Fair Prices. We do not advertise to sel zome goods at less than cost and Ithen make it up on ot lier good s. Everything in our store is marked -at a, close price, at the priee whieh we think is fair. In a year's bnying, taking in ahi kinds of drug store goods, you wMl save money by making your purchases ini our store. One thing is certain-tha, you can't get -any- better -drugs or '1etter prescription work than ours, no matter what you pay. The Druggist and Optican. Whi#lte Syrup. Pîne trees seem to furnish the 4bet remedies for Colds, Couglis, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronehit- is and other throat troubles. We 'make a syrup of white pine and -tor , that, in the opinion of many of our castomers has neyer been ex- celled as a family cougli cure. We are willing-to seli it with the ' ~distineî understanding that if it is b(n Ce vvhiat is Jef t of the bottle for mny other -25e reraedy, or we will refuni ysu money. That is a fair proposition. We know what -this srpwHl d > Price 1ý5c a bottie. Stott & Jury, Tho Di ug4ist and Optican. AMAIN AT, WORK. Dr. Pltchees Backache KId- mey Tugblets completely cure hlm of a serlous attack of Kid- mev Trouble and Backache. -u inhalation ef finq dust, heavy liftas ex- posure te chulLlng ïwlnds-thes. aresmie of the things whlch make mauons general. ly subjeebtot attacha ef kldzuel trouble sud Mr.Wm.St.Georgem, whese homo la -651 r rionaudire.-;- O6 ,eV 4 . ts à mtenmmon bytrae, u go meunfertu. àt* au te boom, avitiiu ef kiduey cSm- .ain ,The blstory etfhhiecase he givea l IolIwç, la a recunt letters «Deur Dr. Pitcher i-Pormlb rme te write =d tbaak 70u for your Backache Kldney tabieta wblcb have doue me 8e mach geed. " I uffred for two ln years front voak baek and idnoy troub1f. ,Luatyear 9 waa complotely uaed Up 80 that 1lest ail aourage, and had ao hope et recovenug. We oue coud de auythiug for me. ý1 " During the first we cf Apnil lest, 1 met, with a frlend of mine aud he advlscd âme te taire your Lidney Tablets. 1 eough 1would try one box, and atter 1 MId finiahod "thia I toitm mch, botter Wat I eontluued the Tableta until I htad med' n luahi mx bogue. Every bex I took raeme fuel botter aud strenger tii unow cefu ured. 4ilarn aew as atrong and healthy as ýr 1 waa lu mylite and conu attend te cy work, whloh le Try beav,,Ua I arn a #Ionemasen. 1I ted confidieo-b frein the beueft 1 Ireceived that anyone aufferlng bom lame back or kidney trouble will net bediaappointed if they take yeur Tablets. Youra truly, WMî. ST~. GrconGz&." V7 r. Pltchohe Baokache Kidneyv Tableta are the moe etuai remecdy kuown te W.encee fr promptly re1Eoving and perma- pently ouig bckache, lame or woak Wak, swehIng c f the feet aud legs, scald- Sor irritation cfî the urine, sediment, tu dust JepoLsita, neuralia, rheumatisim, epecks fIatingF before the eycs, pain ia the IÏea, fp iver, kidioy trou bles ef oki oeele, bed-wctting oet blîdren, sud ail *rs et kidncy, bladder andj>inlar £e-eea*Pioe SOc. a botule ocr3 for$1,25,p &Il rugists or by ma$k Th ID. Zia. Il Mr. Poland'and Mra Learmonth spent Suaday with the fermer's father Mr Buhson at Brolin. Allia Bres , Newcastle, were success- fui exhibiters et Leiceater sheep at Peterboro Industrial Fair. Court Pride of Oni-ario, Ne. 6000. A. O. F., will ineet Thursday nlght, Oct. 8, iustcad et Wedncsdayv, Oct. 7i- - Prof and Mra Chas. T. Paul have rehîîrnei te Hiramn, Ohio.. accornpanied by hia mother Mrs. Thoa. Hamblyna. Misa Edith Freeliand bas resumed her musie clasa and i15prepared te receive additional pupils ah her home. Becbh Avenue. 