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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Sep 1903, p. 3

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ýIN'IS TO UEIEPI-S Thec u'll h Jle "uate Otf le spîacl juces i Ie i egetAale le cookd wthou maer. The suc(cu- lent eave conaîn o lage apro- porton 0 matr thtfthe liquid Ici t ontheîn atter thir washing lii[he SUfrlient tf0 k(eep thefre I buring. Ucook 1:ýe i lainthis tespinïacb shiould lie brougiutf0 lint ery ýAlwl .y W ien i b teided it sbold ho drniined ,in aclnîider, hnpdflue and ssonef,,,-i w %ifh but- ter, saît anîd pepper. lkiefi cauliflower iae an ap- pefzlîg llîcbeona n'o uprrelish. (Caull'flomer lbondi;tto orgput thleni nt biing snlted mvater andi boil o onm-ueafjl a tmui1 and pack ihenimit h a fcm irbole dioves ilato the hotfoin, of a jar. Let iheai stand over niiglt. The nexi day bat a cipful nofvlîîegar f0 fIe boilllg Point, senson it b a- tea- SIpoonful of English acustard andi turî it oî'er tfho vegetable. Iliere shoulfi hc vinegar eîîough f0 cover t. Cover flic jar f ight and leave Juf for foui' or five days. P'atent rubbing wifh clloroform wllfearfenuove paint stains froin theulotdeiLate fabries. AP _opý1aaLion tfint a professional donne mecnaneîds fr USe on de- liafe ateî'inl ibmade of equali parts ni ther, clloreforni andimiro-1 bl fimuit ho kept flghtly cork- ed uil ix iii lose ifs strengfh. Adeligmbti l ttle sandwich ta is 0o tnp lan French fearoois starts wlith a ftiround ot wihte hread eýut out wtlî a biscuit cutter. If bs 9preadl on top xvth creain cleese and rurrant jelly bleadd o a Pink creaim. On1 top off (Is b iplaced a ýsecond circleo0f hrcnd, the sanie size as tle fu'st, iightly sprend wlthi choppefi Jpf sîgehio nuts. The effert of uhite, pis and gr'een le clarmiîg, and flic gutt ey 'sult b lîighly, satisfar- A anltray nf quicklime p laced î) l losefs atter they have been flior- ou1ghly clennsed, iii ho founfi ex- cle'or kcepiîig he air pure and ahso)ýî'biag uosture. The lime inst be frequontly reucîvod. Cofico stalas are diffinît f0 get out ni liglif colored or fîifnishgd inaterials. If fth ae ri 10 ol- <i ni' aixefi goods, inake a solutioni of nino parts mater, one part glycer- 'ie and one-hall part aqua amimonin. Applv mwibl a hu'usiî, aliowing soin- flou to emîianhait a day. Renom the rnoisf ciing occasionaliy, thon ril wth a clean dlot h and Press betiweca two pleres oni dot b. Tbcre la a chocolate suup thai may lie served ire coldl. To niake if, bl"i together for five miAnutes a cnp- fui nf wter andi on-fourfh pnund nof Sgteiclînclate, stlriîg roastantly. Add w'o çquats of coid înilk, the qok f 11\ve eggs and ,,ugar f0 fastiandlient over flic lire wmlth anl egglecferuntil flic nixture bouls. Thon lreumox e it af once froni ftle lire an1 nd 'un 1+ i no a turp..-n.... lnsbut fllie, kitchea ,,is clttlerefi. If licbntes woldnot imuc'-ediate- lybroecoas;cions of this w'henaa nglordrops la al would be meli, but s1Ic nîmnays apol'ogizes and makes berif d trienfi uncoifortable, IVe wls'h f0 suggost, a simple remed(y. tTholiere i nmys a celiar-wnay, a par- -tri,]n usiîmlly a clotheses adl- Joiîîing flie kitchen, Encouî'ago îlle habit of putfiug tflic moliboxý, the alscuff le, flic oil mn nitýd.coats ,and haf s lato one or 'Oie oihro f- these, and flere w'ill bho n nfle ýneed 0f apology, for scmftnred art i- d ces are very uiusiglifly nmd are bet- fettr lmnt mlere flic1 w 111net ic ee cano1tiat ly. Lot childica haye fbcnir pînyfhîn o f0f lir lienrfs' conte:nt aadi!du o at scolfi theri, but at dia- lier fiiielu lieîîî f0 put ilien lawny la a box or cabinet. They w 111 think flis part ni the fin. andi iif mill toncltheni a habit -ni neat- nesoant preparalox for faticer anfi througli luie. T AN EIU IYCNSUXPVI ON. tMeans Discovered of Mvaking Hun- mnan Beings Immnune. A dospaici froun Berlin sonys: iProf. Von Behiring, the faînous lavet ior of ethe diphthoria si'uun, he!ieos lie li as discoverefi a inens