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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Oct 1903, p. 1

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't 1oui& ?OwN mm M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprîctor. £SEW SumRES. BOWJ Couch, rnston &lu COyEma Hfave opened out the finest stock of genieral Dry Goods ever shown in town. Ladies' and Children's Coats made up ~in the latest styles. Hundreds of them and al Snew. '0laok and Colored Dress Goods in the iatest weaves and colors. Latest Suitings a n immense stock of ail kiuds. Rea>dy to wear Suits and Over Coats for menandboys made up in the most fashion- Sable styles. Ladies' Furs in Ruifs, Muffs and Caper- inmes. Ooats in Astrakan. Bokharan, Haif Persian and Persian Lamb,, Coucli, Johustoni & Oryderman S BOWMAN VILLE, The Corner Shoe Store, Oshawa. .,eather ILegging.cs. We have the agency for PeeFIs'" celebrateci ad-]jurst- ihle lgisanid now have ,xty -pairs for, your inspec- Made in tour leathers, ir men and boys, fastened 4tla steel sp4ufgs or -wit[h -ces, Prices f rom L. They are easily put on perfectly, wear wve1I; and n -high f avýoi everywhere., The best leggings in the arket. T.-wu Fail Jots. The choicest at reason- le easy-to-p ay pics New boots in every size. See our window display lew Rubbers. Oui.r f forts to lead in bers 'iave been very ,ýcessful this year. We aIre now off erin1g ex- ,-ient rubbers a t mui-e ýýVer prices than moust Tes The G'er an ii - t"2Xcel ail others inl WeCIrI Nowt'm OSHAW A MceDermid's- Drug Store Is the place to buy t Absolutely Pure Drugs 4ÎA Purchase will convince you that y\,ou get the S very 'Pest value for your money at our store, McDRMID, The Druigist and Optician s We make aspecialty of Framing Pictures andi have ail the latest styles of Mould. ings in stock. Also the ý newet deignsin fram-ed BIG 20, BOWMANVILLE. Th2e iE1elteQitlle , 1usi'-nèss Go11ege DEPARTMENTSI:- 1-Commereial Traininig. 2-Shorthand, Typewriting und Graphophone. 3-Telegra-ph, Commlercial ald! iRa 1wa y Work. 4-Civil Service Options. 5-Mathemaâtics. 6-Languages :--Eneli-zh, Frenchi --and Germain. Orroome are 1the rihts and healthiest, StudenQits niayv! commence on an"y wolrkingdy of J. FRITH JEFF ERS,MA. thea C.onervsves of the cf Durham., bickerînge,j beart burnine are rondin forces. The chief bone le the chioice 0, a cand panty. Although it le rea chance of ,e!3ction for candidate in Durhamile contingency, the3 Liberal hope that by some titra of its rocont gernvmanden ef uneios, the Laurier Gove sinatch a victory et the pc consequently the defeatE of the party la Durham i n patronage te distnihute. Sibility cf bostowing- thi reote thouoeh it be. ti groat ecramble anong -thse Robert Beith, the pros. for -west Durhami, enüsidei the best cdaim upon thse Hoe points out that ho is a ber and that it wonld be aý hlm tiowa for the defeatE or fer sanie less weilIn Ilo as Pa largo fcillwing erenincd te secure his U( know the roasen wh3 an attempt je being made wvith the Promise cf a se surrender bis claims.1 fears that uuless hoe hi sonatorship befone the dav tion the surnender of bis ci day wonld mean that 1 qnietly shelved adflfor-g linonde deciarne that unfles nomination there will be a panty whicýh iwculd aki nomination A farce. and 1 entertain any promise of a that does net niaterialize inat.ion day.nH as visite sevenal times recently wbei variably burnied te Dr P( witb fire lu bis, oye Somc and acrimonious discjj followed. Dr. Powers le alec in t, He claims that the figh agrainst se popular a candi Ward, ontities hlm toele Dr. Pewere' finonde belle Beith conld neot control tht erparal s guArd i n Ea whera rui l. Pn..rn, igwé, '0BER 14, 1903. FAIR NVÉ1ES. t air ever beld bore." ,nto was well represented. a1 Port Hepers were nere, later date bringe the crowd. R. Dumas,,; quinices were very rotunde were well