40-2w. Misa Luttreli will reaune lher clasa la muaic on Friday Sept l8th aud will be pleased te see al her old pupils. Any- ornu desiring te commence haking les- sons sheuld see Miss Luttrell at once. Peterbore fair managers expect te have a eurplus ef $1000 eu the exhibi- tion last week, T he towa gave a $200 grant. merchants- aud other citizens $1,300, and the gate receipta were 82,500i M!ss King is prèepared te receive a limited number et pupila iu piane or vocal, at her resideuce. Booch Avenue, Bewmanville. Miss King is a pupil et Prot. A. S Vogt, Teronto, oeeoe the best inusiciaus la Canada. 39.2w The members et the Wemeu's Christ- ian Union hield their annnal meeting for the electien et officers on ýSept. lSth wheu the fllowing were eleched lieon. President. Mrs S. Mason ; Presideut, Mra. T. Roar; Cor- Secy, Miss S. Neada; Rec Secy, Mis. L. A. Tole ; Treasurer, Mrs. -W. W. Allia., Their most eanuct prayer la for a vear et wurk that will tell lu the towu'a beat interests. Their meotte is "Foi Ged and Home"I Mr. lienry J. Kingabury, Williheu, Somerset, and Mias LilyDavis,Watchet, Semnerset, Englaud, arrived here Suli- day merniug en route for Chicago, Ill. They calme eut on the Allan, Liner "Jenian," having had a geed passage. Miss Davis is a niece et our townEman, Mr. David Davis, aud called here for a brief visit with here uncle. Mr. Kinga- bury eavs se far he la delighted with Canada and he thinks Bowmauville lsaa very delightt. 1 tewu. The Christian Endeavor et the Dis- ciple Church gave a social Weducsday evening te, a number et their trieuds aud liigh School atudents. The societv took this oppertuuity et making their member acquainted with some et the new studenta. During the eeig pregram was rendered consistiug oet readings bv Miss E. A Alliu,B A , and Miss A. McKowau, a piano sole by Miss E A. Allia,, Misa Edua Roy auJ Mr R. M. Mitchell. Small tables were prettilv arranged with fiowers, for the refrosh- monts, which were served. Ail were mach pleased with the e% euiing's enter- taininant A ne% C. P. R liue la propoaed frein Blairton. la Peterborough county, te Toi-ente, via Warkworth, Cobourg, Port Hlope, Bowmauville, Oshawa andi Whitby. thus giviug a competing lineo te a number et mauufacturlug towns which have hîtherte, been compelled te do their business wich eue railwav, the Grand Trunk. Tu the caseoetthe latte. line 1h la poiuîed eut that the Canadian Pacifie will bud inhe the tewna et Ce- bourg, Bowmanville, Oshawa aud W hitby, freinwhich the mainlhue et the Grand Trunk ia distant a mileaud a hait or two miles. 0f this, the merch- ants lu these places have complaiued for y ears. The mauv tienda et Mr. Andrew McýlSenley sympathize with hlm in the dcatb et his Young witc who passed te rest ah midnight Sundav Sept. 2th. Thee had oniy been married about t our- teoa montha and fer some time she had been ailing from a complication et dis- cases. She was fally prepared fer the end a.àd deahh was gladly weicomed. 11ev. D O. Crosley, bier pastor, con- ducted the service. Among the meunLiers present frein a distance were ber graudmeother, Mrs Smith, aud son, Mr. Chas. White, grandfahher, J. W. White, uncle, Miss M. A. J. White, aunt. Port Hope, Mrs. J. W. Laytonu. aunt, and son, Watertowu, N. Y. fuA.yi Ir. mac.rft M-. A. u t il:~ an f&!!3. the members et Tnz STATESMÂN staff were righh rovally trntertained ah a chieýken pie supper Menday nig-ht by Mnrs. W. L . Keysasasished by Miss Hlelena Keva lu houer et Misa Aileen's l6th birthdav, wbe la on the staff. After doing full justice te the very excechent repast,- the bealth et th3 young lady was prepesed in a culogistie speech_ by the Mavor ho whhch sha very suitably responded. The bealtb et The News staff was ýicely ackuewlcdged by Mr. Ed. F. Weeks, the Fereman. The toast etf'"Our Hoat aud flosheas" drew forîli a neat respense frein Mr. W. L. Keýý s. The test efthte evening was pleasautly spent lu gaines and socially. Ahi jein in wishiîîg Misa