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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Oct 1903, p. 4

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OROWN BRILLIANT. The leaders in Elegance, Efficiency and Economny made lu two sizes, with and witliont oven. Examine it before yo)u buy your heater at Soaveir Gods Just Arrived at ftLe Ch*ina Hall Urocer. A case of Fine German China consisting of Pin Trays, Cream Pitchers, Pickle Dishes, Tea Pot Stands, Bread and Butter Plates, Sugar end Cream Sets, etc., with finely executed views of Bowmanville Hligh School and Methodist Church, at priees ranging from 15e to bOc. There are some good 25o articles in this lot. Special Value In Toilet And Dinner Sets. TEE SPOT, China H1all Grocery Is the, spot for anythinig you want in the Grocery line. Butter anid Eggs wanted. Succeessr to YOUJNG &-Co. The MWdeI Grocery. Highest Cash Prices for any quantity of, Dressed or Rough Dres Butter. Order your fomîly better or cheaper. T.HSK Saleofo Farm by Tender SEALED TENDERS adldressed te Sthe undersignied ieu oflithe ,eecutors of the will of Janle S. Mjddletonl deceaSed at New- casti otofcbox 20, 'r ieft with 0dm ersoliy, and(en*orciiTeder: for Eý, of Moi15 con. _2 Oltre_ w'l1 be recetved until NOON 0N F THE Mist DAY (-F OCTOBER, 1908, for the purchase1 of thle ea1st quaýýrter of lot numiber fifteei, iu the second concý,ess1on of the township of Clarke iu the Counity ot Durham, Tenders will nlot be conlsidered unless signed by party tendelnlg and 'pruviding for paymenit of 10% dwn. on acc!eptane of tender and the balaInce in.30 days thereaffer. The highest orau tender nout necessatrily élccepted. Thie 1prOperlty consisîs of abouit 50) acres of Whicb a bouit 22 acres ta learedi arable land and b"alnce wveIl timbered with bardwvood aind cedar. For furiber partictulars aippication irfiay 0e mad(e to the nnidertigned. JOHN ALLIN, - Datedl S1pt.21,l03. Boux 20,NeateO. I~R W9»'ýNQRLWAY PIN a TRU-P aod luangt-1%abosa?1 l The Calladian Statesinan BOWMLANVILt.E. OCT. 21, 1903. The Post ý, aster Generat has author- ized the issuance of $to postal notes, on which the commission is only five cents. Dr. G Cý Field, police magistrate of Woodstock, is dead aftcr five weeks' ili- ness. Ho was M ayor of Woodstock for threc ternis, Editor M. Y. M cLean has been elected Mayor cf Seaforth by acclamation te fil the vacancy ca used by the death cf ,Mayor Broadfoot. The Goverument bas made an initial grn f$8,ooo for public buildings ie saatheo population of which town has incncased this last yean b>' 258, now showing a total cf 4748. ,The 2oth W inter Fair for the exhibition et cattie, shecp, swine, dairy andpoultry for this province wilt be held ah Guelph,' Dec. 7th-Iith. next. 'rntriesare te ho lu b 'Nov. 2tst, after which double fees wlll Ybe charged until Nov. 28th, when the bocks will be closcd The prize list has been issued. Can anv person tell us eoftte ongle of scalded or Devonshire cream or as it is sometimes called clotted creamn? It maY have been scalded in a, timeofe iplague for the purposeof etdstreyieg some germ-p'usteurizing the cream wo should call 1h. in our scientific age- How otd is the custem? Possibly somne of our Otd Country readers may be able te eclighten us. Mn. Simpson Reenie, Toronto, has been inspectieg the sugar beet crops lu this district and finds some -extra good pieces Fie is et opinion that toc lîttle seed was shown iu some cases and there fore only a partial crop. Where suffici ont seedi was scwn, lu some cases beets were left tee close causing. much miore labor lun thinnin g, alse lu harvesting -and loading. -Mir -Rennie says that lMn -lsaac Tab le this town has a very fine crop and considers theo conditions have ail been complied with in bis mcthod ef cultivation. It is reported that a new C. P. R. line is propose l from Blairton ln Peterboro Co)unty', te Toronto, via V'arkworth, Cobourg, Port Hope, Newcastle, etc., thus giving a competing lino te att these froutier towu s which have hitherto been compelled te do their business with oe railway Then whee we get that Corn- Swatt -Etectric Linc,the husband can travel oit the old G T R , the fashionable wife on theo new C P. R, and the eloping dauehter by 'ectrîcîty. For thefirst wo wlsh we were 3 oung agan.