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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Oct 1903, p. 4

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SO&«'venir? Goods Just Arrived at tihe China Hall Grocery. A case of Fine (ermian China eonsisting of Pin Trays, Cream. Pitchers, Piekie Dishes, Tea, Pot Stands, Pread and Butter Plates, Sugar and Cream Sets, etc", wl th finely exfcuted views of Bowmanville Higli School and Methodist Chureh, a'; prices ranging from 15e te 50c. There ame uome good. 25o articles in this lot. Special Value In Toilet And Dinner Sets, THIE SPOT. China Hall Groeery le the spot for anrything yen want in the Grocery lino. Butter and Eggs wanted. F.A.I4ADDYq% Sueceessr to -YOUNG & (30. CROWN BRILLIANT. .The leaders ia Ebeganee, Efficiency and Economy made lu t wo sizes, with and without oven. Examine it before yen bay your heater at lui fui f T7he faim is over and you fed your friends ~3well. rIhanksgeinz Day is riglit here so 110w have-c -gooddrne, ours-elve3.Juno sy STurkeys are scarce but you cau depend on get- Sting~ a first c1as3 roasu of Be3f, Lamb, Pork or E SVeal, or if you have flot time to cook, you can Eget cooked meats at C. M. Cawker's. Ail are Ithe very best. I ivili be giad to we.come W.. El SCawker's customers. A cordial invitation is E g extended to every person to cail and see our E Smeats on Wednesday, Oct. i4th. E VitraC. M. CA W'FKE R, i VitraBuildings, Bowmanville. The Up-todate Batelier. E aiviulg ieased the Hlampton Mille frein Mn. T, ElîhIoît for i terra, I shaI i ho prepared te dlo ali l kîndeof gniugO anla chopping on shortet notice. Hanv- ug baS a hf,31oul expenience aI ib, i bujiness, cusitomner, eau n eiy ou hm hog their ordenrs filleS ro-uaptl sudsa- factonly. Ai", kinds of Ftuan Feed keI,ýV consbant!y ou b>ýiaud austErasonable 1 pnrices. A eali solitýed CHAS. HORN. Blamptec. Cet. lId, 1908.38l Sale of 'Farm by Tender S ELFD TENDELIS addressed te tiundereigned one of the executois of the *wlofJanie S. Mi ddeton deceased at New- casile piost offie,' box 20, or left wiihh im personally, an n dors ,Tender for Eý1 ofj 1i ,ii1 con. 2 Clarke" wili be received until1 NO)ON 0F THE Slt DAY 0F OCTOBER, 1iS for, tis e.prciaseof the eaet quarter ofli oumîjer ffer in tise seconid concession of thse1 township of Clarke In the Conuly o f Durham, Tenders will not be considered unflese signed by party tendering and prnviding for payment Of10% down on acce'ptancDe of tender anS tie balance in i 30 daý1Ysetereafter. The highuet or anv tender ont neeessarlly Tise prnjety cons8iste of abouit 50ace oft wisichi about 22 acres je cleared a-rable laand 1b1aance wel i timbered wiih la..rdwvood anS For furiher particulars applýitIon mafy be made to thse nndersigned. JOHN ALLUN, Dated Sept21,1905 Box 2o, Newoatie, Ont. I I The Cuadin Stat~sinan BOWMÂ&NV ILLE. OCT. 14, 1903. A couforence et temperauce workers ef West Durham wilil be held iu Roval Teiiplars' Hall. Bewmiauville, Oct 16th st 2 30 p. m , for ergaiiizing a. Votons' League, as reommanded by tho Dom- ien Alliance. A mass meeting will ho held lu the Mthedist church, the saine evening te ho addressed by prom- inent speakers [rom Toronto AIl cburches, Epworth Leagues. Christian Endeavor Socleties aud temperatie organizatious are requested te sond delogatos. As will 1)8 seen hy reference te the minutes et Town Ceuncli the question of securlng C P. R. counection wlth ibis tewu was under consideration and the Finance committee appoiutod to èonter with the Rail way CJemuittee cf the Beard of Trado. Mavor James suggestod actiug ln cenjuniction with nelghbbriug towus, thiuking eumbined offert wouid ho more effective. The suggestion le iikely te ho acted upoa and a coiîference ot Mayers et those froutier towns held liore at an early date te censidon the whole probloin. MAPILE GROVE. 