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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Oct 1903, p. 1

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t ~te~ s TERMS :-91.50 p., ANNiUM, OUR TOWN AUD OOUNTY mIST, T13XWOR~L APTERWÂRDS. M. A. JÂMES, Editran rrio. NEw, î~.-BOWMÂNVILLE, ONTAR109 W24WDNESýDAYI OCTO BER 7, 1903, VOLUME LXNo 1 Cueh, Johniston-, H, ave opene-d. out the fine,%t stock of general SDry Goods ever shown in town. Ladies' and Ohldren's Coats macle up in ~ th laeststyles. Hundreds of the ad il f ee, Black and Coiored Dress Goods in the latest wgeaves anid colors. Latest Suitings an immense stock of ail kinds. ]Ready t-o wear Suits and Over Coats for men nd bo;ys made Up in the most fashion- able styles. Ladies'Furs'in Ruifs, Muifs andCpr î mes,. Coats in Astrakan. Bokbaran, Hlait Persian and Persian Lamb. Couoh, Jolinston & Orydermian ]? BOWMAN VILLE. T he Corner Shoe Store,> Oshawa. Men's best grain L iced iioots, over'iapping lace ph ce, pegged;- Aurora make, medium weight and stroug for i$1,25. Ladies' glove leather Buttoned j Boots, solid . rivetted soles, Âmes Holden Co, reliable make, pliable and ttrong for $1,tI. %0. MýcDermrid,ç Drug Store Is the place to buy Absoiuteiy Pure Drugs A Purchase will convince you that you get the very best value for your money at our store. McDE'RMID,.P The Druggist and Optician. ~ FOREIGN DEIMAND FOR APPLES. t ~~PU BLIC, WARNING. Manvy thousands of dolI,ýrs wiIl corne il'Îlie publishers of The Pamily Herali to West Durhu9mi this seaasý,iî for apies, andi Weekly Star of Montreal warn the for they are en immense p Buyers public regarding an offer made by who boughit in winter fruit for $1 and'Crtain papers in whieh another Mont- $1.25 are liklely to make mwpll out of this reýal paper, with a somewhat similar year's buisiness A mnan h is hi co namae to The Familv llerald, is offered landsein apples wie that "The in a clubbitig comblnation. It is re- failure of the nativ e fruit crr has dri v- ported to the publishers that in some on prices up to atns~g figures, cases the offer has been accepted under Po9 plm' reai at12ea eltd.Bart- the impression that it was The Family letts rptail at 18o, and t20C s. pounid and Herald and Weekly Star that would bo cau be found in feiruit stores. Pei eceived. The paper iin question bas apples haetrec arriveçs. The ibest no Connection- whatever with The bring,$8 a barrel, ANwYr pesFmH erald and Weekly Star. If is despateli sass thiat vervlae quantifies; The Parnily llerald and Weekly Star of apples are being expirîýtegt England thiat is offering the handsome premiumn Germanv and eisewhorp abroad on1 pictures and large colored map of the aceounit of the increased demaud be- Dominion as premiums. The word cause of the fruit failures in European "PAMILY"ý should be used when ad- countrles. dressing that paper. This caution sbould have the effect of pufting people STUDY THE PEOPLE. 0o1 their guard. Sanie people w Il go to aplledig sud retura home vitb VenY 1tit fatalk about because tbe bave ataiyseeun very little. wbiie others on thle sanie occasion will returu bru a iull of obser- vations sud fiud l opies uougo10cis- cuss for a mn afterwýands. 