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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Sep 1903, p. 5

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Openinig OPTICAL PâRLOR Monday-, uesday and--Wednesdayl SEPT. 28,129 and 30. We are pleased to announce that we have been able to secuire Prof. Rogers, the Eminent Eye Specialist of Chicago, to assist us in the opening of our Optical Parlor on above dates and we can assure our f riends that this is a chance that none should miss as it affords a golden op . ortunity of getting the best possible advice. At the Optical Conventions, both in Canada and the United States, it lias been our privilege to meet, the brightest opticians on the continent and we doubtif there is a man in the profession whose services are more eagerly souglit, or, whose writings an,- addresses are more frequently quoted and whose opinions are more valued than those of Prof IRocers., The people of this vicinity are particularl y fortun- ate in being able to secure b is services absolutely f ree of charge. The Editor of The Uanadian Optician says: "Prof. Rogers is generally rccognized throughout the world as one of the brightest optical men iu the United Sta tes, DON'T FORGET THE DATES. Don't Forget There Is No Charge. whatever for Prof. Roge rs' advice. We pay althat and even if you do notrequire Spectacles we cor-. dially invite ý ou to caîl and inspect one of the best equipped Optical Parlors in the Province. Stott&Jry The Druggists and Opticians.- jBowmanville. ~IW ~aiadi~~ ~~Itt~4~ More cases of sick beadache, billons-, ness, constipation, eau be cured lu tess, lime, Wtth less medicine, and - for less BOWMANVLLLE, SEPT. 23, 1903. money, by using Carter's Little Liver -Pis, than by any other meaus. Monday was Autumnal Equinox. "The sea of life and bow to cross it Miss Balfour, Bath, is visiting Mrs sfi, ilb h uje ftesn A. NcCredy.sermon in the Methodist Churcb next A. MCredy.Sunday evening. Rev. D, O Crossley, Remember that the first frosts this pastor, wiil be asststed by the choir -in autumn were Sept. 17 and 18. making this service enjoyabie and pro- Mms R. Mutton and family, Cobourg. fitable. AUl weicome. have removed to Jort .Arthur. A rare opportuuity ou Sept. 28, 29 Port Hope complains because they and 80 ,The people of this viciuîty eau hven't a mile of graiiiîthie walk. consult Prof Rogers the emineut Op. Ketcum eingtai upby tcan of Chicago at the openine of Stot temVorarv itlness for a few weeks, Mr.&uysOtclPros ocag T H. È. Ho-n ~oduthe courts for {for-exaiminlng the scs hlm.B receut ameudmeuts to the munie- ipat act, council and town eau, ou a Mrs. Thos. Hill, Pontypool, bas been îwo-thirds vole of auyv regular meeting vîsiting Mrs. S. Souch and other relu. of~ the Couneil, put dowu sither piauk or tives here~. cemeut walks aioug a street where the Mrs. .{Dr ) F., W. Cryderman, Detroit samne bas been petitioned out. Mîicb., was recent guest of Mrs. J. H. Rev. Mark Guy Pearse, London, Crydermau and other relatives bers. Eug., tbe celebrated preacher, wilt be Rev. H-ugh Munnro, Bovtmauvitle, in the Mstbodist cburcb -on Fridav Sept. was intowu) on Mouday and Tuesday 25. This is one of the greatest chances calling on old friends. Mr Munro is cf vour life to bear tbis g-reat man. wetpW.ased with his pastorale in Bow- The S. S. "Canada" sailing from man ville.