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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Oct 1903, p. 8

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yâbi - -AML"' , s "'~~- Don't * Life by usng Medîcines that bave a shadow of doubt * resting upon themi. Purihy and high quality i. lueer * article in ouï stock, of Drugi and Medicies I'rem the most inexpensive to lte comîlieet prepara-. 2 iane- a higit standard of excellence le obtained. Hav you tried Mtchells Little Liver PUIs 15. a box Ior2 box-es for 26o or Mitchell': Rellable Kidney Pilla only au a Box. SAU Gouda Guaranteed or moneyr reluuded. Bay !rom us'and are money. *R.* M. Mfiltchell & eo.. Druggists and Optielans, Bowuusnville. GrUf-ain Wanted Caiedonila Miii, S Bowmanville. 4q, Bighest prices p aid for any quantity of 4 Barley, Oats, etc., delivered at above Mil. I 4î John JIea 4î, 4î~ Lkiflited. ý T he M»deiGrocery, 4î, 4î, llighest Cash. Prices for any quantity of S MDressed or Rough Dressed Poultrýy, Eggs and 4ÎButter. Orde' your fomily Groceries from us-none better or cht aper. H, N 1 H The Model Groeery. S 4j~~sthe priceofo! ther buiildig mahoria-!l, 18steadily * advancilg, the demand for somthing cheaÈer is dally becoming D-ore general and nothing berter than Cernent bas yet beon found as a reliable substitute. For 'sidewalks, floors, cuiverts and solid masonry e ItAHBUN'ýS STAR PORTLAND. lateledn Canadianbrand. For bank barns, stab1c',floors * and silo work. lath vry BATTLE'8 TFOROLDý is he erygcecral favorite and extensively Used. We Shav e rcently put in a fAesh stocK of both these branda and are prepared te furnish ither at satisfactory prices, alsa an expert to supeýrîntend their use. It mil a uto e us before patronizing the( travelling salesman whomn you' cannot reach again. We have ieafulueo!Hr n Soit Wood ard Coal, Cha4rcoal,,Dress-edl and Undressed .~ Lumiber, Shinýgica, D Poos, Sash, Moulidings, Sait and Plater Qulit rihtprices reasonable. Wle seil scrantonlCM Goal. KE-ING ST, E-ASPBWVKVLE ~ iD i I t AUtI I~U~ £ L'~UIW~ ~V~~~Wt* j i Many people lu Ibis section are vear- ing specacles flîhed b>' Stott & jury anti ail alre wall pleaseti. Qartorly meeting at Eldati Sua> naxhatI 1.30 s. m...Mr Levi AmuIt lias leaset is a arm 10 Mn. Chas.Blaucb- art...lir. Jas. Moore. Haytion. bas been 'istiug bis tiaugliter. Mrs. E G Pasco... Mrs.W. Gerry, Toronto, anti son have beau visiting Mrà, W. H Gýomnilli..Farmera are hanvestipg their root-crop wblch la gooti.. ..Mrs. E. G. Péiscoe bas purclisseti s nov car- nae The immense appla crop is nerrpacketi arounti bore. Nbrvous -Heàaoho^ . -and Rho.natism UOtb tbavolgieiiieurd laya orutea méat vigAi Dr.Cl Ns'erre Fsod F Tbese two great rensedies of Dr~ Clisse art nsed togetier witb great succýss b>' man pr tons. Wbilethie Kidney-Liver Pill aaaecu thse actiôn cf the limr, invigorate thc kid!ley$3 leýfl&C Ui5A:5I E D BWIN., j i e i e i i i j andtireguiste the bevels, the Nrve Food foirum' aew idi bloed, croates new neuve fbac and -Son Kil, Fath-r builda np tIs ystem. - -,llava, Oct. 27.