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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Sep 1903, p. 4

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THE 4ï4 FALL 1YILLIN ERY OPENINGS ~ 4q At the Corner Millinery Store, 4îB<,wmanville, are on t SFriday anld gaturday5 Sept. 25 and 26. ý 4î Ail the latest designs in French and American Pattern 4îhats will be displayed. New Trimmings, latest Shapes and Millinery noveities, also a fulll une of Children's lleadwear and Ready-to-Wears ~t mn White, Black, Champagne, Oxford Greys, ete. A cordial invitation is extended ta the ladies of this 4î~ town and vicinity to eall and get accluainted. We are sure 4îwe can meet the requirements of your taste with aur new eau ll eadwear. 41-MISS s MITHIl 4Î Bowmanville. Successor to Miss Medland.SI China lail Grocery 1'[oriey Pure Claver Honey- Strained in bulk, ai close prices. Also in glass jars, ah sîzes, froM 25c ta 75c. Bei- ter value than we have ever sliown before. ceotjolo-Two quaiies. No. i, Finest Quality, at No. 2, Choice Quality, ai i2,éc roc.1 Fruit Gems and )elly Jars, al sTl-ks, W-Ie-and-1-m-pedaÏ -measure. We buy aur Peaches right in the Gardens and have them ' shipped di- rect, this ensures gaod quality, even pack and fresh stock. Now is the timne to buy. Good Butter Wanted-Nfust be gilt edge, in pouna prints, wrappedi for which 'the highesr market Price LarqBs togk of gfageBf18s aad3fBo1{B[ut F. A. H-addy Successor to rOIJ2S -L & 3 éz00- ilFriday and Saturday, SEPT. 25 and 26. E As usual our exhibition of fine, seasoriable Smillinery wilI be veryr complete. Ail ladies E wi. fitud a warm welcome. Mrs. Dingman I3OWMAN VILLE. a4ways ~ The Calladian Statesiuan BOWMA.NVILLE. SEPT 23, 1903. Ontario bealth officers, in session at Peterboro, passed a resolution in lavar af militarv-driliin Public schoois. Hon. Jas Sutherland statea that it le intended ta proceed with the Canadian mint as soon as the estirnates are passed. Brantford Cttv Concil, following th, iead af several ather municipalities, has passed a by-law prohîbiting spitting- on the sidewalks. The ]ate Huron appointments have flot given satisfa<-tion. Long service lis been overlooked in some cages, and there le nothing so hurtful as political ing ratitude.-Kingston Whig Too many people negleet their duty of advertis ng anvthing thev find. The person who faile to make k7nown iu tûxe newepaper the pos.zession of a miesing artcl. is generally suspected of being dishonest. The Ontario Government has on re- commendatian of the represfintative for this riding apinted Mr. Sam. Poliard, Tyrone, to be ReZistrar of Deede, vice Dr, J. W. MeLaughlin, deceased. We have for some time been trvinz ta lead voung Caniadians ta thiik. more of their countrv. The article lest week on "Young Men's Country<'"lias called forth favorable comment. This week we publi eli a short report of Premier Rose' address hfore the Manufacture-s, Association which contiins same thoughts elong another lina warthy of considera lion. The Outlook Company, will issue as one of its important Feul publications, a book bv W. S. Rainsford, Rector of St. George's Church, New York. In it Dr Rainsford tells of bis earq lifle in Ireland, his struggles with daubts and dîfficulties as a 3 oung clergyman in Eng'land, Canada and thj, United States, and of the wavs by wlicb lie lias tr-qustormeï St. George's from a dying femily parish juto the present active and powerfui church, which le servi ng rich and poor as icw churclies ha've ever doue. At our request Mr. F. H. Masan, ment, gives in these coinuns thie week somne explanations for the increae in tthis year's taxes. sliawing that the present counicil le rasponsible for onl, 27) cents incrense on a 81010 essesement, wbich includes the cost of the fire hail, the