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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Sep 1903, p. 4

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Pure Clover Honey- Straiued in bulk, at close prîces. Aise lun glass jars, Il suzes, from 25c te 7 5c. Bet- ter value than wc have' ever showî,i before. No.x, Finest Quality, at No. 2, Choico Quality, at 1iC i oc.1 Fruit Gems and je]ly Jars, atl sizes, Wine and Imperial measure. Tnhe ,,alladiau Statesnian BOWMANVILLE, SEPT 30, 1903. It is stated upan good atithoritv th'at the Canadian Pac~ifie~ Raitwav, is bitterlv incensed at the Grand Trunk Railway for entering what was regarded by tbim as their own field, the Canadian :N rthiwest, and has determinAd upon a po1hcy of retaliation bv constructing Sompetiug Iinee iu older Ontario The leasing of the Pontpool, Lindsay and Bobcaygeon Railway Is pointed out as a frst step in the newr policy of the Canadian Policy in view of the tact that We buy our Peaches right in the Gardens and have themn shipped di- rect, ths ersures good quality, even pack and fresh stock. , ow is the tine to buy. Gool BEutter Wanted-Must be ;giit edge, iu pouni prints, wrapped.- for which the highesr nmarket price wiii be paid. Au esteemed citizen writes us that he la pa ying for improvements made on ether people's property and suggests that these who have se mucli doue for them shonld be taxed for it, We fail te see the force et his argument. fle ne doubt reters te the new pavements. This Ceuncil has net laid a tout et pave- ment and, auyway, the people before whose property the cernent walks ar.ý constructe d are taxed for 70 per cent et the cest. The debènture debt is -what has raised the taxes mainly, as showu last weok lu the statement et Mr F. H. Mason, Chairman et Finance, aud this council is net responsible for a cent et it. The peo ple voted for it themsolves, China Hall Grooery Two things are te Us mysierieus- first, why se manv farmers continue te ra.ise only common farm stock, and second, wt2y se manly tarmers' ie conitiniue te make bo m inte nfrjor butter. Really there is neo excuse for either. We have beau greatly qurprised te read la the Farmiug World wbat a lot of tarm stock changed bands at Toronto Dominion Exhibition. Colwill Bres , Newcastle, for instance, sold nine head et swine for stock breeding and the whole list, tho a long eue, is net by any means a complote eue, as hundreds et sales will be closed, by latter later on Mr. K. Morrisen, Birmingham, Ala , son of our esteemed tellow-townsman, Mr. D Morrison. has formed ideas trom what lie has rad and gained fromi ex- perience, lu a rather racy style ha proL enta some ideas lu Ist week's News w h i c h Bewmanviile business men should read Ris remarks about our- selves are received with thanksand we hope wità profit. Farmers, briug year beys aud girls te the Fair. Ail schools lu Darlingten and Clarke west should be closed on Wednesday Oct 7 te permit teachers and soholars te attend Bowmanvilie Fajir--where they will get iaeas and learu tar more than trom a week's scheoling, if they are t'uVht te observe. One gets the most benefit at an ex- hibition by criticising caretully every- thing exhibited. "The best paper lu Toronto" re- narked a professional man et The Tor- ente Daiiv Star te us the ether evening. Judzing bv the big bundie et Stars that corne te Bowmanville for Big 20 every evenin g by the 7 o'clock train, many others seem te hold the same high opinion et Toronto's, favorite ev'ening