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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Oct 1903, p. 2

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You ? If youl knew positively that you could purchase a Dia- modof guaranteed qualýiity at a great saving in price, wiould you invest ? That is precisely what wVe joffer in our No. 947 Solitaire Diamnond Ring, No. 916 shown here. Order by mail. If on rco-eipt it dee noýt fully satisfy you, your money will be refimnded without question. 49 years of honorable dealinig speak for the reliability of -our house, "Diamnond-Hall."-- Write for our new catalogue, Rleady Nov. i 5th. R2YRIE BROS. JEWEL52 118, 120,.122 and 124. Yonge St., Toronto ordinary Offer I Electric Belts in 1' the Reach of All,. We Are Sell ngithe Best Electric Belt in the World at a Priee within thei Reach of the Poorest Sufferer. A> $20 B EL T FO R The, Prof Morse's Electric Belt [with Mssensory for men's or ladies' attach- ment]!s guaranteed to possess more poweýr, more current, better qualty and finish than any other Electric Boit made regar-lesýs of pricp THE PROF. MORzýE'S BELT is a sure cure for Nervous Wýeakness ,Liver- Kidnevand Stomach Comiplaint, Rheu- mnatism, Lame Back, Pains or Aches in »Il parts of the body. Wear the belt while 1 ou sleep and in the mornin ýý ou will feel years'younger than when y'eou went to bed Beware of those who ask %7ou to paï from $10 to $20 for an Electric .8elt not half so.,ýgood as the Prof. Morse's Boit which we sell for only 85 We have OnlyV One price We dà not ask 3 ou $i0 first and if %ou do not buv. trv and sel! 30u the same belt at aný old price. OUR HONEST OFFER-It,ýOu (do not care to send us the 85 we will Fend YOU One of »Ur BeOtS to your nearest ex press office, C. 0. D., 85 with privil- ege of examinatin; if satisfactorv,pay the express agent 85 and express charg es and the Beilt. If not as represented youneied not pavoneocent Ifyousend cash with or 'er we prepay the postage. WE ARE MvANUFAt ITURERS of aIl kinds of Electrical A ppliances. Write us for our book giving prices and full particulare It issent free Do no buv aBelt until you see the Prof. MorF.e's. Write at once. Address The F. E. Karn Co., 182 Victoria St., Toronto, Canada. 7-tf Jno. Gilbert &Son ame thing very like it, nam'elv, 'That he, may run that readeth.' ·· Trane to sin, as the sparks dvy upwýard." The Bible nowhere cou.. tains those words. ·'A nation shall be horn in a day.' The nwarest thing to that in the Good Book is 'Shall a nation be born aut once ?'" For Oveèr Sixty Trears airs. Winslow's boothing "yrup has been used by millions of motne(rs for their children while teething. if dis- turbed at nighit and brkef'your, rest by a sick child stuler ing and cry- ili * pinof 'u'ting Jensn at once Lnd get a b<uttle of!'ls Enaslwes Soothing Sru"forCil dren leething. It Will Irelieve -the poor little sullerer immaediately. D,- pend upon it, mothers, there is no niistake about it. It cur 7ilarr- ,boea, regulates the Stomatch, andj llowels, cures Wind Colic, softens th-e Gums, reduces Intlammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. -Mrs. Winslow 's Soothing byrup- for children teething is plea- sant to the taste and is the pre- sicription Of one of the oldest antî, bti Uenale hysicians and nurses in bh tted Statds.b lle 25 cents a throughout the world. B3 drggist ask for Mrs. Winslow's esu e ing Syrup.". ýWRITING HY TFE EOR\PlII Pouie tv U,2tlgone wet e sensitized paper, the point oflih t prics. ound in the sllqns of sun-greenied po- tato sun' l i l uhse sjio ld b ;:i OUIAL. We have all sizes and kinds of the very best coalIthat is brought into Canada, at right prices. ALSO CHIARCOAL, We solicit your pat.ronage for any of the above. Jno. Gilbert & Son,. King st. West. Bowmanville 1 the bo-ttomn of the cr-ate and one side sliold h remved or the front. Slats shol he niled up)and down 1 lefrw;also lengthways of the ,aeto t'ormi the floor. A' hoard hould be loosened in the top of the crae o emvetheel ickensand a igthe fl the crates can he plac- oi a ivcat she or barn. Plmut ocks. Wyandottes, or durcens of a silar type wveigidang from twvo and aý half to four Pounds each arneiea e for intiening. Chickens 01f inediumn size and of a broad, sqluare shape, with short, straight legs set well apart, fattn the most profilably. A sutbeftcigratios om duce a whie-coln'ed flesh. Ground oats. ground buckwheat, ground Lar- ley and low grade flour are Umeals 1tha have hoen fed with profit at the 'ýýtaions. The chickens are fed a miash excluisively. NO WITOlE GRAIN TS (;IV\r. Sveral'meal mixures are given to illustrate how a ration <an he ormi- ed (1) Groui oats, coarser hulls remod. () I o piodsground Outs. two Pouncs e-rotid uîwet one pon r dcon 3 n >ondgound anulone Pound ground barley. , me Pound round buckwheat. (4 ) Two pounds grun harley, two pounds low gaeflur one Pound wheat bran. T he ground miipal should cnie 10 a ti n porridge with thick sour skinnilk or1httiermilk. A small <uantity of salt shoUhd he added ty SThe chickens should remnain in the fattening crates for about twenty- four days. Before the chickens are placed in the crate the hulM dused ithsupnnr to kill the lice. The first week the chickens should aswhiich can be (,reaily lhandled. It " i ued ithigood reuýuLIs in both orchaýrd anid garden, In the orch- ard. tliu, weaker ir, s>which bhave been previously næirked, have a pail- ful f th inaur- cattred b -u t eir'h eand .21ra t re<n i h, sprling. For p ttos a p il l o mianure is distr«'ibuted to Pna 100 f (t"f drill. In tabir ed ,a 4.endfiul of th frilzr11,e terd aroLuid each ill ;and a smlre - Lit.v of flnloached '1 wood asheýs are , app lied later. For corn, nelons and, squashes. a smiall amnount is put in each hill at the tilne of planting. If a erry >mb11ust b dhv the samothest one that clin be found, lnd, use it but sparingly. Jn the hands of sono ru en the cuirryeom-b is, a barbarous instrument of torture. Applied with a long, sweeping mo- tion, without regard to the slhage of the body or the evenness with which it ls hmid, will nt-ake a poor animal shrink and shiver. Thfe skin is often seriouiv lh,11t by the angles of the coMb - -when -carelessy and-lheavily handled. A short mnotion, back and forth, does t he work inære efïectivelv and humianely tlian the se-,vere ap>>li- cation of the combl described. The! horse will not dislike it if hie fnds hie is not hiurt. It is a renmrkalde fact that thé! bite of the pig is more dangerous t han t hat of an.v of owr farmi an i- inmals. Why this is so is not esi!y areounted for; but the fact still re- miains that in.htries inflicted by piigs l take a much longer time to hcal i than tilmssayinfliced . yh.rse ad'ogs Iowever, wounds inflict- led Lv ,wiii, ,ýP n POULTiY (ON THE'AID. !Farinerts who adopt theimpror,,_'ed breeds of ,i'>oultry, asithey dothe iinpr1oved 1breeds of sok aete po-ultry inore profil-tabIleandsucs- fui.