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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Oct 1903, p. 6

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-"What the douce do you know- hecýbegan. A COMPACTCowenhoven sopdhimn. "That isn'*t thie quetioni," he re- turnlied.'i point is whether you WIT1i THE CASHIER ký1niow whiat tis mens. l'Il tell you.e s. l'Wîth Bolton Bay on top of you, asq it willi be whea this contes out, it Bolton Bay was on the e1ýb of a [ moans ton years-if net that thon great ena ef properity, There was * soven. ^ 1,1 sec te it, Now let that only one man, however, who recog- filter tirough yonr craninin," nized the fact. The cashier said nover a word. Mie But thon, ho saw lings that other wa? garie, at lonst. peaple dida't sec. IHo kaew the Frein a man who had been merely]' sigais of the times. scared, ho hadbcei one who wasi lisý naine n'as Coweuhov on-a goed desporato. IHo n'as determiuied te 1 ninl its way, though net, SO put the best face on the mnatten., eupýionious as socveral othens leha d "Well ?" ho saijd xhon the otier had.1 It was safor, theugh, at pro- man iad fished.j Senti . They7 sat thiore looking oaci other The Bolton B3i. ay Bak nas a quiet, in tice (e. F xinally the eIder mnaxi huindfruin conceîr, but as trust- soo )'rh s the n is badl a "eî"le said fi-lly, "no w yflU sini capital-a very sinil ene-aad 1know what it mieans, I've got seine- ý7uet it had the conifidence cf the ou- thifng te say te you. Ia the first tire coraiutnity. In it were de posit- pince, 1 want you te look me even. ed, ameong ether fends., the public Do yen non' lue? inoney s ef the tnu4niciplity. The cashier leeked at hlm in sur- M1r. Cowenheven, a ruggod mina, prise. Thon hoe slowly shook his w ith a gruli atanner, but, netn'ith- hend. standing, a very hoest, kindly na- "Wel," resned thc other, "l'Il ture, was the fotunate osessosr ef tell yen." ifty thonsand dollars. Il(, leaned over and whispened a He had ebtained it by menus ef fen' nords. Tie casher started up ceîtonufinancial transactions n'hich! again. hie had carried on with coufiding -old "By George, y ou'vc got nerve llies around the country. Tioeolho said flaaily, iheu ils surprise tr".usactioas-well, hie had tie fil ty voud let huat speak.ý thousaad, and_ lho had net been .. ."'And these felîcu s n'th me-muy caugit. Einough said. dlrcctors-sayT, they're iîy klad, ail Little È>, littie hoe beugit up the right, if they're net la mny ciass. mtiajrîty interet la the Bolton Bay Non' Fil tell yen ticen'lole thing la <Bank. a nutshell, and it's just thîs. I'm H-o iad a n'ell deflned reason fer se president e ft tus batik, and tiese doing. It was just nfter tic electien felo*s are dirocters, fer just one of officers fer thoe esuing year tint thing and only eue, and l'Il tell yen ho obtained his control. HO sat what tint is--" dewn for a year and n'aited. "Te'l ime," returned the yennger Ho became knon n l the town, as mian. a Li-ghly respectable, but soien'hnt Coweaievea sinete the table n'ith occntrie gentlemnan. He minded ils ils band. owa business and interfered wlth ne- "lt's te steal that elgit huadred boidy. Asho neyer made any esten- thousand 'odil ne've got here on do- tations parade of ils werldly gpoeds-, liesit, and, by heaveîîs, wo'î.e geing it was ceaclucled that ho n'as ontor- teO do il 1" iuously rich, I 1Te dren' a plug eftotbacco front Se the townu, wfthout any reasOn' iis pochiot and bit off a large piece fer it, bewed don'n and n'orshlpped of it. The cashier started te speak, hlm. If thore had been any geod but Cowenhoven stopped hlm. roas'ýon for it, tiey n'ouldnt't h ave "Non'., ses hero, we've got yen done it. 'Where the hair is short. Under- Duriug tie year a nuniber of ilîs1 stand? You've get te go up. l'Il anti founÈdnies tint hmd been closed' sec te that anyway, tîhe ealy que- opcaed ujp. Trade n'as brîsk la theltien is wietier yeu're willinig te stores. Tie lumbermen la the woods steal tuis ight inndred thousnnd b 'hbiêd 'the ton'n wero plling up sirnaîl and go up for it, and get yenr share Tie milîs ad tic toundries and the lunibermea and evcrybcdy else n'cre mnaklag moaey innd over fist. They depesif cd la tic BoIt on Bay Banci. Tic bankn'as busy, At tie clcse of tic flrst six mentis ofthti n'ondertui prespcnify, tic electiox i c tic bank's officers fcok place. Mn. Cowenhoven, usunlly se uxias- suniag anîd laoffensive, atteaderi tic meeting, produced ils shares ot stock, ad bon'led ever tic ctire set ef officers and directors et tic bank. Ilo elected himiselt presideat. Ilis board cf directors n'as ccnipesed