5chooi Report fer September: Sr. IV -Shirie Suowden. Nildre(l Ceiacutt. Myrtle Mce Reynolds, Mahol Cox, Peirl SDowdajn,tGladýys Suewdea; Jr. IV- Elva Snowden, Bentie Wlkins; Sr. III -Ethel Adams. Rhea Jeffery; -Jr. III- arthur Chaoles,--A'Ednra MeRevnoldu; Sn Il-FranK Hamilton, James Dr.yer, Mahel Depew; Jr. Il Elmon Cox, George Sheen, CQ ri Rundle, Russel Fleov, Cecil Jefferv, Edna Suowden; Sr. Pt Il- Ceeul Àdams; Jr. Pt II-Gladýs Depew, Acy Rand.e, Kennzetn Cox. FloydSnow- don; Sr. 1-Gertie Tvrmer; Jr 1-fier- mari Dopew, Vivian Folev, Herbert Jeffery. Berta Haneock, toacher. Thin peoploe ould tako Mil ler's Cer- pound Iron Pille. SoIdhy Stott &Juryv, dIruggiýts. TyR&ONB. S3tupefying hbad aches are cured, the bead cleared. and the brain briZbtenned by Mlbiiru 's Sterling Headache Pew dors. Tbey deo net woe.keu the hant. Price 10e. and 25c. Telophone cennection betweon Enni- skillen and T yroneîsceming,... A Glee Club bas heen oengauized lu the Epwortb League. .., Mn, Milton Wonny le jury- man at Cabourg.. Jos Uawkey's large stock and impiernent sale Oct. 12.. Mn and Mrs. 'd. Chanuen, Lindsay, visited frends here. ...Mrs. Robent Fal- lis, Toronto, was recent gisest et ber mother, Mns jas. Byers.... Mr. Arthur Stock and family have ieved itb the nesidence ef bis father, Mnr O. Stock... Mn. Richard Branton srjid bis household funniture Thursday... . Mrs. Sain Bing- hain was in Graf ton Saturday attending the funeral. ef a fric nd. NEýWT ON VIL'LE, Mire.- w.-P. Rich visited ai Cobourg. . ,MNiiss Bertie Hanock, Bowmauiville i and MNI. Frank Powý%er, Maple Greve, visite-d setMn. Geo Hanceck's recentlv.. *..Mr. Frank Martin, Hamilton, vibsited fnieuda bere.... Mise Lulu llancoek visited at Mn. Ueo Pavne's .... Mrs. Geo. Payue visited ai Peterbero. ... Miss Windol bas roturnied te Roebester.... Mr. Rau"al bas movod ie othe bouse recently oceupied b','Mn Couvey... Mrs W Lano visited at Port Hope ne- cently .. . The G. T. e.. station was meved Saturday te its now position, nenthoetthe uew tracic, about 800 foot nortb etthe old tack. Alleast-bouud trains are nu-nubng on tie uew irack now. COURTICE. Mre. Samue-t Hutchins and'son, Tor- ente, bave been visithug ai Mn. Win. White's... Miss Eva Coartice and Mies Maria Courtice attended Womeu'e Mis- sionarv meeting ai Cobourg .. .. Rov. J, B McLaren, Columabus, gave a splendid Bible Society address ai Ebonezen... New officers et Mi Carswell Division are:-W. P.-Mabei Walter; W. A.- Hoînen Goyne; R. S -Eva Countice; A. ,R. S.-Gordon Trevaîl; Treas.-Fned Raison: F. S,-Ethel Gay; Chap.-Lottie Richards; Cou.-W. Greontnee; A.Con, -Ada Squires; I. S.-Elva Trahi; O. S. -Herace Ilancock; Organist-Bonnie Richarde; P W .P.