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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Sep 1903, p. 6

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ing are worthy, of note. For instance, we en-. IL grave a plate like this for $i.00.j -:irom the plate we pint ro,) choicest quality cardsa for $1.oo. The *'pate" will iast a lfetie, Write for a eopy of Our new haudsonsely illustra- ted catalogue, ready Nov. 15th. On request we will send it to any address Yonâe Sf., Toronto 4 An Etra- ordinary Offer!f.i Electric Beits in the Reach of Al. We Arc SeItng the Best Eteetrie Bel; in the World at a Price within the Reaeqh of thie Poorest Suerer. ~ FOR The Priof Mý-ors&s1 Electrie Boit [with snspenésory for men's or ladies' attach- menti f guaranteed to possess more poemore ecrent, botter qualty and fish than atsy other ElectricBelt made regard less of price M EPROF., MORSE'S BELT îlaa sure cure for Nervous Weakness3,Liver, Kidney and Stomach Complaînt, Etheu- mrttiam-, TLame flack, Pains or Aches in àll parts of the body. Wear the bet' while y ou sleep and ln thse morning you wiU feel years younger than wheu you went to bed Bewarü of those who ask vou te pay from 10 flta $S20for an Electrîc .Bit fnot haifsooo as the Prof. Morge's Boit, *hich we W1l for only 85. We have only one price We do flt ask you $40 first and if ý ou dtoflot bus', trv and seli sou the saine beit at ans' otd price. 1 OUR HONEST OFFER-If Tou do, not care to send us the $5 we wll1 send xou one of our Belîte to yonr nearest express office. C. O. D., $5, with prîvil- ego of examination; il satisfactory,pay the express agent $5 and express charg' es and the BoIt. If flot as represented s ou seed not pay one centIf you send! c.4sh with order we prepav the postage.1 XVE ARE NMANUFACTUREIIS of al kinda of Electrical A ppliances. Write us for aur book giving prices and ful particular4. it is sent free Do no-. buv a Belt until you see the Prof. Morse's. Write at oniee. Address The F. E. Karn Co., 132 Victoria St, Toronto, Canada. ~Jno. Gilbert & Son Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Grain, Seeds, Flour and Goal. FLOU R. Manitoba, Hungarian, Patent and Strong Bakers Flour, at special Prizes Awardced HORSES. HEAvY DEMI (i liT. Judges-Wm. Brent, Gen. MoMilian. Broti mare, foat by ber side, WV E Jewell, F Allia, F Rouee Two ycar nid gelding or- fiuiy, F Bai-iy, XVns.Lingard, XV E Jcwell: One year nid Golding or Filly, Brooks &1 Lau,.gmaiti, S Riekarît: ;Sucking Colt,F RudeF Aluin, T H Clemnce GESERAL rvUÉrosa. Broti Mare, foal by hecsie,JTohýn Osborne, Gco Vai'idsenl, Peter Staiker: Tn'-,o ycsr olti Gciding or Filly, John Oiberne, T WlUnderwoed, NosisT Scihy: Oue yeae olti Ceitiua r Fill-,)JCPoorers & Sou, 'Thos Littie: Ssî1ckîng Co,M S B Unar, V1Uc, do Ceo Varitison. Judges-H. Caîlacutt IseacWatson, Port Percy, ýJas. B. Craissîn, Bethany. Brouti Mare, foal by hec side, W Cowani, A MeNeil, O Aý Gamsby- Toro ycae nid Celding or Filly, Wmý Clémence, T H Clemence, W E lteli:îl: One yeac olti Gelti- iu)g or Fiiiy, Tiss Henderson, Thos Smnith, T J Sharpe: Suckiag Colt, W Ccwaa, Jas Hunier, A Moeil. ROtEaSsgu Broti Mare, lest by hec site, Feauti Batty, M orrow Bros.. Chas Beiglu ton: Twu year oit Golding jor Fihiy, Xalrsp e, Fred Whiite, IE Chapînsu. One yeae elti Gehding or Filhy Geo E Caldwell, Levi Annis, Jas Leask:Sncking Colt, Morrýow Bics., Chas. Beigiston, Fuank Batty. < MIORSES IN iiIINE55, Span hseavy traught Ronces, Lei Annis, F. Bstty, S T Hfoar; Span General Perpose Honses, J L Pnweea & Son, TJohnl Heu1ry, Robert Clemeuce: Span Roadtirs l5. bands higis anti nder, C J Lewis, T Ceuven, Nue- issu Rundie: Span Carniage ovrel5U bauds high, -Robert Morton jar., U eo. Browni, Cee Vavitisýon; Single Jiostster h auds, higis andi uaer, G E Caldwell, T 1RcndcrFan., Bert 'Reiti: Single Carniage overl5-)' hand-s higis, Misses Colville, Geo. Cala, John Biglow: Threc year oit geîdîng ne fiIly iu harness, T. H. Clemence, J. L. Powers &Son, J. W. -Walkcr. SPECIALS., ,SEDING CONTE5T5. Jîtiges-Fret Hatcb, Rauk Ellinît. Style anti Sveed-Openüi-o all herses lu harness-XV. E. bitS. (Biîly C.) lis, G. XW. Herringien-(Billy H,) 2ud, G. Caldwell3rd. Gentleman', Speeti Contest-XVm. Arm- strong tst, T. W. Jfackson 2nd. Boit Lady Driver, Mes. Themas Cowan lIs, EdihChspman. 