- In the farm yardi'S scatte'd throutrýh thie countr.v then miay bec fund nianry fine speciinens of the do-1 mInestic fowh. Farmners have in many fac bedr -so thaL n hese yards rnay bc found a good sprink- ling of thoroughbreds. In these cas- es it is a good plan 10 cull out your birds carefully 2,, tocoo and size, or Ml shaped. Eenif this does ne- duce .cour flock it will pay you in the end. If mnarket poultr-y is chiefv <de- sired, begin by killing off ail two- year-o <d hirds. Hiscarti also- all of tnhe lat lteed- -stock -as brecedmng 1roim these tends to <decrease the size of y our stock, buffer imone to live that is in any wav <dormied. Die- morl mies areir <luent 1y tronismiited, and î1 s especiall.v important i hat the parent birds he free frein tlmlu. 10oo Hen the only thing a furin(. does towards selecting bh ders, is to obtain two or three big roosters, size bing their only inerit. But, it isý mnore important. that they have \igorous const it ut ions, snimmet rica l !ormns, rig it tolor of s<in and plum-1 If the owls the ifarmner bas on lindi are of large size, and it is de- sired to unprove their laying quali- tics, we would recommend tei ur brov n asfane ditat -cc males. Or, if the size is to be in- creased, Brahmna blood will do the workefectuall. - Thus by a .iudicious selection of felnales and the use of thoroughbred males, as the occasion mnay requho , the farmêr will sec a decided change in his flock for the better from year to year. Sulphur shoul always bc fed spar- ingly. A cockerell mated to large lhens usualvy gives large and vigorous chicwes. Poultry will fatten inster on Cook ed food than on raw, I auc . i more easily digested. Dr t I continue to imhrecn poul- vr too long as t1e stock will de crease in se7e, standard. and valne. The f>wls should never he, so close- ly conihned that they cannot t akel sulhelient exercise to promote diges- TIllNGS INlgIOUgS TO lIO:S. Ihere 'arc a numnber of commn thiogs not usually suspected of being 1 injurions that are in reality fraught with danger to swine. Whibca for instance, sait nmay hc given to bogs in fair quantities wit.h imipunity and the saine may bc said of saltpeter, it is a fact. that. brine proves deadly when, thrown jmto swill barrel or kitchen slop. The exact reason for this is uinkniown, buf there is somie-. thing deadly about, the comibination that suirely sets up inflamiamtion of bowels and fatal enteritis. This is also true of 1,4tchen slop in somne in- stance. Jn the oldays it was a nonin.iurious custom to feed dishwa- ter to swine, but of late, since soap powdcrs came into use, this cannot bc do with impunity and indeed has often led to tlhe most fatal r sults, 110101 and restaurant swill is the most dangerous and those wio remove refuse fromn such places shouki always miake sure that soap pow-.1, ders ar e not used. 'Phie import ance 1 Wbe 1 Backed up by overa third of a century of remarkable an d un iform cures, a record such as no other remedccy for the diseases and weaknesses ý;peculiar to women ever attained, the prop)rieto)rs of Dr. Pierce's Favorite--Presc ri ption now vfeel fully -war- rauted in oft'ering to, pay $500 in legal nu>oney of the Uniited majLeS, for any case of Leucorrhea, Feal eakness, Prolap' _isus, or Fallinig of Womib which thev ean- . not cure. All they ask, is a fair and reason. able trial of their means of cure. tti used four bottles of your 'Favorite Pre- scrnption' and one of 'Golea Medical D-iscov- ery,' "ý writes Mrs. F4lmer D. Shearer, of Mount- !hope, Laucaster Co., Pa., "arnd can say that 1 ain ;cured ofthat draded dsae uterine trouble. Am in bettet health thanieverbefore, ery one who knows mieis surpris::dto se elook so well. In JuneIwvas so poor inhealth that at t:mes 1 could not wals:. 