I - - ------ I ~ - t Ic rwrc m A. SETTLERS LOW RATES WEST i Beu ii. ~~IheKnd Yau Hava Always Bouglht - ,ML~ Signatuire IVia the U icago anid£North-Western IRailway, every day from Sept. 15th te November 3(th, settiers one-way second -cias ticets at vory 10W rates from c: % sr tDM- .e» Chilcage te points lui Utabi, Montana, P Bearu the. Ih KîJ ild1] HaVe Alevay$ BOuglit Nevada. Itiaho, Oregoni, Washixigton, o! California. also to Victoria ,Vancouver T es IU Big-atureL:: of New Westminster, Nelson, Rossianti, p _________________________ anti othor points in Kootenay district. Correspontilng-ly low rates froi 'ai] Awk. ~ pointa in Canada, Fuit particulars ýW en u i idVi aeMasBî1 from nearoat ticket agent or B. B. PT o E o ignature St., ~ Aget,2oEnton ______________ TUI TAXIS. p ~BETHESDA. EIO TTSA-I r PWhen yon find that Glasses are needeci go to our P Tho poopie of this vicinity are te ho folneti that conaiderable tiiasattsfactlen opiln n aeyu ysexamined. favoret witb a firat-clasa concert on in belnqg manifesteti by tbe rate-payons optoîa an bae yu yesTbnrstiay,Oct. lat, by the, Kiilin-Keougb of our town on acnonnt of the Lirge tax DO IN 'T LO SE SI GH f Concert Cempany. A groat treat la lu rate this year, anti seule persons witb store for ail levers of music. They are ne gooti motive, andi others inxiocently, of the fact that yuu( will ruin ý our eyes by negleet. Eye bigbilv spoken ot by the press tbrougb- are attribnting the large Incnesa over p train cassheadache, nervous prostration and other eut Canada whore tboy have appoaroti. laut year te the preEent conat. is cfboaes. Uti ci c rvned h Admission 25c. Come anti bave a gonti In entier thal the people niay terni a iLs' ofGlasesproprlyfited nd ccurtel mae, tc.botter idea, ef thîs question 1 compare C~ use on e pur fitte ad have acuraey exmdet. tRWu tex papers on the sanie pruperty, * Cal u ou opicia ani hve uur yesexainei. OURTIOE. the oe for 1902 anti the other fer 1903 -both for the sanie amount, riz 32,1500. IR . MV . MV itchell & Go ., ip Visitera: Mis Mabeilo Walter is home 190nmet 2 03 nseDcs ~~~~~10 from Clovlan... Mis Brte ola Druggists and Opticians, Bowmanville. 4- foshawa Ceand.... Ms Corie's....'d Uounty rate.. $ 250 $300 .150 Oshaa, t M. L M Cortiels...Town rate....26 87.1 2750 .62ký ~p Mr W. W. Ilancock anti bride, Wîn- Debenture rate 14 -.74 1850 4124 mîpeg, at bis oit hom .... Raily day at School rate.... 1625 1600 .25 Ebonezer Sunday, Rov. J. C. Wilson. street Watening 3 60 3 60 _______________________________________________________Newcastle. will tako'part .... Rov. R, Fintsge Tay , 4 12 4 12 Burns, Oshawa, preaches at Ebenezer - - - W1TANTlED -SE VER AL PERSON S 1~><~~I USuniay morning.. .Mr. Geo. Morrow Tota..... $6360 87272 737 .25 of chlar acter anti gooti ieputation in ecd lamvn t saa By hoeking over the aboe stateniant 31ate [one in this connty requireti] te represent ilvigt aaa anti ativerie olietbiht ealthy business BOWMÀNVILLE, SEPT. 23, 1903. ______yewlIntcththee1annres bouse of soliti linancial standling. Salary s2i.oo ot 89.37, anti a dtcrease lin sohool raie w-eekly witb expenseâ addition ail payable iiTR N.AAAS GR T IL ST TE et2. owbcdcesencunl caýsh direct each WVetuesda)r frorn heati otices. TR N .CND7 BA LUTAE f2c o hc Aru ocuii B ore-ead-earria.ge furniaheti -vhen- necessary. _WEEKLY. coýultitake axiy oredit a that i'S etr References enclose self- add reased tievel Atenpe Colonial. 