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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Sep 1903, p. 4

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C1INMýHIMLL,~.)VY 1Vn.FnI one ILl . . itev. Pr. rethio, .rs ruthie, M.Z The Misses Moorcraft MleGr"Ta.o and rs. Taylor, afteramonth'si have returned from a pleasant visit in visit boýre left for Kingston, the Thous- FALI. FAIRS, V'.~ f~Ooaio Muskoka, Barrie and Toronito. and Jala»ids, Quebee, Monitreal, Sara- Thel Caaian au 3.Ute Mr. Gerald Murdoif, Albert Business toga ý, ýid ot her points on route for their Whitby-Sept. 15, 16 anoi 17. Clee Belleville, bas been visiting homîýý e 'new York. Clarke, Orono-Sýept 21 and 22. BOWMANVILLE. SEPT 9, 1903. his cousin, Miss Hazel Murdoif. LIndsav.-S-ýept, 24. 25 and 26. The Misses Clemiens have returned l Petbor-ept.22524 THE CHRISTIAN WORK. atter spending a very pleasant îuonth Boys11 Peteboroý- et.2224.with riends at Coboug-on-the-Lake. Cartwright, Blackstock-Sept. 29-30. For manv yeirs we have taken tiiat M do .Wie rvligAd f T - a Milîbrook-Ucet. 1 and 2 spflendid religions weekly known now itor. Publishers Collection Agencyr, New BOWMAN VILLE-Oct. 6and 7.' as l'he Christian Work and Evangelist. York City, U. S., was in town Saturdav Markbam-Oet. 7, 8 and 9. 1ev. J. N. llallock, 1". D., ..ditor and Mr Norman Bellamy, Moose Jaw, WILL BE THE MEN OF THEE FI- _______________________ proprietor, 90 Bible House. New York, N.W.T. ia vislting his uucle Mr. J. H U. S. Dr. Hstllock bas bought the Cr3 derman aud other relatives lit Ont. TURE. PUBLSHE'S OTIIE.sabscription list of the "gospel in -Ail Mrs S. F Hooper and Miss May ESTABLISMED 1854. Lands," and "The Evangelist." and ln- Ilooper have joined Mr. 1-ooper in To- They Should be Rugged and Stdy -- corporated the excellencies of both pub- ronto wbere tbey will reside in future uy $1 per annum lu advance, otherwise $1,50. lications with his ow.a. We heartify Mr.Wlim onaddugt, Ful of Lite and Ready for Work. ub.eitolsawaspyble at the 1o f Ms.Wlcame oanfauht publication .Y-ngrtesul_ s y cu secommend to our readers The Christ- Miss Lona, Victoria, B.C., spent Sunday trat,10cets erli e'unril__ir.t isert.on!an Work sud Evangelist aud advise with their cousins Mrs. John Hamblyn PIay or Study-Keep Them Lnd S cent,,perhue eab beqetInseýrtIo l who have flot seen it te send for a sdMs .Sr Locls 1 cntspe sample copy, rnentioning this Mr lsig a eundfo ealthy. M. A.JA1YiseS, ppr pleasant visit tg his daughters' Mrs C PublshorWillis, Brock Ave., Toronto, and Mrs. J Pîle, rantord.Growing boys shonld always be BIG PRICES FOR ýAPPLES. JMissrsie rautod h igtn heaith 'y and ruzged. ]leady ,for play, adMiss Bessie rdap iugsnt N,.ready aud steadv, aud readv at any * au Mis Mauard Cap VicentN Y. ure for a hoarty meal. This condition A Good 1I Worth. in uau orchard of 300 barreis, ail, are visitiug' their aunts Mrs. John denlotos good bealth, but there are on- :varîcties. 25 per cent are packed by fl arublyni and Mrs. T. Spry tireiY too mapy wbo do flot coi-ne up toi t*buvers, wbich is 75 barrais, say 100 -Mi ssBradiey, daughter of Mrs. L. R. this taiard. They take no part -in dola wllps fr *barrels. 