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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Oct 1903, p. 7

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Discoloed a rai U ne DNight Treatment with Cflî'i cura, the Great 8kmn Cure Soan tihe hands on retiringin a s4ropg, hoet, creamy hallier of Cuticura Soirp. D)ry anti anoint freey millu Cuticurfa (Mutiment, flue great skia cure anti purest of eoles.Wear, turing flue niglit, oIti, looýe kit gloves, -or bandage lgltly IL, oli, se,,ft cetton or linen. For reti, oulnid chappet hauts, dry, lis-niredi itc1hiug,, fereralu palms, with brittla, whplesnils anti puuimful lugei' ends, tlisýtrtmptïisI simpiy monterl'ul, fre- q ctycuriug iu a single apiain Compnïlete localg anti cenistitutirinal ratetfor c'Very humour of the kiscalp anti bIotd, witl.l10 of haïr. lah lh ot materati Cuticuira Soap, te G as thae surface eo' crusts anti scalies, ai Foften the thîcinenet cuticle. Dry, milethard rubbing, anmd appîy Iritlationi anti inflammuation, anti soothe anihaandi lastly, laine thue Cuticura lcocnte cool anti cîcanlseý the blooti. Thia treatmeut alefrta ins;tant relief, permitq rest anti sieep hl c th meveresit Élormas of Eczemua anti other iclg b)IU!rnig anti scaly hummouirs, ant ipoin ta a) ip medy, permanent anti economical cr !toi-turIng-, tiangrughmours, roi pîmples te 8acrofUla, frein lnbancy te age, mlhi-i ail other remettes anti the best p-tysici1ans fail. 1ul thîu h e 15 w,,d. i>,poi. L,,.,on. 972 -tr , nSq V.t.,àIRu. ds 1- Pal-;u Austuii, R. Tcon. A 51, y'dey zBc.îon. 137 Columbu Av@.. PotiMr Dug A VhnCl i iii-lCo-p.. ï94 Pr irnmu-t'ors. SA Worthy School W Wl Il ýouVert3 OT nurmaw niterial lato * L> euni ý -,a powveu andt llcel muea mien and lb wuaunlu -c-etd posluiomuî than any (asti-* l di tie kumut in Camadu hs the C talBusinuess CoIle'e ~ ani S imol et Shuprtlmauud, 't'ypawrhtha aui Tleruph, l~coaoatrl. Wecur . in. eqeNimuit PrSCpîcLa 24wuy rpru. o aetou. Twe") Pf,-ruer Wnuicm-r and me arig Wýrite f'or our ruiwCaaoe -you cave m noney uyn hr bCcaulse we are marnufactureraý Cea7Yog'e ýai T'Ienîipernct'(eSis. Britain's Dîified No1te to the Wa huky A littie cortey hich alwVaysno re-ihoe spects 1the rights:,a ai feA egs of noth- You used coi crsele ge a long way tosmiooth! Grat iL r, ct 1in e tw7,7en c the1 orldlyl 00 ia rule. Netonly a so auJ. th ~piriuaI kinly proew ii Onay ime e Iieprtmet osOttaal tocas seilencn iuboa not long aga ric0 A;r.stres, > 10. iewas wmi g detaheA0-rqanfwa oerthret'O h A 'e171c , rom hicge sy httegcyc i aiu gSl seantc.rihchurlie nert he edý fem r inh e sh w o tt 1 M attew Potst sî l o 1iî, d" iualîtîes 'n(ar Cýc greatethan oh te pit" 'ncetfrrnescfteeS i- MS.uSae ySan.l ae orvr 'Creat'ieutj o ", t ýGn h in'scait, "I'ht la thea ~ yntm tc ieiihi hcelaies cf Berk eo te frmwh i"o n rcc aoe h igr- a tcin s antd (iiring our siIilanti is qluest ion bas net yet been L t laliw mas. sieguaru setr, I Te ]lritishGo,-ernment