-Lizzie Penfound. MiIier's Kidney and Bladder Pille .are sol a 25. erbox. , Sold by Stoit & Jury, dnuggists. SOLINA. The foliowiug are the efilcers etf Soiua Division No 40, S. et T: W. P., S. E, Werry. W. A.. Miss Aima Truil;1 R. ,,5Anhur Baker AR. S.. Miss Minnie Ashton; F. S., là.J.'MeKeisock; Trous.;, L.T. Paeoe; Chap., Mrs. R. J. Mcesc; Con., A. Lanoemaid; A. Con., Miss I da Westlako; I. Sent. Miss Ethel Adamns; O. Sent., Arthur Westlake, P.W.P,, Mrs. C. Blanchard; Organist, Mise Minnie Ashton; Supi. et Loyal Crusaders, Mrs. R. J. McKeesock Rally nigi was obsenved ai the ivision Fnbday weok.... .Bros. S. J Wili'iams, D. Montgoinerv. Rev. F. J. Anderson and T. Baker gave sharp, -smart and pithy addnesses and umusic, readings, oe, passed a very profitable eveuing. Mns. W. Colwili and daughter Mrs. J, N. MeDougall, Bow- inanvîie, visited ai Mns. W. westlakec's vîsited ai Mn Sues Wilharns.. .. Dou't fail te attend Womeu's inistitute meet-g ing to-da y (ened - a 0 p. jm. Eldd e.oenng services were cnutdo Sunday b1ev3.'.Mcaen .A.,Co- bus, who rece to verly largecnrgain at both serviýcs. Ris remnarks were brief. pninted aSpaîaannd pmleedvrboy many rmrk gwhat fille sermlons they biaS listenedito. Th cnrc tegreaýtly lip oveS-I Iathed, piaetered, pape)'red and paiiedisd and painieci oniside,. Tie lRaydon Quai tette assisied !i inle afternoon anei their efforts er mucliapprecilated aîfd Misses Reatiean ii sonl sang v lery il)celyite eein Rev. F. J. Anlderson. tfile 1pstor, atskeýd the pe for t $180 ad ecIve h'earlty reepenise. Palrticul- laenx ek. B, W H. Mntomry a's. sieed...te..rvies. r. LviAruiot je il, tis T -rnt Generai LHos)i'tai where holeunder. wei n peaio rcetl.WeIho"pe ho maIýy cltbentittec, bly i..Rb.Arnoýt i3e home front Dalkota attiendin,< btise dues on hii, brother Levo's am.. o.llacel'Imliedwith - bimn wiie c Omtng down the West Solina bOl snd precipitâied hum anSti t1aS aditootise dutch'. i-e %vasnot hurt... .SlIas Williams lj Part Willlams were Nt Oobourz lasi week as 1, jurera. .,.iev. W. IL Montgomery reteirn8- Le tw York City Luis We*. EUNTEIS' ECURSION.- The Grand Trunk annoance Single First,-Vl*M, Faro Ire,» stations ln Can- ada. Biroekville and West, aise fronm Susp. Bridge, Niagara Falls, and Buf fate, N. Y.. te thea QHighlan-is of Ont- ario," which ineludethe Muekoka Lakes District, Lakeô of Bays, Lake Nipissing, Argyle te Coboonk. Severn t) Nortlt Bay, Llnds4y to Haliburton. ou liue of Cana4s .Atlanitc Ry., Bany Lake tc Parry Sound. Tiukets good goin;Z Qetobe5r24th'to Novrmber 5th, and t< points on C.P.R. Mattawa to Nipgon And Gardon River Inclusive. aiso kip. awa and Taoeiskamtug. Gyoed golng October tth te Novembier 5th. Ail tickets valid retuirning on or befoe December l2tb, 1908. A handsomfe illuetrated pamnphlet, entitled l'Haunts i- Fish and Gamne, " will be sent on.ap. phcation te J. D. McDonald, District Passenger Agent. G, T. LIy.1, Toronto. For tickets and &Il information apply tc Agents. 42-2w. 1 d ýd id ýe tMisla BOX,Iâoejtreal-, le isjting at M H. A. Trelevea's. Y Mr. EmerFon Parlis, Toronto, visite friendo bore nocentiy. Mn. J. O. LaBelle was in Cebour latst week ou the Jury. SMies Eilt Joliow lu atteudiug Centre VBusiness Collegoi, Toronto. Dr Garnot M. Tnewin, CehliugwoeÉ bas béen visitin gç fils parents, relatves i thi viisit vi Mirs. Thos E. Osborne,-Lias beau ME .iting ber mother Mni. Thos. Brant, 6 Mrs Al. Thiompson. Uxbridge,1 Ivisiting her sister Mrs. Wme Kerr. Mliss Florence Jolow, Toronto, le viE ltiag at ber uncle's, Mr, Lewis Jollow Mfr. J L. Thempson, Port Hope, wa tguest et Mn. W. B Uouch on Fair Day Mr. Wm Lingard, Port Hope, wg guest et Mr. Walter Chantran, Fa! Day. Mr. Geo. Gray, N ewcastle, was ju dgi ou Hoeavy Draught herses at Markhan Fair. Mfr Richard Hoard, Peterboro, vieit od bis brother. 