-Au gug.t Ro1iuakpy, lias. C. BAT-rîsarf, Nv dinbur-gh, dird lin Ithe pro.. 373 Mur-ra>' St., Ottawa, lesan Hspital froin injurllies ecit Ont., states:*-"Fon inhg fo a kick rc illina qa-o some time 1îwaasuffoer gwitb hiasîesnGOausllls. Tii. frons nervousness, dîzzt. oy hS !an arm Off, at-I h o dtifndeti noas, nés-vous headacie :i hîniseif vith ubs foot. anti rheumatism. 1 bad V ibe nbeumatic pains for Two WIIi Go Ynek. the use cf Dr, Clise', onard anIl.fe, who veid Mrs. Battisan Norve Foodi anti D. arseihr audyon ca charg Chas's idney-Liver Pilla, at avefnndo fre lnred sordate \a'e that these medicines wre together mosteitdtonadrtr NvYrk saifcoiy n y casc. I have taken ait~eîer eveki oxe cfIhoNeve Foodiand Ac~dAqitd arn ov ntilycureti ol rns> lti,,trobl. I .know ofors who haveuetoe - ituki u. ct. 27-Tie vr asdttrS thesedt atcrvasren tions and boeen cureti, anti 1 oaa dierefore Leantil>' rcconumend their." o rAW'Mgsrl aoaqiîn h c Tic port-ait anti sigatun Of DL A.ntyBa W.aniGagnn bs2on ever>' bomuL 'Cnol, i' ad uýna Juind Colic. 80 WMAN VILLE. OCT. 28. 1903. NHWCASTLE. Mr#. Jas. Barrett or., 19 net expected ta recover -Mr. William Mason bas moved te Bowmanville, Mr. Walter Couch bas purehased tbe Mrg. Wright residence. Misa Vida Scott, teacher, Lindsay, was home Thanksgîing, Miller's Grip Powdera Cure. Sold by .Stott & J Mise Mary Saiuiibury, iuffalo. vlited lier aunt M. A. Ailsworth. MIfler',Grlp Powders Cure. Sold by Stot & Jury, druggîists. Mr. end lira Georoes Dickenson. Cabourg. visited friends hre. Idilr'a Compoundlrou Pfile, only 25 ceoat for 50 dos1e*. Sol4 by stott& jury. drugelta. Vred, Troe.veu Toronto, vsîted bls ge4ta*bther. Mri. *, ILB. Chaplin. Incres..4 viafo. and vlvacity iollow th& ee ofMe. Compouud Iran Pilo. 8.14 by Stott and Jury.~ druiggiots. Ut. and Mne. William 1'ickaid vIlSed. fiaonds lu Blackstock Thatnhsglvlug. MeuL an d phy8ical activlîy are po- 'duced by Muiler's Compound Iroun Piii. Sold »ar Stotsud Jury, drugglata. 11 Mr. Luther Âutsll, Oshawa, spet ThaUksgMuig with hi, father hore. saineothes May begood, but out doubt Miller s Compound Imon-Pillsa are the bet. Sold by Stott & jury, Mns. Martin Argall bas returned alter a utonthl. Piesasut visil wlth inonda lu Mchigasud Clinton. PMFwmow WOsoeM auxotm.-"I bahve given Dr. Low's Worm Syrup te my children witb excellent resulte sud 1 lIed il the net perfect worm medicine, az you are not requlred te gve any Cath artie wlth it. Kvrs. Daniel Smith, P. O., 00X 56, Luueuburg, Nq.S. Mr. George Gray aold a beavy youn g herse for *M5. He aise purchased ï faucy, driver in Toronto Mulerle Kidney and Bladder Pilla cure beadache, lndîgestîob,rbeumantiem. sud alailmnents caused by affected kid neye sud bladder. Sold by 81.11 Jury, 4rugglats. While thauliig maugolds, Mr. Thos. Mlion was thrown off thé wagon and one of bis ribs broken, by the, aide of the box falling out. Av Nîour-Betore reting lake a Laxa-Liver Pi It wlll work wbile you sisep witot a gripe or pain, curng ontiptin, Bîliaunesa sud Siek Hieadache, sutnd make you feel bol- ter iu the morning. Mr. John 'Pool bas the contrset of makiug ail the sash aud