in-________________ arouatainii, adols thcyiinctese s LdaE kamsV gi e ste(fi et feiginsulteti, thongli he------ towad te ri aiMaser hom eI iex ing ti a ou' (ovi i ient is ails- sire andtbri reutatens ci tle aeprîiti iii ? Ar e ishing o mO ftan Uat, t he rîghts of possession, dai set anti Ieong Iigtt eft) i ic ointat f uJ>et ass? Are iwe "goac n elc r h isatd in ua \ery dig'niuiet anti res spaate u fonuthm. ri~~ rxng te preach eGabci aseof ntoli femle Mn;,rignt colutens way tIhruugiî ita chargt rusIIls Hu)r-lCaruing 1,, i, ,hrdac 4h s rganie p ins ugcstiu ht, asWher ssoma tueinq os nit crew s afnd . wlŽcîîesen shns hrn a bs ad gneaoer eslatl Ims dub bu h wnrhp 0 h cih OI vo csrie pile thaît,is co er d ogi 10 ur be res maasa, e em thas nu pie ttif ierig t ehrn ens e rr ngpa boniar nercf ?"thig. to is cîo is seidomi c VýÈledgratani iy Vendgaetalionou ci' l H BTERW grateunt!ir e a s endada st AFX OSPISO A T. acotigte diretions, a ti ws r plartis. t lh inc r iden the N ut sad g to ayudr te Btltu in ir ltt -eahesat pin isppaet, ni I Veik Comm ria trt_ Ier ondersa-: lengtenin shaews f îna gicnt ise -tli us JohnM f lBtlýith suIl- agin fl h iwo elh hog -î usinsc cl oeiaot lissc these imm rat int ues liîe' of bsu e n Crs. Jss n ei. SneI aeb7"ciJ nesoli ntbestlt i gmi~at ionsho sLas cakema na at thartynA avbe nier creulIbae s aiprt nicnlds gwny e r eaus .Whta wbth e-îi niredise, a numbe o nu tihkafien v In retinliythyid outti u tue111 eloineliswach]ngIhe IP0atle tae fanrou~~ ? ef age Jesc1a mas anLu ipiontim el eerhtreen ehasry. Y rsdleecsofpion rerles hn JOHN Tl~Eof n IST'S gLO Y e n cutyvilge hewo e n terygtrulau S. ÂT FÂU n icIgt, 2 1t uestions cnniiin thooe a, aret ertnt ofChiss arhLiiosty out7t8tMnaapliMna 'Mr. en lIen, ibc js(tîîct in desir ahiuroe fth1semn s o e tndd eronly ia htif emiotie aIrybansi n c h otsuosflteditergb hnanit oi show h -eJon flLu BPis a c hc i orias crn at igh" best salaiil 1ehinses- lu"me tueiht ad cut nfruntev ll r gratr hn Ilote janbeoe thJoe ubecu be rashem Thn lemmn nhWst).eooofî,ftgnl vvnefe e o dol whbct ('ýUiirs' ,orîcatsai-oh 1î diapeas. ern fb wle o«eettaprnmbrrfneescnnty piuId-- tha le ml- tileoaje poor ha is lioie iaslamng 'imeinghthe tiexor1in licteip.eiregu t oAeLyr. uppEsse o %panîu aie- cm ni te anie t lin s dtruc o oelCrpito trocksv,1anti antis fthe wlcns, . iapasfreghenlîg srain eerhe, tiaeme,la ccm)Is,ý. I neratiolu ai- ? o fi i o Jeus ws an idolwli wdb e, em amer fli bc-,is ee rc Y man d îfe ondufatinon dierilesand.1 lylg etmeud' caitl ntiin y car. pcountitv i e shcf ag e tru l ey, ILyd i n PukArN's f216 rs - lere i-e ocend ntos a w'l DJOHNe; s per t afbis Oly . Xhrist of and ii- as t 1 -tr ati induit n ns t incthve déflue iTe puare p c ea Gi-se skýi sto ddoorol . hr nqidFirbanaksyensema .Omof eioesmeeu.ote ib Mg adt o isisuti heast wathrour.ghtthelie wamelite. ___u ne - niitle esati aicabl e h ays, Christ Tt1aiira ll-nbreediiig aid ofshdemandella