2nd. CATTLE. DRHesAMs. Jndges -Jas. Leask, Wesley Mauuajoy. Two ycar oId Bull, 8 Allia, S Riekard: One, yeae olti Bull, Geo Cain: Bull eauf, S Allia, 1 sud 2, H W Jewell: Con' lu milIt or catI, H W Jewelt, S Allia, H W Jewell: Two e ae old Heier, H WV Jewell, T J T Colo, Wm Hayes: One year oIt boIfer, S Allin 1, 2 aud 3: Reier calf, S Allia, Colwel Brus., S Aluin: Three yr nId Bull, W Hayes. tCon' in usilk or caI, H Reuwick, Wm XVaddel.Vaiso:Cwu One yeae olti bull, LBDvisn Cwi milk or cati, N T Seiby, H W Renwick: Two year nid Heifer, L B Vavitisun: One yoar oid heu or, L 'B Daritison: Reier cal, W P Ilicis, L B Davitison. GRADtE IoUnRIÂM, Cow lu milIt or cati, AllibiBens., 1, 2 ant 3: Tîvo year nît heifer, Allin Brus 1 aut 2, S Allia: eue year old beifer, Allia Bros,: î Reier catI, S Allin, Allia Bees., 2 snd 3. SREEP. LEI-JFSTEui. Judge-A Tamblyn. jAget ram, W C Blackburn, Allia Bros.; Shearling cens, AMieBros. 1 and 2; Ram ismb, Allia Bros., W C Blaekburn; Aget jEwe bas raiset Islamb is sesson, Allia Bres. t snd 2; Shearliag, Allia Bros., t and 2; Rive iamb, Alliai Becs., t sut 2. COTSîeLrs. Ageti ramn, Brooks & Laugmaîi; Shearliag ram, Broeks & Laugmaid; Ram iamb, Brooks & Laugmaiti i anti 2; Aget Esce bas raiset iamb this season, Brooks & Laugmait t sut 2; Shesrliusg, Broeks & Langusait i anti 2; Ewe larab, Brooks & Langmsaid t and 2. SOUT5iiOSVN. Aget Ram, Courtice & Power I anti 2; Shearlîng"rarn, Courtice & Powers 1 aud 2; Ram Larab, Couetice &Powcr 1,2; Aget Ewc lias raiset lamb Ibis season, Countice & Power 1,2; Shearliug, Couetice &Power 1,2; Bore laînS, fourtice & Power. SWINE. ý' BERKSHIRE. Jutiges- W Hayes, T G Coiwiti. Boar, WV P Ricis, S Snowden; Boar une year oit anti nser, 2ad S Snowteu; Sen' one year o nid udedc, T J Cole, S Snow- '1r he above will cheerfully be paid i lawful moucy of t he Un'ited States, by tbe1 underied proprietors of r.piere's GlenMd les Dsca eyif they eau. nout show Lthe original iga turc of îthe indiviýdu1al uteigtie es timonial 1helow,' und aIse eof every testimo- nial sînng thu thou"-<ilsada wicb thlcy sec_ 'ouistantypbsîu tiý teýstiug the supeýrior curative properties of their several nicdi- dunes, sud thuls proviug the( genuineucs sud reliabilltyv of all the mulititude of teati- nionials vçe1luoecered by grateful people, in their beliali. 1WetLnD' ISPENSAiX MEDicAL Asso- cXATioŽN,, Propricturs, Buffalo, N. Y. THE REýASON.-There is ne mediclueq equal te Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Dis- covery, for purifylug the blood. It carrnes off the poisons whleh coutainiuate the life fid. It inceases the activity of the blnood-snat-iug glands sud igives thse body an increasefi supply of pure-, body-building blood. It builds up thse body witls soliud, healthy fiesh iustead of flabby fat, po ruotes the appetite, feeds the nerves, ud se gves te weak, nervous people vitality sud igor. «'About s year, cgc 1 hsd s very bad cough aLnd fesred it would mnn into consumIptioIi,ý writes Hon. tIen. W. Lynch, of 27 Mason Street, worcester, mass. ý'w1en s severe attack of coughiug would corne on vomnitiug ivould set iu. Matter accumulated in nose sud imy tousîls svere irritated. Ater reading of the wonderful cures resulting frouc Dr. Pierces Golden iMed- ieat Discovery begsu te use it, ivith soiue doubts as te the good it would doeuie, 1 an frauk to say. But, after 1 had used one bottle I noticefi quit e a change for the heue. ordered fiveimore bottes sud eforc 1 iil-a used them ail the cure was coniplete. Teeis ut iuow, a trace ni cough or cold i la my eyrîtem suiid. iy health is perf-c.", To gain ui edeof your owu iibody-in ekue n"sdhe, t-sedforithe 2People's Cmose Medical Advisenr. A hook. of i pges. Seud -3£ cents