- Cobourg World. Montreal, September. 26tb, for Liver- MissBerie iekrd dugher fW, pool, boitis tbe record for the fastest Mess Bri .'r, Sbcaw's asstecre f passaze to the St. Lawrence, baving Qe.Rcad steogap'sher scu made the run fromn Movitie to Father position luseorahri Toronto. Point in 5 days, 23 hours, 48 minutes. Coral is a uew post office, situateti ou 1-#, ~ ~ 07., -. .. . A Tm The Medina _(N. Y.) -Tribune saïs Foloy's for Schooi Shoes. Try the City. Dairy Ice Cream a' Lutterll's, Read Cawker & Tait's adv1t. this week for peaches. $1 ý 85 to end o f 1904 f or STÂATESMAN and WEuuLY GLOBE. Good generat servant wanted at once. See advt. New gooda arriving daily for Cawker farta near Solina for sale. New subscribers for -25c. can get TiHi STATESMA1N to eUd of 1908. New falilhats just arrived at Mrs Dingman's. Cali and see them Use our Vinezars and pickling spicels for best resuits. Cawker & Tait. Stapie departmen t at West End 11-use overflowing with good value geoda. Miinery opening at Miss Smith's Friday and Sgaturday, Sept 25 and 26. Good assortmnent of Toilet sets from $140 up at China Hall grocery, F. A. Haddy. Fait Millinery opening at Miss Smith's Fridav and Saturday, Sept. 25 and 26. See advt. 25 cents pays for THE STÂTBSMÂN te any address to a new, subscriber to December 81, Ladies. vou will see a fine display of trianmed bats at Miss Smith's milinery opening Sept. 25 and 26. China Hall Grocery have some special value in dinner sets from $5 00 up. F. A. Haddy. Freeland keeps a fiue lot of'frames for enlargements. Other styles and sizes made to order. Ladies' tailor-made Skirts lu the very latest styles just reeeived at ýCouch, Johuston & Crvderman. Jeilied Hocks. Jellied Veal, Cooked Ham and Corned Beef at C.M.Cawker's. Don't failtet try theru. Men's Hats-the very tatest English and American stvles at Coucb, Johnston & Cryderman 's. Two appre ntices wanted. at Central Millinery Parlors. Apply at once to Haddy & Co.. Miliners. The West End Houle can handte any quautity of poultry, butter and eggs and pay highest price for it. Snaps lu Sehool Shoes at Foley's-a number of broken tines regutar $1.25 $1.35, aud 81.10, cearing at $1.00. Furs are advancing lun price every vear. McMurtry got ln on bis furs be- fore the 20% advance lu mauy lunes. Now 18 the time to bring iu vour Furs for- repairing, Jack Frost will soon be here, se now is the time te pr epare. M. Mayer, Furrier. Now is the time te buv Fait 'and Wrnter Underwear, etc. The largest and best assortment and best values are to be had at The Mason Co's. Priestley 's dress goods sotd by MeMurtry are the best dyed dress goods lu the wor]d. Sold ait over the world. New subseribers to STÂTESMAN are commug lucontinuously, -We pubiish a newsy paper, at $1.00 a. year. Every- body should reaçi it. Pickllnîg-Remember - our- vinegar and spices for pickling are noted for purity and strengýth. F. A. Haddy successor te Young & Co. Liglit weigbt Overcoats, Raincoats, Waterproofs and ail kinds of FaIt lothinig are now being caited for. An immense new stock at The Mason Co's. Always the lowest price. Friday and Saturday, Sept 25 and 26 are the davs of the Fal Milinerv openings See the dispiay at the Central Milinery Parlor. If you bave any furs that ueed alter- lnig or repairing Dow is the time to have, tbem doue before the rush, M. Mayer, Furrier. Tooke's