1fr. Joehn Heard, oi Fair Day. Pale people should take Mil!en's Cor ponn Ilro» Pille. Seld by Stott & Jury Miss Viola Gi'fihlan, B A., bas bee 5vlsitiug ber brother Dr. Guo. E.Gllfillan LUxbridgo. Mr and MrP3. John 'Sanders, Esi Wbitbi, spent Wededay witb Mns Win Paintonl Miss Clara Goode bas roturned home atter a pleasaut visit in Toronto and Bêlmy Be6ach. Mfr. and Mrs. J. H. H. Jury have gon', on tho Ticket Agents' aunual excursion 10 s3dnïey, C.B. Mr. Cecil Welch wats borne hast woeek asstinig hie moier te pack their fur. ultuare previoius tr. removinz te Uxbridge whero ho and hie. tather bave gooc positions. BÂBY'S FIRST TOOTH. EveBrv uothoar knowe bow muibaby suifers wbile cuttilig teeth. Swollen, tender gurtus cause a teverih~, trotfu condition, sometimes e eriouelty affectiug bahy's bealtb. This eau be oveneome, and the ieeùhiïig procýess made easy b'y the use et Baby's Own Tablets. Prool efth 1h1 l given by Mrs. J. Peckover, New Lisakeard, Ont., who, says. ' I amn thie mother ef six cbildreu and I can truthfuliy say tbat Eaby's Own Tabiets le botter than any other medicine, 1 bave ever used for the buls et littie eues. I eau ospecialhv neommeud thein for teothiug chidren. and weuld advise ai] mothens te use thlem." The Tahiete cure ail the muiner i11e frein wbi2h infants and young. ebldren suifer, sind are guananteod te coutain ne opiate or harinful d.rag. Sold hv ail medicine deaiers or by mail at 25 cents a box h.y wrlting direct te the Dr. Wi- Riamis Môdicile Ce.. Breckville, Ont. &,hoei Report, for Septembor :-Sr. IV-Toua Preut, Myntie Bragg Irwiu Bnagg, Jr IV-Lillie, oar, 'o wena Bragg; Sr. 111-Do a Prout. Fiorence Allin, kitie Henderson, Arthur Bragg; Jr. IJI-Leta Jackson, Elksie Bragg, Leetta Hobbs, Harvey Wight, Len't Ruiten, Freddie Wig'ht- Jr Il-Alex Prout, Effa Wigbt,!attic Tirimm-, EI-a Wight, Alma Hobbs, Bertha Quinney, Rboda Quiuuey; J'r. Pt. lI-Onvilie Hon- dersen, Irene Bragg, Oscar Luxton, Florence Tnimam; Sr. Pt. I-Wilie Hoar; J'r. Pt. 1--Hazef Crago, Pearl Luxton, Rhea Blewý,ett, Bernard Quinuey, Cyril Quinuiey, Aibent Ruiter. A. M. WIGHT, teacher. HAMPTON. Mr Tbos J. Bate, teiegnapb openater at Nelson, B.3, ,is visiting his father Mn. W. Rats, marchant, -atten au absence et twenty-oue year& meet of wbicli time ho bas spout lu the mifing districts of the wevtstern states. This is thie final liime hào aw lbFsste'r wbo lis now ilulber 2lst yea.Hospeaks Wall of the WVest. R. and lins. FurseY Spenit Sna a Prince Albert I...Mrs E. lHannialinjs 1pr.gressin foaby a nTronto aeneral Hlospia Atnand s3ons have solfi two (if fteir large Yrsiebroofi qows to W. MounttjoY, Black. stock, and A. L'. Peosoflna. They e'tilI hiave somre c(hoice y oung stock V) seil. .. L1eague rhausgîingsocal t Thr~~y eenîng', pro. grami. cake anml coffee, al for licý ... .Mr. and Musr. W. Jolliffe have moved, their ho, hl effeots to iousehald $100 REWeARD, $100, Theredr of this papqer mwjl be pleased to Lear.A thar ihee e ai leastione dreadefi ddiscase that scieni-c ha, been able to cure iÏn 9,ilits staýges, and l; ib4 Catarrh, R-aits, Catarrli ûnre je the orily positive cure known ta the. Ery Pair of Dainty p>Iî! J Miode Rubbers Guaralltoed. F Liglit Ini Perfect ~~~~~~~I Wegi.j ~ .? e IFit. 1 ainty Moe ul>bers are made to be worni over the finest of foot- wectatiad are icknowledgced to the best i ubber on the market. They are Slght in weigLht anid cost no more than other make and will wears longer Wt and are \Nvatei tilght. WVe carry ail shapes sizes and styles in these mub-M 1bers. Dantfode Rubbers contain mole pure gum than any other rab- bers, on the miirket. TIr.