frames for the new town hall at Bowmanville, lrom Contracter Penuiugton. It's a rice thing to use-Ha.yjard's YeliowlOil. The akin ilwou't stain sud the clothing won't soli. It limbers stif! joints, gives relief froin ail pain. Il you use it but once, you will use it again. Mr. Thomas Douolas has brizhtened up the intenior of bis residence with a 1 coat of paint; lbe has aiso buît a porch lu front of the Express Office door. If you are nervous or dyspeptic; try Carter's Littlo NarrePMis. Dyspepsia makeq You nervous, and 'nervousuess makes yon dyspeptie; either one rendors yo miserabie. sud theso 11111e pilB cure both7i GeorgeJarvis Bailo.y died at the home of bis brother Charles, 17 Widmer street Torouto, Oct. 21, of blood pois- oniug. Deceased was 68 years old snd Iormerly lived boeoHe is survived bv his brother Charles and two sisters, tne Misses Emiiy sud Fannye of Northamip- ton, Mass. A VERT GooD ErimE-It is well kuown that the majority of human ilis arise from constipation of the bowels and on tbis account mauy people make il a mile te see that the bowels move once every day. If Yeu are subject to constipation you can be cured bv the use of Dr. Chase's Kiduey-Liver Pills. These Pilla not ouly make the bowels, active, but by-thei r action on the live r ensure a regular flow o! bile, uature's own cathartic and so remove the cause of serions disease. 8 OLINA. "rvý W. P. "ber..mmd ott., Votote Wittke*-Cmp$ea aS Oflet me KlauS w*d. 5êuit ste. Marie, Mtceh., Oct. 27.- The msteamer W. F. Sauber WVa5 wroclé. md ofl White Fish Point, 30 ml«e froin here, early yeatordmy, and Capt, W. El. Morris and 011cr FrmnkBobý- 1nsan vera drGwned. Thet of oheb crew of 19 men, wors taken oen the sauber by the crew o! tAie steamer Y&Â,*, The Yait'u crQw worked four hourz remculng the crew 01 the Saub- trr. Robinmon was pinchcd betweecu a "mwI boaz and -the Yale snd voat bo-lora cl9- .u1A re=' hl=. Catpt. Morris was on thiv d"et olthé Sauber alter aml th toira b.d them Cakn on, Wh"' tà est"mer's boler butS, tut ha waa bïewla lai. tht isa. lb. * 34l>er Wvased by a. w. saer et cle'relead. mblO'w 5 £0" a8upetela repoirtaI te bu t«M ~96 la 24 ss *s»nm imoeboisa fItm Xe*- OUMA t. 3%94 William wlt& ea rge *t zmrd m.echandioe, W«s levai ââ tb&lt Camdia se* SunAa mit1* em4wm t lame. 'b fi W" 1aWI7pu% out by Ihq neimu* euttue Iarai d s4a sumbqw et Atàn- mita& tu&ge, but bet butr h War*m àboombt me.cqttled. lh a mmo à taS Amýs. Sq la muid te 1w imUrai, H... crt. s pastalir mut- ero .Ar"T Ve co WMovM byJusj. cQunrUth.a & C.of Toron4'. part Huir*1n. 0c. 27f.-Aller 4:111- tau helpi.mly about lulieoabo ureu «Zaîghiht the barge (Grae. Whitt, vbi4cb ba"brokon eway tem t"t e«MenttM. Lichmnl fatht heawy northweet gals en Lakâ Huron «M Suaday ulght, went on the beachk »ares MIle aboye Fort Gratiot iigyct*ou at taybreêh. TIr. dis- *hIai mchoonta' vats lghted bhy tht lila.5avro at Lakemlde Bosch, fo»» raitep soY4ttt iSIghtB*eore IL. *eve *f UZ*ave, drsgging Usaiu surf boat along the beach, reebd & spot on the beach coDvonieut IOV launrqchasg the-irboat, the. cr4w of eV* lu -h lb,iltby decided tg Saka chan.'