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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Oct 1903, p. 3

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By the'acmayigils tration wve can buit su,-ggest thie except;ocl 1value Is offered byus in Brooches. In this, beautiful Sunburst Broochthere are 65 Pear,1c3 mounted in 141z. Solid Gcold. Order by maIl.If you ar netpe - fectly btisa6ed with it your nîony will be prompt;y refunded. Write for our handsomely illustrated niew Catalogue. Aa Extra- ordinary Oiier! Electric Beits in the Reach of Ail. We Are Seil ng the Pest Eleetrie Beit in the Worldaa- a Priee within the Rýeae1h oft the Poorest Sufferer. ~ ~ FOR Tlie Prof o4' Eeti BeIt [witb sus~neo~ fr ren' orladies' attach. ment] egurated opoýSseSs more power, lore drenbetrqualtv sud, finish than aeiily j'r leetri BeiLmnd regar. leso'-, i ce Surnur foýr Nerv1ous .'eknsLir Ktd>se aiid Somcomnp[ains, the m1atî im, 1~mBcPin rAhsi 011 paerts c h a~ ear the1b2lt Whl o lep Rnd in themoin e will le yers ouge tanwbt yen went ta bedý( Re r fthos wo a oute Pa~ b 9l 1so a go ti te Priof, Miù os's Belî' whiehwe ,ell for oîîlv 85 "0WB6have miione erice 'Ne do nlot ask $10ý t flirs' a 1d if ou do flot buv, tr, suts6e11 ýou the same belt at an, old prîce. MSU HIONEST OFFER-Ji iono nt care te send ns the $3 ve wilI send C'oue (i f Ur Pits te Niouners 4-Yre'ss office C. (). 1D., 85 with privil- ege, of examînation; il satisiacteri ,pav ttue eXPres, agent $5 andi expre&s charg e.m andi the 13-1t. If not a, representetil ircu need not pAý 0onecent If yo-u eed wi i hor erwe repv h9,f-tg. V ý E RE JANL!.îTTESe i kinis f leerteslpplancs.Write Ds for sur-okgi gprices and ful partiruj;ar- îI es entifrea V-oua&butaBet Untlîil nSee the PrOf. Mr.e'S. Write at once, Address T he F. E Karn Co., 132 Victoria St., Toronto. Canada, Aiortnig.Another cIassa filatli cantrdictethe statintandcal lv dugupa ouusw ic h oa te nst,ý tergi fttRomanhe erorde cls-ann nnexpiu a 2 ets corn ae o t vitl ealwtis elpe that il"wc are- flo o iingslong as tt ough andI tn -ntos ndoutedy i endacos l ms acy.lis theseepla e poa int ta 'ivtorian iiori Faventi' o, wlitho nciy clias actestcquof tht'ccx, dte oafe n t Anjtcni, an pwba- te, oumerous choth ersfa at nn- roed isci placens o robab lied litdtîhlî - 4or unittiaallbel i ýplityof ALaia. ,ai- prba- diyo te otbi cdgothranra d p cednco fa th'ceeu rtuns If tis in ed gtstnoi s o e ou liepanet f b ssoflgrtcnasg, w pople dýo thl "eranat Velejac- mm,""the nama inFaveatia,." anti lthe otherRoa romnances cutl !)y tbe side et Adam with bis 930 years, Sethi xith 912, Enos with mi, Cainan nitIt 910, Mhlle iti895, Ja-rtdi ith 962. Enach itLb 865, Mctlîuselah with 969., andi Uic the' ivrîbes ho folloa'wed, thc u f te unidrede ? Il is lit- îlewoner hatEnech, Mcthiuselah's fah,as he studIcd the ofodee tiens, was inortified. nb Ibeir s-ldu ieus exnggcrai-liaîssantid otsi pinceti bis ge at 365-titengli eth-, selais1, v e îidnet bis ftshr's re- gardi fer accs-s-acy, tniédt t keep Up the' average by hcealtiîg tht' reces'd aI 969. Tht(toulewitb isei t i-t- isi1 ! t h a t l b e y al , c p l b m g n n e c cxtrt'îîtelid persons tac- tats. Ther ssntbt uoecur be tblan tt' sttt'tiiit e eti erea a"-o s S te