luistairps for pape-ceere, o, 50 stampe ýýfor leth- bouurd opy. Address Dr, R, V. Pierce, 663 Main Stree,ufalo), iN.Y. StEcrAuLRhole Issud W'rlP-s. AA R.ifP; C leka, A A Ro fe: 6 uiney Fuwl, 1JE Cnlap- inan. FEUIT Judge-dmnndProut. avc10 va,, hi Sey AA Rol-fe;ý Nothieru iSpy, A WMa,ýrîre, i-J, rb IFletcher; Bon Davli, W C Blackbuîn - Hamm;ii- Rhodo sÀIsndGreening, XV C BlaIseburl, Herb Fletch1er; l dwinm, Jas. Wu dd il, N T Seihy; Golden Rnssett, Jas. Wsdd -11, A A Rolfe-; Ribston Pippin, A Tamiblyn. N T Selby; Stark, W C Blackburn. A Tamblyn; Spitzenburg, Frank Alleil, N T Selhy; Seeks, F Alleu, %V C Blackburn; Giaveus;tin, W C Blackburn,- Plallawatee, Allun Bros., WC Blackburn; King of Tlîoupkin's Connty, A - Tamblyn, A A Rule; Dessert, Herb Fletcher, W S Gamsby; Ontario, A Tamnblyn, Rohi Morton jar FSL KAPPLES. Snows, W C Blackburn, Thos Cowan; St. Lawrence, Frank Allia, Herb Fletcher; Blen Pippin, N T Seiby; Vmessit, Ilerb Fletcher, W C Blackburn-. Alexandra, John Davey; Crabs, red, W S Gainsby, John Waddell. Specials Bellfiower, S. Hammn: T.tlman Sweet, 8 Hansnt: Roxbîîry Russeit, John Altin: Strawberries, W S Gamsby. Col. Peans, Frank Allin; Baîtltt, W S GaîbFrank Allun; Flemish Beauty, Frank Alin, Sol. Henm; Slieldous, Jas. Hiuntee, Peak Alin; Vuchess d'Angoiilene, .John Waddeil; Winte Nelis, Frank Allin, Herb Fletcher; Beurre Clairgesu, Geo. Waddlell; Seekel, A A Rolfe. PLtMS. Variety Red, N T Setby, H. Flstcher; Bine, NW S Ganshv, Jean Adams; Green, W S Gamnsby; Reine Caude, N T Selby. cItArES. Red, W S C 0arsby, IHerb Fltc'her; Green, W S Cansby, P A Alford. NOTE-Apples w-ee very fine, also Pears--E Prout - VEGETABLE. JeneEsa-A. W. Carveth, V). Comstock. Late Potatoes-John Davey, A. Sharpe; IEsnly Potatoea, John V îvey, Frank Awde; Tucuipa, Henry' Allia, E Hall & Sons; Car- rots, table, A Taniblyn, W S Gamsby; Table Beets, W S Çashy, H-. Fletcher; Sugar Beets, W S Gamasby, A Sharpe; White Cab- hage, W S Gamnsby, H Fletcher; Red Onieus W S Gsmsby, Hl Fletcher; White Onions, W S Gamnsby, H Fletcher; Potato unions, W S Ganisby 2; Pumpkins, A flhanpe, Rebi. Morton, jur.; Table pirsnips, WV S GamFihy, 1-1 Fletcher; Large Squash, T J Colo;, Hub- bard Squash, 8 Snowdon, John Rickaby; Field Carrela, A Sharpe, Frank Allin; Man- gel wursels, Henry Allia, Frank Allia; Cit- roua, Robt Morion jr, W C Blackburn; radishes, W S Gamisby, H- Fletcher; Peppers ,MI S Gamsby, Mes VDIledîlon: Cauiiflowee, W S Gauissy: Clery, W S Gamsby, Herb. Fletcher: Toimatoes, W S Caîngby. Specias-Yellow onions, W S Gamnsby. Jas WadlMaggie stewart: Woolent arpet, Maggie SLewar't: Rag at, A A wimaby: WVoolen coveriet, Mal eStew-brt: Oiýouterpan1e, IM B3 LittellàdaouhWool- su sheets,Mr A A Rolfe, A A Gamý1isby: Woolen sek NI M BLittie, MsA Tour- jee: VWoolen si kaMary 1B lîttîe, A A tî1anmbyý: Mttn iss Youg, A A Gamns- hXý: Woolen ysn aggie Stewart, Mrs Jas Waddll-Boot, swnG T, Wsddell:- Vaiety its spd ,lgioves, Mrs A _A' Gsmsby. JudgesT Sruth, Jon Huges. C'heese, A P' Alfoid, ls3t, 2r;Butter, Mrels ,Vs .L. Cbbe i st, Butter nrhits , Mes WL Cbbelc, Ms Ad. C-ouk of buitter, Mes W\V il Allini, Mrs F Awdc Pesrve fui, rs 1D Hleddcn. ,31r Cainsby, M"sW \Cobledick; Jelly, Jc a Adamss, Mi3sGetielhvey, Home'-madle biead, Mrs W LCobbledick, Mrs W S lsiamsby; Bunsq, lMus TLiîte, Miss Gertiel Lavey; Huyi ob J Cole; Iloueyý extracted, Jean Adamsý. Carveth's Seil raMrs W ,L Cobhledick, M\ins G Davey'; Bans, Mns Thos. 1,ittie, Mis. WV L Cobbkrdick; Biscuits, Mrs. R Mo nt Mrs. A. A. Gamsby; Catsuip, Meis iA A Gsuisby; Maînialide, Mrs \A (1,smsby. FINE ART. AMATF.U il 1,AINTING. Juïdges_-1\rs RoPwe, W. S. Gsmsby. CopyLau~scpeHeleu Morris, Ethel Morris; Copy -Msiue, Ethel Morris, Helen Morris; CpyAnm l Kate Uuderwood, Helen Morris; Coply - Fowvvers, E thel Morris; len Morris; Coý(,py-~Fruit, Ethel Morris, Heclen Morris; 1Portrait , Mrs. Thos Perey; Painting on vlvtor Satin, LNiss'Helea -Morris, Miss Et:hel Morris; Fancy Jars, Ethel Merris,Hen Morris; Paintingon China, HelenMors Ethel Morris. AM TEUR