paper. It popnlarity is shewn by the way the circulation has rau up from a cemparitively small number te an average last month of 21,497 copies every day. Yen should read The Tor- ente Star. Advertising is like a race horse-the man whe drops ont is seon lest sight et. It's a gaod deal lîke winkiug at a pretty girl In the dark-you mav kuew yen are doiug it, but ne eue eise dees. Advertising la the litebleed et business. Every good ad. is the steppiug stone to saccess Judicions advertising will start the bail rolling and keep il relling. Continuons advertising croates con- fidence The prevailing epinion is that eue canuotboeonstautly before the public wltheat being fennd eut aud kuown for 'wlat he la The people believe ina man who eau stand trial by the pub! ic. The business man who la contented with his business has stopped growing. The man who says he bas enugb, theiefore. has ne need te, advertise, bas reached the flood et the tide. Bat atter the flood la the ebb alwa.% . It is a law et nature that noth ng shall stand in a state et re8t. Evervthiug grows or decays. No business cau reinain at a standatili fer any couslderable length et time. People whe haven't the business backbone te ketp steadiiy at it until thev're liable te develop into these s.orrowful specimens who eccupy bench- es lu the extreme rear, where they mutter imprecatiens te the eifect that "advertising doesa't psy The Town Ceuncil and Baard ef Trade are uniting their tifertato secure better train service at Bewmanvill.3 station The winter time table will be issued sbertly and it is heped that the changes asked fer may be granted Business men wishing te reach Toronto early ou Menday have now ne alterna. tive but te take the 7.50 a. m local train which reaches the citv about 9.30 s. m. The express goiug west at 6 a.rn if it stopped bore would meet the case. An early Menday morniug service is aise needod te make western and sontheru connections for United States points. The esrly train dees stop at Oshawa and Whitby. Another urgent requost is te have the night express going east te stop here during the winter as it dees in summer. ihe lasi train on whicb we caun corne from Tor ente leaves at 5.10 p m. except dnring the summer montha. Trustees et country achools lu West Durham shonld. instruct thoir teachers te close school on Wednesday next and request the teacher te, attend Bewman- vil arwith the rirl olnarsand ,1 1 Spend Thanksgivlng Out of Town. Sinigle tare in oedc for Thauksgiving Day this % ear allow passengêts to spend live davs out ofet- wn. Tickets are good goiug- Weeinesdav Oct. 11, sud are valid te retur u utillI Mondav Octobe, i9th. Cail at Grand Trunk offices for Itickets aud information. 40-2w LOCAL AND OTh7PRWISE. Mav or James atteuded Cobourg Pair on Friday. Wm Woods, teamaiter, dropped dead Meuday frem hbeart talinre. Mrs. Albert Wilson aud son Arthur, Weodstock, are visitiug Mrs. Richard Allen. LMr. Tbes. Itundle and daughtor, Breck, wero guests et Mr. Thos C Langmaid, J P. The firemen give thanks te Mrs Jas MeLeau and daughters for the delicioui tes sbrved np te them dniring the tire Sunday murnîug at a very oppertune time The Primary Union wiil meet lu th( Primary roem et the Methodist Church on ThursdsY evening at 7 15. Rev H Munro will take the lesson. Ail inter, ested cerdially invited. Mr. Jas. Xillman, who has been a member et the pest office staff here toi some time, left on Friday lsst for bui home, Bowmnauville, where he intendQ taking np railread.operating.