cf a nîinet o strangers., portiî, n-cll ted genîtlemn, but n bit too e huay lu tic shoulders andad bit tee tick about tic neci. Bu,,itea Bay did net mon' thein, ut it teck tien on ýfai. la fact, fhc enoi bef fer knouxn fa Non' Ycrk -biyic poliec-tha-.n elsen'hcrc. M.Alexander Saillens, tic cashier of tic benk, was retaiaod fa ifs pes- ition; se ere several oft us suber- 11i13ftteq. MrIî. Snlfions n'as, a ycung maxi, tic ivdien cf n very resjpectable Bolton Bay faînfy, anad a great religiieus n'or-ier la tiec .,rch. Mr. Cown hovexi, uho had a good moîaiory fer laces, rccalled tic tact tha int h m9d nco seen Mnr. Saiffens la Nen' York. On tlînt occasion Mn, qîîifïecus uas ,uot at churci. It n'ould have been w-cl] for tic chuurci mad lho been tiere cftich Limne, for lie uas disposiiig cf consid- crable cf tic long grcoa-naore, fa tact, thiî is consistent w iti theicni- cerne cnd tastes cf a niedest Bolton Blay nsiler, Mn. Ccn'cnhoven hmd inetd al these tiings, and had treasuîrcd theîn np la is heant. It was on tic first da>, cf tic menti felleuiug hs slf-enlorced el- ection te tic office cf president tint lio entered tic office of the cash- ion ce hut flic door behind hue. Tt was cIater heurs. "MnI. Saillons," ho said iindly, le a li(tctute lieni t toile o <if c0e, "about ion' muci have n'e on. de- posit non' ?" Suiffo-ns stopped in the middle ot a colinofetfigures and made n iasty comxputaticaon n asinnl piece of papor. , rpiu 41-s'w 'liedrIl ah',w- yen. It's ail on fhils piece cf paper. sauri coîuung la fe-meron-ftllý macle igif undredari 1ton tien-1 sanr in luli." The presideaf sinileri a benignant snile. "Elgit inudred aridften tiuscuri" heonef urnerinl a soothing voice, as thîcuglu ho likeri fhe scuad; "ciglît huuxdneriandr ton tieusanri. W ho'd have th oughý, 'if "Well," sai thie esiler, " et courseonou Thnnsdcy wc've got ho inake tint siipmeîîf West; tbct'II brng if dow-a. But it's enly Mouu- dlay non." Tice tien ima neri deri short lx; andi tien n'liha sudrdeacageocf mnanluon, ho don' up a chair, and poiiufed tic- casiier ho a second. "Suiffouns," ho sairi witlî a trouva, I-hopcwsdacd, nifh jaseacchiag gliice suci as ton' mon olrthan Cowý%echîio-vencotuir d ui ,ho uooker flie cashffier tiroug ari fhrugi stecdihy fer seme fume. Tien ho speke. -I uvas den'n here lest 'ig1uf "ho contiiiuci, "arnd euiftii'ogi-ou lueoks. I Seoc y nre hon ficusand odri shoît. I suppose you knon w-bt f hat imenas 2 Tlis toune noir bcd become indilter- euit ai eold. Tic (cashier siook 'lt-t wsnf ne, hosciri, uith a va'in lfenu(lp ticf hollaesS. CY t can' il mIkou1-a knlow, la.bu ndies.i The casue tr c p wf y ou 1 deî't -de if, -ye.u ..go .1up nyny anti n"ltak thie stuf inlasoîne o-th-er -way, and cntanad ruan witi it. If you do if, yeu'Illhave soînetiing whein yen come out, and ~your con- fessi on will exoncrate us, and n'e're out of il, sec ?" The young man settlcd dcn'a la bils chair n'fti ils chia la ils hand, and ticught fer a long, long while. -1'11 de it," ho replied inally. "l'Il do if upon twe conditions, anud tu-o oaly. Thc first is, tint my slîare goes at onîce te a poisonm 1 shahl came, and tCe seconxd is tiat Cî-vy ()e of yensigna nstafeinef at-cac impictiigyourselves f ic whee tling. Accode te ihat aed l'Il go The older mani shook ils head. "W ,bat do yen n'nmaf ttic jîppr for ?" ho lnquircd bsnspic-ieusly. Tic cashier placed lis iand ou Cow-niove's kae. "l'Il tell yen wix ," ho replied. "Il I de't got iny slînîe ulîca I coîne eut, l'Il have soniot k-!îg up ngainst yen fellen's te ia - ou come dcwn ,niti enoug-that's ail. l'amu acf taking auy chances, l'Il do tluat fer noetlii.g. ' Cexucanhouexu, inu ils turn, thougit for sore mnuutes. -It's n go. You'll gel il to-iight," he said finally. "Shakio." Tluey sheek. As ticir ey os iet,i tic cashier spoko. "-,u2'hoe lunred. 'Wits lie ixatter xu Ihu We-dxis-1 day iiglit " respoîîded tic P1.-i-f dent.1 "ltednesdan igu Iit is, tien,," ne-1 turccd ftue casi.ier. The no'xt îîîeîîing was Tuesday., Tic pro. i0eît reached the ban], at' Ho 'uasn( -,t cf tie door, by oeeof tic clerks--a uu-ite, gnî'pîiig, stni'b- iîîg spectacle. 'Mu, exuech' on!-'he exclaiînedi breathiessly, and tieiu aleîcst ccl-i lapsed. Coweauou ou pulled bhua tegetier. "Bhiaf tic douce is tfie untîci with tic beoy?" lue exclniiiîcd. "Mn. Siifins-tluc caslior !" gasp- ed tiecleon. "Welli, n'it about iiu2 "'G eae-dioatred cut-uxlith every "Tul'e douce bc has 1" eccîo *4 CULINAIIY IIINTS.' Salmoen Salad. - Flake Seme cold ceoked saumon aiter having reincu 0<1 tic skia and bones. Puît four cioveýs, a ton n'e aulspice and soax itsof sikdna mon fate a cnp of vinegar and heat it te the bciliig point. Peur n'îile bot ever the fîsi and lot stand until cool. Ser',o on bcd et lettuco beaves tint are clisp and frosh. A Nn'w'oinato Salad.