o ni1makng iîumabeing immune irontcamnp tien by iaoculating fIentm ilflia liarmioeso tuborculosis soni, icli 'mn lie obtainofi front mule. The professer roes f0f lus natter af present iiihohegreatest caution, ns ho fines not ish- f0 excite oiur- sanlguine (ýhopes, andi refuses bto an- surer any enquirles letore bis ivsi gations lave been cnînplefed. Prof. Von Behing lisbeniv- tlgnting couisuniptin laits riu ionms. île coîutends fliat tubercu'lss is in nomise identicai 'ý'lth fubercul- osîs consumpf lot. He agrees iif fIe flieory t liai fmberculosis 10 nof bnirieiut fCocs nt ndorse Prof. Kocl's idee. f lat bovine tuberculos- is cannof ho f mansnittefi f0 buman belags. On flie coatrarýy, lie agrees wit h flose irlo tluiak tînt unllk front iubeî'culosis cows is île chief cause of the sproafi ni coasunipiion, es- pecially la île case of infants. The digestive oirggns oif te latter lack fhe profoctivo tissueos iricl inlaadults prevont fhe entrance oniInfections oliacîlli, ithe Mucons nembranîe of an infant beîng like a porous flter. He is cî'edited wii h lîaviîug founti inocul- >aioa succesul la preveafiag tuber- culosis -la cattl e, andi hases on theso coxPeriînent s tho hope ni being sini- iarily succesul la proiecting luman llîo'proi,'ssoi' helieves fliat irlen coirs are so iaoculated certanafin- MUnizing Substances pmss inton fle nilk, andi those con ho fî'ansfor ofif I'uman. beings. Prof. Von Behringj mili deliver a lecture ai fle annuali meeting of accma aturalists, Whidi is f0 lieheld ai Cassel i n-ane- rom, on Is reroni investigaions. If, le xe ted flt duriag this lec- trlel' roter f0Is lmmnizing NEWS FliOV THE BALKANS, tlie- sLi fflyIoen u-biteos onu île toji' Cornîspondents Look forEa myati boots meu'c bloura abuthte 'witi a feaspoon, oprinllient milHastifis rErystor~e. lhebrgars goi mw'my mith sugar mid chIli. A dspah rinLndn s about fin flousauf fdollar's mort h ni fesparh frua Lcudou :-'jemciry. Tuue explosion arousef fthe Thee mehIopeiu ftnacas te fIe sit- villagers, ati Druggmcf Osîrnmu, mhîu AhThTHE TABLE, nation la tue Blkans, wmiiel as ne- ws i i orwe h at Gladstonie credited lis long, use- uorfed froin Sofia on luesday, ira als do mc i af ftul andi vigorous lifete ftfue habit ni not sliared at Constantiunple, wheIre, lunssefi mas fired ai by flue gang clcewing lis fonddmmd tmling at lemot ccording io Euglisl orresponckenls, reties Thycod ervr ono hl'Our f0 the "lîleasant business mmm nover seef dmore lievtable. mmd ment f omards Troniton, mih iii dinaig." ho sitdfinato a mli- Anxiety bas also beca rneuedofati Hdley andi Osimoint laporsuit. cookefi, ditiiy serveti epast wllli Sofia,but ilion c heicreports ar'e loi cd ones mnd fricafsis b umrly oneexaminof i ifanuol ho mif idtaI the ONTARIO'S REVENUJE. of limje lappiest experieutoos of life. situation appemm's to'he dfifniteiy ah- île dialng-room onnt h ui fI te feref, The hurkish militai-y ceint- Where the Largesi, Amouni of uisi ceriai ooun iin flicbouse, af nmission Iolfis prncticmly continuons lVoney Contes Front. thie outrance to uxîidl shoulti ho la- sessions flaihy, andi piOpamations for Afeplifo ooiooî scio."Lay cramitie, li ye tho w mu mit I Buigmela seenu f0 ho golng Accordiîg ftIcthereiuns prepamefi by enter homre." Floncîs, nxusic andi on actiuely li ftho tine. Thîrty-mo thue Provincial Auditor, île receîpto uuiî ouelsai gondducer sauoniigrame baftaliouîs ci Tuu'kiish froopo have iicCorLnmslDm'tiuifr this ctreat et Epicurus. D en île he th3Limtr le eicgît montîls aifilis yomr, oani- oulde f n ltle mîusic box exent Villayet of Afrimnople, appareuîfly asn uut 1t eei on a hmmpy influenuce oui fli digestin.. a strmfeguc reinforceieni agmiuîsî an a uut3smri on Týýý,tabe s te lac fr te igt cxpecf cd attmcký. The negofiationis nuinhbers, $540,000. Duing the eflfic chîeiniu stomy muid merry beiweca hockey anti Buigarla, iteis -a 99 ti eaienwihi donverse. Evîea île clilfireniow doclaref, macemot ikely f0 ne- thesorbmuic f t c Covmemtantn rn~add ti houappîy voiceslut tant- Sult ila nsetiiement. Ina aîy asoeotrbutef ofi h e uin ii $î,48 , lly gathering. fie rvohmtlouists do utot expecf auuy 6 ofuthe vumof $' ,83,08y . fable is netf flicplace forj ood fIerefroni, as tiuoy dstrusi flic 5 fat- fuis yeaî -tme Doninion faijt iding maboutftoodior anyths'h huoiises. Coi eriuîent bave Boset cloques f0 .le to cnmmct chilîdren or servanîts, .