'To-day 1 am cuyn/ 1 tell everybody that Dr. Pierce's medkcines cured me." , REE. Dr. Pierce'sý,Common Sense Med- aca1Adviserissentfreeconreceiptofstamps 1to pay customs and mailing only. Send 5oa one-cent stamps for the clothi-bound'vol umie. Address World's Dispensary Medical Association, Proprietors, Buthalo, N. Y. eci y swne ae of rathe rare ocbcl bc ms prnythe c-- ........^d i mash s r ingy re ---4-~---theln to the change of d et andlte HOW POLO IS PLAYED. IO ATEIUCIKN. nfinerneit. After the first week FXACT COPYOF WFRAPPER. . . ...ABOT CNSTUCTNG HE the chi<kens should bc given twice a Essentia1 reatures of Great Hlorse-. day as muhms ste l on- CRATES AND FEEDING. Back Gamne. ue, oi' on,- week bhmore the Polo is probably the oldest exist- Department of Agricult ure Says hh k nowshoklld absmall fluanttye ing sport, as it dates back to 600 I sloroiabei ,shtao inrshouldhe added tsofh R3 C., When il was played in l'ersia. I saPoial use oices h iiieso - -- Until acomnparatively, recent date it, Business. he flesh. Fresh water should i>bc WINDSOR FOR IRELAND. was known only in the east, and The: craie fintininý, of chickens is a ive nte ruhtich a ad--- the~~~~~~~~~~~~ fimFnlsnnt lyi eewm ie h oygrit or gravel twice a week. At al! Rumnor of the Possibility of a the fir ng plamn tsapla l. It ritabe bsÎnes fr al n si ee' the Illustration Stations the chickens Royal Residence, was intigo ucedntsOf nga at fArmneie ,- filag-in. t sasidpbyare fe'd fr<innthe trough throughout dwrshMintou iinbyth En l usars, unra kin tht cn f aaWe the fatteming period. The cranoning Although/little has been said on dhs made.8a1greathoe s as a ppsa ìibcienfthe iersedand enter- machine has not been used for feed..the subject it is understood that the Ëulmear s ran as undgergunasanp ssflcety ineetdadetr ng chickenis for two years. King's intention is at, an early date changsfor thendbastter emrypiin osLd hewr n -to consider the question of a royal chage fo te bttr.struct the fattening crates. _No --- residen.e in Ireland h n Ir e special imiineg isrequired in which SECRET OF RADIUM HEAT. land he was greatly struck with t.he varin fom 1 hadsto142,toplaœe the cateýý Grain on hand -- beautiful surroundings of the estate which is the standard limnit of with the eeptiono)C corn or peas. Suggested It May Be Supplied by of Kylemnore 'Castle, in Galway, heighit. The halls are regulated to when fineJlv gro-und( and mixed with Ethereal Waves. which hias been suggested as a royal' three inches in dianweter, uni ar skinnnilk or buttermiiýilk, is fed with ýtl residence. This is the biggestý,of all made of illow wod, pproit t the chickns. If it is neces- 1 WatPrf. . .Roys tenied flicth great Irish homnes, and is quite a Sticks atd -whe-tob- -Pl go osmiracle of radhum""bas naturally re- mdr oshvn en bit according to the fancy of the, preferable. Tihe- cust of the food . atnin nsinii about twenty years ago by Mr. Mit-, ers. The brædles are inade f ra- for fattening aeagsten cents per cI'ca m in te meetig of the sci- chell Henry, a wealthy Yorksh ire ta, n te ot oplr ea n hikn.Iti ariale-opod- ence branch of the British Associa- manufacturer, who sat for an IÈrih America is cigar-sloped. The grour.dchickens with \ e-co0lored flesh, as tion Lord Kelvn in a papwr which constituency as a Liberal. hasboads lon th sde o kep himoloedEl s mre alaabeh read, n-iade an interesting sugges--<A vast fortune was sunk in, the bhe boalls in ly.the gsi pststan ylow flesh:it is orm, btle intien in conrnection with its perpetual building of N-ylem-ore, and some idea are eight yards apart, and are made grain and exedigvendcr. There eMisinofha-9,acr0n0oofisetetmybegteedrom