332 Dearborn St., Chicago.37-13W Atedte Mark Guy Pearso lecture cuntrolieti by the boards cf the Htgh in Bowmanvilie Sept. 25. , I keepixig with the prorness et the anti Publie Sbola. h M Mn. F. Davey anti Miss Ethel Beatb, a'ge, CANADA'S GREAT NATIONAL Tb frat iten _n the abeve is 'tbe Saleof rarm b Tender Wbitby, spent Sunday with tnionda.. HOME NEWSPAPER, THE WEEKLY County raie ever wbich the 'Town Congratulations te Mr Samuel Peilard, GLOBE, will ho very matorially im. Council bas nu contrel, as the Conty --Registrar frWest Durham ...... r..prevet ton 19,)4. Numerous important Councti sets thai rate wbich tbey desent EALED TENDERS addressed to A.E Ciomens anti Miss H-attie Clemons changea are lin contemplation, but the -enfilent te meet their obligations anti >'the undersigneti one of the executors of the hre visiting tnients ut Drayton anti loading feature will ho the introduction we bave te coibect anti pay it. will of Jane S. IOidtiletoîi deceased at New- anti Petrotia..Mr. Et Thonipson et an EIGHT PAGE ILLUSTRATED The tbirti itemn-anti where the iarg- castie poat office, box 20, or left with hirn peronaily, and etidorseti 'Tenýder for El of lesat a furru herse tromn lock-Juw.... Mrs. SUPPLEMENT ON CALENDERED est Increase occurs-Is the debentune loti 1 con.- Clarkie" wil be receiveti tntil [Chas. Dowson, Mentroal, .was recont PAPER Tbis will undonbtedy ak raanincoeconwt bsaeI NOON 0F 'TRE 1sit DAY 0F OCTl0BER, 1903, -ote e agtrMs .w tiema puua l eoIn te rlhi ate pay cnesi te ndstai re I for tie purchase of the east quarter o! lot gus ofle "gtrMs .W thmspplrwei ferdk ihtertpyrit neaadvr number fluteer. lu the second cou cession, of the jCleniens.... Mn Bort Creepor, Toronto, the people ot tho Dominioni. For par dlstinctly thaIt thîs Counaît la net ne- township of Clarke in theConîity of Durham. is holidulýing ut home .... Nrs. Richard ticulars se advrtîsement ini anether apensibie for one cent of tbe tncnease, Tenders will neot bc conaidereti unleas sigiieti Coates Continues in ili health .... Ai coiunx et this issue. as ail that tiebti ma5 Înaurre by the by pariy tendering anti providing for payment pathsad tou mailssd pOcit. te ibi peu, at of lel~ dowu on accepiance of tender anti the batcll tevin Beheti Oct. pr utd aib balanice lu 30 days th ereafter. fait. NEWCASTLE. comaiderabie proportion ef the wboie The biglicat or amy tender not necessaiily tiebenture debt was Incurred by soune aýcceptet. ofcmiriIiu the proaacting I oni h The property consists of a'iout 50 acres ofminpsos lCoaîwo wih about 22 acres ta clearcd arable lantiantiPijdl Heur Mark Guy Pettrse in Bewman- are now addln ult h fan tds bace wl ibeeiiit atwyt niAV.Ii ville Sept. 25 satisactien and trytng te put the For funther particulars application may bie U TIIIY Mrs. Ruby Foston, anti two danghters, presexit Conne!] In disagrâce anti thereby matie to the unieraigiiet. have ii rr Mss ur home te Bromkfield, bide thelr owin actions et the pasi. JON LIN Msoui I say agan its Courcil bas net moiti JÔHNSp.2,9. Bo 0 ALNcl, Ot Miiber's Grip Powters Cure. Soit bv amy tiebentures anti la net reaponsible flated~396w set2,9. o 0N ateOtStett & Jury, dmuggists. for a cent ef ibis debenture tiebt. Âfter Year's e_ of Siclkness- -Dudd's- Mrs.