____________________________________________ I I - , a DRUOS-: COMPOUNDINO DRUOS Is an, important matter. The, patients health and the doctor' s success both 4ependupntecrflcrpud ingn of mdcnsbyla Druggist. Prure, Fresh Drugs With a thorough knowiedge of the professioa enables us to 1111 prescriptions to the satisfaction of Patient and 2-&hysician. Bring you r Prescriptions to us. Chemists, Draggists and Opticians. Phone 92.. Bowmanvîlle, Ont.1 NEWOAS.TlFv. Attend the Mark Guv Pearàe lecture in Bowmanviile Sept. 25. Mr. Everett Joli bas been viiiting in Toronto. Milier's Grip Powders Cure. Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists. _ Mrs, }Iambly, London, visited her sister Mrs. T Finley. Miller's Compound Iron Pis, only 25 cents for 50 doses. Sold by Stott & Jury druggists., Mr. A. A. Colill won $190 in, prizes on bis Tamworth's at Toronto 1Miler's Drink Cure lias made thous- ands cf happy homes. Soid by Stott & Jury, druggists. Mr. Ern. Bowen, Dominion Bank, Paisley, lias been hoidaying at home Ynu think 1 look so much botter; yes, and 1 feel better-Nli1Ier'fr Compound Iron PilAs did it. Soid by Stott & Jury, druggists Mrs S, Baskerville lias been visiting lier brother Mr. John Clarke, Morgan- ville, N. Y. The action cf Carter's Little Liver Pilis is pleasant. mild and natural. They z'ently stirnulate the liver and regulate the bowels, but do not purge. Tliey are sure to please. Try them. Mr F. Lovekin threshed 1600 bushels of barley lu 10-1ïheurs for Mr. Hl. Green- lees, Darlington. If there everý was a specifie for any oue complaint, then Carter's Little Liver pis are a specific for sick head-, ache, and every womau ýshouid knew this. Only one pili adose. itry thc*m. Mr. J. K. Allen has soid his fine residence "Eimhurst" to a gentleman iu Toronto for $3,000. SosEn THROAT-Mr. Chas Jehuston,' Bear River. N S , save: "I was troubi- ed with hoarseness and sere throat and after taxing three botties of Or. Wood's Norway PineSvrup 1 was entirely cured. Misq R. Cabe, Prince Edward, aud Miss M. Eates, Toronto, have been 1 1 TUE MASON Co. BOWMAPN VILLE. ]Recent visitors : Mr. Artliur Linton at home ; Mr. Fre41 Garvin, Hiamilton, visitait Ur. R. R. Waddell; 'Mr. Neil Uenwick, Ottawa; Alias Viida 'Ëouri de in the city ; Miss Bertha -Joues at Mr. (0. B. Borland'u, West Toronto Junction ; Mis@ ViolaGilfil- Iau. Bowmanvill-,, witli ler brother, Mr. J. J. Gihuillan ; %l. (C. Barltrop, Toronto, at lier consin's, Ma-s. W. T. Maguire'; Mr. and Mrs. 1E. Moon and Miss Edna in the city ; Mis Eî]s, Pewaissm, Muskoka District, je visiting lier ,ister, Mrsý. Ro8s Stinson ; Mr. Chas. Denca.stea-; Rowmanville. and dlaugli. ter, Mrs E. ~i, with f rienàe ; Miess Tena Colvile guest of Misa Annie Thomp- son ; Mr. kiasil Fstzgerald of the Standard Bank, Milibrok ; Mr..anud Mrs. W. E. SDuch, Cle-ke U7,nion ; Mr. and Utrr. C. E Cutteil andi son Albert, London, with bis b -other, Mr,.' S, Cutteli; Mr-. O. A. Ganasby in Cobourg ; Mr. Harry Addicott, East Cleveland, 01i-), and Miss M11(Jeuci, New- ces8t]e, guestý of Ma-e. R. Moon; Mr. Au. drew jeromo home te Syracuse, N. Y.; Mie Julia Moment home faou Raleigh, North tJarolîna, wbere she spent lier hoidays witli her father, Dr. -Moment ;Mr. C. P. Med. lanud, Chicago, El., and brother Bd, of Bow. mauville ; -r. 1R. H. Warder of la-onde. qlioit, N. Y., visting lier