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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Oct 1903, p. 8

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THE HUTTON-DIXON ANTIDOTE FOR I WEST DURAI FAIR. BWINE, Ohief 3arrls ftporied regerifoq Tax AIPflI-IflI AND DRUG. WAPDRCTIONS.owWP ich, S Snowdexn ta:, recomrn.ndig that Lbu romittei, __H AO o :PIZ IS.2 & 3; Boar under 12 and over 6mos, as theyhbave no dog. ALC H.L AND DFIYSCALHOMEDICTIONS. S Snowdn 1 & 2; Sow under 12 and Con. F. H. Maon, Chafrman of H over 6 mes, S Snowdon 1 & 2; Boar Finance Com. presseuted Report recoin 3O M A VIL E This treatment hias been pubiiely endorsed before the Congress ofHRSS Boar under 6 mes, W P Rich 1 & 2,,S1 enl3 payments of Accts ainouniting W M N I L Bishops and at Father Matthews' Annîversaries ; aiso by Cer ymen frein HEÀfy Dz&uugi,-Brood mare. W Snowdon 2. Sow under 6 mos, W P to $1333 0,iaen sflou __________________ their pulpits, iinftuentiai publie Journals. and by offiiais of TýemperaneWilson, W E Jewell, 0 E Bain; 2 yr old ih 04, madn ;Siruxdr6Rud &Sr ets 266 u blma c Pop Societies of qA denominations iii nearly every quarter of the Globe. FilIy or Gelding, Frank Batby, F w mos, W P Rieh 1 & 2, S Snowdon 3~;1 $357.-13; Fire Dept. $79.59; Cometery Amiong the distingished persons who have lnvestigated the Hutton-- Rundle, J J Ormiaton; 1 y. old Filly or LARGEn Wiuirr Boar, T J Cole, t & 2' 841.97; Pour Relief $32.78; Polc Dixn reainnt ndwhohae aloed her nins t b usd s atronls :Golding, Brooks & Langmnald, W Wlisou, W Allin & Sons 3; Soir, T J Cole, 1, 2 & $7.50; contingent $6,26; Meter Acot.I TfUE DOGHRGi DucHEss 0F NEWCASTLE, THE CôuN'rEsS Qio DENBiGH, S Rlakard & Son; Entîre Colt, Gao 3; Boar under 12 raos. and over 6 mos., $32.5.5; Publie Prop bldg acot. 8417.32- _ _ _ _ _P E P R S F r O l e t e TiLD WGDTLATHiE LADY HERýBERTOuP LEA, Cochrane3;Foal W Wîion, Myran Bobblns W, Allun & Sons, T. J. Cole, 2 and 3: Fire Hall $491.58. Reçelved and ad;I TRUE LADY EDMUEND TAO, TiiE Ho Ms. ]DuGmoRIS, CE Bain; Span~, Frank Batty, Levi Anunie, Soir under 12 montals and over 6 Mos.,,C pted. rUE qARQUIS 0F BUTE ANI) OTHEU PROMIŽ4ENT PEUEù. B;ooks Forngmai Býookê& LanmaidýT. J. Colo 1 and 12, W, AllUn & Son 3; Couni. Cornlsh reported verbally ex. The Huttoii-IixonT Antidote quickly and permanently remuove& al desire or need for alco- AQouLTULytI-Brood mare, HC Green- Boar under 6 mos, T J Cole 1 and 2, W peuditure of Poor Relief Coin. hou1e drinik or drugei@ of aryykind,leven in the mostadvancedl cases. It i8 warrante to bepurely !les, John Osborne, Jas Bancock; 2 yr Allin & Sons; Soir under 6 mos, T J Cu .J aopeetdRpr Vegetable, free fromil arcoties and absalutely harnules%. Catnbe carriediluthe pocket and takeflod mLngrGoDvdmn onCl 1 n *fon J. re Mdao reso il a1folor rately, thus dlapensiug withthe psblcity, lous of timr nsd expertse of an institute treatinent. riPreadWt Cn.3folw rhe_ýre arenodpeag effects f rom- the use of tbis medicine. On thue contrary, thie system, de- Osborne; 1 yr old, aarry James, D Hud. AWRT or ClilBres, S and which was received sud adopted