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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Oct 1903, p. 3

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riens ma~I~ uro .~er PSt~P~repxw 1,3w t. Iakeaesul9rnus potîinas e fioamcd any oh i ul w a f cous. -letlune oiiihy nme. uie'iduet- i'îlii T~IPID LIVE i iate luaînu'e lOfl ueia PMI LlLflhl~~s. rY<0 iep-Cu c aiot tc vnd ostt'~~I~IAWL earîîue a ntt bietaa ~5 I~ ' Maxt1rtii anoPscfd1-1gecr(10 ia 04___ . ~lulou? I fci ie jlnisoc'iiiîî f a I'II7..a .I 'w l' Iib ue asn.î îea c o CNNVCAST, L inSDDItSB Hno"MUtltS iimass of himîîî- ar;e t0 Cdse t etiti try < ar eUlxelî.dad nt et-uaans te oe Castcrh-Oet Giutie Mqlt e y lititacic M , cc et flt Lo c t puwaa.tlrfe au tatra ahe chai-gis arc by sorta-uees i cals it ic reme <, aeeIy eiruit li fi betetance fu' scoulng bani Ii the tîrg a I y. E tSSi lo, 0Ntat i, & l îrr1159siifphngte thiakibnt!ia aiea Selai, oit OuastoBakPrivt i bson tu oirw-rtI'ccîiu- vltrof le attr xii amn un hiteai scKO teck u n oupnuStefîs gicd ik Npiro, 0condtion Mc<iî o ae montmi 'rouo2nîI aIeponuheris ucPîe, n iaout acli dia, snd e Newcasle jeu ctidhe,1 li c l tsxa cî"i '1~ edneoda~ (ro 2 p ni. I îsii contanc xigba cio emperancoSt,, Bow An-drce alid îpponîîî (its tisieîtcî ~ihl cei o flgginothm'erugtore aIe aîd lcioft iottiî irca Gîsetîcate gcf,îlE, RcM aI olege of Leutah S urgeons. Ontario. (11 (I'-Cp~siîeT lipgiiam's office YJ li AL1ZED AIR, AI)VEI'81<URATES. ansi ASÂOiIANst', ra,mxe s pitîl18ed cvacy '«i ~ ~ t cta-da uotig thce ûciOlii26SrAîKa h Ni, A Jihildioaid"pltt.Sh rp ilî i.>cr ;iii.o a iiai1si ttbg i ad sr Av1,l-r2imae trteai ve Toronto, n t Leet asTorOur nraI e ît i uaddrsOLU E riszGcaase scrr sud aui :îi Y - J.ILa r ITY o ai Turns P~îad fliooc~, Wood5 other remedy poseesece suclu perfect clcaîsiag, healiig aid puri' I fy:ag properties. Exlecoally, heals Sores, Ulcers, j Abscesses, anti aIl Eruptions. t Internally, resteres île Stomach, - Lîrer, Bow-els aid Bbood te heauîhy i action, If your appetito is poat-, ~'eîmr eriergy ~one, yonr amb'lion Ipuif, Il RH. avili restore yen te île fuil eujobcnent cf happy vigorous1 life, If it h ruas t0e, diP-)at.hS h'aveo o 1late repeaitedly ausr-7't!ed, that Gîevat ]lritaiii and Spain have agreed to thc esýtab4-lishwnt of a Frenchi protectAovate over Muorcco, the last bit of fieo fi coast will soon betknaa fr-on t ls native rulors. Thecoonis r protuetoratsof Enrpea rowos ill Cil(1c lete 'a- Conigo SFtee.State. iluidsth two reýgio1ns, flic latter of wlh ias onl, y iiialyiy ethe ofly inde- pnenraicountry lItin laAfrica -j 1)e A0ssaihich lies tolla lan. Wththe2100 oua e ( ill lnd Morooco added te lvier trior ailles udofArcn ,sou etfc ata Hesescoflis, tfClih Lgy t îîîcludzt- tea oa-t Finceoow holdsiCieunof cou1iac by the olonies of otcrîoiv- HeÉow I r0n -o0x