Aileen rnauy returna et the day. An event that bas been mach talked about aud looked for ward ho withh ager expectatien by people frein Ibis town and district was uhe le 'hure la the X'etbodist Church Friday eveing by 1ev. Mark Guy Pearse, the, eminent preacher frein London, England. A harge namber waa present aud frein the i bearhy baud clapping aud the pie îiedi Sexpression ou their ceuntenances ne eue went away disappeiuted. "The old folksata home" were graphically desýcribedt-te -e-deligb --oet--ah]. Altbeough the lecturer spoke for an heur ai-IC a haîf the audiODeneWOUld willing- [y have isteued inuch henger te the odefiword-,ainted pictures et soomb ,amusinoe eharacters he bas met lu CeualauJ Devoushire. A ceucisely werded voeofe thanks te the speaker waa meved n y Rev. J J. Rae seconded hi- Mn. James gýaunders and heartily cndersed by the audience. Preeeeds- about 0140. .- BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 30, 1903. Grand Frt,', Rai!wav Svstem. R&ILWAY TIME TABLE. BOWMANVILLEI STATION. GoING if. GOIXGoWEST Mail.... 9 2:4a. m.I Express .... 5.15 I.nt 8 IcIpresa .... 10 21 Loa . 1 Mixed.... 4 6 p.m.P pne ~14 ~M, LocaL .... 658 p.M.I1mixed..... 4 4 xpe .10 24 p.nm, -xpress.Il 4J p. mn. Epesdoes neot go west Manday miorning. %X5undaýlyscLight only. f§Da iiy STIOTT & JURY1. Town ARenW- Bead Cawker & Tait's advt, this weet for peaches. Si 85 te end of 1904 for STATESMA-i an WEELLY GLOBE. New gods arriving daily for Ce.wkei &Tait's China Parler. Mrs. VanNest advertises her excellent larm near Soluna for sale. Sable Ruffs and Stone Marten ruffsal close prices; at %c2Murtrvii., .New subscribers for 25c. can get THE STÂTESMAN te end et" 1908. Use our Vinegars and pickling spiceE for best results' Cawker & Tait. Good assortinent of Tollet sets from $1.40 up at China Hlall grocery. F. A. Haddy. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ratdliffe, Toronto, were recent guests at Mr. R. H. Turner'a. 25 cents pays for THE STATBSMA1 to, auv addresa te a new subscriber to, December 31.- China Hall Grocery have soins special value lu dinner sets from $5 00 up. F. A. liaddy. Ladies' manties at special prîces on Fair Day. See the-big selection at-The Mason Co's. Ladies' tailor-made Skirts in the very latest styles just receîved at Coach, Johnston & Crvdermaa. Priestlev 'a dresa gonds are sold by McMurtry. You are always sure of the celer when you try Priestley&a Ladies' Sable Ruffs, the finest quality that money eau buv at.Couch, Johaston & Cryderman's. A wonderful range of underwear aud hesiery have been received at The Mason Co's. Men's Hats-the verii lateat Engliah aud American styles ýat Couch, Johnsten & Cryderman's. Two apprenticea wanted at Central Milliuery Parlers. Apply at once to liaddy & Co., Milliners. New readv-to-wear suits and ever coata made up in the fashionable-styles at Couch, Jonnston & Cryderman's. It la an assured tact that when huv- iug 2Oth Century elething yen get the best made la Canada.. Sold at West End lieuse. Ladies' and Misses' coats elegautly designed perfect-fitting and latest styles at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman 's. 1A Lot et New Carpets and New Lace Curtains juat opened eut at Couch, Johaston & Crjvderman's. English and Canadian eilclohh and Lineleuins up te 7j feet wide at The Mason Co's. Nice new patterns and extra gond values 1Laoies' Fur Coata in Astrachan, Bok- iiaran and Persian Lamb at Ceucb, Johaston & Cryderman's. Mr. E. Mundv, editer ef The Oshawa Reformer, and Mrs. Mundav have gene onu a trip te British Columbia and Cal- tfornia. Shrewd buyers will always find at NlcMurtrv 's-blankets, fiannels.flannel ettes, table linons and ail household wants at closest prices. THE STÂTESMAN la the best paper la tbis district iu