9"he differonce is I the formaer dfid nof observe Tbey saw 111bugî genersi but uotbing ilu partcla.At a Pair one sees ail kiuds of peopl-a motly tbrong. wifh exam,1ples of Àail sorts aud conditions of mou. A numbor of top buggies, cleanoed u1p fo)r theoc- casion sud eacb hold(ing "sFelo u bis g-irl," wiilb i h uibegrunds.Thon tbero is the coilnred oldbceirwbio wil ride alone, sud iso tPC-emorec pro- nounced jockey Leme- nt :epresenfed by s inuwith a singi ai opain There wîî o prof ty -utn irls witb the flush of youtb sud pleasunre upon Ibeir cheeks sud dresso4ed lu as modemr st %le sud as tastefu 11y as cîrciun stasuces on mothen wouid sio-w. Peopie of evory age will b h there min'),abes su ad toddlers ne ta nonogzenan ,is UWhile the greaten number vwil!lbho,,young folks Ibene xiii ho also guanied îpou aad fad- oct womeu wbose faces wdlbring- 10 one tisions of olden finies(. Thr Iil ho present more or less fown folk tf0 wbom a jollification of ibis ýýoit wîill ho as genuino pleasure. -Take t ah lu sud von will not ueed s dqctor liii 5f er: vour Chilmas ,ibner. YHE ROYAL MONTH AN TE ROYAL DISEASE. Suddort chalnges of weý rý sr s more sýo than ta the crlu an sd cou- sumrptivoe. The rogýress <i scofa duning a normal Oc.toben is commionlly groat. We nover fbi1nk 0f srof1nIa-ifs hanches, cutaneous eruiptions, sud wsstiag- of the bodily suhsiance-witb- out fbinkiag- of the greaf -no(i msuy suiferons fron itifhave derived froin Hood's Sarsapanilla, wbosa- radi1cal sud permanent cures ai ibis ono diseýase are onougb fo make it the most fanions niedicine lu bbe world Thene is proh- ably not a city or town wbene Hood's Sarsapanîlla bas ual pnovod ifs menit in more homos than oue, in arnesting sud complot 01v enadicsting serofuila, wbicb is aimosf as serions sud as mnch to be foared as ifs neun neiative,-cousumaption.- ABOUT TOWNSHIP FAIRS The L-indsay Post' offors some sano advice ta btho directors of t ho Central Pair sud incidentally nenianks that -ftho ena of the township fair is about over, sud reciguition of the supeninif v of the big Couufy f air wili be hastened by the offoing. ai botter aîtraîoius at the Couulty Pain-but il 18 es, entialbh t flrsf class speeding events ou a reguar haif-mile track should be a featune" Xe are compelled f0 bake issue witb our excellent coatemporary on the flnst statemeut, foi- Durhami counfy ILas pnscîically four township socites- Cartwright, Cavan, Clarke sd Hop 9 _________ attended Bethan, War, but ,,erlyone, o! hem. - Caad Rtt-oe be..fe totll brand, Fresh made, flot seconds, -very hiandsome goods. We open the Rtubber season with 150 pairs of these at 40c. -Men's Leather Top Boots, Four Styles, iu grain and oul split, Me- Gready leadiug make from $qi2 .0. Hligh Class Sehool Boots for j - and Girls, strong in soles aud heel stiffeners, pliable waterproof uppers. The besu sold auywhere from $1.00. Winter foatlwearall stylesý now in stock, Wool-inied B0oan sd iRub- bers, we quote as fllows: Childs Overshoes 75e. Girls aud Boys sizes $1.00. M1en's& Women's sizes $1.25. PICTURE We make a specialty of Framing Pictures and bave ail the latest styles of Mould- ings in stock. Also the V V VV ut Established 1889. The 13usiness College DEPAiRTMfENTS[:- i-Commercial Training. 2--Sortliand,, Typewriting and Graphophone. 3-Telegraph, Commercial sud Iailway Work. 4-Civil Service Options. 6-La,,nguages :-English, French sud German. successfni shows, sud nover more suc- cessfultIbsuthis year. Punîher, in.îtead of iajurng Ihobigr'ounty show, they are actuaily feeders fa if SncbaI b lasf is aur expenienco, We were a liitho amnsed f0 nead on the same page ot The Post thaf "-the Galway towuiship fair was a gratif.