expenditure on the saine for the erecticn of the tower and ail the in- teril alterations, as well as the extra cOst ox'er $310 0)0 of tlie rew Town Hall and Public Lihrarç Wtt airree witli tlie Cliairmen of Finance that wheu the peOPle s-,e ail that they have got for the xra2eon a $1000 assessmne'it tliey will not eomidain, Fxhibition sand demnonstration aofliow to haRrest stugar beets oq, Mr. 3arnuel Alli, 's Ierm,1 Broien Front, Darling- ton. bv Fan exvert from Berlin on Tues. day Sept 29î111[rom 1.20 to 5 p. m. We notice by the To, onto papers that the Canadian Association of Opticiansi lit their recent Meeting- lu Toronto secured as th.oir chie! attraction ln the program Prof Rogers of Chicago and ha lias elo bemn er<gaged bs- the College of Opticesln Toronto to deliver S0416 special lectures ta the advanced studants of that institution With commeudable enterprise our citizens Messrs, Stott & Jury have tehen advantage of the fact that Prof. Rogers le ilu Canada aud thev have ai considerable expense sectired hirm ta assist lu the opening ai their Opt:cal Parlor, Monday, Tuesclay and %Vediiemdav. Sept 28, 29 and 80 The pole of this vlcinity are particui- arlx foi tîtuate lu being able ta consuit o emineut a specialisu entiraly ifree ai Cha rze. PREMIER ROSS' SPEECH At the annuai banquet last week la To- ronto of thie Caniadian Manufacturers' Association, when Hlon. Geo W. Ross, Premier of Ontario, rose ta speak lie wa lcudly chfeered, and greeted with. "He'sÊ jo ly good fellow. " Hc said lic coule dlaimi to be a ma,-nufacturer, in that hi wa s. as Sir John A blacdrlnald had saie ot himseif, a Cabinet-maker. He coule only hope that the litile Cabinet he hae made would last as long as SirJohn's had Manufactureres could not afford ta sa) they wvere the builders ai the 'qmpire They were piartners with the humblesi man who tilled the field. He was glai that the manufacturers recognized this Theirs was not the meeting of a parisi club, but of a Cantadian club They ite shown tiemsives ta possese a widE national outlook. He could not under. stand why Canadians imported sa muci goods There was stili a large bomE market unisup)portedbv Canadian indus try. Could they nat look forward ta thc time wben witb more capital and morE skilled labor tliey would import lessî The ioreign'r manufacturer was samctbin.) like the Irish absentea landiord. HE 3spent the profits on the gaods lie soléid h this country to build up his awn country. With iucreased population and capital, Canadians Mho ha% e gone ta build up an other land wauld return, as doves ta theii windows ta build up their awn dear land, Another thing lic could not uuderstand was wliy the Americans bought sa lithl from us. The position was anomalous. Were there net large fields lu whicb Can. adian marnfacturers couid build up trade iliat naw wenîtat foreigu competit. ors? The remedy ivas nat in tariff ameudmenîs Ih muet be remembcred iliat the American manufacturer was a very skilful mari. But there was capital in Canada ta buiid up iudu-tries as gooc as iliese ai the Linîîcd States.. The only truc basis on whicli ta place tariff was one whicli should imet the exigencies and Înecessities of the, case. The tariff sboulc ai leasi bc vitalizing, but bow ta work (,ut a perfect tatifi 'was a _-reat problemn Since Canadians had attained the status ai manbood tliey should lu cvery way plaý' the part ai men. As D'IsrSi bacl sain, timiditv was not the lanzuage ai polities Wliy should Canada sit ai the feet ai the United States or any otlicî nation ? Canada's marching orders îvere ta develop, lier owvn resaurces, her prair ie lier mines and ber waîerways. He believed that bis licarers woulcl be true ta these marching orders. There was a danger in cntering inta a reciprocity ar- rangement witli the United