- W. -A. Neolantis hasTeturuotit t- Street wattning la the sanie 1 as Iai VYX~YOwen Soundi ut ter a pleusant sojourn ut yeur, anti It i8 enly thoae that are bans. Kiue pille Cue l.brbohes r ,Sotittet Wbo puy, se the rutepayens at 1111~ Ktiny Pila ure llm, br botbr's Mn.O. cet. . large ure Dot interest--d in that expen- Mrs. Robent Martin, Owen Sounti, is diture. visiting ber niece, Mrs. Geo. Singer., TeltIm sfaagtxofr LIVERPOOL AND) LONDONI)EJARY havecetfo50dss odb tt&juycmn akorwihfcusehs hiALMA6IL-S-T R-MERýs. __ti- otntlr hs ide a n rgglsts. put iai no, wat thpmsilas kit tha Froin Froni Gene Nover te Roturn. Mn. Neil McNaughton,, Picton, jeptîa cwleof-ht idti -Montreal. Quebec -- oiidaying bore. year. eteTw aeee Faisan Set.il 5a.niSet. 12,4 p,m Miller's Drink Cure ha made thous. ba hsCuclbsmr nla Preonan... 19, 6 a. M. 19, Io p.m Lownit WINDSon, Carleton Co., N,B,, aniwthpv oe.Sii ySet& chr! tia oonpobs met tbe een aaian.. 26. 6 a. m...."26. 4 pm nsohaphoe.Sl ySot& ctrian mçý,D1dofhexe. lonian.Oct.3, 6 a. mi.O.Cet. 3, 10 pm Sept. 21. (Special)-T. H. Belyoa, post. Jury, druggists. . dtr na'ne o h ifrxtofo master bore, woll kxiown anti witiely iueeesaï orteifrn fl- RATES 0F PASSAGE 1nespecteti, la happy lin the discuvony ot a Miss Stiggants visiteti relatives linili, expendiure on Roada anti &ireets, Firat O'tbîn, Iutian (winter rate) $60 upwards, permanent cure fer the Kitiney pains Ottawa. Cemctery, Peur RelIef, Prtntlng, Fine etier steamera $35 upwards accord1119 te ththv ruit l o er.Miiier's Drink Cure is safe, effectuai anti Water, Police, etc , anti we finti steamer.ta aetobldhmfryas anti cau be reaffily taken. Solti by we bave increbsed the amonft tbis max Second Cabin, Liverpool anti Londlondierry, 'Il bave been botheroti with kiney a $37.50, U4O anti $42.50, accorting to steamer andi trouble fer years, " Posimaster Belye a Stutt & Jury, tinuggista. bas te puy on a $2,500 assessment 2c locaionetc Loden525 exra.says: 'Il bave tnieti maxiy metiainos anti Mn. M Garvin. Humulten, bas been -or 25 c. on a $1000 ansesment, anti Belfati lasg, Lonon au '3.Lvcol Dcry puserbiwiLhout gotting uxiy iasting9 vtS[ting ut Mn. Chaphin's. 1 amn sure wben the new Town Halt anti Belaat Glago, Lntin, enfit tIi beurin- Dodd's Kidnoy:Pilla MY wifo la baving the beat et healtb, Fine Bail are -compieteti andtihIe Gev. Tbneugi tickets to South Africa. au bighiy spokon et I totenmineti te try MilreCmoniIo il ii it.ennent building se well, there ls net MeNREA TOGLAGOWDIRCT. thoni. Tney seeni te have mate a cein- Solti by Stott & Jury, timu-gists. a rate-payer in the town that wtll be- Corintian, Thurstiay Oct, 8, (dayligit.) pe cure in my Iae:a 1 bllellgrudge the 25 cents on eacb thousanti Sicilian, Thlrstiay Oct. 22, (tiayligb). as evon I was. Miss Annie Bannie, Cnovisitoa9 $15. Thirti Çiass, $25. 'aIn, l bAiievp that Dodd's Kidxiey Pii le cousin, Misa Ada Barrie. ter ye . ticw 1d not wmnt amy pensum te are the rigbt medicine ton "KîinÏe Yeu tbînk I look se much botte;ys belleve we ard puying for the Town For Tickets and Every infornation Trouble anti wilt du ail tbey are claimeti anti I tool better-Milter's Cemlpolut Hall anti Fine Hait wi that extra 25 A JAMES te t do." Trou Plls dit ht. Selti by Stott & Jur5, cents on a $1,000 asesmei, but we Bowmanville Dudds' Kidney Pila cure the Kidneys trgit.are paytmag