- cet im thoîr open ymawl boat, Wbem the muti uVewlboaS zgached sh*llow vptea' m% ea.Dlizad. l'h. Xfog.avavs pIunged lut. the boling »& sud uc- eeed0d îlu bnîmgng &Il of th*e mcte le-a, 7%6 . rack lie*M lA nexosa poeition sud il là mald tisaI il viii bo ïmpomlbla t. e qtAievem. whlch fla broaking up. Tbe storra i. mko ierce th&t large shipa aee forced. to rua back befor. tht gale. A lage boat la iu ahelter aS Gand Beach. Tho wrocked boat was coal-latm and wi.s vortb about $10,000. The stcamer Licken. whic, h hbalthe, Whlt- byf ta tow, returncd bora for shelter tht. mrornlng. The captain a! the Lieai, vusleh paeemd the wmeCk of tAie Wbitby, believes that ths e VO* wili gýo ta pleces in the stormn. Tt Vuli Ferry Off. St, Thomas-, Oct. 27.-The Pae Marquette transfer ferry No. 1 veut agro-,zid et Fort Stanley on Satur- do.>' juat et the head of the lait pler. lh. big ferry Shenango wora- ed Saturda>' andi Sunida>' trying te pull the, Pers Marq:uette ferry off the shore, but was unsucoessful. General Mýanager Woollatt vent to Port Stanl1ey on a mpecial train. ad fer Ivo powerfut tuga b 'go te Poret Stsuiey andi pull off th* atrand- ed fWry. Th. .. J loward la Bad IPlight. Ogensburg, N. Y., Oct 27.-After lIîCbterlrsg 500 tons of its cargo of " 000 tons o! coal, the propeller Tlohn .0. Howard, of Ogdensburg, w-ae released !rorn the rocks at Ca r- leton' Island Sunday. While proceed- lng haro towing the barges Beals and Toledo, -with the lighter, a terrifie r nov aqual came up about midnight ai thethree boats were drîven on théà shore abreast of this city.' The r1oWard il -Itsted and, ieaking, Paper 7111o, Bnrnad. 'Kîigston, Oct. 27. - Yesterday mornin-g tire was discovered inl th a ) milis -aI Straîlicona, owned by W. J, Finlay, andi in spite o! the he"roic efforts of the village people thén whole wolrks were destroyed. Part a! lb. ,stock vas savei, but there -wasf 11111e or no, insurance. Man>' ure thrown out o! work by the tire. Tihe monthly pay roll o! the mlll vas $600, The miii vii l ot b. rebuilt. Land Fra,,d Ind1ctmQmt. Portlandi, Ore._ Oct. 27.-The Unit-1 éd ,Stales Grand Jury yesterday re-1 turnoti an indicîment against Asa R.i 'Thompson, receiver Olt the landi office- aI La, Grande,- Ore. The indictment cýhargeq Thom-pn n-wilh soltiîing I Prises will be payable ou 'aud aller Saturtiay Nov, 9. Additional corrections ta prize lisI: Shnop sbealilng ave. T. Baker Brd; Sopram i'amb, T. Baker àrd ; Shop ave, T Bakr2d; Rag campaI, Mm- John Giibank jet; Single pinks, S. J. Jackman lat. C lu1 my opinion, " writes -Mrsî. Piip Couina o! Martiudale, Que "ilbon ta no medicîno eau equal tâabr's Ovu Tablets. Before I be-gan the use of th. Tablets mv Baby crièai ileb. ime witb wiud colle sud I gat 11111 or no aleep, sud I vas ueariy voru ont mysel!. Sooxi altar giving baby the TablaIs the trouble disappearati, sud soaud-nahural sleep retnrned. I have aise prored the Tablets a cure for bures, aud s great relief wben baby is teething. 1 would flot feel that my chîltiren were sale if 1 dii flot havea box o! the TableIs la tho !imouers v baeÇ "fld Ovu Tabloti.speak jutas hhiy af them as does Mie coline. Tb- lets cure ail the 11h1. 