ý ing succes.9'and"sudrn- thon on'1 Galway fain Ibis vear was a geand success, thora being, a large crowd preseut on bath days, which is ample proof that the people are weilsast- isfied wif h the fair, sud speediug events lu particular. About 400 were presont ou the first day, sud 1,800 on the second day " 0f course the, caunty directors would very mucb like ta get the grants but we bave yot fo bh onanvinýced that the usefuluess ai the township show is over. AUl Stuffed Up- That's the condition of many sufferers fnom catarb, especially in the morning, Great difflculty is experienced in clear- ing the head and throat, No wonder catarrh causes headache, impairs the tasoe, mmou anid hearing, pollutes the breath, dernges the stom. àch sud affects the appetite. To cure catarnh, treatment must b. constitutào2a-aIterative and tolo.c "I was 11) for four Inontb,ý with catarrt lu the head and tbroat. llad- a bad cough sud naIsed bclood. J bs.d become dis. couragod wbeu my busband bougbt a bottue of Hood's Sarsaparilla sud persuaded me t0 tny IL. I advise ail te taire t. Il bas cured and built me np." Mas.,. HUGEai Ru- DçOLPH.n West Lisconib, N. S. SALEM4. Rleport uf Salemi School for Seplemb er --names lu order af menit: Sr, IV Pranîz Hutebinson, Edna Collacotf; ,Jr. IV Mabel llobhs, Howard Gaud, W 1le Squair, George Honey, Elsie 7ac7ks;Sr 111 Archie i honipson, Katie Stepheiis, Lawneunce Squair ra nk 1Parker; Jr. If[ Rîlda Rutledge, Ruth Squain. Mary Hlicks, Russel Colvwill; Sr II Pearl Challis, HubertFPoster, Gonfle Cbaiiis, P red Poster, Eva Jeffre.v. Russel Hbhs. Hazel Coiwili, Bertie Thonipsan, Ma 'v Gaud, Roubon Colwill; Pt. II Katie Poster, Alv in Aluin, Leslie Coliacait, Edua hbs Class I, Madeline Stop- bons. Doniald Yeilowlees. Sandy Launie Colis. Brancb, Piara Brancbi, Mary lnl e. OLv yosa DR. CHiAsE-There is 0111V one Dr. Chase of Receipt Book fame- Only one Dr. Chase wbo is knowu the world over becauso of the great pros- criptions ho gave 10 maukiud. lis portrait sud signature-A W. Chase, M.D.,-are ou every box of bis remedies. ImitaI ors do not dare to repraduco Ibese Tbey are the guananîeo whicb proleet s you against fraud. Be sure thoy are ou the box vou buyv. SHAW'S SOHOOL. Reporrt o-f S, S. No 1, Darlinglon, for the month of September-names in order ofmet Senior fanth-Lucy Galbraith, Gentia Moses: Jr IT-Wil- liniArthur Alia; -Sr. lil--Bertba GidsGaîhraIith, PnedBrg rtu Alun, Jr l1lRobe't Toah, Edua Ilead;Sr. 'Il -Mary Gabrith- Ehe Allin, Peýrcy MniaRoy Ailun;S r. Pt. TI-Verna Jowell; Jr. pt. Iï-,Eva Vinson, Plorence Trewin ; Sr. I-Lots Bragg, Frank Trýwiu, Reginald Love- kmn, BortJe ltJ. 1-Jimùmy Love- kin, Ruby Bragg, Ruby Jewell. Mabel R. RîÇUARD, teachor. KIRBY. Mn. Wm. BrunI wiil remain on the Galbraith farni another. William is a good tnn..Alx. Ruthford, Gea. Henonsn ad Tlirs. Clemence sbowed hersos at Port Hope sud Mllbrook .... A. Morrow canniod off the ned ticket on bis brood mare sud bis vauug Keswick colt .... Miss Harding, Whbtv, is visit- iug at Mn Jonathan Clemence's. ... Miss Ellie Cooney was sick,. ... Mn. Wiii Cooney will qait fanuing ibis fait,, andj soul bis fanm stock aud implemeuts... Cecil Prowers won second in tbre eaD oid trot, sud the ned ticket for hest threo year old colt. aI Liudssv .... C. J Thorn- ton, T. H. Powers sud Mr. sud Mrs I. E. Chapinan attended Cartwright fair.. t .Jas. Dickson bougbht one of the barns on the laie John Chapinan farm. There b no one article in the line of medicino that gives so large a return for the mouey as a good parons sînengtb- onîug plaster, snch as Canter's Smnart Weed and Belladonua Backaehe Pias- fers. Decidediy tho hest PalPain in the histony of the Hope Township sud Pont Hope Agnicuiturai Societv was held uast weok. Gate neceipts oxceeded $500 sud the exhibition iu every 'dopant. ment wouid do no