-.Brigkton Ensign The song service lu the Methodist church Sanday uighit was very inter eatiug. "Thbe Sea et Lite" was the subjeet. Soloq were sung by Mr. H1. J Knizht aud 11ev. D>. O. Crosslev aud a duet bv Messrs Crossley and Knlght, the choir jeinîng lu the-chorases aud rendering theî autbem.,"Fraise the Loid Oh Jerusalemn." 11ev. and Mrs J. -J. Rae, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman C. Smith. Mr. ana Mrs. E. T. S!emon. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hezzle- Wood, Mr. aud Mrs. F. A. boar, and daugbter Rtb, Mr. aud Mrs. Geo T. Farewell, MlisFes K eddie, Luke, Serviss, Scales, Ellis, A.Luke, MeLean, Thomas, aud Messrs. L. Stevenson, Chas. Serviss, N. Themas., N. Johns Mrs. Gee. Scott, 11ev. J.- HOdf os, aud Dr. Montgomery et Oshawa came 1down Pridav, uîgbt a nd enjeý ed the lecture by 11ev Mark Guv Pearse Miss Florence M. Horsey, B.A., who hae been visitiag at the rectory, Abbot. sterd, Quebec, loft there ou th~e l4th lust . for Dunham Ladies'College. te the staff et which she bas been appoint- ed as teacher etfniathematicsansd phYsics R1ev. H. E. Horsey, M.A., B D, rector ot St. Paul's church, Ab- bottford. oQue., bas been appointed oxaminiug- chaplain te Archbishop Bond, Montreal Mr. Horsev's manv f !ends hors hsartilY cougrataàlate him unon the houer cenferred upon hlm - Knyston Whiq The abovo are niece sud nephew eA Ex-Mavor W M.HIforsey, Poli ce Mlagistrats, Bowmanville. AUCTION SALE. fWEDNIbSDAY, Oct. 14-Mr, iW C. Hoar, lot 10, con. 5, Darlîugton, s ili seli ai et his valuable farmn stock, implem- ents, etc. Sale at 1 p m. sharp. L. A. W.* TOLEý, anttneor. THiuiSDÂ't, OCtOber 8 --Mr.' Hedley Oke, lot 31, c.on 1. Darlington, having rented bhis 'ýrarwiIl sel by auction hi4 valuapble tarmn stock, imiplemnents sud housýehold furniture. Sale3 at 1 o'clouk sharp. See bis JAS, Bisniop, Auctieneer. THR5DiAY Oct. I-Mr. W. C. Ashton, lot 1, B. FP., Darlington, will beli his valuable tarm. stock, ruachinsry,, im- plonients, etc.. haviug rented his farm. Goed chance te get seme flrstcilass farm stock. Sale at 1 Ses largc posters L A W. Tole, auctioneer. WEAK AND NERVOUS. 'rhousands of Lives Made Miserable by aTrouble Easily Overcome. Theusands et poople thronghout this country suifer coutiuualiy frem nerV-ý eususss-their bleed la poor sud wat. ery, their nierves unstruug and jaded' Tbey are pale, woak, et tuu tronbled wîth hoadachýles sud dizziness, are ex- hausted withl the slighest exertion, sud otten feel as3 though lite were a burden. There lai cnlv eue abselutoly certain way te get uew heaith sud strength, and that la through the use et Dr. Wil- liams' Pink PiIis for 'Paie People. These pilla mako uew, rich, red blond, streugtheu the nerves, sud briug belh sruth sud happiness te those The very lateRt lu Wedding station- er37 sud Wedding' cake boxes at Tn STATESMAN office. FreOland kees a fine lot et trames for enlargemonts. Other, styles and sizes made te order. W'EEICLY GLOBE snd Tim' STATESMAN = M ahic place exesv .T .ses erge oha ht 1v .G n ai Deatmient inn A rt o - - ' Y, tit 0iI Iid their next meetingr1 to new 11 8b rîes from new to Jan. 1.t which p lace extenive G., T iuuvuLu .UN Rev J acGpn thmt'h ~m r, C~tlCt.,Mntbpoe rt n Thusdav October lIt at th m e o 11189 )ri. bonusý ,With the Octeber number, 1'IMI CAN- ADIAN MAGAZE'XE closes itS 218t volumo, thus attaining its majrity. It hasbeen published just 1Oý ý e.