-tîîe Provincial Treasmen for aumouts fo g s (A i binaboes ior x ou gegating about $225,000 for b- disctulseut0f bsInss o Iosehtldf rest oui trust fundsanomd ase s uvoci os7hiwcîhey boif heioîcgiug f0 Outae-1 "Iio pn1-it xho fide innîf mith l tc, x '~ I t i i H . tonc in preseofn cliidrea is rnis- puttiog iobesocsl his oua istoinach. Lleise fhe sileut manv absorbefi iii introspection, business ixorîles or- the neuwspaper, who seenis< to nat irithout tnstiug is an inceu- bus on the, family dligestion-. The frelful wna ho çericse-) ber husbaind's carvîng, fIe niaid', - sorving or the childeiu, irbo bs ou the ioomît foi' the slightst mis- adventure, creates an unhappy at- mosýpheen lthfe dining roonithc times a day. It bs the uvise molther, -ivho, uhlen the pateî'fainilias beginsi f0 reNlew\ the roast with a critical oy, ks Johny fe, fell papa abouit tile 'football gaine. L;ong hefore Johinn.y bias finisîied bis stoi" ap baýs forgottea t f ld fauit, if ho, had anv sncb itention Ail housekepeî's nuay miake Ibis 'ntlu tir cookhook, Simple laie anld gonid dhieer arc the best nids to digestion. A CURE FORIFDCHS A nyrfiigreînedy for nervouis ladch I dscribedf by a sClentifirý the 1 ne oi waklg bnckward, but' 1:1e ineîn ni ning is an izapor- tantfartr l the cure. Thc pare ) shoifilh vcry slow, lttiug fhe hall ffic foot touch th flfono first, th Htc iw A, hall ne na'mnw room erietfle purpose best. The tbn ymnel,\ log thc cuire 15 that the roliex ofC0 n flC- boAiy Prlugs fIsflicp indfucei y evosus whd ssnid fI o t', resui of ton !o A lILY 'l'lCi{ENi \'! lhc 'e re iou keper xxhonLu r A ManisOnys ORd zaS He Feels, Soea people are aiîvays youn g- in spirit and vigor. The man irbo feels bis age is the man Nvbo neglects bis stomacb and liver. 'As the years pile up the delicate organisms grow stieligthens the systcmn to resýiott addedc straiin. A pefc aaieit reamoves ail jpoisoxi from inthesstm Purifes ald cann-Mes flic blcod. It kýccps ilver aid eyaci. Abby'eposesestheae lcqolityý of bc;Iag a b1,,a'l loaJsi ilien, At al Duggits25c. qnL oc etu eSmoking, xl nciu, in tule cloquent hinterest on i estaienlts held byhveirnacular of tlie îa7ck, plays Oldý the vOntari o oeuuneîît uettcd flue province $4,000 up hto August 3lct laci. WANT TIEI FOR LUNCH. Eleveit Hundmeti Berlin Onmnibus Drivers Stnike. A dspafrb froîîîBer'lin snys: Elcu- en huinfluoioumibus dr'i's andiroui- fluct ors stm'mîl on Tliiuîsday for fmelve hours' murk, insteafi 0f f meive to evieiuteeui houîis, mnd timnc for ln, lusteaci cf catiug sandi- wichues uvule the oîîînihîuses mme ira,ýit- J ung af the terminale. No parfimular' bumonu enionro lias been cansof to tIc public by flue strike, as ldfi icars con ou ci n-lure in tue dity. FIIIST IRISH LAND SALES. Duke of Leinster SFýelîs $6,O00,0 Esiates io 1Ris To-,i)nas. A desýpaîdten i liuu cmys: leý r'ogotiations foi !' fe r jatî sl ,on amlarge caienafor thl,,,xv1Lan Acf liaivnbecti roiuîu'ilcd Pcf ireca flic Iule 0f ILeinstem'aui flue oui aîus fs i is einates ini the Ah u i\Iyinoti filstrirfs -of Counfy il dam, he tpî1muuf s anc guxý-en a 25- yeaepurîns. îe l'aui-.,ti on la- TO 1'IEET 111 AMVERICA. PecA ogeoiaRi eso C"' in litt Sns Ua)-rmu'u'y xuthefuienîc.,- ither xiii flic nrychdlatupionu lie ailomef f0o reliex e île mnnofnny of tmaninug iih a cyche opium,toi' pedalling buns flue cîheef of huinging mutscles into play wrlich ouly hanper flue actiont of fluose mcst doluondeti upon ini sprint iug. At soi on in tlue uîoî'uiag luenainsI ie oe of niebd, muid flue imvitablelomol dcuvuu opemns tîme day's