covered by lay drivers kiiew bow to handle [0115. camne by train to the3 West horse buyere came but and eaiv Chief Jarvie- h. LI wonl the red ticket on maea capital Beet display of caeking even seon," the jndges comment. Ir G. C. Haines sbowed a plate of home g-rown peachos h, that rain Wodaesdiay morninz e hundrede the blues tbc 57th Baud boys al i ) ll ove - ithcse Alexander a.pples. bout 30, 0 people were on the nde Wednesday alternoon. he ticket sellers found ne ente when the crowd came. he gatos wene wei l ocked aften by srs Chas. and Herli. Fletcher. r, Herb Fletcher's "Gate's Ajar" mucli adniired as a floral do-sigui. r. Larry Wilson'.s Indian Suit froni nilion, N W. T , attracted much itien. Jeounts against the Ag-ricultural1 ety sýhould hc handed to The Secre- at once. he nino deivory turnlouts -were odingly fine-a credit te the ewaors to the town. he peultrv exhibit wae prenojunced he judge te be excellent. A few Jdisqualified. o ienspting cakes and pies were attractive te the oye and alec te cf some people. he grain exhibit was langer than l, but West Durhami farmore need -ake up along thie uine. esais, Cawker & Tait's display of sing machines. churas, etc., was examned by the ladies. ,le floral çieplay was 1-00d, althe' Iorticultunal So ciety dîd flot make VOLUME XLIX No. 42 THE LATE EX4DIAYOR GALBRAITH. About flye or six months ago one of our best known professional citizens, Mr. johin Keith Gaihraith,Bjarrister and So'ic- itor. was striken with p)aralysis,the stroke being a very severe one, but under the skillful treatment of Dr. Beith, hie was able ta -et out and wae daily np town and enly a iew days before his deatb sat in Division Court and histened attentivcly to the cases being tried by His Honor Judge Ketchum On the morning of Oct. 6 h1e was seized with another stroke n pse away suddenly about 8 a. m. The futieral on Friday was largely at- tended, the town lawyers and a larg-e1 cenicourse of eitizens gaýtheredt to pay the l fast tribute to a worthy nian The Mayor: and ail the councillors, except Mr. Cor.1 nish, and town officia'e attended in a1 body and procceded in carniages to the cemietery. The pal bearers were. Messrs. W. Bi. Couch, Tobn MvcCiellan, W J Joues, W. H. Wý illiams, Dr brim- acombe and John Lyle. Rev Huglih 'u nro, B A., of St. Paul's çhnrch offic- iated. assisted by Rev. William ,Joliiffe and CaDt. 1 E. Calvert of the 27,11 corps S. A. The late John K. Galbraith was born February 5th 1889 in Edinburgh, Scotland, and came te C:anada in 1846. Hfe studied law in thie office of the late Mn. Robert Armour and was aclmitted as a Solicitor in August î86o, and becamie a Barnister in Novemben 1862 passing fis examinations at Osgoode Hall, Toronto H1e corn1menced the practice of bis pro-r fession immediately after his admi ssion as a Solîcitor, when ouly 2î years of age, and contiuued practice until bs eah 11e was se'cond son -)f telt acl Galbraith, for 2o years Treasurer of Bow- mranvil!e, and formerly a Solicitor in the! Supreme Courts of Scotland Mis mothern' was Isabella MjacdonalId Keith. only child of the Reverend john Keith, Ministen of the Parish of Southend, Scotland 11e was a memiber of the Towu ouni0 or i 18 yeans and filled ail the positions of, C7ounicillor, Reeve and Deputy Rýeeve and i strongC onsenvative iu politics and wasc honored wvith election te the leadinge positions in the Ridiug Association. As a citizen lie was unobtrusive tLheugha rathen fond ol public if e. H1e was withal rather inclined to be reserved but in hiî associations with men was affable and sociable. 