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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Sep 1903, p. 5

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pet Foley's for School Shoes,. Try the City Dairy lue Croam at In. Our indow T isI vve'k Good geea servant wanted atU 1 Once. See adtU You W ill sèe 1 Mrs. VanNest advertises hier excellent H g r &. farmi near Solina for sale. a e G cw ew subscrgoers orivn li thl gh G aeer ce i 41 The FamIns J. & G. Stoilaoh and Liver Tonie. W Central Millinery parlors. gt u 4Î No remedy bas ever given be e aifctol eNew fali bats, just arrived ,at Mns. pL.~ The grep.t secret of buying igiistera unheitatnglyrecomendît beaus ourcustiner ail Dingman's. Cail and seis them. o cs nslio, h 4~usa tiynghll aeomn it becus g o ur I youn tme ad Am Boýys'Suits at manufacturers' pnices 41 good for Our customers, We hav th betqa- 4 dJ~saythy nye ha aythn sol good bc ýyotu ry ito aýid C) for 2 weeks at S. W. Mason & Sou's. h ra coohlflg schools miust have the blest restuits. ities as we pride ourselves: on sln nyhg 1 4î say they are wrong we wilpy ak-yu onya addv & Co., Milliners, are making They use clIeve1aind"s BaUîna Powder, 4 heflyas we took it That is fair îBu't itr preparations for the early fall trade. jcraercie41 cheerfully 25 cents pays fin THE STATESMAN to ThaVUd Ckit#atid's Powdly comstant1y botb in sebooz-room ansd 1 ctur grakdfb s 4î If we did not know the vîrtue there la inherne anv address to a rnew subscniber te F&?0fyXWfl it"MstBN iR f. AMR iaRsûsC~'i.Sk' 4Î we could not lak 1hsofrcudw? I you suifer from Decemnber Si Our' stock is renewed often n sfrs n Dyspepsia, Indigestion or sluggish liver buy At at our ex- Freeland keeps a fine lot of frames TeAnnes f arta advertisedl is worthy Cail and go ol 1ta ele ciea. 4Î pense. for enlargements. Other styles and of consideration. JVeaî at C. Me some ersh. eî~ a, 4î s é1sizes made toi order. Big bargains in Read¶ -to-wear Cloth- The Ideal Fe n 1 the strongest and Try Our Sugars, Teas, Cfes pcs Lais tie-md krt uth eying for 2 weeks at S W Mason & Son'i. best. See it 4 ufrdoch's. _ 4Î luf laest yles ust eceied atCoac, MýA. James is Government issuer New Fail Hats arriving at0s ~ IavorÎngs,- asnCrat e U t & J u r Johnston & us C rv eceiedatCoc of Marriage Licenses for Durham Dingman's. Geheacat Ves RasnCrat, Cine et n wV 9 Crvdrman ivliracl.egetables Fruit and Vegetabein esn lbJlle ocks. Jellied VelCooked Counv For the newest, best, and cheapest The Druggist 1and Optician. Hama and Corned Beef at C. M.4Swker's ready to wear clething, eal at Conch, 4îDntfi t r hm JohADo & Order's See our splendid stock of Ciaae rc -ALS IK E WAN TEu D so r, ac Cp n acrec Men's Hats-f he very latest e NoPressent you can gond a fniend for erY, tlassware, FnyCp n and Amenican stles at Couch, -the mOney wiIl be as much appreciated Johnston & Cryderman's. one Farmers having Alsike te seill would as TIRE S1ÂTEsmAN-25C. te end of 1908. llighest price paid for ail kindsoffr P due gh faadaý tTwe, apprentices wanted ait Central do welI te caîl on J - B MÂ',,RTYN, Bow. HOUSE ~1W ~ ~ ttl24W Millinery ParIons. Apply ait onc t REXALL S- D t 11111I BO MANVLLE, EPT.9, 103. addy & Ce.. Milliners. manvie, beore S'elling. Sîk, or IOLD 41* AV K R T I O ur>p iOdl ____________EPT._9_190 naps in School Shoes it Foley's-a Notice Juf aoroth hs MixRed Ods in nu bth 411*E &O MA »TLE $1.85, and 81.40, clearing at $1.00. 