T ab 1 1s M, Jnay3î, 1903. I an gadto tel!i 5OU of the goo efetsofIrrioxTab- asd who was very crossUae as ver Myhusand usesý g1sh lvr hl eti-l efectcive they cause neither pain nor covneeW havea bx inthehouc ai ays iw A C2~S NDCOM lENTS orthe frttnea tep - m dcat Ille Firncliauh nlnU. a fortnght ago to a Cey tc lome o he îleBet-w-r. Th fe of ac-j tion i w-s ii jeimtr ~F ane T i l at hrtoîiara op ijodertIc diectio 1cf (in, deneu lne i hs ct hn ut ao rc tIýrte iralea e y vomchwutd hast, treated liy the buýt c in latins cty buit goS ne heip slatever. Cintgaid t Sa caceof thie tomecc, ottiere catarth, etiuers dympepia, 1 have bocteh t ad treSeverytifng 1S ss.c sdver- tiais--for &îspepeiaanmd aiomacl trouble, but contitiued te getl e a al thet uns. Alpul twehe montIs mgo 1 S intasuc> codiio that my fic2d all rSsOuir efeaaboul-t uyrc'r tuig. 1 celleS a docte: anSIlie tonuS nie Ia'.a Very bad shiapc, Handa ed limbe w-ere cotd end drfpplnî witli coiSld et o eSme huai but li,, !lt mrei r5.B aale myo ailir I îappite te ît b d cf aîM-taiai or ruse that , ly m ypeeyoc tl.oeaiht I liaS 'GodenMeica Dicent-' a' l 1ezesnt Pal- tlat comieucd te oc btterfre,'ni le at sudhav nt tita dv iti otracern ccuai cf m,,y etouna3ctu. 1i feef up-top ud Seter tIa1 hae for tan, '.. m. I "le-as twee-e arsa ga ilat 1 daervdSoa Imucciihelp froîi ut ir.ierces tuediciiies," welles Mi.Olive Stevens, of North HIarvey, Cook ce, 11. I -aafflictre-lIïth a acrefuloiaa tuieor i the left silSe cf îny neck. St wme fuiy measlarge a-s s large ized walnut, as oa tbiat i toutS ait but uttle siep atitîgli>t S <octoee e-it mierai plyi;ciatui lit recît e-S ne boeýil. The tomeor grew rapidiv andI hecanue fuflamcd anS my gea-il Iesittuh ecamc imlpaireS. 'I e plhyciÀ aciisd I J WIV rin; ed Onimo, MrsAA e a iWad(1d e;l.GncW i 'eG ii; -Y e i')w jing onins, , JJckanHFlter Blood beeît ng, Heibeci Pawce, Neti Oshorne;Blod tunipbemtsChaC Greerffiild. Joýhn Okýe; asie d MeGiil, C Fetchùe; LOigýc1Vcr rdish, rdhCGeidC Fletcher, Tom- Tabil airotelong red, S S ow1 lune TWbbA C Aïoq , Wabe squashq baruSua,! Rus -- ~'-amv, S jJa- Mao; PntnpkisNW AInc& %scil G p Suier Ealypot-ctées, W L Law, Ja Leask; ptto n id T Sclby, 1) Iled donfi clr, jn otate , W L1 Law, J lD Jn Sus, Fred Usoai,j H Fletcher, C Fi 'v ' FLOE 15 WEST DURHAMI FAIR, Jasp Leal; ue Po eu, a epsi; a Coc, roveon Usucede, WA Clo ('lmexn; al aDe naî. C Il'teeilerb P ambhxii); Moxîtein Dn bLBLawit W E H d;KiglTApBuns, ro. - ROcorn; priyobute, Fin Aln Mro J J Glîfiluln, àMra Rl oster-; Ti mats. ire 1, Peeeyc, M.y G(ud; 5 o'cloek tea cob Mis Ed 0î'Obor,', Mise Peîcî: ire Gîilibso sa Morrp;Wbhsk hoder, srT Percv, MssN Hall; M0rs T Pcc; Toilet sot, painted, Mis MrrsMis-t EÙ'Morris1, Soa ilow sie rMs .T 'Perea-,7 tirs j Joue; Sofa pdlow, hue;a b K1 MsEdObonMrý, RUDamains;V 'oeMies