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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Sep 1903, p. 6

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~er itt1~I~v r ils. ~ear ~iLrlaturo Cf ~ac~Sie~ii1a VVrc~pe~ llclow. T~y ~ji~fl a~C coi ~to tahe m ~ I VE~ __ ~ ,I~ ~ ~& CU~ O' ADA<~i-IE, DU. L. POTTEIX. DENTITUT. Ci C IOlNVASTLE, L D S, D D S, fao rdute a existr'y of Teroi ta a eeî 1i xlý diir We'rË Of Btig Me, BomalriviIle A. F. 1IfLAUG fILIN, j ';r'troitellor and Coiivoyaner- Or',ee - uxkle ~lkei xig stîect. loiavle IIOIEIIT 1OUNG, V. 8. 'O ICE 12 HOtRSEY'S IILOOli:. 0PI03- îria 8a.c. i, 1) . in. Nigt caLi et r ifr e leciiy oppoýircDzili Siid. 17 iy 1~'AhIAGELJCEMSE-3-M. A £V5J~l smier of Marrieige Licenîei Itedcc:Cerne etreet SIMIPSON & BLAIR. S..lnrsFoN, Q. C,ofIMi 1', BLAIR Teileiî ffico'sNotariesî , Morrix lire, i icrslig st eet. SOWtncarville) Sciàitciîl for ti e ii.taric, Bank. ?rl'vcte r!iiiE, . hc ci cd at leu est 1 ctee W ill be 'at Elaek -tek on the flrst Monday off eneh month, et <Irono 2niri IM1.onda- ail dai, andi at Newcastle lst W'ednesday froni 2 p nm. Cillonc:-Tenperance St., Bownian- viierof llig-ginbot.ham's drugsetore. 0. HARN DEN, L.D.S. Gradriate off tte Iioî ai Coliege of l)ental ',-urgeons, Ontario. (IFICE-Opposito T Bingham's office VI 'AL1ZED AIlR. hDVER1?IS1N( RATES. iiE C&NADiAzî Sr£.ATi Ma-%N is p:ib]ixhcd evcry W dreidixjy inorriag ait the ciie215I'tE UiA z Biock, lrir Strect. Bowmativille, Oit., by M . Atldir.dreîeo.Subscrip c ti1 loer aim, cr $1 t<i if pald strictly W, a mare. Adverliîug i ate, transteat ad"e r- 21 g, ten4 cen~tsie fineb, first insertion : Ove e j-Ase r lice eeicli snb'cquerat iziceron. Con R:Ichalý,eu &' Ontaria N a Vigrc a-ti on q ompainys calling at Darbington. at 10.30 P. Mi. wlon flagged. Wvestbound leave Moutreal on Moûlda5 s, Vedinesdatysanti SF~ridays eaiig Darlingtoa at 4.20 ~v~~tara rrti mo nt hn 9 îmît A*-lf1,;1a A yCe l ar OÂ ]E FTE TE1 pot lin l byWlim~ae hctwl R OCRAT'S W!10 PLAY BAR- bo fomatita Te Liing Âe fo 8epIIULORGANS. tombr 5,reprîîte fie ni The _Mo th- The Son off a Former Wealthy ~ 41 ~ 1'lerchant Tukrns a Crank Th aeo ikw ii15tou esiutstrubott)wçdt he1tdealtttyof (-, ff iomnnb s l oo fi p iest a îe nis tailis thuo pau ydoh-don aIIitrosi evry dy i.urnîîg Le The-io ien 1La e a gre t taaay li,;dîifi- - aaiî,a îegetlsluet eatud a iucos~ok aIl agreo that îhey tan iUao1btterinoulaion e wthepaten sîuî>e-1o,13111esenaitseInol off exýtruaquality durîng t mtîre I,, à hosswoare olgt eek n yeheres wih ciin gîtdiseae gerns a ilhood faiitUis atnr ye ,pr' dth îe aîilk Ls tm it il toîsniso-lisac eig -c,,ri cretifoi' ai.theÉ fimdAitrC bWla1Mr, isdcibiludai. r.