-Newcastle Independent Our hearts have ail been deeply touch- ed b>' the sorrew Ihat bas corne te some homes in tItis town theo past few days t is oneecf the traits cf oun citizees that they show since sympathy with each 1other in thein heur cf trial or affliction It is sorno Consotatio te those ever- whelmed je grief to know that thes' have thé symplathy eft tOem fellow citizens. SWe thiuk wo have nover seen gi-dater manifestation and expressions of symnp- ath>' le this tcwn than bas bee shewun ;with the familios ie question lu theiýr un- expoctod trouble. Theo Toronto News aed theo Toronto Saturday Night advecate a two years' termi for Mayon. White it is customary te give them two years, at least, we are net sure that it would be a -wise meve te olect for a two years' terni. If hoe proves ;te be a good man for the office hie witl, likely be honored with a second terma. and if hoe turcs eut unworthy or incom- petont lect a botter mac at the first op- portucity. Electors should net reture a Mayor on a Councillor as a favor to him ueless he doserves rerelectien. We think the reason just as strong that councillors should ho elected for two years. say onee haîf each vear, thcneby making somo- ,thieg like continnity.. We are cf those who oppose keeping any man in office as a tayor. If a man dees cet do bis whole dut>' or fil a position as its importance demands, drop hlma as soon as possible tone a botter mac ý àtà. women, and if tne remuura.utigme isedPou1rý, gggsand uy our evercoat at Me.Murtrv's and at ail comiesurate with the Impor- sedPoftri, gg an ~ besure et a good fit. 20th Century tance 01 the work and is made te b6ear * Clothiag leads them ail. any fair pomparisen with that whiec Spigwheat sbowu bv A. E. Clemens be secured by those of equal native wa aen from Drill Hall by anethe ability aund educational acqui rements lu ?.exhibitor, ne doubt in mîstako.' 1 other callings theo present distress will Groceries fromn us-ngne stieuîu be returueti te the Secretarr s be alleviated and there ai hob drawn to ornesforward te the work, not as a mere Wanted-Mfen who waut a fortune stepping stone, but as a lifte work, and and are willing te work te get it. OulY whe will freely give cf their best te a ~.ambitions men need apply. No roocm work wbich is net enly the foundation ww .g- 0Vfor drones 'Wfrite G. Marshall & Co., 01 the bigher professional education, MissSprole c oong a grand work streug and Intelligent c-tizenship. as a missienary among the lumbor camups ef Algoma, supported bt' the The annual convention of Durham The Moel Grcery. Woman's Christian Temprauce Uin Teaebers' Association will ho hela le She is a pleasinx speakr,-will give an Bwa~leHg colTusa acceunt oflher work. and relate inter- and Friday, Octeber 29 and 80 at 10 ~ estiuoe incidents connected therewith. arn. President R. D. Davidson, Prin- S Come and hear hier in the Methodist cipal et Bowmanville Public Sehools, school room Friday at S and 8 oclcck. will presidfe. Mayor James will wel. S A BARACS LCTUE. l~rI:1 atest Boston corne the teachers Tbursday aternoon S. X.BAR1,! Cu qLECTURE. Stylsn fine at 2.0. Mr. J. W. Merchant, M. A , Qutootwoar haveofthe Normal Sehoolï London. willl Ensigu Le Cocq will lecture Monday, arrived at the Parler Shee Store. This