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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Sep 1903, p. 5

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In Qur Wlndow This Week You WiII See SThe Faffous J, & ., Stoniaoh anld Liver ToRlo. 4l, - No remedy has ever given better satisfaction. We *~unhesitatingly recommenci it because our customers al 0q say they nieyer iiad anyth-inrg 50 good. If yen try it and 4 say they are wrong we will pay back youir montmy as clieerfully as we took it. That le fair isn't it? If we did. net know the virtue there is in the remued yk-6 Swe could not make this offer could we? If you sufer from 4Î Dyspepsia, Indigestion or sluggish liver buy it at our ex- pense. Stoit t L juy 4î ~The Druggist au l Opician. Our Optîcal For many years we have feit the neeýd of an Optical room where the best possible conditions existed BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. _16, 1903. Geo. Frank bas a geeti fartu for sale or cent Seo ativt. Youn chance o! a lifetime te heur Mlark Gus' Peat se at Methodist Cbureh, Sýept 251h, Ladies, Miss Smnith wishes te mccl voeu. Cehi et the Cerner Mliiinerv store on Sept. 25 and 26 anti-(gel ecqusinteti. Tht, latest stylie in Fedora anti 5h!! bats, aIse a large assont meut o! ail kintis of furs just ont et M. Mayers Fur Store. Frank MalIett, son o! Mn. F. Malle tI, prepieter o! the Prospect Reuse, Osh- awa, ageti 21 veers, feli off a train east of Port Uhion anti was stmuck by for properly using ther vai us Ianotner train and kiujed. Oh, my! how your complexion has scientifie instruments necessary for Jimproved. Yes, Miller's Compound examiing he siht. on Pils did it. Sold by Stott & Jury, examiing he sght.druggists. Ali membens of the Women's Insti- In our old stand this was im- tute wiil kindiy remember the meetinz possible. Now we have more room ln thç3 Royal Templars' Hall at-2.30 p. and aveone ! te bet euippd m Saturday next Sept. 26., Every andhav on ofth bet euipedm'me plase bring a fniend. o-ptical reoms in Canada. (We .Miss Luttreli wiillresume hen elass in know o! none as good.) music on Fniday Sept. 18th and will be pleased te see ail lier old pupils. Any- It wll ostyennetingte one, desirng te commence taking les- It wll cst yn nohing sons should seie Miss Luttreli at once haeyour siglit .properly tested, To make a complcte ciearan.ce, Coueh, and yen cannet aiford te have un Johuston & Cryderman wili seli the 1 alanite o! their colored muslins at stili experienced persens trille with lower prices It will pay to buy even if your eyes. you do net make up tili uext spring. Mn. F. J. Beliamy. Moose Jaw, N.W. Many y ears experience ln the T . who recently vîsited bis uncle Mr. J. Hl Crvderman, has been suecessful in larges. rooms bn C tnada fitting ebtaiing a d8ffloma as embalmer front .ceompicated cases for other deabers the Canadian Embalmers' Association. Annual liarvest Festival of Salvation has given us au experience tbttt Army, S iturday Sept. 19tb te Tuesdav could net be gained ie a lifetîîne in Sept 22ud. Gifts of cash or kinti thank- a ton ýhiissiz. Yo ge hefulIvreceived. M4onday Sept. 21st nt a te'n li siz. Yn g t th 8 p. M. a sale will bel couducted in bene&i o! tisi, expenieneefret, of ail banracks. Come te help tbe good cause -chage.Mrs. Major Creighton and Capt Jeli- nie Russell, Toronto, wlll conduet