1e Stram which Infants sud young -childreu muler, aud the mother has àséslemu soianS Ihat thIs Medicine contatn neither oplale nov an y barmlul dvug. SoId by ail medkine dealevi or seul by mail at 25e a box by wrlllng The Dr. WlIl&s' Medioine Co!. Brockville, Ont. Maity people in thba ecton are weïr- lng apetacle. ftfl hy biStoti & Jury and all are weIl pleused. bmqw Mr. W. T. Henryis l ke1y tor.-be Lb. governament Harbon Master aI Port bOhwa... .Mise Loule D&ridsou bas oen ngaged as teacher for Blackatock sebool -.... Mr. sud Mns. W. P. Rich, Newtanrille, visited lu Oshawa receutly .-,.Mr. sud Mns. J. 0. Henry bave gene ou a tva Monthe' trip teEnglauti ..Mrs. J. H. Herancourt sud ltIle son, viho bave beau vlitlug ber parents, Mn, and lins. A. X. Henry. suntnad otel i nds forlte pasi tva months, bave relured ta their h.omnela Dubuqne, lowae. ...Mrs. Joseph Garfat aud dmnghtor hare relnrned le Ibeir homo fan Waadatoek, alter rLslIlug ber mother.Mrs A. Roasa.... Mr. Richard Ham vas fiued *$4.80 for allowlnghis cavatla mn on the streels . . ..inMr v Hezzelwood liq uow the, possesmor of au automobile.... Miss Alice Brimacombe, Gait, was home for Tbanksgrn.. Mna. A. J. Courtice, Montres1.8l visit- iug ber mothen, lire. Gummnow. .,.. Mne. J. L. Diekie la visiing ber aister Mme. Oberboihuer anti atteudiag the wedding of er ue e....M . . B. F neri Oillason o!fA LF"ni, formenl of Oshava,va breouhis leddn tour barug eau anre cl 4 THE, MA.SON col* Butter, Eggs or Srooers' Due Bis taken as CaS14 AT DEATII'S DOOR. 1 BU81ME88 LCMANGR The Story of the Recovery of Miss Falford of St. Elie. She Says, III arn Confident that Dr. Williams' Pinkt Pille Saved My Li!e"-llope for ail Weak, SlekIy Girls. To be weil, hoelbe strog, ta possess a clear complexion, bright eyes anti an elastic step, the blooti must be pure anti flleti with iife-giving energy. When you sec pale, sallov aickly girls, easily tireti, subject te heatiacbes, backache, anti violent palpitation o! the heart, it la the blooti that la at fault, anti uuleas ttie trouble la apeedil>' cormecteti the patient passes into tiaI condition kuovu as "declinie" and dealli !oliows. The one sure, positive wvyt1 obtain rich. rei boaith-giving bloot is 10 talce Dr Williama' Pink 'PuIt. This medicine has sared thousau dsof young girls f!rom a premature grave. Sîron'g proofs o! this la offerot in the cure o! Miss Zenaide Falforti, of St. Elle, Quobec. Miss Fal- ford, toilas the story o!flier sickness anti recovery as foilova: Likemanvoaller Canadi&n girls. I ent 10 the !Unitedi States anti founti omployment in a fad-. ory ah Woonsocket The close. indoor work proveton,0 mucli for me sud near- ly eudet in my dtiî. AI firat I vas taken villi beatiaches, vonld tire ver>' easily, bati no appetite, sud no enargy. 