____________________________________________ f I Câ*hinia Hall Grocery Pure Claver Honcy- Smined in bulk, at close pices. A1ico in -Iass ars, ail sîzes, from 25et 7c Pt ter value titan We 1ha 7ýv -vrstW b efone. No.i, Finest Quality, a' No. 2, Choice Quality, t 2C T OC. Fruit GLms aind jelly J rs, ali sises, Wice and Imperial measure We buy our Peaches right in the C ardens and have them shipped dli- rec~, th -s esures go quality, even ~ac su fcshstQ~ Ow is the ttrme 1- buy. Gù,o Butter Wanted-Must be git edge, iin potunci prints, wrapped, for which the higriest mnarket price wilil be paid. Largrc SIock o rleIs and CrGF0(1tBf Successor to -Y01YTlITG- & 00. CROWN BRILLIANT. The leaders in Elegance, Efficiency and Eeonomy made in two sizes with and wîthout oven. Examine it before you buy your heater, at W . H)-DSPN. Then Up-toý-date Butcher, Sce for yourseif what you are get- ting in the îridtt line-lice kind, the cutîing, the weght; The more vola sec my meat the bett er I will like i' t be- cause the b ter you will be satisýfi- ed andi will see thal il 15 handîcti in a clean andi up- to-date manner. Many a fine side of beef anti leg of iliuton is ruicd by inexpert work on the part o f ý the butcher. I bave on 'hanti a gOOti suDDIV Of abou 30 fat cattle, the best you can bny in any coun try -oeover three 2rS5~years aid. 1Ilhanclie ai! 1the lilis of Ineat lounci in-aun np-to-tdate autcner store -gooti beef, fesb pork, iamb, sansage fresh made evemy day, sait park, bologna, smoked bacon anti hams, ail kintis of cooked meats, ham, corn. beef. jeilieti voal, jelied b cks andi cookedt tngue. I arn ging ta ma ke a speciaity aI ail kintis of goodi polîry anti will pay cash. Also will pay thre higliest price for beef hides, hanse hies, sheepokins ant ailow.- Thanks for --lhocased -pu-tronage---stnce rnoving in my uew premises. Victoria Building-,-, Bowmanville. T'he- Up-to-date Butcher1 W ANED -SEVEIIALPROS state~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ato [neiintscUt rqrd reaee fchar ater and good reputroî Eý0n ru each aie Fai y T n e au tsc t w e.ldalthy- buiness u r y T n e house of solid financial stand1-ing Saia,-ry -21.roo wskl ith exens,,e,, asdt .liti arrîcIe t in ccc. EIiD TENDERS a esdtO Horse aud carnïage fnrnished whe rcesearŽ dre uoerr nede of the executors nI'tie References enclose self-ddl c3sd evel,,pe. wl fJn .Mdltndcae tNw colonial, 332 Derborn St., Chic-g o. 37-13w cashs osf icjde, o 2or easwith i persooally, and endorsed "Tender for El ni lot15 con. 2 lanke"l will ite neceived until NOON 0F> THE Slîst DAY 0F OCTOBER, 190, forite purchase of tseast quarter of lot nuniberfiteeu in the second concession of the tWnship0flarke -In te Couuty uf Durlîsîn A F, Tenders will ont be considered nless' signed by party tendering sud providinig ifor paymsnt We aier nowýreadv Iobuby apples 'f 10% down on accaptance of tenider'sud the ý 1 blance in 30I days thr ereaf er, of ail varieties, for Evaporatinig,.both The Iighiest or any tender not neeessarily in peelers and cdzr apu les and finacitl quanity. We aso py cah fo The property conisits of about 5û acres of anjy qatt W io a ahfr1wich shot 22 &acre s is leared arable land and farmers dried ape at the Evapora 1baaice well timber ed witîh iandwood sud tOr, opposite the FHigh Schoci. For further particeliars app.licationi may ho 1marde to the undersigned. F'inle & Âeckermanl JOHN ALLIM. Bowmanville, Ang. i8th, 19 ae03p.1,93 Bx20 eCat 1,Ot The PÇanadîall Statesmfail BOWMANVILLE. OCT 7, 1903.1 The Montary Times very tnuthfullv saî s to retail merchants : "The present time of general activitv and prnsperïity should bc a good lime for retailers t0 put their business on a cash basis. Nearly everybadv is busv, work is easy to be had, cash is plentif ut (except-wilh striking workmen, thse folly