A. Plea For Its Consecration to the Y i. Service of G=oc ~enu ne _______________In lu aied1lii gnraily (Entered accerdîing t c rteFr hIlmn fCndt th e ea ItOexistonce of vwhîch was a nation-fofeatlunaad f. Thousaad Niac ii ndred and TOc, I ai disiionior. The worslîîp pclornmcdBuho so, in nîauy Win~. Baily, of Tlo ietent the jin these tenmples casesie tOt _1c wife loses the 1epai'tmcnt of Agriculture, Ottawa.), a 5 C la yeni couid neot describe it in public adrVantage and fades iiiface ad fails in A dsptchfrin hiago says:- xjottO-inging a lush 0 hm flesh, while ber huisbaud grow eveîn [i- rnk Be Witt lalmage prcachi- toeovery modest check and a de- nmore rugged sud robuatit. cd b. ritOcflosn et: .Cr ad o iec feuee lOre is oeechief -cause8ofor ibis wifely :3 d fontth folowrigtet: . Cr- an fo siencfoineveytodewllsfailure sud tl'at i1,t cfailure of, the huîttuans vi., 19, 'Know ye net that i p. TOc pictures feund on te wlswoiîaniy healh. When there la irregu- riiest f3eau ifLnnture of .àouîr body is flic temple etftOhetloly of the cxhii-med city of Pempeli show 1 rity or au unhelh riifana IGtOost,?"i that, those temples werc veritable tien, ulceratien or fnaeweskness, the More than Westminster abbey is te Chaneal lieuses, where bats and 0W 15 geiieral heaith is seon impu aired. -odj rNte Dame te Paris oriand calrien birds gergved tiirecvps S"the Vatîcan te Romne or the niosqueJ on the decaying rorpses or truii, I$ 500 i0f St. Sophia te Constantinîople, purity and love. Let thc temple of POP. WOMEN Se Fc=iik Waîor iore tlian fliana's temple was te your body Oec dean, ais Christ waot- WHO CANNOl BYL CUReD. siy',, ma ca i phesns or tOe sOnine of Aihene te cd the Jerursalemi temple te o ccani Probniefers and niake-rs of Dr. Pierce's te te 1-ebre héat. I waýthe thai tenmple, rring, -11 it neot w rit- rsnted in offerng !te psy ,$00" i legal one spot about \vhich national pride ton mny hîesa o nldo i oney of thecUited Staties fer auy case T -'~ rz ~ a nd religions fervor c.'nired; il. nas nations the lieuise of pra5rQr, but ye of Leucorrhca, Ferinalu WeVýakn:ess, Pro- ftOe Israelie waîited to e ce, ns the 'cleail as Daivid wainfed bis physiral caunot cure. Ail fhey as1k is a fair snd 1 7 ýF1 LIER 1Mussxîimanndci cieo says, ire le, I altar te ho clone when lho utter"d the ressouable trial of their meaus of cure. - ~TITIN. pî'cy thec, wership once ni Mecca agenizieg prayer. "Wash nme thon- f "A litie aven a ve-,r ago 1 xrvi te aen ufor I ~dvc ie," says Mrs. Elizabeta j, Fisher,;cf' iilau l~i &L~ ~It. befere 1Ide." In if vas thc Sherli- oughly fr.m nîy ieiqnity anîd ieaneo'W. Va. aeýYu advised nie te ose Dr" Pierce's inn. tc oly0fhoustOcî-pos- mefrin îysin" r thai otlierj Favorite Preseripticnansd 1c.oldcea Meiral Dis- 147X_ýz to y ofthe c vena tal a k. Imeas brouýi..g b sû chîen, "Cleans-e thon fcover,'whih 1 did, and with the nmsi appy *' n ~-~U~SSSS~WaUS. or 0ffO co eantl ri . i wa meadegresuit.1Iwas troubled wiih feniale weakies ___________ n2~.