waists made up out of fancy vestings, French flaunets, cashmeres and cotton printed goods are sold by McMurtry.Best fitting waists in Canada. SNow is the time to buy peaches. We gettle-hf"om- he-gardens -and- seti tbemn at a smali advance on cost. F. A, Haddv successor to Younz & Co. Lateît stvles in Millinery. You eau see up to-date Milinery at Haddy & Co's. Central Miiinery Parlors on the opening davs, Friday and Saturday, Sept. 25tb and 26th. Agents wanted who are willing -to work. Good -oods. Good pav. Men earn $6.00 a day wiuter and summer. Neyer out of season. Write G. Mar- & Co., Tas, London, Ont. Large sales of Ladies' Coats just now at The Mason Co's. 25 per cent off during September. Ouly lu one case bave tbey missed a sale, wlieu the in- tending purchaser looked the towu B mstales yoi to ook and bake wtb-pdrect confidence as te resuId&~ ËfIvu Clveland's Baldng Powder ini my kitchen and class mark. ,"1 ' A SI ~AN D7Caliand getsomaoftatJlee ALSI E W A TED IThe Ideal Fe he etrongest and i armers baving Alsike to seli would best. See it at M=roch's. do ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~e weît aio .B ATN o-D Fait Hats arriving. at Mrs. do wil t cal onJ. . MATYN Bow Dngman's. Give ber a caît., manvilie, before. seltiug. For the newest, best: and cheapest ready to wear ciothing cati at Conch, The Aunes farm advertised is worthy John'stou & Crydermau's, A. Jnseameis oermnnise No present you eau send a friend for M A.Jame is -ovrnmet isuerthe money witl be as mucb appreciated of Maiage Licenses, for Durham as TEE &tATESMAN-25c to eud of 1908. CREXAL s HOUSE- Do you use a Gun. Rifle or Ammuni- IEA LD t tion? If so, F. M. Soucil bas a fine j HOLD U L stock:' Horsey tok Bowmanvilie. These Dyes wii dye Wool, Cotton Ladies, Miss Smith wvisbes to moet Silk, Jute or Mixed Goods iu one bath vou. Cali at the Corner Milinerv store 1 bey are the latest and most improvýed on Sept. 25 and<26 and get acqusiuted. Dçes in the worId, Try a package The latest style lu Fedora and Stiff Al colosa .L ihlssoe bats. aiso a large assortmeut of ail kinds , os tA.L Ncois soe of furs just out at M. Mfayer's Fur Store. Ait membt'rs of the Women's Insti- tute witl kindIv remember the mneetinz lu thé3 Royal Tempi irs' Mall at 2.80 p. m. 'Saturdav uext ïFept. 26.ý Evei y member please bring a friend. Miss Luttreil will resuz-e ber class in music on Fridav Sept 18th and witl be pleased to see ail ber old pupils. Auy- one desiring to commence taking les- sous sbould see Mliss Luttreli at once Travelierq' beadaches are quickly re- lteved by Milburn's Sterling Headache Powers. rhev do fot upset the tomacb or weakeu the beart. Price 10c. and 25c. at ail dealers, or by mail Tbe T. Mitburu Co.. Limited, Toronto, Ont. Notices of Births Marrlages and Deaths 50 cents,; Insertion frkie wln nMar- rnage licences are obtalnoed orfunerai notices printen at tb ia office. BORN. STURGe&-At Syraefuse, N. Y., Sept. ilili, to Mr. and Mrs. Sturgess. a son. CUnîrr-In Bowmanvilie, Sept. 151h to Mr- and Mrs. Fred. 0. Cubitt, a son. MARRIED. TRîrr-MÂaTINe-At the Manse, Port Perry, Sept. 9th, by Itev. Win. Cooper,. B. A., Mr. Aiton Edwin 'rripp, and Miss Florence May Martin, boili ef Reacilitownship. Taiompsoe%-DEvEI-At Metholst PaÙrsenage niaekstoek, Wednesday, Sept. 9th, 19,03, by Rev. J, R. -Butler,--Mis3s May Dever or Oart-î wright, tWliam