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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Sep 1903, p. 8

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W. R Cor tce re ttedin th exiu-KENDAL.wihutisp erorsseneaesn can turn t(, Dr. Chase's Nerve Food nowmg protection. The postal servieiïs all thiat can! be replaced his by another team, purchased ition..,. Rev. and Mrs. J. 8-1. Wilson ls aneasy prey to every ill that comes that with each dose new blood Is being formed desired. The Dominion organi & Pianio c'sfrom MIr. White of Cartwright. called on friends recently .... MV iss-. along. By enriching the blood and the nerves re-vitalized and health and strený great factories for mnfcum ins r GladSs W ard lis attending Model Sehool creatinzg new nerve celis, Dr. Chase'sreted gans, Bicycle Rims, etc., are locaited heère ; also Whity .Mis Myrle roos, Whitby Mr. A. Jackson's new residence is Nerve Food keeps the health at nigh Ms .TOPOteBwavll ubrc' ok.Tecae Ladies COllege, is visiting her grand- nearly comnpleted and will be an, water mark and fills the body with the 24o Mlunro St., Toronto, excellent Public- and Hlighshoso upssCA ETO2 2. mother Mrs. J .F. Brook .... Our factory ornament to or village..,..Mr. E. vigor and vitality that overcomies and Otsats-Iwa di cnd oreupet and een cy. Bears the AL1- he Ki nd You HaMeA-wysB6. t sold August cheese for 11c. Jackson, Sunderland, England, is stay, detbas disease. very imuch run down * The chuchesiare ethodist, resbyterin' Boat - -- . ~~ing with his cousin r W .Gibnk . health, and vwhenever IEpsophacongregat[onal, Disciple and gtue .Teeis mlorec atarrh in this section of the... Reeve Hughes, Newtonville, and A SUMMER FMIRYLAND" exerted myself more than 1toman ,caithoite. 0111y ,twvo otels with reason. * country thallP11A other diseases put together. Councillor John Stewart were out on usual 1had severeattacks able rates and other mioderni contvenlienceS. and until the, last few years was supi.ose Io he theMavr boundary one day last of" splittinigheace, soe r ueosadcryfl ie fal ineurablecFor a easn yndi resernbe iwe and with Reeve Preston of To those w ho are planming a sumn and wase very nervous, soknso is ls od optto ske for or' diesf, and by constantly Lfailing t1 anesaeauve f1bu four mer outiig and seeking "green fields mckothtIcul o nd p r esloas in a ;cmty. Telegraph nd-. • r-D I M& eur wthloaltreatment, prononed t i leu(s fateaboudry. Mr. arnladpatretew"oeplace where 7 re1Cst llat nights. Aftr telphone systemw s !conneet thegwn ithalleas teThKild IJOU HaVe AwySay80ght curýj;iiable ie a , tireiret of Port Perry was the surveyor. .. . Rey they may cast care aside and commune Mrs. Thompson uising Dr. Chs"eve -csnaraddsan.Pr omavlei 1Bgaue' o*"tNioaltretmnt a ataracure4, A.U. Evans of Elizabethville is taking with primitive nature, where, tho' the Food I found that miy nerves were stair0 eoigafvrtesme eot en n f mauaturediby F. J. c heney & co, Tole io t he service in the Presbyterian church sun sýhmes ever brightly, cooling breezes could rest and sleep better than I have for a of teos t haortefulocatios onth enorte onmoj, at.n i io eeni11, u from bj lere until the pastor 'Rev. J A. McKeen always blow and great neat is unknown long timie, and was entirely free of headaches.shre mare .o1teapooin itacs ciretl onisable to resume his charge.... The it is safely promrised that among the I can speak výery higly of tis preparation for •. The and o-mucoui!rýsmoacs oithe yose olwngcagstakes place: 7Mr,Wm. rocks and les of the Muskoka dist- nervous trouble.'"H rTsA stepplrielnw- The oner t onej ijree a il rs ford tes-ßeatty has rIented the Underwood homeý- rict, Pabout l100 miles north of Toronto, To protect you against imnitations the portraitppe and enjoys a very extenisive crulton easth he KMn You Have Always Bought t~ ~ ~~,-E .ailsCtOcure. tead.