States. The artîfcial m-arket se created would be lu no case so valuable as the natural'mar- ket in Great Britain, The latter mark et was anc of whicli caprice or prejudice could not suddenly deprive us. They liad laid their plans, for a tremendous commerce for Canada; and he felt that these plans would tec realized. Speak- liiWotleBri i-h matte-, tiheT-reiiter-- lieved iliat England cou!d consume twen- ty times wbat we now sent lier. The position aifCaada in the Empire and bier happy re!ations witli the Mailierland were fnvorable circumstances af whicli advantage sliouid be taken. With man- ly confidence in the iutegrity of aur in- stitutions the prasperity af every man, ricli afd poor, woüuld be, estab!isbed. He hopedýc for a hiappy condition ai Can- adiaii ciîizcnship wlien the manliaad oai every artisan wýouid ha restectedias mucli as the work lie did LOCAL ANiD OThFP&WISE. See the choica new millinery at Mrs., Diugma;u's ou epeuing dave. Your chance of a lifetima ta hear Mark Guyi Peai se at Meihodist Churcli, The vary lateet in Wedding station- erç and WaddinZ cake boxes ai THE STATESMAN Office. Milliiury Opeuinge at Mrs.Diugman's on Friday and Saturda" uaxt. Rav. J. J.- Hae talaphoned ou Mouday moranug te reserva 20 seats for Oshawa for Mark Guy Pearse lecture THE STATESMAN le the best paper iu bhis district in which ta advartielarme for sale or tao rent, there are so mauy> moen laeking for larme. Ladies, don't forget the miilinery opeuings ai Mrs. Dingmau's ou Friday and Saturday. Great rush for seats for Mark Guy Peartia lecture Fridav night. Hundreds of good septis yet. Don'f miess h. Mise M, E Highet, M, A.. Pli.D., whli lias been spanding the holidays withhtber other in Cobourg, bas re- turnad ta ber dutias et Elmira Collage, gîmira, N. Y. Do not sxffer [rom sick headache a mioment longer. It is net necessary, Carter's Little Livar Pille will cure you. Dose ana pili., Small prica, Small THURSDAY Oct. 1-Mr. W. C. Ashton, lot 1. L) rF., Darlingion, will sali hie ' alha'jle farmu stock, înachinery, im- ploweuiiS. oec . having reuted bis tarir,. Good chance te gai same firA ilc.-is arm stfOk Sale É n m a a. s___%______39__aw_____aa___________gîfb M4ê O A MN ï 1Mýs in i pippraat vg@ýtailmULU a zý ~irr~p y ~ Canada's Great IIlustrated Weekly. A& leading feature of The WneKxt- GioBn to b. add this fali will be an Elght-Page Jllustrated Supplementi ON SUPERCALENDERED PAPER. l'or the production of this great paper an immense new electrotyping, photo-engraving and printîng plant, bas been added to The Globe's mechanical equipment. Trhis wii inake The Wromi<YGon unques- tlonably the rnost desirabie home paper in Canada.. Arrangement@ have been m-ade whereby our readers can secure this superb Weekly and theît, own local favorite paper at the specially favorable rate of QOW ASTRAY-Camne on lot 80, U~1 ItaIkJ B. P., Clarke, a brood sow. The owner i requested to piove property, pay expe(nses and, A P 'P' L Fake liraway. N.T. SELBY NewýcasiIe 36-3w, We are nfowreayt u'ape ht Ranuntirng and steady letter of il aîjtie, fr Eapoaîig, athwriter,- a goo-d local paper like rruE ipeelers and derapl ' n SAEMNis? Week after week, it any qua"'ntîtv. We aUo paycash frIgoes on telling ai marriages, birîl',, fames rid ppesattP Eaprj ~~tl5,the om RgAndgoing -of the tor, oposite the Hilux)ho'. PPlBt-1, !'LUsu c eFes and failures, the revival meetings, socials, in facc, aventsi F-ink1e S' Âekerman1 1 o ai kinds. It wlll be sent to ;Iew Bowmanville, Aug. i8th, 1903 sub'Ir bers from now to Jan. 1, 95 for Ouly 81. C taeN and iil caose the ra- mpartimoaty rs. fii, "but there are few i reel life. But how hard it la ta look upon mn Of the wives we know, aud believe 'f ththe were - once beautiful and happy. Pain, the resuit of womauly disease, lus marred beauty and undermined happinese. $500 OME WHIO CANNOT BE CURE). 