whlch te advertise tarins for sale or te rent, there are se many mna loeking fer farms. Now la the turne te buy peaches. We -get them. fresh from. the ard pand soli thoin ah a smai advance oe ceat. P. A. liaddy successor te Young & Ce. New and tashionable range of men's dress shirts, gleves, neckwear, collars, fancy bosiery and underwear just ia at Wesh End lieuse. Some new shapes in the shoe dept. juat lu. Agents wanhed wne aru willing te work . Good Zeoda. Geed pay. Men earu 86 00O a day winter aud sumffir. Never eut et seasen. Write G. Mar. shall & Ce., Teas, London, Ont. Style. Werk, Art, Taste-this cern. binatien will be tound lu our millinery dimplav. Y ou are invihed te see 1h on Friday. S~ept. 25hh and Saturday, Sept. 26th. Haddy & Ce., milliners Bear lu mind that it costa ne more ue get a gond fitting, well.made suit than 1h dees te buv au 111 fitting, slovenlv- made one. To secure the former leave veur orders new ah Ceuch, Johaston & Cryderman 'a The Masen Co. are inaking great pre.parahiena fer Fair Day. they will have ai lot 'of sp43cial bargins, and are showiog an immense range ef new gonds. Tiiev invite ail their customers te make their hcadquarteraat thisiaige new store. Methodiat Magazine and Review for Ocheber contains an illustrated article et mach importance "Reine Revisihed." by the Editer. Beoker T. Washinghon writes ou "The future et the American Negro," auJd au intereshing acceunt et J errv.,McAuley 's New York mission la given bv George Kennan. William Briggs, Toronto, $2.00 a 3 car; $10QO for six monhhs. PARU TO RENT-66 acres et lot 9, -:con 2, Cartwright, aiso 50 acres of N. Q'r. lot 7, cen. 1, known as the William Bruce iîomestead. (+ood frame bouse and out buildings, stoeestableunder barn. Plowunîr possession now. fu possessionMatch 1. Appiy t W ER CLiLMpNs, Bowmanville, 40- if. soîne absent relative or f riend iutormed TLAL AMTORN-h v~ ns te the happenings efthuis vîcîuîty or corespoudeuce, dent waste lime aud statienerv Puy longer. Tins STATESMAN wihl tell tbe news te yeur absent tieud more fallv and promptlv than vea eau de 1h by letter, and allow.you te devete veur letten writing te pureiî private aud personil mattera. f Wbah an untiriug aud sheady letter writer a geed local paper like Tuu STATESSIAN la? Week alther week it gees on telling etfinarriages, birtha, deatha, the coriug aud going et the peonle, tho successes and failures, the accidenta, erepa. imprecements, parties, revival meetings, aociahs, in tact, events ot aIl kinda. 1h wilh be, sent ho new subacribers- frein now ho Jan. 1. 1905, fer ouly $1. Toronto Daily World aud THn STAT- EsmAx, te Jan. 1, 1905. ever 15 meutha for ouy 8 50 The World la a news- paper that pays particular attention te the requirements ef the fariner, aud bas the neputatien et publishiug the meat accurate Cattle and Proauce Market Reports et auy paper lu Canada, te- gether wthb a briet. ive aud up-to date newa service. This is a big offer Dent miss 1h. tf. Cet readv for our Fair auJ invite tourfnindsh~ oma Uc sur teuse- theinwell. The ight waY toe oiis bîîv your meats frein C. M. Ca-wker. He is neady for the occasion for ho bas 4 cheie steets frein Colin Smith aud 3 frein J.WR RColo, Bethesla, fer- bis Fair trade-nono e te-esds werv variety ofet ohor taena, ai No. 1 Ho will be pleased te have veu call, eve3n If xoado netmwan te buv. Scorne aleng ah1 etyou. NL-ew sbop Victoria B-aild. luige. . ysoute uateilo 2. onil. , Drlingbton, and teorh haif ef snh aflo.i cn5 tDarlington, for a terni of yeairs, commèWncing th irst day ef Match next. Plow possessin ah once. These famshlavebeen iately eccupied by Nio Smith as tenant. Ternis monI reas1-11e.Apply ah once ho D. 1 S Smpson, Bowmanviiie. 