(aîe's Sc wsthe st ate1et (i t isrcivt ytheca i we niHue fE ronWs esdsoeye attin _ foÏsiea ytert Lodit',Ti.Bts-a- prmocoidin. Tie properj caoofII *pcoîg I w mctwae IlîlyyîLteaetarilateat mtlisn-it uaderstood yagoiIowsewscrd firg altîe sine at 200lvrs a f ocd orn(l, whoaîak, a 'l may aatîrbu oc tbutil ieoaunucin toblieril fori of laiono- ei weilt mcaîffte.iuiutba-lir,.,so slwoo are foumi n bedo net know n-hat ithey ougeliIt to do, hLti,!I ""l spoiitefotte ie naI g noF as ýIttiy kuon-thoyogi te dIlo. ut is lbaîdly itocessary te say tLa 'Awll m eat bgnte . ob L.Pat.,tIe Boston 0, on to sy, alttocuh ila ieinl- Hieco-sshoulti ho iîîîo eglvlyfan beausIof emmiae troubles. Thýe supe, ' rprugcîenoal ta sii a ru't about b)y clant uat îti iîle'sLmsedL- ietc iiont he-ip me. Iriemee1 ttar îoPlifotue St. Louis il<4uk ad utrocncieustn toitî~thi~ng. TLe ouit o L t other 'Llad ulseti LydiaE Epsiicî 11e gmups are tr s'ur- ei.c niluth(' Lad i"eucotrtl îatuled la ainaplace. 'Tbe surl- PnlanseealCmon euttre0 L oesofte Asnnal d&ey o a oiidioI i ert-sponsibie (ivon mmmýuy occasions for irregularities Fetia lido,îepiiia o lni- sta oittt t h i'oitiimly igs mayd e- n ll i an idti terine troubles, andti I ti-Ire siga o fieacb te Le bli algria it fa-uugf(w of bu netenb tet ntidur ii tt'4u1"-,tUai tcoiiltinet Larin memii. any rte fjgio ~îrsiî LgLi.acîi arI-.'e ifîv fca fil ai, ultocoure bo eî bcpesne f dsiento tegive ît mi triai. mess" Lgt 'tt etrlfue Lr ie- a eLe megn CCdorsF. Atriecwsuio mt I n-ms ertainly gladti tefindt 1a5 w1f4t1iolti a ir n bicL is ob ltToeiysnof neiotoia sud leni- frin boseUni'dati erible an l ybaek ati site nlicih nil Lituclre iabdc-peaeiaImotinnyhîjbe tetsh sonriLeinîLO s uik-wre Myigt aaat i L ri hh 'c~uo aa rhtrof u aigt mm i na1v ly ii as poibl atimikd;ottl., uneofmjntutIîIii -neýt hv rcl tcoaî-. MFi.rc.fl-fthî,hnxi itlgeV_ Let skigorsouiîwd'mmig-nery i sronrite, cLeeo-frs ecne zonntinoinht uirsfincltimsati1îtrovr mII ag, m i liseL'.oaLa oes caiieftiaefr - cepcî-lgrue,-ihLets(1,1o1netaste1nnertetole ýeffeCt ont t he con-, ai mycause nni.Lý, ani!ci. îLe endi et that i. uw o heCiaoBoi'e i c vh na ab.sn1e oe ber te ilti up seine off lier imil. n-ms l h,ikla on1om.Treciily Lv tenrsoeeeiipratct-cmaypoîoig h rs AInv-avs uiibk with dry bauds. Af- neyer toit bottr taaîy lite, hLave ec ms-oî o'iaCnrsii. i-crenhl L otusa.Cc- tom mlkiag, stral lte înilk throogh hati a ISu-i iditosiaco, anad w1gtm~<l xaligo m lrPn-iiiiecmh<iî i reain h a ciean cleiL strainer andtim-ianu Ilptaiimoe ianI verdi, e mieale ismmd iiîl e shape cf a otea.-us ~ ALEi -anrsWeky fr~gs.2t ILT FTEMETAT 1 c fj.V- ýý I îbueîtep-ofnincunîireraînf vitd tbe aa ctd oItla ositon y lgs .W~onensbiemlrem enber tlitenLncopeeic lein-i ddultosLi iln iy ls Lda .Leueitu eug i'Àn- r aci et antedtp fftîe -nfTheIsei.tite ati --ueremdyfo i Lus fuibi lus pali îe o-s Cý il-lite lfî fuse t- uy ary et-er medielue, boncsttuîg moto1,:cîremniîle- freh ots frustmceinjeL i o ltentnirncIThli ~ you neled t-1 et air coloii aanantb-îetým-fea h au letiPsxbO 1down tilcooghthe sinabiLobhjs in tLe ciBrti 1-viusfuTeLLbie ý 0.dt- itv ma bettoni offtte arrator 1I îLe peer :1tien -as-obliget leire bi-oi j INTO THE CAN BELOW. lute lias îîrblicly besteci tLe