eut c f tbts Town rate $4,000 unt with beulthy Kidneys ne one can Mr. Walter Gomme with bis bride, wblcb the Town Bail snd Fire Bgail The maDy~ duties outside of bis own havo Bnigbt' Diseuse, Lumbago, spont ibeir bonoymooxi at bis father 5, toRether are cùating the tàwn over the business that *the Publisher et this libeumutiani, Drepsy or pain ini tbe Mn. Chas. Gemme. $ 10,000 vet by the people for that journal bas te paoo mukes it noces Back. Thousantis wijl tell sou this eut Coughs anti colts thai other rometiies purpese, anti that in the reason the sarv te b. awav trorn the office quit. et their own expDerienco. seeni powerless te relieve une p'oniptly Town rate in bigLer than lut yean. frequontly, but no une neet suifer any _______cunoti bv Dr. Woodis Norwav Pin. lIn conclusion,. I again draw the rate. incenvenienco ot) this account as overy Syrnp. Try it anci h will convince yen payers,attenticni to the tact that on the member ef the staff rnuy safely ho eu- ENNISKILLEN. et its efficacy by eunixig yen. Price 25c. above $2,500 assesarnent the prement tmusteti with any businoss or confidence r.Al Fse an agtr Cuc reeïoib fr6Jet, lin the absence oftihe proprietor anti is Are von going te heur Bro. Mark Mrsvlan PodMise antkintn gTbien, Conci ra neapnile fr 8872' cftens anibenizet te receive monoy ut the Guy Pearse lu Bowmuxivitte? Yes, Clevîelata M s Wikinoxi, T~e I- anti poves Cclas foar and ilit thau office and give, receiptS ton Saine. WO crowds ane going. tuaiet Mns, W.M. MChats. Jont ncr 0te ae ovet e ar aivnti etI uel bave overy confidence in our ernployees oeT OT-M.Chs obstn leîeactat.aegingt ppe anti assume ail responsibility in sncb Mrs, C. W. Williamns is home ufien a Bear River.,N S., aays: III was treubi. a botter, Town Hall andi Fixe Halt than Instances. pleasunt visit witb Toroxito tnienda .... oti witb boarseness anti sure ibrout anti sîo000C waulti buld, and mucb botter ___________________________ is( Atidie Pve la visiting ber aurit Mrs atton tuRing thnee betties ef Dr. Wooi'à aulted tor the) requirenienta cf the M 1E P OP EC. Pearn, Wondville.. .. Messis Jes. Norwuy PineSvrup Iwas entirolY cnned. town. U E AN E T1North West Monday l4tb .... Mr. anti ee av ed aurn soa raff p s aveoonriy Tny fi sometie Biuy tic --m Mr ....hapba u NICE WORM MEnîciNsx.-Mrs. Wrn.________________ Karniag e Liceuse froin M. A. Mn nrwSarba ucasoti, the J E5apited by tic Gov- NMr. Riu'gs fanm north et tbe village.. Grhm Sheppartiton, Ont. wries;1 eni;t, suierfor tiecÇouuy ..r.nd cMsr.;. y John Matin aeon lramwî.s 0 ar hl aan tie . Mr tb Mns o hn Mun.Ptattentae Svrup, anti SudI ltanexcellent worF U re St e Duhi ud lifetimper Wty Mtenad. oate r medicine. ltis nice to tuke, anti dues MORAL.yen on' nemati un-in Dunlingiol n Mhsscin., n. mak th Zrystck" rie 5 inarnieti e a as rag South Drigo... Mns E Barrib, M.andi Mns. 8,B. Scobeli bave gene r s a ::dcemL.::out pnein u ,Ç Mn. anti Mrs Charles Stewart visite&d net maïtecidaik"Pie2 te have the Wedding Cards Tornxto, visiitiut Mr. Geo. Argne's t omnilpnin i oaini ortiotiex fashien bv your oblieing humble se&orWst 17 St. Sacamen Sîre t " otral. 