îrs, o' eh hallf yeatr making a largo voltimp. No other Canadian periodical has liad 8uch suc- cesaful record, and it speaks well for the p atriotism aund culture of the people et Janada We stili think there are thon- sands of people lu this ccuntrv who shou'd read regumlarly this splendid ber is m capital issue. Every Higb and ]Public Schooi teacher especiallv shrnild. noud usa rosigned tue editcrsuîp oet mee Christian' Guardin wing te ili-health for hoe has beon lu our opinion- an ex- cellent editor. We tako this opportun- ity et saying te the Methodist executive that 11ev W. H. Adama et Tamworth would mako a very worthy successer if hoe will tako it. We kuow hlm te b o a brilliant writer sud lho wonld continue the goe work carrîed on by Dr. Bond. We have anether ides teo ter te the executive: - By ail moans appoint s trained journalist for assistant editor. The Guardian bas needed badly the services et a theroughiy practical mind. It might easilv be made mncb mors popular as s chur-ch neëw-s-paper thanft- has ever beon Editors like pools are thoir attention to t-he paintinigas, explàin te them the difierence betweou oul paintingsansd water celer, tbe nameofe each class being tound ou the eutry ticket attached. Thon go te the tlewers aud see bow mauy varieties the girls can name, peint eout the respective beauties, the form et the flower, etc. Thon inspect tbe ether departmnents askiug each girl te point eut zood peints sud pretty patterns, etc , snd lu this wav croate observation sud at tbe same timo croate a desiro lu the pupil te emulate tbe exhibitor. Maie teachers cau de the saine with their girl acholars bntwe -ta ucy---the- boys- wili waut- roam at their owu aw3eot will. Bv ail .means kit tbe eblidren visit the Fair. Williams' Pink Pilla with wondortnî resulte. Before usiug thein Iwas weak sud nervons; niy blood waa peer; 1 wag pale sud snffered from pains lu the regien et the heart. New alter the usti et eight boxes et the pis my uerves are strong; my bioed is pure sud ricb; I have a goed celer sud my heart action is regular I thiuk their is ne medicine cau equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla for these troubles." This is the verdict ef ail people who have giirenl the pilla a tair trial, sud those wbo are sick cau obtain new -health, and-strength thrirngh the use-oL thîsimedicine. 1>0net waste moensd tnrther endAuger your health by takinir road h egularlv. Trusteesrnightmake De oiaoau u iitr saueandtievwilarr-v home manyprofit: anY subsitute. Ses that the tfull name s presezi te tLe teachema who canuet h the last class lu which we wonld 8eek ablo ideas. Dr. Willia n, Piuk Pilla for Pale People attord te pa,> for il eut eftIheir smaîl for a succossful editor. We say this ______ is printsd on the wappsr sround overy eaîry.deiiberately afttror ver 25 years et box. If '.ou cannet get the pilla trom editorîi exporience. SOLINA. youm dealor they will bo sent by mail *% at'it) cents q boxeor six boxes tom 82 5 A very timsiy article appoars lu th-e Great inte rest attends the expoimout Mr. Stephen Hogarth attonded the by writingte The Dr. Wifiams' Mecli- MouetarY Times inl which it la said the beng triod at Holley, N Y, et a ce. Western Fair at London su d vitsd ins Ce., Bockvillo, Ont. lesa bo farmers sud producers generally opemativo bearding association, which bis brother at St Marys. _Miss Ettie througbout this country caused by the -went into eperation Sept, 21. The Brooks bas returued te acheel au Belle-ENIKLFN general peornesa et the highwmavs, must Standard says tue asseciation started ville.... Friday