as W bliitated from the excessive uise of Intoxicants or drugs, lethorughly buit up and thre patient don, R AÂrag; Foal, Hl greenleei§, Jas Snowden; Soir, OolwiIl Bros, 1, 2 and a whole.q rea1tored to tliesaine condition, mentally and physiea Iy, as before the, habit wa.s acquired. No 3-Hancock,1 Johowil ro 1an h.ypo(lermi(- injections used. The trcatment flab been thoroughly tested and the u-sults vuuchled acokJhn Osborne; Span, CJLewIe- ; , a ne r ClilBo n for by te following wel-known lerg-ymien:- Rd Wlikins, W J Clemence. 2 o ne r Colwill Brs1ad2 ."Wo recommend that the irater pipe 2ff 1 or under 6 msyr, lil Brs- S"o 2-rnnning froni the Foundry te the vacant lot Overcoats, I'eacoats, iRaglanettes, IanotIu Rev, J.,A. Poý,nder. Bey. M. Martiueaul, Eev. M. l*augbrefn, CtRRi..&I--Broid mare, J Il Cowan, I1lrudr6ms CIilBu;Si forinerly used by the Canning Factory, be Bey, Fater &allwey, Rev. Father Strubbe, Bey, Father MuGalleil, A Gasby, Alex Rutherford; Roadater Bandeh6oms, TCol ilo s.1Otherndrîzetkenuhand oteiha, onntin l wl th r etys' I ee r $2t.75ldWbterofor$W , sze 22o30 1ev. M. Taylor, BeY JoilepliEgfer, Bey A. M. oventr3, bdBMare, Frau TattyCJas MorroO, Chureh St 2 W Reëv, FB.e L. Ftgerald, Bey Father Rel 1ev. o J al, ro ar I.RI e r 3 yr aTsHClMonce,&trioth reutcnciRieait OrBY efrswhgldb tnfr$1 RB .thr St Ftzgerald, .URýv Father Q ilvan Rev Jahe r Gaule, Clowan B& u C rol,_TLHPowe 2Sn; takers wmli please report. the pipe runuing along Cuc M.2 e n' n os obl rayd~isalszs ev partïiuas i,ind testimoials sent free in a plain en-v8lp sfl.CorrePs Ondence confi- 0lcmedta lcrelgt eîaaldM n n os deniai ADRE8-JHN . DXO 81W1LCOUS T1IE¶<TORN~. OTARO.2 yr old, Ajax Rutherford, W E Jeweill, Light Brahmsu, T J Shierldau, 8Saow- feet new hose bie pnrchased. 4. We re- Robt Clene;, 1 yr oid, J D Carsaddien, deon; Chleks, T J Sheridrli, Oke-& Dilllng commeud tubaI a tenus of hordes be purchaa- Elairr Jame, JasLeasl; Entre Hore, 1 ark Bahi-nf3, TJ fore1nsed hifkFirefrCus.oftherteo. he tom tl isedo arJame a Len; skiEt 2 r o,Ark BJColr1and , ? ule1 n2 Cohi eka ethetown work under the direction of thei15l1L<v J Car scadd en; E ntire Colt yr e, y Aro l F ,T JCo o lesu ; B i o hl , W R R oad s & Streets Com . 5. W e reco m muend L V ~ Crsodde; Etîr, Clt y, Ry TuilKuI hi T Coe;Chioke, T J Cole, Oke that thbe schooh rocul adj oining the fire hall H1ohes Bros; PuFai, Frank Batty, Hfomes sud Dillitug; Psrtrldgeo Cochîns, T J Cule, be fitted upi for a stable for the teain. 6. h 'prBig parcels are now being bouglit. Oecsoe SBrous, Jasý Morruw; Span 151- hands sud J S Me4Conacvhie; Langshans, T J Cole, We recoMmend that a in be engaged 1te Il J '>11 0 ver, R Woodley, Robi Morton, jr; Span S Snowden; Cificits, S 'Snowden; Black look aiter thé teani and work for t a town, Selected 16 garments. We have a big assortetii T eude 15J bands;D coluh da Ri2t bee k il 7. We recommend that lte usuai amount of ~fn h le ~ tI uner r McClloug, C JJavaW R uight Chi~s, Ok & DII- sda for iuse of Chenues englue bee pur. a»d sizes. ve ie n. 1 aoieat SLewis, J W Kuapp; Single Driver, 154. Ing; Plymouth RokSPuw