of whose lea lers has cruelly, robbed them off montits of wages), farmers are prosper- ans. Therefore make the attempt sud explain la your customers your reasans for il; namely ltaI you can seli for cash to btter advantage ta yoursel f and if .ou buv f or cash von can supply them with cheaper z'oods." As the year-end draws ne ir we an- nuallvY advise unr readers 10 strive to get out of debt and start the new year on the cash sy stem. Business in thi8 country is every year being done more on a cash basis. It is btter for both, seller and purchasi3r that it should be donue so. Besides, it is flot as uecessarv as it was a number of years ago when readv money was more scarce ani people had 10 do business on a ýcredit basis or do no business at ail. Don't keep money in your pockets or in your itause a day longer titan necessary, but start pa.)ing il oui la those yon owe, begînniug with the poor editor of course -and when everybodv is ýpsri<l. tart lto "cash down" method, ouly buying what you wanl and consider 3 ourself on te iigli road 10 prospenity. F rom te Battie reek Dailv journal wu learn that lte Compensating Pipe Organ Co., one of the most maificent of Battie Creek's many proud inaust- ries, have practically -completed temr handsome and perfectly equipped fact- ory building, and wittin a week accord- ing 10 General Manager Josepht Ruse, wiIl be ungaged is the manufacture of instruments, orders for over 3000 ai- ready having been booketi. The site contaîns 10acres. The factory building proper is three sto ries in heiglit, inclnd ing a finelv lighted and coruptete base. ment, anti las a floor space of 55,840 square feet, and possessed of a.1 con ceivable improvements and manufact- uring advantages, lncluding railwav sidings mbt the property. The watts are of solid masonry. Mr. R B. And- rew is the General Supeninterident. There is ta be sreen in Bowmanviloe five days a week and four times a day' a sight t it does the individual good whose sont is nal wrapped np in te skin of a guat. Lool, up Silver St. just before the assembling or just af 1er thte adjournmeîît of school and see lte itappv groups of reltickîng merry chitd- nen going loansd frorn achool. Thev are in te period of life when troubles do not corne, when everything is one continuons round of itappiness and when nothing more sertes titan a dittE- cuit tesson crosses their patbway. Heme titey are, a whole street fuît oftem, laughing, romping aud sometimes boisterons But they are reatlv en- gageti in serions work Tbev are fit tinz lhem-elves for the respeusibililies of life. They are building mmnd andi building Iuflunced by environmont il becotnaes necessar-Y ta surrouind thora with eveyy'ýtting that will strengthen bath ltat they may grow up good and useful cilîzensý A NEW CuUNTY. In conversation with an Ontario County Councitton recenlly he snggest- ed lte formation of a new Durham caunty ta comprise Clarke, Darlington, Easst and West Whilby and Pickering, at te front, Mauvers snd Cartwrightî townships in te rear Hope and Cavan lo be added 10 Northumberland. Ostaria counity couid then, make Beaverton or Cannington a caunty towu, if Uxbridge andi Part Perr.y were sgreeable. We are ual particular where the couulv town goos. Titey coulti decide ltat question. We are yery sure that West Durham would very gladiy Iaonm a union witit Southt Outario and contrib- utc a reasonable sum towardrr new county buildings for Ontario couny- now Nantit Ontario. Ontario cannty at present is aven a 100 miles from nantit ta sontit, Tite nantit anti soutis portions have really very ltIle in cammnon in ltaI counutysud lte peopie af West sud East Dulrham are muehthlie saine Sucit an adjustment wauld grealiv iMprove existing conditions, iu aur opinion. A WORD TO FARMERS. uamrs sthe tagreatoît' et r- - -j