1 Backed up by over e thîrd ef a centur of remarliable sud uniform cures, e record Sch as no ather remedy for the disease anid weaknesses peculiar ta women ever attained, the proIrietors of Dr. Pierces Favanite Prescription now feel f uIly wer- rantedl in offring ta pay $500 in legal iuouey of the Uinited St'tes for anry casa of Ulecorrhee, Pemnale WeaLness, Prolap.. $us, or Palling of Womb wbieh they cab- Iet cure. Ail tbey ask 15 e fair sud reason- able trial of their oen f cure, ,I have tbaught for Smre uie it would write F'On and teR yau of the great improvcentlu ziay heaith since tatUng your1 Favorite Prescri». tio,"' SaYs Mrs. I. S. joues, or Poeest, N. C O'iWhen 1 began is use I was a physlcai rk andi had de'paired eofve-havigeyell again. couiç i t , Pea-lndayau".e"" fekI olot wlk oue quarterý of a Mille. IL otSsgetimproveament in my he2ath be. fore the irst bottie 'sas nsedi. W'sa sffering Wlth amost very ain tat a ome Ssubieci ta; had Inflammaption of o-aries, palinfui tena ÎUppressed periodis, sud otier tmynptois oe female dIsease. After tal4lng six botties of Favorite Prescriptioni,' 1 fit 1k ae ,ew per. so.Ce ide horsebacb.and take ail ldïmof êueriZeaad not fees i tre.Il If yoar Iokng ra erfect laxa. Scelarý, posters L. A W floîdysAre Over. Theoh)hos have lied a bard tima <if it durit.'- vs aîin d parents ara reîîi-~e 'at ewOiîes ara ueeded ag,,in we SCHfýOL STARTS. e hae pt-predOursqelves for tha ~.YJ~Y~ !erand olur trale and comiortee ots for uB YS ANO GIRLS Sex-e-A ' ~.'î lin~,. eCulr pria fi 2 ~i3~taidst 4.Clangi$1 Be irs an Ie a nap Parlor Sihot Store. Buwniaavill.. (IJRLS WANTED AT PETERBOLIO ÀA-AdLrss Canadian (jenerel Blectrie Co stating experience aud present wages, Pre ference given to those Who apply ilu persoui. At the new stand, ana door wes aif Hunter's Law Office. lThe new copyright books receiv- ad1 as publishad. "Grey loak," "ILana that had n a Tuarninig," 'Gordon Keith," "Lady Roase's Daughtar," '"Horses Nine," etc. lie best lina of 10e books pubileli. ad, by mast popular authors, STATIONERY.-V us r y speoel'a lines at rare value. Gat the best, "Siratheana," "Avalou" a n d "Lingerie. Pads 5c, 10c, 15c-. Wal]'aper, Window Shades, Curtain Pales, Pictures. P.JebloUk Dit LOW'S WOURM SYRU f isama mure and reliabie worm expg)fler. Aete equally wIl onehldren or adulte. DO amie 'et ~ OLow w, m'Co Tri - +- - - .I1will telthe news te ý Our absent ftiencl limited numiber ai pupils lu piano or vocal et her residence, Beach Avenue, Bowmanvil. Miss King le apupil ai Prof. A. S. Vogt, Torante, oue ai the bast musicians lu Canada. 89-2w, Remember the dates, Mondav, Tues' day anîd Wednesday of nexi week, Prof. Rogers oeeoaithe Most eminent optîc. iaus in Amieric& wili boaet Stoti & Jurv's te assiet lu the opening af thaîr Optical Parlor. Every oua le cordially iuvited ta consult lm ifree ai charge NoTE YouR WIGIT-By uoting your iuereasa lu' weight while using~ Dr. Chasa's Nervav Food you eau prove for a certainty ihat new firm flash and tissue le bciug addad te the body. This le the savarest test you cau apply to any treat- and [proves the euperîorit *v ai ibis great rastorativa prescription ai Dr. W. A. Chase, the femous Receipi Book anthor. A very initarestiugan(] most anjoy- able avaniug was spant ai the rosidance oi Mr, and MNrs. Robi. Greaufield, Ont. Si , lunlionor aoi choir CiaWadding. and a nmrber of useful prasents were presentad thami as e Mark ai estaam by iliair friands, and sitar viawlug the praseuts th(,a guasis adjournad te the supper rcom w lereanau excellent and w.ell filhed menu wvas served, Afiar supper the party, adjourned ta ithe lawn lu iront wliare iarwere antertainad by Mr. H-erb. Fletclier's phouograph. Among the guwests pr-eseni wera: Mr, au