Thom pson of sanine place. GIFroanD-Ini Oreno, Sept. 11hi J. W. Gifford, aged 85 years. BAMBRIDGE -111n OSlaWa, Setemiber 11h. William Bamb.ridýge, atgeýd 5;-,, JONEs-in BowmaniviUe, Sept. 1, Henry Jones, aged 57 years. JEFFERY-At Portsmouth), Ev4g., Ang. 29th, George Jeffery, aged 82 yearsý. Brother of Mr. Joseph Jeffery, Bowmanville, AxrotD-ln Toronto, Sept. 19thf, William1 Axford, aged 85 years, Interred at Bewman- ville. BRIELE-At Si Thomsas, on 'Sept. 14, Jae reflet cf the laie James Pell Brierley of London Ont., and mother of James S. nrierley, oî Montreal, aged 77 years. BETT-In ,B.,WManVille, Wedlnesday, Sept. 16th. 19w,. Roxanna Matie, wife of Mr. Win. Blette, aged 43 years. SymoNs-In Bowmanville, September 15, Arthur F. G., infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Frankt Symons, aged 6 mos. 22 days. HÂMBLY-At Woodstock, SeptL. 2o, Hulda, reflictcf the laie William Hambly, tn lier Slst year. Interred ai Bowmanvileý. MCSOLY-In Bowmanville, 8cpt 2lsi 1908, Lida Victoria. eldest daughter of Wm. A~. B. >Whteywtf-ofMr.A. .~M5oreyaged-i5 - years. S ERVANT WANTED-Aïppiy to MRs. A, LUTTRELL, Temperânee st. Bow- mnanvîlle. 39-1w. W ANTED-Nurse girl lui smali, family, gond home, highestwaeA- tiress MBs. L IWRENCE, 153 Arthur >si,, Toronto. 39-1w' fL OUSE WANTED-Wainted to reut Bowmanville, five or six-reoi lbouse or two or three ronins. J. W. SITaiI, bx2 Oshawa.391 SHEEF STRAYED-Two Leicester $ewes wýiih pie e eut ont cf night ear and ai Lu ~ jjt~cw~ ,LU i~I~U 1OUL~tmauv slso rt app.les are report- .k' ...:d.I .;l,.3.. to, Mlr. T. D. Cole being postmaster ý~ . ~ ~ Bsnesicesn-ome the Lsimiarly earmarked o --------------------------- -s5 an segn S B usin n;4,sng meet sU èd. Rewa, fui-, -irand air@. A. Barber wno have been living in Ccbourg- have removed bers anti oecupy their own bouse formezly occupied by the late Mrs. Jury. Nine automobiles controlied by the members of a Toronto Cub passed tbrougi.h towu SaturdaV ou their way to Cobourg. They returned Sunduv Spiting in publie places, besides being a tlttbv habit, îs one of the mest protifie meaus of eausing the sprea.d of cousunption. Jos. Carr. Morganstou, lbrasbsd for Mr. Arthur E. Jones 501. bushets of outs lu 2. bours and 26 minutes-ail elýeaned' and -ready for market. - "rPeRrse is a most cloquent speak- er,,, is moat drumatic lu bis detiverv' and ilses every art of the orator to drive bis points home. Hes paeed up and dowu the piatformn and i wth strik- ing anti appropniate geslures and marked moduations of toue seemed to draw bis audience 10 him. Ris lecture ali t though m as interspersed wit iu-n. teresting anecdotes wbicb servedté o l lustrale anti strenztLien is argument. -1ontreat Daiiy Star. v Grand f~; Rai!wav Svstem. RALW.ý4-YTIME TABLE, BOWMAYILLESTATION. -Mail..........xpesS .. .1 ami Ixpes.- .10 ?21 tj Local.... 7 51 M i-x e d..... S 46 pm. Psegr.i42 p local ... 658ip.m. Miet..1 .74Al Express ...10 24p[.m. 