J. L. Rowe. 11 Mise E,. MePheteon lam naiurned home from Camuington - Mise Ezard, Toronto, le gceît ot Mis M1WBE1 E. Hall. Miss Ssdy Lavy, Tcooto, le vieitiig lier uncla, Mn. G. M. Long. Misd Effis Tayloria, visited aI Mn. Lavi Edward' Sunday. Mises Minula Kerr, Toronto, is viiiing at Mn. David Bradly's. ine. DunjcaierJmý vlsît':ug Toront,, St. Thomas sand Lond on. Mr. R, R. 1WAaddell attendled the Hamil- ton Su1mme"r Cannival. Mis ManeMcKyPo-rt _Elgin, visted b-ce slstenr, "Irs. J R. uooptr. 1 r. Frank Campbel, Canuington, viited bis fatben, Mn. Jo, Osm»bel. Mrs..J5hu Msat, Tùronto, visited han ather, Mn, N F. Hall, Mn. Fred Long, Torouta,-le home for vacatOfi. Mr. sud fins. David Noble entai tainad a nuinher oft hir ftiend3 ven' enjoyably. M)ndav eveniug week, Mn. Howard Walshi bas gona ta Exeter to tae charge of oua of the alavators owned by, bis brother-l aw, Mn. Josephi Cnbbledick. Thea baud bas raonganized under lthe 1esd- aship ùf Mr. John Tamblyn. Mise Lillian Gamesby aud Miss Ltna Alex. ander vsited friande ai Slins. fins. Albart Le; ' s vîsitivi freude ,.u 1Toron suad G alol. Mn. Morgan, Liuddsy, ,) hbsbeau vieit- ing hie braiber bas ratunned is)me, Master Orma sud Mises Irne Shanpe an- ternansuuoiber ucf tLeir friands. Mnr LFosten went .0 lytIs, sud accom- 7pauta t hie tauiUy home. Mn,. Jû-ha -illle? j -.. aud son, M. Chas. Miler, arce visiiig Hem Itou, Detroit, sud ailier pointS. ' 11 Rav. J F-P Chapruan bas, arrived h îae *Mouday from Englaud. Mr. Harold Rawnsley, who lias bteo with R. Futer, bas sacured s situation witb tise McLanghuun Canniage Ca., Oibawe, pîint. ingý Clemence and . s ud mI'sre &W. C. Alun, Gleucoo, 'isitcdj Pont Ihope fionda recontiy. Pains for indigostian, dy spepsia, aud too hearty eatiug, is reiieved ai once bv t aking oneo f Carter's Littlo Liver Pis immediateiy ater dinnen. Dou't forge t this Mn. S B. Scabeil bas suid oui hie drug store business ta Mr.- Wm. Anderson, M.D ,Tornta. Mn. Scabelmaviocabe at Port Simpson. Wneu your businese becomes inksome sund dîstastef ali, vou are uat well. Mii- ler'e CaMPOUnd Iran PIl will make il a pleasure ta attend ta business. Soil by Stati & Jury, druggisbs. Mns. Wright au aid sud highly ne- spected resîdent of tise village. passedi away ouAug. 21st, aged87years. Tise tuneral toak place ta Orono. If you anc tnied takiug the large aId- tasbioned griping pulis. tny Caten's Litte Liver Pinls sud take sume oom- fort. A man eau't stanh, everYthing. One pil a dose Tny tbem . Fred Kingsley wlo bas b een learning biacksmithing ai WmI. Pickard's, has gone to Souris, Mien. Hie place le îîaw filed by David Miray, ut Letray, Wiil positively cure sick beadache sud preventitli returu. Carto's Littlo Liver Pis This je nat taik, but truili. 0ue, putl a dose. Seo advetismeni, Small pil. 'Sial pice. Mn. sund Mrs. Wm. Riekard, Mr. and Mrs Asa Otton, sud Mn. sud Mre. W. E Jeweli sud famiiy, Bowmanville, speni Sunday ai Mn. John Clemence's, Shaw's. Cangîs sud calde ibat ailier remedies seen powenes ta relieve are prompiiy cured by Dr. Woodse Norway Fine Syrup. Ty t sua t wiil convince Non ot ite eflicaci' b,,- uing yeu. Price 25c. Mr. Wm. Pearco while driviug s big iwo-horse nake, ane af tise hanses stop. ped-intu a graund-hogs bunî-ow aud bumbied aven, caustug hlm ta fali in front of thse rake. He escaped witl a bad siaking up. Nicu, WORM MEDICINE.