thei age Wbsher lseyweîepatri- I epr Anl- eSaxos fartht' weabet ne ttîry donitfIsth ivorsix d(,- cadc- botîs cueesgi 0W rcarcless about age. lante next bbc neilve oetbrubb wcaktns anti thcy will unblushýis-îgiy add a tîccade. When tb îey have weýll ureite(,cone,r et tht' nias-b i- centenial no'hingcai i-estrain boti Thcey are of al ages, fi-ontl100 te :120. Il is a Iînîie-ss iniof etnci- darily. oi co ur1se, fer every oe lsnii' s-eyhalve repýeei h sor ary, niuy dicsigbcgs- 1.5 eFrrfour yearsI ufeY diîsoi gony," writea Mrs. E . ains fi wi-a; sma osebtter aui bik Iwohiget lwell oîslyte wake np Soule inorning flot ýbl'- te risc'. ru ,IV hipancd auvui lower pa ý rt' f asiowentin wbere IaSîfferesi tise issot, at sntise pain -wculd , à sys- satercd ail onel-me ani3 woul eso are and ti sif if ccuid eacl Mylitu-ibanti gos-t thebes- dors-or un s-benOuntiy te attend me, but I did fot imrecua:21 Fbially 1 tocdi îsy hîbadsthI T ns sin- --ty 1r. Piesces meicines. Bt't3 :t- d ie hd taken euee botsle of 1Pvsu rirpin could notice- a listicinprvme 1UD. PI'Îe e d-vise lune te ste - Goýlîeus edialDîancoery' in Celnueciion, *tri-btheFsi c-i. , rpioi.' B- s-e tissue ï baS tkfnfi-vciit-lea cf'1ares-iýe Prescs-ip- s-os fn ourofs-c- o ldeh, Medical Diseov. er' , 'a eii. That ,ï- iwo yeassago shie stimllsir1% I felt il'nil i epctt ht ecomt a nue-berthena thrsttesed msebace gs-easly weakessned nse, anci iuy olti dicears-unei.My Jiusbsac! gos- anos-bes- detor feriebut I seeýmet te just drag mlong anSdgetL usebeteýr. At isu i toidth ie tioctor s-asif hbir-ms-tues iti ns- eip site Iironiti go backl-te us-. Piece sueicins.1 dit so, and by tise tne 1h;Iibat tisl-ex -encs mnsss1 I ouit do my Ls- 0'l;or, ecp wasiing an tedeSmy ar-en, s-cc. I tis stops-es- s-ban t bat s-ver1sete wle waiii Gete 1,s sbe axbcbild). She -s noi eeve -eteot,î,1d ia seîty;lid.As for me il es- asycug Si, as- s-bu sy, asI t1id ai eiKbt- es-n yeasac g bencasefully kept ills~so-Wutlie-:Dr,. Pierce's Pleassut Pielleta cure bil. ý.linir alargs-praporien etpepl J f0.,Gilbert&S< 0o-oryesshatiiy Wholesale and Retail Dealers iii Grain, Seeds, Flour and Ooai 1FLOU R. -ýlianitoba, flungarian, Patent and 8troiig Bakers Flour, at speciali ,CAL. Wec haveal sizes and kinds of the very best ceoai that 18 brought intb Çanada, at right'prîces. ALSO CHA1IoOAL, We solicit your patronage fo r aniy of the above. Jno. Glibert & Son, King st. West. Bowmanville \~ s' îousncsa anti &cic ueaciacae. yens-s a go,,afi s in iaha ' i t men w us- --d ~'---' t'-' Iteuic t ii-'lit h ou YIu]d 1bals-c as gen e a-ee ii-sevsas lhey! dan tbeh-ires-id live teo -110 yens-c elti-as' age w-ii is esirsas-c Ihut sentescieniets tionhitethes- is-fbas oi-iîeît s-ache b y naisi o-e Jacks-Pl:"iti e-ou m atch sto-p wbea 3-(t5 droe)jîpcd ln Itle fias-tu?" IBil "0f do; r-b0 ils-ii. lit 3ou tils- 1f uvutig lirougfi'?" Howi Iron-ox Ta blets Im- proved a Lodo oy's I-ealth. january 31, 19'j3. 