disenedif to an average county show. As a stock show if neaily, excelled. Iloîses. excepîing boavy draught. weno s verv fine, lot. but lu our opinion some rauk judgmenf w'îs gbowu li ho beavior classes. The socioty will profit by getting expert judges ou horses if ual on other stock. The exhibîbors froni West Durhami won a fair share ai the pnizos lu sevenal classes aswill ho seen'by the 1sf The ladies made a really grand display ai fsncy sud domestic articles, fine arts sud diary produce Wo wi-h the East Durhani ladies would exhibît ma)re at West Durhami Pair, Tbey certainly -ao tbemclves honon in theirý exhibit ini the hall, Another foafure wbicb we heartilv commeud was the largo atteudauco of townspeopbe Ever3 bodv sud thein childron seenied to ho aI the fair. lu Ibis respect the Port Hopens diifored maoin the Cobourgites Down thene the citizens dont tbink it wontb ihein wbiie f0 go ta encourage, the fanonrs, Wo were roally doligbtedta osei, the groat intjveeîthe good people ai our sisten Iown take un iheir show. Our best tbanks are due, the Secrefanv, MnI. WV. H. MeCaluin, sud othons for courtesios receitoed. Wo spont au oxýceediuglv ploasantcday in the prettîs of Kiduev diseaso as Dr. Cbase's Kid. h ney-Liven Pilla. Thon ai e positively% effective even in the most chronie cases.L UNITED WE WIN, Wiii the merchauf s, professioi mou sud othens who do business with andi make thein living by the people of1 West Durhami, pardon s word of advice bearing ou their individual duty sud nesponsihîity ? The tbougbt came to ns late but we wili express if. Did it over occur f0 ton, fllow ciiizens, (sorreî cf vou-tao nianyý we are sorrv to kaow), wbat kind of a towu ibis vtonld be if no0 one did auv more to koep if a-moviug than yen are doiug or have doue? Did!ý if ever sînike y ou that as a citizen you personally have a duty to perform? If ovenv business in in town he grndged' the finie ne essarv to attend, mietingg fan advaucinig fhe towni's interests and. sfayed ln bis sbop feaaing a customer 1 might not ho as weli served, or thaI ho' migbt ho asked ta do somnething in helping on some local enferpnise, wbhat wonldi beconie of the towu? We bave nusiness mou whom wo nover ~aw at sncb a meeting, neyer k-nawn theni ta do, au2thiiag 10 help ppua thoIe fowun ron spend a dolla.r on pragi os ive meqs ,sure, that wals ual forced fnomn thein poekets. Wene ail citizens sncb as fbev,' we wouldi venv soon fiud Our beautifui towu a panailel of Goldsmitbi's Desented Village. Yon littie kuow, zentlemen. wbaf gros t resuJ1ts conld ho acbieved --f lyon jain baudis fa promote the coin- Mon lnfenests ai Bowmranvi le. If ,ou bave f ail-d tf0 do vour shane in the past, Mal...9 21a. M. 1 EXpreSS ... . 5.15 a. M, % C pres .... 1018 - Local ...7 57 11 Mixed ...3 36 p.m, 1 Passenger..1 42 p. mi Local.... 649 p.în. 1 Mixed. .7 41 Express ..120 p.m. STOTT & JUTRY. Town Agents For coughs, colds, bronchkis, astrma, weak throats, weak lungs, Consuimption, take Ayer's Cherry Pectoiral. Always keep a boule of it ini the house. We have been saying this for W0 years, and so have the doctors. Ilayeused Âyer's OCherry ?eetors In my famfly Soûr 40 years. It1 l-latheSt medicine 1ntewrd I know, for ailIbhroat anD j ýg Mus. .J, K. NoRCROqSS.Wîlam ~ugisU for Lwfi., Ass. f THE FAIR-A SOCIAL TIMEî MANITOBA LETTER. Perhaps as mauy people go to a Eall MR. bAR CO-M1AJRS ONýTARIO WIýT1j f air because of the eertaint-v of meeting MANIT013A AND GI~VES somE ADiCEiu friends and acquaintanees as f0sec a TO FARZMEES. horse trot and the exhibits. Fair day is the great aunual re-uz