butea18,lco, ee2ucmitraognii edeC, i obtain theuhr In ibis x ay the iik is tividedti aepieu g1e-nsofcre ,oo ul rofail Lt- iîts ebomî offM, j 1- oiy tiag t Itls fr1' tit a grec i any fine' streanis on its îvay off varioIis bceeds anti ages; i 1er nitop'pryLsLe hncoxu'i eeba letru te ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a îL lc iep e h f Fo.n hWat. L eemn a eor. feilnsonieho rpeuse lte ho' nuiiliL qofckiy anti also mixes atm- wi thiidutîtiU,;Lisnotice, anti Le is able o te baenth kt1 i.r pertianmeni ,teliashOunpforelis ore efuse.po Le iyA t. spcaL k fth great acuhorily on 1îLe become ucraiiIePisshobüeny Thore clias Lc-en -soin' isut sIi-isb,'ocý ,I'offconemies la ati gîtrluîL Prs eoos bae Lyill-ibc n-Le try e lip '1ý1 t1 -- ad the aîu.iîcipaic.y Las ceaie te o, frig ,itcàt c lyabot tt' emîtical ffei e ~ in it is atest. n-rk lie tran-s atieil- t ho air off tï:e iii'cfcieî iad ieir lîîck n-fthbarnel-omgarîs,îe i!ygair n-itLehbeillfii, buet 0orIahi Xattien le tho cocaîîîe)ner sources ocf, sholiîns a 8lIrcete rtloc-y of wilmauhe is knownnby1 tUe acra1lneutîlps te cool tLelnitk in tati-y farnicng, anti showss Loîv rabot ,ils contribation for 1thise îhenamine off Pttle'ff teprobably .tb1,o qutcîcy, amidltis is uery important uîîese ay Lbeavoideti. TboeeaeseolcooIestI00I0tra nec riîable. Pitlloff cdamns t fou oopng he nil fageet todu-ccitai fudamîc'>ntat tacts off gi-cal ntioL scIo nni ttoî-it-h lle -son off a PolinUnbieiei tioîî. ltîportance -iiiare mot sutfce!,0y m\svae9100moe atw53 i'e -sforcetiteto ly -frein St T!ire cails oet mI lI hoî f L ,sta! cnstint atin-ich namy Le Isoin ltlt uîtî io cal- of fl P e itU g' e'. -1ral, lttre ago four colt -mter atleei1 al)pa aijida flos -tabos a tersmm' ming ili a rctaîiîe itaialdcît. 11 1efins-I tiome off 50 teg. as riiclmly as uk'3 os- LT. 11 is netlastaadardiaicle -Matrs s tc-aiei ff boocol ofIln-ntteAnica n-bo vlre lie s ible. Do uiet,.1ba;ve tte 2ýciîetý;s clos-~u'a-igcmoiin ne;îettlepnee ecîo 1-eit enalxigf ain Îe t hghtiy on tIlo canls, Lut place - 2. Pilleront qcîalities off iilk ae iak ni orh n i hee cek' sta m ole-, , inctoiag tlle ofetclenk ai. a bLelli on top ff ibil ams, S ta îesiitabie for diffenoent purposo, antiliis-,'3îfrancs nti is cetilios for eaci, st)oefanti con-Lboy on a ranlxi. Lîti- air nivcctîltebLti.the mll tîlltheroe loss if amy is usotIlfor a lîlit1a ltte retofn tol i s, as matty Lecine te Lioadoi, ai for mii tLe saul ineetbcn L rotoctot fîom -pur pose for tytieh ft ts imasuitot. exhng oo 'a timmocrnta fair lii clilcooul as flying de i.. If the iilk s kept at.I~ brfnocytt- amirrmii nipt.aecnne 0agn a tnîpmatronoa 50deg frimust ticcide ehnttyîhat particu.ihair Ritbna. fils Patron tietLw'îr llthotiomperatakeeafroi50îeparon itefml, luîlpyliabsi.e - t in boi eiîs tLe anti, aiter' pnssiuîg Ibreugru iamies nîlti. rc s ae ltfrnt hte 'pit pa omoiio fSiterono Aîiaicwilb an able anti 'icis,,ztLides, lie luas been obýligth ct- il Wish UicSuiag' mi nutti