'ate meszs well and free from piles as any niarryinz Miss Sarali Fster and sottting11.10 2un14 lvii, A. JAMES Agent, nan. Sunce bing cureti 1 wonke dturing the down ponlfl&nentiY in Newcastle, hie ho- Yu.S. ue M. A. JAMES, Agen" v~imten in the lumbilcr wouds, and had ne netnrn camie itientihed with insurance business. YntS. üot Bomavile ni y olti trouble. Dr. Cbaes Ointment wu Hoe laves a widow und oneson, P, G. wcxh ne unreî -,Dlu3a bx o M.; NClntoah, Barnisien, Oregon.OD LBSKARD. cent changes ln the macéhînery beàig a ----0I - jes VA,& 00 equipment tbrough to the coaat, inclua-. great improvenient .... Mr Geo. Lewis cur* L.w.lls. 1 ,r MM.ing the fanions etnciihe i ly Elkbonn, Wis , Mrs W GilbertUv.eriaxid Lirniteti; lbs tiran tbrge dis Pampyra, Wis., ttlr. John Lewis, Kinsale,[Want your moustache or beard en route, ovt r the onty tioubie-track wene recent guests of Messrs W. Alun a b.aatl broWn or Hch black ? Use raiiwav, betweexi Chicago anthe Mis-. andi sons.Heavv white frost Fritiay I îîUtIlfJ souri river. Ail agents soit tickets via nigbt, somie vines siigbtiy injured .. . .A I IK M this line. Senti for illusîrateti beoilet> large acreage of fail,wheat is being sown BUCINGHAM 'S in , aps anti fullinformation te B. B. Bon- in this localityjfl net, 2 Eaat King St. Toronto, Out. 1 Ir W 9: RA A'Q n f -r% ÀO% n lAr atItiSgu-est at lrmmM_* M f.. 8_1q_. %a# oCoram's . ... MissChambers, Peterboro, ' dvisiteti her brother, Mr.S. Chambers. il M r. AIf. Saunders' andi sister visiteti tfrienda at Port Hoperecentlv.... Miss iFanuy Patterson bas taken up residence B0W OVI N I L rwith her brother Robert .... Mr. Albert 1Stables anl family visiteti ber father b.Mr, Wm. Ballagh . ... Mr. John Moment Ison of R. Moment EFq, Orono, occupied 'the Methodist pulpit here Sun- 1day morning week . ... Mr. Lorne Rob- g.bina visiteti bis brother Frank inToronto r..Mr. S. Chambers now possesses aà1b a 11 handsome Zyco colt.... Mr. Jas.' Cole badione side of bis heati bitten by aLA I S NECO T borse which howas leatiing ont of tho OT stable.... Mr. James Hallett bas rentoti bis 100 acre farm, north of the village, ___r._____Dais Are selling freely we shall give 25 per cent off only 'W E L A D ST ONG during September as adVertised corne quick for WBLL ND SRONG choice. After Eleven Years -of Great ChilIy MWeathier Ooming, Suif ering. We have a very large range of UJnderwear both ini A Wonderful Tribute to the Power Ladies' and ,M3en's in fleecy linos and ail wool, of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla to Scotch and Canadian, Rnibbed. and Plain,, we have Cure Stubborn Disoases. a very large stock indeed including- ALL SIZES. We think our custorners will say our stock this year Proof upon proof bas accumulated is the best we have yet shown. Prevention is better that Dr. Williams' Pink Pis will cure t when doctors, hospital treatment andti an cure, buy your underwear early and save ail o ther medicines fait. Paralyzad taking a cold, WE GUARANTEE VALUES. limba have been restored to strengtb, rheumatic sufforers madie wel; weak, -acamiegirls-andi women -made-brigbt,- active anti atrong; neuragie pains M en' O e co tR aincoats etc. banished, andi the poor dyspoptie given a new digestion when it seerned almoat hope1losa to expect a cure. Beei eaeso igalagr'tc hnee eore in bito strong proof that Dr. Williamsa' eaeso ig agrsokthn ee eoei Pink Pis bring heaith and strengthi Men's and Boys' Suits a.nd Overcoats, Having sold after vears of suiffering. Mr. Louis m c urgorbgsl ehv eîl i Brien is a woll known resident of St out som50urn u bgsl. ehv nal l Didace, Que,. andi teila of bis years of NE ST Ktefwod uis et goa ab t suifering as fohUows,: 'Eoven years NE ST C ,tefwodsi lt goa abu ago, whiie working in the bush-, I haîf price, cheap if any one wants the"n strained myself and bronght on terrible pains in my stomacli andi back, where the trouble seemeti to locate. 