Wj, ATEFR COLORS. C'opy-Landacsppe, Ethel. Morris, Mary S Colville; Copy -M arine, Ethel Morris, Helen Nlorris; Ori.ginsl -Fowýers, E thel Morris, Helen Morris,; Originial Flowers, Ethel MorrisW eln Morris; Original-Fruit, Ethel Morrïý, IHelen Morris; !rnimah- or hirds, Ethel Morris, E Wsddell; Poitrait, T nAbis. E W ýaddSll; Col. water co'ors, Mary S ColvilI. ASIATUER DPaAWI-su. Crayon drawing (copy)-[,&ndscape, Kate Calville; Crayon drawing (copy)-Figuire, E Wsddell, Kate Colville; Pencl drawing (copl-LndacpeK te Colville, Mrs D Hed-don;,Pencýil raîn copy) Figure, Kate Colville, E Cuvile epia or Moneachrone- Landscape, Ethel Mo ri, Hel.,en Mi r is; Pen and ink sketch, M i 2 'lPercy, Ma -y S Cai- ville. GRAIN '& 8SEEps. Judges 1I)Cmso, A W Carveth. Spring whe t, rd or ss ue 6frf, John Allen; Fail wheat, T J Cole, Thos Little; Any other vaýi ity apring wheat, Henry Wm ýBrunt; ~i rowed Barley, Albert Tamblyn, Henry AllUn; Large white osa, A' Sharpe Henry Allîn; Large peas, ,John Allen; Cern, ycllow steung, E Hall & Sons, Andeew Sharpe; Corn, white strung, -Sam Siiowden. LADIES'DEPARTM-ENT. Judges-Miss Edith Sharpe, Morven; L. Chapple, Newcastle., Worked alippers, Mrs T Percy, Miss A Perey; Knitted slippers,,Jean Adams, Mrs A, A Gsmshby; Sofaý pillov., pluth or silk, H Morris, E Morris; Sofa pillow, worked, Ei, Morris, M B Litt!e; Ladies shopping, bag Mca, A A Gamsby; Silk embroider, 9r J Gilfilla-n, Edu nïý_-,wick; B3erlin wool work, Mrs J Polar,,E Morris; Col. ladies'under- clothiug, Jeanl Adamns; Girls' dresses3, Mrs J J Gîlfillanl, Mi s J L Powers; Boys' draes,s Jean Adamns, Mrsv,. J. Pollard; Toilet set, silk or satin, E Mo-rris, Mca Percy; Toilet set, crochet, M BLi ,ttle, Mes Perey; Toilet mat, L Renwick, Meý1s Perey; Crochet Tidy, A Percy; Fancry tidy, E Morris; Crochet work, cotton; M1, B Little, M-s T Percy; Crochetwok woolIMrs. T Percy, Mrs, J Giltillan; Darnling on net, Mes Jas Pollard, Miss Young; Tray cover, Mes T Percy, Mre A Tourje;' Wall banner, E, Morris, H Morris; I)arned soeks or stockings, Miss Young. Mrs A A Gainsby; Lamp mat, Jean Adams, Mes J J Gilfillan; Pillow shams, M B Littie, Miss A Perey; Drawn work, Mrs T Percy, M B Little; Tea ccsy, Mrs T Percy, B Morris; Table centre puece, Mis J J Gîltillan E Morris; Table scsrf-r E Morris, H- Morris Picture scaef, Mrs T Percy, E Morris Worked whisk- holder, Mes T Perey, Mes 1 Heddou; Silk patch work, L Renwick, 1~ Morris; Outline work, Mes J J lfillan, 1, Mlorris; Fanry knitting, cotton coarse, ý4 Perey, Jean Ad(lms; Fancy Knitting, cottor fine, A Percy, Mes S Colville; Fancy knitt ing, wool, Ms Young, E, Renwick; Braid ing, wool or S;.1k, 8. Perey, Miss Yonng raincotteni, A Perey; Collection Fane, worle, Jean Adam-, Miss Young; Arrasexiq work, 1, Rcniwick, Mes D Heddon; Fane, table, Mes 1F \wde; Chain stltch, Mrs 2~ Toarje, M B itle Mexican Needle work R Percy, Mes iT Percy; Ottousan, Mes A'2 Gasshy; Foot steel, Mes A Tourje, Mrs 1 lleddoni; Basts, MreJas Pollard, Mes I Hleddon; Lace ,,,crk, Mar-y S Colville, Jeas Adtms; Applique woek, Mrs J J Gilfillan Mrs Jas Pollard;, Smoking cap, Mes Gilfillan; Doylies, Mrs T Percy, MsJ Pollard; Panels, HT oris E Morrfs; Freneh art work, M B Little, Mrus ATorj; ncient Article, Mes J Pol'lard, 'Mes F Awde; Button lioles, Mes A Tourje, Mers F Awe etig coarse, Mrs J Pollard, M Bl Litte; Nettiing, fine, Mes J Pollard, -'vrs. Momnent; Table cover, Jean Adamas, Mes'V Heddon; l'in cuashion, Miss Young, H Morris; Bsttenburg lace, Miss Young, M S Colville; Painted pin cus3hion, E Mo nrris, FI Morris; Pslu.sed photo- gra,,pluframe, E Morri rs T Percy, Couch rug, silk, MeAs J lollard, Kate Underwood; Cî>uch rug, wooi, YM B Little, Lena Reuwick; Faucy wish hlder M rs T Percy, H Morris; Ornamiental pottery, painted, Hl Morris, E; Morris; Ornameutal pottery, Mes F Awde, E Renwiek; Aucient worked article, M B Litîle, Mes J Pollard: Handkerchief sachet, Mers A A Garasby, Mes T Pere~y; Fancy hsndkerchief R Perey, Miss Young; Side- board scarf, L Rensiick, Mes A'.Tonne; Five