-Mrs. Wm. Grahamn,, Sheppardion, Ont. wribes; a"I bave give my boy Dr. Low's Worma Synupsu fiud it an excellent wormI medicine, 1h is nice ta take, and doos not makeibe cbild sick." Fnice 25c. Hanvest Home services of Tyrone ehuncis wîll Le heid as follawe: Ou Sun- day Sept, 6 sermons wiil be preached at 10.30 ani, sud, 7 p m., by Rev. L. 8 Wight, B. A,, pastor. Collections ah ecd service. On Monday Sept. 7th ai LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE-Tise suif- erer traHi nervouse exisaustion is gener- bine antd discouraged. He looks ou tise dank ide'of tîingesud lbars paralysie, locomohor ataxia or iusaniiy, Ail ibis is changed by tise persistent use af Dr. Cisase'e Nerve Food, wisicI gnadualiy rekînde sud nevihalizes tle wasted nenve couls sud imaille ew vigor sud __nqrgy inta the whole svstem. Trowel, whlcýh ho lad prccured tram tise Tornuoîliivar Platina, Ca. ai s cnet ut $13 13, whlcis was muais cheap- on tbai'bhcuid have beun procured lu Sny aller wy Coun. J. Marion, Iu tise absence of tise Cisini, Cous. 'F. H. Mason, presenied repaýrt tramn Finance Comn., nacommendiu(g payment of accauies amounting ta,0$f03.74. Recaived and adopted. Cou. Claeus preaenied report for Ruadesud Sts. Com. sbowing an ei- pauditure of $7080 for thse pasi moutb. Hes aiea repanted in canueciion, wiib tle bridge nere tise Biectnlo Light plant which lad damaged iy lthe neceut beavy nain, Stops would ho taken lu repsin ht aI once. The Rosde sud Ste. Cons. were given power toacst iunefoencu ta drslinng the diioli an tîlewezt sideofaIthe Publie Suhool. Coun, J, Yason preseuted re port tram Fire snd War Cami. seting thal île Fine Eu hmn ad been remaved ho uew lFii, fLa.,Aie a t th e 'galon maI'res bsd beau lnstailed. Caonu. Cüruleb raported lIai the Puer Relief Coin.-,')d ouly lncurred an ex- peudilune utofune quarter card ot wood and a baflle of medioinu dnnlng tle pasl mouii. fHe Ihought îLIai Luthe paît theç Concili muai have gane oui iooklng for Indigents. Mn.flurrepresenbing the Fesse Purnaca C., addressed the Cauncil ne laating tle p.ew building wiih a combi- natIon lester ai lot waten sud lui air. Couni. J. Ma3on sud Morrisaie spokie lu f Av ýr outhtie Fesse Tender fan I leaing tlie new Hall, sud lie Mayon nesd a commuiasîlan, trons îhe Archi- teat, necommendiug theesanie., The Tenders were, tise Guerney C., $696; tise Passe Cou. $800, but tle lai- ler's systinsciaimed taheast more apace. Coup. Luttrel uhongîl il wlslu lut lhe malter isy aven toran anints, lu onder ta oobtaîn funtber Information. From wbai 1le couid learnutle Fese Co. wene al ighl, but lho'gas nul lun tavon oft ooaig the Tender ai iWsà meeting, Il wae finally moved by Coup. J. Masan,, aeconded by Coup. Marrie, usai we suilonize tle Anchitect Mus EdlliCbsmausudsisarMie Bartha,, have returued troan u utiiun o Lake Rossean. Rav. Win. and Mis. Wash, Branpirsis Mn. Fred Adamesud brida,, Odessa, sud Mr. Chas. Beatty sud bnotbe-in-law, ut Lmoilia, 1L i sited ai Mn. Bd. Cobisie- dick's. or. Chases Puis OUR FAMILY MEDICINE SINCE 1867T ML- G. W. PARMSE, Sturgean Bay, Ont., writes -"1In the year 1867 1 was rYY ba.d with mny kidneys. 1 could not work on nccount of my back being lame, sare and r Mfuil ail the time.' Thougli I carefully followed the directions of our family dactar h was unable to do me mucli gaad. At thus ime Dr. Clhsse wa" becoming known as an especially successfiul physician, and on tic. advk t milry ocle, Care'Wl .asIwcnt ta Dr. Chasse at Ann Arbor, Michigan, and h. gave men a box of bis piPs for kidney diseuse. "You can sca rcely imagine how mucli good they dfid me. They helped me Sa mucli that ct backi o thiedoctor and- boighta%dozea boxes. In my mind there is not a mediine ihaîff su good as Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pill for kidney trouble and headache. We always keep them) in the bouse as a famiiy medicine, and 1 would not think of using any othe. " Du. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pilla, anc pili n dose, 25 cents a box, at ail dealers, or Ednansýon-, Bates and Co., Toronto Tu protect you against imitations tii portrait end ignature of Dr. A W. Chasse, tue famsons receipt book auitLur, arc on every box of lWs We are pioasod la note tisait Miss Nuit Brown, daugliten ut' Rev.T. Brown, Omense. sund graud-danghier of Mn. James Courtice, Coutilce, bas heen stîiccessEul in akiug firet-clasa louons in first piano sud senior rudiments aI tise recent examinatiaus ah Toronto Colioge of Music. A case cama up fn Policue Court, lait waek, ;n whiob Juin Gimpiseli was cbang od'lby R. Shackleton, Witl drRWiDg &a liie ou hi. l seemoa tiCampball'iunkeys guti mua Shaoklea's grain sud on Camp-- bail goiug af tan tIens Shaekletou ordered uioff Ibe promises sud threateued la kuook liebrame out. A scrinsmage fol1- owed lun- lihih Shackleton sinon. tiat CaýmpieIlilad a huile lu bis îband. Camp- ba'il deniod tise chairge, cIaimng tisai as ha lOauDej.D bi uie in île nianning ta Lise falien, he lad no knite on bis persou. Abstr iesniug tise aideuca wliâ w 'as af P. coniradictory oliarseten, Police Mais- tr-ale flonsey, seulenced C'ampbell lu a fine af 910 sudcoasis, aniuing ta 328,45, W. understand tbat (Janpbeli wilt uow enter s case agaînat Sissekioson for assanit loýtsuhimeeli sud bie wibe, OnuMouday a ylrnanMn sd IMrs. Marvin Bunk, ' springcreek Pari,"gave s dinner ilu lor af Bey. Mn. eul Mn. E. B-. B&rnuea, ofNobiesvile,-Ind., -wIO--are- hure ou a, visàt ta Mns. Bannesi' parenLigMr. sud Mnr. 5. J, Hiall. Tbose prasent wae Mn. sud Mns. T. J. Consul sud grandl- cidren. Oshawa; Misa9 Bnrk, Mrs. Hinam Bihl, pMn. su dyMr. M. D. wiliams, Mn. s1ud( MneF. 81JHall, Miss Hall, Mn. sud Mrm. Jas. Gaie, an-d Bev. B. H. fisydan. Tise )oeasion wamalpaile Eaniveruary ai M. M. D. Wiliamsj' bithday, Whi8 o l esriy ixty yeaira yonun. Mn. End M.y rl, re s dealenentitansd a dlgtliafiurncoan wss pelt. pnovidiuigwe ana frac tado su.Carried. Coun. Morris preseeted neoat trons Mn. Siddall, tle arcli.teot, regardîn tise prics ot etana for complellug the new building, lucluding keaeoues, licade sud ailla fan windows, stops aud paspet, smouniiug la aIl ta $704. ' Moved by Coun. Luisîreli, seccnded by Coun. Morris, Ilat tle Building Ovni. be authonlzed ha orderai once what atone la neqnined fan Town Hall, ase uggested by bise ancliteot. Carnied. Conu. J- J. Maison ssld tIsat hlief li lie oouild ual vote for tis lange expert- dituna ai hIle meetIng. Wa w ene ual lu a poition ho psy it sud lie for ana wuuld lska a ule imore lima la lhiink il uver and sa la toconeul wiil the Supt ot the wurk. We lad beau ted frons one expundîtur n mbanoîlher, sud lad ha knowu tisai tis lange expaea ewouid bave beau lncireod, la would have va ladagi -hois wisoie soem. in Ccunuaii llad 1hbought thal tle building coold have been rected fan $10000,and lad pledged hleusacivea ta ibis figure. We tshould consî1der bard, whather tii Ilought Ibat caernt rmight bha nsed lu platce om ton, a nd would be oheapoea. Coun. Mrrsdid ual considen thIlean extra. Contracter Brook wauld ual blave taken the coutraci at the pria.