mork, fohlomefi by easy f onb-bhe xomise. Ile ilion drosses amuid b u'ody foi' ienaf, but lcefines not getiti quife e tn, îe lins fluet fo undertake tînt i nest 0f ail excisos, a xalk-0cniug a ille lui comnuiuy ifl lis Iant, af a I d rate. Autother ýIvalfil u couple 0f hbure îtce breakfast, muile souîduiciuef bot(ie ie mu je an easy rumun lr cndî'lrck Neau'lng 4 puum. ii- is ýreqim'ed f0 ommia agnin; but nof nail butsviuiI tIc cveniuug mi fb areiif'omain île programmue relei, fo'h flou lsenmt ouin a i~ cnf' a ibd Ilho four,1 five, or'ua. i ail, astfelmie'fecs BESI AT 'iiRE T)IM If is morthmy of nt, ume',fai niot ont il the lad iexv fnys noflih preparatuon hiave boom ot ci d upomi is thiepedesflaut calIctd up a f0shoir a couîple 0f si;ppery ie lie Hois to y ae utgei h le tmc i k n if l ouiy m ueeafî 1.1ei, tlu fc 1 hasl fnis rlaue 0f lui.ucitl'a- tio!l foý I',Il(,lic s n'fu mak 1h emmu use of p cuilrsiifc pm- g--y on-ci, y,îco1 duxs dtruc+fuegec frar ,nie,frx ,rove for o cîîmaiîuty tliot 1eua fî osare ipt 0 Cie if is idding ewnox'firn t affIejoimulaj scaririni waou': cai e O Capt Henebry feul ou tiiminb fn incouse i f unecloe fI drlIt aoy. Iuroi te u dicm ftî le nijWiousppas mi asa' at- m poix-s ~r Çhaus liite Fef madi nw rumuix hîjotiomulîlein flmehcc. Y viie aJ ieiy e u'î cgax ifluebouon, W. ar., - fu WILD BEASTS NOT DEýAR. Lions Sell ai lî0O and Wolves ai' ý7 Apiece. Tle recont sales of animlais in Glasgow at whidli a bear realizefi £3 andi a perinrîning elephani £100 lias beought homne thc tact tînt flic wilfi beaf wket be in a very bafi A lavýe nadndthe tmade la or- dlnay mid easo,"snid Mr. Jan-ý Ê cl, ani uo dal alatosi exclu-j lvcly la rare aiais. London, xxlili as oce0-ueone ,annial mmm'. kot 0fibe mocifI, ba 0s bot Ifs on-, opian-1îuicpHmbr and 0+1r Cainenpiports are n Iom large centres ile fende. On flue înaorîyoe our British stean3Liolip unehs if bý no loniger a p-erqisi7te 0 f îlecapaintoianpori alals. Tluy are nomlookefiUpon as fcgianfi chreifor a;t a ligu rate. "Fciuslippiag f'ilmvr ma me n sud restrict ions, adf flinýgI li helofficers animais ena h hngiaficoAes himh monifi lave atonrghodOt-i -attdro hytl Soi sleIstnt a fair index f thfli stato of flic market, but the folloîr- jing liot i' ii showr low prices have heîn ffetei y fhe large ciinsign- meisbrouigît oveî' la foneiga vos- sels Elephaîîf1s (Yonung), 20 yeragol £40,nor,£120 f0 £150. Lionis, 20 ý cars mgo, £300 fo 40 nom, 20to£25. Tîes e2 ars mgo, £300 fto £40 om, 060, Wolvýes, '2,0 yeac mgo, t£6 f0 £S; nom , >30ius.2 ýoiiîa Hycoan,ýs (pfe) 0yasago, whbite spociicu n iglîf renlizo £29.0,00. Gieniles, miter heing ns loir as £50, rose f0 £1,0ý00 mIca thec Maldi clos- efi îhe Soudan. Tlîey have nom tallen to £300 or £400. The irbole question of price rosis on flic aiounf of fueiglît clargefi. I amnt ilikely f0 import, for exant- pie, a puuîîa fron Southi Amecica mi a rosi ni £40 mIen 1I mn huy one froi a toreign capf n in Antwerp or 1-Iamburg for £1,0. Wiih the conîmoner anincais fIe muarket ib overstocked. Ibat hî enia" (pointing tii a brute flunt heaniefi aI- fabiy iin a strong rage) "lias rosi me £60 ini tond alone, mid I w 11 seli hlm fto you for £10," B'UItGLARS MADE A HAUL. Frankiord Vterchani Robbed of ý2,000 in Jewelry. A despatci front Iraakiord, Ont., says' Five hurgiars onfereti S. lînfi- lcy's .icmelry store aI ix o o'clnrk on lliursday uuoruing by may ni n side mmndoir. lhcy duillef lthe safe, irhich i iras iii the bock nifIte store, mu-id hlem if open. Parts nif te 'door mee flroma flicougli the front viii- dom jinoflic siceet hy flic for'ce of the -xpilosion. The posf-otlice ndf boni muid slîoe stor'e of J. Chapian, b ina l pari of tue building, wiero nîso danuagefi. lie pariion ho- tireentle fin stores agalnirlr ---------- SOME SECRETS 0F THE CII DER P AI-1REVEALED. A Six Week's Course ai Trainin for a Rlace OccupDyin2g a Luttue doos thiiaeaespcac mI f fîeu thmeeîiucg isuspect hol j~ ~ m punogdmaityn iue prepadi 'j lion