-Peel ripe red tomnatees et evea sizo by drep- piug tîcîn inte beilluig xater fer* a Ion' minutes. Cool and tai e a sinnl suice frein tic end of oaci. Scoop eut tic seeds and fil11n'ifi a littie petafe salad madoeby ciepping fie potate and înixing it n'ti mayon- naisc dressing. Put oaci tomate on a bcd of lettuce leaves. I Canaed Temato Sauce.-Peel a doz-ý on large ripe tomatees, add a hall cul) cf coarsciy chopped sliced, min, hall an onion and three tablespeens of hot n'afer; set ila scoeond sauce-i pan on tic back part of the range, or over the simmerîng berner of a gas steve, and ceok slen'ly fer lieux coe tn'e oheurs. Pies hroîîgi n sicwçýe, add a teaspo 'on cf sugar, a mît fteaspoon cf lemon julce and Sait and pepper te fie taste. Some n'ould prefer te have it quite hot nifî cayenne and otiers'lIkýe it more nmild. -lent again te boiliag and seal fa sinail jars, n'ien if wfil be neady te servc niti sici dislies as noed a tomateý sauce n'hen tinue is toc lin- ifed teý propane if. Maicaruni fer Lxncheon.-Cook one- haîf 1peundcI f macaroni in slightly salted(. boiliang nater until tender, tien drain. Bent tic yelks eft tn' eggs, add n tablespoon of nieted butter, a saltspoon oaci of saîf and red pepper and tn'o of mixed nîns- tard witi one cup cf sn'eet creain. Fili a butfered pudding disi wifh allernate layons of macaroni, cheese anIl soascaiag, aad have tic lnst and tep layer o et tchcise and secs-, oaing. Baie ia a moderateoaven until hrowned on topn nud serve hot. r-FreaiÏ FrfodIPet atoos .-Prc -rpo- tatees nd lot thenu lie la ccld n'a- for for an heur. Cnt in cigltis lengliwisc "and fry la deep smoking hot lard until a delicate brou n col- or and cooied tireugi. Place en browa paper teo'drain inside fie eveîu door cnd wn'icacli are cooied sprnk le w-f h sait and serve hot. Leinon Pie-Lino c plate niti fie bcush paste, pricking if le sovenal places te prou eut blisterng n'iile baklug. Set in fie oe'oacnd baie- uintil crisp. Put into a double boi- er flue juice and grated î iad ofeu lai-gi' ion, one, ccd] elu-iîf cupsý of boiling n'atcn, on,, ccd eono-quantor cIuîps ef sugar,, fuc e-lt aile- speeius of cenîstcrci, , c olks cf fn'e eggs, ce-d cookicui ll c cuqtard is maýie. UFl fie baked crust n'iti the coohced custard anud cover tichep; wifth le whites of two cggs o'teuci n'iithoue-quactî'r cîîp et powderedd sugar, aud brow'n sligitly la fie ov- en.- Bneiled Steak W'ith Parsley Butter. -Have flic steak cuit thick and dip if iu cliue 011. Broucen bti sis, turniuig ottea uctil cooied thireegi cnd net dried. Lay lnaa I ectefi pltter and î'ub ovor flue top w if l softened butter tuixed n'ith filaely, cbeopped parslov andi a litle sait. CI-ocolte CrocîxiCul c-Beat tlue yol ol f coeegg, add eue-hall cup oaci of sugar andi niilk ccd turc squares ef checolate grnfr'd; let it como slen'iy te fie boiling peint, 51 irring adl tie fume. Whicuu ll* ck- ens set aside te cool. Cienin eue- haîf cup cf buttern, ndd ceaond oneu hall caps of sugar and boat, addi ýono-iaif cup et inili, fn-c heaton eggs, tl 'e ciheelate miueî.aîd tuu ecups et siffefi floyj, ocee love] toaspeon of soda and ene tonspeýpon of vanilla. Baate in layons. Die nef taie irenli flic tias until cool. Sprccd wil i a cne'mfilin nade frein fuvo ceps of sugan, ton tailespeous of iii hoiled uintil fii' fineafi stage is reacicil. Acld thrco loi ci tablospeeuus et but- toi: coel, stirricg ah he ie lxead fiaio onniti a toaspoun of vaiin. IJnfcnuaeated Grape \ine.-Select ripe. peî'fect grapes frcslî frein fhe vimn; stemu, adwnsb carclully, ne- ýjgctingaany uusmoîîd on iiprfc inuit. Te cî'ery 8 qts. grapes cdd C cwenoiueu - - -. ... - - - Ile looscr ilIs lîeld on fie boy, kettle ari ,icat ho bolliuug. Cook car sred dutati steoslowly fer 15) minutes, ari shir andfel. lu cobnithemmustt to t carcfully. Struil off june, ar i 111r dczeuî mnca dictros ftc bfathtro'ugh a jelly bag enfil quife cdean. den men, f ditup ofxu he1 ba. Ient agala te hoiling. AId 1 clip "8 uuiffis' gene-cleareri cut-mcuouue j it suigan ho ecc qt. cf juice, and ils dirt," c sputtered omt. sealinl thiorouglily stenilizeri caus or Anri thon hé toîr lucine. One ma, bfs cooler than tic ncst, spokc up. "This is aofb'ing," ho sciri. "lTe's FOR WINTER WINDOWS. only a day oî' twe cicari of fluno. We'll bear frein hun cli rigif. ît Wliea frcsty aig s aridibowling was pu'obcbly moec ueviuiut te wieds bint