Hile'r; Sdbadsii suormî, ss E Morris; fable mi r~jg EMorisMiss IH Morris; Fane Embeoi rm clii11-111tMirs J J01C Me T P11ercr BdrTms Pper'ie lae iTi>rs ePercc;Péqee Miss , ndsLu Me, E %l:Lae Ume< E ~ ~ Ot Moriî MssH oriE bECOitA jlVE a OONloi,,UCTE I JEm awkeril Moris; PiCetîng ' orrGls I-i blore(tau Etoul; Panig nCe îOhé, aerris, i T erc AmirtiîH Ment Cid EmrI Pnaniîon Foie,H ou u SDiro Lk F-Movrri l Moi i iii ;P s raNeSalhmk; !%iel- E'0lrîs, fhl Macen srr.i, M Mori;Mp rwing '-'lain, Et; honorable ment oMapDiseion color- fc di NaiGudethel Haes. -wsa -MN- ocWi r icah-Mrs -Tric, Miss Moris; AnmlE.MR(îieii M4orris; Mrine, H Mifs'làoi i Morris; OrnCa aian LVn-)apie any, j"Miss iir, H Morir; înnie Pbect. , P frieoeluee, à Ial.r Er Mor.cs; FrCa1 r FwersH -,, ~ Buiss adyI; MarinMis0 D ile -I r' il nî Ybord t e- liaw;1boue l Su E'8JljatAmiyemroàs h,; p meutp icLatiMeue e % ilMd zk yoc îl merreeîvlibwaitaa=wrd lMoiS mi- ulncw pls, t11F emcites'rn G CL r Ra oui, G P )FrCelnd: Wriý trg gtye os s- fnteed S e. banSd tt 1hÏAdhearl. tioul 1le wd Ae-ud 1, Dahîls, M iFetcher, J % W1pr etclFoeîeIors eseM C aelousorh'si ossemaTO CTrtt dTat-Mg- MneCliiOO 'no m,,,i e h -celetu'lSl teeaj mo bai-u 'ry f bi ncl 'tll (114, il ud JJaro- ke iii;weig PlainNeicatH e doaD.Oae~Onm te c tV c - ians. My G t olenMeicl l cvey nSniS ligoSFolehr; Stocks, J UH I ur'nMadliso'aI dq, E' eO;pour unîtvlaii lastauoc Lt-lcndutIaoicvt aeSJJcluisu, il FleteliWttieltile crk i ld, ï ai , hIh.Ma- ntim h &d ue. ocuna Were lu-3 în m nîiu i- Dr. tR. V. uer-cea.ars -e1 ae ,s Doieptnas JJcia- 3~ - retDui eccle cutirell' Pinke, dousleCouni naIlFtcman eMssFoec oi;CiJli- Dr«Th c' esn el'ce iia i tsc=n = etYr ikewige hn,<4r i WSsiu', Ms det;(o i ', ccidnt Wlirhcfapeu ),i iIîe fac- Frencli Cugo. -î-le -s-u-i--oscr Ï-Gn;A fricia4 atigid e, Mav Gaut -lo As SeiMr% Ge'unwdb ;Cut rlcun shoe f itir 1e~Maagser, nt ~Pli Sr;GJdihu,, IHFlo he mmIm, V ireu s Semis, Mrcw Gncwdt;mpla' iu bo. , M. icuT j Fleicber; Begoniaa, SJ J&ackms; O lav ivA tie P itilisBin PIe-drm ec , "Ol'il e îe c ti x't, ad laîl oitle sir lhort c le cn- iîrime douceioS eeuan S ains. M paHr Dli a s; Bs4t mare ion y ulkc a aot h" tilten o ties coonis t îlnlapo<,S JJ acmaun s ieRs;Gne np E J Ja,iro "lonboand I"atal Accident-Tt0 Doube fuhsia il 'Ietbei-\lieDunts; Ce te. sua ' Mas'G ttIccoînies our iencnlcy aidpaloful I rni Gnir rtcoae hib egst,~ skanM- -E JJames-; îCocoantcoke, lis Rimer dety ino rmMjIclascuah dtt iau ji ov - l e fu in e a v u in elues; F ras, il Fe teber; Spe clneti Mis G am i ; O iuobe ult , Mi t ient tlitt ocaurred a i Le i ie r i l Hif leeher, ilJ J aecinu; BandUn"osis J 'N Sparlineg, NzIS cake0,i ne-on, by w-hichî a lumuan bcbng, in f esbo luqiw L,1RLFt po", S J Jsekmo- n.