mhrichsJrdchebsongli-bs n ti a te îiatiu-moia hi ni teîîîwr fJh ariicn e r a leelemeerille t usp ra eligjr m plc t liapisct; se poo that bi-ma jas oa Jhn th aptalepTh oîti T he mn are heeen Jhn atleli iat the refest Empr eutÎ fooi ms te gasaopprs r lcu ts euginanof orsi u thosi .e n ag e 'lî-i'-t N e sed r t essa- ar- oifeneat lepulie l tiî uroton rocdkthe iioiîeî- ofbheti hoeen hoa le~iaso tho areat faq0mc p-I"g tratn olîu hnthe kiien antrent iu y- imais adst iteiationltanc- dingi esaan h aen sonaewc l ,uin th at izie hati lied otimotehmbf il ti e ,-ý iaple crei- intPe naninrdf throulilîedaant ant t- uIsia abeimi. ut hevocelielita'lne. Bu ibs beiinc1un:îetile.9detane ati ons tc a ti-e Fren te wrld s 1anipeit lîc e1 iyanet ntownyehet h-ugottîe l fraete te .Joluauuian il tions of aniioni me al mt.9y isa tmaîîgeortrai cf gi-ct nIn he iiag e tii a wise hrou hout tue soho l Tri th s orth i cuaîîe u slc- tm unlt li aulr uus t Iýo But he moîmtioerfu s oits stg. g aapi a utsef. the rch atiohme îdtaf îré . N s m In 4-Per te sti i n in h maet% q r The fblei portait as cfa geti, te por, tP elt antitbe ouug the hi1 iUai-gChrst îxth bs foiomer -. iisiasure ure or D facde n h a ih or ifraîne, but tho goveraen t hfficia saît te pesntleth Johnsot e egien Jtnon-ýai lasajs hi portraitheof JohanothgBatie a isi aalie lifttherheas tsEthatl is ardniai elieUti ndvmI, itmanroft thrnt MSTRoITSouThbeds ampnansdnte t andthr e b it golti i-aLne. f et. Gre ut o the smareth ifaot hi-0ic.ig ButSanîi-i souierl) is stane-1pe oteCd a ruby lo hewmg î'od it is s th a ahrid, stran tcacXe-u' hcraveho mia JhntheBapis ti-adtianti cii-cie cf II~O5t pinolerin due-monda. ment They i ntions ofî i hrii h e'allwto'CoeaMobs h 111 bk e n îuî-owrclbîrishU etingrasa pca italis i i T'o lisch avesdiJohiple tck iclMat I istin Io tat eim.aiallFlu es purhe fanipertritsa, i rflea ' athspol to hethcy iaereteples. , As eabis hoiy nuitChuriti itl ii "Ineu eptht dTe s panan r u re o i flae wh asvmd mbttei resui t o builupadgherea ahee nit, toisôt Jesun " Ah y-shyirinl".n ay0!ua aam suics duts 'prig t o iig-mu f m h apts John of i e lftetes ihameti io eioJhiSUtetlaal tes fî'ten1uz'ooura e ans af UaTtat tuePans Brtheut- >thi,ýor factisVP go ld d a mas d'ke1fot Gra (;wqsa-nd butA ug S mOn pi no un11 > nbermigrfaci-etr tn U lors uatre ts anti hatMa hete u jieThAJehanian sclîoei hU shregto Blowupriish - iLiýt cal lia M bs effchos a anti i morsbipi otç jaic0. ,, hey lîsuî s inpo hs!aui cl a Nza1ue" si-, ne a lt,ý ' , tt Pfhrer. n .fr a pa-I cs lk f Goiti lscareAtthespree raism sas pirtulSingaVt hi f ody tad if ne li WCfor Ai!t1eplaintmatief0 hlom upthe of p heen n' ist o a mtrurl hmofla i--ath o Bpty iat, a-e e miiiisng te inY hjo aria w4 d e lIllg io1on T pýicIt % s a e ninsoliairy oieuifemtboi- lae, oui- ieafl ati boui nfie.Jh l h a pt ,gict aufi'r l'enas nci-e Ist ofen. T lso hae '- i)uicebeuiIER R N T S tri-, btate Aumoctîoi 1ud uot ý fthoîe muî i tamigf i gicaf- Gi-nl a ontoBpia! A eaaIoa lîhustrae towBl e I 1>0<- n Imiti, efii-is lu 'oý p ien cîl u-e0 tefot e fnaib te lia. h ocsintcsnf ienet4 i lfbi ueh msr at u t fhnugîtin aof iple -vmai' A i-'atuliiaihenalvm- e in e ipioion l iî ae teIaia a-m dr greatac, nd hs; reingtu frteir\ pi-notice drillJO: fo' 1l1' Gdmyd beal bate Cot if 0 o Un toi nddo anti r denouer ant fo h e ikum'enhii mail ou' f orte lastnbi',lýnIjt.