irndustrial economy of this country-, do flot au reap une camion ana eujo~ meut signeti anti eisaorst~ti i ENDERS FOR titey migitl as they go aiang. This papen goos ont a day canrlier titis week titan usual sa we are having a short taik witaur country readers, We want yon aIl at the Fair Tuesday sud Wednestiay, especiaily Weriuesday, lte, g ruaI day aIflte show. Came sud bring, ýour wife, dairgiters, saris ant i hred iteip il yau are so fonlunate as ta have any. Take a full holiday off te fanm. You have ail worketi long tours sud failttfully, eulting-, honsing, sund Ibresit- ing ttc big crops witi witich vau have been blessedt iis year You ail dosent e ar nit anti change. Came ta tawn anti fid pleasanl necreatian seeing lte ex- itihils andthie people. Be sociable for a day. Shake hauda wit our feltow farmers, discuss lte enaps, lte ontlook for livu stocktitis Fait sud Winter, lte pices fon grain, lte gr.îat- appie c.nap sud wheu Von have exitausîtilte cat- alogue aoffisnm tapies, talk polis- school section politics. townsitip- or municipal polies, couuty potitics sud if ý on have somo mare lime lte less im- partant but more compreitensive fieldis o! Provincial anti Dominion palîtues may ho discussoti. Yon eau haves rosi god daviy ou make up your mind ta it, Titose aI you wto have exitibils wilt ho bnsy af course, but even jou eau finti a littlo spare trne ta have a few social chats wit your fieutis. Parents, give tite boyss sud girls a 11111e extra packel m-oney. Titey dont camle latown otean Titey wil. see things anti wish lhuy tati ' em. Il is aIsuchia timnethuyeanu unjay ,bte luxury of adollar or two. Titey'Il get value forte moner anti if hieYl don'l lbey'1l be guyed by te others so1 titnext time tiey wiisre. Try itou.ý -1- but nunuuns naenîîî coits a lutle effort, lime sund ex_,pense, but il wil rrn pleasure and 'satisfac- tioto a oua as weilt as tayour guesîs. Try il andi sce, if you have auy doubt SOLINA. Eldad ti-rch will be ne apeneti on Snnday neuxt when 11ev. J. B. McLaren, B A., Presbyterion, Columbus, will preach t aI2.80 anti 7 p. m. Haydon Quartette assists with lte singing sud Misses Hoatlie and Milison witl sing- aI evening ser% ice. Special collections aI escit service. Lecture Monday niglit aI 8 p m. by 1ev. Mr. McLaren, on "Spîders."ý Haxtion Quartette sud Mns. W. R. Courlice sud Miss Anuis wili sing Tickets 20e, sud 10e Coa sud see the heautifieti ehurcit. $100 REWARD, $100. The neadersni titis paper will tie pleased to learn irthat ere te et lacet onea îresad isesses titat scec as b'een cie to cure in ait its stages, and thab is Catanrit. Blcit Catarrit Cure tatbite only positive cure knnwnun te medical f1a1erity. Catarrit bcbg c constibu- trouai isasrequte s a coustitbional treai- muent. 1ll Ca ,ritCur l bkeriuterniahiy, ctndieby upo uitl oPd ud nmucenus sur- faces utIbtse tem uteeit detryingte icnato I te is, sumd gvngtcpatient sirn ,litybuldilig up te corr-,Situtii1 nîsd asssuîg ratre u ing bts wr.The pro- priewtors have 80 muet fitt luiitts curative ".esIhttty offen One fouD follars for Rny case that il fens to cure., en for lst ni testinionntaIq. Addness, F. J. OnEaav &Co., Toýledo, o. Sold by Dnaggists, 75c. Hall s Famrily Pilla are lie test LOCArL AND OThFRWISE. Came earl.vWeduesday la lteFair. Apple barmels are Fearcc sa pratifie is tecnpvr few culIs. Tite pimples -have dspert.Mit ler's CnpaniIran Piis diti il Soiti by Staîl &jury,tiuggists. lie 51h egimunt Baud was agreat tinawin - cart.I-Campbethfarti -Herald. Ileantem uý't Bowmanvitle Faiit. For aIl idiiey anti Blatider Troubles Iry Miller"5 idney anti Biatider Pilis. Solti by Stoîl & Jury. druggists. Ensigu a d Mrs Le Uqcq will couduet two week;s' -pecial meetings in S. A. Barackýs itere from Oct. 151h ta Oct. 