50 cents; isronfroc wilnmr lhey are the latest and Miost imroed41 Ses the new farine advertieed thi Do you use a Gun. Rifle or Ammuni- piareinc, ae tbtla lie. rfnri e ntewrd Try a Package week. tion? If e, F. M. Souch has a fine __________________Ail colers at A. L. Nîcholis' store, Division Ceurt meets in Bowmanville stock. Horsey Bleck, Bowmanvllle.BON__________________________________ sept. 28 PislysDesGo8nvrcag ON et lttewf P lo ,Now la the best tixue fer advertising PnsleysDes od eyrcag IKIaKPATRICK-In Oshlawà, Sep.lttewf I Ut lUI a iarms te sou er rent. MeMurtry selle Pniestlev 's goods of Hram K:rkpatrick, ota ie: i.a'*uaW'i"* Thanksig Day has bison fixed every yard sold. an eomnaCharles Goodman, of a daughter. for Thursday Oct. i5th. A new shipment front the old sod ef 1 LL-At Hallegef a ih daughe. nOewe -- ~~~Wtt.r in Lake Ontarie le higher now black and colored eîlks and satins and fot.aloadnher Frthan it bas been fer nine years. a swell range ef neck ribbons. .Values Mn.Fred.- Feanon, A dugh. 2â"oM .* Frmany years we have toit Mn. and Mrs. Shirley Denison, Tor. right at McMurtry's 0EsxÀ lr.~ et it ra~ thenee etan ptial oemwhee ete, spent Labor Day at Mn. J. B. See Young & Ce' viea and spice Mir. J, A. Newsom, New York, a son. th edoaa pialri h r barne ad in this. issue for pikigyou want _________________* i th etpsil odtoseitd Cmaethis great tamily journal the bestit pays in the end. You get MARRIEO. ~aa the~t beetr posil cniosextd Cm paiers The best is notl the oest lit the China Hall Grocery. JAMES-ROBB-InHolley, N. Y., Sept. illd, by :* for properly using the varions te Kol for yeu. The Masen Co. are seilîng new i9OS Bei'. Thos. Duck, Itector of st. P&ui a chirli, seientific Instruments necessary for The W. C. T, U, wilI le M.icr'n clde'cotat2!,ffM James, J .1., Bowmanville, and Misti ila Tuesday Sept. ifitA at usual imne and regular Plices duning September. Caîl Florence Louise, rongreit daughtier of Mr aDi examininlg the siglit., place -Aul members attend. and see the new styles. Seo advt. fer James W. Robb, Holley, N.'V 1 :0 particulars. BE)OT-AI)I omnil.Stem- l Directoie ef the Agricultural Society ber litby Be'. W. Joliiffe. Mr. Jane' Fishe er 0. In our eld stand this was lm. will kindly report sale of membership Agents wanted whe, are willing te Bedford and Mns. Marthat A daline David, both silIl tickets te the Seenetary at once. work. God goede. Good pay. Men- cf Bownianvifle. eue%, î a possible. Now we have more room Mrs R. Bîj kt and Mnsë W. F. Bri eann 86 CO a day winter and summer. .__________»>_____ and have one of the best equipped and daug hter Viva, Myrtie, were Nee eut, feas oon, Wrte . r liuets et Mns. Geo. Tamblinsen over teRICHAnDsoN-In Detroit, Mlcb..' Sept. SdreTes odon n.O! ,*, eptical rom nCnd.(eu Owing to a hnei*h uies ane ihrsn .Dae 8yas rnw o o m n Cada. (W 9 n ail accountsa ha g lu t e b sn s, S m e R ch r o , M. f, ed 5 yesn a due Y ou ng & C e., Grocers, Brother o! M ns. A. Barber, Cobourg. a know et non as good.)Prof. C. T. Paul preached lu the requins te be siettled enn or, before Mon. pEÂBN-At S.Mr',Ag 0 oaM Itwl otyuntig overy large audience and greatlypleas collection. Yeats, iiter o! R. H. Souch, Darxilngton. Itwil ea yn tin ed Mthodse hnhSnamvnlgt .dySp.2st,98 esv ote SomsNh, eleto hate, Tho. J. Pearo agedh have your siglit pnoperly tested ethn.Business increas ing-te meet the THoMFSONwIfl CflJoseh Auuthon 7t, aEliz 44 fsti and yn canot afordte hae un Mise Per ap daughter ef Mi:. growing demande et our trade we are Loerywf !Jsp Topeae o o.~o axnieunnd pend trihae unithscvxn B. e aap eere ttackold puttirig in a 1lerge stock for Fall-they ELLIO'rr-At Port Hope, sept. ard, Sarah Peu- >a' T he 1.LLsU shJiULJ.einil of ou are coming lu fast. Give us a eall. ney, reflt cf the late James Elliatt, in her 9hrd ,a us L" your eyes. appendicitis. daee ilnr pnneFred. B. Foley. cleaance Co0h @M , To make a complets claac,*uh lnr eoe o o r 03iLneae i 9 Many years experience lu the 't% Mies Smith's. A fine stock ef ready- Joutn&Cyemn will seli the 22 yeare. 