1 triete1 continue the vork, but grew worse sud -vorse, ant ilh>' as com- pellete 10retu-n 10 my home. 1 vas so rnuch changeti anti so omaciateti that uny friands hard>' knew me Two weoks aftos- mv returu homo I vas forceti to tako my beti I hati a bati cougli, wsas distresseti bv terribie tireama, anti som ltimes passeti whoie niglits without sleep. ,Tvo tioctora troateti me, but without avail, as 1 was steatiil>' groving ,eaker; In facI 1 couidti ol i my hanti abeve my head for more than Iliree or four seconds, anti had te be lurnet inl bed. No onae xpecteti 1 voulti gel bet- ter. andti hlougbt mi-seif 1 vas about, oe die. At this, lime mv brother camne frnm Moôntreal te 800 me, anti sîmongl>' urgeti me te, tmy -Dr. tWilliams" Pinkk Pilli A suppiy o! pila vas produceti, nud, Ie vblesa the day. 1 began taking themý It la enough, te Say thal before threa boxes wvere useti I began te fel better, anti from that on 1 grev atrong- er every dam. - Bte limeIhdlke nine or ten boxes I was.once more eu- eo.iug the blessing of perfect heailth. No avriptomas o!fthe oid troubl eneain, anld 1 ain coalition Dr. Williams' Pink ills saveti my hife." Pure bleondi Luthe secret o!fbeilth.andi t abcue sevds o! Dr Wiiiiams' P nk 1i'îls mak-e ew, idi blooti, liaI hem cure sucbtiesperate casci as tint abovc relateti. These pil cure ail tie troubles that arise f rom poor blooti- aud liati means nmoat of tie ailments îbat affliet manîc;inti. Give tbesýe pis a fair trial anti the,;vii net disappoînt :nu- SotI, by-miedici-ne-deziers evervy- wlboe, o .r senýt by mail, post paid, at 50e Der box or six boxed for $ ati- dressing lie Dr. Wiim' eiieCo lrockvilie. Ont. -t tl -al tS ýHaring ieassd the Hampton Mille from Mr. T. Elliott for'%aterni, 1I as1 be pnepmred to do ail kiadi of gl.tlng and cboppiniz on ahorteal notice. Bar- zig had a Iifoloncg expenience ai tb. business, customena eau reiy on barlég thein orders flleti promptly and astit factortly. Ail kinde of Floue snd Food kept canstantiy ou hanti, and at reasouabie pnices. A oel sollalteti. CHAS. HORN. Hampton, Cet. lai, 1908. 38.1m ORONO Mise JeBsie Waddell bas retarned, fron the City. Mrs. M. D. Walshi andi Mr. anti Mrs W. S. Gamaby visited the cit>'. Mien Minnie Callender bas returneti te )eort Hope. .. Mr. R. R. Waddeii was home front Uni- versity' Tlanksgiving day. lins. R. Peate, Bowmanvilie, visiteti lier son, Mr. Frank Péate. Mr. andi Mu. Robt. Cooper ver. in thé Cilty reoerhiy. lia. J. L. Rowe mnd dangliter visiteti in the City'. lie. John Foster, Bowmanvie llé ber sioter, lira. R. Beers. lir. John'MoPlierson. Woodville. vislled hiseiters, the Misses Mopherson. Mr. and Mes. Blewett, Osliawa, yVisited bier father, Mr. S. Hamm, Tlianksgiving, Mr, Wm. Gerry bau returneti from Toron. to, acoompanieti by bis nepbew, Muter Geraid Waiters.bon Mr. Frank Shinson. Toronto, was hm for Tlianksglving. *Mr. Addison Rickali>'attendedthelb. vd- ding of hie sistér. -Mr@. Edward Jaynes lias etnmned from Whitewater, Man., wlere, eh. visiteiliber sîster, Mme. Isaac 'Wînter. Miss Mary Armstrong in vlsiting lier brother John in Chicago, Ill. lir. W. J. Stringer. Pelerboro, District Manager of thé Bell Téléphone C1ompany, vas lier. recenhi>'. lIrs. Gairtiner lias returned from -Stoile> OreeÏ, wbere eh. b'as 'ben visitlng ber, dauglher, Mme. Campenter. M1r. A.