- lie did, unie-sa Ibisene wo-rk was lisnown eut. il was weiil knowu thýisai iïmat-- ton liad ta came uip agýalu. Coun. Luttrail thongît we eonld do uotbing aise but put lunithe atonre work lui aider ta compeeotbe job nighi. secu1 5 ur ith tise tolft traîneL, ai uetnr G.T R ttian.Dko tans ou T. yR siatliaIli astdh absetaytram t tona taew dy.uld abtile from taont Coun. Cdvande ta aoin Maylda dunn lis absene On m4otin uncils ncre. oMtio nip owderston Cur d Stott & Jury, dnuggibs. Soid by1 Mrs. Cisapunsu sud eau, John, suad Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Wslsh, lave arrived sateiv ai Canievale, Assa. ... Mr. sud Mre. MeAribun, Toronto, visihed at Mn. Aloi Mar's.. .Mr. Lerme Cobbledick sud Miss Viola Cobbledick, Newcastle, visited ai Mn. Josephs Cbaponan'e.. . Miss Velmd'Morrow atter an enjoyabie vieil ath Io uncio's, Mn A Morrow, las re- iuruedther home in Feterboro. .Ms-s. Lang,. Woadstock, vieitad ai Mn R. Lang's..The Misses Brown Pont Hope, visied ai Mn. Isaac Chapman's ..Mn. William Morrow, was up t ram Peberbaro 'gish another Keswicis driver Ion Andy.'. Mný. su.d Mrs, P. E. Wîllie sud daugister -Mise Mav, af Chicasgo,Il lave neturned hlame, %ften apending his lolidays verv pleasanhîiy ut "Fain view Fanm", the haine af Mn. J.ý S Rasqe.... Mn. sud-Mis W C. Allen, Glosscoe, sud Miss Mabel Clemeuce, Bow,,masiville, visited T. H. Cennencul' LIFE OnN A FARL Particularly Trying ta Tise Wives sud Daughters.. A Place Whene Woman's Wor'k le Nover Doue-Tise Roeau nWby Tisone Are Sa Mauy Frern abuxely Agcd sud Woru Out Women. i bas iseen veny truly said bisai 'wom- an's wonk iii nover doue," sud ibis s, perlape, especfal y inne wbeu appiied lu tise 'ivos ot Canadisu tfarmers, wiso ane kept bnsv 'giti tiein manifold dut- fes Irons dayligbi till dark, sud 'gio find, even under tise most favorable cirenun- stances, buiut ile lime for relaxation sud social, onjuynenh. Tisey, are a ass of 'gonen wiss pluck sud endur- suce cvery ane muet admire; tisey are helpmates in tise broadeet seuse ofthbie word sud uuforlnsily boaotoften psy tie penalty oither in a complote break- do wu of bealîl, or in preniahureiy agod appeaance.A case in point le lIai aI Mr.J analeà, t7ewi e a aï,wlTknown Riviere du Loup, Que,. MNIs. Marais le île niaothon of a large tamily, sndliime ber lsusbaud, wassambitionufotho e welfare As a consequence se aven- taîud ber sirenglis, sud atter tise birth oI hon aset ciid, ailed ho 'regain lier former isealIli Sev oral moutise passed sud still NIre Marais was coufiued ta bon bed, Her strengili lad compleholy passed awsy. Sise 'as troubied 'gis iseadacises,, was eîtremely nenvous euh- joct ho'pains-m tise ack, sud unablo ta take baud witb relial. She was under thie cane of mare tIss u oe doctor, but bid not regai- lber strnugtl, aud Ion famuly sud fieude helieved tual ibenu was but litile hope for hon reeovery. Thon a neigibar sirngly sdvised ber ta iry.Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla sae hegan duing so. Soon, unden tIe use of île pille, aie began b oreovor ion sinonglis, wss able ho ho up snd go about Day by day luniher boueficial recuite follawed tise continued. use of ih,3pille uinil alter the use ut elgit boxes Nsr. Marais wase ully neetonod ta hon old-time bealtis sud vigar. -Sie speake aI Dr.Williams' Pink Pulls ins ver-'arni ierms, sud lassos ino appor- tuninihy ho praise tisem - Du. Willamis' Ptnk Pili are a hoon ho overworked, weany sud duspondeut wonion evenywbere Every pll îelps mecrease tieAl±wof aLish, ned blood. ilinngh tie veine, timulates île non- vos, sud iniIbisway rstoe, hoalil, sInon gil sud vital ity . iy tlogonuine pflla can do this, howeven, sud île pur- chaser should see tisaitishe full namoe, "1D r. VWiliiam' Pink ille or Pae Peuple," le prinied an lise wrappen around overy box. If iu doubt seudl direct to tise Dr Willîsmas' Mledie ieo Ca Bnockville, Ont , sud tise pilla 'gl h Mitileï post pai4l ai ýQ cnsa box or six boxes for $2.