i WGcae.,5cad 5 ulte re secial. handsansd over, Cowan & Colvi1le. S j Blackburn; Chice, W C BlackburR 0 as.50 an 7e ultsre pci. Beacock, Geui Mitchell; Single Driver, Joues; Whie Plymouth Rocks, Allin ou liespeetdRpr uu"der 15J bauds, E W Pattintron, J Brus3, T J Cle; Chicks, T J SherOdan, f rom thbe Roads and Streets Corn. elviug i ri'O sorp- ~ & unddSons, Gao Cochraine. udeAllUn Brou; Black SPanil, Rico Brus fr a8mneof26.P Sons, Fed Ilei. Blac Minoras, S howdong aan 2;xceptionallydtegoodforeaenersafd John Oe a ikr.Mnr%,3F0bre1ad2 lc eomnigta the painting uf Pire have re-ordered some of the Dest selhing lînIesnd ow ae BeatLsd Drver Mie Nllie Patin- Red Gainue, J S Mc0onuachmele; Oikj Hall hoawarded to Mr.'Dlllung snda p nduraleae so, rsTosCaan r- C)L-an. a o teCeinetery gaie tu Mr. Sher- slcin Rei, oh Oke.Chek, WR ilgit; oýJýi1 pa)ged Cou J Monpreseuied report (ie 0 C eC' S Givn u u t fu wli ecivath atenionofunesklle ~ Burgees, C Oýiborne, Geo Trimble, F W îHaimburgas, T J Sheridan; Chicks, Oke &t ststirug tubai the Library Boiard were and accurate in th, kandle, Chris Co7. Diling; Wbite Leghorns, PFrank Allin; ierfectly estlefled wiîh then sud sub- Wehv ag tcIrl u w m ottQs CATTLE Chlcks, Affin Brusl, T J Sheridan; Browr n itted a plan whhch sîld Board aqked ehvalrg stcagyou0 ofDr gs DuioeÀuu-Bull, T Baker.Ball 2 yrs, LegbornEa, S Somnerville, T J Sheridan; (Jouncil tu follow outinl fittlng up lte We can assure you we have th, correct shadesadsye n '~.JLLJLA.J.J.ÂÂSO Allun, S Rlckard & Son, A Ayre; Chieks, T J Sheridan, A Tamiblyn- Buif roomes. 1He moved, mecouded by Coun. handsomle trimmi-ngs. Don't taJ-e our statem tbu The Potenicy, of a Drug, depiends on ils quality. WeC Bull nuder 2 yrs, J J Smitht, L Skia- Leghoý(rna, Alfred Ayre; Chleks, loes F. Macon that thbe Building Coin. bec n e o oref tiri iat ïï Copouldili precrïtion. Al nr; Bull Caîf under 1 yr, S Allue Brus, Alfred Ayre; Audaýlusiaus, W R lnstruoted te prcoeed with tube fftîlng adsefryusl 1*2,WHreci BllClt SAlze ni t1hna2t fiai; TJ heianet o heRndigRuerasud Ltbrary Drugs nsi.dc are the puresitaabe But me, are also S Bray, Aliln Brops;,Mllch Cow, H W Chick's, T J Sheridsn, W R Kulghl- ns requeeted. Carried. .~careful that the qatiisare correct. When the doctor CoSons. F.eiesudSiJ MaWarA0teL4iJ.S e onY\..JL'..L -F.iad1J r jrescribes lie expects you t have it f li era ouf se.yro, T J T Cule, S Aluin 2 &% 3; Heiýfer 2 Tamblyn; Chlcks, J S MeConnachie, A soa, thbe Clerk was authorizad te adveqr- Yr",Il W J eli; Heifer under 2 yrs, T Taabl-pn, Bifi Rocks, Oke sud Dilliug 1 tie for tenders fore sale of thbe uew W aeanc soteto cthT edi h R . M . M I'tnIel--hello't %,7W o.akar,8SAllia 2 & 3; Helfer Caîf iunder sud 2; Chleks, oke sund Dilliug; Sllver Town Heli Debeutures of $5000. ehva i "ot n f'S t 1 yr, S Allia, S Bray; fHelfer Cal[, T Grey Dorklins, S Snowiden T Percy; Coun. F. Maqon uioved, seconded by very latest and Most fashionable patterns. W urne * ~~~Druggists and Opticians, Bowmanv,*ilie. * aSAla, riso;Hr, iHChicks, W Wilison, T Perey; orplugtons, Cou". J. _Mason, tubatubhe Building perfect fit