~ra~'God's foistool. It was liko fa secret faults," or cloa as and bearngdoupis Idsvrbpai mcienft ea & ' maiîifested glorios,. Paul mcciii us 1te bo <ean 1whon In aearly ail the tinte ile my Ieft side, iierveusness ccad headache. Was sa weak 1I muId liardly ' u~ - r'D0H.A SACRED TlniIPLE. this s'allie lettol' otehte Corinthlnîi wallk acress i v recul. Ceuld coisit up only church. he sirote these ,vttrnill- f lat a lutte, whdi1n t a finie. Niy htisband get DII. T_ rOTTEIT. Net aleýne in gold and precions nid:"faymr dfl html e couiC of Dr. Plerces ruediciue and 1 beganl ere 1 rbde'e.Ci'rhS.cpcq~raiystonosvs the temple cf, Sol wrs:"f ni ie eil Oc m lits use. Before I lied ta1keantwc boffles I was rfrcê lfl -ininio f God, Oint shah Cod de-t rev for 1ablc te help doemy wcuk. I1used three boules Cci56r ggl<ric rlBwaîil.t mfunique. h was greni in its spînîtu- tOe temple 'of Cdi ol ihaIncil and it cured mai Nw1Ide aU îy an iese. i associations. its vcry site Oad Itml cae'Gdi ey h'Owork. ItisthebesftaeiieieveresedI."l l NTIST1IV, a sanirity 0f ius owli. h xva5 5 o enlîaren. Oh, tOc ,terrible- The Common Seuse M ilical Adviser, G C11<NNYAS LLU D hiDS, Raree scrc latOc0Y0 0fkin nu which is te ho visited ipaper cevers, is sen ýt f -, n receipt of c daie fentryalfFoxi 'ta Ulliver'sbtylp that upon hethewtemplbed s are cbiled31 oene-ceut stamps te psly expeuse of Ci -rt'-O e Cnt a Mlili e-y. Eitrance byi we the epewserc-0 O indulgence of dcgrading icIes! custoins and mailiug on/y. Address Dr. fibî doo0r west cf Big 20. llewnsanvîie cd mnurs wcrc taken te ai oid Oh, tOc awful deeni awaiting itie R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. A,.~LuHï,evea th,-, erdnanry souads of tootc spriual_________fhe__npl o paril'fer, soler and'Conîvoi er rce- InitOe book oh Kiîgs we rend, "And spitadscatocfhotnpef PI;h skiey Ilick, Ici g -t eet. Bo0winuvlle hie house, vhcn i was building, was tOc Holy Ghosi! t-dfoe proS fbiexsnc Klii5>te ioayat îasoxîabli aie- 43lrbi Ao tn md ed bfr t ÀCÔNSUM12ÇG FIE. a diro,t p ,,et ld tciesite nce wa-yr sOb0fon it adte rendy boot ereit avelcd areund undea tOc sanie noae'e - ws rouEtthihe,'S iat Gee Hveyenev. sn snctaryeff EOEt UG .~was nither Oanmcr fli'r axe ner any brick and stono whieh Oas been de- creAl.1ON)IFL TZC RE éP FICE IN HORSEY'S BLOCII OPPOS tool of ren heard la thc house dicaied te Ced dosfreyed by earth- AMNEFLSRCUE 0J ite Towli Hall Eltfranne, lwhe eb l le s tII bl iWsi ulio A O iaeo yfl? e]f ae n Tollysrlbd acaluai utd 1.,,ai sa.. in ln t Nigiti cal,, t w j "i ulin. stequk rb frWi, ae n Th hscl oy IniiLal i COL(C it(iy I'" lC iiiiibOC.iliy steel bridge te-daty is senti roui tOc a dark, storiay nighf I1Sas nwaken- Oing chnnged. This fart lhehng thon -- foundries witiî ch girdor and ires- cd in uy hBrooklyn home by tOe gî-antcd, if yoc xviîl ny ljetOth PI' A l1 ICE 'iSE;i -M. A île and Ocami marked boforeiîand for ï'nmblieg 0f the firoe egiîîos. 1 heard Jzoiy U'hosi dwell withhn tOc temple Ect'er <ifce:rtiage LeCCfl'53 thoir , positions, se the tempie's, a quirk rap at my deor, as my sis- wliiclî oughf to bc bis, thon 0e xiii - -stolios and hennlis wero rut and i ter ralled: "Wako ni)! TOe Taber- 'mnake yen phi sical.iy os or atîow. Your ~IPOK&BLAIR. ted togethor nileos away front theirf nacle is ini Rames!" I hnrrnidly voire ivili bocoune solfLer la tone., bc- T.13h]'dfO, .C, CHAS. P. BLAIR nlihîate destinationî. Wien the ,'dressed and nseîîded toe C cîpela enlise then t w xiii only speak tOe Iî sut. te s. >0lcte' s, Neîa'ie3, ec, Morrinal ecrnc oe~-e lelnug flîe orfc vi ]hIr . ir-i , XIIi g st cet. lei.nan Ile tîcmpîo's wls r érdthcy r fs0f four bouse, whicu, verloedth agaeoflv. Yufcewl FO cituîs fer fie 0<latte Bank. Prix-aie aînid tOe imipross ive sacredîîess of si- Cit y. There the wheie famiiy were chanîge il, iooks, for i heu l eî'r gei-. mi îs teda naetîae ue. So sncred wns the place that gnthered. Teair se e harged tersirt il ol t -Y-- ban __________-_____-_____-T1e--1 nodt__ r i hnin'.iiîîoiÇh.