Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Sep 1903, p. 7

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Principal, Carniage BuildîinTg If you want a nice car- or wagon eall and see my fine display. Prices are ri ght and -satisfaction guar- aniiteed. Repairing of al 1,kindis pr..mpt1y attendeci1 tol anid work stisfaétory. Giveý me ai trial pBowm auw 1i and Sohool of Shorthand, Typewrîting, 5i-ýOlîitr te stîulder and hain upon bis studeuits with respect to and relegraphy, Toronto, Ontario. 1 hand at the school dek hen £ Ilicir future, as eîery truc instriic- *Aiways open. No vacations. Twelve Otcogitt oJ nc edo t eae'iers. Fine equtpment. Special * iltl seait you to the- higli school, trOgtt I.1oc edo *e surmer iession for, july and Augit. * then to t'lie nloriial. To lc fainous teacher who nover entered * a~elr fe.Wieiyou hav e youc djfflocent dipliomîas, fis classroom- but hoe niaays took offtc W. Wl SHAW, Principal. i you can go before the stato huard lits bat and bowod bofore bis schol- count boar exanluers aurs as thougli he was. coning into __________________________have youc knowlcdgo tested. Thin, the presence of a king, "for," ho if y ou pass, 'your. teuchers certifi- snîd,o crieonekows what futurer 4AVE erYler or leader of the people inny h been smolt. entes w il] ho given you. But, disugt- Ub inga god ealt(, yu cmint tac tannypubicdevelopiag under mv, touch. There- sciooluals ou re a a ubica fore I wislî to show ony studeuts lately and feel pierrsec.l rIliito ai an cca9ional tive teuclior-untess you have yo îa'y is looking ut, lits gsetiidets' 'ù winge of pain ýcîedritals. Vitlîout thora you eau- throlugh the eyes nfi oMec. eb roudyureatnet cveu ho a cadet or n substitute - Divinuer brenth, nerves da' bis diýsciples- that truhtenwe1 of n MI'orn's h yart Atre ' cead y oaueî im a) Js a to aing toh wî1ih theoross.aten Nerve Pilis and get cured -0F0R11 UE W EAK AN1D 1_1 PLSS serie beome oo mine a patiietic letter, nhich weat i ", -lv( i As a bspecifîe for ail soiiiithtiig likotlîs"Oh, ub* do the ed aîîriu I aesxi millisters eprasoittareaebosgo ipoh ist a draid moutoor rie hei naanfrdnthe _arterta ne rve ('i1ugooua crose9c, no0robesh ý:l4rt tUrne ago the cdoctors"told luecross ? Mnn ii oursî wiarrny battli1 ilunderdih. aot titb hale.A ý1It ITivant lu kuw ishowi can forcodllstn lgra sa u tre eat ostralodýi 1i ut a lif SOas 1to0 enricher and nerve re- ghoi wstitmrches îhc htamiwsca neer teyCure nervousness, sleepless- l rnf y God,." VWehl. , m boter ak wroeeuh)kl surprîs,,d unitpaîneit ysedy t heur that the main miglît stop( hr hasa't been a dtrop too m cucumnber patcb. If it stops now my crop ivili ho a failuro, and I shail cousider you, purtly respons iblofor t t. Wbieu it cornes to rnanagmag the weuliîec I don't think you liaive any right to butt in.-Yours truii, -R£. I. Cbucklcsloy." TABLE FRUIT TIIEFS. To ont fruit fresli froni the trocs at a banqueting table is-,on( ef the latest luxuries of English e picures3. Certain frutorersinuthe W est-nitof London are now making pi oparations for un abundunt suppty 0of dwlarf fruit troos laderi wtth cherries, penches, peurs, unit nIples for orn'a- nient and dessert at Uie (linuors of the corning soason, The tiny fruit trees, which. although foui or five yepars eut, are only some 3 foot hîtgh, neot uuly mane a delightful table de- coration, but produce a itelictous dessert. eu, the actuai liOasurement bas re- letsetietliir iûreueswithout moved the question frum Uic doinain risk. L)f douht. Inventors who desire t<) obtain patents in Britain sbould hcnost leue "htrn aldm careful to make their specifications lar, a cad, a scoundrel, and a pupý suifficient. Th at is. to thoroughly p7 Would you advise nie to fight describe the essential fnature of the for that ?" Old Gent :"-1y ail invention and nothing cise. Not to means. Theros nothtng nobler in claim anythrng that they caunot this world, young mmai, tbaîi fight- support, and nfot to trv Io cover lwo ing for the truth." inventions with one patent. Ay of these fnuIts may cause aseii Mr. Slirnson (from the heait of the cation to bo refused. If an applica- stairs)- "Clara, is that fel]w goe tion is refused upon the ground yet?" Clara-"Ves, father; he's toa that it incluides more tlîan Qne in- far gone to go." Your nxoney baek if Gin Pills do Dot cure. IZZ21eSS eDo you find your- D oe self subject ta su;d- den attacks ofdzies with black spots floating before the eyes? It Means ý-iclney Trouble Mr. Ppe-Idou't believe there waus adr eyo, in the bouse whoui the1 2uirtain wnt down ou the thirit act '" rî£s.I'ppe-"ko;but tiiore seemeit ilo ý lo th usul number of dry thiontsý Ta oCur a Cur s Grip2 Seven iElor,!nongeveryM V.à. w AW,

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