1 had froquent lits of vomitîng, which cause 3 0 v s lr sD u k much distress. Sometimes I couid work, anti thon again for months at a time 1 woulti ho wholly unablo to In Stripes and Dots, a good heavy weight worth isc. we do anythinx; but evon at the timo I could, work I was always muifering, will soul for ioe. y d. At different timea I was treated by tbree tioctors, but tbiey were unabie anti put myseif undor the care Ofhl b hn1wn o f tral AU Grocers' due büis taken foir doctor there. Blis medicine reileveti me while I was inactive, but as soun asIattemptecL work -or exortion ob tte and eggs. any kni the pains returneti worse -than before. ---Ail --this tlieI--a- growing weaker anti lesa able to'resist the inroatis of the trouble. Then Dr. fM Williams' Pink Fis were hrought toTEAO00 my notice, anti 1 began to use them. E m A Sm 'm'u From t hat time I began to regain my _________________________________ health anti by the timo I hati useti thirteen boxes I was once more a well. -strong-man-.- The proof-of this--is that- I eau do as bard a day'a work V~s any-e one anti nover have the alightest symptoma of the olti trouble. 1 ami ~Ij. - olîly sorry that I1tIid not know f the i pilla soonor-tboy'wouid have fiave e GiinWn me much suifering anti money as ,apparontiy bopelesa cases ean be cureti. I:\ 1T thero can ho no reasonabie doubt that Dr. Williams' Pink Puilawîll e restore beaitb in ail! cases where gîven e~iREI .a fair trial. Tbefl pilla ara solti byve Ci ednif ll IiiI ail medicino dealers or wilt be sent ~ ~ C l.U II4 liiI by mail at 50c. per box or six boxei for $2.50. by writing direct te tho Dr.<- Williamas' Medicine Co , Brockviie,1 Ont. See tbat thefull namo, "Dr XVil- 4~B w a vl liams' Pink Pila for Pale Peop- l e is vlle princeti on tbe wrappor. aroun ieVerv box. lellighest prices paid for any quantity o SOLINA. 4 Barley, Oats, etc., delivered at above àNul, Hear Mark Uuy Pearse in Bowman- 4 n ville, Friday,Sept. 25. . Mr. Coiwill visiteti at Mr. Chas. Bran- eQ1. ton's . ... Mr. T. Baker is putting a coat 1 V of ceulent on bis cellar.... Mr. Levi l Warti anti family visiteti at Mr. Wm. Asbton's ..Mr, Chas. vice, Chaplean; visited friends bere ...Mr. WilsonLk m t d Gerrow bas heen to Scugog Island tin1t c i plowing on bis farm wbich ho gets pos- session of ... . Mr Arthur Weatlake bas l tbeen aick .. .. We cOngratulate Mr. antid Mrs. Levi Arnot on the arrivai of a îg = pease.......r. John Trull's LFU LISH R'SNOTIE. bo 1 e into a cistern recentlv. It SALBE was taken eut witbout mnchbharm.... Lindisay-Sept 21,,25 anti 26. ~AL8E 84 Mr. H Dilling, Bowmanvitle. wiîi Cobourg-Spt.24-25 iaraumladncoerse1.. paint Eldaticburcb.... Mrs J.H. Gorrili Peterboro-Sep.22-24. $1 peacrpiî n ay avabeai heofibe e .has been poorly.. .. Mr. D Montgomery Port Hope-Sept. 29 anti 80. publication. Advertls ng rates unless by con is renovating' bis stables.--Mr, Wm, Cartwright, Blackstock-Sept. 29-80. trc, 10 cents pentune, noupaàreil Olrsi insertion