11le was verv fond of bis home BOWNANVILLK FAIRI Gate Receipts Doubled. "ýTh1e best ever beld" was the verdict cf the people wbo visited W'est Durham Fair last week Lt was truly a zrand Exhibition and a splendid financial succese The total receipts Iast year [rom gatos and concerts amounted to $ T05 h 'is ,ear's were ?821 80 just double. Isni'tthisvervgood? Notsince the ýear the 48th ilianders' Band was hd-re have the recýeipta approached this amount. What contributed te this satiqfactory resuft? Porhaps the-se three thinZig maînl-Tbepreseuce cf the famoue 57th Regimeit; Baud extensive adver- tisiug and the later dsPte on which the Pairwa held The 'Baud was paWd $10and the recoipt s cf the two concerts were over $200. Last vear we -eceived only $, 1 from both concerts Se the in- vestment was a gocd one $50; oer ex- penses and thea services cf the Baud on Wednesday afternioon f re and their munsic delighted ai m sic loyers, and wbo does flot love music?~ We are srafa lu sayin that evervoCd y wae in lovc with the 57tb Band. 'l'le Exhibition was woll advertiseC1 as ail readers of this parler know, Tnere w ýs bardly a post office) or botel wlthin 2o to Bo nMleS te which bille were not sent and nanaly every newspaper between Toronto and selle ville contain. ed notices cf it. Our nowsl.eper breth- ren have our vory best thauke for their, gZenerous notices-andl our great regret le that more cf tteni did net epelld thE- cpv with us. rb!e iact that the Exhibition was uearly a nionth later than last vear was greatlIV in cur lavor, we tblnk ilot onily are f armBers lu a me(asure over the rush cf work, tha,"t cnowdedupon them ail tbrough September but tiiey have biac more time te got stocký, vegotables fruits. etc , ready for the air Ai these were matured botter as was maji- ifest on inspection Hlereatter we shall lavor holding the Fair on or about Oct. cher the Picst. Let us profit by tha expenience cf past vears. While theýre were sev-eral outsiders ln attoudance the rain Tuesday nlieht and Wednes8day mennuing and Moset cf the fonenoon ne doulit was r-esponsaible for thance of h,..Ads of îtm,. ing y. L n c couId bi ant Pt aixi iavo uoi Dwmsmuviiie, A iew, Weeks ago0 Mr. james was offored th, Reg"istrar-ship Of West Durbam,,lu tIhe Ilope that ho weuld wvithdraw bV is claims toe D Onminntion lut ho steadffae-tlv refuisedl, 11e is a iewspaper mari cf longu exe ncad a goed speaker. and les veny poplinluBownianvifle aRldnd uthe western pagrt cf the constltuenc'y. Ho bolde miiany public offices andbippr gives hlm a considerabie aincýunt cf n- fuence. FHo bas a Streug fllcwýingl which le dete-nminocd to )pusb is daims te the utmeist, and( if tbey are defeated they will certaini? mak1e trouble for theo "luckyv" Candidate Who maRy get the 11.11. Buruhiani, ît is said, le ais,) af or the nmnto.Ho was preoosed lun the past and le censidered b haý,ýve stnengelhenled ie sPesition snsthenil Hoe will puta up a figlit that miay surprise hie oP!poneutsý. Altoethr lielytimnes are in view for the Lileral partv boýre. They wh bave more fuin thoen tban Iater o5n wbea til i r cniae snowed under at the ENNISKILLEN. lins. T. B. FIge atucedMarkhamn thr., NOn4b-Wst. Tisy-lns4u-ra, lspassage 0on the boat ufront Fort VWilliam to OweïiSounid. Mn1l. Wesley 011e ds of 1 flne younlg teantu of horses, Stra...M.and Mrsý. h Harper, Utica, visitediMr. jas. Miotoy. Miller's Kidnaey and; Bladder Pile are expressly for woak kidneys, bladder pain lu back, etc. Sold liv Stott& Jury, (dnuggists. ENFIELD. Receut visitonrs- Miss Stovin, Black- stock ; Misses Bnay, Toroto; Mn. and Mrs, S. Washington, Oakwoed; Messrs Erunet and G. Elliott, Oshawa; Miss MI. J. Annot, Hamptn; M nI. and Mns. L, Pascoe, Solina ;Mn. 1. and is Ruby Pascoe, Mýt. Vernon; Mr.Frank aurd -Miss Lucy Campi[Dll, at Gneenwood; M Nis Nellie A!cexander at Toronto; Mns, Thos, 11111 at Toronto; N. Thos. Hil11 on an extended tour te the Pacific Coast ; Miss Lily McCuliocb at Torooto: Miss Maggie Hleal'y, Stouville, at home .. Mn, John Avery and Mlies Edua Knapp, third dauighter cf MWin. Knapp ,vere un- ited lu bbc holy bonds cf ïmatrimrony Sept. 3oth. »nrtuain. Messrs J. 