wxvlih bas fu[ icluorgone t,ý Mtost onIlleruusee tmeyarecou. sidered f0 ho, la spomtin1g pîn iogy, "fit andiwecL." heLm-ertrouA seconde iay stflice f0 faý ireariam i ront pistol ftetape, îmf this fmill net bindî' liiia ron udort lali ing a six mcdoL' corsen-i uiiu forth flue nt. Six, 1reels pirea tien for a dteintiga dozeý seconids is quime a dQuiuon f ing. Tle sucressi îl!ramr i imaanh craf et tIc fist mfe;le huas 10 bu andf noue i underetaniiý ifleem lna hest Irifle w'ill uttako nIl îleý differ once betuoma ;nace mýon mdIost.1 ift yof a seconnd, fte instanIce, xvil appear te nMost peep aitIc ec flash of tume. If mauy 1-;1lim d fîcy kimoir ihafthue nuan min apý the minmimg tapehy hînt shacloml looking fraction lai adîmuce of ai opponent 10moîs2dred a dsnnu ninner, for il is euxaeito a tir Yar'ds, îictory? lirio',if f lu inniner can.lîîuprov-e t0csprintern feu' lis mare by lIe eteuf i cnly-v E111 of a second lu i buairefyars rr,lue mI- il l e iglîhy 1_plcascd mý it a d,'lofcoa nimeun hbr ia tho hile of a;atertrauniag foi an ilutup ont Imndi,îuif eliulc furst lie explainii tîn la na greal înny cases flihmieris, mor'emor- rcrfhq speakiug,am iiimloyertf la m oaupioyee. Ever remdy tici eecci aic -"siga on," ns il f more, iru-inag tfmi ont latlue rougI, 1;o pcolahly laý cm hisle 1sf tle nantes of SEVERAL LIKELY EN and mIen soute imrniig le sehectu one of luema for afofboiiughan dicap a mompiehe dimgecon-s oveu that nîaa's lite- tom- uter,;iI ux'eeks tc mouile. Coaîmnmy tec'pe t jinpehiaîus he is tam front leing treaýztef niggard- iy îvitl foocd. A libeu'al breakfast, enmbrmclng inutton-clops or' lum nda eggs, is miloux d him; uext follome a goofi, pliniadianel of geihlefor u'omot steak cuafeedone, plain pudding, and no lack of fruit. Soup or- vegetables lomever, arc usoaIly coîuspicuous liy f loIr absence ironithtI dince-tablo. Ilurcee ours latter cmins tea, uviicl can humudiy blie; icsuibefI as "plain," seeiug that a coupleý of eggs, almoot iuuvauiably poaclI m aduidnerdone, or fich, go nhong mith it. At 8.30 mtîppm' is >,rvef, aî supper-dish iIs mrepatmonizeti by the siillefitrameir t lna îceeasiiy- digestefitrpe hogu oilef dSpazn- beli ii oosacirire 'iii itlos.Ai- toeiue, beeis 1h f îis smug- gfieof Inraiou iii flue day'e Imenu d ard. Non have Mli lhie fte embracoxttedin ait bliaxîue. ILa mveggs ad port lea,,ten up iii- gehîu' for a pcsaî-p Muauîy fmainers have failli iui. Tlie 'enson of tîmls abrupt ciumngo ,frein heer ib tint men, if l ahegfiWiro have boom tdaininîg for ntmn'y meeks gnow mppreluensive, nervous,, andi evon de- pressed wuith flic near appromnî of the evoafful day, and varions trai- ers belleve tînt n indicions use et stimulantis exorcises a manked etteit la ofemciying île nenves mmd afforciing ihuat confidence mlich is no ncssnry on the dinder tuacir. Neflimg ho morue fatal te succes t1t-n for a .-oaptitor f0 ioe île limo feeling APPREHIENSIVE 0OF DEFEAT andti fis feeling cvey gond traîner ricognizes te ho a flumgerons eaomy rlich cails for bis hest efforts tei subdue. 0f course, flore are mamy 'xcclieni sprinters mIn mihI nitf oaci ntox!cating liquors tomraytliing, Se fau', ouly the briglihter 01idm ni tr'aining huas heen. totîch]efi on. There s, of course,nolluer side ,to fieý plcimure. île "pupil" b ou'fitee'd t ued ni 9 pin., or 9.0 ilafeos; nt unly seo, bai ho must amaretire 1e 'est umu thc unififle rt lue day., Sniuudg is pm'aCticýiîy tochfidden by umaîuy frainers, ospclahly c ( cuopet îtogter adremef lly Y Il DOUT Or BAIN8 flue fralnter omvs fi l.liîtbeoten S. Som ~e e ndidunalees f00,..1ROUND DRAIN T.LE FOR UN- hadt p ffmuig ia specandDER-DRAINING. cou's lis 0 o dvietif0nief ,Depili and Distance Apanit-Dig. .g Ieircase Om ucoefinnd ucrso-ging thle Drain- ou f bi beak fiir dfi ue su join-G radin,. îinîseif 10 tî!Il" [i' -,pI; 'îr or.i -luIaaa picions na'ticle ci th'e ad-I Jr, ]insl> , lcmnett uît'fiif a gs 0 idc-1iaiuu veîe xv~~~~~~ icy ccfldeig mhn us tpoiatefiiouf; inifuis