1 arn glad to tell you of th good effects of Iron-ox TabaIl 1 .ts, We first got te o aur boy, tw,,o-and-a-balf years 0!d, whowas very cross and had noaptte Your rene- cly soon made himn as brighit as ever. My husband uses them for headache and sleg- gish liver. While certainly effecive, they cause neither pain nor inconveience., We have a box ini t'ne house al- W9,ays 10W. Mrs. Jean -iRussell, Fifty Ironi-ox T in uan at-tractive alu nuinutu pocket case, 25 cents aI ds-ug- AsyPrivaýte JYfay 1Frosecute a nfetai 1tcr. Fru ie-t l M\aks Ad. Soies-a On l r al irhiî treYîte1'. en j~ ~~~~~~~i tn nNoaSeia hs a- ni- ly forutakin incrir fuit _No. 1, nanl i birei ucialrge s-oUas-y pckes- stil pe it lIb-y 1.I Fi-uL;It i Di sio ii, s ays thsat rcb ai lcs ns-eý (0isig t untest andtihbb î scope icf1ithe ud tichnibettes- blan jon.ý fa-fe-fi nt i apear mcii anarc of lite ~ o exstne t -e adof bbc tact itaI lw -ing eijorned i' ini- prx Iedii7a. A Prosecub ioni is -1 is-a-sbti a iniv it-sls d i prebcet b~eecit ic far the as e cingle basketstsyaeul ieyt de le at acl ns ni noI î les- cntoe - bcp'ckngi- of et fiuiibcli hcy pa'ss on bise public ý If Ibb, c reaiI'lrs o net ~ ~ ~ ~ O bîmes's c m In lu ub1-s bc fianleî ps- 4 t 4jeut fc urs, b- lits-s. i>i-intsoiiis"nK- - vins-ses- s ohm." lits-, Crisusoubcck---' 'V s-ca, "Ifeel as young niow,7, at titasI dici at eJightieen years o.f age.11 Thalýt is part of the statemýenit of one woniani, rother, ot six :chiltiren, who fonndï( new life by thee of Dr. Pierce's F'avorite Prescription". It is not the or- ofay aese the faiily , aor the natu- rai oblig,,ations of moth,,erbiooti, which ziualce woniîen prenmaturely-, old. But it is tb!e woînydiess raining awvay the vitaility, and underaîiiing the strength, iwhich taý lceteundusand supple- nees fron the teri, thebloonm troni the chck sd te rigtnes roni)theeye. of yot nibeauty. Ilestablishes reg- ulartydris eneebingdrains, heals Inflmmaionsud lceatinsd cures ýteg u ick w,%omen e. It brings yack ;to te nothier the liglithearteiees of lier bridai d.ay. This is the testimony bftosad of womein who have re- eedthieir yeuith by the ue of "Fa- i,"e"mmcu:o istitot v fi-epo ig its _-4parts un te a1d- a, f 1 thrcW a.uaustmo-ws~ Cie accnste timsone gc, upon whoiit 12. Fabreabeis- thondscvrt lie 1n--lecs csmrjt er Cot biteý su7spoiciozonette emlponnv bave couitiobais alore dgrec cf ncold wbicbcoulti coîîfertbly be drawn.i fasentils'iinghlmi tahst 1basn Ie toztng, asîi, tkiga lixture by a muui. in eof c ýanti saItfor, a starbîsîg ýpoint, Il'g',irbgite ceunteti24 pos-tnt Pl te body ToluCeta ous'0' hD c<uaponsl th afnlag i- ot y titis ustaurcuseîsheoob-ant absoiute -cure for earh !noud l.Tblh hur's t bite susc- biod " ortht' frcczisîg point antiPlanti erery foi-at cf ltehinx 1 biedbnandprrudng pilies, pedl-'t staîleranti if tbbclat-terI5:,foites bcboiliug peint. HieUsceeshe manistactnrers bave guas-anteed ILt. e tes- "bies, bb transaction fsaï îinws -ctiZero, treezing, e; bedy timnonlaâs in s-be daiiy ipress anud ask your neigb- trua on1iunt ilbblistrn ger bet 2,asîtiboiliîîg lwaber , 53. b boattha- -by tinolsit. Toti canoeit auà Io hf,1>r,ý,t!ii,- pice w'I n ley 0 ho(,notieti . mt IbiCs scne 0 e-.t s-or nonex back if ntos-rasec. s-Meaubx, at bluy7 fb im nti, l 'th nsteatiof'tict1clythat et1 Inen'ton's, ossly - thoKafi, evraof bite' clopnv's satig uirsnti îavîsg blhcn-u-Dr. O aesO nm ticedîvo bruun, irle gve btl'ers tiouublei. etui~gerleuntcultait hob'b l bas rs- hl thIis sas Wh n- WASTE 0FrEr G becu brappet aIsI oin-i game. île ieinL1ýHeit oetifoci.eîsjý1g