ta eor tiiiultfr's for a Iicue. caus0 to ebjeci. otehIe nîllurbecause Ion tLe br,omuthie feeting off1tîto abich Le da i suits rot front ni'cambrofltaftca-,h tof the impu-eper cane it lias îecelîed. cnl-tc reuo t myiufeionft- t u nenîin ie innau, fo ergaur,,-grimtiaig ffîaternily wut TUe cinilkobtainoti at oachi'. cîlkhina 5. Piflt'rent types offtilk ratle ai-e L. roua emessentimi ,diffenence. b.aIt taie ea i m qhoulti ho kopt separate tfront tîcai.suai o- iieetpcn ,atbodil-i ancb antAlly. 1Herbent W. iboo, ao ai eue uie brî a coin-, ef a pro', ions miibk-.iag.Nvz or siii;,e case off uihîs (or atîgHînh oh,'swî ae nîerisei ao, iîeEgii î n-ai-in ik imb colt uîilk, iCL i îe bic, ilucre is boss if i.Ley ni-e un- question 0f Thie Bible ini Puzbliic nin.A feu years ago Le n'as ncomalng's anti nighîi's mnik msi suh-ted.aili b ei.t.ronasliertynpotinune r an it sciity be nixedin oderte tke te!lito 3, ",haevera cw's iatual lmi!aiîtig thomlio tLe iiicmcaeing adboixîg ucîl ceuuected adtesno thîe factory ini the Cams ai ai iablelpzbilithcs nu-e, tlov mmv Le retoceti geaetally achciowletiget Biblical ig- a -belL sîtenîlt Le tlioroughly ceeleri Le-by impup 0C1fetiiîcg. 'neadce of îLe isiuug goteuîerai. w-iLTiHYCOMMON'>,ETI. f1ore nriximug. - - Other '.a1eabtc mai-tdrentable utapers Uvnforc.uocnLely Le b&tarý nie m ed tin j Agcemttaay msnîcttmî laatti FLLW'- I~ELN--, arc Indiflexeisnî b B P;A iiil daij0 egicaiitat card-chcatiag seacu- tiecilto hse cîîmy lie givon in regard-ti I ngl rrenlya olceancaleti lVgo-ED,Eanuîor ui cs nd dlalboogît I beliteîe lie usuciore toth-eat o hecan tefedr'flectioas Lby Jocelyn Leisa; 0f jmunecl rg-iuîsl tIan shilling. ITo10 - te îLe heiritît of tht' con-s, îLe foot1 fcrud acma ],iirgng i Lie gc'ass un- Grl(i, aC'.iatiaa Coihoge, by A.-e r enseigt1 eiuli i.hey arc givon, anti the oce coff tLe d(er a tree ici a paîL, at u iueiXMcmtatiPirlsisinai 1 e- enru, comantbi e tlcanig tel ise stables--serh as n-hite-nashiag it eaosd aAlca;hlm.Pgnsn e- ,on.sýýoad o Crrgtlv once ou- tu'icr a ycar. The", îastrec- 'Cinijster, n ne eoa sîeep lgtulpaeai- anitWtr It--lLatsraeaî.mtli tiens are li bemeficiai anti it w'fli litou Sicl sîl tepheri cou', -toîtl'.îis, counuty, emigrate-dti te-tg Le a paying la',estiltenl for amy B I b1 aie a goot excuse," I tmFuc U us. tasce f Sxemurri. But hoemitnith noti'- " dti-iii.iE-'terlyrluopre-theouîlr, ibte îhueseuut on)0 tmgexcept ill-lrurk ant iil-leaittî ii emer c l i r n t n l e p r v i e t h î e c s a r r l u~ i s ; ! u t t n î t e g - a d T ,- ti e i f fe l e o o , c , a u td i c o m s e q c e u t l y n o c k - l i o n anti stable n-ell.tirinet imm ll nm Sei-t os eilene? W'ei, A dPeweie Pe-e - ies Twhe Iii Agfisîn. el tld fol atectin. Mxsty, and dUsty 'obce-1nilt f it.Ltrauigmdata-sn i ,sbe cttl eoi if hIL cIii(tc aeae seilchiani-er If onlat fîmleiu.Prt;BmatnTurt fo bpaitîwce cic t'tad-. lyohctmbl fer cnilch cen-s. A lh n a -s tu,'-asl ont coftIan ea sannCnseîcrNrh 1iilehgtt u negneoydyèn JAW. îIiDJwîu fmlevic apcî oui Thfýe Secet of Woxrdsw'orth; capna tilricloeuut liikeepbodbiiy antdiseutlea LUMPV 'demntet :-Newv Lightîs oie Browntg btl". 