'Milier's Gomiipounti Iran Pills bave sucit iruetiat e ervone sitduldt rv tem. Sali byj Stat & Jury, druggisîs. Býý!audCorneert asud Enîtertainmntb Mnr., D oreo' rchestra, assse isten, Mau~r ames ant alters in lte A. Amarae ou'Ï' aOt131h, at 8t pm Adiso 15or2for 25eIs. At.JJ.Masan,Chimn For Itifants and Chuidren. The Kind "fou Have Always Bought Bears 1the Signature ý)f 1- s' The verv latel itn Wedding station- ery and %\,7eddiiug cake boxes ut Tiint ~ ~~- 4 ' iTATESMz{AN office. ~Q, :Q,. /1V~\> rercl eteps a fine lot of Inrinot i. ->.,-for eniicrginentS. Olter styles and Sizes made î odem. ýEiKr GLoBE sud TE-E STATESMAN T~t Oie CON1iACT RS bers fron mv o uJau. 1. IM A Jam-ýs, Bow.nau;.ille ýTENDERS aldrecd tothe îsnder-l DwELLING HOUJb, COBOURG AsYLUM",1 wil bu reeeivc-tl uutil roon ofaI October 9th, 19 03 e1L- JIII far te ereelian of a Dweliig Ihanse i for-theuMediest Superntuende3nt,Asýlum for Insane, Cobourg. Plans sud specificalions eau bu seen os at te above lIstitution, sud aIttis1 departmeot Tice lowesl or any tender not noces sarily accepled. F. RLATCHFORD, W carneý a full range af medium anti Caîcemissio3nen, it(ývv p11w Bonts AIl styles antiafIt Deparîmeuet of Public \X'orks, Ontar-lo' Torouta, Seprt. 30th, 1933. 1thre bec't maîcnials. Kips grains anti Newspapers tînsertiîeg ibis atel~-siit leatiters. rmont witot auatitority Iron thte MNSl N Depurîment will ual t e paitifor il. E'S$.0 N P 411, Great variety lu wam;eu's. wean Ior liai tance anti vard-Pebble, glove SETILERS LOW RATES WEST oriru, box calI, etc., stnang anti coin- Via lte Ciica go sud North-estrs Railwav, eveny day fiain Sept. 151h tun WOMEN'S $1 00 AND UP. Novembun 8uit, setiers one-wsy secoud I class tickets at, very low rates frrrîce G-t toR ubers now andi be reatiy Ciaga ta points lu Utahs, Montla'ia, fort Nevada, Idiaho, Oregon, thinitrs - erougit w-ater. Il will save Califontina, also ta Vitoria Vucuvn octors bills Our fali stock af rubhers New Westminster, Nelso:i, nrld- anti othen points lu . 1Kooteýny tisis iscmp! e c n eveny lise. Cornespondhigly iow rateýs tram fIn points lu Canada. Fuit puti en me y-% (ri nae i.--tagn k -,'I' F r-ed R . roiley,1 St, Toronto Onlt. 3-)8Jw. Parler Sheoi Store.- Bawmav1ile., AMFOR SAL'-E 0O1 TO PiNT L 50 acre onue milsenorthtai ro,' lln Apply to Mets.JonIl nw v PT IRE BILCO At the new stand. une dons' wes of llunter's Law Office. The new copyright booksrei- ed as published., "GreyOoa, f "Lalte that had n o Tirin-g," 'Gordon Keith," "Lady IRosse's Dauiglter," "llorses Nine," etc. rhe best lune of 10e books Puiblish. ed, by most popular authors. STATIONERY.-V r y spý7 lines at rare value. Gel, the- best, "'Strallicona," "Avalou" a n Udci "Lingerie. Pads bc, 10e, 15c. Wall Paper, Windi-w Shades, Curtain Polos, Pictnres. Du, LOWS WOBM SYRUP isa sure, IU1~ andrellble o xptfler, As$s ssully Weil on CMLdrae rdadultu Bè COUNT£RT BOYS. Penitaps few counlies have contriblt- et itic moc lever men to lte ities anti tawus than Dnarhian sd Outaria, sud maïnv aoftem are tounti amang te leadinig profesisons , educationigts, jrun ist mrcitýauts, bankers pace us anti financiers Titese sme farinera' boy s migitt, Lot have %umonnutiltoaay- thi ug hatithey clayeti 81 home. On lte alter hiauti, thene are lots af city boys wto wonld miake goal farmers, anti lhee' ouglitl ta bu ullte country. Fan a heatitful, whotuso1me, salisfying hIfe, il needs neoagu ontl show titat the country is spna.But von kuow peo 'ple iiatiiriiy. go anti livu where titey are ts conteuiteti, anti il ls tard la mp ke tute boy stav aunlte fanm if tie fuels titat Lii phr of usefutuess is greaten in somue aiter position. Attougit most aI sociologicýal wrilersaolte country have tak-en' a fling aItihe country boy quejstion, noueaoftem have salvedth ie probtem. or itit upon suv mneans aI citecking lte tide af emi-ralion frnm te 0auntry ,do 'thc lawu, titougit al have put forwvard their put tituonies. ROWDYISM IN OSHAWA. When flihisscicator untier thc teati "tlesDrinkt anti Profanity," pubt- lishes au article of whicit we gi% e an cx- tract,.lte monatty of lte lown must te tiepiorabte, If tney tati Chief Janvis thene, we faucy a radical transforma- tion woulti vcny soon lake place. Thiis ta Thte Vuieaa'own wonds! '-Ou af ttc tawu cIergý men took occasion ou Suntiav taommý-rent tapon lte tac ttat for boaIera, tiunks anti profanity Osht- awa itd an unenviable reputation among aIl classes af business mon wito visittitis ton. Beyantidonht ttcstate aI affairs ta mast serions. Men block up ltestreels anti use vite tanguage whule ttev spew them-tliltty been anti tcsbacco juice ail aver lte sidewatks. Titere isnoualalady lu awn wito tas tatioccasion ta goouI on tIe stiects wto tasnualheardtc efauleat language. antimany havetadti t urnuback la avoitipassingdtiunkun men wto wcre coîmitiug,, nuisances along te Iront sîreets aI al tours. Ttc state aI affaira exsting heîu la simply abominable, ant intsufferabte. A WORD TO C ITIZENS. lu anotter article we refer ta lte titI- fenence we observeti betwecu Cobourg anti Part Hope Falil aina, In tise former te cil zens took evury little lu- teresl rlate ihfa ir but in lte latter ttc citizens tunjîcti mut en masse anti spake af il as ' Our Fair," anti were cultus iaste aven its success Coboungurs ru fenredti thett fair as if it bulougedtt anti was helti exelusively for counltry folk. -Nowv we want Bowmanvilte citizens ta luru out in great numbers ta greet ttecocuutry people anti visitons, Give.ttc glati tandt taver3body from tbe outsitie, tell tem what a splendid exhibition *'ours" is-it wiil be extra goodth iis year-we eau tell by lte entries naw matie. Everyv class will ite goati Titis is -'Bowmanviile Fair." Do your part, ever v anc aI son, plusse, anti thte truces aIttcannual 1gatter- iuîg la assureti. Titrow openî Ur homes la visitons. euterlaintem. ex- tend Inca hospitality sud in eveny way makle straUgers le.(,l gla t Iey came. GrUlld Fal Opening At 'West End [buse Pafir Day. Wedesay.OnExhibiton-Fürs, Dress Goods, SiLlks and Satrns', it Sings ai-ii eadyowear Waists andSkirts. FdOeigc )~.t, Priestley's Vour Fil PristkY'$*sDrt$$6004s Dress, Fabrics Dress 1C~Cti~aCac oO Are the most Votir Fur PRIESTLEY serviceable for1 Specialties: .#11.Time Wear Canerine I'Volles" r Crepe de Chene Vour Fur Grenadines They comprise soleils Unes which willIIiin Eve frydy ea our Fur Royalette sutevery ay's eardla Euening Wear Ruffrt I s J-t e re. ThcPrtestiyTaen;r the Varntshed liosrd ohm_ a an assurance ofaivIt. No Matter if You Buy ur not-Come and Inspect Our Fal and Winter Stock. r atni~etes, Grey Fiannels Wrapperettes and allstapie goods at close prices For C.iiidren, lk>Ys an l Girls, new lines of Woolen Goods just in. Toques, rPanisBabies' Coats and lloods. (jlose.t Prices ou ail Footwear-Best Maker's.Goods. Fair Da y Display of Men's Olothing. '2 z Now that the good old sumnier tirne- is about to departý it makes tiie man tbink about heavier clothing. When buying a S'uit or Overcoat or a pa,îr of Trousers you want theni to fit. You want the linings tû wear and as a rnatter li of fact you want to get your money's worth. We eati buy any clothinog we want to, thats just tihe reason we buy 2Oth Centtbry Clothing because it is the bs.Sure to fit, best of hng n h newest of good wearing, cloths. 2Ž EN'S SUIrtI $5 00 up to $15.00, 'LiilP-"Tl -e " ereal-s .Up3tol6 . Ifyou dont want to buy your Ovr- coat or Suit or . our boys Clothiing )on Fair Day,. corne Li and take a look around and see w-hat we are showrng and get our prices. We can handie every dozen of eggs, every lb of butter and ail the poultry that's brouTht to Bowýmanville Fair Day. rtryvlle -r -L 1-7 1