ia Raily uight at Slnas mn up np m millions et dollars evor, wîtb 30 members wich evory promise et Division; geod pregramn. Ail comle.... rhe report that Mrs. Riggs badl sold year. Wear sud tsar upon goed herse. sacceas. Each member on joiniug ps'.s Mesars. S. E Werry sud Chas, Short. hem tarm te Mm. Andmew Sharpe was ilosà, breakages lu veicies, certaihý1, a mombership tee et $5 te provide-a ridgo sttended Lindsay Pair .... Con- untrue. Mms Riggs la offering the farm cul eut s considerable perceutage & fund for puchasiug tumishi ngs, uten-. siderable patate rot exista in this local- for sale or te met .... Miss Bradley the profit on many industries, while the suIS, etc. The current expeuse for food ity.. . . Nr. T, Baker has pnrchased a visited Mrs F. WN. Lee,. . .. Miss Helen vailue of the lime wasted in trips te sud supplies, service, roui, fuel, etc,, is drove et abeers tor tatteuing,. . . Mr. Jas Wallbridge sud Miss Osborne,Bowman- frem towu, whichi on fair oadways apportionod svemy twe weeks pro rats Hogrartb wiil attend Business College au ville, visited Misa A Leona Wilias.. sheuld eccupy only hait the tims e- amng the members A commite et Detroil... -Postmaster B. G. Stevens - .r J. W, Virtue acte,,d as jud-e au curd aI present or can now enly ho Itwo. ladies. chaDged each week, bas bas oonght a new driver.., .Visitors:OonPar ...Mmr Harry Hockiu sud made uI the cest et ruinons depreciation , hree b rageete u usM sdMs .WlimPort Peïrv, NMr MorltcomerY, lcsok visited at et the goods cenvsvyed, must be simplv I et tare sud genemai oversigbt of the with biis sons; Mr. sud Mrs. A. Peters, Juo. Heockeu's, . _ ev sud Mrs. Thos. incalculable Town sud et" euncils, Ihousekeepiug depamîmnent. The enter- aud 'Miss SngZdeu, Hampton, ait Mm. F.Su de visitod aI Resouteath.. .. Mr. fatimera',mnufacturers sud risople I rse is a ttmpt le seve the servant iM. Cyderman's; Miss Oke, Boissevain, sud Mis aze ape,~stda gerterally seem teo receguize the-o tacts, girl problem, boucs its suecoass will bo MNan , guest et Mmrs. W. Werr....Mr Wm. Hleriug-'s.... Mir. Win. Robbiua, aad yet il maust bo contes8&d that but Iwtchled esely by Ibousanda of ether Chas. Laugmaid lest a valuable herse sr., lias beoulnory 11 ..., Mm. sud Mrs. lite regress la belug made towardos aitowiI5. Dr. Marshall A. 'James la Eidsad cihurch re-er>eniaig Oct., lOll and BrouI. Port P err,. ,visited at Jatmee- T teasurer of the Association. llth. ?artiulars next week. ~MODtjoy'ë.I ef Mrs. LGeorge Jierslake, 1-ampt I Subjecta for discussion -Puddings aud, Deaserts," -aud "Sînali Cakes sidi Ceokies " Meeting te coirm ce at 2.30 p. m Ail ladies are cerdialiyv in- vited te attend sud assist iu makiugz týe meeting iuîeresting. ... Mlesars,. W. W. Hern aud Ewart Creoper, ispeut Sunday at home. .. . Mr. 0. J. Clatwor- thv, Misa M. Brown, Oshitwa, at Mir. Jos. Clatworthy's. .... Miýs Eva Clatior- thy bas gene te Toronto to take a position.... .Mr. Thes. Ellioti baviug decided te relire front businesb has ioased bis relIer milîs te Mr. Chas. Hern who bas been beadriller for thejpast 24 ear.... M. F. R Foley, Bowmasu- ville. agsisted tha members of tbe Ep worth Leagne whe Lad charge of thei service SuLdav; evening. Mr. Foie's black board talk "A Bird's uî.