0.; togetîcer. î'rideof etcousepro-t'n This discase iniemeoffi.oîuaffio(sct m- "'ewlei br .ac 1 .Btnosaîasitl- "tadu"replie îthe oer,is an isbtaautî îg elIsfimusg iiTttui N u-1- chiV~ tirzti , i inssle-, v-rc iiz1 +iiI. gT - ,ahitruebeng amîtt izxl. ni',Ihioe-ut abî t îe oonaeofmnt Thege steamero3 pass through the ray fun.gus or mitinirosis. The beautifil Scenery of the hBay off Qinte jflnges occens euîon gxass anti othem à1htiThéiuand Islands anti mn the vogetation ati itifa ouy hy -bn fi. Rapitis. jlbeceaîcs intretucot i fto thie tissee(s Spechal Ion- rates art expressijtula itfIcauses txouble. 'Thec iseaso service for the lcandilmg of freight. cornes freinemtiig anti eut site 5001v- For full particrîbans applv te J. Mc- os mnt is miel conlagioîs la tLe esîîab CLE LLAN, Agent, ilonmanvulle. Tiîos. sense off tlce ivert. Sic-tani n1îcs JIENRE, Tmaffie Manager, Menticai ntiy brcoone ailecti whi on ti' IR McwrNGeneal Frigsanien "" asturo but this ts due o ali R. OEEN Geeri relhtAgntbeima exposet aiike. Some ic-aiS Montreai. 27-t tLe meiber off cases is groator than otlie'rs, ong toe îogu'atec' de'.elop- memnt of tLis tuages. The disoase et-ý fots the ian- nore often' th<n otcei' parts tue te thue tact Ihat the tissueso rïM arc s ometiaîos bioken it thce aoof chening andît Hies, pîorm1 itîi îugl ';i' 1- ~i1 yrets ecmammnx~ uid mit Pri. tien. Amypart off1tUe botiy Ltoy hisisAso i ocpaaiiîel eas goot eati fra y.rar Cor re, -l J'rt ok e f tn-ouuCri l iy.Frc sufferetifen euouns.The cioctors Ira,ýid mire tUe dose 15somîhm nrae that Le -asgrIvung teefait, but -e b1a,,,,mattsseotfoi' oîtl. 1f pria Le laýrired about Mim, aipr(,eet lanîLtheamp i. shuiHi- ho et Legan umiug Di. Chaîe'm oui.1 by incision. 'la a ton- rt'fu'ar tory Y.-eeFood t, I vcunot mnassasecoondipeiot icftettei long umtil n-e noticeti a înmy Lecmequircd atler resýtiîîg 1Ien -tca i bscon. data. About igbly per ceai off tiltion. Iliiiappette icmre'. cries emy bce o'petot. Affact-, proe, et, cat a better cd animlaIs shoubri, li e kpi mnay color anti mien Lececie fren the Lcitbly anti off the pasturo ýtironger caut heaithier, fildhti. laiîe caseoff ilibobcous i.he Hleiscîiîlusiagthe Neru'e eksolitutL st.The state -i Foot,at. we arceperfcct. tesnt a fr ureienaus-hýem i l~~' Confldtthtat Leis csto t uîc7m7y, ceîo enirtCs'eama, 01,j m Di Cau'sNev Fod îe ra aict bafier cclnere tlturahve, 0caiea bx, ALUBLErELESI. o at ml cheleru or tintasenBct5 ant (co,iApoxatEnls atyvrera Toeao.Toprtei n ganu iittin la'BekonEcnov iesi1D-symi, t- uintil crtÈa-i t h '1saaîPedth îe nJ--cn-a uiiCi-nrý,ii'iz -M,.z'c ai, E. 