-50. T LIE MASON C~ BOWMP~NVILLE~ 'OUR. British, German akùd French Goods Are liere., 12 LARGE CASES. ~EENZNffEW ýG-OODS anld stric Rý 2kh, - $11,00, Blue or black English Worsted Suiits to order 1 Abouit two gross of pairs of Our Special black 1Cashmere Sox at per pair - ~1250 vi' e nave some new pattorns rn uarpeus au~ LrnoI- eurns, Oilcloths and fRugs, Ta ble Linen and Napkis, Shaker Flannels and Flannelette Emibroideries, Dres,-s Goods and Shavvls, ]Eibbons- and Laces, Ladies'à nd Chulren's Cashmnere 1i rose, ribbed andiiaii Ladies' and CildJren's Cashmere Gloves,' Blouse flannels and Silks> Apronad Curtain Muslins, landkerchiefs, plain and fancy.. Tanpestry Covers and Satin QuiIts, Towels and Towellings, Baldwvin Tams anrd Wyvem Saxony, and scores of other articles toc, nu-amerous to mention. Gal 88 B tliB NBW IGÉ 8 âflld NBw 'tûrce We take Butter and Eggs or Grocers Duc Bis. cou9 4î~ Bowmanville. 4î~ <llighesj- prices paid for any quantity of Barley, Oats, etc,, delivered at above> Mill. 4îhnLiimintedl. FALL FAIRS, ENNiSUILLENT. Whisiiy-Sept. 15, 16 sud 17. Clarke, Orono-Sepi 21 sud 22. Lindsay-Sept. 24.,'25 sud 26. Cobourg-Sept.24-25 Poierboro-Sep.22-24. Part Hope-Sept. 29 sud 30.' Cartwright, Blackstck-Sepi. 29-30. Millbook-Oct. 1 sud 2 BOWMÀNVILLE-Oci. 6 sud 7. ,Makian-Oci. 7, S sud 9. ALLAN LINDl LIVERIPOOL AND LONIIONDEJRY ROItAL MAIL STEAMERS., Frani Froni Monîreal. Quebec. olalsu...Aug. 29, 5 a. in..,,.. Auig. 29,6 p. Tuolelan .. Sept. 5, 5. a. mi...Sept. 5, 2 p.m. RATES 0F PASSAGE FirmL Ce-alu, Pï.toian $65 aud rpwards, other steamers b75 sud upwards, Second Cablin, Liverpool sud Londonderry, Pratori au î$7.50, other steamers $40. London ï2.50 extra. Third dlais, $255sud $25. Liverpool. Derny Belfast, Glasgow, London. TWsrouïghitibëket toS-uthFAnieS M0s1ONTItEAL TO GLASGOWýN DIRECT, Curnthîsu), Ahguet 26, dayllgl. Sandinisis,' (tud sud Smd eciss ialy), Sept.:t. Sicilian Sept. 16, daylight. Ftnst Cabin, $50, $60 andi $75, Second Cabtu,1 $"5- Third Gises, $25. 'NE W YORK TO) GLASGOW Nuid1i, Aug. 20t1. Mongulaneptird, 1For Tickety and Every Infornation Apply ta BovntqisuvUl Travellers' headaches are quil y re- lieved by Milburn's Sterling Ileadache Powers. Ubey do fotiupset the tomiacli or weaken the heart. Priée loc. and 25c. at ail dealers, or by mail. The T. Milburn Ca,, Limited, Toranto, Ont. 1Miss Kent and Miss May Kent, Mon- treal, are guests of Mr.- T.,B13 Iodge. . .Mr. W. M. Wotten is in, Toront.... Mrs. Elford bas returned home fram a visit with friendasunPort Ferry. Miss Flareuce Pye'has returueci fram a visiË iu Bowmanvilie. . .. Mrs Treuiieock and. Miss Marjrinovisited friends in Bow- manville .... Mr. Roger Beaceek bae Eecured a situation in Toranto... .On account of the unfavorabie 'weatber Suuday the MethboiatH st Homeý was postpaned u'itii Sepr .13. T' churcliwas beautifuliy de'corated wistn flowero, fruits aud grains. Beare the ,~The Kw (1YUU Have Aways Bolîglit of Beans tihe ~hKiYou Have Alwaya ouh signature I Bers he heintiYo1i Hm Always Bou'ii Signatuire A genuine Scotch Tweed Suit to) order t~. L-ann peVfllCnII uNe .pin t phd a ào r v, a . 1) I .. ~ O 1t I - -r -r -r -r. 1 e or-gr V- u pt-I - raz cep . 1 i -[l 1 -t 1$25.00 down to ,Aï,-th irietfcrs 1-elupiluiru . -- 1-- -iý waccepvrne -1-enuer Ur-une it-euze uuq