40-4w. W ANTED -SEVERýAL PERSONS of character and good reputatient in each state [0ýe bi bis connty required] te represent and advetise old established wealtby business bouse of soiid tinanciai stanîding. Saiary S21.o weekiy wlth expenises addition ail payable in cash direct eac Wednesday frein head offices. Horse and carniage fntnished wben necessary. ifeferences enclose self-addressed enveiope. Colonial, 312 Dearborn St., Chicago. 37-13wr BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. Correeted by J.MoMurtry eaela Tuesday FLrVI 100 tba........6112 0 te 182 50 WHAFail, bush.O .00 1 et O 701 Spring.. .......()OC)0 'l o 74 R'led Fife....... 0 î0" 85 ca Gose........ 000 0 62 BARLET, e bush, No. 1 ... 0 40 0 00 ' il' ila2 ... 04ý2 0 43 fia fi 3... 089 0 40 ilTwe rewed 042"0 43 OATs, white il..........O0 27 0' 28 Rv, 'il.............00o e0,' 050 13UCKWITEAT il.............O00 '0 401 PuAs, lackeye,-, lÏC ush. kO 0 ta OÔ Canadian Beauties OGO0 O60 li' Mummey a't 0 G l0" 00 l Sciai, ' O 6e0 t O60 et Blue ' O00 FIl O60 CLrOVuER o..........O 00 0 00 TimorlIvSuEzu.........O 00 0 00 ;uTTeR, beat table, e ilb.,O 0 ' O 15 Ë ,doz ........-..-.000 û015 PorÂno6s, P blitih......0Où(10 Q25 kiIy. VItoni .,8 (r# il 8 50 j, hPW[r Ulm B 05 * .. le % .0 5*> BU T is Y.Chancea Two Wees For j B. :::e We-Will Seil TheiRest 0f Our ii.Fail Overoats aud Bïlain Cots . :B Ovrot orR î ot e 1 .fr 1 .0 0 * e*~ vercoats or Rain Coats reg $1. for$1. 00. O vercoats or Bain Coats reg $1.0,0 for $8.,00. BBo : :A Specialoline of Rain Coats, extra : :~ .~heavy for $500.~ iii tiesI dBoysj su 1 a lot AI... .LA.li3uuu uiJ A& ..L JLI3êQ U ZL L U aCls- * e count of ten per cent off al Our Men's and > Boy's Olothing which is ail new and up-to- k. date. No old clothing in stock, e Se: sw. IASON SN, II :e:Next Door to Standard Bank, B owm-anville, TifOUSE FOR SALE OR liENT- ILBrick bo use cf il roinis on Elgin st, known ')W ESTRAY-2 yvear old Roi #,,p EPST4AEDW as Chnistie residence, well dtbed. niew farnace, cWhlte cow, dehoirned3. iîformallon lit 0eWC5 ýLe-icosteran stable.driving bouse, garden, desitable location, but wiiereabonts will bu rnwarded byi JOzbac A onttLtsde lo be lrb Possession at once. Aiso for sale or rent the IIANTON, Enniahtillen. 5i.5ifhai errked eadfr nonAin tramne bouse witb splendid gade on King.st.. .A~i adn east. now occupied by the advertiser. i:; ______________________>-w -le W. Qu LcK,-Bowmnbnvillic. p3s---t----- F vacts, ley oam ai ttIobl, n bet5 t<nie on les, ont pat o (one lluibIs ounby required) 10 represent.and âstboreelevao a abo uitI sj, -i :1e10meiwat 'o u> Ie Oea adverbise old estabbîsLed wealthy business rtote ùakbOtnnbde ol ,~ CI~ dw t b wwlsne hoQuse of sqoldfin aucial standing. Salary $21,00 oieit nsiuesu 11 sbo.'m (I«<t er, OmnthoDrngo weekly with expenies aldJihonal, ail paalinotdang'sl staed rprish to'm .Rposi offcead cbou Ps in cashb direct each ,vWaebclsay from bead SOntOntro Psaecfb-aÀ , 5biOuirmeliîe r s sy Lnar-dupn oces. Horse and crîrg urnisbe' wben anibori1 nuexpe ed1týr $l,00)<nn iil /PVfaoaletrn ish en.Aplyt S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ý ei .ne eonsl 8 orar tet ,opeiyfrCghvtwl .pyqmcv1.F,2 VanlanleY ut, Torouto rQ! Ch:.goIl . ,HWR i~,WIishh'y. 5,tfAMEIli.,woor.jyA ~-lj -7 -- ------------- bot ettutofe viebbî têt »Qèq%îýç ukato -4, ý uiïmu»àtio a- do- au Em dm Emý E80 E10 Wee '~Early Peaches- corne aloug about the first of August. Late ones lash until, the end of Sephember. BuG there k probably only one, week during that tirne when. every condition is favorable for canning. Early fruit isn'h firi, At spoils quickly and hasn't the proper fiavor. Late-~ fruit la liard, saal and, ef inferior quality. Now between there la a tiine when the fruit is lre ripe and cheap. WK TIHNK THAT TIME IS THIS WEEK Ç and have eontraeted'with the growers for large ship- -ments of lar-ge -ripe fruit.