the, services in tht , 8avation Armay Satur- ~~~I.av SN4 ~ept 19 andiSunday Sept 2.9 at 3 11111p 'I1 The, dedication service cf Capt, and Mrs, Calvert's infant wil be cou- The Druggirt and (pticans. Mrs. W. Barrett and daug'hter, Miss Mabel, who have carried on a sucess- fui dressmahing business here for mauy ierhave removeti te 12. Betievuel i 'I ve.. ,Toronto, where bier sons ail have- ) #5IF~I1 situations. We are serry to lose such Backaohn t you try Cre' it ton siek headache. and ail the ils pro. ewnîu dueed by disordered liver. Only eue6 h"VY aia-PHI a dose. mesfrr ~Fi~J 53) DMthodist Chuncb, quent Étoo- CI)( 'M. G. P. Friday. Sept. 25 I Admission onlv 25c. ing horaüz, Reserve vour seats earlv witbout extra geîin acharge. Plan, ait F. R. Foiey's, sooe E,'oryone interestet inl grewing or expert e! fruit should write W, A. Mc Liomair8rKîneon, Cnief- o!, the FruitDison tory hee Otawa, for, copies o! Lwo bulletins' on andi pear exports which xvili be bendýinlg a i 1 ~ ".~ sent free te any ýaddruss. Letters aS- sorts of odd dressed te hlm do net require postage. job tat the htarveypactLisa and. concise, LVt-î-' blacksmith does.,-anlywon. IlevIl. Ilayward. M D., died sudden- der thtini the strongest man i f-a-t bts home near-Lexîngiton, Me. begis t fid bs bck iveontandSept, lot, ag ýd 88 oý ears. Ho preached Degh W ind îs ack giv onta jand practised medicine lu ibis provine bis kidne5çs _troubl i4jaîuIeeLr~n mn ra The progressof medical science livi wohaebebeeitted by bi s .muuèd nothing th&i a I~..LL~L f'..I beonte te blcksmtharemoved te Michigan about 1866 where greater bont h lcsiho i has resideti ever since. threughont this country than Dr. Travellers' beadaches are quickly re- j Pitclier's Backache Kidney Tablets. 1lieveti by Milburn's Sterling ileadache They get at the enigin of the back- î'owers, rhev dc nt oopset the stomach ache in the -kiducys aud make a lor weak-eetht, huart. Price 10c. andi thruhand rdclcure. 25C. at ail dealers, et bv mail, Tht, T. therugli radial iMilburn Co.. Limited, Toronto, Ont. TuE ESUL DP STRIti. Toronto Daily World and Tair. STAT- A. Sopur, blacksmithion Scret.t South, Es24A'2 tri tan, 1, 1905. over 15 months Ay3lmer, states his cases as follows.: -A for cis $3 50' The WenlId is a news- b)lacksmnith's wcrk is al-ways hard an paper that pava particular attention to fif o cC xcept-Aien. I stxanfed eoy back i the re-quiremetits o! the farmer, and bas omu iuae and the trouble settieti in tiereputatîcu of pubiishing the mosi the I 'mî c)f iliy bjack and k'idney-s, layieg ahccurate Cattie and Preaiuce Market me p. haq bensubjeot in times pasb e ort e! ny paper lu Canada, to- to n atae o!~acach,,and took differ- gether with'a'brie!, live ,nd top-to date eut kidey plUs, ut got uitile relief after nessrvc.TsisabgoerD t Slgue.This t-me I got a bottie cf Dr. miss it t!.on </PtcersBakache Kitiney Tablets and j tiBes, sams leuetsek thy ?oped thu ln a hur'oy. They er Motc-j ntSe atkfrd!Tfercntly, andi away quluker 4, ul is i-, tdarnatie i 'lois deliverv than otong I evur teck. 1 am pleasut d .