-T1 Ta1-,îid Ilo etii-aiMes attentionthte flic tuis t i l. Ilkctnlrai tci-nlte o r aea ntthe p ctcae li' i la l e sns moik uraf e Rîsmei. Omu geup cf po icy id iiot is ondel the lti sh fon rkigsuis fpiooga h ien mîtoîes voi.4 utc euw Ve0umi-la.i'. Woui anftef cay - le nasn e n cf moi-kneîîa!spetic g saopm i un-u lr TsfawisImf flue i?, ýL.ega-1 ) ( rb(isht in e cîîReuNOTnuhE 0 greaiseVUýts lue ork atJesusai-eteuoua WcI thyCitT.hii showorn do ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F ýlL S noFsOR ha ito'Ou ly hs mii moan-y topat.ak Aonoelyrc ate ',,dlli.n tIoî uo rsdu o -t r(iýi, 'ail ciemo teexrori a a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~llý llLdl' 'c.ia."up.m ationWDesflay"noiethy ttuat o eofhuri t-.heoluî iop ayan l lekîi Ilursîîanîiin twi te ac he a Tb i' n L-t njn atiretmeaJonthperpeaditcular 1ca ' tlif 'o lii'ima airnefrm e »? ash pless, 1% orc'cgo ' bPasct 1 mlu fh0 dLo f Msbat t h oglîf ted. o anogthe nla sud er tg-lhnclenr e eifnstre poî flu PiY cflat trnfy f tb i Tîm dum-aiîn uîeic nbiti o ctc îU ntiem-hro eoi ui-ace ond t takte inef c aîd ceîingl ayerrnl 1c, p tfu m URbUoTA I N. eing t e liarac ,diallsî'maî inclas dcs nilu pins oar stmamîgle 1 o caes hl he plac. llie < l noa-e gima i i - ms ouiam i); ýI cacd preý% i , itol act nti at S t nin sii a stkn e eusiag anoti rap5- mit-tii, spider f irnhs. osTh av oIf ets crus ns muilie a isd-as nh e ofg'i'eup of aw-ikmi s- nîacd e ad1e , hiii1 ,i,;llseli h cirn u br o doitietPe-r t huei;)pay1t 1 i aai-e usei fer liq o n ra ho islwaysoand nii orlayo u ier sIaiïolting hujî f1 ttiitheri, i at i Pe ort Si arthurle'comîai' iri ng e r rcrug'ey c o wr a' alufl'cihtcuifu u d', i-s e r a'co tet c-une tcug h e criatt l ohpiced iiglbwc iil. lic gicari depopc) luuiisP'oAifir PAS-avs-. n a it ing h acie ofmiii plaumyitrmatiantiaibulim dcii iit l blre1 a king.doie as re a h qd . te 100k mai l ayfr)u'5 a s iý( p oeui bilîu m iii le ti l liumsW <'i-' W sicuig dua netfliol plinfluec îuflaor atoî u e m )Ae r r tho hdosonsdtesîofsna'cyin d teiis mas. vallgoniyiu -n , H i- .'l uai n Viri te-. ýbta tet o t cf uîn T e taiaf ninge getth csarstrcs mat r e 11paR [ýitwt s faace nuit hemu bitat that in sensu ach nî-kîîotu i îîî i dicai AMlDRU S TA Iflan. !ofenoiaitkmas y en d fclue flic ;um A i fus adrst oumgt' c ims i eg rgh.pae. H te oer to beais cm cfa i oiel ows U uiir ad h ci-k 1 p at liui Jmr r he e miîpe antii patlietic remi'-o as ces e foc qruoils. te houri portsî iuu 'visias ning gin tiing tIlic mît at i ee boy f w ta o ay knoptÀ unore cf lore ni Pttîn ffi ium i ae y Di ahr art for' ltemui, Slte pmArl ing h usphe ra îiî miab i nor nd na ucq ýncp le i:e -îu k ntieu Forî t Ah r.iepo ic Tmîîpl Bu anti c uittei 'Thie Chi minafulfebrni the %nm nuen on rier thhe R mandai - "guby mcr tf lm.umitumo- flue l!m Ie inge, eau atrul e y n at Icî oo ', , fu uu t e b cs -ti ii 'u ur(' alm i a i O n the o u nî p oe-t - Gi biogia h ica n di r oe st n 1 ýe - lemulîym!treetiicos trnnemutmAtinmuts mam.ichihie t iii, n siigllý it fle. 'hcItiri escrhipi c h ftu reu, t uIi males 0101 su-tcet bluen the oiPat lah ueîny bnasphem'n uiatt hyliocinSy entra uîiaag. lX Biarise lind [j ta rumutlem-tnSv, wo ku tfic atiiî rudsthei nii le o , lu i ds ng ous i e hocisy irberexen gt laisere feîbui.j basor o rbeti0 tUe comwa rchM letie Ott !etasil gtpppean ahei rm-y s o sîuk aut ds.îpcr Bt i-'t leponounceti n t e and i f a suis n U last 30<> eail ,y [nu "leeA 0.- 'aucu diw à re tmn tixo Caui ime al 0f f ho necti 11- rîo ii rm g g- ut mm rineî Young e theg eir s h c ri ,. ibaeleu adOnr ntUcmomrof!t es(flui1u:1ii- l 't <hi-ci, ci y lu u oive ia e i l ai- tola- ity lute luruuuîuuiîr' Ti cc s flai gelao er lin ta ,leî' mi hiami-ica m p, n rc l ai 0 ims upnt. Pm . , j h, M Templesuiart' anti l iu l t he e in- lui t'ho litulintete-oaet-iii ouo1u1! iuilno tbu'îiiici",of fiui;lues the Opproitriulti'1ona bnoH e 'a mil sae ai inm i 'd D iii, a le ial u nuia at j' are'suCarienti."u' uu ' thAe lc,' mii iepoucd ou y i laliehailhadnUightmari' li,p ir itual10-rOreas u'rmit on prowiog'>"" il fi o ctober ueofth atile Is j ug unnet,;wbat - entr c.unt c eat,îunlfon auia'f tP i-ccr. ie frofsuuthmui ahuîuf ,V f> eoai' tu fa ~ ~ ~ Iil er'im i litoi hathf0 th ramcusncb n sei-mru ci-poular- i î- apiteamîy if teck- mu mt theuac liii luit.i i oîumu fah dwuî ieiitssa .gntouthtHre fnughiu oo Chit adilO iasIii llu lc M tiahegiu fsrt elia of theq-e r iVifchli I-oi u-ol h uunît c te o-l puemi aontiae ma ,atte -eth, im 0f if. îmo<' lîamisuie 'i ' - A n (1 nes o , n a eian poiti" anti liat'ne oxep fin mhic ;thél'e i gobere h ei i n crckuin 1e, hslTum hose fem c lîl iî ilu n ucotit. > u ld l'st anid Mall ' e, L e, in- Pwpf ni ,ýli hed a,01 w _ iniksn rai-u orast isfutr fii uitt'ii c-Jotiu ? WîafDi, ma'brother' i-c mdmit antiluigltu ta[alyuc eeesmsn-j ~imgt A l ic uer ' ne uu lac te ep brîe îaîo e 0 eer îetin o i-J b srounhage taî itecutsi in.Ihuotad oiii immia_ i~c lcls îu'c nots " bien cule., ui- arets nit ui- rher-',cr h nia' hi io~uît Lik 5a "'IliePeatnîn flut Cir lietiI mamir':'dnf-ong-tUe lmnuiur1scin. fucuti nu>imi'gouu e~oubdOxephJhnihtBlti 1-ar1 m g1 ct !wiu uen t leueu o bsm i m àg it th e umaudR f e scAp fgactI-, i c dhatli' l î-ai-l rtiug I ORelves." This slmnîe uent cenaiuîs it e vfrac s ofgrcthe u ving ('bu Ltutlisfua ouurg ri'esn tesureoaiisnfflcPolirtut hokoumil deesece li oitafnd;!~ l'ver! Use eAyýer's Flls. hstlidtom, a în rty'.inJou Ca eu huro 0f Y c sraue W A01 'n ir h4-o000ga ciuac-~reyfllnu ~ Glu'raîi "Biii nt frnil. 