'J. Ormiiston-. Jas.SakJosephKnp anld Ge-o Cochrane were succussf u! x hibitors at B lksock 1fair. . .. Mezsrs S BrElav, Thos. 1Hall!!and VOelsoj. were sccessfl exhiitors t ib fair.Mn'i. Adame mcm Cilanke bah-s r euted thc fiaim ornedb[-y Mn,,Idr Mn. . Aver y bsreoted thc farm o!)î MnAe.Rose... T he new Sons cf Temeraceofficerýs are : W. P., Chais. Poell: Wý. A . isEn Parr R . S -James Bcl ; A R S , Miss Lottie Mý'c- (?,lcF. S , L' C. pas, renaVi in tue drilleall. There were several new exhibiters lu fancev work and flue arts thie year and their -wo-rk waes a credit te ftiem as the pnize liet will show. As a proaf cf the productive year and good qualities of West Durliani, look at I the display cf noots and veg'etables. The.y were immense. Mn., Waldio E. Lyons, the trick bicy- cle ridler, le certainly niexpert and gneptly pleaeed the spectators witb hie doen rperformances. The exhibit cf writiug by West Dunhani boîs and girls was very cred- italie te ail. Ifs a pity there were not eneugih pnizes for eacb. Thie Toonto Stan le lookiug wel aI erth famee uteeesA reporter was sent boere to write up the show and ho wnote a racy report. L. Morris & Son neceived mucb praisýe for the suite cf roome thevy fitted up and furuished. Tlie furniture attracted much attention. iMr. Wm. Foley had a fine ïispjay cf Ri ding lw-n Ideal Wire Pvence that intere.sted the farmers. Ho caîs oxplain the menite cf each to a nicety. Mn, Johin S. Moorcraft was at bis old post as tiecket Iier la ls her nibt nuan lu the niglit place.M.Jae Elliott assisted hlm faithfully as usual. - Th&_fancv urrs1hown was a 1wneat-- credit te thoe Kill cf the ladies of VWest Durham No one outelde TVest Durharn le allowed te enter lu this department. Mcbeaughlin Carniage Ce., , sjbawa, had a verv fino exhibit cf tlieir world- famed Bugies and Cutters. Mn. John Percy, their represeutativo bore was lui charge. ,ers )octors flrst prescribed yers Cherry Pectoral over o years ago. They use it oday more than ever. They Cherry Pectoral -ely upon it for coldS9 cough's, 'Hiey will eil you how h îlinflamred lns ban~ ~~ I1ni -y s hry 1ector-,.My sore juge wer 5000 h aie a C ongh droppet; for Loei, as. M'rs. Fred Mayee Ms. %Wm Mitdcl,1 Mr,W.H calm1rAlio abe Port Ho0pe;M. and Mrs Chlas T. Cootes, and Mnr anec L Authes, Toronto; Mru. (Dr.) Cleudennen, Toronto juncto; Mn5. Hcnny W'ad,KngtNIMr.David Galbnaitb, Whitby; Mn. W. 1-.Red ex-M. .P , Clarke. SILVER WEDDING. A genuine surprise awaited Couincillor' and Mrs. W. R. Clemeos on Friday Oct. 9th wben a, numben cf relatives and a f ew fniende unccrmoniously bock possession cf their home an Centre St to assist lu celebrating flic twenty-fifth anniversary of their wedding After the compaoy was called to or5er Rev. D. O. Crossley teck the chair and cailed ou Mnr. John Petrcy on behaîf cftbbc assembled comn paniy te read thie follewing address: AIR. AND MnR. WE.SLFY IR. CaitaNs-: PEAitFn ,-heme iate relaiives 9and a ewof y, ur moýst intinate fliente aveas. sembilie eto spend another social evenuing in yoopÏtablu and pleasant home and iaLio te unoue with yen in ceiebrating the tweuity fifth anniversary0f your wedding day. Miost cord- waily we desire te congratulAte yen upon heing sptred -to each other for twenty- Ove years of devotediovîg wedded life. From oi ur ilntimjate knowiedge of the facts,- we feel1 sure that the promises and pletiges muade, twenîy.d-fve years ago today at the marri. ageý alltar av beel. loyally, lovingly and de PutUt6 Tlu1d . .tnyu owhw n2 reift> on that occasion, have.been for some time past * lekiiig fn-r ih but being again 'wih ven In yonr happyhoe and seeing the bride of twenty-five ,yeari s agoû, enjoying that measure of heaith and strengL,,th th at she now eojoys, we realiz e nmoat fi 1ly, how muc h gre aten te participation th an a n ticipatLion. Io yeux home life, elouds. and sunshine may have at time mingled