ý a pair. U)orld Ulide 54 Inch, ail Wool Hoffespili Dress Goods. ~~ ~Special Price, 58c peryd thsWe pick ed up a good snap in Dress Gooris thsweek fromn a wholesale who hiad to many yarcis of ail wool homespun goods and wanted B3LACK to get them out quick. We have therimel DRESS GOODS four different shades, Dark Grey, Mid Grey, à Are Known th. Brown and Bronze Green. Extra wide eloths Vorld Over for 54 icli, every thread pure wool and aiways QU.AITy sold in the regular way at 75e ya. 200 yds ~*STYLE oo on sale 'Wed aesday morning at DURABILITY Y rs Pure Wo9.l-HardScoured, liniBlack. Mlid Grey. Steel ý-,rey, Car- dinal, Scarlet, Mottled and White shades at 50o lb. Complete Sto ýk of Men's, Women's and Children's Uncierwearlu S1ý'tock. The 2Oth Century Mfen's Overcoats Have Arrived. Sure Fitters Buy Yuur Furs Early and get No. 1 Skins Not Seconds. Boy's Reefers, Overcoats and Suits In Newest Styles. Good '.alue Hosiery Sold Here. wJohn McMurtry Bowmanville. We want your E gg's, Butter and Poultry, Highest Price Paid. Rev. 0C Parker, Norwood. bas return - ed from a trip to the North-West. Mr. Jas. Richards, Pickering, was guest ot Mr. G. T. Charlton, Fair Day. Bears the ,The Kid yodiave Aways Bougit Signatuire 1b of Beau, tbhe ,*he Kil'ou Have Alwiays Bougt %inature of C1e .Z7;ý BOOK-KEFPING, ETC Tauglit at the By Exp-ýierienced Teachers Th voiyschool in TJoron to telachg te aou IG SHORTHAN-D, or which is affiliai ed wiih the Institute of Chartered ,Accountanis. Oyer 600 cails ecdi ear teo office help. Catalogue and aill panticulatrs ýJ5 WlWESTERYBLT, Chartered Accountant, The very latel lun Weddiug etation- ery and Weddiug cake boxes at Tinu STATESMAN office. 1, Freeland keepe a fiue loi et trames for eniarements. Ohnsye sizes made te erder. WEEKLY GLOBE and TiHE STATESMAN te new subsenîbers frein now te Jan. 1. 1905, for onhi $1 85. Onden te-daY frein M A James, Bow.uanville Boots., 1ie carrya fulilrange oet mediiin and heavy Piow Bots Altle and ail tise btmatenials, Kips grains and Split ethers. MEN'S $1,00 AND UP. Great varioty iin womi-nns wear for thie bouse and .,ard-Pebble, giove gain, box caîf, et c., strong and com- WOIIEN'S $1 00 AND UP, GloU ubbers now andl be readyEl for he rughweatben. Ilmwill save, doctors ibuis 0Or tali stock et nubbers is omplýo te\evry line. Fred R. Fol.40ey, Parlor Shiot Stre. BwnvilUe, AL3-ýIKE WANTED Faror hatu AiÀk-teied-would 1do wei te cali on J. B. MARTYN, BeW. mnanville, before seliing. P. TRERBILCOGK At the new stand, one door wes 'of Hunter's Law Office. The new copyright books receiv. cd as published. "'Grey C&~ "Lane that had n, o Turing," 'Gordon Keith," "Lady Rose's Da-ngliter," "Hrs Nine," etc. rhoe besi lino of 10e books publish., ed, by miost poxpular authors. STATONEY.-Ve ry SPneCia linos at rare value. Gýet. the bet Lingerie. Pds 5c, 10e, 15e. %val!l Paper, MWindow Shades, Curtain Polos, Pictures. P1Trebil1ooL -' ;.p>s r'.. 4 I '.. r;' 0 Y Ili ilim ilili l il .1momm PERSONAL.

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