every time. Corne n adlaeyu re W Jewell, S Allu, T Baker; Grade Cow, A Ayre, T J Colo; Cbicks, A Ayre, 8 Coi be authorhz9d te prépare Tenders bfr h uhcm ecs ewTahb, Allia Brous 2 & 3; Grade Snowdeu Biif Wy7audolte;, T J Cole; for tuhe fittîing up the stable for Pire bfr h uhcm ecs Heéder 3 yrs, Alfred Ayre, Lass'oe.Tabb, ClkTJCle odnWad Toue, othy alto advertise for s ___________Gade_______2_____W__8___________and_2__________Snwdon______________e____olecAilla Brus; ieainthe Grocee'leceedllby Collacult, Allia Brus, S Allan; Grade 1 sud 2; White WVyandottes, S Soniervîlle milltee of Mesue. Beith, Cawker sud ~ad~ DII QQHelfer 1 yr, 8Al S li Bo;GradeTJShrdn ïcITJ heiaSPlrad that they aiso engage as LggSButternppiesa DUO1flL~~OO GHI1J\1G~ £ ~ Heifer Caîf, W J Ciemeace, S AllIa, Somervîlle; Gaine Bantanis B or B red Tis utk cag fsie Allia Broa- Steer Caîf, any breed, Jas J Sheridan; Cluleks, W C Blackburn, Oke Coun. Lulireil aioved, seconaded by r "T '1 1 I A f h -ýW AVILOT.1.1 s3, Alîhu Brou, S Allia; Grade & Dillling; Pyle Gaine Banîsins, J 8 Mc- Coun. Morris that tuhe Coin on Drainse M ~jA.V ,.S ,~J llaving madce uri My mind tu learu- Steer, W Werry i & 2, S AllIa. Connachta, Oke and Diiliug; Chicks, Rno be empowered to sectire legal advice as tube Piao tunlng, i"lave' 89d ont My HiFýRD-onOeto i prizes Joules; Duckwiug Bantains, T J Sheridau to t(>wnas power Ia thbe malter. car- _____________________________________ biusiness tai C. M. Car'ker sud I be- N WAýLj la ibis clams. W C Blackhnrv; Chieke, W C Blackbura iied. speaîk for him tube s,aie liberal patron- HOLTEI-BUIl, Jonese Brus, Cow, i &t 2 Pekînu Baulsyna,. S 5auwden, 'J S Conîel then adjourned. age bteFtowEd on mie.- Thankhng yoa M 1iller's Grip Poirders Cure. Sld by Joneas Brus 1 aad2; nHeifer iCalf, Joness McConnocbie; Cbioks, 'T J Cole, Oke &è%WS OOL Ifr-main yours truly, JERSELY-Bull, L B Daývîdeon; Cow, -N Aîfred .Ayre3; Chieka8, T J Colo- 1, 2aud 3, W. ff CAyL'Jýý r. Thns 'bsôn vsitcd tfs bro' hcr t TSrkeyy,, Ptherh variet 2eyrsS Bnuwdens, TtJeTheSnbeaut Tfu ThA roraiftiorelias% attraetedit ;le at MeaJo attentour utpopeMonday inigbi.. . -Fa Bumavi CA O.l13, 190U. a el Davidqun, R Sinclair; Heifer 1 yr, -N T, Cole; Chieks, T J Cole, 1, 2 ana :3; Grey i, rs .rehusyh- v'tugmnia and engar-G r ','Len-s popleshold alýeMile"sSelby, L B Dtvidson; Heifer Caîf, W P Geese, T J Cole i snd 3, WV R Kuight; heetii...-.lss Mlabel Bathl. wbo visited,( frienids Than.1Z to the Pu-bl>ic.i Comnpouud Iron Pilîs. Solci by Stutt & Rilh, L B Davîdeon. WhiteGees,-e,T J Cule 1&'3,J F Osburne, herehaoreturnedto lier omne i lu Wlîy_.. Jury, druzgists F Aï_Riuuf-Bull, FTGy ulCalf, Rowaa Docks, S Snow4en, W R Knight, Women's M sio ocety B3rainet meeting i TGuy; hlilcit Cw, E T Guy 1ud.2; Frauk, Alun; Chic1,s 'e J Sherian, W R beldreenyat Cobourg..nrh fur Aîiter a bnlis eahnWith the -. Heifdr 2 r, F T Guy 1 and 2; Hifer 1 nghu J MûConuasohi; .Aylesbury Master Obar-lie WVise cut bis Ieg witb th1e ho puhbe crn....MitiBerte RMr.adW -' ighest Canh quantifrty of of;V r 410 e. 1-v u ah yr, F T U*uy 1 sud 2; Calf, Alfred Ayre, Docks, chieks, W jLnmad Pekîn while clin1a be epoead b and in'sNormlaleFSThGuy;Toroýnto. bas returned homie ha-ve been leý,asd toearr. Chas. Hurnmîit the other in.