togeiher, but your love and devotion te eacb other. was ever the saiue, only iutensified hy time. Whatever cloud may be in your home horizon n0w, we trust aud fer- ventiy pray that God in Hli, mdlie love and tender merey miiay cause the sun of heailh and happiness te shine tlirough andi dispel it. As a marnante cf this day andti iis occasion, we ask yon toa-, p the aceompanying Crowo Derhy Dinner ser vice andi silver fruit knives nt for thair intninsie vaine, Lui as a free wilS offering of frîenliship, esteem and love.togthe wýith unr heart-felt prayers tuai maoy, many yeairs of happy wedded-lfe, may stilli be voueh- teb you here. Afterwards an immortal anna a happy ne-union in ihat home erternal in the hecavens. Signed on behai f 0f the rel1atives sud frientis, A, E. CLEM4EN, SARaÂH M. TOLE, Jouzi H. PnaýcY Mrs. L. A. Tole aoid Mn. A. E.C'emens Made bbe preseubabion and Mr. Clemens acknole the bbc ift lu suibable terme., Shor)it coognaZitu!ltorýy speeches were madle by Dr J Alontgoimery, Osh- aw ,Levi Anni, A E CIemens.WH ClmnL. -A Tole, A. \7 lenns H Brenit, A Y. Anuis and Jos îPattin- son. Messages c:f congratula"tion were neceiv L e rom)SM Clenis, Datn Dr oneywelC' , PE IDr Mi tchell,1 T., G Bag B A ,Dx oCtYT, N. NaodMnsCocle npg Ms MobaWhitbV, R. S a1nd Mn0. NMc Laghin shawa, Ro 1t1HSylvester, LindsLay, ai1r11 ttogtheir inabihiby te le piesenit on iispeaanÀccsin Nîne c'f the gietspecn ere at bc bappyvent2yeancaga 1Avrbounit-1 ifl suppeli e nv-ýL ed by 1ý-tee -ladies and Agrculura Societv Thoev are ail jlvgood fellows. lt is ro wonder Peebooctizens aRre -si prouid of their Mir, lerbert Morphet, tenor soloja, was sPlc1didl1V receivei and his singing was greaClv appreciated. -Ouir po kniow ýgood singing and bis hearty àp. piau iso anîid f requen t recalis was abun d-~ anit manifestation of the quality of hi& sin Lrin 11ne is a fine singer and won. the, hearts of both audiences. Hfe wl fiwd a cordial welcorne awaiting him hero. Sav. but isnl't Jos. Halpany a whiolg host aýt entertaininz? We daren . say , ieý bLeatS the band," for t-hat would be ss\iugZ that the part is greater thau the Who]le-a paradox. But lie beats every'- thjngý else when ho iinh.a!es to the limit of bis capacitvan.d I' holds forth.ý" Ho possesseýqs tle hpp Rnd rarce omblina, voice sud oseses fth1e art of using ail his .joweus with e-xcellentù offeet As a humnorous singer and entertainer ho takes first Place. Wh1en a n-in ge"i threc or four recals fromr a Bowmani- ville audience as heh did ha may propor- ly consider huiseif -1t " You- are ali. -w-ar-s w-e1comig-hne -Josejh. -r Wm. Cutts, a leainlg and vwoll. known artist of Toronto, judged the Fine--Arts and ,;Iowed--himseil to be a most paiustakinrg judge. His awards gave ,enleral satiQfaction. H osdr ed m3an, of the paiutings shown hure quite good. The exhibit was large. Miss F, Wilson cof Toronto, a very cempetent ladyý judged the Ladies' *Departmenut and we are told by thoso whlo bhouliî kiow that she dlid hier work exceedingly well She bas been twice Judgeat EKingston Fair. Cemplaints against the prize list, as published in the local papers, must bu made in writing to the Secretary on or bel ore Ss turda October 24, 'Prizes wîll be payable on and after Nov 9. Prizos wll ho payable on an-d after Saturdey Nov, 9. nJchlj7g Joints In týhefngein, tees, armer, and other partu of tne body, are joints that are inflamed and swolleri by rheumaqtismý- that aoid condition of the blood wic affects the mutscles also. Bufferers dread to move, especialiy alter eitting or lyiuglog and their condition îiS coImmonly worse lu wet "Isfeed dreadtully fromc humtim but have been com.ipletely clired by t oSarsaparilla, for which i arn deeplygrt tli" MiS8 FRNCES SMrru, PectOt 'II Lad i] attc n f U1h ý2r! 1 ]tt Lle -W-Hms t-31.50 PMU ANS«. VOLU34E XLIX No. 42

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