'EXpress...Il4J p.m. Express does nt go west MouIday morning. *Sundays nlght oniy. gDaily. BrcTZ & Juay, Town AgentA being packed lu one barre], oulv the eider apples being thrown out. Appies aie apples Ibis vear, The first installment of 1908 taxes goes 10 the High and Publie sehools, the Mayor havinz issued checks for $1500.00O andi 81800.0J0 respeetively the past week to, retre notes in the bauks against the Sehool Boarde, TIbis.way furtber payment cf interest wilt be saveti t i the town for the preseut. The Delineutor for October preseuts un especiully attractive array 0f culin- ary topies. Autumn Fruits and Veg-et- ables occupies two pages with illustra- tions ani recipes. The making cf gin- gel- breuti and cakes is explaineti, and. another paper imparts the secret of muking old-fasbioned New England pies. Useful kuowtedge ahout eggs gives information not geuerally ltuowu. Teb Butteriek Publising Company, 7- 17 W131h St,New York City U. S. To mal;e a complote learance, Coucb, Jobuston & Crydermaunwiil seit the balance cf their cotoreti muslilu at still tower prices. It witl puy 10 buy even if you do not make up titi next spring. p MthoistCburch, M.v. P stb day. Sept. 25 Admission only 25e. Reserve your ïseuls sarly witbout extra charge. Plan at F. R. Foiey's sboe store. - Toronto Daily Wold and TEE ,ST-AT- EsmAN te Jan. 1, 1905, over 15mols for only $3 50, The WYorld lis a niews- paper Ihat pays particular ateto thie requiremeints of the farmier, anti1(jbas th-e re3putation of puàblisbhing the most aceurate CaIlle andi ro UceMrkzet Reports cf auY paper lu Cnadi(a, 10- gether with a brief, live andi up-to date news service. This is a big offer. Dont miisit. -tf, puttirng in a large stock for Fll-they are cominz lu fast. Give us a caîl. Fred. R. Foley. Some women are too busy to make up night robes Some womeu don't know how to make Ibem. It don't puy auy- way. Examine the nighî robes Me- Mufrtry selis for Men andi Womeu. Style, Work, Art, Taste-this com- binalion wiil be f cuud iluour milinery diFplay. 'You are invitedt t ses il on Friday. Sept. 251h and Saturday, Sept. 26tb. Haddy & Co., miluers Oh, my! bw your comlexion bias 'improveti. Yes,' illier's Compouind IrnPuis dit l Solti by Stot% Jurv, druggists. Take drees gotsper yard. liniuig, per yard tr-immings per yard, vou wil save mouev bbIuyinz îour fait suits aI McMuti-'sand gel ý'Pntestlev's goodls, alwvays Faatisfactory. Bear lui raid Ibat il cosîs no more to -sagood fttin-, Wel-made suit fthan il does 10 buv an 111 fitting,sovn- matie n. To secure the formner leave vour orders uow aI Coucb, Johuston & Cryderman 's Excellent progress is being madie on the uew TownuHait and Publie Librarv building. The masons are well ont with the walls cf the second storev antiPa- the work progress eictizeus are more and more leusei wih he uppearanwceci the uiling It illliea very baurd- De.Ir Brig sthe genlia land clever Book tewýard, T01oono, bas ben nvilt preueb nnvrsr sermions in Bowmiauville Meodt ehutrcb first Sundiay in Decembeýr whien $1000 wtlt be asked for towarti paying off the ehurchl debt. C ()w-ESTRAY-2dyearfold Red and White cow Ileherned. foratonas te lier wliereabouti;viili be rwre by JOHN RANTON, Enniskilleu.88tf G ENERAL SERVANF WANTED- "Apply at once to Mrs. Wm. McKay, corner Wellington and Liberty Streets, Bowrnan. ville. 39-2w.l II TOUSE FOR SALE ORt RENT- XBriek lieuse of il roms on Elgin-st, known as Chiristie residence, well iiited, new furnaee, stabie.driving bouse, gardent deairable location. Possession at once. Also for sale or reni the frame lieuse with splendid garden on Ring-st. east, uow occupied by the aver tlser. Apply te W. QuicK, Bowmanville. 9-f. Il BOWMAN VILLE IMARRETS. Coreced y .~Ziuntr cdiT esday FLOTR, e 10lbs ........