30 lper cent onIy are No. 1 Bradley, Toronto, bas boen appointed the-ïmaly games ail Lealthv boys lu-« One owl ay addr iE quality aud bis prices are the best wheu soprano soloist of St. PauI's Mthodist dulge in, they are stoop-sholdered. duli1 I TA5MAN drs nho off ors 81 for No. 1 and 75c for No. 2 church,"Avenue Road, Toronto. sud !is-tless; Lhuy complain of froquont Canada and the IUited States 30 barreis No. 1 quality at $1, $30; 70 Mr1a.J okat elntnhaahsaaterpeiesaibe fo hoovar tisgo bros o2qultjaet, 5 0 Iroquois Couuty, Illinois, one of the Smtmsparents1say, "Oh, tbey'li ont- vauto ue vuayg in thalditritea 82a o e<la ort prominent farmers of that stato is visit. grow i." But tbey won't-zts the blood Durhais eqully maoo ll ea teutiou te the great profit derivod in ing his aunt, Mrs. William Kerr. thiat'6 ont of conditiou, aud instcad of! Address, :1epricge sainvevaporastost$11 49;prieNwokatraplasutvsî w tbPi. MbstMr hy Comt on, ! erri- aaditHne, fS TT iESAN, rs, i bv p0ackes 8 0 in erce hi ber res. r. Lanp dirsB.r.iamston O tteswhthsepsddfo favr f eapratrs $2 9. lu' tere Mr . R.,lud of the fe, . A .. her Ysofien va er old sou. heiys If Buariowmattn i e n. in orethng ft unyabot ibis85parisD ssentase l e ou n "Ab ot itssag vuamue0 ...... ...,ana,.., whch e ak WfrWi te hibyColueiaith bas e appoithe detrerbgntoln nbat.isg reguarly Yo wil nevr rgre if the1û.4pac er ntofair a.Dovn tf a pi. sud Mr(D.) s MarA. rhieave n perî e à serin eko is, aqcuolod LaoOtrl t îouCopa 5 oe a a ou 1et. the 1500 b9 ctis? au-rwidrm LisaverStretoswi e tie or ous elng, Iasud as Addresdont t ako Yevr3'tgfor 1149grsnte Ndo otr p d Dsrit ot aitba Thiss arîedome, o n-hsband had resd. Figuckr ont82bis;apieproe. n Rle . J. S. Wlsn Hristou.diJa ed, nf, wls hat th ocos cs id fri THE STATESM lave Kfe BaBY PEEL G28 9 . sud hre Mr.RWiOlonsdfally he, BAfer Fgigteesameay. J doft Sen rad Bowmanvi. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ta soohD un bu hscmaioDCa8clMse wnSud br. willias aPiuk Pso ued Toroilto Exhibitione vhis oitigiather ev. J. C. lson ure sus o ei, an deciethatIfe g ho fois Ifaiing o ly andcrosinloagesbaan olgaints gssn Ma nd v iind bthe ime hoda taen x Evey Mnda, Wdueday F i l orthe moher gt arany. e vbo Stfhead tim nde r forMakSmith h uavephiaf dzn e is ealtbwals, ottoer LakedOaro ay .. lu tCopay e husaboutf eelin wels.oire eed sseddfmLisnda tretheCorner wthatirebdben oro e ears pro- LeveNWCSTE 6.0 Ambre ghactve sdavauePhapp.h18m5 esMiTornerto n re vincareofteuws Hsweigt byha inreased, bis. BWAR G VIL L E .1 do ou baby eeig rgod s poit. o op n Dsre fMntbari lre e frm ubn a OSHAWA 8 ~~riug bFitbe outeriencao!moe rs bo r W.Ahe, ufod Mser isî lssness hdocdissppered sud ho fabets Oo 0 thsemoters Ms. . . . S.artiberg, d augsteron aclusadd thaad1thermedmers on! y Arnvin luToont at11.5 . m W. hor, a te tonOnt.PsEEL :-G O nr Ban ford, haveo bend visitinghtv e a miiy he a e een bue1iîtd teue! RotnningbavR Toout sam das cbid.oigb moths ldbas îwa ster's isfther r J. Bn arin, Churcb ofr. Wiliams' Pink Pis uld aToro t. m, Exhib p m silon.cueentroubled wandindigeston. Wt, St PARES. h~Aad m emeofrm two dsoors NesudtlershW.Jra aeafrwi osud tory bl A oupl e ocauseio Newasle o orntosu rtur 7e.te te emderihotbntIpryWedrepesd a veuig o Miss m py earya eiedeases