'ttt aie tlias tusi ot)mudJounîmbiu. P- aon, ai-t ai Le sni acomeoat Aîl-Uflîs hort storios anti shetohcu bon il f walcrciocucletnm Lte, ofhukccs Iteat and haif dieu. met bilaiait'e, tirst usIfoff a covelett-e Witd '%i lh'- tAc t 1h c casa ors the j1usltiec a strtkir7 amnd pou onjFil a a. qýas lic ?rtlii gicer cccestuudy uoff ohtaater by Iou- M. up, - ou Sve liowuit is, toî't ?yod ou; a i îreîtca hoetiO -i, l'un flolmît - '15 at'as . s, x0t-.-e - A Makon orf Mime-ors. by Ethýel ] uei -1 linî srec""rehîlet tho o rm uucyjuxuafri tu- iI cou-. -'Voue cpn enai liî'.e yoo îec-abt-> %\a WtMctony, ly Robent Mac-. ares"' y;euutTUe ýýQue- cof 1-bns, mr, eort a i lste'-ical bemut-, by Ili-of. Foury . P !-cors, muid la tLe C14ILLIOG GRA'IITUPE. Chiapel off .Nicholas V. Lv Harriet Mu'. Goo'hnlek :"Man', T"ve hallU lutoe oetrI by J. T. Trow- I imît bife izancedtut-day, andI itiv, a. jbiit ,Pe" ebi1. i,Aljce mn' ceatiî, tmon ul îemebîe f"e ilion- -C., ekis mtLatecc Be-on, sant t'olcax, i ctian eitrtfin- eribor "s Mrs. Gecis>k (enplerel) : "OW, Clb cionîpea vuniet- nu ttatc- -oui dLilibi-g. eai, go mancuna TJ' ive neaben are~~ 1,tVie.iLit 0-1 fx fiic lIl L levero, h imolgi. îe t CQ~!s t Rot ~ lti 'It e:ei nstu1aua-ost1 _1J t-e oniy safe, rh-besiigo L al Ilmiofr- j ',eu , ea opent "Ia tLe UÏ1, atdtinte off need.m eee 1ha t ic, n ti"t iougIlt P 1repared la n -o tegrees e nh1e1 f oi. Sstrengtb. No. 1 andi No,. 72. - h re eou,"sl. e s. ,,,.) No. 1.-Fer ordarmy oie la y fthîe Lest tiac1lin'~ e ai-oyese orlbove I nimedicine Smo-nin. ih'em meiua i lie. Ne. 2--'or special cases-TO digrees Tï lîey)Lpart1. S a Six ors tr hue etronae-- tbree dollars pic box, i jorer Tadis-'asS yonr druggisi. fer CocIk'a înia hs uicl'atO 1omo as <I aillpis, mixtures ai ýJIitatlins arc Ipa r;y h tacun-ci ety i- damacm-ns. No, ani N. 2a relti mat!' I I sl 1u alIe. d n e he ro ngrte L' i -l orit o! i, 1,piel L nJ , "-a1lylOiOr ou1 As the price of other building rnaterial ks steadiiy qtlvare!ng, the dcniind for scretbing cheeaper is dniiy b-coiiiore geiierai end noýthirng better iban Cûeet bas yet been fc)uiid as a rc.1iable substitute. For sidewalks, flooýrq, cuiverts and solid masoniry RATHBUN' STAR PORTLAND ý,s the leuding Canaian brand(. For bank barns, stable floore M'u and silo work. BATTE'8THOROLD is the v'ery general favorite and extensively used. We bave recentl y put in a fresli stoeg of both. these brands and are prepar1ed te fttiriish l bder at satisfactory prices, 'also an expert to ,uperintendi their uise. It will pay yon to e c us before palroffizing tUie travellinig salesinan whom yoiu "M can.-not reacli ag'aini. WC have aise a fulli Une of Hard a1nd Soit Wood and Coal, Clunreoal, Di essed and Unjdre;Ssedl Lumber, Shingles, Doors, 'Sash, Mouldirigs, Sait aid Plaster. Quality vight, prices reasonable. KING ST., EAST, L]0OW ivA EVI1LI4EZ ast resiirt lie bas taihon te piîiy- j an organii tie Street. lîw aer maisyQiznAoadas rvhich i 1o mer hd La coi;ic- Const1anceKels vfeo h 1v Wltliisro-ra pa n ;sArchibald -I)Caollys, atitiugtedo nieb, afrcndinth sinejjjGeeri Sr ilia Knflsxvic otsiossas ~ sef. ne ay atoo plce n th Hyhe1Cu1-1,r ags _-îldose flowcaetelsi e. "'_isritono an rgaan aiw m ùosd acd aslath1eQ.en osvn ancl e coid axsosuppy ljax ~iti a curig, nd nas a foil-,,"1 4ï Suit of clotho",~lý and lo orwn ecmrno0 erlti i tlo on.