ýimî's F Rosi, i s Jas G Ricissei!C Finît tueprimie of lhe, wae iuuried i Florl-ba--ilFloichei Jc, iktesJ W _phDr 0ls 1 tînt b iourîte irornt yLilh, as île itut- BIC RICS ~RACEIORES.Floral cesîg, R rcîcad, t M s Mei; cAprule p1ae, M Sarlng i re sys, 'ouravel- i î0iOOl a gsums for a race- AIE'DPRTET nixolo uiob iMs a jlrrete eii but 'Ihs pie sic anykiiîgwtachn ore s, isAat;Lmo i.MsJc otei!" cîcclainied Ml-s. S. lu-s gs ci fr Atipric, >uýic win Mm R. Disicson.Mis Ap Iey ma MsAîdms laus;e ckis -tirîi Mc.Pasid Joues a xoriman w-le (o f îeElis iaelas beeîîKatîiig, cctn ieMie RO.Jnez MsGa1b clFlc ýbs bot few superiors this ciSc of topred i hastladr w îll> Dvidou, esrs ~a~til;Kniîin, i ~ _______huecity, w-us s, pcrintening onuef' twcityxOim.FhlI1î,g Fox, thc),r oi-- w-tir-oo1, Ms eCthnMsHI~îe large drrns-, by stitamr ia 18n ,w-as sold foc Damas: rcetwt ctc ie o" snr'er if 'w a abass drîtmk, $196.875, ic iniagesi suuu cvcu liveu suer-, is , ilhlauCrceîflsiich as]liasEpui,î Unun' prinied fcr a i aceitorse. FI.e iIgiy w- n lau, 1'd oise c Iaii, Macan qd, lon' t'Y' Oitils olte f île 1886 DryCre t -t'îwa.Mrimum r i V in ebrni naigci i Lii-' i iniýer (Ïo! leDerIby bu 1883, AyGu, mie, Dtîms; (OCroueSao S MblagIn teb icunztis, im eerîalaat s l> anSm! îuoly ils w1wi'c dy wa MisBlele;PUn ae Ms iac iditn, NArmuralee:-"Lsîpieghadcsreislduee,"ti nw-itl W-1 foi cigiors _____ lce, Miss M De t m, miss M S Ceti.; ¶-auftelsgîoctntwhrri-hitjîtt - Mise M E Joîses; Ol'i~~e 15 nse, taidf-qetyldnacifISae b n alov il A Pc'lhic, egacd mlise a ehîneloîlà, MAisl iui yMiss Belle udtiuaies.i tin. qîit u i' l'yn iti aire u Dusi aCrcbt or kaithetiw-clP e, Iy1al1nitîm bck, tpiti h ra l'ud ltM. iaaîiqe jc 1' ' yli are cî l a fe BolPcr y , s1>P1 Je el wîk îS--e( Sf luiss w mouduShiilo bird, w-ld braitlwrk, MieM îuan i anti csns"O1 diii cde masmu-s,,wp-ue scaict bu l t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~op tvegnu;isble-e c eii MsACave»Yatîî' GililîardMes, =Hew-ey rlmaofilunîti n.ihoîr l iiou hi'gze c t ile- Jetclleaut ym our îlae catitluMi' uler, Mi Damas; Srf, tie pins ià my hk a t r le'>n qKiy- ecpopntyteoetoqes !bin,! loi noI me vr'S ,Pot gonecr,se MiAsAllen. lMis rjPeî;pliaxu inii se> sinevu hsrdon- ue sno w n c ain killvt -I lotS! e scke oh gu lai Froteîod doylic, Miss Ahle, MWs 1 W-1r-èln-~auîiAeoDa.ASCW.(lie, %iatu tlu>-m-ebL mm sle Ard DMr. Sîccunt continuedra- Itwas viea.w-hon t ho shiape- less form w-as takeni down and it %vas nû longer tenanted by the in- mincita spirit, that the vital spark "Was itho iman klc?