-.Bay; here- and --et- the best there la. Bring your Farmn Produce te us and get the highest price. 1000 dozen good fresh Eggs wanted;, will pay yen 15e per dozen. eawker & Tlait, BOWMANVILLE. J'a oooktng oe. haklng, we aime safo IM we folow MOthOda 0of the expemt Goaand haka. y Qv~anda & wiei~, t any owdr kxow I sil exclusively.", A L SIK E VA N T E Npesnyo send afriend for i a TE SIATSMN-5eto en f1903. Farme rs having Alsike to bell woîî!d Now is the lime to bring in sour Furs for repairing. Jack Frost will soon be do weli to eall on J. B. MARTYN, Bow- here, so0 now la the time to prepare. mnanville, before selling. M. Mayer, Furrier.-- Pickling-Remember our vinega The Annes farm advertised is worthy and spcsfriklgae od of cnsieraton.purity and strength. F. A lladdy M A. James is Goverument issuer successor to Young- & Co. of Marriage Licenses for Durham Oountv. .RE AL OUSE- DY S Do you use a-Gun. Rifle or Ammuni- AL HOLD D L tien? If s0, F. M. *Souch has a fine 1 These Dyes wilI dye Wo, Cotton stock. Horsey Block, Bowmanville. Silk, Jute or Mixed Goods lu* one bath The latest style lu Fedora and Stiff 1J hey are the latest and most iînproved hats, also a large asiortmenÏt of ail kinds D.ves in the world, Try a package of furs mast out at M. Mayer'a Fur Store. I Ail colora at A. L. Nicholis'_ store. 1If you have any furs that need aiter-j ing or repairing ri0w is the time to bave tnem conle hefore the rush. _ M. Maye r, Furrier, Tai1lrinz, YOur own cloth ln you like, la done in firtcla8ss mannler-second te 11e other shop in to)wn-by J. T. Allen, the old reliable and fashionable taller and cutter, liorsey's Block- lie has a reputaion for -goed fits. Prices are always right. Country erders given saine careful attention a's îown Onea. Suits may be ordered frein samples. 12-tf. YoII Naffe Wanted. Any persons who are suffering from the disease of RHEUMATISM, yozing or old, no matter how hard youo case =iy be, -end for valu- able information to Marshal Bros, 1251 Seaton St., 40-1w*, Toronto, Ont. Notices of Brb.Wsrae and Deaths 50 cents; insertion free wisen mas-i ria e licences are obtaIned or fanerai ,ntie& Priated at tIbisoffilce. BORIN. COOLfflE-In 08haWa, Sopi. llth, the wïfe of John Cooledge, of a son. WITn-IIi Courtice, on Sýept. tlst, the wife o f Wni. White, of a son. -~~-e il MiEý',iiuLvkrSPt 24. oMr _ and Mr ThsommerviEle, a soi'. MARRIED. SOMEVILL - QÂR-By R'~:E. ideo et bis residence, Davwenoport, Sceptomb(er 2 David W. SomLerville, 0rono, arit Miss Frances H. Agarite of Peterboro, Otario, anaietce of the officiating clergymlan., JOLLIFFE-BRUN-At tbie Methodistpr sonage, Hlampton, SePt lùrd, by Rev. F.,Ji. Anderson, Mr. William .lilfo Inla and Miss Tillije Brunit, ampion,. BLAK-DAwE-At Ihe Medoalf St. Methodis; parsonage, Oshawa, b y Ev RP Burns, Sept. 22nd, Frank Edward Bae and Ida Dawe, al of AInWtek, MOLYgAN-ANNAND-At Ceda'r Dale Sept. 21st , yev. J. Hodges B.A, Wm. lbonaid Meeau, Oshawa, and Mis Rebinia Aberta iF.,i yiiest daughter of Mr. Geo. Ainnand, Cedari Dý aie, OaiDEN-HoDsoN-At Myrtle. Sept. 24, by Rev. J. B. McLaren. Columibus, Jessi'e R. Hidson, M y rte. daughter of F. W. Hodson, Ottawa, and William E. Ogden, of Toronto. DIED FisHpit-In Orono, Sept. 23Ird, Gertrude Fisher, agedni years. F ARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT- 5Ao acres one mile northý of Enniskilien. Apply to Mas, JOHN RIGos, Bowmanville. 40-tf. GENERAL SERVANF WANTED- Apply at once to Mrs. Wmn. McKay, corner Wellington and Liberty Streets, Bowmfan- ville. 89-2w. F ' cm.z-ý ---y. ý ýt ý --tf -ý 1 ýllý» -1 zýlF'el-'l--,l P-71- if m., RIA ii-ilimytn keeni m i %an fi i:lýri Ti W IF n i.Q -Q a 1 da IvrAnk lev'ri i m êm 1 i 1 - - c . . - iý 1-- 1 -t m