-reduents used initube SBEEP. W R Kuigit; Chicokai, R Sulley, Alfred for a montb'a holidaya. tirrevious to takîing Decio l ~ " sud e rtirefrou beinss. esioros pastes. ake artr's S SRoPsEiREs.1- Rame, A E leadowa, Ayre, A Taiublvn; Pifgeons, È 0 Jouesq position n fthe ProvineialParllament buildingsour, gg lu wthdawig fom t~s cunctln . bosBakt, Snodeu; Searingram, Harry PlagIe, EveretPotier; Yeilow or sncb an xeelicit position .. .. Affer taking tirât desire lo iur t ceethnstemak. c25ens A E Meadoirs 1 & 3, T. Baker 2 , Ram Green Canary, igr Thos Percy, John prize on his hanidsome ehestnut driver ai llow-1 Butr ailiny former cetDmers for thelr pst. Mr. Robt. Wilmnot, M P., New Bruns- Lamnb, A E Meadows 1 & 2, T Baker, 2 Gilbatik; Yelluow or Green Canary, plum- m1250...a,,Mr. A l erd isoId it umao r>ouage sudasaitfor te aew manager a wick, was receut guest-uf Mr. D, J. E we,, A E M eado ws 1 & 3, T Baker 3; age, Thos Perey; Mlotlled Caniary, sin~ger.M hma rg l eering rn a uf it eae.- Uafbraitll. .ie -- wA7ledws1d8TJohn lIilbsu k 2na; Mottled Caury, attLotnf- -Imîo,. . S v oifl Ail perBsvn rnýacuisa All the 111ghaiglrprîf fteBker 2 ; Ewie Lamb, A E Meaduws, Jas plumage, John Gibank, Cobourg: Messra. D. and J. Galbîtii, Fred. re orfml roeisfo snu thie m'il will plesse calaud setlie wtb plue are bottied up ha Dr. Wuud s Nor- Leasit, T Baker. ,Boat DAlmvary Turnouu'.-Fred Il Jon- ln Will. Bragg, Jas, Rickard and Ht. S w R C M Cawker red.Lovekin il avig b er or cht aper. 1,1 ti.way- Pine Srup. Il is the MosI salis- SOUTHDON.fli, RLHoewot se, 0M aweC ir1, Ti.scndco fstrawberries.... Mr. andi Mrs. s H! m ptonn Tis ELO factory remedv for cougits and clds of sud son 1 and 2, Courmice aud Power ; Hurdie Jumipr --N C Rundle. 1-. Clemence and family recentiy - &stedC at 4 4-w ail kinds. F'rice 25 cents. Shearliug ram, R L Holdawortb 1 sud 2, RECOM",MENDED Kirby..., Ohldren wbo bave been fil ii wlbe C. O Juinson slecureo nCourtice sud Power ; Ram Lamb, R L Miss Editithuir ang-el cake; Mliss hoop)lng-cou.-h have returneti to schuol, Rev C . litns etreonfoldswortb, Courtice and Power 2 sud 3 ; Editit Hillier, Cuorenation braîd mumk, ~ l -~~~~~ ~"Peuple I have Met" was mucli enjuTed Ee odwrhsdsn orle (otne nTidPg. UEFRREMTS %nMhe ethdis ch-ci.asd Power 2 sud 3 ; Sbearllng ewe, R L ACURFOR_______SK Wumen wlit pale,,clurless faces, whu Holdswurth sud son 1 sud 2, Courtince TOWN 0qCOl 1CL. h M dlGrcr' A 1 C7-'.feel w3ak sud discuuragerl, wieceive sud iuwer; Ewe Launb, R. L IlldawoDrih TheMod bath mental and bodiy vîgor bv using sud son, Courtîce sud Powrer 2 andi 3. Regula month meetineheMdso Stubborn Cases of this s Cartuer's Irun Pilîs. which are nmade for LEicESTER.-RaM, W C Blac.kburu, Moudaye ]lli.