__ r au doi i riht. -ut if they de net wis tedeit 0il.on let tha ibave the swee tL uIsa,,d comforti,0f goiaig OuIt to yeurgaet pataf cw forgetînenots whlere sieej'sjtOche nrai part of one whoin tbiey bave dearly lovef." The body is more than U10,19111oug it cruiûhle iato ý dust. Ati tuenoîd f a-n earihiy hif0 i shaHI be raised, a new and heavciAy body [for Cbe Ifeetrai Trile ciot with it Abus u mfot ! fespise it 1net ! hJ îs, the tenýiý1le cf the IIll 0-ho7 EXciting Sport Whdcii Takes Place f ~ lrpr eua in Ciouds. si ita SlnUrmFdniBwl Tijis how a wrîter dcsci-ibes a f chamoeis haunt jThe as(ent, Up the excessi-veiy steep Elope, witiî the crushed snow bek ilig under oue's stops, nus liard wýor.k ritthe fnosh sig-is or game a_,'Is I PoosDgs~obef1 reached higber 1l( ationsis da asnRet.otaJsnite tic or twe eut of the den c fnOgmMrhnenrMnri enitted by chamois et no great dis-. ý 'NDT N AU C 0T IC tance, ruade it ail the 4moî e t'îaizý- ing that olne's range of vi o* a -0 cxtrencly limnited]. Thet*room the ridge, somo 3,000* feet oe J xnllev, conslsted of a bl.ck rocky, ndelkepinnacle, too steep for rnow to lie, and on scramibiing hand- OrVer handi tô the to,, 1foiud to iii'W surprise that ît just topped the son C.f mWlîitc îist.I We 0soon iiad iissaded atiuad- fet dewn to abýout thepoewbr pfct~md o osia iiad beard the chamnols wsie o o, SourStliCDrrea iny wav upl. Ae wcrc tlk qu<lite Wrsovlineeih Ion dly w-li nIuddeeni., mbitho the c ness and LOSS 0F SLEEP. sliglhtest waruing,1 I onid niselîif e______ ____ the midle of a band of chamois sinie thirty or forty in nurober. As S,îeSgar c 1 liad been siiding down at a great pare 1 actually passed a lîea'-t OrTE two witlîirnreach of nîy Iergstec-kýe, and one kid, in is frautde haste to jobn its niotiier, nearly ran nie I do\ n. Throxviiog ra: se f backw ard _________ loto the snow aind w renrhiîîg off the Covering of boiLt and inuz-ile, the - XAT c0F W 0R chamois, wlîose 'surprise seemned to beEXT even greater than ours, actually gave iï Mie trne te get Ina a quick shot at what iooked like buck beforo tiiey vaaished la thc dense mi. -You bave bit hlm right enoughb." exclainied the keeper, but 1 was not SIU AOITrIS so very certain about it, for it xvas a case of puiling the trigger before The Jenner Institut,. of Vireventive the rifle va s well up te ny shotilr'or. Medicine lias rcrently openoed an ox- Wben wc reached the spot where the tensixe set of buildjing ,s, comprising animai had been overtakeýn by iny laboratorirs and saleon thocsumn- soft-nosed Manolicher bullet, a fi-,w mit, of a siall ilýi h ai. Quoenberryl sparts of biood put a rosier hue onj Lodge ina Herta, Egan. The the Ouilook. As theLsiov wcsi nork to be carried oni coeisisýts largeý- scored un 0v emîntless tracks c.;d 1 V' ih ' f+ 1VAXING THE BEST 0F IT. 'A Young Man's Adventure in the D ark Continent." Tbec imagination of advetiturous -sckers aftcr fortune and of those ,xvhom the commnercial struggle of life tends to, drive away froni borne often turus te Afieas n ncrwd