$ý2 (J to $,2 5k WguÂ'n, Faîl, bush.... O O (il "iO070 'Il Sprnng (WJOi'(,O,74 fi RedFife ...... 000" 08 5 n Gose.......0" 62 BÂR1LmY, P bush, No. 1 ... O 0" O 0Jo ttTwo rowed ci40 ilO(JO 1 ATS, White Il ...O 0(JO Il O 291 fY, l.. .....000O"l 050 BIJCLîWHEAT Il......O j' oI 4 12 PuAýs, Blackeye, . ebush,. O 1)(JO) i o oo Canadin iBe ouies O JO 0(J 6 t'o Miumm,-ev ((p(J )00 bSm abic'te (J 0 (J 6 Tis, r-V dS]IE............OJO"oo POTATQIS, 1biish...... jo Il 0 25 LIAT, * ton ...., >.... 8 oo 1. 8 50 v a~mumujiuua~I ~ ~uuu~smg,,.w iemaue~éaêau~a~*î~ a* M M M M M~f3 3" .0.aa aa o e0m a e u aona a lem* . aa a )l a. aa. a a e a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0U0M 0 0 0 0 0 -m nma ee u MWASM.,M~,S* M MM M M M MMs . «»u aU a M 'a %Eau S 5MinUliM a. uM I s.,.. :3 un FalOaroasadaaaaot o M an~oneotso Thais Cots reg $.00 Vfor $6OO. ,": Ma-m ane s -a durngalow :ds: :-<ATJthissae weril es ~:~ oun.tof tenpr Rcnt ofail ourgM$n1s.afdr:$8:00. ~ ~ oy's Colohig wiCh is ailgnew.a0dfop-to-00. 0* :%: 0 a. adat e. Ntsor nlc cloteg $700 or $.00 -Co a5 M Ma--- loee *m a on. Nexnt D ofStandard Ben k BlowrM'an ,aa kMm e xt D o 'oS a d r B n ,B w a S MMM MMCM 5MME..... M aU M S CM 5 M M M M U M M MM 5 M~.~.MM*M55M5MM55 a.55*5, F RSALE-Two 8-sprng Democwrats F and oee ant, apply teo J o ua l PROT.-Býo w -1 manv le.3 -3w 1JUEAND LOT FOR SALE IN rcoms mand woodshed, liard we o f anacr cf land on" "wliîli are a nme c pltrees anti smal fruts. ]Forprielsapyt miss BautU, Uipio.SJ3" XV.~TEDSevralpersons o' ebr YY terant gotirepuLttioniin ea(seL tt (eueý ln thisCUnt euie te I.ePreseit ant ativenti!se cîti establishetiwally business lbuse cf selitiliacilstanding.salar'y $21,00 wveeKly with epese aidtional, aui aal ln ca"Ishdirect C-cdi Wednesday frem est offices. Heorse and catrrage , urished wlien niecessary. Refereneces. Enclose self.-address-1 td tnvelopt, Colollial> B33gDEtarborm Street, WGlogo, lu, 85a QTRAED RO'10lt 84, con. 4 ïiRM kJDaltgon Aguilqtli, four spring caives' Iglitys1 x acrs m re N es the eiesan u bl.Two dark redtwi ben nrlipreosot.; oe rId aod white. InformatiIon leadiug te,1heDi igo.rCwiiaedelig ~ in2 r-cevery 'will lie gladly received Iby WasL necesaary farm ul dins, rci'l ati civ 3it.failtnatem ovnet ~ Al TîLNS aunton P.C.6t . uO, an eieel fwybte o Rm T Er-FrTeo f Years .pi eGo RN out1ralelr Coleit e Inùrs arlint e trd pub l hol. Oneof0assursesl war i li twUwî 1san (1r-l pa-speity fer Connity towvn, Apply quickly JON laWIEE AOuprinse, WT.Wîuk F. HlowânAiI ÂiEý5, W11Uîby, 8-til j 2Varuai '17 oruo r tM e M, Gýi e . 2 mu EarI y each eaogaottefrtf us. E Late ones last until the end of September. But there is E probably only one week during that time when every fsifvorblefor canuing, Early-fruit -isn't ~f rm, Al spoils quickly and hasn't the proper flavor.1 Late S fruit is liard, small and of inferior quality. Now between o S there is a lime wbeu the fruit is large, ripe and cheap. SWE TBJNK THAT TIME IS THIS WEEK S and have contraeted with the growers for large ship- ments of large ripe fruit. Buy here and get the best E there is. Bring your Farm Produce 10 us and get the S highest price. 1000 dozen good fresh Eggs wanted; will pay you 15e per dozen. eawke & Tit, BOWMANVILLE. m p y. 1 , 'l 8 'l r C"M W 1 1 y fl % 1 bf b ýý it 1 i , ý MI e,17 1 1 ýr s 1 1 1 Ewmommy a VWVLIW,

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