~r Chas. Boyd the Col iMcLean situate in the Highlands of Ontarioadsintr o r A .Case, the famoUs The town stands ready toofrer liberal iniduce- tim . Jc ilEN r & 0.,Toleo, . faand M r. Win. J ohnston the Pickup (1000 feet above sa lvlhywilrcIpt book author, are on every box. At al metsto factoriesto locate in BEowmianville, Signiatu-re y y athýe bstarm niear Elizabethville. find enchantment, dealerns, or Edmanson, Batesacnd Co., Toronto. coresondnc ivitd.of $4 45 Ali tickets valid to return until Sapt. 21set, H ARV EST E XCURSIONS $2 0 $d-10.00 To pŠûts in Manitoba, Assintboia, Alberts, and Sackatchewan. Gomg Sep'. 15th, valid returning until NOV. 13th. Going Sept 29th, ilid retun inug ntil Nov. Soti . ,va r- Annan Wetern rinSingle Fare Detroit, Mch ' rand UR id, ài ch M8gih naw. Mich., bay City, MichCicavo, Ill. Cleveland, Ohio, Cniemnati. Ohio, Colum- bu, Ohio. Dayton, Ohio, indianapoli, Ind. : MnnepoisMin.,St. Paul, Minn. ood OÍn Sep'. 24th, 25th and 26ith valid returning on of before Octobeýr 12th. For tickets an i information apply to, STOTT & JURY, C e & T A. .00 to 4.800. m,-Apple racing andu ura um-ng-vemousuatuus wm u D - -:--- ----d-- ·· -6 ·· a ao oW. aicuuououvân7 eneu given near the Main Bmiding. a certain eure. - .... Mrs Fluerv and daughter, Toron- 480 p. m -Intercolleg-iate Contesta commence and Grand Parade of Prize Mr. and Mrs. L. W, McCoy, Los Bowmanville is beautiftuly situated on an to, visited friends here.... Mr. T. H. mal infrot f GandStad.Angeles, Cal , who visited his siste eminence, surrounded by picturesque scenery, Powers has been suffering from rheum- Animasi rn fGadSad Mrs. Wm. Riekard, have gone to Otta- UN overlooking Port Bowmanville Harbor on Lake atism .... Mr, Horace Brown who spent 5,00 P. m.--Gymk baua \o. 8 wa and Montreal. Wu E I W ousOntario, and one of the prettiest expanses of his holidays at Jas. Brown's has return- - r Mrs L.B.Davdsn hs rtunedfrm watIerincanada. Insummer boats ply daily ed to Owen Sound High School....r. I iAMSaL.te Mai acoma ned bfr t R s o lepIn full view upand down and the fine boats 01 Henderson n oGog.rcnl 00U 10E. ~~The ery latest In Wedding station- mot bor, M rs. Biggings of the Soo, and 4ur=m down in heaith-mgad apUttlu ng e Te ou linea ot a it e ddteCm etngaSavr I LEF o n her sister Mrs. Burns, Spokane,.eaaee'Dr Cae' Nrv ood ...... Person, the horse buyer, MsWyorne is home from Grand ors and Wedding cake boxes at Timhuaah-r hw «eWd tween 30x0 and 4000 Streets and sidewalks are secured some fine specimens of hore ýàdt tl apdMich.... Mrý. W. Cryderman REsERvE FORCE-The healthy body When your nerves are allOn edge, whenyoul first class and handsome residences are numer- flesh.He bot a heav draft fromn 'b- - Ull- Mf 30to4.0,0 .m-Leueb rf .AZviz .A . ulh nCosablyanymicine you can mention.H. ELLIoTT, JR , at Experimental Plots. Demonstration in Spraying for tue Destruction of Mus-ThfathtitsanboutcreorowhpCek. tard. piles has put it n a class all by itself as NoTErF--Pathmaeters who have nAi re- - -.-4.00-Gymkhana..No.7_..-.- - _.. . ._-& ... -- . . .._ -.__apr.e para t io:a - of ine s lt m ab-1eyalmeanud -turned t h e1r ro0a -1a tsa rereaqua ted t o along yonr order at once to M. A. ^^~~ New subscribers to STATEsMAN J AMES, Publisher,, Bowmanville, Ont. M.Aa.Mrrlsc aual os omi n ucontinuo sly yvea p T recently.... Mr. Alex. McKay is re- body should read it. --, au -n -a wa e -r--- - -coerng f - his- illness.f . -.-v >-F-

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