ion when the people of the wbole district forogather Just a few linos 0o1n mv trip to anit- and taik over thiehanppenings of the 1 oa, the greatest anud bet wheat grow. year, Wo are more than ever lu favor ing country lu the worli, so much Si o of making the soc-)iRlallement of the, thaf noarlY overy foreigu, nation is event prainienit E,, î cr, bod ' 7enjoysIsending orders for No 1, bard. L-ea&vu the meetingof friends anct bating a ingiimy a1,id îown fi to ,'wbore cordial hand-sbake and a chat, ýSav, trains are made up f(w Mnioaa kind roader, go to Bowmanviiîe F4ir due to !cave at 1 45 pm , neyer did 11 (Wednesday) make a point of spoaking se a more auxious erowd ta geot aboard. to al your acquainfancos then and S0 great was the numbe thaýt a secondc having a friendly chat and you will train lhad to be miade to aix(cCoimmodate returu home nt nizbt higblv 'enthusi- them. No. 1 train ieft twa boaurs late, astic over the exhibition- It wili ho the 17 coaches A lar!ge nu oe f ladieýs best you ever attondod Especiaihv took in the excursion., North Ba.iy waa givo Durham OId Boys who visit the r 'aced'about rniduigbf;. Fromn North town Fair ý9ay a neartv weleomp homei. Bay to Port Arthur is 63les.Thýe scenery consists mostly of rivor, lakes, Milier's Grip Powders Cure Sold b'ý rocks andl ecrub timber. Ve itfleag Steotz aud Jury, druggisfs, riculturai land loboeeen FrtWlla CLARK",' AIR, was roached in due fiieluneairly every part of the fow, wr buiifiîns -- can be seen îi coursne ,f ercto n a the prizo list as publisbed i this aur journev the iran hresed along paper iast week were some errors and until the Great Gite Wy f4 the Wlest omissions. The following should ho is reached, Wiini!ptnz Ouly a few noted: c years 8ago ii velit :11he1i eFort Carriage-2 ,,,aId gelding or fiffih lyGi. ihe city;bas grwnwodr Win. Rutherford, 1sf prize.Wiuliy since my Ias vsi.The rs Poliage Piants-Robt, Morton j. saenakti nteu rd cod 2ud prîze. !ng toloaiy On orgeA nu proaerfy wvas sold to aMv nepoi Swine-Yorksbire Sow, under 6 mes,, Synd1icate for $0 per fo(ot ,1T1e eity Wm. lizays, 2nd prize ils expauding s0 fast tatt uo(se to Potato Onions-jamos Waddell, ist ciîv his land is selliing or810pur prize. acre ToC. P. 1 is outt uids Plain Quilting-Mrs, A A. Gamsby, large batel sud Statiocani;ýbined f0 hoe 1sf prize. th4 hlrZest in the Doinion a.ji ind aI a A very Iimely aud excellent proposi. -t Of millions of dollaýrs. ovn tion bia,; been niado-that Meauvers iL înipeg for the West I saw nearly unite with Clarke ln a fair. Manvers every station block id With cars so ;,;Gat Agricultural society abaudoned an ex- is the transportation traffie sudi vet hibition a fow years ago but by joining some wiil say Ibat the G. T. Pa1cifieý is with Ciarke iibf greatly Drofit-by the not ueeded wheti if will open, the road union. By ail means give it a trial ta millions of acres of land whereo the -eoman's plow nover onter;ed and 110 The well known sîrengtbeuing pro. doubt whero the buffalo st1 om perfies of iroa, combined itIh other notice the fowrsalang-therailroad have tohiecs aud a most perfect Dervina, are gat ornaînental trees plaut;ýed on their finund lu Carter's Iron Pis, which streets. tu"ii hesansd aiso strengtbeu the norves and body, sudj as a wind breaker during winter storins. improve the blood and complexion. Unfortuns.tely for the saine the greaf __________snow stan ibatragod bore con tho 121h GREET YOUR CUSTOMVERS. iilst, sucb a stanm theode pioneer no3verFaw thlike SO ÈearlV ini the sut- umo. The oýruaniental trees suciffered( Berlin like some