-e. Tourie anti dnnghlem rAima,, Toronto, weme lier. mé-enti>'. lira. C. B, Borland aud,bMias Imene, West Toronto. are visiting friende hure. 1Mr. J. E. Richards, tonsoriai arti8t, has liéen battling villi pleunis>', Mir. Robt. Maciamiane jr., Durhami, visil- éd hie biothér, Mr. A. C. Mactanlané, Man. ager of thée Standard -Baiok hère.-' Mr. jfred G. Honeýy of thé Post COffice staff fias gone t- Twebed. Mr. Lelanti Hoopér sucedehinû. Mr. Bey. Cowaz i as solti lis driver for $17). Hé tnténdA going to tlb. Northi Wéèt linr. '%. L. Long bas securéti a posLitio)n in adry gcs trél a. -ý,Rtv. V. H. Emory, Whilby, prac eti in thé Metliodist ebnrch Sonda>'y. Business Change, Having made up my m -iý taleemis the PIanlo toung. 1 have molid-ont wuy bonuieato C. M. Cad;kr en sd 1.Ve- speak for hn heml, mm9 liberaI -Patron- aga bootowed on .4e. Tnsnkijeg yoti ail Ior pas% lavais, I romin, youra t raly, Wil. CÂWFR. Bowmauviiic, Oct. 13, 190,3. ZIaepe5 Style9, Service and Co These are thue tiire. p ol bave matie 'queimi Quali most populier shoe in Amenri eIry pair solti atda anioîer te lai te li îlt whicb aireatiy Ivo millionqs Try a paiîr a vinc" yoursei! "Il flifs wl Buy MasonMas The Rieliable House for Dry Goods, Clothing and, Gent's Furnishings In Rcady-bo..wear Clo&finwe arc more ho the fronit Ibis season dui ce'er belote aMd lotwiîhatanding the tact that both labor aud mat" ari considcrably advanced ve canatm Ufüruish pou with jotir MNewFalit i Ovencoat at Oid Ptices. lNavy snd Black Wortcd t,apecial vaneslitu $6.oo pet suît and up. Havl -D. B. Suite, juil the article fo old 14wSthe (rom $6.o and tup. Wastoroofs, Pet Jackets, Leather Coats (rhvetslb £1 right prices.Bore and Meu's Ovçrçoats and Ulatto, snp s fu, fot pare. old to largeât ment., SSoth= ansd be couviuced tb*t *« à&"- Imrgetstock iu Bowmaailo. DRY GOUD&. W e have a larger stock thau we have even preeuîed for tour 1i spection and 'whether a ta à Dre,. for a lady or Blanketa for home (un that fas wànted, we guavau*e w u avr< th. ight Styles aud C(Wrect Pric-. Special Values iu ail Staple P)ry Goods, snch au Flanelete., (roi Sc toa x 2c pet yard. Tickings, (rom I Sc to 25c pcv yard. Drilla, Cottox ades, ail purchased at )Cil Pnces and muId aI prices that defy competition. Speoiàla l ia4at--Aàk for our Special ful sfaed at $s.o a 1 Cotton Blankets, ail ies snd prices. LADIES AND, CHILDRf NSCOAT8. Our stock is still comnplèee both in ses aud styles. Our stock second 10 noue. GEN T8 FURNI8IIINGS. We stand iu the front tank in tbisfinhe. SceOur Scotch Tv'Iee Suitings, (genuine) to order, from $117 pet suit sud up. Sec our navy =n black (special importations> 10 order, (rom $z5 pei suit and up. Sec oit ail wool sud fleeced ined Underwear, special at 5oc each and up. DOMINION SUSPENDERS. At 25e and 5oc pet pair, the best that expeence sud ready cas eau procure. Curries and Niagara Neckwear in Derbys, Four-mn-bandsa, ctf Bova aud strings, iu great variety of patternsansd at the popular prices 25e aBe S0' IT PAYS TO BUY HERE# FAIR, NOIES.

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