~e exý ar cf, he, oatr te wlhteandi conslidé themn s&îi.f.ctory drive bs painits home. opcdu in every way.1t rnd dow)vn the' piatform andi with strik- 50C.'su ar box' atal_ n nd aprpropriate gestures and Pnie Oc nlex, t ild "'is or.2'Im~le modulations e! toue seerned tu ýailTuziDu. ZlarAITrai ýj.ToSà daw his audience te hlm. lus lecture N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~;I ___________________altrcugh msas intersperseti with ln- Gran lis. qRaiwav vstm. tresirtanecdiotes whiehserved te il; -M atel Daiiv Star. RALW YTIME TABLE. Thtb Pickerng Newtast o! two BOÇBAVILESTATION. st îîpIes cf potate left at1 tof ice Go.M ,A¶,GoîSe WEST Whoich weizhed two pounds!- anti ton Miat,....,,.'2-mý 1 Express .... 5.15 a. M, ceutrok htrcr i ~itx e~e ... * jLocal ...... 7 51 4 e nt, eshatie. '%Ir.Jml B Fibh MixeS.v s cm. I assenger.i 42 p. mj p o.M. f thî;s tcwnba tc ptaoe bocal . oss cm Mixed.. - .7 44 Ionw ntssm i hc eg Express..... 0 r4i.I Express.n 48 p~J. mIltrlaneirt qatrpuni.Te Exp)ress deces niot go west monday miornlng, armE grown fre-in oed f rom, Noa Scot la Sunldays Ligliî 01AY, §D&iIyý j end are, flue samples of the tuber- SI 0.T~ TQwlI. Âgm6 eus root. - Foley's for Sehool Sboes. Try the City Dairy -Le Cneam fiat Lutterll's. $15to ensd of 1904 for ST TESMANý anti WEE&KLY GLOBE. Gooti general servant wanteti at once Set, atiît. ,;Etmpress" fine !eotwear for ladies fer se at W~est Enti Heuse.-1 Mrs. VanNest ativertises her excellent f arta neer Solina for sale. New subsenibers for 25e. eau get TEE STÂTESMAN te enti o! 1903. New faîl bats jnst arniveti at Mrs Diugman's. Cail anti ses thetu. Be.ys' Suits et manufacturers' prices for 2 weeks at S. W. Mason & Son's. Fail MllinerY openin g at Miss Smith's Fritiav anti Satunday, Sept. 25 anti 26. Set, advt. 25 cents pays for TEE S'rÂvESMAtN te anv atitress te a ne w subseniber te December 31 - Tht, very latest in Wetiting station- ers and Wedtiinz cake boxes at THE STATESMAN office. SChina Hall Grocerv have some special value lu dinner sets fronm 85 00 up. F. A. llatity. Freelauti keeps a flue lot of frames for enlargements. Other styles anti sizes matie te entier. Fancy Pinteti cetten g'otis, tieintv designs on prettv coloreti grounds 10c per yd et McMu*trtry's. Ladies' taller-macle Skirts in the very latest styles just reeîiveti at Coach, Johnston & Crvtierman. Jellieti Rocks, Jellieti Veal, Cooketi Ham anti Corneti Bec! at C.M.Cawker's. Don't fail te. try tbsm. Men's Rats-tht, very latest English aud Amenican stvles at Couch, Johuston & Crytiermen's. Twe apprentices weuteti at Central Milinery Parlers. Apply at once te Retity & Ce.. Milîluers. .Snaps lu Sebeol Shees et Folev's-a number o! brokeu Uines regular 81.25 $1.35, anti $1.40>, clearing at 81.00. New is the timie te bring in Your Funs fer repaining. Jack Frost wili sou be here.-se now 18 the titne te prepare. M. Mayer, Fumrier. New subseibers to STATESMAN -are coming ln coutinuuusly, We publish a newsy paper at $100O a year. Every- bodiy shouiti reati it. Pickling-Rememben our vinegar andi spices for pickliug are noteti for puritv anti strength. F. A. latidv successor te Young & Ce. Fritiav anti Saturtiay, Sept 25 anti 26 are the, ta'is of tht, Fal Millinenv epenings Set, the, display at the, Central Millinery Parler. If yen have any furs that neeti alter- ing or repaining new isthe time te cave thema done before the rush. M. Mayer, Fumrier. Now i8 the, time te buy peaches. We get thora fresh from tht, gardons anti soli them at a small ativance ou cost. F. A. Hatdy successor tei Young & Ce.