othen to-wus otserved by the snow starn, 90 per ent 0f alil tho Fair Day last weok as a civie holiday so trees were cuhddowu nd 1àlif w11 thaf everybody and bis wif e could go t0 take years f0 reacb ifs, formner -rowth the Show. The plain bas isq good again. The stni also deiaYed the, points. One is that bu-ïiness mnreuai ahenig of the weatbut 11o venv gef oui aud spend tho1 ay0. tig srinshaýrn was dUe The sfoaim ther cstmer Cunty eope ikeIbeshrsareft(Ling lum, -vory direction Rnud the day is hy no nîan ost thafil, Thî i isthe, 4th tiie that i have visîited spout socisliy by nirhnt u poe.iipart of the wonrldanIamevic sional men ai Itho Pair bandshaking and 1ed more Ibsu even ihat Ihis ïis t hoplaceD having a friendly chat wif h counfry for the ag'iculfurist, thaf wi if ho w ,ants customons Do you know, feliow citi- to a ae money. I have affen madw zens, mauy 0f us do flot give uoarly as the remark that if a fanmer in Ontrrnlo inuch time as wonid ho profitable mon- bas a fantasud stock all bis own aud ilo tally and pbysically, to the pleasures boys ta set up hie sbouid romain wbere that surround us? What'morepleasa1îf Iho je. There are mare couvoniences than aday at the Pair? Go and hoctb ere b au ouf bore at the present fume, sociable with tbe people They Will bc The fanonr who bas 100 or 150 acres pleased and so wiii you. At this 6x- wifb a family, sav i4 or 5' boys, if it's bibition ihore wil ho many visitors. monoy îlîey ar-' affer, they are wssting Spend a lit fIe time to-day wifh theni, tme 'lu Ontario. Sou Ithe fanm, briug Show thein over the town. Go wit h the pracoods sud famiv ont bore, hold theni t0 the fair. Introduce f bon to on, and lu ces ihan 20 i ears ail can re-~ other citizons. Show tbein that thoîn tire anai rest on their laureis. Many a preseube 18 appreciated. Toll theni young man wants 10 eseape the drudg- about rur splendid sebools, comfortabieeory of farmiag and beave bis home for churches, attractive homes, protfy town or cîty life, f orL etting wbsf bard streots, lswns, tho ,healthy name our work was during the early davs. of bis town bears, the vern*y high moral char- fathen or grsud-fathen, when the forest acter of nun people, the flourishing had to ho cut down,, the old fasbioned industries, the handsome stores. Show cradle f0 eut the grain. The fan en's them tho new municipal buldings, sud Ille to-day is a Ilile of pleasurecompaned tel tbem what a hsndsomo 110W post witb years gone by. Manitoba aud the office we are going to have uext vear N. W. Territory is only spriuging up and don't fonget f0 say a good word for 'frorn is infancy compared wltb the your public men aud othen progresive- Ziaets 0f the noar fufti, e. The inbab- citizens. Oh. there are hosts of subjocts itants now number about 400,000 sud over whicb you eau entertain your ',et thero is roani for millions more. visitars and send them homo cbarmed Came and sec if for yourself. by tbeir visit te oun Iowu T. HOAR. STARTLING BEiVELATIONS-It frequeut "adrn o. [y happons that peopîe suiffer for years Virden, Manitoba, Siapt. 28tb. 19,08. from kidney derangemeuts 1witbout_________________ knowinoe tht, cause of their backaches. acbing limbs aud other bodily sffer- Grand Fr. Railwav Svstem. suddenly thé truth i "vla d . thoin that thoy are the victime of serious kidney disease and lu imminent danger. RAILWAY TIME TABLE. 'rhere ls no medicine wbich gives such BOWMANVILLE STATION. nJ1out nA u ntling c miiei lrui pvi ut L*1Lnv ST L Vl ti ti ti y v b Il fi k -r f-r- -L p - -1 [Il

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