of wicker or paper to avoid danger reftalb s itibtdthog - Curie's calcubitioqb a rate of the fact, that there are20hdros to~ ah l3ro oyi h vn r fatgdobsh Idsriute- 'he skinabout 90 centrigrade calories per in the house. The grounIds cover! of colliding against thlem. gamme per hour. thousands of a<:res, and although. njot Fach player has a namied position fils11ft ad0nrae hH said that if the emission of in view of the sea is wti ie in the gorne, vizý, No. 1 No. 2, No. jucnesoaih d Ileh it atted heat at this rate went on for 10,000 or two of the Coast. 3 and No. il. Nos. ¯1 and 2 ar ti'l e s0l h feh.\il'nit ours there would be as munch heat The castle has remiained untenated j forardplyer, N. hali c enkens, water 1takes the place of' aswolrasthtmwatr of and neglected for mnany years, andl ami ~~ th No 4hak.Th tam lneup- 19.0 J0,000 gnunmes of water 1 deree the mnan -who bmit it hardlv enjoyed î and o. 4ba.k \\hteans tehepoihh.e frat oesh. ·1 . facing each other, and the hall is hl te c1iIknsrotdte centigrade. It seemned utteriv ini- it. lHe had miade in the grounds thrown in by the umnpire. The dura-ý wate eal orates and leaves thw possible to Lord Kelvin that this two large lakes in which tall foun-1 tion of play. is one hour, divided in- " r'at dry. The muscles of the crate Wol o fromn the store of energv tains play, and in one of these the 1 to six lperiods of ten minutes each. fatt'd chicken are more edible lost oto rmeo uimiOnly daughter of the house was ae~ Th eHsudsa in n o ah tinougd lak of oex se. .'0 kib a I0, ut f aæra.mmesof radim iancidentally drowned while gathering ten minutes, but the Play goes on lean chicken is wastemul. Te pro-' absolutelv certain that the energy wTater lilies. F romi that dayAMr. 4.ti te al s utofpay. an-d portion of edihho meat to boue 1n inust someln>w be supplied from with- i Mitchell lioury lved in L mdon a tne excess ofr 1imo i helucted ro1oa 1o nnOut. Ie suggested that ethereal Itahdniosngttoe nd Mud .d n re a an ALL robilD W liCFaOvsingtinsmewvsipy n|No suitable tenant was found for iterval between each period, the o ehonergv to radium while fit was emrittrin th etmfr t e altuh t as . wen actual time required for a mtch isi with thwe eqtions of aut t. e ma ntte- around it.t e o h ls cah.Te Mnoca and siiila sllilchce's Lord Kelvin illustrated his theory King drmve through a portion of the P olo is perhaps the mosËscientihe co l nbecifaLted n thjle craieswith he &fole-in o pron:. 1_3"d """II1blwna( e- outdoor gaune played, being nom onlyi profit. I atted e(,I lens can be mark- u- pressed adiration for the beauty of . 1.Pose a Piece of white and a piece of tesoadte i plnu f one of ski!l, both in horsemanship eted in Canada ami Great Britain ferbakothr the spot and the wildtsplsndoariof and the use of the stick, but of ten to Mte cents per Pond, sthe situation,- r sumereý strategy and discipline. , puckedw uin_1ght. Agreat inumber of in snifar glass caes, ere submaerand n1,i ig off"i an lnupo ,ant point farme],rs ihav ngaedin the 1'itoinmg, anda layr itha omipoy cn udnss and ar prpaingthir xpedto the sun. The water in NOT IN THIE BIBLE. so inch ogf or push his opponent as lh-ensfr te onei1rw or for d eslcnangtehc lt -- 1 pren isgetig canc a enot hefolowing letter was wuld be kelt very sensibly warmer 1Quotations Popularly Attributed the ha!!. A inminay push with r( e,,d by t iweTDlartment last t "e "htomathe Good his armi, but must not use it below sho1ing thbcsatisfactory 10- Hereýthed themalackcnthbrgy wase acom" rofsetece the elhow.Crocking Sticks is also sls rt a',cikm uinel1 hebakcohb nhr r uhe fsnecs adlowel if not donc across thic op- w'aves o sunlight and was given out nlot in thew Hibe vhich ever.vhody ponents n oragrnlIonf as thierinometrie heat to the water thinks are thiere,- said a clergyan. ponet'q oll. feed o :nit ore xtelsi\O'-in fthc glass arouind it. Tinu "The cetof a-these sentences is:- 'He, throm/h the waior therr. was aret-11 temrpers the win<l to the shorn lamib.' 