o' dock tes table co'.er, Mrs T Perey BR Perey; Faney lamp ahade, Jean Adadns; Head Rest, E Morris, Mes T Percy, Worked Photogt-aphsHolder, Edus Renwick, Ethelf Morris: Photo Holder, Ms. Thos. Perey. SPECIAL. Opera Shawl, Maggie Stewart; Tatting, Mrs J J Gilfiluan; Sitk Point Lace, Mary S Colville. LITE RARY NOTES. The Kind You Have Always iBuglit, and whi eh lias, beea la use for over i7 30 yarwia borne tiéS ignatnre of' -,id lias been inade under lits per- ~ .Allow no one to deceive yen lin tliS, Ail Counterfeits, Imitations ana "IlJust-as-golodl- are3 but; E xperiments that triflo mwithli and endanger tieliealth of Infants and. ChiIdren-Experience against Efxperîmient. Castoria ;S utLiarmnieas substitute for Castor 011, rare- genie, Drops, and Soothing Syrups. It îs Pleasant. if; contains neither Opium, Morphine rior other Narcotio substance. Its age is is guarantee. It destroys Wors; Justin McCarthy, thse h1sierian I adalsFeeihea contrihutes to Harper7s for Octobeî Celie, It r-elieves Teethlng a reiuii ls.ntpuper ertltled, "Liter--j and Fiaüllency. It assimil ury Portra.i'ts from the Sixties,"in S tomacis and Bowels, givin wlieh ieh recuits bis mnemories of The Clildren's Panac,,ea-T Thackeray, IDikens, Tennysonu, Cui- dinal Newsunan, Wlliai Blck.Hiic-' ard Burton, and otheî eoble of CEN 1 N E thoso sntertsýý ng -yens-ss wolie kho o and admired wMithtiee ul iuýsusaui 0f -fer h youtlî. Hie fîrst-glipse 0f Tenny- son iras st riking, "Hlie figure," lie writes, -might have booni takeis us a living illustration of soinantie po- etî-y. He uns tal nd, statcly, wore a great mass of thick, long hair. . . Thsero orne eometiung eutisely eut 0f the cosimon and el-y coîsîsnanding l inbis whiohe presence." u 1(1Y U 1 An illustration in the current In r- per's Weekly shows lîow it bas becîsi lae Fo made possible by a new E'uglisb .iu- iMAc.~ veutien te carve a îiiartble buet di- L rectly frein lue,. predîugný a hîkenes pbotograpbically oaet.The head of tb-le subject le dxd!1iiaWod__________ fraînie. Tise ope-irator;sts ia fronit 0f lmi, and mvsovet- the surface COVRT M UEJES 0f the heud a woodcfoiL iter !wlic A story is tolti of 'ai nattenpt controts the- action of two steel drilla madeçi by a Swedish mniaýslenary teoh- facing a block of usseble, and oper-1tain a foothold lu Abyssiniai. No ated by machiuery. These drills, sooner had hoensrivent than hoie a movîng lu accordance wltls the wood- brougbt before King Menelik, wbo eu pointer, ca-vo tise smubte block asked hbim wby ho hati leit bis home into un exact facelmile of tise podel. lu Seandinavia lu order te conte te Tise invention bas heen purcbnsed by Abyssinia. Thse missionury pr-ompt- Sir Conanu Doyle, svbo planîs te put ly ceplied that hee bad couse te use it te a pradtical commuercial use, bhis beet endeavors to convoi-t the Abyssinian Jeuva.. An excellent account is given in, the "Aire there no Jeors iu your ceu- October McClure's of an engineering try?" asked Menelik. projeet second only sun magnitude and The uiissionary admîtted that thore importance te tbe lethîssias Canal; orere a few. to wit, the ai uiesiduus uidetakiiîg - And ini ail tue couri ioo tat y ou ef the Dsitchî Goseruiment to drain have pas.sedti trough dd ou1ud no thse lurger part of tise 7uyder Zee, Jeors or boatseýisa?" the king coun- couvert tise reat of it into a grent tinued. fresh-water luke, sud reclaini froint Jews aud hcaiic , eti;ssienary the cýea a piece of lan'd equal te admtitted, wr haiu one-fourteeutb the pi-sent area of "hn"-idMnlk carry th!