- c the iîicew ,tec l hvs.adLs f - 3 Asîy fiend hic-it ated t ifîly nith tlii'stratige recîresi îLe ig fefleiv ex plazuiet S REASON FOR TA-dG T. cappcaî'Tt&1à o-r î- . niret ay erîstoitier,, oriaerly a -nvihein, oenita- e me cuýisuaden- liili;iat Oxford luîîtempatte, WIIO stanuding, lic quar-cluch aildicarîu. irvas e cducateo te teolurclu. 1 a- Placoe' ricua-afieunarts thînt Le as, fortucuatoit-, le bcictasSooimtocl a-eaby, te biame in tht' tîtattor, Ile ith ei"-fast set.i'ut o iacie Liait-ouag feilon uîcnt te tLe bouse Lt îLte sciapegamt off euearni Ie which hia su-eciLeani. bat ceaîteti n as, ou couurso, tsui l troca lus witiLthe intientionu ot cc'akiu.gruat- tollego,ach lburictiLisidcrcîity la tocs scieotagain. ButLecfouti Lendntiii, Loue Ietriedt te gain a tbat .sho Ladga-ee muay ltong na-m lii lilootias a luîtoc - ETleitmPa, tredeleint ber, anti after speittina- as nohi las ehhuens ixhio le tiiet, nehi x' f-ito1 erbic io- dit moiLt i'in clia uri.a dan rntit aetthe moitiexpeni- leurt off explornîthîe streets Off Locidýon iitir abancal i'gauin lathe E LLS ~P VIN ,ope tHut1,ai i luia-Lt ti6co',ci- is .... CURE cutaita- atet arl. th. oideciirircdy f- Spavir m.zcglozxer, Splinte 1 Sfvrangeby en1orca-h i.iîe ergaci was, eicazcm~~~îîioîy;d tie,-iî.hcî,iszoenîbnr ly, t eo rci19 lier, 7ffrontdan-ie oilla t bit a crn-tti lucîeuhlae, ,Ee -oleuîîg 1ty l% nrse1eeis e ay he - - -- An excj ýitia- om i'as îîuruossoi) - ~liPs ctToeda l iiecas lý:ion-rt - gul fîuteî ia iiI'a s'r (qie' c heci-eo ieoifnle Cotilit Cue fr Bne pa~ ho hipet ntifuioitle liglo a R, xcienimizoi, J.c e, . ittcnn e-t e ryn eciI ~r. i. . ioirli O., -cii--cii , i l u. îîîcbacî li slhipe furîber autifuch'e coe i t, : Iriu - li î lu p a goriimcdo, t','jeiiol, i im. s, - c0 uti e roa bu t icfyfetf-n n-eîan. One tier boss o enh and one umore nuigel faitohavei:. lPromiý Aliexandra.- OCEANTR-AVELLER§S AiïýiiIOU li T»P Alenand Cunard Lineg 1wIf accept ret arn fi kets îîudby eiithsýr rate off tareThis awiI hofound to e ie greet atwommondatinte the traveillîn Ghasow duexotsteamers froniMont real eoiOltiellt8 Me 20th first( cabin 650 ta $75 ; second cebin $35; third d $25 R-eturr tickets goot teretarrn via Liverpooli,;teamers su-bjee-ýt t ifçc of fare NI A eAmrIEs, Aliatt Linec Az ont, "Iara m-eecd foaflce fie, beggaz15 " Ile'ato'd aa e wolus as pos-poe ueWb!Sop i'ier oiga~ernent. "1 -s to svv, en, iii1irar3 to gL keîai 11eport,!1lý_ý bohe ,thdy are hordd"îg Wi'îthd-Ion is Me.o Bnlura g1- bialoug Iaee rpoei c? fdt bt Le i « s tiemrovl A.tue them vina hi f lnd ai1101-ve nng in lt amnis;an asoigutLth Wjllle on i o for n Lour, have Aope n " iw ew tonagi' "s 00. ou nil ueOt b l'nc ii " Srat"Ys 1 RI 1 le 1 lýUi (IPII@Çl :LPP, i

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