ýe View or the Bible," was very muca appreciated by the congregatbon. The choir fur- nished special music. . ... A very quiet wecddiug wss celebraîed at the par8en- age Wednssday atternoon wvh n Miss Mýatilda Bruni etf this xiliagewasnunited in matrimouy with Mr. W. Joliffe. Lindsav Th8v loft on the atternoon train fer Lindsay where thev are te me- aide. Miss Lillue Trenonth was brides- maid sud Mr. A. H. Hardvygroomt3mau.I 1 ..Regular Mouthly meetiIng c f Court Archer 1. O. 1'. this (Wednesdaî) eveuing. (DA ESTOR InA For Infants and Child-in. The Kind You Have Atways Bought Bears the D Signature of 4 e.fée_ ý (IjRLS WANTED AT PETERBORO -Address Ganadijan General Electrie ore stating experience and present wagzes. pre- ference given to tbose who apply ir ppersen. n~ mrn-nlT f4t,,ftTYr JMA James, Bowýnanville. - Ilolidays Arc Over, fThe old -hoes have had a hard lime of il duinug vacation sud parents are remilided 1that rnew elles are ueeded again when SCHOOL STARTS. We ave pceparced ourselves for the grwig emauds et our trade sud lai,! lu a goed supply et neat, strong. coîîîfortale Foots for BOYS AND GIRLS. Be first sud ger a snap. Fred R. Foley, Parler $boe Store. Z JAt the uew stand, oe door wes of Hunter's Law Office. The new copyright books recoiv- ed as published. "Grey Cloak," "Lano that had n o Turning," 'Gordon Keith," "Lady Rose's Daughter," "Horses Nine," etc. .rhe beat lino of 10e books publiali. ed, by most popular authors, 'STATIONERY.-Vo r y s~ linos at rare value, Get the best, "Stratheena," "Avaloui" a n d 3 'Ungerie. Pads 5c, 100, 15,-. Wall Paper, Window Shades, Curtain Polos, Pietures. DIC, LOW*S Worm BYRUP ila maie. #uadrellble ww,,m xp$îLer, At har~88Ia~ af rogeriesand GrogkerU. Fe A,}{addy Successor toY71TJW3& 00. CROWv N BRILLIANT. The leaders in Elegance, Efficiency and Economy made in two sizes with and without oven. Examine it before you buy your heater, at w. -.UT 'S. Advance Sliowing of Furs at West End f01180 Greatly Adffired. 11E mpress" brand is manufaetured in w r SELU tii e largest faetory in Canada devoted ex- clusively to makn Women's fine shoes, Av 1'~Some few years back three of the leading ~~4 J lights in Canadian, Sioedoai formed this ~ .>~< Company and they have made a grand success of Empress Brand Footwear. SoId in aiearefully dressed women, who appreiatel nattleve twnand eas ityin aadaandwor b SlInBowmanville At Imeîrtry's Shocept Prices. $2.509 $3.00, $3.509$4.00. * Stylish Dress Skirts $5.00. Made up out of good wearing, black and grey heavy cheviot cloth, raised seams, neat- IV trimmel m-ith pure wool worsted braid and small worsted buttons, 15 rows of silk stitch- jN¶O~ ing at the bottom. Lots of cloth in oursit &WC-NsM an-Li wili be sure to fit. Extra Value 50e Black CashmereHo:e. By buyin a la- qu-antitv of this line we secured wa we in:t be the very be,t -)Oc Cý shmere Hose on the market. Te should be a trifle ii ore in price but v wil mn tltis lune close at 50e pr. We ivt an inspection of this spe -ial line. New Colored Dress Goods 50e d.d Dyed in England by Priestley. We have tbis good line in black, cardinal, myrtie, hrown and navy grounds with pretty white snowflake Seffeet neatly interwoven and of pure wool texture. Special 50e y d. Cool Weather Wants. SFlaunelette Blankets 75 and $1.09 pr'. Golf Coats $1.40. Night Robes 65c,~ Sto, $1.50. Flannelettes 5c yd to 17c. Ready to wear waists 50e to $4.00. ' Grey fiannels 121c yd Up. W John McWMurtr V Bowmanville. ~We CGan handie and pay highest price for ail Produee, butter andi eggs. The North King will make her last tinp from Port Hope te Rocheýter on Sýaurday, Octobor 3rd. HAMPTON. T ho Hampton Brsuch oethte Women's 1 1 Il bl 1 1 1 1 1

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