sud itin ecas Bmauvillo to S70.01 thhaosn-frIl bx aln wi bsowu 089,oper oens oavin thwu About 20cod iiands' P e îPimetodirectly t Eveh Mwa ay Wen60ay . Tiabitu 1n hmje htwsgosswr uio.Avr lsatuonîebod ohereigi u Tickes gooote ettrhany tme dr- and is doing weli. seectins r foMr. Smth. hosue-erehsncb1toubboss ns ei heabtser ang saso wtbutexrachrg.indiesoioe, iloeein ell costpaionLeceuoMised iatte o ndethI, nor soia, hears ro- Moal NEud STE6.8a0resoa mble igacie andplefysin !acte ie We erev aeuin i wi hsumpion utearion hs( minp or aimenseolitie eues arofie t. ra rn r .Krptikaiet htsfli5 al ee 1gicOs. hy Baby7.10O!noabiesMr.yalas !Wte rn enylvBarla, whos Henyw Thoeseiss mday e a rmandiear Frei~t soicite, hadivd theeils Èoe g ed ud can of qsbl obrm voioor he holesae Grer M smecieo ilbsntptpadi osu pOSpHAWAFo fr 8erinfrmtin dma 'ho ivte nesho yngst l- n Wiplklampau o dCoub, O. rSOc a ýbox osed ix ba oeor 82.50 by ,kgply te au it prec alet.F5ldb du . H A.yfome afind azïu ibis viity itiugte the r Willia s ofcne Aiv CÂinTArnt, owmn11v15 . gIV.Stordiecat bv mailOnt.,5e a b-*o. yrantford te ee m. ewsi i Ce Brecky hvibau e. nfttfdytus ! Rournutrav GnelTognt. aie acdreightth . Wli as Melicvlter hes ster Mrs, Boh-artin Chid, y1our healt ink r ll adon-~ -eQe.m. auddee2'. Wand T1o1it.m.Ce., Brokviled wQh inigesion.Wet 1 kce se ith bestfalmd.ns N>6ewr:ail Waists Made by Tooke of Montreal. In Flannels, Cashmeres, / estings and Printed Wrapperette Goods. 50e, 75c, $1 .00 to $4.00 pr. IJhnlMeMurtrv, Bo wmanville. We want your Eggs, Butter and Poultry. iratus residence27 dentre St., or at Tii STATES _______________________ us voffice. Bowmanviile. PETERBOROUGH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. Sept. 22=24 Tucsday, Wednesdayl and Thursday. Premiier Exhibitionl of the Iidland District. There are larger cash prizes, offered at this Exhibition for Horses, )attle, Sheep and Swine than at any Fair in Ontario, with the ex- oeption of Toronto, London and Ottawa. Good accommodation for $tock. Send to Secretary for Prize List at once. Large Cash Prizes for Trotting, Runuing and Hurdie ilaces. Pr@owe. &'Oretary. Blolidays Arc Oyer. The old shoos bave had s bard trne o! it duriug vacation sud parents are reminded that uew eues are ueeded again wbeni SCHOOL STARTS. We bave prepared ourselves for tbe ýr-,winga demauds of our irade aud laid u good supply ef noat, stroug, -corofortable Poots for 1 BOYS AND GIRLS. iýevcrah broken linos. reg-ular prico -1.2, $1i9M sud 81.40, Clearing at $1. Be fil t sud get a snlap. F'redlR* F 7ýOley, Parlor'ILO% Store. , ý, Bowmanville. At the now stand, one door wost o! Hunter's Law Office. The new copyright books recoiv- ed as published. "Grey Cloak,11 "Laue that had n o Turning,', 'Gordon lCeith," "Lady ]lose's Daughter," 1"hIorses Nine," etc. f7he best lino of 10e books publish. ed, by meosi popular authors. STATIONEIRY.-.V ic r y specia linos at rare value, Gel; the best, "Siratheona," "Avalotn" a n d1 "Lingerie, Pads 5e, tOc, 15c. Wall ]'aper, Winidow Shados, Curtain Polos, Pietures. DR. LOW'8 won M SY'R a mte, sure and rellable worm. expuller,. Â.* eqmî*lBy well ouon hldlden Qiadaibit )j aIu» Feu âg«Low'.geA

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