thi, bs-i is 1hetigliei a nlAln tOinf fmci)mLniJyfind-ing tbbc tcsnpcnratu- isllHuge Suini e& lNney Locked lYp tale a, bave bcnolol1y, on fbbcunidor- siens etill tee larig, L-c ti-ci,1dSte by Germanny. clans-ing that, if il(c rebuiruis he il- insbesjust gis eut by fourî, the Îshorigflan s be presecateti. IA usele ordn tînuy i Wbhen bbheanegro 1labos-ci-bas omn-I bIts- f ktcpinig iiîantci itean picteti bis- terni cf <ser-,crlut, bbc 1ýirhli France paï iti Gcrmay afte compounti, anti le sro-l ati eleave, b ali iue to i isells f 1870. Theoadn ri is strippea :clarlk nakti<; b i s bauds iBis tellptwbre eiatwh ltccketiin a a io larefieîs ls~i skp sitnatbepiadnc10 aina rcl r .a ..iii'P@ the I~ u bcJffliuýs-tiisrîu etSpaîttian tiis soughitte i ie ik Mu!o l eemdiee paip n grntboxes. The litlc but, thsie ccimpouii ti ndheir Mbeels. j esabliehtbemscevoà=Rthe amell. fifbeen imîilecs onteide berhiis l mît b0%ir, lucubein tbhe IVOU ,etc.': but jMS e' WssÀL 3 Vcoi tel Jbeuilyg;arisemtiansti I-ee ate cf lte' year they bnîc 1'o ak il le Loutio, Ont., e--stuc:-l'utr yeasl -'isiferetiseerlgint acssi ninuut sw'iîoria thni. Onenego, hea greatdeAl iscstarrh îu s-lie beati.1triet i Iontsors ls hat any sisoe l tu-s telmaci te ,cek, o]l tis he vrs-ing I cuitihemretfoàr il, bct ht Ky helti tohf su"w s -o uey ioul recfd t aviug ialu t1i thereined fer Dr. (Cias'Cwa-s-h Cre te cuod 1,edon,, Utd&,,ete thbces-e graelnumbes-oet dizlantis hat -nme. Tioýugh ensireiy treeti fs-oinucas-asrh, 1'Pieidea î 1 oa1dngup s-is výast (ýVC- a "iý ol)!- mn. W aim U pMndncomndiin anis oigna. bis,1blie- MEHD0F11 TETINand s-hu hgan ismog îaay le neseyi-eady utity in onient liutooue i or wyDr. Chiatc'ýs NervFood, tIovi-efor euewc' oeten Front blie ute. l- inrs uiu-alyswhich lbas buiit suprnsyinlswyetmîls-aon' anti asceraIn as quickly as pesciienems-vsanti matie Sr imcaeiwih iofe h'ngoebv hecît ga:1wuiiIby iog niwî. eîy is a reet et ciiI. Ilmigist lie, longher thaCM a %ibl. t er itn ni o-etnel u hnt.msuacues nt1es scîgothmoiîic iasbpula cnsat -tafil te curens-brie natlt. 0fcu-e oebogkis Use pver psic, by Uih imnetfsy . - ente, lus-e i-sne uèghritlieenu Gr abie te titeruîmti eanUC-tic <md et"bbc rs. UWorrallcsiîic3 use hVCne rvesi reýaty for St-sc.Frais-e oasti s seven tiap efet titnin wbo have ttir sight tea a e Min CW7y me, anti bave immensce t-acaoluWbclg prepareti s aliemetidiam iti as-id riehave caus~ e . 1se o-siderod il ihpm=ehabl.Talest Seule bogels- (rm" ypo)c at. Tihis deice ienebno- g or 1Prot-cnt vou gist.n-th -e pnottand nil scei us. Tts eUlî erd b hITUP TTOL qlf~1 ~ --ostsuperstitions heing under the DIETHOD OF DETECTING DIA- attaling advantaige e bstat 21OND TI-EETS. tegualrds 0,t theceinMPaund have succeetied I l making the negrees bc- Ileve that bY menus of this telescope Trick by Whicb. Owners of South tbey are enabîcdti t sec ail that pass- ~ 4aj.~~,t African Mines Friglitenj es or lies beneatli their dnsky skins.