spetail sssonsaina the pehdstLc ublicom Oct 26, at 8 p. m.Two Years in Klond,(- is the most famous shoe for wemen mething â7 ein e eton" ike or 60 Degrees below zero. Pie Atnerica to-day; 2,800 workmnen at it f6 ThrA'AvenJorn Wireless elg Social at close-ail for 10 cents. days a week. The three Points 'where raPhy rAAJra ttt oe chool, Port Hope, and a number of Tuesday Oct. 27 at 8 p. m. Trip te it excels are. Style. Service and Cern. tesw i, drse vr Old Land' afttr 10 years absence. Al tort. Drop lu and try on a pair. Fred tetheswi in ve amdhde e Eery hear hlm. Ensigua and Mrs, Le Cocq R. Foley, sole agent. Ail sessions are open te the public. are holding- very interestiug-1 meetings lu connection with the accidentai this week.1 death et Frank Diiling, bîis parents Mr. $100 REWARD, $100. __________and Mrs. B. Dillin&r and tamily desire FAL AN WNTE NAR-Y OINS.through IiTHE STAMgSMÂN te thank theo Ti-e readlers of ibis paper will be pleased to FALLAND INTR NER-B POITScitizens, factory manag-ers aud espley- leairu that there lag at leasi one dreaded disease 005 and the memoofýrs ot Court Pride et mat sciechas been able to cure lu att lis Excui sien tickets now on sale via Outanlio aise the near coraiosfo tages, and thaýt s Catarrh, 1all's Catarrlt lu thei frOres th.,outy positivcecure known te the Lehigli Valley Raitnoad te fHot Sprinzs ' thssir expressions ef sympathy in mei;iedîcal fraterrmty. CaLtarrh being a constitu- Va., Oid Point Cemfort, Va,, Yiiia affliction aud for the beautiful floral tiouaiî disea se, requires a eustitutional treai- Beach, Va , Atlantic City, N. J., Lake tribuites sent, It hias bean a source eft me irutals CathCe os takn inter-y Wood, N. J., Asheville, N. C., Hlot corntort te them in th8ir ereýat griot ta faces cf tes ctetereiy destraying fthe SiesN.C,, Southieru Pines, N C. kýnow the re;spect inwhichdeceased was fudte fteiesngutï ain Black Diamond Express and five othen held aud that they have the. ss'mpath v (ng1 by bldfling utifhle ,constitution And Epestrains daily. For turther par. cf se manv trienda in their trouble pitng niate l o ug us Th;(ie o Expressmpth pfr ietrs tav iey ser mue Hunlttb lls fir ticulars caîl on or address Robert S. Thev aise feel ve3rygr~a yptyfrpwr htte fe n ude olr o Lewis, Canadlian Paêssengor Agent, 8U Mr. George Richrds and tamily litn ~se t 1 tIlfit o ue1Su8fr.1ho Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. Go by Grad'tryilag ordeal throug~h wtîich ho astd  mCI, P . ý CHR,ýrwo .eo Trunk and4 LohigOt Valley te Ne'w'York th4.y keve been ustfrtm*ttly calied te SoWd by tgIasV. or PbiJad.Ihta5 z .1 but i SCHOOL TEACHERS SCARCE. The season for hiring teachers for Publie Sçbools for next., ear is approach- in-, October beislg- the mionth when ent- gagements are isually made. Soime Countr~v papers are lanienting the dearthl of teach ers, but the Preý byterian say s the scarcitv miav prove to be a blesainz in dieguise. as it May' lead to the imn- provernent of what has always been re- garded as one of the weakest f3atures of our educýational system The reason for the present distress, is flot far te seek. It îs immediately due to the alto- gether !inadequate remuneration te teachers coupled with the great increase in attractive openings for ' ouug people arising [rom the steadilv incereasiug in- dustrial developmient and material proiperitv of the country. For a long time the teaching rofes Sion efferedi to yeuug poople desirous of making their ewn wav in life the most direct avenue te self-support. This, coupled with tbe keen competition among' the Iligh Sehnols and Colleoiate Insti ï Utes, whose efficieîîcy was measý- ured bv the number et candidates suc- cessf uIly Passed in the, varlous grades, res*lted inu n annuai output et teacthers in exceýsset