of tie noar aplunonch et uicf f te tiuuuc. wc'hI hear Iroîmu -a time urbea gardeas and w-oeds uril hinl. Suiffeius is game. Al tue'uele hosfîpped cf blesscmy benuty ari get ho de is ho n'ait." jtfnder greenery, fit 15 well te plan "By Gorge 1!" eucclaiuii flute pi.esi- fer tic keeping ef a bit ef suineir dent la a roe'ed en1o0f oice. "By captiv e cil u'iuifr long, scys Mrs. George, yeu'no night ! Tlmaf's n-hafjlHenry Wright.' Feras ton i if s. Soiffeas is ganue. MWo'li icar noods fruaspater inlaIegood becmy froin hlm. Al no'vc golte do is te [sil w-lit seuil up thir dcînyfons irait." I gatefuin ltfle wiudow-s, anditur Aîd Ise tiey n-itcd. Andl tiey are ar iany thuugs uhici n'ihi do ureil w'aifiag 1'et. n'ecu taien up Iron thfe gardoni. IFor Somnere 'e 'r yonden, on fie best resuîts, houxever, oeemnust have rond te WMandalay, uriere thie flyieg plants n'îîlh arecicone speciicllhy fishes play, fie casiien spcnds lie winter hîcoumurs, ard iaux =ti tienu *w-cfer whuat liiigut ini Bultuu's DaY. suci feliage planafs as arech otee. Tieimaîngemenît offie BoltoniBay [e'cding et conditions. Bank aeveî' locatori thue cashior. They For bleeni la th ic ridens, my ex- nover evon tî'ied. Tioy cousidere-d pericu-ce has fcugiut mc te value cx- the matten, ari coacinderifhuat it adis îow-eiu, uithitis immense siain-i - uas alfegefion tee delicate te dccl rock-lue ileau os,, ccd onquisite pický, wifi, especicily cIter f ckicg it o blossenus. Biuffecup oxalis, w-hile rcdouitf fle Ilapen fiey lari signeuýeri ît se elegan-,t loekiagf, is a mr Anri se if -us, nftcr aI- ulgerous re'erow ari bloomer. Linii ledy bancew xifi glde î'land boue." '~h os Bu lus wifenlncys1eo ug îd !dHiea bit et pî'isoae - hals -finn'it i le oiu hoho h- sinuhne. Pluuag apesis g!ue Aboutth anf uasiîy bleu a cwc-vvy. Acf s Don't Lue Tee-Do yen kiien tithat11 e()!'di-aliaon n'ill ban- isi tic littie rod afs? If tiey la- test youn refrigerctoî' or cupbeard, jnst put a ten' drops on a papen ouf- skie. Thiere 15 ne iaî'm frein put- tiag tic ciîunamion inside fie cep- board, eaîy i if 'fl maic fie foed faste somoewlîaf. lIc'uîen, tint is preferable te anuts. Fer tfie lit fie black acf s, w-e hv oe found cny- thin asgood pas gaseilue. dent 1M1 an 'iua c il cxsc as yenu lse for tc senlng achiin, n'l th gaso- lin, auctsquntif cýroLuad ftue ants' i nduatcs Taie' caý!ne nef f0an- SFFWDINGIJISASE GERMIS. Flics Are ODc c ettic Iffost Effec- tivýe Agen(-Wz. Pi1 sid-as hieiiutadt a dIstinctioni betwueii a coul ic Jus arian lîmtec- fiaus disease. 'licforuaer is tracs- miited by gerauis iiîî fie air, ari tioreloî'c nI n distnce fîcua tic, souc '. arî-d umunîbu ncceivcd f lrenthuing, wn-eî'oas flhc latter -ne- qtiiues actual ceîîtnct witi a con- taiuintcd objn. Ties thie gern limay gef ilaf c n w cuadrie. adhinig f0 tie fiuigons, îîîy he trnusteîîed te ocd andif be'su nallew-ed. But gernus "ana get uuoxufeod by iîndirectf lîcas, per'iaps suttIung troîuu fhe air epon foodi or cii dis-les. Seone gernis are w ashed ri le w ater-rxipplies, andi ar'e otier liabbleidix ectiy or thic uteussusedri foi îuilî cnd ofer foori 1iccoîne ccafiuiiriced uricu uiiised. iU ' \eoo ua 's tphoid, scanlot tcier nnc oud"] euiîuî' di--sshia',e buoîispi-eci tiroýghih fiiiik.11 If unc lon)ger amuls etdoubt tint flics are oieîe0f ic îuust effective agenidiesfor, f ie distribution of gulumus. TÎitis l1ias becu show-n by direct ipelueui.nd hy the fier- ouigi ixotin ou f thie typhiir epdalsiii oua' meuidio[rs' camups la ijie Sjalh îe caw-au', lîes bWeei idcaiîgvegotabies, and paîtitia ii li herse duuug, ccd souneulunt, also, ln lueiuî eoxcrenînt. Proer i' cane shucýAlltherefere be gica te flue disposýai cf these seb- screeaed frein diles. il 1105 suounucesarecocercu ih 11h cinlde et lime-"(ciloî'inated lie), scys ,Pr'of. Itexiard, "tie treatmnt w lii ho the chcpest ccd ,,),st cificacicus. A cloet ton fie reception of macune sbould ho made fight, te prou cut the entrance orj exil et files." Doîîbfless, aIse, if( snfl'cietly darki 1h xiii keep flue1 liles cn'ny. By a liftle cane on an isolateri farmqtedd on by co-oeoa- tien la a ceniuuify fie nuiaber of flis cculd bu gnceatly reduci. MON;OTONTOIS WOHK. A macn ot e-o'd aw-tchmnlii"s, ccd 'sfood hesltaýitiaghy about for soret fume.Atiast hlie tcdged up ho- n'ands fie coumýiter w-tih ftolion'- "I ay celdone et you tlou go cila ti,,c cuntry abo)ut five muls aid repair awnc" Wycannof fthe w'nfci ho broughîf icre?" n'as ithe nensonable î-eply. "Wei!, yns2c, it's fil w-y." sairi fhe -jm n."ic wuucibehengs te a sici auna, caiehe s te have if beside Mils ld seis ho hell-ion ho