'Of course, said the beginIner, "to a eumet n a n einergy travelling inward hlin You would search tIm Bible pretty he e -o 'n a re i " m im t smrall seal o w th icrate-fed Iikl te ee " · > ' - kimw how to speak. -Bter and the resul was sMat <mWai hrmg te on slc'lvr-y mtsentencein t.Wreyu still d ile old band, - h that 1hi . 1 ; m going 1o0 ' u fti'm lc M u n would thnd it would he in Sterne's mnust kimw Imw not to sleak." pare altu,,\WN i n that mnoner Lord Kelvin surggested that experi- eimnadory. --- - -uuM ill- yPu to send rue tl!nienis le made comparing the ha K-Sen .gts a good deal of plaise lhÂMb in of so loing is emiphasizel by the famt that we have km>wn mf several dead- ly utbeak of so-call ed era or 1 S\ im plague which proved to be en- terit!s. ýdue to the poison in Ciy swill. We note, too, that an Eng lish wrn.or claiins that the watIer in which potatom: -,have been hoilei is quite in.iurious to young pigs. The potato belongs to the order Solan- aceae and c<ntains an active poison known as Solanin. This is hwrly 1A new form of the "facsiiile tele- graph," by which a message, written at the transmitting end, is reproduc- ed at t.he receiving end, has been in- vented in Germanv under the nam of the "telechirogrimh," The m- es. sage is written upon a sheet of paper- with lead held in a pencil haii fexible connections with twýorhs tats. As it moves overtelter the pencil shifts slidinig contacti which varv the electricaleIsac At the reiving end twýo electro magnets, inifluenced by the cagn currents tranismitted. govan th mnovernents of a small miirror idc by. the aid of a heam of lighi con centrated to a point hv lenses, re in one stage of futrefaction is ex Mia n fri a nans smerelabe h- dars n us. Ordi rn u-Mhe origination of 1this sentence' e e ay-oe tat coa n' b ceedngly danerou. Orinay sor tu awaor ionilreal to whom i 1 can ru hd wt tik ed wih th t.oniginated, as a natter n r w y-n th t c ld ' b inilk--this is one of ',he best foods- ship) the fatt1,ild ý c Iickes whe relady. tfo1md in the s n udng ee o f fact. behnre ho was born. In a lihd b n eeti o e-os but whwn skim ini!kl in bulk there M r ( Un11lr. Uhi eo the )o- fr sd collection of French proverbs Pub- and that wouldn't cut grass h o w comes a tima when milk sugar de- mmiion Poulr IY bvisio min his .ar- Hshed in 1594 we find, Diu mnesure ever manch you tried.- ," ay Velops oxalic acid-(one, of whose chief _i e wisk," sdrecions forcon-le ent dlaelastkndue. Pha eleinwnts is sugar), while fermnenta- stru ion f th fatening crates and l(EA. 1&Cl conviits r:r.J m rno ws uha ahn ?C tion in like inanner develops a formin feding the Ahcen. subseinent e\iim\ilokli ietr tainlv.' rpid M . wb b:" of alcohoh, the combination of raw article Vwil cna infornnatiolln eral of the irrigation ofrks a th -everybody thiaks that i in want to break somne of my neigh- spirit and a powerfal acid proving1 Scott's EmuMtlson is the '.futur" '" '"" 's"'ma d IL " rso min wn n very deadly. even a small quantitv cuers. T4,' inatlemng tratis m in te pible flme of the ancipn1 T a i h ris m yra. generally causing deati alinost d!i- neans of l1 e alnd of the cri- 'nyie latth l- 1lustration