the needs. Many boards or trustees, whose high- es t idea of theïr duty was the keepiug do wi, of expense. l i advertising for a tieacer askedeach candidate te state te -,,lars' expectedý ?9ot a few were willing te teach fori thems r ret pittance iu order to make a beginiiing, and with teachers bidding agaiust each other the salaries speedily feil1 te a point that made it impossible for the mail who looked fer ward te fouudinýg a home te regard it as a lite calling Large niumbers, preparieg for law, medicine, or the ministrv, looked upon the tea<thing- career as but a step iu their educa-ttoual evOlution, valued chiefiv becýause it furnised a short methed et acquiriug seme ot the sinews of war. -Regarded siniply as a "Stop- ing-stone3." the luevitable resuit was that thietenur et office in publie sehools was ef short duration. chances were frequent, and eilidren in the tew pro- clous ý ears devotod te education wore experimentodl upon bv an everchanging procession of inexporienced.young imen and wromen whose ewn mental develop- ment was et the -crudost-character. hegetdeîuand-for--touchers-te- ineet tl'eoeeds o!rapîdly formng'sottie- ments iu the Canadian West, together wîth the gr eat increaso iu lucrative and attractive oponine ini ail directions in the busine(ýss werld, lias brought about the situation with which we are taced to-day whic; h threatens. as an imnmediato resu it, te stili turther weakou the effic- iency oftour publicschool svstom. Auny- thing, that tends to loer the standard et the teaxchi ng profession cannot but be yeOwed wKiLý t% xn, as it must inevitablv re-act uptlon the quaiity o! Our tut ure citzenshiip. The teacher stands very noar the vý oung llife of the country. It le scarceis' possible te exaggorate the importane et the Publie school as a factor in the training for citizenship For a very large numbofethte childron ot our country it- represonts their sole means of eduacation. Everv argument that can bo used for efficiencv in our High Schoels eau b. used with equal force for efticieucç- in the Public schoel ~No matter how excellent our sYStemlet education maY bc theoretically, iu th e last resert much must depond on the personnel of the profession. The plaeiug ofe cildree lu the mest' formative and plastie peried et their lite under theo care of immature yeung mon and w&rnel Who have teslo scare- iz emerged from bovhood and iirlhood, ca.unot pobsibly produce the best results. Ani the. great rreponderaneet tý emale over mâle teachers in our public achools is not souiethinz that can net be regard ed with hopefulness as likely te develop the most sturdy and rohust type ef youug manhood. The remedv lies vers' largely lu the bauds of the boards of trustees whe are entrusted with the educa.tional interests of their communities. The trustee shoul d ho chosen net because ho May bc trusted te advecate a cbeege-parieg policv, but bocause hoe ranksiamong the, most intelligent, pogressive and liberal mindod mon and becuse ho is deeply impressed with the far-reachiug 'value of education as it -affects our future citizeiasrhip. It lies with our trustees te adopt a pollcy that wiil attract the fiewer of our young manheod and womanhood inito the profession. Intrinsically the calling cf the teachor is a noble eue; it is certainly a mest ln. flueutial one, and ettier things being equal, will alwas's have its streng at- traction@' for the best classes et mon and By TORONTO,,ONT. Experienced Teachers The on Zy sehool in Toronto teaching the famous GREGG-' SHORTHAND), or whtch is a ffihiat ed with theo Institute of Chartered Accountants. Oyer 600 calis each ý tear fo office help. Catalogue and ail partieulars free. . WWESTBRYELTI Chartered Accountant. Pri n.ipal PAY-UP NOTICE.l A LbaccuntdueT. J. CLARKE Haxphnualpad