caeuait onflle a- hiaswli otmti c rl ue ifi uotoin danîgpý'ctisecl t- est mubin f em hoîoug viyiflu To sennu saicmro'yrecultscael 0- u il oc-mlîî bnl ibslntd1 sii licst cf al be glu cii f0 ve nee'beotd kerp i 1,exiier- tue luesi m :f lyi 1lig ont alus- un, U eroletuesfr, lnl îulat !;;41- teoi cnidrins; me aibilhng tos- et-.0vý eitiuniimi leuieî'n il rl ' diithe g'o t, ffal, the lenet nuit- k-con-diionï, if exercises a h1icuîliîug loy for tue, flue heast aîîîouîîf nf' g9 efîcr ilouiflue numî,scles wili i 1<lotidiggîiig, andithf lie îost perfecL drain- J a- at il desiuai] -ouonlt111 go. n lue--. lor uîuicidrainiig flucce is uu.OfhjI îîg btfei t1îaî ftue Oriiiary 0- ST. SERAPHIN 0F SAROFF. ronifidfile. 'Plie siLe o f0 liemd cau nu1-vI-decidofi hbyv a study ni tue Ln Russiauu New Saint andtihei Cere- t ouiunm ie x uhuedaiuj jrnogl ficmi ey off !litic nf -toue A A nîosf profonuifi impreI,-sson uiponito fouI -ciguîf houes the sur'plus u- fl lie ]ilssiam people 10 saifi to haveue firouii tic boapiest nains, bunt if jis lt bcecaproducefi lv fle participationa nifn iiifooiti uî,t tflue1 s -l'oul clnt ho [0 the Cean muid (Geand iDukes -iii Élie too l oge s tf lin cost ofuîe- is stmtely reajiou'al n i(-le 'lics ni Sf. du'iun s ondaii'gj ,ýL1eIl, y y hie Seraphiatînâni fleuir eîpo -r 'ts- sle of flue, filesei. P"i',uumy h Ln iug place li one rot fliccuiles-of1nienti,,, tntthe cipacil',yo e inuonasfery P)t'ifle nom macho irounld n ii' pipes ýis ii'oprio to1mb !li uclu t iey mue noîv peu'- f0 flie quaesOt thoi'limits cmanenfly ensluîincd itflicUspeiusky Iliat le.uuudr flie sun oniditions, Cathedral af Saroti. saf s flic Lonl- afm-nd iu ill cary our f unes a flou haies. Ilis 1iilsy ani his iimi încîuatr mi afIna iîîcl pemial relnfires ;ah asIsistef(1in laai- ppetuneti2î ls miinsa ne- hrying île cedlar moti moffýin h'oginhpIipe. nlui fat, fueh, rgepipe LS the tact cmowvds nokC en "uîd cer- w iii carry oeut nioc fait this po static morslippe,i ai they rui- pont ion! lertînse off lie greter ric- cd flue cenitral gronî t aIallieeloah ftinlthii ie sinil pipje. laidn tr y. crl emdimi afi rus ases, fixve or six inrh file are ceý- dsinuls ot gorgeousîy aîupacecî cîCergy I orimeaded foi' fle lomer part of miidficlînnstens ouf 51de the chucclles. a ann-1aumaf our ilcl for flue- IThe rimh vcsfmoents covenef i ivfl goîti uPPer Portion, for ftli, branchjes tio - I m~id a bal to tilinhit-' plr muid silvc~eaiebcoidery, irhicu w eemale. Peters lute Mefeoplifn ni er l)epth amud Distanîce Xpamtf-1t i, - Pcersurg fue Iislips uif ni e eoi.ncressary f0 lay dm'mins imiore l 'piestly'digaita ries puesent, mccc flic tPan fouir ief below tflicsu rfa-ce, gift,0f thte Czar foriflis part icuhar mdi cu aesfoadalf1 occasion. fliree-aiid-- ,lifoo wivil.ho LomIli he ncîrly cî'eated Fcai ira nsnflicieni. TIhe opr istance be- îîuenleclîaat'is son froin R1%urci., x IIOtWeen îbralhdrainis idepeîufls ouithfli L- diefi 1une LYrtv ,4ll'a ugoatleri'quantit'y ofi iraer f0 b car-rice ff yI havngle fuemuir hlenin e-tamufthfln ature 0oi Insol l Duginns relus' aru. Iesides goueî'aî prariiree h jI>ue nitii"are eomdy i lp Ieîfo hîumlalukimîfi, i'a- uîcually pîncedf roînafiity teo ne hum- dillomu say\s t i n le uefI fo feefithflue duetfot apart. Iti ila fenaciolus hoes !ilithe adjace.nt foi'est, miiere day soli, lion cyi, t!lirty foiL ot uid tîese animais have cyci' silice heen not ho t onrcle. beld froe front pursuit in conseqcre. Iiggiîug flhe a dr-ae inu mayx Hle moi' saîudnls of lirch bail, and b le opeîîod li h fi r:s t lae1)y pnss- irwas notefi for the siînîîicify ai pur- iuug thece or four iîuîes,ý aloug flue ]ity of lis ile, urlirhi 10 nom roîî-istaîuîc fack ithiftumnoî'diary plomu. stract cd la the uîemspapcu's mithl lte lIon île ouiîoil îa.