ister, Ma-e. W. E, Souci, home accompanisd hy lier nieces, Misses Alice and Florence Huglison ; Ma-s. Adams, Bowm>4nviile, visiting lier daugbter, bMra. Leu Gamsbyv; 5Lr, and Mrs. John J. Gi16fio'n 2n the city. Miss Annie W add ell ias gene tolilanover, Gr-ey Cou ,ty, as tutor te the young son of Dr. Mearue. Dr W. W. DickeY, New York, vas here to accompaniy bis daligitea-, Miss Lena Dickey home, Dr. Annie Higliee, Ciev6land, Ohio, daughiter of John Carvetb, Esq., who lias beeunlserionelY iii with typhoid fevea-. is ae- Co veriug, but lier little son is ill. Mr. Ralpli Stutt has bouglit the Brown witbot ~uherit Irn the epairnen, wil ~"~* '~ -tiIJrt~btU1118appr~ciatoa Oltfl6l' EIII] artwight iackteck-e 29-29c8 ..t be paid forit; ri.ved home after qpending the summer nes;s and welI wishes on behalf ofrokOt 1hn _______________________with friends in the east.. .. Mr. Frank self and farnily. Short sp.eeles wme ilbrkec.tan - ~~vi -- ni- efWr OMNTI-~tnp.. -- vi~e ý LE iejaju nw a~ riîe serve ai ameigcMe rusee xi-I oI f potatoes we have seeu this Li-",dhgu.uu IOs RudBadM.FJ ra a lce ~sson, ene potato in particular weigh- SIN GLEf- FA E-Ti Ttsea d Mr. L J. alroatasreiet ing ~ 81b US.. .... Mr.rm, Jas.t Montjovtb f Trustee Board as successer te . S, ? 1 SKIN DISEASES.i IN VÂRIABLY DUE TO POOR AND WATERY BLOOD. Pimples, Blotches, Bolis and Ugly Rashes Eas-ily Cleared Frein the Blood. From the Advocate, Exeter, Ont. Ali diseases cf the shin aud cenm- plexion are caused by bad blcod. Paleness and pimples, blotches and bouls, ugly rashes and open seres, itching eczema and buruîng erysipelas -ail these biemishes cerne fromn bad blood. A bad skin is a sure sigu of bad blood-thin blood, watery blood, blood poisoned wi h impurities. Yeu can't have a healthýi clear skin till you make sour blood pure and ricli wîth Dr. Williams' Pink Puis, These pis are a sure aud speedy cure for alskiu diseases, for agouizing eczema or bothea-some little pimples-fer a bad complexion or ngiy eçen ulcers. No dlaim jas ever made for Dr Williams' Pink Pilis net backed by the most positive preof, ard in this connection we offer the testimonial of Mdrs.Nicholas Mc Avoy, a life Iou--, much-esteemed resident of Exeter, Ont. To a reporter of the advocate Mrs, McAvoy said : "Some years ago 1 was taken with a slight itching uuder oee cf my arias. 1 gave it littie attention at first thinkiug it weula pass away, but in this 1 was mistaken for as time went on it became worse and soon developed into an aggravated case of eczema, causing a great deal'of pain, irritation aud tuf- fering. in fact J was ýcompelled to endure tortures. I consuited a doctor and took his medicine for severai mentlis, but the trouble did not leave, neither did it get any better, lu fact it took a turn for the worse aud develôned intosca-ofula. As tha doctor's New Ladie" D hdes ot 25 p6r BCent 0Bi&ORnt fgr Sapt'efflb8r onIU, The unusual olfer of newcoats at a discount announceed by us last week, bas produced a sensation, rnany having al- ready taken advantage of it. These coats are the very new.- est and best that the rnarket can produce and we are giving a genuine discount of twenty-flve per cent off the regular prices. See sorne of these on exhibition in our west window or better stili corneiri the store and see the entire stock, no undue pressure to buy, no trouble to show goods