10 %__ *M to-Wears lu ahl ehades sud vaniety of' balance e t&i Colre mus sa t DOOLrn'rLa-In Eastl Whîtby, Sept. Srd, Chas. lags. on n aaafitn bae o eetfrm aaneo borcloe ulisltstl .Doolittie, aged 31 yearg. aaII '~ largs~ romalu Cnadafiting hape teselet fem. re.lewer pnices. It will psy te buy even if SaxTÂ&B-In Oshawa, Aug. q0th, John W. :a ' W. a> . ceomplicated cases for other dealers LMn. and Mrs. Thoa. E. Osborne, do not make up tili next epring. Sayyae, aged 61 yeans. 0-* '3,as given us an expenience that t th uers s uMesa fusie a te At the China .Hall GrocExy fer the Kerr-In Cobourg, SePIt. 4th, John W. Kerr, b w'a, a teddtefnrlTedye h ae nXt twe Weks VO a e ulBz K. C., Cout Crown A tornecy of Northumber. **40a Mr. William Brant, Whitbv. vo m e5USSland and urh%, ane neyar coul flt b ganed n aliftim inToilet Set gond desigus, heavy glt ton C EitEEcE-Inî Darlinztoii. 'Septemben 7th. < a town lis sie. Yen et the Aunual ianvest Festival. ef Salvatien $3.50. A snap ses this lins if yeou want Mari ikrblv ieo nJh hssz.Y gtteArmy, Saturdav Sept. l9th te Tuesday a toilet set Clemence, aged 6'6 year;s. Funerai (Wed. S benefit ef this expeni cnes free et ail Sept 122nd. Gifts et casheor kind thsnk- ealumdttiLcssnmoseneday) at 2 30 p. mr. a. A* icharge. fully recsived. Monday Sept. 21st at get a geod fitting, well-msde suit than a , p. m. a sale will be conducted in it dees te buv an fil fitting, slovenlv. BOWMAN VILLE MAUKETS. a Ai" if 1' L.L . brrck Crn t hlptb gedcasemade'on. To secure the fermer leave ou unAli lT 1111 ev, Mark Guy Pearse,London,Eng.. vour endors now at Ceuch, Johuston & unreteb unWMrrecTuaa aeI I~ 1~Z 1 ' UUiJ ~ wiIl lecture lu Biwmnvîlle Sept. 25th. Cryderman's sodotrrsFectedby0 iibe......3 90tuesdy $2 80 Sý .L.L 1I4 nas rece who was colleague et Rev. End li-ouse is made as gond as custom- WHAFl, uh O0' 0 a ThLDuLL i and Cptc s Evryedwilwn teha hget ohCnuyCltigti A lE , bush .... O(i 0' 70 @Il HulruggiHghssttra ailored garments and, 11usd botter. " Spiu.........f ûO 00 il 70 0 say hie le a very eloquenit preacher and ý-Why psy psy $20 fer suit or overcoat 0 e ifs.... 0 75 * uFes ever iv point et the eraten te drive when yen can Zet a 2Oth Century kind Gnose........O0 00 0 62 >*a lits peints home. Yen wiil waut te hean for $10. $12, $18.50 P B*LY uh o.1. 0 00 msma-c shlm. The Maison Ce. are aunouucing t" 2: .. 0 0 04 i MnI. E. C. Thoruten, an old Orone week in their advertising spaee a " 3 ... O 89 0 40 un0* 'Backache. boy, now manager ef the D. W. Ka 1r unique departure iu ladies' sud child- "i - "Two rewed O 40 il O 00 :mn iu -ran sud Piano .Factory atWod en's ceat sslling, the unusual offer ef a OATS, white fi ......O0 00 'i 0 29 fis0 - stock, seme thre e ý cars ago invested lu cnt in price befe, e the seasen stants in- RYB, " .....Oo ' 0 0 11 * )0~ a la 8360 acres et land ait Iudian Head, for Étead et atter the season should, we BUOKWHEAT il.....O GO Oi 40*'a which hie paid $3 per acce. Lest week thiuk, ho a popular meve. PEAS, Blackeye, e tiush., 0 00" Oi oo née:. th zâuho so!d the land for $18 per acre, dlean- Just necelved 1000 lbs Farmers' fi oaada ooute 0~ o0 19 a 60,s ~ l t in ~e 80 nteda.OooTwiue. especislly made for Cern bind- fi"aaî 6 tO6 : : nn 1~ TeonoDalyWrl udTH TA-ingg Mai' be--had-of Benj. Werry, -- Bie OG 65 . % Qo ot u 'jJJ -lu.a Of ESrAn t Jal. or an 5 THEoiith nenth et Bewmanville, or at my home CLOVER SEED ............O Go O0 GO " fS or an 0. 