u r before OCTOBER SOtO Oil e plced n bads !a .Collector. lu hementme ayhoMl. COLARKE, Hamp- on. 48-2. Court of RovÎsÎoll, Of The M1unicîpalîty of Dar1ing1ton. ] TICO ,,ishfiiby given thit .a 7ýCourt yl eidpisa t ho t orl sr' Lis' Act y i 'loe he'ueo the Ceu. e.tCouty.fHihe nlted Counties of NorthumbelrIand anid Durharn, at the T,,WIN HIALL lu in e villagre of HAMPTON on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd, 1903, ,it 10 o'cloick a. mi.,fte hear aud deterinie the lui the LVoter,' Lu t f10eMnnciltyof Daiun ferte.s ai' as rlates te 3tn sub-îvllon numers'1 o, Four Five a id Sýeven.,antatlcertwil 0le ,e1i at file Orui eml eTwi o OMNV1, by th, sid Judc'Jo THURSDAY, N0VE1VBEIR, 50h, 190S, ah - *,-Ioc c kpmto tîcar aud dererminle til sevetl tcupait f errecrs and emsois i;-,,un theý ýsaid Vut, rs' List se far asý relateie >petljiugý sub diîvîiins nocm bers Onie, Three anC ix Ail pýersonIs havin uinIess ai ht hv courts ale reqnir-ed hoý attend ;,t tlie sid tixes and plaes mielitiied. H. ELLIOTI, Je. Cletk of Dar liugus. D~ated 2t Ram-pfoki, Ocbqber JisJOi ALSIKE WANTED Farmurs having Ateiko t .soht wouid do W811 t ec1l cn J. B.M rsBow. manvil le, betore .4cllîng. Po TREBILCOCI(ù'ý 11las sptcli linos just received in STATIONERY-Note Paper in boxes, pads and by the qtire, rare value. <l1c a quire. Etivelopes 5e a bunch. FANOY GOODS-Just the thing foi, Wedlding, Birthdav or a any spe cial gil t. Prices right. BOORS--Thie iatest pubtUep.- diens, You cain get many of the ecopyighit7the books for 50c l 25c each. Mark Guy Pearse'sbok utt 2,5e and rOý c. Se miy ten cent Street & Smîîh c ollection. BIBLES ai-d IIYM3N 1BOOKS-Full assortmnent. FýOUN\TAI1N PEN for 75c, verv good. Botter ut $10 and up. Now is tOto trime to buy MWALL PAPE1. £give yeu b)argains. My pcil$1.OO franied oil chrom,.to is a tnarvel cî lieapness and beinty- at the New Stand, Just West of '210i 'PFur-. âutr tûrg., , Coffloanld Inspeot our Grand Showillg or Furs.i Dress Goods Bargains. t- ure Wool heavy homiespun Dress Goods 54 iLehes wide, in miid grey. bhrown ai d bronze -reen shades, ireguu' p i'ce 7.5e yd1 to be c1eared by us at per 'vd A Bargair,.58c y'd, Big Value. Good Footwear Sold Here. 36 Pairs of Ladie,,' flue Don-gol-i bals with patent tip, a very neat shoe and worth in P', ~ regular way $2 50, this week .w.- viilrun them at Speciai Price per pr $1 95. FURS. Ruffs, Uaperin2s, Gauitlets, Fur Coats, Caps, Children's White Fur Sets, in ail new styles aad ofjNo . L'est kîns sol i lere. Ladies' Fin& Footwear. wE SELL The Footwear we seli we have no hesita- tion in recornmendingKing's,MlePherson's and ~ Mereay'-have -been -sold -around--West Durham for yea rs. Thley will stand the wear iiEffiptCs" Finle Footwear For W'offen, S$2.50, $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 per Pair. Kant Krack Rubbers Kant Kak W Ladies' eljoy a cIIp of Tea or Coffee ai West S End HoîIselthis week. Free Demnstration, r CANADAO CLOTHING.- A. Very Complete Stock at MoMurtry's. If it is an Overcoat, a Suit, a pair of trousers, a smock or p.v r-oll over»- __ails you can dépend upon it the garment Y0,11biiy wmil give von your money's worth if bought at NlcMUtrtry's. ~~ MeMurtry is Sole Agent for 20th Century Clothing in Bow'manv tue. IL Suit $5ug.Overcoats $5 up. Pant C.. pr up. Trousers $2 50 a pr up Smocks 50c up. Overalls 50c pr up. ià JohâMMurry Bowinanvilîe. Highest Price forEgs Butter and Puultry. Gev. W. J. Dai Av, Whitby, has sold bis 150 acre tarm in Pickeringto Mr. A. H. Christian, formerl.v et Solina. Bears the ~he Kind Yon Have Always Bought Bignatur Beare tue *bo rd o Ale Ways Bougt %ntlre $HQPTHAIND, BQOK-KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, ETC y Tanght at the i

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