-% H.ollauti. Theugh tise oork, which ma byond the roniî1, anDd let hlm bas 'bardly hegun, oill extend over net retssrîi untîl !ho lias cneuxested nl ceuse thirty-tbcee yesî-s, each, stagetise Je-vs andi ]îatisens wlsiclî lie ho- of il bus beeu plotted and the cost t twcn lits coiutry asnd in. estimnateti by tlîe Dutcli englanera, orjth the utînost exactness anti thor- For Over Sixty Trearif oughxîss; att of wlich lis mioat inter- Ues. Winslow's SootlIlng nyrup has estingly seLt forth by tise writcr of been uscd bymilluns of mothers for thse article. their chilticea rbite teethîng. If dis- The fashions are tise parumeunt note struck lu thse October nunmher of Harper's Bazar, which opens witb' mu authoritutive article on "The Fashion Outlook for 1904." Ia the camie issue an equatly eugîossIiug and mor-e vital subject la "Thse FactorY Girl and Bomestic Sors ic," la whslcb theo objection of girls t0 housework, and the-ir consens for sucb objection, are teade imprecels ely clear la tlisir on uords. -The article les written ,y a woonan urho kuons-worbe as bei-self taîketi witb these factory girls, and eau ntlgecypesenti thse question frein tlîeir point of vico -Miss Ida Jackson, Fuctory Inspec-I toc anti Special Agent for tise Uis-' cousin Bureaut of Lubor Statistica. Thie article pi-ceenste main diicul- tics urbich sooner or tuter all bouse keepers wmît have te suirmýoui- 'in order te retaîn thoîr woieu servrants. Mcar. Mand Ballingi-on Booth huei published tise ficet cîsapters of tise turbýed aT u ight anid brokeir of your rest by a. sick child sulering and dry-. ing with pain of Cuttlng Teethi eend et once Djid get a bottle of "Mes. Winslow's Soothing SyruP" for Chil-. dren Teethlug. ît omît retteve thse poor little sullerer immieriately, De.- pend upon it, mnotîsers, thsere la no aistake about it. It cures Viner- Isees, regulates thle Stomach and Bowels, cocos Wiud Colle, soi tons tise Gunis, redudes Infiainimation, and gives toue and euergy te the whole system. "Mes. Winsloor' Sootbing Syrup" for ciiltiren teething la plea-1 saut to the taste and is tise pro- scription of one of tise oldeat and beat femiale physietans sud nurses in tise United States. Frire 25 cents a. bottle. Sold by ail dru5gists tiseoughout tise world. Be sure and ask for Mes. Winslow's Soothing Srupt,- BRIGHIT BENISY. -What a foue boy Bonîuy ta gtting to be ! " reirnrked Alc. lloobunpers metber-in-taw, wo s'etnlstng diii- It cures Diarnlxoea and Wind- Troubles, cures Constipation ilaies the Food, jregulates the' ng liealthy and natural sieep. Phe Mother's Friend. ALWAYS Dver 30 Years. m .. AV OGfEET. NEW TYORIÇ CLTY. i e Pr«ogress is the highest lesson of statecraft.-Lowell, The simple heart thiat freely asks lun love obtains.-Whittier. The society of womien is the cle- ment of good manners-Goethe. Better a little chiding than a great deal of heartbreak.-Shialçcs- penre. A man in carnest finds ineýans, or if ho cau not fluA, ercatesi; m. Channing. Some mien weave their sophiistry tili their own reason is etnld- Johinson, Mederation je conmonly fs ,ait( frminess is conunonlysucsu- Joulson. Oh, how portentous lepi pesy IIow canxel-like it threatens whule iý shines .-Young. No womsan is educated who la uol, of a faniiy.-Jiuriap.- The tnory bas us mauy moodsa9a tise tosuper, anti shifts its sccues-,y like a diorama-George Eliot. Tiîoarc four uild bc.asta moefo~ be dreaded than a talkiug man liav-, ing îîothing te say.-Swift. Couceit la vanity dtivsen frni il othet shif ta, anti forced te appealtut iteof for adiiration.-Hazlitt. I weuld give nothing fer that, -iýan's religioni whose vecy tiog etîd cet are flrot botter foi .-o ad Ttc ibat 1kuoWs the' world \will inet ho basistul; lie that knouws hIimacî unît not ho inipudent.-C.Slon. Geed tusto rejeetsexedgnity it trente lttle thinga as litti1 e tliugsz, and is net burt by teiFnln Nothiuîg more eompletety bilsoims Who is fuît of triCk mmd duhilty tcgriitiii notei--Coto omt un ocaio t frbaX d somnething every da.y tbeICýy lso e f ty uy ud peap ogie-o#per. WVisn a -nation gives blets t- o a P Rih nwe:owudr6ms n Mrris; Photograph framnes, MiEss YouneMnhl o Oc'tebe 'an rle uk Xs ued" rpid llebm huh. aehr i ou wo CO L. PIF Rich. ST Snowden V7o under 6\Intl mos eud and_________________ ____________________i__________________ FiaQ _______________________ reIF, _______________________________ WVe have ail sizes and kinds of the very best coal tlîat is brought into Canada, at right prices. ALSO CffARCOAL. W~e solicit your