take us cdosesý," night,"iri flwicjollom. -119 l "Ys ic w- ý-tch ras,'cause fie feilu' mniesif ra. le scys he's getfiog firefi t poking 1hie nheel w-Iitnpin, cariwanfsonul et yen01 telln'ste cuicanri put i smagi. Lou soeties iesouf t ofýie - uhelgadua-tc enfe-rs tfiedoor. cnîeily in accuniulating pnizes for Thac!lot cemIpeitruon auoag traders thir own sako, gathenlng fa a total la menat te have sometiing cf Christ-. of nacly 200 ceps. King Edn'ard, mas turne n'ich thoy cau. label '"noy- ion'ever, doligluts la ieeping a record alc," Onu' Oes tie beasts te fetcli a ot isherds cf Windsor, Saadrng-r ico ouf of l proportion te theirn bain andi Balmnoral and pays fre- neni inarket value, and fis is onel quent visif s te fie various larins,' oftbt ressens n'ly farming by rey- n'ai cing fie pregress ethis pets. altybecomies suci a u aluab1c unden- Siew n' amals are tie objcct etflis tahig.TH AF SLE special attentioa, and if ho disccu crsTEDRF SA S fiat fhey are nef developiag the frein fthe iing's faînous sienthoras peints ho loied for,- tiey are casf have been cloquentif 0ftfe royal piro- euf nmoag tic cemmn a erd uand rgrcss in- fils cuefe.Before tiey seld te tic fiist pundlînser cf curreifn'oî-oe establisýi cd long fihy brougaf pricos. It is tuis igorous wceding- an aver'age of about $170 a head; eout tint hms mcdo uis luerds of cnt- non' thcy bhng semattixng like $350 tic, fie îuosf' perfectari vatluabl- lu c iead, ari oeeof tic Saadringhnîîu Eniglauri. IHoappiies fie saiiue midesiorfhiora buils breugit $5,000 acf te is liorses, vwpherte rcr slong cge. Af flic tlirst draft scie of iuîatuîs or endliuary dtuhfaiaIfe royal sbire herses la 1892 the and as a mule tlueylaa byconaorg per iond n'as about $%550, rmanfi tic best prfces cf ic1ýin dlcss uvierens fiftyý-four head breugi,-t an li fie market. averageofet$1,100 oaci at hic sale A short f me cge the steward at of 1898, ai-id over $5,0)00 ecci nas Sandrngiam turneri eut a number et pcid fon dhice staililas. bullocks n'hici did not donc op ho Tic king's InrinatcfSaadrnam tic king's standard of what n'as ne- has aIse becoie e amous us tic binflu- quireri for show purpeses. -Tluey place of two Der'by wnnens, Pensum- were sold f0 a neighborng fariner, mon andi Diaaioud Jubilee, togtier acd 1cftfte iasf agicultural sien' uiti c nunicu' of otier enimals iriti t,.e cf ticin toe i rst prizes some- uuliciis majestu'bas wncaclot of wiat te Ironey on tic tf-sis nef included! IS MAJESTV'S BISGUTST. unthie estinafocf $200,000 ns bisi The iîg's frequent ccd citen un-!anacuaflacoîne frein agricullural pur-1 oxpedte I visits koep tic people n'ho s uils. are employefi oui the royal f ais on. The king's appu arace as a hreed-1 tic cle-rt, se tint tic gueatcst atten- er cft lue royal showvs w lien heon'as ticuî is hcstowed on eucry depart-r Prince of Wacles n'as nî ays oiscuincd Ineu. Wti he cceptiencf licbyis late nutie'-, but sinco lion dciry at Scudringiain tic manage-[jdectlu hoe ms been n'itiiout a rival, ment eofn'bici lue laves f0 flic quecîu ccd if is iclicu cd lurtiermore tin-t flic fwo irsf prizes uvil i eteck -be icquires mniuteiy icto e ry h Idocail cennected niltlîthenorklag cf c t1 icet x,,if0 tcRoa thc fanais. île dccc nof hesitato f0 Agicltural Society will ho censîder- tell tic stewards cnd bis subordin- 1byicosf aiiibrnx er cf o tit is itouestfa araI Cneeinight suppoese tint thue judgos dictateri by a desire te Innie meney. voud lh o scncu-it influencefi hy thue Tic squircetfSaudrnaîia bas n rani cfftils distinguisied exbiluler, meinury fiat is a tonner teis farin but it c be 5f ncd n'ltbout 10cr cf folk. "Migit I suggc>sf," lio îvouul coitîcdfc tiea freon anyoeue n'hîe say peitciy, "fiat it wouid lbc ucîl kno's n'iereof lie stuealks tint plain te ihucefluose leosc briclks reiacuef Solaire Wttic woîîld bhaie -iferdi IV5T1 freux flue wal." Tint cîterneen hoe as well as King E-dward dols. Tic disappears as suddeîuly as lie caine otier cocuîetifers are se jeclous of! acd dees nef fera up agala fer tn'c tic sligitest siga cfflau onltisîîu tint aient is. Meantixue tie second as- i f tieîe n'ere a diiioacf opinion as sisf at stewvard bas iea se busy te w icre the piize s0eu]Ll'i go fie n'itî more inmportant maltons'fiat hie chauces n'euld be, if aaythiag, slgit- bricks. But ceewioulfi suppose fie QTJEEN% ALEXANDRA'S PRIZES. tig cIsc fer ticeuriolo turo montis. On his rotera ho steers for tieni di- mectly ari thmeîî las tlie seccond as- sistanut stewarnd callri up. _I sug- gosteri that fiose bicks yonden mlgît be replaceri."