- Thiees.Thîc fare., the mlinute a lot Oet neg- 4 rosbaesrvtout their time and Wered ndhara et iamie iefibouglito the dteto iuse the treublol excîncdb tŽ fli- strippeil akedas the 'day tbey wore ci3 tteD er Concelidatei bOI1one eOf the gnardqjnrmed-with Leivmotilissiîî o, ay tKn- h eecpstart s at tho bIead of i ely S1)iAtia iiipevenl 1t inig t a i anpplying eue cuftiet b tbhelr niegro (Kaliffr) lbresfroin instrument toe bc eomiach cf the stcaing diaets," y, f al egoat the habond cflbcline, peers that hbas ta'ppeared on tIlesuject 1lnganti enruestîx- thi-ougl the haVe nve irada(esritin t ther, troquntly slifting the hbond mtheir meetffetive21th e t do o (l- ef the instrument abaut ns thongb tecting dliamentili tbtts. You sec,, bout on expîeninig cvery nook antid hiaNe been makiiing voyages t ap ralinY ot tbe Kaffir's interior. Mb1ilie -Towvn, off anti on frtbepas't tîslr- this is in pregress onothor guard 1týYy yonrs. 1 relmînher tbbc famueu>s stands by, wntcbing inbcntly the 04 rttsh te Kily, la he sv PntYs, Ofethe litr s tetures. lb is wheýn Cape Ton M ilas tbýe ebjoctivc soinewb,!ab siiînilar ta wbat I pent t thusatis f ,uIjg Egis-the policeet or large ciies 1 c niAeias anti stilî inter the 'third degree.' Thbe negro iss,) V h iso teore innce eCillbhoroughly coi-knceti thctt the white V1jlheu thlis couderit gaýJicti centrol et interlar, diainlonts isai al, thiat tho Klmbell ine, tbe iînost serions oftbontimes-be breaksdoîva ati coni- eisibWilicb it baltilte contenti fesses tlîcn nnd the-re~, whils-s insctimr As the price of! other rite thliev\ing Kaffir labolrers anti cases, where guiiby 'parties "akine; advainig, the' dIlan foi thekope allpes, nme given te confession, bbc guiardtiwbo stantds'5 beeonîing mïore geiieral àand a dace et mon twýîo Iceeieelgleîgo, bl b thrmnp- has yet beeri found as a relia' timînoti frnt it ncromîse wrk laesthe telescope, feable te >udge w nI. lb eok îsarîy Six yaa te Jwb'ons-e gllilty ' and Who are net by 5For deakforc niscck his cvi. Newdays te'tak4ing note et the trightenot aîi _ LItberers eft th e D BesJop terrer-stricken expression on tbc , areItiket ino cmponti wbre ace fetthese undergoing(exainiia- 5 FAT î.ua~ tbey remalufor. al yea'r or twýo yart, 1tien. Yen mtai abetwîp4li hledn aada rn orwbboerthirtenietsevie ngti, e-ue buIt1e I vthonture te smy n and mn e hscons'poui le iroofei terele otbilng lu the whejlie et îandSi ovýes, witb neiittlnig, se that 4 een iSouth Atriiawhici thle lnegrooes eu tfb na ete sýtval a (dia- dreat i ad tar quite o se mch as HbbcM BATT1LES8 mnti , Iho ceuld ne brewl b otetieleIlesceinpmy's olti braise eles- the,('ilil'otlic fo- ý(ý,nope. Itio't know \cxîtc,eida r the very general favorite leterae t pck . u, a ws trni iventIn it was; wbhc4r it was an- have r'ecentiy put iu a fresh si lesli the caseL u dito t Iisj other master streke et supier mid i5 are prepared te furnish either thec nempny liasjnlefficint tioî,c- et Rhdes or tbe simpllle'devine cf aneprtabeitnd hl tive fo)rce onmthe oute ofie thbbc senme boss guarti; but It eertainly aneprtoueitndhi nenîplqounti, ad iricIciillnig about, daethe work- Thore je, or, rather, î u efr atOlzigtzitu tbroiigh wsel nt h urun-teetac,,about tbreoc 3-cars ageo, a cannot reach again. We havi 1n 1nry siel snsyti T fîow wokptaleell ae/ SottWood and Ceai, Chare4 dotinngai iigJîily\, oxaining theIToî', wbe tornies'ly liatibeen a »,Lumber, Shingles, Doors,i laberers tat bcesîtiet teirermet i gtiard lunbthe compatiy's empîoy, ard It ' Paer Q rih sli-vice. ideee-rte [e Beers - ,'w'o teck te plîetegî-npiing the ,4 jbtr uality rb't price ce [an ,ave securei t1he passage et negrees in tbe deteuetiait bouse dur- el aced,ýofetî in lutht' Briti.