patronage for any of the above. Jno. Gilbert & Son, King st. WVest. Bowinanville THAT'lS THE %SPOT! Rgtin thoe n-sa11 o1 4h. bock, »o you evçr get ai pain thoro? If &o. do you know what it meane? It le a Backache. A sure igu of Kidney Trouble. Dont negleet Îh. Stop R tan ime, If yen den't, scrieus iduey Troubles are sure b follow. r ail lKuy austi ' oser 3 muss., W P Ricis, 8SiSîîwdea Brooti sow lu pig or baviug hati pig, W P Ricis, A Tamblyn. TA'MWORTtIL Boar, Colorihl Bros., S Snoordea: Buscone rear otd sud uîsder, lColsvill Brus. 1 sud 2.. Sýow une year olti sud under, Colwelî Brus. 1 anti 2: Buse under 6 mos. sud over 3 mos, Coîwell Bros. [sund 2: Soir under 6 mus. aud over 3 mua, Colwell Bros. 1 sud 2: Brood son' la pig or hsving hati pig, Cohwell Bros. 1 sud 2. YORKSHs-iitE. Boar, T J Cote, Not Known: Buse one year old sud tunder, T J Colo i1 sud 2: Sow one yeac olti and under, T J Cole 1 sud 2: Boar under 6 mos sud oner-3 mos, T J Cole 1 anti2: Sow under 6 mecs, sud oser .3 mua, T J Cole 1 sud 12: Brooti son' in pig, or haviug1 had pig, '[ J Cote. POULTRY. JRc W . Knight. Hiaaburg, SSmervilte; White Leghorn, Al!uni BTros, A J Knox; Clîleka, Allia Bro S., A J Kueox; Brown Legborn, S Snowdeu, S oeril:Chieka, F. Allin, S. Snowden: Bessm libt SSnevdu:Braisasdark, T j C'ole. Spsnish Fowl, S Snwdon. Chioks, S;Snomorden: Plymouth Rock, S Saowden, Allin Brus.: (isk, 2nd W. C. Blackbun: Plyruouth Poek ivite, Henry Allun: Chieka Henry Allia: XWyandottes laceti, A Tamblyn t & 2nd; Chieka, A Tamblyn ist & 9-nd: Wyandottes whbite, S Sommerville, T Little: Cicka, S Snowden, T Litile:,Goldeni Wyan- dettes, S Srîowden, A Tamblyn: Chieks, S. Snowdeu: Blackt Minores, S Snowden: chicks S Snowden, A J Knox, Ihuff Orpin-gtons, A J Knox, A A Relie: Ciecka, S. -uwen, A, J Knox: Game Barum, WCBiksun Chieka, W C Bîsekliura ltat sd d:uf Cochin, T JS Cote: C hicka, T J Culc: Turk eys,ý T J Ce! i'.& '2ud: White Bueeneaàea S. Sow ,T J Cote: Ceoe, WCBiksua jTJ (J Cot:DckRueAlaBsSi. Suovdn:AyeasuyA. ansy;Pk cmA iner Rbi.Morin, jn. Jutige-Joha W. Virtue. Single Carniage, R Foster lat & 2nd: Ct- tee, R. Foster Ist & 2nti SsutdsÂALs-Cream Sepanstor, John Rick- aby. Road Wsggou, Robi. Foster. DOMESTIC MANUFACTURE. Jutiges-Johu _Hughes, T Smith. Qutît, cettoîs, Mes A A Gsrnsbs', Jean Adams; Qult, womoen, Mrs. Jas Watidell, Mes A A Garnshy; Qutht, log cabin, Mers A Tourje; Quili, drawu, Mes F Awde; Plain qluiltisug, Mes. jas Waddell, Mes. A A Garni- by; Fâý u iltiog. Mes. A A Canisby, Mes. James Wsddell; Gentlemans Shirt sd c1- lac, Mrs. P Awde; Machine Quiltiug, -Mc. J J Gilfiltan, Mrs. A A Gamnsby. F10 WERS & PLANTS Judge-James Philp. Geraniuasis lfower, siagle. F Awde: W S Gamsby: Geraninîns ln lower, double, \W S4 Gaussby, Franscis Awdo: FnUehas in deower, single, XV S Garnsbýly: Gladiolus, iHerbent Fleteher, W S Ganssby: Be,ýgouias, jW S Ganisy: Roses, W S Camusby; Foliage p'ants, W S Ganssby: Phltox Dunnuii WV S Gxnsby, lHenh Filetchier: TIen vxs'eks stocks, W S Gaîsb, erb Fletcher: Col. ISsîsaîns, \Irs. A A Gunssby, Heris Fletcher-, Col. Asters, Hers Fletcher, W S Gaurnsby, Coi, Petunias, W 8 Camsby, Herh Fletcher: Col. Dalias, Herb Fietebee,Mîss. G Stewart: Cl. Verbenias, WV S Ganssbs', ers Fletcher: Plants other tissu growm in bouses, W Sý Gamsay: Greenhouise plants, W S Garnsby: Cnt Floîvers, Herb Fletcher, XW S Giiy Table Boquet, W S Gamsby, H Il etche1t: 1 Hanti Baquet, W S(Garnsýby, fHerbh ihr Florl deignor lcer-: Wlîýdew plants F wd:aNsies, Heî itc, X SGaa E Morris; Romu ebroidery, FE Morris,Ht Morris; Table mats,,L Renwick, Mrs J J Eight cents a pound is what a young woman paid for twelve pounds of flesh. She was thin and weak and paid one dollar for a bottie of Scott's Emulsion, and by tak- ing euardeshdgained the Iboufle vas fîiised. E-igh-t cents a pound 1.1 hepfor such vailuable mai- terîaal. Some pay more, somne less, somei-- get nothing for their nioney. You get your money,,'s xv orth when you buy Scott's Emulsion. Wewilil sendi you a littie S Il'e0 iToronto, Ontario, 