\ Pcbrokcnui p d îmnpeminl ad ecclsiastiral ponîp in wilh a goofi strong subsoil 'plow. la 1 île înidst of xvlich bisreenîalns havetfIls w y lime carlh i inoxbl ioscacdi J just beca samcfieid.he other pria- f0 a'lcpthî nýi f lnfoot ou'Or-more anij ipal objects ni inferesi andfi ieieî'a- tf l im ot mit a 'rroxr cshou es.liet ttion are a stomue, veu'y unchuxrabybottoîîî(of the drin siol odgh the kneeliig nofluhe sauîitat pu'nycrsuxf 71 nnw 1i'luîîu, spdes 1i' f andi a spriag fironi' iliule irerI for 1fIe p1ump Ioseo. hue dit ciî lîo.dli w't er, ai-i at irliclu cases ,0f nilr'1-tbe kcpt sl 3ight bymenusonia line tf Ctulnus h1cnlInu, are nom saif f0 ne of 1si t(lced fihy îa'tegoui daily (oxccurrence. id abtîot fouIluesiîc rult he SI Enorion)s croirds of Ipilgulmeis. c'eip- e e u oflaycaeteditch tl ples zai c Ficli folk flerkedi f,)îe nee mînt o more liaîî foot uxife fi nlIiouaseu'y for fuis cucî,t front i n ltef p ai tou,)r b iiumrhcles at fi pat fflceimpire, evea froîn fmi' hobottil loun u 'dl0 ou irse la- fi Sibnia ani gea nub"r la f0crsilîg Iiipropor'tion te fllue fepil il ombi i, t lid f l-ho mdo sNo ad îeuv ot flut e -drain and tle sie ni tfl i ic. t 3camp ni le 'in igious framp ha (ir diiig. as a ule drain-s oonî bc s onr it lienu religR o n tmsin cn îî f oÎî btc guxeut as numli m li as possible ,I X 1the t hreng. It b estimnatefi tIaLnt an idf wouieuît snohoiundofe i os 1less tîma,300,000 persoas more pie- ifths au oines laone uicfi iel, semnt, and if iras auunter of soure ing is iucssauy tfl ensure a mmaii'enuW. diffclty f0 provide a sufficieriufaiml tîrum'ighiomithue course of a C qnanlify oi food inl sudh an ont-0f- drainî. As ail suntîle uuîofiod for iluis flue-mny place as Saroff. The aggce- purpose, onie of O-Ur leadiug aufliori- gl ai gmtlo ieight 0f ftho votive andies fics recoumînnds tfl idtde f0euse a soîf f0 f lis greai concouese on ii- scierai mos.hiads unade rinia fors lfin fim dys le givea as eloyen strips of oîu-iacli bocards, f lreor andi one-lali ions. Many perfect toue Inclueswide. The iength 0fce mures cilectefi by batling at île fIe 0ftandardisvies acrrnlug Inmi sprinanod durlng the religionis ser- the depf h niflue drain,. A Cross- W vices have boom fluly mnfhenticafed picre about txîo teet long is nailcd Pi by the poliro and dlergy. lIe hlifi on the top nofIe standard. These lave reenvorefi iheir siguuf, ftle lame eross-lîemds are fiuoî plareti along, Pr sud parahyzefi île use ofthili hnbs, the lireo0f flue fdih 0e,1h01 flic sm and the defiet nd dunb fhe famufies cross-picos ado !iiiEune. The propen Pe nf speecht and hemring. Books on the graceie b scerfaiîcd hy flue use of rni subjeci are, beîîug cisfributed througli- ordlinni'y spirit level. Wlicuî rca:dy i, ouit flue country by île antionilies. 10 lay the tile a stai-dî,dncclsionif te' - _+_' _ be sct aftIh bottornnf the dreain su WHHERE IRELAND SCORES., and cnackcd l Ue w ifh flic tops ni \Vhtiir Iclnd s îe fnet mun-0ff te mross-lieads; this -ux'ilh, bA iii r ran s t huoiitrgexvlng faxunt testig ovory ftour bcd, glue -aLtruc re tryintewrdfrgongfat grade fou, mue tules, su] uls, beyond dispute, flue lnest in fhe La1 iiîg lte Tle.-Wlcen flue bol-js uvorîfi for hlcaching lineni. Nowheme tfmon th e drain lias bheren7)rought e cisec mn flic sn-uxîltofIhishedfi fb- 1toflue proper grade muid chape, tic ce] rie c ltîrnef eut feu iai fIe Irish file shoulfi ho lai vony careilly f0 ad bicachu. Franch, Bclgiumiy, Geu'nîmîy, seceume perfocfiy close joints. Wifha amd Auieric a lave amlienterefi into the aid oi n file hooli thueyî,iay bhesu coîîpellflon ith s, andfl etimefi Un- lusced eîîiîllv ndi nî',,,-'t*1.à fl sýuccesstmîl. 'l'ho qualîty niflic n- ont golfiiîg ilu the ditelu. homneori teu-, he cinafe, and tbefle îr+4 fmr te aplace ti- Wfhl ~ I uhe-ï oxporiemur ofcultfe Irishu blcochei's aI f'a dont'ulufef0 lue eamît.mlaid tca ndinmg intheflic illc mui co nt ib u e t th e res lt .stcp p iiag r a rc fu lly O to a riî 11 e as 1 laid, la coverluîg if i'i puefomableli Vomn g ntn,"saifithec steen par- 1f0 put flic sui-face soiu uex îhl f tAnotiier club w,-oman, Mrs. 1% tiauie,, of Edgerton, Wis., tells how she was cured of irregulari- tics and uteriiie trouble, terrible pains, and backache byv Lydia L. mkharhw-Vgeta-bcipoe~ fail because of female troubles. 