1 : lý, P',blic;,-,h-e(_ M'intaags,"i PocC B. d- G n y la a i e a l e e b e, eth m s n becfc nf Ifs i-- C iol nd, uctle is leasýving f ou- F.g aniyou WU!li fmuid b P ousat îî nnne" b ihiillS mairing n lna s e i' faîiiiv numul - EI-iSIA' PUCHAS. 10W 1US Want-your m utceor nbeard eut lenheiefi i i 0 ir Pus us vr $ OOo pullani rouge!-pttlîy sacC ourutr- ~ bauifu irow o rih lsukUs 'cana tt. coi au rir ! l"e IooMP acS ea mo",e $f1100fq00r.0bbi" u'lcr- Cf i'ou fellou tI c ue i - ! Ibisemîginti cn tpto, tlin enuuvy cf a cém iaYuEe KeraTeerpe -Unîyo- t leaclings Atth, conplexio..-MWho Wa a Pinnas Bibe rr aieull- tîn irll nulI W ijar -centa t-flue Unitet c->hrcgssuc nffa Jd -.<f eleîuapuî ALi&55 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tý! 3uyAop n iETe--mspuaq iha OaMMloetoflosnd ffp!cet ___Mr_________ jaile' -vicomph. and Tourists )lace are subject to aIl kinds account of change of water, Kt. of ïarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic, )mach, Seasickness, Choiera, 'a Infantum, Summer Comr- the Bowels in Chidren and ma-rvellouts, lcharm. 2st .istantaný.eous. Is in a constipated condition. luom nmany? Net luer anai' iaos cf coursmo, but hem mauv fehegi-apui- crs. Tî'lcgiaph openaf cis fiat that aiteai tf.ey have moi-net at a Loi' l'ou seî'eral i'ears thei -r foi-eanis andti er fngera lose fhînt flexibilifi' thaf la essantial tenuisicianly îokon ftbu piano. Ag nîay of the mci ni-re fondt of musie anti have îiu of e j fheur om tUai' tind t ifhat c ', Ut ioff faem thuie i'mreat <i tue îsic, f lîci commdit aIre for fhieu,s-cl 's Ui ht more miel for 1the stîninet ceai-- tiens of their miuscles. Thuere ni-e ie-w eter linos of moulk that inca pacit afe a mnan fcor piolking out the shaî'ps antiflats, bulit-o teîýgraipems sai' 'hat f bey kuîomou inca la itheir ranka mUe can tise a pi- ain mit h any affect. When thci' ait tomahoee n f heti i-af impulse istflic oit ;ipîise flief operafing ftie lrci iestet ;TIui' m ant te use t'hott iageia Iluat, flîci'use ia aeîtii msg es-ý,7 a nti the it it cif mlion1!M e-cen n; ai 1ue>r Ihusi stnuggie, for an long lmaf0mak themacso ia'is flur ha r dinar' tanncli NOTE1S PROM AYIIIE 'flic elecfmii-cations of the Unziýto St atesicarniet lasit yoamiluc fie thme population tuf tha aif i If Cosfs $10 a meek te ct 'liei'se lan Pretoria. Tiiem'e is' lîlt' ffanj- I ile, landinbutfle conaitry , bu1t 1 lf mater. Plntifila unoimnuro tlêa'nt, f han nniîiual life of e 9-nis f te-- peramuro, gromf h be-ing bcaohsorv- ed, in sone instances-., as ev àas z o ant inii etUer instuinces mýis hîbgh as 72. d eni-eca centigrade. If ja truc f bat j a freeiug pi-ocass does muet testi-ey iug, hecenno quito hýis'eii' again. 'The anmatclm u- iîl o is aMl ulight;flithe oubis;us t o ppla j~ ~ bal ltlagol bigfrsemepol laePi-nias. '~~" e th Onu'safu, rallabl j~~~ cte'gh o 1 nti N. Bcaor -

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