-b Seubli 1iltbbtelescope ordeal. lHo bati a4 c l I Afrenuettes n-mkîî th prchse lagoscrnp beok full et sizch pic- et ~ ~ i a imn Il ie rengilifrontM,"y turcs,,andti tey were ibbc attraction KING eu î~rttnîs empany, Iý OP, et Cape Town. I nov-er, ils nty lite, paitic w-e uy -ifree fom lieisaw scbi ldicreus iexpriessl)ios of ttt, npaîya erijlctemut an- innu bcîîîeigs ns upon those et the ncmpnyth ~i-nscteiantitd i egeshsbwn in those pbetograpbs, bit bye t h alete rousiegoiigwbab tht' guard used te anti shiw iii ii,,b, ap authoni- cail 'searcbing fer te brubli with a ticses -e lit ta:qesti n huaas te belescope.' whrb or lerchou' e etfathis dia- usni.To boy frossi a keýpje iral- Cils, do yôuwaî loper, frion seo is unabie te THE THERDIOMETER S CALE. el eping Dell, Co Gerîuiny, iseaitil furnisli alnertificat t the effect that acurly bair tdark tisesoe S ( waliS p urebasetfre su1the Dc e w it Hap'pened te be Divided in pearly tecth, bea Bees fitaIayon'.Ps soif aSneeeWy stylieldreeîi centThey, t.ekings, etc., I tor e iprsontur- orvilIlions! Wby shoult iltisefrcozing point be ýýadeS tf ettiischrute. orevrit. nrke 2deicsand te boiling Oeltihati poiint 212"tiegrees 47ou the Fahrenbeit DIAONDTHIVESWATHID. aowtha il ilvetordivdet th fraýfew hceurs'i space beIhtu-ceitlse pits 10 budrthee Fer aUthatst- 4, b>sdgree",S ijisbead et bbc sýiinpler ic100Dois fer selling abu ebt ntcadsiebuigtere set iiitbchenitigrdesy et lu censa Pas uý ýiiý ias lei,, ï c fe>,ý illl('ISlý11(i houto-dar. We sen isse egi-bibusil b bm-thuis explains b atr )î o aimostever] ttziniloîssais alrogis it ever I Te itroietr rs rcaly isîvent- i ,.rI, * we, nti froifs-o eîai]Isgits vigi-ldb u sa etn i tat copay' dbobie ere d isscleiitb the beat et the iv k' is~~~ costnty s- sh icrtte debent'huas-an ody ,aiduseti as hie instrui- " - nuy nel4W tric!t ortit". We tiat nay mnitnlasstube tilieti wibh lùtiscd Bas ni avise fer. stcl1in!g aisnsggiilgdi-ci.Thîo lowesl figureý on tbe scale - - - lyS YIon i ce apety loewacboncer ctpeint ,beiîing irater. Thse start- LIet [ucwcomer lin îmn iri, 1Te ay ing poisnt ef this scale-, as ïiIentio-neti, l0,i irîl o miareetitI, buit front bbc wais thient h fahetbb umasi 1body', 1f h j da li sos fot in ise bow'n Ilm l hie clictl i btbh eni lian-ly, Jihu av' lsn mnovemontsare knewn o bbc non-ler 12, as tbbc duorîeciiiaaî lYst il .MAIE LUN 0, e 2 I peuni ofcas ni ubceetia bisoît iiiconionus. cti- llsy isovr embltnginbi mn-ideti the epýace botwcesî bbc freerzing ncor lactiricli causpes thent te po iati.bblioe )raur tfbb susectthIholin. ,if Ilbe ld hetibl o-dy labio 12 peints antd tteithat Itemmtrscale rew Ila use i-e- chane, by sbiesi diasonti, ortisebciiitgpoint of watr uihoste bu ois lcrTorthtvev u-- about 30, Ias" bbc emortue usti'ie Tho cnce (chlceiet Neivro e b p<îse,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~b tbysnie-tartc-iKfi,-h early biro ines 1ithaof thc fgue12* te reps-osenit the bodytiyteat w-ho iiitiseguis cf siaivi-whos huma baiy.tobrîninedtihbbcpresont thermemeter J e tb enpedctipary, fïcius t - benFab-catei bok u bie uh-iscale, evea as te yard, feet ande es lilitieocudaets