'The doctor didnfot helpi me,. Irememîbered that my mother had uised Lydia E.._ Pinkham's Vegetable Comupoundý On many occasions for irregularitieLi and uterine troubles, and 1 feit sure that it could flot harn me at any rate to give it a trial. 1 "I was certainly glad to find thlat. within a week I fit mucli better, thei- terrible pains in miy back and hi were beginning to cease, and atth time of menstruation 1 did flot have nearly as serions a time as hereto. fore, so 1 eontinued its use for two mnontlîs, and at the end of that- time I was like a new wornan. 1 really ihave- never feit better in my 111e, have flot had a sick headache sifice, andweg 20 pouflds more than 1 ever did, so £ unhesitatiflgly recommend Vegetable Dompoufld."-..Mns. MAY HÂrtLE, Ed- gerton, Wis., President Honsehold Econonjieo Club. - .85OOforfeit If originublor> abeue letter proulng genineness cannot bc produccd. Wonien Should remember there is one tried and truc remedy for 111 femnale 1118, Lydia E. Pink- I)im's Vegetab]e Compound. -Re- fiàso to buy any other medicine, yon lieed the best. PROPERTIES 0F BEET STIGAR. Erronieous Impression That It is an Inferior Article. The Ontario Sugar Co. fi lly rea- izing the ý valut, of direction anîd practical jdrimonstratiori for the pro- duct iont of a crop of sugar bects profitable to both growcr and mna- scturer, hav e always endeax ored to Tork Iha I ndibnd xvith the fariner, th producer of the raw material, in learning the best mnethods of cultiva- ion, manuring, handling, etc., and in puttlîîg these inethods int prac- Our, fammters, the grnwers, have ce- ýpa,îdd 1 these attempts to hclp hiem and ]Lave thenisex es been stii- en,-ts of general methodo nerpr icîclar conditions. Ticee united et,- Jet's, this harmoIny of action, land xe singlenesso0f puýrposeenex rig o e'stablilh thoerma,7nenjýce of th jcet sugar îdstyinl na) o r 0ow being rewnrded (lwitlia bri-glit !rosýpect for the fultire of the grýow- ýand the nmnnufacturer. Our sugar beet cii'cular contains blat should be regardeil ns signifr- cnt, viz., correspondence w ith bect 1rowers, giving what fanaers ubo ire growing beets say about the crop ind ifs offert in cleaniug and li-k )roving soif ns sbown by tile suc- ýeding cropso0f grain. This infor- nation the newspapeî's, innny of vhose rendors nre faiee's, will ap- ceý,ciate. There is, liowever, a fact made )rominent by the growth of the beet Igar industry which every newspa. Jr in Canada should bc pleased Let Idicule, viz., tfli urking errojinou ipression thnt beot sugar is anin i- nrom sugar. i-edpath's grainulatei-' igar s illado froi the rnw su!gar dsugnr bects growa lai erînny o £ustria, which is imiported! intoo and efined in Canada. If is also be ýgar. I-Iow rilictlous that a nlain hould change ftic properties of a hernical substance. Scventy-fcve peri ent of the sugar consumed la Cani- ina is beet sugar, called cne sugar. comnmercialame usüd because -te ubsfne was' first produced fx'oni il, cauc, ndu 511 retainn C Fy rétin- s whose rnw mate rial is largely or 7olly dcrived frora the beet. Red- ath's granulnted 15 ait exanipie. Messrs. Wni,. Metcalfe & Co., Ber- ., Ont., a grorery'lirai nppeeciated t rome, and nf wide reputation, "Our unbiased opinion nf the suigar roduced by, the Berlin factory is, at this product is equal la every îy f0 any sugar heing sold in ('an- da. IVe canut but belieî e, that ny opinion 10 the contrary is only àe resuit of prejudice. [n speaking to ne 0f flie lendinv ne nmanulnctîtrers of Canada rs, arding fleicnerits of heet su-gar, is gentleman stnled that ia his Labhienit they lad imade- au ,tuai test, using the saine welght, f eet aad cane sugnr, and fouad 'e finjsiied, wine Ito ho identlcal, noir ng beyjoad a oubthat thýorex CerLtily vthe ivine nïaaufacturrci'si

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