ý Latest styles lu Milinenv. Yen eau ses up te date Millinery et Iladtiy & Ce's. Central Milliuery Parlers on the optning davs, Fritiay anti Saturdey, Sept 25tb anti 26th. Agents wanted wbe are wiiliug te work. Gooti gootis. Gotipav' Men earn $6 G a tiay winter anti summer. Never ont o! season. Write G. Mar- & Ce., Tees, Lorndon, Ont. Business increasig-te meet the growing Glemands of our trede we are Iputtinigin a 1large stock for Fali-thes' are comîng in fast. Gîve us a eaul. Fred. R. Folev. New Coioetd anti Black Sîiks anti Satins, New Neck Ribbons,New Reativ- te wear Blouses, New Waisting Cloths o! the fashionable anti new value kinti just lu atNMcMlurtry 's. Style, Werk, Art, Teste-tbis cein- bination will ho feunt inl our millinerys dispiay. «Yen are invitedti teosu it on Fniday. Sqept. 25tli and Saturtiay, Sept. 26,h ilatiti & Ce., milliners Rev. Mark Gev Perse, Lontion. Eng , the, ceiebnated preacher. will be lu the Methotiiet churcli on Fnitias Sept, 25, Thiiss18eao! the greatest chanced o! Tour life te hear this Zreat man. A Fait Os'ercoet is eue o! the most useful garments o! a man's wardrobe. These chilly1 evenings a man shoulti wear a light coat MeMurrv is show- icg tomre stv lish shower-proof anti tress ceats e!f the, 2th CerturY make. Bearilummd ',that il cests ne more te geýt a geeti ltting, oell.made 'suit tban il dees ta buy an iiifitigsiovenîs'. matie cee. Týo secere the former leave sour orde.i now ai Conci, 3Joheston & Cýrvdurman's, Yoii car iiy dncss gootis et SOc, 75e anti 81.00 _per xti cf-many difereet makers. It ets ne more te bus' lPriestllv's dress eotis anti xeu ruene î'isk o! thtcolon fading. %Why net bus' lieuse. i - - 1 1 e i , 1 . is doue lu first dlais manner-second te rie otIhýr shop in town-by J 'I. Allen. the eli reliable anti fathionabte taller anti cutter, Horsuv's Block- He has a reputa'ion for good lits. Pricos are alwass tiuht. Country endors given toure carcful attention as tewnueues. Sais nay be ordereti rom Famples. 12-tf. WAN'rss-A reiable man torepresent th, Canada Lifie Assuracec CompanIv for the tcwnvsies c f Darliegton aed Clarke. Appiy b.v 1htter or peî'aoealvY teS. E Sallsl General Agent, Mdat District, Toronto. A business o! ever $7,5u0000 teo date for 1903, is indicative o! the, ptpularity cf tht, Canada Lule. Ail letteis manti epplicatious will be con- srdored as strictIv confideitial. 85-2wi We are pleaseti te notice 'b- the Pitis- bang lPest Staff-Ca pi t v iauit citi Bowinauville bo;,, isstih U cil un-,(ýü .oa2ed ino workieg fer the uifig(' f mankIioti. A deputation of the Salva\'àt ion Army utider bis leadership bas plýan ced a campaîgn amonoe the feodists cf cf Breattjt countv, Keritucky, where receet murders have sti,'edt tu civîliz- eti world, Mlav hu sueetedivi arxn ou thte, gooti werk 'be b!as undenrkn Bears the Signatule ('f ic~ iaai j lighGrad "e Grocerie. KI OPOW DER secret of success in selling. The best ise rea 4 good for our custoiners. We haive the etqui Alwaya s no~ eves ,oeé, ulves unlfoa'mm eneuls ities aswe pride oûrse&ves on elg onyhg 4 .«,ï have teste4 il teIo rs Cleveland'$ gives the best resuts." 2 grade groceries. Mrs. ~ T.RORR.~ ~Our stock is renewed often and is fresh andI A LS IK WAN T D Calanld getsome of that Jelhied c dean.. -U M W N E The Ideal Fence1 h togs n Try our Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Spices, Famr-avn lie to eiwould best. Seeitf.O.urdoch'ii lvrns asnCrat dorm w 'l t calingAf B.MÂR, NBow wD Fal Hats arriving lit Mrs. lvrns iasnCratCanned Meats and do elltocal o J.E ow-Digman's. Give her a cari. Vegetables. 