- he Sds witi ciilling couî'tesy. "iheuiriyen have fthe geodness te have if donc non'?" -n'fti a slgit but omiceus accent: ou the "ien.,' Thuero is ne repri- nari ari nef ilng turtior is sairi on fie suhjech, but fie gullfy officiai. kiuoxvsfiat ifitic king siomuir dis- appoan at hait moment ccd acf ro- turc tili tw-e years inter tbe firstj hhing hocw-culd look for w-ould liec thoso tn'e effcnding'briclks. IEMEMBERED JOIINNY. Acccndiag te l accouats, f hoe cîcu' w-as suci c bond ton detail ari, in c ensoquence, ftle Sandringiant seis1 probcbly flue best carori fer fa Engîail, Tic trait is -disconeont- ing te thc employes, but if has ifs goori tentures, Ion the king as bis mother's kmcci et reaîemnhering ahi about fthe ser'vants' fanulhies. Ho w-as heard on one occasion, cIter c moti's absexîce f'om Sadninghin, te inquire-et one 0f tic groomsion' fie lifflo hey's cengi w-as. Tie groom n'as cmbarnssed ccd bas f0 inquire w-iicofetheflic hif hoboys if w-as thaf mad mil týiccouugi. Tic king, nit oaid naiamusecrpnt bjy peiniting euh t1int if -shfl ,Johaay.M Tic neyaIlau anris aIse coming ouf strouug with chien larnu products. Hol has w-clu a nuxuher of prunes cf fie iertiultural exhibits fer fie fruit ccd flun'cus grewn atchW' iidsoi, ari lias eu-en caiituu'od a pnizel'orf pigeons., Quecxa Alexandrn, Who ccm'es precicus littie fer honses, but lavisi- os ionaflectuon ou dcgs, ms uwon severni pnizes fer mer pots, aonl, as hecoines a Dcnish prncess, hem dciry is famnous Son Ifs hutter* Sic hms a goori dccl more genuine cari per- sonal iafem'ost la hem deliciously cccl cari Inagu-ant dairy buildinxg cf San- driîîgham tian ever Man ierActoine(1tte bcd lain nkehehivc btter-mnai- iag fa the toy >dniry ý cf Vusailles, [n'ici is visiteri nnuclly by so nmany tieusanri Antencans. Tic ccounts oftbfe nyufnu are kopf ns c separafe itemi, cari se mnethuodiccl lias t f ýi ig hcxx ic he as ceaderi tic tirn in bh nce us con' struck crmy bah yeatr. Tic profits are pair inatu ie ii,, s priu cfe accouaf, ari are 'ima-uup on freihume te fume ns tîme eilccnsioî requmes by fie keepen cf b1is In- josty's priu'y purse. Gmafifutes arc pairi yecnly 1tthfe hearisof d"pcu't- monnts la r-oegnifion et Hem "t -ait i- fui service's," car ifisfspmc Iiu w-lthi d it uw-orking fie farcs ecesulyïTikiu i gren.,t hhie ni paicig meil accecrd-ý inig te their axeit s. Ifa-ea wer ouioh'dfPaffhi ne-veu and, besanys, canuest offoetii1 mefied of puthiag a stop te flic d- piredaf ions cauecd la is o'cbard b)y tic birds. île mas hd a nuau.bcr cf cats shufieri, andi fixed fient la unni- eus hife-luke attitudes ameag flue brandies cf Ibis trocs. Af Sierborne rodent Iy Sergeaf- Major Beatty, 1sf Royai Dragoon Guards, drill lustructer of B sqna,1- non, Dorset Yeoipanry, n'as fouitr siot finougi ils bond., A rifle linaa vise, witi a dleaning nod ari otiu'or apparatus necu' by, shon'cd tint lue bil luron cugagcd l ifln laulg Ownig to fite great lareseo trafic 1roposýais ar-e being mcdo fon the 111a e b o fî'lon eaiapprocci teTomer Bride i s couîplefed MiIddlesex streLý t (FoU jiren Ianeu) w-l bocomne fie direct 'nu frein norti te sonth. Tic suirvehon te lu th(> glira District Couîucil necently reporteil fiat a buildor about l'oerei he hil te complain bcd sont i ni c conmunication on fie nuattu, ce ad ecclosed ila nseparate Ouecîcw-as a fuve-peunil cote. A maotionu iii la- or et presecutica uvas 10sf at- a uuiit jiug of tie couacil, eue nienîtn'î' îi- markiuig tinttheflcciciuoii icie c een ac mistaice. .An Englisi excîmange ,9scy1s11'Indig- nt jeuxn lias beeuu express,-'l ut 1hasýt- ui>gs cf tie seiitîîuce pîx:îssî'c hst Tuunýday of onue îoîti' iau'dloe epea a lad fer kissixig a gil 1et feuiteen at a fete oui Bfiuuitoi'a Mrn. Frenan Tienuas iLulograpiefi -,1 t tIi, boy's fafier tint hliait, ~ j îîunicctcd witlu tic loue il'- ay whlo n'as at once, seru'xig duix t mnikeciquiieÏs inte th- c' 'fie Gerima iihou -gi'cwýve"- îehav heei vsitîîtfle 1tng!i;,e ds tuintsbaeuacagrtvicubut toe le m])s :poe Y fbeir British ri l as."VeI, cuc te tio !conclusion," naahdceu ion "fi1tat hîop-gî'ening iin Englanri lis cci iieLi on x in moeoscuic aue tiaîî ln Bavania, wuruiciis cen greAt hep district. e-ua-belpit- cularly impressoil hy lcVgime lied oSf ronticg flue soIlaidcuî -w+-fi fie- weeds -w1 i-I"h- cil",'P i' i. 5 and w-c shahl carry an'cy '-111u Lojrd Sahishery' iras cf tic cri etý) flue stato for' c longer pe1-ner1i ý l ccy otio mnin a ur timno. Nexf ' teo Lord Snhisbeu's record iu thi i.