Ms. Chas. Greentleldl, Mýiqnico. Mr. Noman Grceenfeld, rrot, -Mr. bd- er1kL Frasar, Toronto, MNisei Mary Mleader, Tarante, Mr. andi Mrs. WiIi Casweii, Carke, Mr. and Mre, Gardon Fletcher, Mr. and M0rs. Chas. Fletcher, MNr. and Mrs. Harb. U'letcher, Mrýs. ~Henry Mtader, Nligs Heury, Mr. and MrB 0.Saitl4BowmanvlIe. do h by ltterý, and Illow >ou te devoIteI vour latter writi tig ta purely private and, persanl matters. - îî. Tailorinz, your own cloih lu rau like,1 le doua in firsi Claq2e maQer-second t<i ne ailier shop ini town-bv j JT; Allen. the oid raliable and fa,,hion-îbie tailor17 and cuiter, Horse 's Block- liehas a reputw'ion for gaod fis. Prices are, alwaývs rigbt. Cauntry ordeis given sae careful attention as town ýne. Suite may ba ordered irom icumpies EHeiRmouS GecaW--r-Ever since Dr.1 Chase's Kidne.,-L,iver Pîfls %were first in-1 iroduced ta Li' uimbe île ,.aýes haý sieadilv increase~d eaeh Near en larger than the -,ear prewMd-ng. Tiis le probably the besi exidenlce of their remarkable eieecas qa treelmonnt for derangements ocithe kidjieî,. li er and boweis. The,. arc vaube ,a familý, medicine. Owing tt h-, ladthatPrfL Rges the eminant E e Specfialist o cieîcga i,, lu Canada aiier.dinig thie meeting o! 1iLia Associati, n o!OptcieS Welhave daecided ta have the apenîng c f aur Op- tilcal Parier, ana eak arlier than wa exp)ected as wa have, beiu tb!e te secura Prof. Rlogers for the thrýe firri days ai uext wveelk, Sept. 28, 29 nd 8!0 ie serviesý are free to al aour cusýti mers Fer Infiants and Objidren,ý "f in ou H ave Aiways Bought Beurs tbe Signaturae JL or "'e4 44 West, End flouse. 'West BEnd RH~ .~ Let Us Be Yollr Outltters, Best Thing About Buying 2Oth Century Ciothing is th-_-. fact you that can't buy poor Garments at- any price. J 2Oth Century Shower Pr oof Over Sacks. ? ~The eut represc-nted in this advt. is an exact reproduction of a photo- graph taken from life of a young gent m wearin -a 2Oth Century Shower-proof Oversack. 2Oth Century Oversacks fit exacfiy, are made by skilled tailors -~and arc worn by the best dressed men in Canada. 2th Century Oversacks are made up out of the best Cravenette Cloths and ar-e the most fashionable coat ana most worn coat of the pre&,..iit day. We have at present an assort- ment of these ga.rmeLts i stock and also samples of Cravenette for men who desire special measurements. A handy Grament for Spring or FaIl. Prices. $10. $12. $13 60. 2Oth Century Men's Suits -~-M rn*&-u- i-t- cry-hi e-ststylqjW til-hrud- lioi (psadded wýell) Swith a ice fuit eN-en haiîi, to the coat; pants are 'shrunk and shaped to the ]e,_r, 2 hiip pockts, 2 rt pockets and watch pocket. Young men who have worn 2 _)tIi Cenwtrv <arrnents in iBowmanýril1e say they will Swear no othei- e1otlhîn(r. ff s 3t,1OOO,,$12.O'4 tu .>$5 0Trousers $3.00, $3.50Oto- $5.OO. IV-14 Everythiig that's riew !«-mn the designers busy brain you find in 2 tCentury Clothing. Men's Furnishings. rpookes' W. G -& R. aid(rtscent Branid Shirts sold here. King Qulality, NePliesoîîand McCready Men's Footwear sold here. Wak~ef-i lJlish I -Lt-ýtn (li American Hats sold here 1EWerythino, made fotr rne.u that is good at lowest prices sold here. 3Men's Underwea-,r Stock Comnplete. liard to wma vra a ir1.~ WEEKLY GLO13E asud TnE ST>.TESNIA N ta new subecribers fîom tîi'w to jan, i. 191~5, for enly $1 853 Orde-r tn-day f.-oil M. A James, Bowmanille. Reader, if* iou are irxinoe te keep s-)me absent relative or friond iriformpea as ta ilie happenings o! this vicinii bv correspondance, dout waete time and statjir,it v nv Ion-e'.'a rt8 -, AIJOTION SAL4E, - - -- -- -- - - -- - - - - - - - i - î 1 1 Effle. btftftli Dili. g.iy ý iý'tj r ý 41g 1 ±ý- '- -- - -- - - --- -- - -- - --- L-i- -4j L--14 r- P lLïd i

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