50C. anti ~s.oo; ail drugglstS. an article not ossty intcrestîng, but of great, permanent svalue. She tells not ouly whaa se bas doîse for our pclsoees-sbut ornai she le tioing te-- day. Tîsere le another ss.ory of tise tietightifut Peltison twisuin uthe' ssag- aziuse this niontis, andt a cati-ling gooti Spauish-Airican rieance te- gethior su ths un anusing burlesque, sshicb doscribes n strike of tise bubios againast scientifle snothîorhseod. Theso witb six othser short storles ceprcseut ih fiction of a pniticuhnriy gooti number. Thu-ero is also ais intercet- îng pereonal narrative of a n uais ho worked bis way out WXest ns a dmj7 iahbori-r; anu article on "Cleuds."' witb coine ueinarkmble phsotographie ilns- tratiens. andt1i-roc or four excellenît bits of versce. ~ sî~u-ius IVERIS. per, proudty. 'hile's an egîs ar 10gi- able te uuderstunti ns t lliie-- I.- clan, too; be'll ask questionss antid de-JouLbert. tact consclusions is a iuia terl 'y cana- Ve boutti gise as voe ueulti -o', lier. Hles in.ierited his fathevrs chocrfuily, quickiy antid tsu el bralîs powser," atidet Bleehumuper, tai-ion; for tiiere is ne gsncin M a unodestiy. honefît thînt sticlhs te tlise f'gr A foin moments later the conv'ersa- Seneca. tion turneti upon AMornoiiisnh andti E;notion wiîci tocs not leaiite I3easy, ln bis sesu-cîsfisc knoiiletige,an flwoti Ihacons m asîteti: "Papa, iriai- is a Xlornîio?" antloor ons, t iiict wactiois mot "A Mormons, Beusuy, is a ama whieoîyuslsbti cae hrm- nsai-ries more i-ban eue wil.,"l teranti beconîe an excuse foi- ncg- "']hlin ',ou are n Mor-mons, ait' i- of effort.-Tryoui Etoni-ts. y ou, pîtpa ?" usket Bouîsy, assxious1 Uniuckiiy tise credîuity of cdupes tai te display fli, deductis o poîrors as inexhaustible as i-li invention of ws-icis bis fathser hînd cornieîsted. knaves. Tbey iseves- giro peuple us -I a Mormn, Beisny ? ihy heur Session; but i-bey alirmys kpisonsII is tIse îorld did i ou get suc h nl in lope-Burke. ides ini \our beati as i-lai- ?" Gaiei-y andtia liigbi -aur-,iiun aIlv-es- "XXby, 1 hourd you tell Mr. Speai-la tue anti tecoruini ,,cc ise bat -,l yesterday fluai. 5ou hîia îîsarcied ahl chie0 fer tise 'youing. ýo-r iui' for all -iour -îrife's ftiïiily.' Solitude antidnli ;b0'aroie "Ma. îlouirujueu," saidtibt 1thoy are deI-Iy te i, 'ani aise 11Ja. gentlemnituirnisig i-e ids Ue "J it io i-he ou.Tafu One re-sulhi-of i-le oponing of i-ioikBeîyIaibttsb c -o Siberiain rioy basbe is le dis-ibcd n ir. e's beenuiup quiu 1ýtlaiejt~Vo' hspol os-r uiiei.rsuc' of ýi-obroatit - ' - aa ad 1l 55~ land tii-lii h- rai el ses. I st -Býj roti, l in 010of bis fi-s 0f gcrioctiheisu hal iion of1 tlîe Vensi asnd Obi rivecs, osii-5, exclaisied : "Roll ouri i-leus fer nstacebasces emiedth -le faet dark anti deep blue ecean, i-otl "aind.~prsrbtisdne i-bai- i-ey are nsvigable f0 oceau tIse ocean, i-akiusg ai nae0f ie 1110vrl)ers Ilr steamierse fer a distance of nea-ty 1,-i pris Doge Iis gison, bas cousfliud cfCndsisu 000 miles. .-'s has boom disco,,ci-edtio rolor, oser stueco. Bfore andi Âftcr trecummei as e la contral Siberia as 001 s u tseqq inkidt1tcrhon province. of Iîiutsk, ;assd encoinage- "Vtin'i-yen stcai theo cornp.aiu- gises universa Basti-ato.; pnntyat suen bya secil gantPi xtedet ' ni-s ceai- ?" aslketia uaitrfof, perrnanently cures alitfrof cIl-e~Wa- inntbnaesia g uijEmissi,hw euaerlOO Iptnp te proapoctors foc, gold. a seody taidisiduat who oasd arrasotis suýus, cdicoohis. " icto ie ei- seofTobacause r xeae; ie t Iuseanditya, Cnupinatia agGae TU lic by muiSWcCiig tisai- question,",c-1IPie 1pracaenhafrta Qs d Min.1 Y A$G1-Aeyubpyssîtoitcecylsisda, ~tsn'peie u ulcr.Mlc rmî ur V1aug lisirgA.1 rprtr, cepopnc. edenreauhstt idr onoi,,"sosfu 5.ite'le -e oss oi Ohs ipy,' --- idsrOt.taal. nia Paa ns c suesît lo us Mr's,îci -'~,W ji---"Culost" es- XVed' Pbsplidlm teuoi ii Iïp muebie îo sev ti upvaiîS 'ti,î,a usîssst os-eiiit mS-f uy . hi ilscosilut' anii-l bb oieuie."Su,,sugss -L Z-L -1 1 - 1

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