- rtspect-namcly, -5,001 days-councý,'s tint of Mi'. Gladistone, w-ith caftal perlori cf service of 4,498 driys, Lord Pin ienston felîon'ing uiti . c ttl of 3,434 days, anir Lor'd Bonconsfuei stanýding Icurti uvilth 2,528 rinys,. Lord Melliourne's total peeri 0f of ý- fice amnounteri ho 2,492 days, Lord John Hussell's 2,3013, Smirflun Pecl's, 1,876, Lord Derby'ýs 132 Lord Aherclccuu's 774-1i and Rse FXTS AND F!)VI(RES. 500,000 j peoplo cf exio (do, net Axcencami Impoferi 2 21,77(3 jw-ortil etpru ou t couios lhast yec'Un. jIni tic coal uxîlues cf. Bohýicîni Hie auverage ^uta-goslisi dof,fomuelus is 86 cents. Brazil's. cnop c o ic isya Iequ ais fî e-ifeuhs i wcmhd'5 ensiptii. tien te ion non ' i rsenxaid. "tint ctaci i fi -ho'isfiengt et ý-L _r v r, aid callas and ail of the Dutcýh1 buibs are decsîrable, For louiage, nothing is bet ter thani thait fainily, of frsNprlpst wich blonig BsoiniPiersenl ilndic Futrcans. SnsveiaZalanica accommodates itself to almost aay cniionsý, Anhrci is casy to manag, aaL .atania Borbonica lis the lhardiest of ithe palmns, and one of the haasoest Tis list is al- reaçly -oprh isieollgh to f111 seveýral windows but onemay sup- peetit wt1other thiu-gs jusas Thje hansonest traiums aýnd cycLauen-Y, om 1I h ve -exseenM wore grownla the irnpl(est surround- ings, inaia qmui.iy hall window,anud near ftbem n e efetspecimens of Norfolk sle pine, and streng Eaister 'Illes. Onoi, plant wxs thereý whîch ought to be included ia every coleticu, hbecause "it iooks se Christ- miasy-the Jrsaencherry. h is1 lo0 ely with thIick waxen iroluage andi a wealth of scarlet beprnes. ITINTS TO JOISIEEIPERS. A hous'ekecper d caims to have dis- cov ered that iboots make a goed sub-1 stitutà for apples iii miacenieat, and adývocates caaing th, Oera for the pur- pose. Aft-er th,,e mýiceiient is riado she says it is hri possible to tel the differeuce, svefer a redl tiageP that disappers whe the pies arc baked. Borax has a good mnnty uses, espe-i ciaily in thio lud It is excelltxut1 [te use in wasiugým Ilaninels, a 'table- spoonful te sixqurt of water. Iti keeps thea seft. ILt helps hold the celer cf colored (!goe)d,aad pro ents white c lothes frein turiuing yellew. If yen, have dld cans; with im-periect [tops you can u [se them n'witheutrub- [bers if you w i ru sel ngwa. areund the seami. A correspondentiii says her cahnod inuibernies alwaysIpoiled until she tofl godaddliiug so eateaspoonfuls lof ood cider v-inegair toecdican, since Viihtli( h ave kept perfoctly. Te save tomaite seeds, cheose te- niatoos whiclh whein cut open show the larges proport ion of meat and the si 1etoi sP(mds. Scoop ont the sedWith a spen fte a sieve, and separ-ate by holdinig the sieve fa Nvater and rubbiiog 1the pulp througi, li ing the seeds dean, and ready for drying. Spread oni cloti and expose te sin and ai;ir. Koep out of a TR~ K~~'8 8TOU~ EÂ IMHo nears a soft or hard foît hat, as THE IK 8 TUUX FARà'-iJthe state 0f tlicetier demands, corduroy breeches, the reguintien HIE IS THIE CHAMPION EREED-, gaiters and a pair of heavy hob-nail- ER 0F THE WOR-LD. loed boots-the latter a great deai I heavier tian tiiose worn by the ma A Shrewd Farier, Who Makes the [ nho lellons the pion'. Ho is ac- B3usiness Pay ijlO,000 coîp anied on1 sul occasions ty the a Year. steward, aad tn'e mysterious-lookiag persenages, wio aln'ays 10110w at a Farming doesn't pay n'ell la Eng- regulatien distance. These mon, se land, as a îrule, but tiere 15 one ma s1îck and spcn, dressed la the latest 'ie m akes, ns uoarly as can be esti- London style, are always objects of miated, $200,0oO a year eut et it,1 nuch spoculatiion ernong the tari and lis ta "n'50,000O ertfi 0f hands, as; iis oafly the'steward n'ho cash and cups as pnizes fai heat r is an'are thatý they are a couple of twe and a hali ycars, n'nites Curtjýisi, Scotland Yard deetie, wiose dnty Brown inluthe Chicagoe Record-IHera--ld. it is te safegua"rd lhis majestY On lie n'ould bau e donc botter except ]onely tours cf this de1scription. The that it is neccssary for hum te give [busies aad iedges a-re closely n'atch- part et hits time, te reigalng over ed lest tiey might previde a hidiag Fagia, usý igi thunanme of Edn'and place for evil-disposed persons, and VILi. or tha;-t purpoe. As it is, ho the king is cnrefully kept freicp- is d'ardte bc the most successtul proaciiag closely aniy heast on the breeder.and exhibitor of stock la the farrn that is s'îpposed te betray tie n'enld. sligitest sigas of irritation onrn'ick- 0f couise wh >en royal higinesses do edness. anytiing as n'ell as an erdlnary mon- HE GETS BIG PRICES. tai migit have doue it, loyal sui- Tic disposai et the produots et the jects arcn'cuat to eiogar'd it as n'ell- fanin is munci the saine as in tie nigh suponlî'îmau; but