Stations are land of ('halden. once on(, of the I o oitPy f' ,II )J? .. . I bhe ie ilot frie idpllin i l T is ils anotLher sentence supposed, fyo d ntpy fry ur m k recly. Me o n t t tis ritn ment of lie of thousands of -six f"'t'lon. xIna h o w n fe i n oao a tn woavto bce h lcal. It is not iPromp1tl.v -tIl P milkman 1lurall know thmt the asscrtions made liere lndui]t inchels hiw:h. nasile world. but now a 'eJer l.. , be l-ns a . about exahe acid, etc.. are correct and hidr n. me u1wns. lrh cra t is !iv id-he s elle, rirn dand] can "Mcalthou l the Bi ,l has soý-sujl>esyouw l h ah u but it is a fact that stop frmoinol, To the men Scott s Emnul- cd iltlili < Eaan ah aa"i" perfora", fo- Chulde"ath a Sour, stinkýing swill barra Iýs dops 1 1onp rtt i our i cken A funetimus as tr Nile for Pt. prove in.jurions, altlioughi owners do raA sbito n nhh wo ( I t oe tm h elhe not 11rb t ti ·ul o tm strenlliÍ sc lt) for thl w u radeer wthsai oa o t; athu thven cause. Anotlir very coinunon sore The .ats r0p1dlngh is n1ounh i of danger is nmedicane. ihre z--btto ,bakad top- -.repairing of body lOsses froM and up and downiini neTheas i Ili,.e mo POUlLTV MANURE nyý,-sig icaelats ame une incide ad hlui :m inaill ar sod uderle ronestposibl inch k. T11 pc, wt en h To ou mally farmers fail to- realize F( r vwomen Scott's E mrul 1em e udI- anud -ilguarmltt tt » our drug.-it has explieit iiistructions to sluis l in Iront are ul, wh wneto1 e( ilmportance of properly preserv- ind est i n m r tis eal 1-ciknt1" etd o °Il "'"s 0e "es he al1 ng and disposng oftb}en manure. ().f-g cause of nrsbeeIG FFED i GTll' Iý , . 'cure anv c df iey trouble. If Gan Palls di ten it, is W'astefully thrown away or a niost SUStaillino" foodl and retu1atmaneh scaterd s thckl tht i beome Th h tto , bck nd op lut« ae slenorand u gnfiem s.rmo possess merit of an exceptional ordersuch aguar- so bicly hatit ecojes t nic for the ilecial"trialsith a det1r rinent to growth rather thanon'ind0 a f rlt e s eawhorias apar1t. lT,,'h l tsgn'alnes in th d Ilin antee wouldnot be possib!e. an atid, or it is stored in brelWOnln la e O ear. -o4,tsaeet h eeah p ri-P aaos ldrgitor direct from wvhere th, ougi the process of hiating leidelSOtsE ll ý"" iT 0sn" o"*" HEBL RGCO., INPEMn mluch of its fertilizing r'ii e- . .d o s r u g o Ili, rear o('t he ý, A ml e by any lotherI' nan e wou(I1l4 stoed hentodo crngfrSicn gives food and strengtlì rae Te-r-s-r-pacdonb--krkr andI wsngthis vaýluabile fertliz,.r nurll- for oOff1 of Csh anid b ne ans i en 111d 1 C.d n Ma s mt gilA 3~in te p),m& eno •ed are~~~~~~~~~~~~~J pu asml oerdstl ed o fe aml' laD the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c Li rwLag'i em o SOT ONCeits at o 5 h;S t.Iti hnsK ldon n 10 l dr eadape SvnMm oe odi pt2mm lR T occaionaCleen it11C imi nie the point. of the penicil at the othel end of telime. "l want a lawn-niower," said Mr« ilakoub kLick kliusobilula 13e ave c . . as food for mnan and bea st alike. This writer also makes a stateinwnt which is new to Us in some respects, hut possihle true.Ilie says··Milk To the Weary Dyspeptic, We) Ask This Question: Why donr't you rern,,'o that gt at the pit of the stomach? Why don't you regulate that variable appetite, and condition the digestive organs so that it will not be necessary to starve thec stomach to avoid distress after eatinig? The, first step is to regulate the bowel. igesson, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Grain, Seeds, Flour andCoal. FLOUR. Manitoba, Hungarian, Patent and Stroni--Bakern Flour at i

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