-htswbat t an e oreai"sad Ms. >Slo- -P"D o v lt a tience." ai d Mtr. Soighibtt-au over, ilsF spcale." res(jm w- sha cOm upon igbtaway." And 1h. ;iom evr our village,, aidwx-e trus that 0 htavil pcIe a warning't0 cur mille nlg that tonar rati ve wvas edd -now 1 should 1 h c ikooknw whiether the man w-as ki-ileod or not?" Mr. Siocuntlooi dpuzled. lie scratched is i deruiia ithe article ho had îbeen pîenandI Look a carceful uvyothpieî 'Ildcae ie"si o l' curious; but really the pape- don't Say t Fi 1NNEGAN'S -LA IYýL.' FLnga ad srci i ih l Elilon1,d,ý ikec.dheaxsnw jýluent on hnas i , g a good tinte. an w-se oeolte, iate ctaurnts a he atv cly 4a these w-re uikone stbfr d.H ivantcd sondehngt uto in te ue lie sieda btt c apr "Stop t itc bivale 11 prie trs., oohi aalu out!' "P-p-put me otjet?" cied insoijdes is blazing lke Cthey axas a mnatch factory 1 P1REPAUINU- FOR TlE'Ir',DEAL. It w-as in a restaurant ami île Young w-ife 0Looedaxisyat ler busliand as lie dxcrdadolepr Lion of lobs;tet ald 'Il wish yenvoud'tet ht lýeai ," sie urged. Vo inwit iever agrees w-itb o, iLalya ai î-oineraara nte er5~srn, spiiole Cocha ,~n, m 0:1 iC-n o La'-nas i- Cai lîn aco îr 0 a- ' .1 c cdtcmi: ait-aaf5î lîgaca oraa iîai o fdtp o ain liiYe'$tfs. "Mut ',ýfor b-abes butmleat fr mn."l Twn n a meu nemore emta rnu's fýoed', teit ua mi" sd cracter dieth l en ak ehayooH nabea bhg mau bu-rieha has a bb Sucaseluhif dpane argiyon the -toacl, Tcnan with tha baby's nese sud jehonv.U e u annyance te hie fiand n nan 1t0t i fantiyNo unian u A sr=oner thn hie stMach. A w-e s scaîciarguesa thC (ouo"fita on c oio te e-ald"etuse"wibaffect tilé gaatbr~ilh- Iaît, lngem ae, idyet.oil dan it ica otlrs Ste organs down it , becalse bing nutitisisudtueoignve o! lite body being staived, Linsty ecoa -, sec acour!eQC uefaarvaîOn za CuIres isuss !îlDsemciUnd 1otiierý mates île -at bdy stronAi -lbc" l -al, physt la i týtregtcan ha mils, whic isby o*d î p4hicà digtesdsd aeejiaeTi ue c"wa"ln ~we1î iai,5 -ai7;rsughi iar thîgle C o oll Asi the ïpriceo olother buiIdîrg îtrJlbS Seadily M lias yet beý,n found as- a reHlable sabsite For sdwikfoos u1verts aýnd solid masonry RArýTHBUN'S STAR PORTLAND leinsCnda brand. For bank barns, stable floorS anVd silo work, 1ATLÊ'S THO, nRLD L la the Very general favori te andi extensively used. WÎle have recenLly put in a freshsoi fbohteeb aud n 4ýç are prepnred to furnîsh elîýhher at satisfactory prices, also aýn expert to buperintend heir use. Lt will pay you to se, us before patronizrng the trpvelling salesman whom -ou cannot réach again. MWo have also a full lino of Biard anr WjoLmLCoal, Cbarcoal, Drsed,-uIJinreseL ~*Lumrber, Shuigles, Doorsgs, Mouldfings, Sait and 1e ~ Pin er.Qualîty rigls, rices reasonalble, KNG ST,, AST, BOWMAN VILLE, 1>1 ý --t 1 coNg, s Duinae.;,Mis Heddoil; Laf1i gns' EggMrs 1D Hettdon, DOME ilIC MANiUFACTUPZE-, RRag nar t, rsR aas sJns Paîtison:Crocet qili iss qui- Mrto , is SJ Us 1 il",1)Dad Dumis buas- QlixigMrs smh, Mrs R iat'r t ciig a'nMr eot:n wrpMrsL V o;Fanl M BurP; o 'm tts, îsoiefle inPr U Topvo~e b oe titain ci1 am ,i '. e, r t-,!Cr.for t -ýcF, Oemanu i-tu, ors have gaetr t.~ets 1 4e

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