tal1 Jc e er ats i seibclches mensures origfistalîy canie fr ocs figue. Tis ysîu nogo nat pe- Nwtoii inlstunîtîcut, but, fiutteib aasures et parts of the burnanii sonatei j , atcagt aoe epr- 1neso fu aubedvteicaibt ntf ias bbir itiofetthe rail- -~~~~~~~~~ tetodat a ubeibc ci-tegreeifaote 1wo parjteanismtjl ,i'rend cabriage wns dectermineti by tsn ecatch ,rerai-tlierhnn ~~ easui-e betwcen bbhe igant bbtraCk, wblcb, iii urn, was debor-1 Wte Iis cati in Sifl aticSrifta 'hscth,ee ar"rg o i e-se those et Calbia 1having be neia- îy tiestroyeti iii the 3ials-inig ot chus- ceai, lb is said btaI Spaisi is sites- îig a libso Iriesest in ps-obect inýg Ihese trees, ns bbc innuifacttsre oet doiie9 le a large is'usbuy tbcs'-e, 0111yia tcwý years mgo b xorain e ine boîble coche fron th;, ceuIs-ity wes-c gaiiigte practise cceniiomyfor- a limne?" ifie-' 5 e me re. ties. 1, have juet countcruiaiideti bIte os- yen gave your tailo- for a suit, ati bouiti nbonnet thal eost ealy hlI bbc amouat." The OId Relab!ie R.emedy for Spa'rius, Rnlee, Splnuts, Curbesd ,ii te1s- t Lamefs- Tise xise et a de 1 ois-le may double lisesll-is ps-ire of 'ous- h'ere. GOOD FOR EVERYTERING. -f srn.ý sG 1i1'DL C. Ji.; -ia ti rs, iii ait use , i w ad Ifî isa building material, is steadiiy ýrsometh7ng cheaper is da.ily ntigbetter thlan Ceenrt 0 able bubstlÏite. i 1verts and solid mnasýolry fAR PORTLAND C. For bank barris, stable f1oorB o -work. eLH9jivQiy Used. W stocir of boîl these brands and >r at batisfactory prices, also zrz ýr use. It will pay you te see 4 Rvelling salesman whom yen I re also a fulli une of flard and eoal, Dressed and Undressed Sash, Mouldings, Sait and , reasonable. ST., EAST, BOWMANVILLE, *,e un this lovely big jointed imes ail the way t rom - LuUly dressed wth long zor blonde) bandson>e bisque hePu, jDinted boedy, îutifu ni le eyeB that ope'n and aha-,t, verY ed, iovely lancy dreess underweawiffih ba, ahoas,, drmsed complete fraimhadto o es, ae cgsna Lsweet~ and pretty a,,3a pciie she shuts h;er ts Bleep as natuia1 as baby href ildo Celve frise of 1a1l1char g e an'! without a cnt o! Üli big sleeping iointed doli1>neiy w'ork atter achool. 10 caler teintroduce Marvel 510 in ve-ry home, we baxve declded -toegive awaM-y P4 bl.l~3 r see eeping an--'joýntd ý,I ionl 6pcae ofcor FAmnous 3Marvel iung md thein by mail, postpaid. on eaUit zet 10 cenrts witb eanh pack-age el yug;Ne a prize tiket,, each customer t rcevea beauill pres'ýent from' rybrâ b ye. Toucen sel! the pc kags a ,fn1ly pack aud pro.mptl - fo 7vard te yon2r his big Iovely dreesedan oîtd 1 igDol. every honestrgirl to fenSd in a~e~ t ne ea.t you 1f a'ir .,Id rizht and expect th e n romi ie iigylu the Ioveiy big dresed )ollwe as ,% handeone lfttle bisque jointeS Baby Doil witýh 'g hair. We give you the two lovely Doqîs fori 11y t1e 15 packages, Pleane underats.,nd this is no ýd schnie to deceive our litte tinends, but an detey ver a billion 'of dolla1rs o-f w,,-ailh thait could other-wise lie et o groatus to the financial world. PRESERVJnG (CORR KTREES. Se nncli ceork jenos uedin the3 manufacture of linioleum iiand Ï11 sbip)- building ta h rteto fcr I treesjbas becanie ;a nittor(of nr'iwe ACT. 11,11,

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