1, 1905, ovr1 otsin Ts roue Yen sliould see it. PETER TIMOTHY SHED .........O 0O Co O O * paprnthat 0 The World is s uews- WERny, Agent. 36-2w. BUI'TER, hest table, P 1b. O 0O le 0 14 : wh b8r ; pprtapasparticular attention te Piles of new gonds have been receiv- xeq.lsl o......Go"G1*aa 'vt lb. A the requirements et the farmer, and bas Pd bvZ -h Mao Ce..i. h at2 OAOS,~ '........ G Go il 25 14 > kad d-the reputation et pnblishinig theos eetsP iih gs. inn acurae Ctti su Prouc Maketweeks New gonds in everv dopant- R. to.........8 O0 00 l 0 25 ment artictele are ________Market_____y._e_____...._ri_8_50 a uiagaewin ~ ,. Reports of any paper in Canada, toen. Speeial-value arile.r put e________________ uaci~e -'~ heneeiein hogether with a'bnief, live and 'ok~~atato.YnUO SALE-Two 3-spriugp De--mecrats «w z M >iz , pying tendlinhenews service, This la a big effen Dent wilI alwavs find special bargains lun i2aOd one Cari, apply to JoLN~ PEErci. Bow. *% 0 ne axevsr eeasîng stiteh, stitch, atitch, miss it. Somle lino at this store. 11manfviile. 373.~ a MIN~ preudng seams-constant benldifl hsWdnsa nugat8occk Tailorinz, yeur ewn cleth ln yen like, .< *o-cjn tells on the back, mal-es a meeting will ho heldý lu Trinity ls doue in first css mauner-second te nIŽENERAL SERVANT-Wýan'ted teJO :s M ee&dpi.N odrteeCuet eadesdb e rne other sbop lu town-by J. T. Allen. '..A work on a farm near Bowman ville. Appiy * ai wxe eften find tiasir healtli fail. Warne, Mnatewiha ansd cutter, llersey's Block- Hol bas a: .: iT aebeadin . N-êfo-ü - wonder the Chr7,tbearsed yRe Drethe oldnliable sugd- faienbo alr tocet HESAT5A ofc, 3t <> Thekl4uey geou orer, e ehaif et the Congregationýal colioge. nri a fg lampton-Frame flouise colitalflitg 9 :*"i' -tsm _11 po1n 1hc thhi. lb spe . lu a the shool.roem that samecanet attnias town nes. jof làndon whieh are a number of apple trecsa,* : BeAVILISTATION. [rau Bilhiig Tie0"e ,htpe ~s>l ILU hgydg atypoi niprî ee, FARSI TOl LEK !'-2or Term ot Y.t-'rs-FiMFRSL.~ x opoued ont an endr tr iod sax ou ec rward aton rt t. n.- ce, a omli tiabeneetr-!arsmcoreseul Gonok, oiGWET attorney at law, bas 021l Maty' strBwavIe 6. Ra uOtr, osbrsaln, ri olD bte Belkuap block, room 10 nvrfiigwl;cx etnwGa r kadrcri 0wihae~,O Mail........-ours ofc m. Exrs .i.1 .n ficl___________________ station; 0le'vator aiharbor witiiinia iii.iew ad U tu bjic'n î Milxed........ Ue p.M. JPaSgeeger-1. 42 p. M, the Unilersity et Michign at Anu l'or Infants aud Chiîdren. Hpj te ep 'suF 031e Ibutiig 50 rodi ot swm Colles ai li te o nuri o oi n dQv1 a e ytowisai Loa. iî..IMxd...~Arbor in June. Mn. Chappie cornes te ~ Od o 7adS e.,Drutn ln ARM TO REN*T-53 acres, lots 17i gpýifUtijl .sua bu, rnnnîul< sîrni Conîn(n ter saiu ononr(1e 'ExpressF ...n il4 B3illingsa highlyv roco-mmendal nd. sud e Th 'n YOU U.,,rn AIways andgh spef1c fctin may be ;se t leCeke sd1 Ou2Dnigo e dli' So dvnla ousî l'i sia c rpîtc i.S-lo&f f OIOfc sdsh, yxpres . 104 p.m iueforl Dougn Ofic IlAp e anclwe n edrsd good o'ut b3uilings, netw Stone stables aii~ ~ Oino asg tb aAg '1.55i, mela Yo smyb gedc Expremi deeR not izo west Monday morning. bespea1 o l _oed practice. Hoe is ,, o eeenllacpe.claew1 ecotnetd Good onetuard. watr.wrk 1nd e-cnc lghi asr, J"Y W ] 'Snfsy nglt DaîF bof eto hp! bo3 a, Thos. Be39t1e~ ,LQ JrasenindaI JAMESri uicky eoîe, onl. sLIt appl - O' , air ont. ,pp te Xl. A- 3 l, propeit for~ CUOunv t0owný .. np SVe. phD 'Sauday nili Jax.Tos nfSt a. u hs"gaud< l. . lk @m0ii.8~ F, HOWARDu ANi<z5, Wbltby. .ý ~ ~ Vnue tTrnooo' STJAMss &oi~v~ JULr ow An a,,an ha.

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