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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Sep 1903, p. 1

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't s TERME s-Sl.50 Pxa ANNuN. OUIZ TOWN AN» OOUNTY YIEST ;TUE WOREW APTEEWAUDB. M A. JAMES, Editol n rpitr NEw SEurTs. BOWMÂNV1LLE, ONTÂRJO, WEDNBSDÂY, SEPTEMI3ER 23,-1903. VOL-umE LXNo ICouch, Jolinston I. re& Cryderman., Axevery_ busy opening. Sout, their Fail Importat- L-adies' and Chlidren' s madi 11 T'% iun M[LLINERY OPENINGS. Ail ladies in the surroiunding country aIi1tod to dress up in thïýir Sunday clte tdjoin the fashionable throngsý in town in ilspecting- the new Faîl Mil- Iinery creatioas to bu placed on exhiibi- tion in the three Bowmanville ladies' parlors on Friday and Satuirday n)ext Sept. 25 and 26. We have been told that no Cther town surpasse-s this one for fine turnout of millinery a-ad you are promised one of the bout displays this week ever seen in Bowmianville Ladies, plau your engagements so as to attend, alternoon or eveaînz. OLD BOYS' RE-UNI.ï The ' proposed Durhamn Old Boys' Be-union- for 1902 at NiagaFra Falls in August feli tl'roughbocause, no one would assume the guarante demandud by the G. T R to mun the excursion as the Toronto officiais insisted. It was a great disappoîntment tu many who were anticipatiug a pleasanz imeeting of friends In severiil countiies the oldi boys' ru-union takes place every year at the home county fair This lu a 8plendid idea, too. Now good peuple of West Durham lin [getnoral and citizons of Bowmanville in particular, join heartil v in an invitation and girls to vigit you during Bowman-1 viile's big Pâli -Fair. Tickýets froin Toronto to tbis town and retrr are onIY iy 3L5, good-to corne on aiternoon trains Monday Oct. 5, ail trains Oct. 6j and 7 and to return on any train np tu Thursday nigiit. Write tu your friends at once invitinsg them to cornu to Bow- FALL MILLINERY OPENINGS. FRIDÂY AND SÂTURDÂT SEPT. 25 and 26. IThe annual Pail Millinery Openlng n t the Central Miiliner> Parlor on Priday and Saturday, Sept. 25 and 26, Miss Young and hem efficibnt s3taff are making strenuous efforts to make a display of Milinery for this occasion that will exceed ail past eff orts and be worthv uf your inspection. Thev will be pluased to welcome the ladies of Buwmanville and vicinitv on the above dass. H!ADDY & COu. Milliners. REV. MARK GUY PEARSE. With coin mendable enterpriso and at cunsiderablo expense the Epworth League of- the Mthodjut church, _ Bow- manville, have secured Ruv. Mark Guy Pearse the celubrated divine of London, Engiand, for a lecture on Fmi- day Sept. 25tb. Mr. Pearse lu tho bout knnwn and most celebrated man in the wurld wide Methodium to-day, not unly thruugh hîs connection with the late Roev Hugh Price Hugbes in their won- dormiul West End London Mission Work, and his many interosting books, being a prolific writem, but as an eloquent and untetaining speaker. The subjeet uf Mr. Puarse's lecture will bu "Somo old Folku at Homne," froin "The Land uf Dan'el Quorin." This subject sheuud bu interestirg to everyone and partie- ularly to thu many peuple of this district "rom Deyrn and 'Cor.wall-TheLand of Dan'el Quorin " An oppotunitY 0f tbis k ind only cornus to us twico or tbrice in a lite turne and usually to thuso of the large centres. As far as wu know this 1.. the ont. Da nian tnhe BRnmanville DECORATE FOR THE FAIR. Given good weather, it seernu prob- able that the Bowrnanvillo Pair this xvear wiIl be attended by a greater crowd of visitomu than ever, and it would only bu fitting that the town sbould look its best. To that end, mav it not be hoped that oves-y housuhulder, business man, and every citizen will clean up their promises and decorato to somo extent during the Pair dayu Hang out the fiagu and bunting. DUJRHAM BOYS COMING. The folluwing lutter oxplains itselft Oltizens wilt bu very ploased to have their frionds ln Toronto and ulsewihere corne to the bout County Pair. It lu only fair that city triundii should accept hospltality of our citizens for untortain-1 ing them when Toronto's big Industrail Exhibition wau in progroas. Yes, every body cornu and bring iyour triends A hearty welcorne awaîts you ail. Mayor M A. James, Dear'Sir: 1 have buen deputed by a number ut ex-resi dents uf Bowmanville, who are at present residing la Toronto, and who are desirions of vislting Bowrnanville Pair, tu write yofl to asceetain if theme are reducod raies on the Grand Trunk troin Toronto to Bowrnanville during the, Pair. Lloven of my, f riends, if flot mnore, lntend to visit the faim, reduced rate or nut, but if there lu a reduced1 rate. we shall bu pleased to take ad'ataeolit hank-iing- y.ou ni advance for an early reply for whichi 1 encloue tamp, Yours truly, RODMrIOK LFRASBR, il Tavlor St.,. ENF1ELD. Recent visitoru: Mr. and Mrs. Vipaun of Mich , at Mms. C. Leynolds'; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ommiston at Newcastle; Mrs. W. J. Ormiston and Master Everc ett home troin Rochester; Misses Lily and Pearl McCulloch, Loule VanNest. Troue Bray, Edna and Lizzio Parr and Messrs. Prank Campbell, J. F. Ashton, Geo. Niddory, C. Hurîbut, L. Wotten, H. McCulloch, A. Thompson, H. Bos, F. L, Bray. lR Hoaly, Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith, W. Avorv and J. Stamks visited Toronto exhibition ..,. Messrs. Johu Orîniston and Geo. Cochrano were suc- cessful exhihitors ut horses at Whitby Modol Fair .. . .Division mumbers wha visited Myrtle Saturday night had a verv sociable ovoning. Election ut officers Tuesday Sept. 29. Ail membera requestod -to bu present . ...Mr. C. IL Campbell bas ruturnod trous Winnipeg. HIGR SCHOOL ATHLETICS. The Bowmanvillu High School Athiot- ic Club met on Thursday nigh -t laut te re-organîze for tho coming suason. Mm. F. H. Frost, PreuSident for the paut year préuidod. lie gave a brief accouit the succesties ut the boys and tated that thure was a smail balance ini the Presideut-Mr Jas. Gilfillan; Preuideut -Mm. W. J. Wright; Vice-President-- George James;, Soc. Truas.- Harold Meath;- Corniittee- G .MeUQlf7 FI= Bickard, C. Higginbotham, M. Wight. The newly olected' Presidont took the chair and spoke briefly la favor of mani- Iv sports, A rosolution wau paused by Wnuich Mr. Frost,. lu view of bis groat AIL 1 tan

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