'Fruit and Vegetables in Season. manill, bfor Selin. *For the newest, best: and cheapest See our spledd tckoChinaware, Crock- ready to Wear clothing cali at Conch, lnfdsoko The Annes farm adveri ised is worthy Johnston & Cryderman's. of consideration. No present yoll'can send a friend for ery, GlswrFnyCpsad 4crec Big bargains ini Read v-to-wear Cloth- the money will be, as much appreciated ing for 2 weeks at S. W Mason & Son'c as TuE SIATEsMAN-25e to end of 1903. lighest-price paid for al kinds of farmi Producem U M A. James is G;veýrnt sser VAI HOUSE~ v o4 of Marriag'e Licens),es for Duha RIL.IXALL H -L D Y'W K T I Counv. Tese yes will dye Wnnl, Cotton Do you use a Gu,,., Rlifle or Ammurn .Silk, Jute orMieGodlunebt tion? If so, F. M. Souchi has a fine i8GOdinoebt [stock. lloreey Bloc'ý- Bowmanville. 1 hey are the latest and most improved BOWMANVILLE.4 On Fridav Master Ernest Rehder.ý son Dves ln the world, Try a package of Mr. C. R'-hder. Church St., was play'- 1Ali colors at A. L. Nicholls' store, l * ing with some other boys on the road___________________ He did flot sece a horse and carniage. eomaing f rom the opposite direction and mummumumn mm~mm- tbough warned bythe others to giAout * * * ~ * * * . ** , * , , , , , , , . f! teway moved in 'L ie wrong direct- a m 0 nutheu0u0u0u0m0u0uau0u0uQu0m* Obm0m0m ion and was knoc'ked clown the horse , muum stikzing his head with his front foot frac- turing his skull. Three doLctors at once :uem gave him their ski!f ul attention, remov- 'aem : ing the blood and broken bone and the 0 Z2 littie fellow is progressinw niceiy, As ~ ** the brain wvas flot iPniured it is thought : u5 that he will -recover unless something * " unforeseen develops. ý m: When a littie one is sleoless and cross 5 it istht, surest signin the world that it m: 18 suffering frorn some3 derangement of :0 the stomach and bowels-the seat of&:a m nine-tenthis o! ail babyv aliments la cases of this kind Baby's Own Tablats 0* Petlike magie. Thev sweeten the cour qno.* littie stomach, relax the distended littie'e0unn bowe!s, cool the parcbed, ïÉvered-mouth, m:0raï0 and bring natural, hiealth-giving sîeep. 8 tir t non An exeienced mother, Mrs. Ed. G od- m 1100llnm fl o rm lin, Griffith, Ont savs: "I bave used &.boue Babv's Own Tablets for many ailments m peculiar to babyhocd, sach as fevers, * indigestion, diarrhoea, etc,, and 1 bave ::@ found themn the most effective modicîne 0 I bave ever tried. 1 cati only add I would flot ha withouit them the housdc, 0 Lm &i~ s0 niuch do I think o! them."jiyym Other mothers w,-ho tvi.h health for a l -. their littie eues ca.nnot (do better than : <> 'P u gmt theTablets fromiali eiieeirl mm*n or thev wili be sent by miail at 25 cents< ~ uSm box bv writi',g direcýt to T he Dr. V i *- 50 cents; inse4rtioýn frtee wien Mar- 'AV notices printed eat t of 1ce, m BOR 01~ mu wfe of Wr. Stonhouse, of alaugter.4t, hem. BRIIM#COMBE-NEýVCOMB-Aîibhe i eaiden e m: of the. bri,t's parents, 247 J ohnt street sout, _a 0 sept. 8, by Rev J. H. H.iziewood. Francis A.2 5,n Brimaeombe, Haydonand Mn1ýde E Nwob Um only danghter of Mr. J, Newc omb, Hamilton. a Imnu FLIGG-JAMIESON-Ou Spt. d, at Ponty.