ýeùbralpeen alady Can be Cured theblud nrvs udcuplxin. Allun Brus 2 sud 3 ; hearling ram, Allin Mayer Jamoes res1ý1d1ing, miautes of Mrs R. Barfctt and Miss ,Vina Wilson, Brus 1 aud 2, W C Blackbtuun;,Ramni]sat meeting riead snd confirmeti, _____Port Hope, atteuded the funeral of Mr. Lamb, Allia Býrus, W UJ Blackburn, S W. H.WP ia . legadasd Riteumatisff is caused b v acid lunlte Ger) Barfett's little daugliter Allia ; E we, Alflin Brous 1 sud 2, S Allia; W. Flbeihisked for usua»l rebatue ou blood. Thant is ai undispnted medicalMI wi eD-Co2 20 '7:nt1 Coureï î i î :L itý 1 pps in its mni-t ferma will yiold Sorln ee nBrus suad 2,8 All'a; street waterirg at VWe8t End uf King trutit Liniments, ouîtwards apphra- Lnce Chrceri Romni, ~theyt- tuoo arf,: iteNrepilEeLmAlBrus 1, 2 sud 3. treet. Grantei. tiuns aud alleged eletricîtrealmeut eau aidedyb, Carter's Little Liver Pilus COTSWuLD. -Rama, Brooks sud Lang- J. Flemîing sud Mrs. Cawïker asked neyer cure lit is io t he ibluud. not mv rehere resen distess sid tsud 2; Sharlin ramBroos sudpermssiontReI- Ahaelornd. Re A bood dseaselikerheuraîismmusiUsmII u s lieC9i am -ti Kur. 1903, ni1 le 4,1bTuy t ,)iinrielie soc adÎdigeSs-emad ud 2 ; am am, Brooks nd dm oS u SmesCib urdttogtlt bod ia aI~. U IV C 4 ,I ~ . 10 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~n heradd.emo i. aua opanetv paau.sdLaugmald 1 aud 2 ; Ewe, Brooks sud Prom P. C:ar1ke, asking exem1ption wiy rieumatisin always vields like 1-of rrerasudomissicus intube Votera' Liat of Lami u ,Afe iei-fo aaino eevdMage l r illiarns' Fiit sll.-h tube l', t 11ip ality of 1,,nni-err Mr, -Herb-ert -Ellsworth. mito lias -ut- ai d1 n , lrdAyre ; e,-fen aýtir nEvapraor, artie tusl-m-e- Pla-ie Alil perauenabaviup huoinfes at tube Court ar' retumned from tube Phillipines bas bee]Ïnlig eweë, Brooks sud Langmsid i sud 2 ew, idi, --rediod piste havepruprly o Librtuy t. Rferre b Tpison epS od o liteahiup cd ,ic 4tsnow on sýale u pins i W H Ohon, w 1nvl svieoe . "d.flrsee',er ii'it topial M,"re!lot Pos-. f .,ai- seea seacte iduey troubles, sud- - - - BrllitCoumia Wouta futaidaoELUMDSCESWsStis u a seul hume as incuable . daes lte CoutoCH ln refreuce lu lie liteauîrenla olmaeltliauto HULG S EAiý SO uapmabt iets fIby Dod'sKidnev lla, ativied 31e u wed by Coo. , AJ. àiNpLeonse.titesaomies offerd u ieAduMngr0 aku u~n tpl u Aet U- writetoJD Mr it'sNr 1I 4ue iFuod tbert' ornsbclrdotm sdan d. I 1twotA21 oxes Y Cu.CuuaT, Tiat lte Finance byrbuose ilitai lit liI ne JO E lereby vgiveýnliIapicto bo elknw boefa irsvitd Toi~~~~~~~~~~ our :ur, d p.rp t-nwcni srogrd'emnto a ardîiv lieve tis l hmysifis lu h t witit a(Coin. ut ile B. Of T. les cousaI epe"i nneio iei pgcue slhi uora, r elti hy John Darc Fcr tujet kLd aitr&Uthn ap 1 -SeU men'esud pbYOic-al .deatti1 DMdd'aKhneyPUIS ;neyer fil t c (ure power lu st.n Carrld. drect1w lte Dt-b Wi ias' eisT aianc lsltinuiie. MLE' sud s ha is golbandha baud. B'r- i ormaNt Kine v Diease frin Bacit7-hTiePartakor utf the Cemey3 , W oBotyîe u. sdlt ilawî aei bsOtdy fOt 03.CMON r oNlLScrsf WIOTT & JURY.e stornd otibei, Dr. Cnasse-s er 'elache tr ilBigbt's Dsease. iosnaBgal eott ieitre Bu- emie I5 ol o raxRna ro, npco.IasnuauuSl ySou uy o.P sdk .Fud beiapga lu s Acan d h; cf Curýjedi iltel.'ou 0. inpasao nuntt. I ei nd dfyied boxes for ?2.50,p2.~~gas

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