in fis case case of any ordinay fariner. Tie the facts n'hici speak for theniselves, cattie and shcep are sent te tic local indîcato tint if tie kingg md not fairs and- markets. but tiese n'ho buy been bora ýotei purple an a mdticin tako cane te label thein "rcy- gron'n up uîîder his faily nane as ai." ht is n coauuîn tiing te se la Squfre Wettia of Sandringianienho e i windows ofthte shokeepens fa Would have been a lainons fariner.j tic tunns cf Norfolk anîd tic adjein- Aside freinthficnt tint hoe usually ing counties, 'Test Fruit Frein tic gets hetter prices for lis stock Just Rýoyal Gardons cf Sandrngianu," because it coines frein tic royal 1 "Best Vce'tables Frem inTIs Majesty's fanm, -ho has no panticulan advaat-IFanaiis," "liest Sandningiain Mut- age ovenhis nigibors tirougi heing !ton," etc. an imipenial majesty. Ile n'as a bern The saine cnstoma prcvailed amoag stock breeder, and I venture te scy 1[Loadean sbopkeepens until hier late tiat ho is more genuinely aad por-1majesty prohibited it. On being sonaily iatorested fa lus, herses andidnivon tliro'igli Bond street one day cows and sieep than hoe is la politics. sic n'as shocked to e 5e cl announce- GOOLu JUDGE 0F PIGS. iment ia a fnuitsiep n'iadow calliîîg And ho has the reputatien of being atention ten'hct n'as described as tue best ju-dge et pigs and one cf , "--,t Applesý Frein lier Majesty's the judges ot poulty in aIl Orchairds Lt Windsor." Shc ordered F.ugland! Ilier way Queca Vic- tic notue clown, and tic tradesm-an toria n'as tie greatest prize wnner lu question n'as ne longer knowa as la thecocuaitrv fer catti, e, but la the a customoer of tic queca. carly part of lier neiga tione used te Tic ambition t o secure sonue et tic be a goed doal of gcurnbling on the fat cattle senat frein tie royal farnas part cf lber cempetitors because sbe te tice early sien' iold la London usod te buy her pri-ze stock instead durnag Cinistimas n'ok is oe eof tic cf bretidiug if on honron'a fanins. Sic features ot Fuglish cempetifive trad- dlauged lier poîicy fa hier inter ing. Tie fat henets stand lan f hein years, but sihc kaew and cnred coin- stalîs, dcerated n'ith badges and paratively littIe about ion beasts, ri .bons, tneatiing eut a n'eek's had no idea hon' great ber -peses- painful existence nn'aiting fie frlendi- siensn' enc, and infercsted lienseif ly 1)01-ax aad tic butcier's kalte. NEWS BY r£tAIL ABOUT 30IJ BULL AN]D THIS PEOPLJE. Occurrences luthe Land Tint Reigus Supremle int'he Coma- inercial World.. Mns. Rix, living wili ion soni in St. Peten's strceer, Norwich, -as ,ùe101 years ef cge lasf menrti. Fer nue- tien lived totehle cge et 103. 1 Majon-General Sf r Leslie HunRiiilkb unveileri cf Worthing an obelisihw tic meinuoy oet he fu'eay-sfx rosi- dents Whoc lest their lires fa thiO Seti Afniccu w-an. Leds Cor'poration Tramway Cent- Inlttee have ricdideri te gire fchl driv- ers W-be avoiri accidents a bonus et a halfpenuy per hoturn l addition te their w-cgcs, payable quarterly, The-finsf meonuîmadeofethtecuse et ceaI as a tueh 15 la fie records ef tie Abboy et Peterborough,, la tme year 805 A.D., w-here is leunriana ectny for tn'elvc carfiecis etofefssil fuel." A visIter nanueriCburchiln'as i- ung nhong flic esplanade, Scau'bor- ough, w-hec is iî'sé bleorcnd leapeil ever a banci hity footdep Singulcî'ly ocough bofi rideýr and herse seaped, seions injury. A n'omaan'was nonander inlaLon- don neeafiy, ciarger iihstchiag a box contaiaing £115, Hie saviingF of an ageri Londoan owe'sehr n'lich fie latter hari een ila1tih habiut of keeping unulir iber bu Tic repent of 'fie osist-G - oral for the year onýidiig 'darch 31, 1903, show-s tint tiche fofictmado a net profit et £4,186,87-) luin tie yeoar. Thene w-ore 2,579,501),000 etes deliveu-ec cnd 48,,00 postuards. A distncssing accident occurneil et Ff hey, near Scanhorougi, a huige mass et dhiff n'cigicng about foui fons, fching on fie beach cari crus:, ing ;. dcti f ie sxya -ol on of Mr. Fred Dixca, a civil cangicer, eW Harrogate. Dow-nhills Park, tn'ent-six4ý acresfa ext ont, has been eo"pencil cf Tettenl- ban as c public nedeahîin greunil. If w-as acquuined cf a cesf 0f £31,- 150,cariadjoins cai estete (oniw-iichi flice L. C. C. infenils te biIln'- liugs for forfy thousari peoi'ns. !of the sm- a g Wb-, jup, olit 1 ý-trùnýz Win (j 0 s thÉ4 -seeds hl; 1 1 jiý ixeil -t -t -t * 1 1 , . 1 . i -e' - - -,- --ii pz. waier; U-G inte a pereeialiq! le ýi-- --- - ýil *iid liold -. thui s twfýiitv tiloig- i - _-, - p 1 iitj,-qîre liad hFf tilirikirip, niýnljf. P T-

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