- imu um mu pool, by Rev. D. P. Oswald. Presbyterilu I*tu 'Wmun minister, minute, yobingest daughater ofi'Ar, .A ~ o H-owiRD)-PE400cK cIn TrotSept. sth hy AWmu£lsuV G4>I1U l± 1 m ttev. Mvr. Pearson, at Srinity Squa e Parsonage, im J Mr. Win. Howard, Toronto, ,uid Miss Leute unm PeoOshawa, a Pec,.,mua AI1R-BEICLEENE-In Clinýton. Sept. 7th, by Rev. Dr. Oook, Charles 34.. Adaîe r, Uollipg- e :woo, son utthe late John Aar at\hty aný A.ugetine Briekenden, Ciîit,înu Iý TMJHs uPort Hope, Sept. t'th. I 5m4 R~.W. A. Gustin, Mr. J-fhný th Toms, of Le B Wold, Cobourg, and Miss%1 0abl11nY A dauglier of \tr erson Jo,ýin ,,1ort ,1o,0. Rev. Alexander Fraser, ae 2yas omry: Orono. > BRANT-In Whitby,Set hWlam *eg iThs. E. Osborne, Lowmanvill. tS .5 MÂrLIT- Nýear Port Luiop et7, Fai' m tal*, <Oshaw a. Aged 20 yearý,s. ma Itobt. Fuir, Peterboro, Sept._illh,_Sarah lireue JA Es-At Short Tract,4lran runty, N. - Y., Sept. litti, Thomas J ames. aeSiliy cars. mil,5 Brotuier of Mr. John Jamres, Bo wianjvjtte, ont. 1 uoz ma MCIreTOSi-In Newcastle, Suay, ept 0. ri m WVilliam clntosh, aged 7-1.years Fiinerat l tq-day (Wednuesday) at 2.30 p.. EOWMNVILIS SARKiiTS, I *f CorrLuted byJ 11St'runlTseaymms FLOUoi3r 100 Its ......2 0t 1 :~ Next Door'to Standard 'sBan 1k Bow avle Red ife0' 07S. - mq .".m O O0"0 3 r3ARalFT, ebnsh, No. 1.. 40V 'g :*: il Two rwd00 Os JA TE, white r".... "09 :: mse CuSsuils.m Bim,, CIOW5)T........... 1 4 aaýa a 455msrunem 2nsBlackeve, PtbuIS. i, (j~ e O ~ ~ ~ ~ ri Canadizu Beuie o 060,uum1'SSnnS5m umumumjmumusseuumsun0msuss 'ymussMtC n s s L onîs 4 Smah 3C06 0 65 -fi 1tSALE T wo u; ta &e'iats yARUlTOREINTr- 125 acres, cf lots î'I ~~E01i' uN~ LO tIBe ....G dnu a . pt t Pie v. 1 . 22 air i 22, cou. 6, Dnigoopst l ce nu r ts O GO teanv0 il illie. 23 .Baiker's Sctool bouse. t3ooS buldngs,ocier. )i in n lt TIMOTHY SHRD........... 0 G1GO ee dddnwîîof. Wtllaee or trus f ersai tt Oaedvelu îu.nt BTEbest table, Vr lii O-GOOUSEAN D LOT FOR SALE usnae na. AppIly orto lofies.,Caor at 5 Oiiul~ot)hIpoicS tox........... .o %_t G II . pto-Fam Bus tCillig - n )OCîo ~ilv POfATES, bes......~ o ~ 2 rooas aîti nnds iui, darSWare: i a 'are a , tinh st,, eov,,ilvillu.OOr u te t sa. Jllay r~1io .f.. . o.. e aea uebe f eNle rcte tç , e 10'SN ~ prîoa' 19ton.... .......8 p,85 n eilfut.Frpretrille trYtO toi] 1u p, îrsu hm sacinfrit VnI IIi a o w<th u 'ea mths Wht-aco, Shcee. 1fo Mrtn- ile u cr r SgnSrpoatisl ,Itaeve ati el:rd t es r v r farm s-k C ytr i 'Slie-u- ber tieealsut'eutLe rri-rSedloylinibIscouits eqeiee) terapue1. an St tioi eao cr ii aLo~ ititua ie.Fee ~ <h-i C t.moithbornomu 'ue Orhai tIsseoi, noikilen.advrtNIs E tnid ustbîhd woti bteiulc s rI. l 1, aru Lj a i ,Colt,; 0 l SaerSLy . oe( ladîme _____________________________ Pns o ou uac a î'Su. 51î au oteet trt rSnbt eho. Oeo "i . a~, c.vneî 0Dr g eetwith exlesadtoit i aat u etrv ieut iutd ponisi iaiC&T . a fieadebo.Ps on lo 3,inca dreiestiWdnsdytruslen Suh Inaie Peag o twAg.iSl.,e'ln oeia I re myli areduPn Clrke. a brenS sow. Thennrinrse.ieeen setfwiddnicis-waewi 'ks sud lctie lging sue Oia5 rIti,,epeîeWT IH req ested to prove 1propler*tv, p0Y epnssand vlp.Clna,32DabniSiet rmeiyfrCut oc Apyqtlt 0E 'Vnue i', tonuts oSîM tae h emrawa y. N. T. S u i, 1,ee, asîire. ,_3 d enve F. H1ni1, D rtSret ,owaaniyfo owi Arpy qik3.-Trzti.r Ccag~o, ii 5-S. iEE,V 5-f a5~Bw ,yu -1- - -F -F

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